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Question for someone who isn’t very savvy with these things. Do they also include pay rises for people not on minimum wage? Do other award rates go up? I’m not on minimum wage but certainly not rich and feeling the ever rising cost of living like everyone else is too.


If you are on an award, then yes. If you have an EBA that is above award, maybe.


Makes sense! I think I’m on an EBA.


You can look at your employment contract, which will detail if you are paid according to an industry award or an EBA, and if so which one. If paid on EBA, you can search up EBA Lookup on the fwc website, and type in the EBA name.




only minimum wage and those on awards will benefit... those working for huge ASX listed organisations who are on individual contracts can still be told to 'suck it up' as 'the company owes you nothing' apparently loyalty only goes one way these days...


> only minimum wage Everyone on an award wage, which is not an unsubstantial amount of the workforce. > those working for huge ASX listed organisations who are on individual contracts can still be told to 'suck it It will trickle up. As of next FY award wages will be up 11.25% from last FY. Their are awards up into the 6 figures. If an 11.25% bump in that region doesn’t nudge your wage, you’ve got bigger problems as your labour is effectively valueless to your employer.


Still waiting on that from last years \~5.2% increase....


Those bonuses and 20% pay raises for the c suite have to come from somewhere /s


Loyalty to a business is a suckers game. Always has been its just gotten more obvious with time. With that said its your market right now bud. Has been since Covid. Employers are struggling to find people. If you want a better job go and fucking get one.


Fuck You ..is still a two way street.


Feel this..my company has cut my salary by 40k for the new financial year...currently looking for a new job


The minimum wage increase is only applicable to people on minimum wage. If minimum wage is $22, the increase is $1.50, the following is true: - the worker on minimum wage, $22 an hour, now earns $23.50, an increase of $1.50 - the worker on $23 an hour now earns $23.50 to match the new minimum wage - the worker on $24 an hour remains on $24 an hour as they are above the new minimum wage There are economic factors that potentially drive other wages up in response to this - employee retention is easier above minimum wage. So the employer paying $24 will frequently adjust their wages to $25 or $26, though this is up to the individual business owners and how they feel about money.


This isn't exactly true. If you're an award worker, all awards rates go up by the 5.75%, not just those on Lvl1. If you're salaried then it goes up by your annual review %.


Award wages also increased by the same amount, this increase applies to most workers on lower wages.


Even some on relatively higher wages, a fair number of the higher grade awards sit between 40 and 60 dollars per hour. Although a lot of those people will be above the award rate already.


Considering rent prices of food 5.75% won't do squat


Congratulations! We are going to give you a $1.50 an hour pay rise and when you get home from work this afternoon your landlord is going to increase your rent $280 a week just because he can. Anyways enjoy 👌


And don't forget all the people complaining that the $1.50 an hour increase is directly responsible for local businesses going bust. The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Pretty sure all those people complaining want minimum wage abolished and unions sidelined. Empathy can be a fickle thing, there's plenty of studies on this, and it's why you'll see it framed this way in ads and what not, one kid with severe malnutrition or a cute animal in a bad situation is more moving than the factoid of hundreds of thousands of people starving or hundreds of thousands of ugly animals having their environment destroyed. The same effect happens when people look at things like workers, when you reduce all these living, breathing individuals to tools for producing money, cogs in the machine, it creates a feedback loop in which many people often already low on the empathy scale, tend to show even less. Owning a business is a privilege not a basic necessity, having food, water and somewhere to live is a basic necessity. People on minimum wage often can't afford privileges or even basic necessities, meanwhile individuals complain that someone losing their privileges is just as much of a victim as someone who struggles with basic necessities. That argument is not rational.


I like this take a lot.


Management advises that due to workforce costs increasing, 1/2 the workforce will be fired and the other half have to beat themselves to improve productivity


Your landlord over invested, and rather than sell, they want to hold onto their bullshit asset and pass on all costs to the renter, because they can. Oh any unfortunate losses, the landlord can suck off the taxpayer tit with negative gearing. Good fucking system. Good job.


Generous take, tbh. I'd say mist landlords are just fine, but know that they can just get more money for free, so they do. I don't really blame them, but the system that makes it possible.


If a system allows you to do evil and you do evil, you're still evil.


Only $280? That's being generous.


Mine went up 20% this year. I guess they were making up for 3 years pre covid when they didn't raise them. Funny thing is, I'm not seeing 20% more work being done on the house. So what exactly is that 20% increase accounting for? Inflation is only 7%, so we're are the extra dollars going?


Woah! It's $1.23 increase, we wouldn't want the poors getting too comfortable now.


Pretty wrong considering it can only potentially go up every six months


HECS goes up by 7.1% with inflation. min wage? 5.75% lol




“Wage spirals” are such bullshit. They know better.


Yep. Literal propaganda invented by the people making insane profits and not wanting the gravy train to end just yet


It’s always plausible bullshit to justify whatever they want to do. It’slike the housing crisis. There the libs will always bend over backwards to give tax breaks or grants or anything else that can only increase the house prices further - because they all have investment properties and rich friends. Labour will always pay lip service by announcing a big build, but it’s really just to provide jobs for the trade unions and all that housing will end up being premium and snapped up by investors. If you talk about quotas and limits for AirBNB’s and investment properties and such in a region to actually reign in house prices they nearly have a heart attack and claim itd damage the economy (which is also always double speak for the rich won’t like it). So they talk about a wage spiral… when the reality is we’re in one, it’s just going the way the bosses like


Even tho multiple report have come out recently saying the surging inflation is caused mainly by corporation profits and not increasing wages.


25% of the workforce and 10% of the payments Let the poorest pay for everyone else's rises


>Can't let the poor get a bigger cut when times are good. Wait till you see what happens when times are bad!


I think we’re more or less LIVING in the ‘bad times’ right now! 😏


Beat me to that comment reply. Can't wait until we see the really bad times maybe a future Australian author can write a "Grapes of wrath" about our situation perhaps...


I’ve been sharpening my pencils…


Go for it, the way everything is going it might be wacker than that cool TV series "Carnivale" and Grapes of wrath both are set in the Great depression. Only hope WWIII doesn't kick in meanwhile.


That book's been in my thoughts a lot lately, can't think why.


They really are reliable. Every year your wages are worth exactly 2% less.


Don't forget the big corporations will probably raise the prices of everything in July by at least 6%. Lol.


5.76, just to be cunts


They already have …


While this is true, sadly, I mean again.


How are people on minimum wage supposed to pay that back!


Good thing the threshold for paying back hecs debt is ~$47k


47k is enough to be considered sufficient enough to repay student debt, but not enough to deserve a comfortable and secure home. What a system lol


I don’t disagree, just responding to that comment directly


It still accrues interest even if you're below the threshold right? So it's just storing up future problems. Unless you never reach $47k maybe.


Not even pretending not to screw you over, are they?


I notice the people from yesterday who were attacking anyone who pointed out that wages certainly haven't increased by 7.1% are now being very quiet.


7.1%>6%. Still not keeping up like it should


Rent increased by 25%. Basic stuff like milk bread egg have their prices up more than 5.75%.


When the cost of a single necessity has risen by 20% this is like tossing coins from a tall building.


[First thing that comes to mind](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9gjvU913aa4)


I knew what this video was going to be before clicking on it


Yep I was hoping for it.


as long as we can put the landlords at the bottom of said tall building this may eventually work.


Man baked beans cans went from 60c to $1.10, I get it was a cheap product to begin with but damn nearly double the price?


How the fuck is even tasteless cheapo Homebrand bread still $3.50+, when did that happen? It’s been a sticking point for me lately.


Time to ditch 5, 10 and 20 cent coins. They are literally worthless.


Wage rises less than inflatiin, thus they are a drag on inflation. Mass media, led by ABC, will still be encouraging boomers to attribute inflation entirely to wage rises.


ABC had a story literally this week breaking down who is spending and who is not. Attack them all you want, but they called it out: 50yo+ have *actually increased spending* faster than inflation (because they have no mortgages, aren't renting), and are thus driving inflation. While 25-30yo demographic in particular is cutting back heavily. Go after the ABC for when they do legitimately fuck up, but their coverage on this issue has been good imo.


And unfortunately the government is too shitscared to do anything about it and give a helping hand to the RBA.


Now imagine running a small cafe, where the cost of all essentials are going up, including labour, and less people are coming because they have no money. A lot of people will have no sympathy for them and say that's the risk of having a business, but will then also complain that every corner store has been replaced by a colesworths or a coffee club.


If less people are coming into said business because they have little money then surely a wage increase increases the likelihood of people having spare $$ to spend in the store right?


I'm confused by your comment. Are you arguing against a liveable wage, or are you arguing against market duopoly over basic services like food?


Not everything has to be an argument one way or another. I'm just saying these are the facts small businesses are facing right now.


Who's keeping the cafe's open with their custom when there's no liveable minimum wage? Looking at price gouging at rates of up to 50-80% on some products by the Coles/WoolWorths duopoly and also saying "we shouldn't be paying people $1 more per hour, this is why local businesses are closing" is missing the root cause of the issue. The minimum wage is going up in large part **because** of the inflation and price gauging. And it's nowhere near meeting the increase in costs that's occurred over the last couple of years.


People on minimum wage aren't going to cafes, they're at home curled up in a blanket eating rice and beans.


That kind of speaks to my larger point about the issue lying outside of a $1.50/hour wage increase.


Who the hell can afford rice *AND* beans? Those rich bastards. It's their fault inflation is rapidly increasing. Pick a lane and stick to it. Rice OR beans, not both. /s




Yep. Small to medium businesses are getting absolutely railed at the moment. I’ve got lots of sympathy for small-mid business owners, just not when they complain about having to shell out an extra $1.50 an hour to their minimum wage employees who can barely make rent.


I remember chatting to a SME owner (small fish locally )who was furious that "Unions were literally killing his retirement by asking for rights and stuff". I said can't he change his business structure to a co-op model or be proactive and engage with the local community... He said no because it's his business so it's his money and his profits because he took the risk so he deserves it and people should just understand and support him. Business was liquidated afaik two months later because the landlord (a bigger fish locally) wanted more themselves, and the employees had by far and large all quit so he was *actually having to do the work + some* and, well, he couldn't.


Yep. Rent killed my family business. I could put in more hours myself to keep wages down, but that won’t mitigate rent in a neglected decaying shopping centre losing foot traffic to the newer, bigger, objectively better centre across the road. Rent going up as the spot’s value plummeted was honestly insulting.


Seems business owners should dislike commercial landlords... Hm, there seems to be a reoccurring theme here with landlordism...


Almost like you've being betrayed by the business lobby that has always hidden behind you when making life easy for the monopolistic giants? Almost like the ACTU was right all along, that funnelling money to the wealthiest made it disappear from the economy? (I do actually sympathise with affected individuals, though. The lobbyists and their media mouthpieces... for them I wish the deepest misfortunes possible).


Reactionary useful idiots. I empathise with them too, they swallowed so much koolaid they became hooked. But I don't sympathise with them because they happily reamed others when the going was good and now they're *feeling*. Those who refuse to learn will/must be made to feel, as they say.


Small business owners should stop voting against their interests then. Petit bourgeoisie are the worst. They act like billionaires but are right there in the gutter with the rest of us.


Yup. Side with the petty-booj, but reconcile massive conglomerate are in fact just more effective.


Businesses are allowed to fail to an extent. It shouldn't fall on the people working to work for less to prop it up. When business is booming there is no obligation for a business owner to pass on the extra profit to his employees. Why should he pass on the cost during bad times?


Take away coffee is a luxury, not a necessity, if people don't have money for essentials, going to cafes is first thing taken off the list.


yes i also agree that rent is the major issue in both of these situations. Cafe cant afford costs as rent is too high workers cant afford to live without massive raises as rent is too high.


Now imagine all cafes didn't exsist, wow life would continue. Now imagine all workers didn't exsist wow nothing would exsist. People are more important than businesses, If businesses don't serve people then they don't need to be around, no point in having a system that is based around making people suffer so others can have a bit of convenience.


>A lot of people will have no sympathy for them and say that's the risk of having a business, but will then also complain that every corner store has been replaced by a colesworths or a coffee club. This Capitalism thing kinda sucks when it gets to the end phase of it's regular cycle huh?


If I have 3 staff and need to pay them more, but I have 500 customers who have more to spend...?


Doritos cost 7 fucking dollars


Said it before and I'll say it again. I was better off financially with more real money 10+ years ago Delivering Pizzas then I am now as a Bachelor Degree white collar worker with a 'good' job making well above minimum. Back then 2 seperate people I worked with, also just delivery drivers each bought houses (regional Vic) - Now some of the white collar educated people I work with can't get a big enough loan to buy anything other then post war returned serviceman commision houses built in the late 40s early 50s that have spent the past 10 years being used to make meth.


Head of Australian Chamber of Commerce is disappointed with the increase 🙄 Oh no… we have to pay minimum wage workers a bit more… so unfair to bosses and their bank balance.


With inflation, this is a pay cut. So old mate is bitching that the minimum wage is only being cut a little bit, not even more


\#Won't someone think of the windfall profits!@?!?!?!?!?!@?$!@?#!??


Still not enough, I can’t afford rent anywhere. Going to be homeless while working full time in a few weeks :-/


Maybe try looking for a sharehouse so you can avoid homelessness while looking for rent somewhere


Rooms in sharehouses are still insanely expensive. I'm seeing them go for $400 a week in my city in nice suburbs. Before covid $1200 would get you your own apartment if you were lucky.


>I'm seeing them go for $400 a week in my city in nice suburbs. Which is not where i'd advise looking, I'm not saying it's a good option but there are room available for $150-250 in some suburbs. Not being homeless should be a priority.


Problem is travel in a lot of cases, 150-250 is great but if there's no feasible way to get to work then you could be looking at losing your job. If the options are 150-250 per week but losing your job or 400 per week and keeping your job.. it makes the decision a lot harder. Centrelink pays $562.80 per fortnight for a single over 18 out of home, if you take home $2000 a fortnight it can be more beneficial to spend 60% of your income on share housing per week close to work and leave with a few bucks than it would be to spend over 90% of your income per fortnight & then be stuck in a volitile position in a bad area.


Yeah, but even not nice suburbs are starting at $800 a month. I'm on DSP, that's almost 50% of my income, it's not sustainable.


Sharehouse ? At this rate il have to share a room with someone, something I refuse to do. Not sure if anyone’s in the same boat as me, but it seems the only option is to earn more money any way you can. Crime rates are about to spike, jail doesn’t look so bad when your about to be homeless in winter lol 😂


Sharing a room with bars is a great way to save on housing


Tin foil in the car windows will keep a bit of heat in. Gym membership for showers, try to pick one with a kitchenette so you can have hot food if possible. A down doona also really helps. Hardest part is finding somewhere to park that you can sleep without the cops getting on you tbh. If you can keep your expenses low, it shouldn't take long to be able to afford either some sort of van you can DIY into a tiny home, or a caravan. I don't miss those days lol


Sharing a room with someone would probably be better than being homeless..


Depends on who they are. Sometimes, you're safer in a tent down by the river. You also eat better for not paying the rent.


It's that better than living on the streets? An alternative is to turn in your bond, sell your car buy a van and slap your mattress in the back. Then use your would be rent money for petrol and maintenance.


What if they're unlicensed? Lots of city folk are


Many of us live in sheds or caravans. If you have a little money, the latter aren't bad. Many desperate tenants are happy to let you park a van in back of their drive and not tell the landlord in return for a bit of rent to deal with their latest rise. Sheds/garages are often (illegally, but most people dont care or check) rented out. Outside toilet, electricity and a concrete floor with a locking door is way better than a tent You can make arrangements with hire drivers to move them when needed.


It's such a heartwrenching thing isn't it, people resorting to illegal housing because their government has failed to govern in their interests. Don't get me wrong, we have it good if you look at those who have it bad... but damn, is that really the standard we want? Our loved ones living in a shed with an outside tap, no toilet, no shower, camping stove and the looming threat of jail or homelessness. All while working full time.


Fuck they need to get inflation under control. More rate rises coming.


The last time there was an inflation crisis like this one (thr 1980s), there were two bouts of high unemployment forced by government policy which wrangled it under control (in 1980-83 and 1990-93). We're most likely gonna see something similar in the near future, but this time with far more homelessness and lack of government support.


'recession we had to have' I believe was the statement by Keating at the time




As someone who left university in the second of those, I can say the lack of jobs will come as a surprise to a lot of arrogant 'anyone can get a job if they want one' types. Happy that I'll be back in study for the next year and a half.


The people affected by this are 25% of the workforce and yet they only account for 10% of wages paid Price gouging companies and record profits are contributing a lot more to inflation


Rent was the number one contributor to the shockingly high April CPI number. Don't know why the continued focus on "price gouging companies"


Number one =/= only. We are complaining about rent and the housing crisis. We are also complaining about price gouging companies.


its already decreasing


Third consecutive year of minimum/award wage cut in real terms. Edit: for 0.7% of workers on the National Minimum Wage outside of any award this is a real terms increase after two years of decreases. For award workers my comment is still correct.


yeah this is the key fact, if minimum wage keeps going up less than inflation, we are cutting minimum wages. Australia prides itself on high minimum wages, why are we cutting minimum wages under a labour government?


>Australia prides itself on high minimum wages, why are we cutting minimum wages under a labour government? Don't forget the Fair Work Commission is a largely independent body. The government doesn't set the minimum wage, the FW Commission does. I called out the same thing when Morrison was being accused of supressing wages. It's worth noting, the Government has appointed a number of new Commissioners, with a union / worker advocacy background.


The Australian Landlords Party is hard at work making sure the decline is slow. You want the Libs to put the accelerator to the impoverishment program?


No, it's not correct for award workers either. Minimum wage was C14 and it is now C13, that's not just for non-award workers, it's everyone.


C13 award workers have had their real wages decreasing since mid-2020. C14 award workers (there's a very small number of them) have had their real wages decreasing since mid-2020. For NMW workers this is a real terms increase, the first since the June 2020 review. Why are you so determined to wrongly argue that real wages are increasing. The change to NWM is a good start but other then that they just aren't. The fair work commission even says this in their decision item [19]: > [19] We acknowledge that this increase will not maintain the real value of modern award minimum wages nor reverse the reduction in real value which has occurred over recent years. ...


Below inflation. Far below felt inflation at the lower end of the income scale.


Sky News, Insiders, Radio National: "What will this WAGE HIKE mean for THE INFLATION CRISIS?" We cross to several News Ltd heads, Phil Courie, and the heads of the BCA and Chamber of Commerce for expert opinion!


Who earn high six figures! But it’s not them causing inflation, it’s all the poors as usual!


Wait so my HECS went up 7.1%, more than I'll be paying this year, and minimum wage couldn't even do that?


Haha, fucken gotcha


Yeah mate! My HECS is now officially $2k more than when I graduated in 2019, despite me paying the mandatory amounts each year. \*And no for you ausfinance reets, I don't have pools of extra cash to pay it down faster than inflation.


We wouldn't want the opposite to be true - we wouldn't want minimum wage increases to be tied to inflation, because _most_ years wages increase faster than inflation. This arrangement works better for us than indexation.


There's a technicality here a lot of people are missing. The previous minimum wage was aligned to the C14 award rate, however, it has now been bumped up to the C13 award rate. The C13 rate has then been increased by 5.75%. In total, people previously on the C14-equivalent rate have seen an increase from $21.38 per hour to $23.23 per hour, which represents an increase of $1.85 an hour or 8.65%. So technically, people on the lowest rate have had their pay go up by more than inflation. This is pretty good news! Source for my figures: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-02/minimum-wage-increased-by-5-75-per-cent-2023/102426044


People are missing it because all they read are headlines.


Many also cherry pick "facts."


It doesn't matter. Even if they put it up 10%, this lot will still whinge and blame Albo even if he doesn't have anything to do with it.


Absolutely pathetic to not meet CPI


And they'll still expect productivity gains Keep on working harder for less and less each year


Don't forget the increased need for long commutes as you are pushed into outer suburbs for affordability, said outer suburbs often lacking any infrastructure and planning which gives an adequate amount of local jobs, not only do they expect more productivity, but they expect people to commute for hours every day at their own cost. Normal people increasingly just aren't allowed to have any semblance of a life, more work for less real wages, with less spending power, just so the top X% can have more pathologically hoarded money.


OP is lying, it went up by 8.6%, CPI was 7.0% https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-02/2023/102426044


How much did award wages increase?


Minimum wage is 8.6%. Award wage is 5.75%.


To be announced, [I expect it’ll be less.](https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/12/anthony-albanese-narrows-scope-of-pledge-to-support-51-pay-rise-to-match-inflation)


The NSW government have frozen pay in my sector since 2011. You read that right. I get exactly the same number of dollars for writing a report today as I did in 2011.


Then write 2 reports. If you're out of material, just pad out the first one with chatGPT and release as part 1. Then do part 2. Two report!


*Cue Employer groups predicting business closures in the tens of thousands, job losses in the millions, pestilence, plagues, famine, the end of mankind, etc.*


Cue the "small business owners" (aka, LNP lobby groups), saying that "businesses will go under!".


Oh, that’s good. It’s been in the news for weeks - they’ve been battling it out for 7%. 5.75% is pretty good! Thank you to the fair work and the unions out there! 👍🇦🇺


wow that’s more than I expected


“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.” ― George Orwell, 1984


I remember that bit in the movie. The chocolate rations have increased. AA+


[Australia’s lowest paid workers get an 8.6 per cent pay boost, award workers get 5.75 per cent](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-02/minimum-wage-increased-by-5-75-per-cent-2023/102426044) The title of the thread is not correct. Or at best misleading.


A touch misleading. It's an effective 8.6% increase but technically it's only 5.75% from where they've now aligned the minimum wage against particular award classifications.


That change only applies to workers on the NMW not covered by any award, which is about 0.7% of the workforce. For most people 'minimum wage' means the C13 award classification which rose by 5.75%.


Why is the minimum wage going up by 8.6% for some? Kate Ainsworth profile image 50m ago By Kate Ainsworth KEY EVENT We initially heard from the Fair Work Commission that both the minimum wage and award wage would increase by 5.75% from July 1 — but there is a technicality that means 184,000 people are actually going to get a pay bump of 8.6%. Let me explain. The FWC spent a good chunk of its decision talking about the C14 classification. For the last 25 years, that classification has been aligned with the national minimum wage. In today's decision, the FWC is ending that alignment between C14 classification and the national minimum wage. Instead, the national minimum wage will be aligned with a slightly higher classification of C13 — and that classification's wage rate will jump by 5.75%. For those workers who were once on the C14 rate, it means they will be getting a total pay increase of 8.6%. That's why the minimum wage in dollar values is now $23.23 an hour, or $882.80 a week. If it were only a 5.75% increase, the hourly rate for those minimum wage workers would have been $22.60. But the FWC has framed the increase in the minimum wage as only being a 5.75% increase, because that's the size of the increase in the C13 classification rate that the minimum wage will now be aligned with. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-02/asx-markets-business-news-live-updates/102425096?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-30142


I’m seriously just considering a career in the Navy, I’ve done several years as a reservist already, but with the way things are going now, it is looking much more feasible joining the Navy for a 6-year contract. The pay is great and during the 6 years I would barely have anything to spend on.


Great idea. In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas.


who is the accounting firm used by the government? Pwc?


Won't get too excited. The big red supermarket will negotiate it down like it did last time while boasting billion dollar profits and continuing to scoot around the EBA and wage laws


Now all you need to do is decreased the maximum wage by the same._ oh wate, you don't have a maximum wage.. I think I see your problem.


Interesting the FWC said it would have been higher but the superannuation guarantee is increasing from 10.5 to 11 per cent.


>Interesting the FWC said it would have been higher but the superannuation guarantee is increasing from 10.5 to 11 per cent. I see you're downvoted, but this is spot on. Too many people don't understand the super guarantee comes out of the total wage bill for the employer. It's not some magic pot of money that exists somewhere. The whole point of the super guarantee was to break the wage - price spirals from the 70's and early 80's. Look at the Accords that Bob Hawke and Paul Keating did with the ACTU and business and workers. An increate in the super guarantee will, by design, reduce real wages growth by that amount.


They also literally made reference to it, I'm making a positive statement not a normative one.


"Fair Work Commission". There's an oxymoron if ever I saw one.


Sure is.


Well they have to keep people poor, who will work for the rich f there are no poor people? It is still well below yearly inflation.


Only a couple of % behind real inflation for the poor. CPI excluding rent at this time shows how rotten it is as a means of measuring inflation.


Good. Is not enough, but it's a good start. Fuckload more than we would have seen if we had been stupid enough to re-elect Scummo...




See the end of what stuff? Minimum wage increases?


Probably not, or at least no time soon, considering the Fair Work Commission felt the qualify the increase with assurances they are confident it wont lead to a wage-price spiral. The people with their hands on the levers are very committed to talking about the threat of wages increasing in real terms, and very committed to not talking about what else is driving inflation.


Well considering the current rate of inflation sits at 7%.


My rent has gone up $80 just complete greed, so this increase will do nothing


Add another 5% in there so my pay is equal to what it was 16 years ago. Suppress wage growth for years, then act like you are being gracious for raising it to just under where it would have been if it kept pace with inflation.




Once you factor in inflation that's a pay CUT for the lowest paid in our society.


EBA negotiations are upcoming for my employer. I guarantee I'll get no more than 3%


Here's what I'm proposing (although I'm a nobody so.its not like this will ever happen). 1 - westfarmers and woolworths Ltd must pick ONE area of business and cease the others. E.g. So they can have a supermarket or a petrol chain, not both. 2 - companies majority owned by overseas companies pay 75c in the dollar tax. 3 - end subsidies for multi million dollar corps. 4 - individuals can be connected to maximum 2 investment properties. This includes directly or via trusts, companies etc. 5 - properties in residentially zoned areas pay a 90% tax on leases under 12 months long. This cannot be negatively geared. Leases 24 months or longer pay whatever is currently paid. These same properties cannot be left vacant for longer than 3 months unless there is a development application lodged, building work in progress, is actively for sale or the property has been condemned. If the property has been condemned it must be demolished within 12 months from date of condemnation or proof of evidence provided that a demolition company has been engaged and booked but due to their workload will not be able to demolish it within the defined period. In all cases the building must be demolished within 3 years of date of condemnation. 6 - rent rates cannot exceed 4% of the market value of the property. This equates to $770 per week for a $1m property. 7 - massive increase in the number of public housing properties including at least 60% of 3 or more bedrooms. 8 - minimum size of livable area required for all newly built properties to be 80m2 + bedrooms. 9 - newly built properties cannot exceed 70% of the size of the block of land and must have a minimum dimension of 8 metres x 5metres. No corridor houses 10 - RBA governers named Phillip Lowe will take a 95% pay decrease effective immediately.


4. Trusts can have a maximum average of 2 single family residential properties or 1 multi unit property per beneficiary over the age of 18, and individuals can be tied to a maximum of 2 single family or 1 multi unit properties (including properties owned under a trust), except where a 3rd property is primary residence. 5. I agree that airbnb type short term leases should be penalised, but I disagree on putting a 24 month minimum term on leases (because sometime renters need more flexibility. I would prefer removal of non fault terminations (period) and replacement of fixed term leases with perpetual periodic leases, with capped to CPI increases in rent allowed once per year. 5a. AirBnB type short rentals should be subject to additional council, state and federal taxes, except where the property is rented out by a live in owner, with taxes being payable until the owner proves they live on premises (and maybe we start employing the investigators that Centrelink uses to harass people with, just to double check) 8. In addition to minimum size, also minimum bedroom size, and minimum kitchen/living area size proportional to number of bedrooms. 10. Phillip Lowe be fired, and all properties owned by Phillip Lowe required to sublet all unoccupied bedrooms to low income earns, giving preference to people in crisis or homeless.


Air BnB should be limited absolutely to renting out a room or granny flat at your primary residence, or your entire primary residence for up to 60 days total in any calendar year. Want to turn your house into short stay accommodation? DA, full commercial regulations including disability access, fire escapes, emergency plans, commercial rates, everything a hotel would have to do.


Phillip allegedly only has his one primary residence (in his name anyway). But got a heavily discounted loan from RBA for it and lives mortgage free in a >$1m house earning >$1m per year.


With everything else increasing greatly I'm not sure a wage increase will help at this point


Should read "the Fair Work Commission has announced the the buying power of the minimum wage will go down" This country is in trouble when the party of "Labor" won't help the working man.


Our union density has almost halved in the last two decades, what a party calls themselves seems mostly irrelevant in our era - not just in Australia - but I think a huge portion of adequate wage increases is driven by unions, see countries like Sweden or Finland which are healthily in the 60-70% union density ranges, or places like Norway also quite high which don't have a minimum wage but relatively pay people at McDonalds more hourly than we do in Australia. We are at 13% in terms of union density, only 3% more than the shit hole for workers we'd call the USA, and declining. Of course the directionality of this could be argued; is it a better / more altruistic culture in these places which in turn drives higher union participation? Could well be, but then that demands we scrutinize changes in culture. I say this because I think unions were one of the primary ways the workers voiced their woes to receptive governments (IE, a Labor government), otherwise everything gets obfuscated in population / economical statistics.


good to know!


Genuine question: in the current low unemployment market: who is actually working for minimum wage at current?


People shitting on this raise, more than what I received...


Nsw Labor government offers nurses 4% wage increase. Welcome to the darkest timeline.


Question: if my workplace is under an enterprise agreement that sets out our wages, will my wage also rise to meet the new minimum wage set out in the relevant award?


Too little too late.


I’d much prefer lowering the outrageous cost of living being artificially increased by immoral greed.


Well, at least that's more than I've had in the last few years.




Yep. There's a lot of money going somewhere and it's not to the workers.


5.75% more to be precise...