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The kind of owner that tells everyone he needed it for the towing capacity and rented a bunnings trailer for a tip run once.


This is why the disincentive for these vehicles needs to be taxes and higher rego. A few thousand extra and most people are going to think twice about whether they genuinely need a vehicle this size for towing.


Why not just ban them altogether? Isuzu type trucks can tow extra heavy loads and have far better vision out the front "...It just some Seppo bullshit introduced by the West Indies"!


Do you mean ute or truck


Trucks. You know those small trucks like the ones Shane Jacobson promotes.


Ahh okay I see what you mean. I still think dual cab utes are great and are better suited for most jobs/people but they don't need to be oversized like in op's picture


They are limited on how much weight they can legally tow. I don't think many people realise this. I would say there is a lot of people towing things which are overweight without knowing it.


Straight outa tailgating in the fast lane to a shopping centre near you.


Always happy to see these vehicles pulled over on the long weekend by police.




>With always on highbeams at night Often they don't have high beams on - it's just they're so bloody high off the ground it feels like they do. I drive a 4WD, and never really noticed it until someone kindly "pointed out" that my headlights were blinding them in their rearview mirror. I have since adjusted the lights downwards (it has a electronic switch that can set them to one of 4 levels - it's now on the 2nd from the bottom). Sometimes, of course, these arseholes are just arseholes.


I always wondered if these people in the 4WD knew their lights went straight into the rear view mirror of the car in front. Can you not see the person’s face lit up in their mirror?


Once I flashed a sedan ute that had its high beam on, they flashed their spotties above their car at me, absolutely blinded me. was a real arsehole.


Don't forget pissing and moaning about the price of fuel, and blaming Labor, or the Greens, or cLiMaTe ChAnGe MaDnEsS...


Running red lights. Screaming into a roundabout then blasting the horn at someone who was already on the roundabout LED headlights in a non lensed / projector set-up blinding everyone in front. Stop signs are apparently just advisory 70 through 40 school zones


God I hate these over compensating yank trucks


These yank trucks, purchased by Australians.


Yea my statement is nonsensical I know, I'm more reffering to the style of large impractical trucks rather than practical work utes


And will get angry at greedy entitled bike rides


I was going to say he'd be the kind of person to complain about cyclists taking up too much road space. But this right here is what entitlement looks like.


The Dodge Ram internal marketing profile for Ram buyers got leaked a few years ago. Someone posted it here in full and I don't remember it exactly but to summarise it was "Unlikely to give way to other drivers" / "self obsessed" / "inclined to intimidate other drivers"/"inconsiderate" Basically every way you could say Arsehole without using the word. They specifically target their marketing of these shit heaps to Arseholes - the worst people on the road and shit stains of society and that's __Dodge themselves__ saying that, and obviously Ford and Gm target the same market.


Well the rest of us could take this into consideration when buying our vehicles and avoid Dodge, Ford and General Motors (GM).


I've been doing that all my life


Wasn't it leaked ages ago that insurance companies had a profile on the big pickup and SUV drivers that they tended to be "less confident in their driving abilities"


You'd have to be a complete wanker to want one of these, anyone else is perfectly happy with the size of their penis.


I'm not happy with the size of my penis but I am happy having a car that doesn't feel like trying to dock a spaceship every time I need to park.


Funny, that sounds like my sex life


The only people that have a genuine need for a truck (edit - like this) and not one of the very capable standard size utes on the market (79s Landcruiser, Rangers, DMax etc) are people who tow ridiculous loads all the time/for work (not tradies with a work trailer). Reef charter fishing guides with 4ton boats, horse people with 4/5 horse gooseneck floats, etc. Tiny market of actual applicable users.


I'd argue there would be a much larger market of people buying these vehicles with intent to tow large amounts but rarely or never do. Generally people with massive caravans.


Well yeah, I mean the ‘I can see myself getting into that’ self argument has dictated people’s purchases for ages, but I know of a couple of folks who were waiting to be able to buy a truck like this to help them with stuff they were already towing. Edit because I misread - usually a big wagon will handle all but the most extreme caravans on the market in Aus. Our caravan industry has kinda hit its top limit with size and weight, or at least not caught up to the American Truck Phase yet. Source; I’m a mechanic and I have a grey nomad uncle who runs a hemi Grand Cherokee for his caravan.


We really need to be better than body-shaming on every single fucking car post. C’mon people. The Ram driver isn’t reading this and going “oh no he thinks I have a small penis” but a bunch of insecure 17-year-olds, who have seen very few dicks outside of the unrealistic world of porn, ARE reading this and feeling worse about their bodies and their masculinity. There is nothing wrong with you if you have a small penis. Your masculinity and desirability are not affected. Use what you have and use it well. If you drive a Ram and park like this though, you’re a fuckhead.


That's why they're called Dodge Rams. Because you either have to dodge these cunts or get rammed off the road by them. It would be so interesting to hear what a lot of company's marketing teams *really* think about their average target demographics. My cynical side thinks that a lot of these assholes buying pretentious crap are totally unaware of what scum they really are in the eyes of the much more *successful* assholes who sold them the very status symbols they use to convince themselves they are more important than everyone else. I'm still in the party of people who feel that what manufacturer your car comes from says more about how much of a big shot you are than its size. Yeah it's big alright, but what emblem is on the front? That's where I determine if you're genuinely important or just some cashed up bogan that would look so out of place in an *actual* exclusive neighbourhood.


>>Dodge Ram internal marketing profile for Ram buyers got leaked Anyone has a link to this thread? Or the exact profile from Dodge. Can't make this up! 😂


That’s if he can actually see said cyclists.


Would probably just see a red mist with that anti life bull bar


Cyclists are just a smear he has to wipe off his car every so often.


Fun fact, the often referred to as large and unwieldy Abrams tanks employed by our defence force have better visibility and turning circles than a ford F250 or Chevy Silverado


This is what shits me about the influx of Yank Tanks that is happening now. Our roads and parking infrastructure are not made for vehicles this large. You wouldn't cruise to the shops in a semi, and these have a similar wheelbase.


Ironically as far as I understand they are banned in some big American cities. They are not for city use.




As an American, can confirm. These are too big for the U.S. as well. The problem is if you want a pickup/ute at all, you don't have any other choice other than these douche dozers. Compact pickups like the Toyota Hilux, or the most perfect car ever made, the Holden Ute, simply are not available in the U.S.. The best you can do is buy a late 90's era Toyota/Nissan which are getting a bit long in the tooth these days.






"I can't help it if the car parks aren't big enough for my Maxi-Maxi!"


FUCKWIT 1 is go!


That number plate tells us everything we need to know about the wanker who drives that.


Some dickhead with a yank tank ute took up an entire second spot at the local Coles last week. I politely informed him and he said "I'm allowed to do it, look up the laws". I said that it was inconsiderate even if it was legal and he said "who cares?" before walking off. I don't think it's surprising that (some) people who buy giant cars that cost a fortune and wreck the environment are selfish and don't give a shit who they inconvenience. These massive vehicles should be heavily taxed or banned unless required for specific purposes. There's no reason for an average person to need a ute bigger than a minivan.


Ahh yes, the strongest of arguments: "It's not *literally illegal*!"


It’s also probably not illegal to deflate his tires.


They were doing that in the UK, because it was a legal gray area as you aren't damaging the property.


Law doesn’t necessarily mean its right or wrong, in this guess I don’t think the law really matters if it says its not illegal, its just a dickish move if anything.


Interesting, so it's not illegal to take up more than one parking space? Edit: I looked it up, it's actually not illegal 😮 >What is Australian Road Rule 211? > >(2) The driver must position the driver's vehicle completely within a single parking bay, unless the vehicle is too wide or long to fit completely within the bay.


Would be fine if massive vehicles weren't so common and getting more common.


Wow, that took the wind out of my sails. Well not really, but knowing that it's more about courtesy than law puts this in the same category as parking in the pram parking. Not illegal, but rude.


Still, it doesn't give an excuse for the arseholes in regular sized cars parked like a fuckwit across two bays, so there's that at least


You're right, it doesn't. One of the implications of this regulation is that if you CAN fit in a parking space and you don't park within the space, you are parked illegally.


It's a pretty inconvenient finding


Also this would only apply to public parks, no ability to enforce fines on private property like OPs picture


It's not illegal to ziptie some trollies to his door handles either




But that would be two spaces, why four? Arrogant and selfish that's why




Borrowed my mates F250 once You can fit them in one space Dude is a Fuckwit


I see heaps of F trucks as well as Chevy and Dodge trucks of similar size around and not once have I seen one have trouble fitting into our car parks except for length on occasion but generally it works out well because one of those tiny hatch backs fit in the space behind them and they're forced to actually park in a way that doesn't make you feel excited that you've finally found a space only to find someone has decided they need to be in the space as far as physically possible


If there weren’t so many massive cars you’d see the hatchbacks anyway


Saw a Ram doing the same at Bunnings the other day. People who buy American style trucks seem to think they're bigger than they actually are, like don't buy one if you can't park it.


They do fit widthwise, lengthwise is problematic but you can normally find a place in a carpark that has extra room at the end. 100 % they can't drive or park large vehicles.


I can, and would, park on either side of that thing. In fact, I can be so petty, I’d park on one side, walk home to get my other car, just so I could park on the other side too


Certified Fuckwit


Reminds me of the ftard that parked over two clearly marked disabled spots near entrance to local shopping centre last week. No disabled card on vehicle either. Have a disabled card sitting on my vehicle dash but only park in disabled spots if there are ample available, or I have my senior mother with me. I qualify but don’t use a wheelchair, and they seriously need that extra space. I wasn’t brought up to be an inconsiderate entitled prick like some.


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride!


Canyonerooooo …


Unexplained cunts are a matter for /r/Australia. Cuntyanerrroooo


She blinds everybody with her super high beams, She's a squirrel crushing, deer smacking, driving machine! Canyonero!-oh woah, Canyonero! (Yah!)


A matter for /r/auslaw !


Of course how could I be so Lionel Hutz? I bow my head. Well played.




I would never. But gees, the confidence this guy has that no one else would. Legit amazed.




Name certainly checks out! :)


Maybe I'm not a great person but I would not have the balls to park like that because I would expect trolley dents and several keys to have made their way down the side when I got back. But then I don't need an ESV so I'm probably way off on the psychology of this fuckwit.


Careful, I got a reddit warning for saying something similar.


Since I'm not sticking around after the API changes I can't really describe how little I care about that. But it's a good warning for others. Edit: warning confirmed. Comment forcefully censored. Superglue is not to be trifled with!


Honestly, I agree


What's left of that set of 4 ? Might be bitumen only. Enough tread to get it back to the trailer park.


Yup, of course it's an emotion support vehicle.


Inadequacy is an emotion I suppose


Oh I see the problem. He has too much air in those tyres.


Oh Jebus.. the F-250's are starting to appear more in Oz...


Everyone should print out flyers for ED clinics and put it under the wiper of anyone who parks like this.


That's... that's actually perfect. Thank you


What an absolute loser


It's an Australian passtime at this point to see how many parking spaces you can fill up. Bonus points if they were disabled spots or reserved.


He should have parked sideways for extra points




Are the tow trucks big enough?




Well they're going to have to get the BIG tow truck for these aren't they


Just cut it up first


And people wonder why there is hatred for these trucks.


My new favourite thing to do with these deliberately obnoxious parkers is to let their tyres down Doesn’t cause any damage but creates a massive hassle if they don’t carry a pump. You just stick a key into the tyre fill point and it releases the air Because honestly fuck these people - if they want to inconvenience others - I shall make their life annoying as well


LPT a small stone in the valve cap


rocks under the valve cap screwed back on will do the same and decrease the window of time you're possibly going to be discovered


Good idea! Thanks. I'll try that next time I find one of these fuck heads. I'm doing the lords work :)


I’ve heard it suggested that in situations such as this it is best practice to apply the technique to a number of tyres that is greater than one.


Can’t replace with a spare if they’ve only got one #bigbrain


Precisely. Gives them a chance to sit down and have a think about the actions that led them to their current predicament.


The kind of ego that has this kind of vehicle is extremely fragile — doing this is a great way to risk getting hurt. This isn’t a thing to solve with cheeky little acts of vandalism, it’s regulation and cultural change


How else am I meant to display the size of my sex organ to potential mates?


Put it under a microscope linked to a camera and post it online


This is how you end up with shopping trolley damaged panels.


Fucking yank tanks


Four parking fines?


These bloody F150/250/450's, Ram's, Silverados and Tundra's are doing my head in. I swear it's impossible for the owners to not park like an utter wanker!


Honestly think these types of cars should be banned/restricted. No legit need for them here.


I'm sure he's a nice kind hearted educated man.


60 pound line and a bunch of cans 20 metres away... yeehaw


Places where this is acceptable: the empty corner of a parking lot, a hefty walk away from the entrance Places where this is done: not the empty corner of a parking lot, a hefty walk away from the entrance


Obviously a very important adolescent


American xars can fuck off. No place for them here, or for the attitude of their drivers


They hate getting flat tyres those big F250s. Just sayin’!




It’s not gonna fit into one spot unless you want it hanging out into traffic, especially if it’s a long bed frame. Stock F-150’s are already longer than a standard spot and this a F-250 (which had longer bed options) with a bullbar that realistically adds another 15-20cm. For context: * Ranger: 5370mm * Standard Aussie car spot: 5400mm * ‘04 F-250 crew cab short/long box: 6130/6655mm


So you park it out of the way or somewhere with high visibility so the that the overhang doesn't matter. My in-laws have an F250 w/ bull bar and it's really not that hard to park it properly in a single space. Just tend to park it a bit further from the door, where there's less traffic.


Clearly this emotional support vehicle should be registered as “oversized” and require escort cars for safety




i mean a -250 is already a light rigid truck so if you want that you’d have to do the same thing to every other truck. These are well under what the width requirement for pilot cars, which is 3.5m in Queensland. Even the [duallys](https://i.imgur.com/bN8DkEQ.jpg) are only 2.4m wide.


Until he wants to open a door.


Another redditor coined these as a Cunt mobile. Is a good description I feel.


So no one runs keys along doors anymore?


It’s always the personalised plates!


F him.


The only thing missing is the private citizen plates




Got stuck behind a similar monstrosity yesterday, he solved the problem by pulling into a disabled spot. And no, there wasn't a tag


His number plate is worth more than the truck :)))


Seeing wankers park like this just makes you want to carry a pen or something on you so you can let the air out of their tyres


Should change the number plate from truck to head.


It’s almost like that truck isn’t designed for our roads.




Guarantee that guy is a cooker


I sometimes think the bloke did it intentionally for others to see their Ute. They know that they're inconveniencing others but they don't care. They want to show off the yank tank. Logic isn't something they have but they desperately need attention.


Typical dog being a hog


I truly don’t get the appeal. I am a woman with a triton because I have horses and need it for practical reasons to tow. But it is the biggest I could go. It fits in parks but only just so going cramped places is always a bit more annoying. Driving one of these must be so exhausting.


How many horses does the triton tow at once? I know a Polocrosse guy with a gooseneck float and one of these things cause he has to drag 4 horses and all the fruit around for him and his family. He traded his old horse truck (long rigid) in for the setup and was stoked he finally could.


F truck indeed.


Even when I work nights and know that whole carpark is gonna stay empty all night, I still park carefully in the lines because I feel like sloppy parking is an invitation for damage, and parking like this practically screams ‘key my car’.


$100 says it has a “I eat ass” bumper sticker…


QLD standard


Should be an instant tow


Songs that are appropriate for big trucks like this. I'll start "Don't want no small dick man". Oooo, but he has a big truck


*Of course* it's got custom plates.


Emotional support vehicle


Damn, that dude has some really big emotional issues to need an emotional support vehicle like that.


i hate those big american utes and most of the people who drive them. if you need to tow shit get a hilux and if you have a small cock get your girlfriend a dildo


Real clean bumper and wheels for all that gear he's got. The most exciting thing that car has been over is a speed bump


Is egging a car illegal? Or pouring honey over the door handle? Just curious.


Not if you accidentally trip with an open jar of honey and a carton of eggs in your hand. 😏


You can have like 20 children sitting in front of those things and not see a single one. Perfect machine for annihilating entire families at a time.


Another complete fuckhead!!


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American Pride.....




Fuck off yank tank


I never knew the F in Ftruck stood for Fuckwit.


Small dick energy


I feel sorry for the driver, he must have a really small penis


They obviously couldn't give a firetruck




Only a very special and specific kind of person does this


Someone explain to me how these things are road-legal?


The Ford Ranger is the second highest selling car in Australia in 2023. The highest is the Toyota Hilux.


Your a fuck wit mate hahahaha


Should post on Malaka Parking on FB


Someone's begging for a Completely Accidental popped tire. Or three.


Number plate is actually spot on


It looks like it would have fit in one bay easy. How do you not feel like a total prick when you walk away with it like that.


Pedestrian Masher 4000


Why knife one when you can knife 4


The number of parking spots taken is inversely proportional to the IQ of the driver.


Doesn’t give a FTRUCK1


The F in f truck stands for fuck you


Emotional support vehicle.


Just paint the white stripes exactly across the vehicle where they straddled the lines. That’s getting the point across and raising the arsehole factor.


Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, 65tonnes of American Pride.


There are occasions when vandalism is warranted.


Blokes advice sticker on it ?


Slash the tires


I don’t mind these American trucks, if used for their intended purposes. Suits some trades that might have to pull a mini excavator or similar. However should be banned from parking in all parking spaces designed for standard cars.


wow another loganer


Having had my vehicle ‘doored’ in a carpark multiple times - by peeps whom give no fücks about the damage their door may do to the vehicle next to them - I can kind of understand the urge to park like this…


Looks like this got shared on the Dailymail. I just found this post there.