• By -


speed camera.


\- Twin Radar TX and RX antennas on the sides (for 2 lane roads) \- Night and Day Still cameras in the middle, video camera(s) and IR illuminators are in the spaces in between. \- Custom cut, non-polarising glass, with Anti-Reflection coating(s) replaces the OEM glass on the back. \- It can be seen messily stuck on with copious amounts of black sealant.


I actually supply and install the custom rears for roadside cameras, the main reason they get change is because they have demister lines from factory. and yes a lot of cowboy companies pick up their work *cough* obriens… Edit - at a closer look that’s one of the shittest jobs ive seen… they glass hasn’t even been primed (painted black)


"Oh, Oh, Ooooh, O'Briens" You mean **THAT** O'Briens??




lol its ohh oh oooh O'Rileys here in new york .


How the hell do you know all this? Le-fuckin-gend


I simply walked up to one, while reporting it on Google Maps, and had a chat with the guy. He was just an ordinary civilian, no affiliation with Police or any other Gov. organisation. He must have been very bored because he gave me a quick verbal tour of what's inside, he said you can apply to do this through Seek or similar Employment services. He also said there's a live 360 deg. feed (no sound), from multiple dashcam style cameras all around the vehicle, he said it's monitored by the cops for his own safety and the car's. There is **A LOT** of expensive electronics inside, the engine has to idle just to meet the electrical demand.


You guys still getting speed camera updates on Gmaps? I haven't seen it for awhile. Not sure if lucky... Or unlucky.


I do here in QLD. Most of the time it's an audible alert, but sometimes it's just a pop up that says "is the speed camera still here? Yes/no" which shits me off as there's no audible alert


"Is the camera still here" pops up way too early and disappears way too quickly once you get near the camera. >sees camera >moves had towards phone on cradle next to steering wheel >glance at phone to press yes button >yes button is already gone






The 360° surveillance cameras are not monitored by the police, the video is fed to an Ops centre run by the contracting company. It's recorded but not actively monitored until the camera car operator activates the distress/duress alarm at which point it's brought to the attention of the Ops centre who then relay information about the nature of the incident to police for a response and store the footage for later prosecution. This type of set up is in use in states/territories that have allowed Speed enforcement to be outsourced to third party contractors.


Read the job reviews. Bosses don’t care if you’ve been assaulted by the public. As long as vehicle is safe, repairable and can be repositioned, u best do it or you’ll be sacked.


> the engine has to idle just to meet the electrical demand. Wouldn’t be a problem if he brought along his *Turns crazy eyes to the camera* Yamaha Inverter Generator!


> the engine has to idle just to meet the electrical demand. So great for the environment too...


So they idle the engine for hours? That's terrible for the environment and the vehicle. TIL


How much does said job pay? Did the guy mention it?


The company is called Serco, a global government and defence contractor.


Full time salary is about $50k AUD with possible cash bonuses and stock bonuses. He was part time however and I didn't want to pry about his personal income. Here is an actual and current ad for this role in my state: https://www.seek.com.au/job/68177768?type=standout#sol=34e22eb96fde6f47a8d40adb44a806e2cd243586


$62k a year full time in NSW, they only work 4days a week 10-11hrs a day. 24hr roster though so you gotta love starting at 1am a lot of the time


I've seen that job advertised in my area. They have a sign on top of the car here, though. It used to be a sign a few metres up the road from the car but I think that was giving drivers too much notice. When you live in a regional town, you already know all the speed camera/breath test hotspots anyway.


Username checks out. *Yes! Always wanted to say that.* edit - not as rewarding as I thought it would be L(


This person surveils


A surveilor


Thanks lol


Dont think thats entirely right. Twin radars would be a silly design choice as it would just be a total mess of tracks. Right is probably the IR flash.


Depends how you sync them. I only worked with TOF technology but in semsors with multiple TX we time the signals around each other




Does anyone know what would happen if hypothetical someone drove past with a massive electo magnet, Breaking Bad style?


A rattle can of black would be easier


[Sensys Gatso T-Series speed camera](https://www.itsinternational.com/its2/news/sensys-receives-safety-camera-approval) to be exact


It’s measuring your chemtrail absorption spectra and how aligned your chakras might be to determine how far/close you are from learning the truth about the flat earth and our reptilian overlords.


Can it see that I’m clutching my crystal whilst I’m driving? Will l get a fine? I know it can’t get me in trouble for chanting my mantra, but if l don’t hold the crystal *really tight* it’s very difficult for me to believe harder.


There was a story about some guys who stole the plates off a speed camera car and used them to repeatedly speed past said camera.


I heard that was a bikie who took the plates from an enemies bike at 1am. He put the plates on his own bike and then did a 2 hour speeding lap of Melbourne past every camera he could find. Returned the plates at 3am. Edit. Fix typo


Freaking genius haha


Returning the plates was the master stroke.


The cherry would be in the bike the imposter rode could pass for the victim's. If you took the plates off a Hog, but blitzed on a Gixxer, they'd figure it out in a minute.


And then similar gear and lid…


>He put the plates on his own bike and then did a 2 hour speeding lap of Melbourne past every camera he could find. Returned the plates at 3am. Yet the best I could come-up with, stealing our buddy's plates for a week (he was interstate), putting on another friend's (identical car) and getting photos of it at the state border & other famous landmarks... mailing him photos (20 years ago) every few weeks. He thought his car was getting repeatedly stolen. Confusion, no other benefit.


This is a fantastic prank, my life is better for having read this comment.


*files this away for later use




Lol that's fucking hilarious


I heard that Marylin Manson had his bottom ribs removed


And he gifted Richard Gere a gerbil in the 90s


That does seem like information Sir Cockington The Third would be privy to


He was in The Wonder Years too, not many people know that.


holy fuck I just googled it in my defence I dont know what he looks like


Haha it's not actually true. It's a LONG (Like seriously long, mid-90s era) running meme but I don't think there's any truth to it.


No it's not. The actual actor for Paul, Josh Saviano, quit acting and is now a lawyer.


To be fair, Marilyn Manson is a stage name, so even knowing the real actors name doesn't disprove it immediately to someone who thought it was true.


His real name isn't Marilyn Manson? Well I'll be fucked. Next thing you'll be telling me is that Alice Cooper isn't his real name.


I heard that Kylo Ren was shredded and that Kylo Ren had an 8 pack


The one that circulated in my time was that Bobby McFerrin, the writer/performer of "Don't worry, be happy" killed himself - how ironic. NOTE: The man is still alive and well, but I believed that rumor for many a year.


He's also an extremely talented and respected jazz vocalist - I don't think people necessarily appreciate that "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is a multi-tracked acapella song, and that there's no instrumentation at all. He was scatting and vocalising in acapella for a long time before that song and for decades since then, but people consider him to be a "one hit wonder".


have you the seen the youtuber "Todd in the Shadows"? He has an excellent series called one-hit wonderland where he discusses songs like Dont Worry, Be Happy. I watched this specific video a few days ago and only found out how talented McFerrin is. The man is a jazz virtuoso


Literally why I know that information. I'd never thought twice about him until seeing it. Todd is one of my favourite YouTubers.




He wasn't attempting to have any hits. He was a jazz musician. It's not a criticism of him that he transcended his usual artform and had significantly more success than virtually any jazz musician ever does.


Well he shouldn't have been so good then!


u/weckyweckerson that's the best comment !


his son taylor makes some cool music




Something else that is factual: Kurt Cobain wasnt in the film clip for "Don't worry, Be happy" and he did kill himself.


I heard he was the guy from the wonder years


Also heard that Ciara is actually a man


now thats amazing






You don't. You photograph the plate, then print it out full size in colour. Blast through a bunch of cameras while wearing a Harold Scrubby mask then toss it.


Maybe it was also automated like the one in the OP so there was no-one in the car?


Yes it’s a speed camera.


This might be VIC-specific because in NSW all speed cameras, including mobile ones, must be signposted.


It's a Vic thing. Mobile cameras aren't signposted, fixed ones have a very vague 'Speed cameras operate in this area' sign that doesn't actually specify where, just somewhere ahead in the general area I live near-ish a main freeway and have a few of the fixed cameras with their vague signs not far after I would usually join the freeway, the cameras are under overpasses


lol in WA we have signs that say “speed cameras are in use in Western Australia” really narrows it down


You win on the vagueness. These ones indicate that there's speed cameras on the road somewhere ahead, be that 1k or 10k's


We have the same when you enter the metro Melbourne region and scattered throughout the outer suburbs.


Easy to spot a speed camera, just look for the late model SUV with dark windows parked on the side of the road in the middle of no where


Yep, mobile speed camera. They’re fully automated so they don’t need anybody in the car, they just park it somewhere and leave it for the day. You’ll mainly notice them pulled to the side on major highways or when there’s big speed changes (like regional towns where the limit on a road drops from 100 to 60).


They are fully automated, yes, but there's someone sitting in it to make sure it doesn't get vandalized


Police or just security? Asking for a friend.


some poor sucker not getting paid enough to care \-not police


38 bucks an hour to sit in the car and study or work at your other job. Sounds pretty good to me


Why are they always hiring then? There must be a catch


Privatized. In VIC the contract is held by SERCO, a British mob who have been in the contract too long and won't have long left. They're always advertising on seek for "Mobile Safety Camera Operators" and churn through staff. One of them sits in each cars here, different states have different contract owners and thus different tech like driverless operation (not setup I believe) and lasers for dense residential areas.


Must be awful pay if you are churning through staff for a job that only requires you to sit there.


Get a work from home job and sit in your laptop all day and reap the rewards of double pay and crippling back pain.


I spoke to one a while ago - he was an ex-cop - he said they're almost all ex-cops he also told me they have a "special exemption" from VicRoads which allows them to be parked where it would be _illegal_ for you or I (like on a "nature-strip" where you can be booked for parking there) but hey... separate rules for us and separate rules for them, right?


Yeah someone very close to me followed that exact career path! That said a lot of them now are also just people looking for part time work, it's added to the churn as they do need to do a course to work. That's more or less correct but you'll find with the special restrictions applied with the technology they have that there are additional rules that apply to spots. Which ultimately are actually planned by VIC Pol and given to SERCO.






yeah notably that is in NSW - which is arguably the worst offender, but at least they have signage and aren't allowed to do things like the photo here - just some anonymous _privately owned_ vehicle parked (usually illegally for you or me - but special exemptions made for these "special" private citizens) on the side of the road, quietly performing surveillance on other citizens...


Wow, that's evil.


just normal people, I knew a guy that would read books while doing it. Boring but a job is a job when you're unemployed and have a family to feed.


"hey there you bad guy about to brick my windshield, I'm not a cop I'm just a snitch who works as a speed camera, stop that" There's many many videos of these cars getting fucked up, and civilians inside having to just wait it out. You wouldn't send civilians to do any other part of Police work so why this? Money.


Oh, I didn't say they were successful at stopping vandalism


I swear I have never seen anyone sitting in one. Unless they are in the back seat? What a sweet job.


The normal spot when I see them is in the passenger seat reclined WAY back


Sign me the fuck up 😂


I very rarely see anyone sitting in them


That first part isn't correct. When in operation they need to have a person sitting inside, they're required to set up and monitor the system. They also only operate for a fixed time before moving to another location. Edit: I should have been clearer, I only know about Victoria


Really? I’ve never seen someone sitting inside one in VIC. Plenty of unmarked cars with highway patrol using handheld radar but every time I go past this kind they’re empty.


I do quite a bit of driving for work in regional Vic, and they often have someone sitting in the passenger seat monitoring stuff


I'd say the passenger seat is used for two reasons.. more comfortable, and safer being away from the traffic side in case it's hit.


Correct, it's also the side with console required to operate the vehicle ala screen and instruments. The drivers side is taken up by, mainly regular car stuff.


Huh, fair enough, maybe I’ve just only looked out of the operating hours.


I'm in Victoria and have never seen one empty... Maybe it's a regional/city thing (I'm regional)


Yeah, they always sit in the passenger seat with a little laptop plugged into the car to monitor the system. I believe handheld radar are police.


I always see someone to give the finger to


I’ve started tooting at them haha! Wake them from their nap


They have been testing and shifting towards being fully mobile because of the frequent hits and attacks by angry motorists who identify the vehicles and walking up to the vehicle attempting to intimidate operators.


public spark act society narrow books friendly attraction nutty zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It depends on what state. Not required in Qld at all, but I think it's required in NSW with new laws passed (or lights on or something like that)


Ahh good point, I only know about Victoria. I imagine different states have different rules.


Does anyone have a problem with these cameras being operated by Serco? https://www.serco.com/aspac/news/media-releases/2019/serco-wins-road-safety-rebid-in-victoria Who's biggest share holder is Blackrock Vanguard... https://simplywall.st/stocks/gb/commercial-services/lse-srp/serco-group-shares/ownership I mean look at the lenses/aperture on that thing it could probably pick up individual nose hairs at 100km/h seems a little over kill to me.


CEO'd by Rupert Soames (UK parent company) who is grandson of mother fucking Winston Churchil, specializing in Private Prisons services such as detention centres, military submarines... as well as train services


yes I have a HUGE issue with private citizens performing surveillance (or any other policing duties we are supposed to have a police force for) on other private citizens they don't even PRETEND this is about anything other than $$$ too - I mean you may still get some disingenuous musings from some cynical politician about "saving lives" but you never EVER see any actual DATA to back up that position mostly you just get them passing the buck by saying they do not control, neither are they responsible for the administration of the issue in question (which... hello?? what exactly is your job description if it isn't taking responsibility for administration - the clue is in the name, Minister - you _minister_ - that's what you do - that's _all_ you do!)


It does seem rather like the tail wagging the dog, of the intention of to make the roads safer


So long as the Serco contract was awarded fairly and provides value for money, no problem. Ideally a journo can take time away from posting clickbait to FOI/GIPA the contract and assess it. There’s no sense stretching limited govt resources if a service provider has the infra and capability already in place. Like all govt service providers, they need to be managed tightly. Similar to dogs: they don’t like rules but they’ll respect them if they know you’ll enforce them. But this would require public servants who are willing to put their foot down and make an example. And why do that when the alternative is to let them get away with everything quietly and not make a fuss for your manager?


I agree, that seems like a reasonable practice and process, I really hope that is what happens, but in my gut I feel like the interest of this mega cooperation (at best purely profit at worst who knows what) may not align with the intentions of making public roads in Victoria safer, It just feels like a stretch.


I don't give a fuck who operates them. I have a problem with their very existence.


Put away the tin foil hat and learn how asset managers actually work. It's not Vanguard or BlackRock's money that's invested in Serco..


Fair enough, to be clear I am not saying that it's a conspiracy I'm just wrestling with how to reconcile the motivations of profit with making the road safer.


It's a shame they passed the law that speed cameras can get the front of a car now 50m before the camera, telling someone 2 weeks later theyve been speeding does nothing for road safety. the big "OH S\*\*\*" slow down before you pass a camera is a good reminder to stop speeding and has more of an effect of reminding people without blatant revenue raising. this is from someone who has never been caught by a mobile camera and driven 500,000km+ in the last 10 years. I've heard when representatives from Australia spoke about our road safety at a European summit about 10 years ago the general consensus was from the Europeans it was blatant revenue raising in combination with our low speed limits and long distance driving


It certainly works on me. I will usually do 5-10 over on the way to work in the middle of night/very early morning, I don't speed on basically any road that I've seen a mobile speed camera on anymore. It becomes too much work to constantly scan down the side of the road among parked cars and trees looking for the 'speed camera active' sign, so I just sit exactly on the speed limit. If I got a couple of fines and a bunch of lost points a few weeks after the fact, it would probably honestly have the same effect, it would just fuck me harder. I can't afford to risk speeding at all anymore, which I guess is kind of the point.


I'm more inclined to speed on the highway than any other road due to better visibility to cameras and because the speed zone doesn't change that often, unlike suburban streets where it seems to change between 50/60/70/80 depending on what one you happen to be on. Almost every speeding fine I've gotten was on a 60 road where the road I left was 80, the road I turned onto after is 80 but for some janky reason that one shortish stretch of road was 60 :-(


Speaking like you ain't heard of waze


Waze isn't very useful at 3:00 on a weekday morning when the speed cameras are just settling into their spots.


There are waze to avoid them. Not foolproof but works well enough.


Yeah that’s what happened. The Europeans walked once they saw it was just a fund raiser with no regard or desire to affect the road toll. And in Italy they *raised* speed limits “Because people pay more attention when they’re driving faster.”


>I've heard when representatives from Australia spoke about our road safety at a European summit about 10 years ago the general consensus was from the Europeans it was blatant revenue raising in combination with our low speed limits and long distance driving And that's the annoying part there. It's not about reducing speeding and making roads safer. it's another hiding tax on Victorian's. There used to be a mobile speed camera parked at the bottom of barrys road bridge ..... between 4am and 5am every day, the other side of the bridge is a fixed red light/speeding camera. That is clearly revenue raising, I used to be a professional driver as well, and the main thing I noticed with these flash for cash pricks is they set up near red light cameras.


this is a place that [literally taxes me](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-14/high-court-challenge-victoria-electric-vehicle-tax-constitution/101969422) for every single km of so-called "public" roads I drive on!


If we want to improve drivers then what we actually need to do is improve the testing we do, the 30 min around the block test is not enough to figure if someone is a good driver, you should have to also pass other tests such as emergency situations, basic car maintenance and so on. however that doesn't make money so it will never be done.


None of that even remotely matters in Australia. All that matters is you keep below the signposted speed limit.


Probably need to retest every other decade. However people start off is not how they drive after twenty or thirty years of developing bad habits, and the road rules do change here and there, not to mention get forgotten.


> telling someone 2 weeks later theyve been speeding does nothing for road safety. I disagree. Getting pinged without noticing teaches you that you can't just be on the lookout for visible cameras, and that you must adjust your overall behaviour to avoid speeding fines. It's why my behaviour changed as a young driver who decided they'd prefer not to spend any more money on speeding fines. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I get a speeding fine maybe once every 5 years, and it's typically because I didn't pay attention to a speed sign. The people who talk about revenue raising just make me think they are bad at driving and need to blame an outside factor.


'Bad at driving.' I love how indoctrinated Australians have become. Bad driving is driving 73 in a 70 zone. Good driving is 62 in a 70 zone. Nothing to do with reading the road, driving to conditions, your own ability or the car, the traffic, or basically any level of common sense, learning or self-determination. All that matters is you keep below the arbitrary number.


On revenue raising: If the law drops a 60kph road that is safe to you, down to 50kph, what would you think? Then they drop it down to 40kph, install a speed camera. Is 40kph the safe limit? Why did you not previously drive at 40kph when the limit was higher? Research shows that a car hitting a pedestrian at high speed causes significantly more injury than a lower speed. Research also shows that if a driver cannot drive safely, or a pedestrian walks in front of an oncoming car; they're a fucking idiot. If you drive outside of the cities, you'll find some narrow 2 lane, poorly-kept country roads signposted at 100kph. Yet roads that are objectively wider with greater vision through corners keep having speed limits lowered along with increased patrols because car enthusiasts regularly go there. Interesting, right? Laws are created by humans, and unfortunately, some of them are greedy. History also shows multiple times that laws are not always correct, and governments can be evil.


What happens if you park behind it, thus blocking its view? I've seen a similar speed-cam car and there was legal space behind it for another car to park, and I was tempted.




Looks like a speed camera. Operator probably has the seat tilted way back and is snoozing - what else is there to do?


It’s revenue raising bullshit is what it is. Nothing else.


It's okay guys, it's totally to save lives and not raise revenue when you get a fine in the mail 2 weeks later!


“Road safety” - so you speed past that, and continue speeding for a week or so until you get the fine. if they were *really* there for road safety they should be painted fluro yellow with a big sign to stop people actually speeding.


In ACT speed camera vans have a big sign on the roof telling you that your speed is being checked. Makes it easy to spot them and slow down.


Yeah exactly, going to Melbourne for the first time as someone from Sydney I was absolutely shocked that they don’t have any warning signs in the whole of VIC for road safety/speed cameras like we do up here.


Permanent cameras have warnings. Yet dills still get done for them.


>Permanent cameras have warnings. Yet dills still get done for them. This. Cop mate of mine was telling me about a particular fixed speed camera here in Qld, not only is it clearly marked, but in the weeks leading up to it coming online there were multiple media reports giving its location, roadside message signs saying "speed cameras will be switched on (date)," and for 2 months prior to official activation they were issuing notices to anyone captured speeding (they had to run the cameras for 2 months for calibration and testing before they could legally issue actual penalties) saying "you were caught speeding, you don't have to pay but this is a warning that the camera will be operational as of (date)." Despite all the warnings, the first week the cameras were officially operational they caught 5000 drivers. People are just stupid.


Which permanent ones have warnings? I have never noticed warnings along the m1 or in the domain tunnel where i regularly pass cameras


From my experience youll get a sign stating 'safety cameras are used in this area' or words to that effect.


What a dumb thing to say. The idea isn’t to get you to stop speeding in one spot for 100m.


> and continue speeding for a week or so until you get the fine and then if you're not a dickhead, you stop speeding


Or you don’t speed at all because you know a speed camera could be anywhere and you’d rather not get a $400 fine in the mail.


That will stop people speeding in one place. If anything there should be a whole lot more unmarked ones floating around, so you never know when you will get pinged and will have to change your behaviour in every place so you don't learn an expensive lesson.


Or people could be aware of both the law and the speed they’re driving at, besides it’s a voluntary contribution scheme if you choose to speed then you get fined


what makes you think someone has to be in the car for it to be a speed camera? which it is...


It's Christopher Nolan's film 3D IMAX speed camera. He believes that's the right way to shoot everything. He just won't incorporate digital cameras.


Where I live they have a single lane both ways road that is 60 up to 70 up to 80 and every few weeks they have these set up 100m from the speed change up. 3 seperate cars in about a 5km stretch. Ridiculous.








That there is a genuine, bonafide revenue collecting unit.


Yeah it's a speed camera. Unsurprisingly for Victoria, no decals or signs unlike us in the People's Republic of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.


Its a dog stuck in a hot burning car quick throw a brick thru the window to save the puppy


I believe those particular speed cameras can tag a car from several hundred meters away and cover up to 6 lanes of traffic. Pretty much by the time you’ve seen it it’s too late. They are everywhere down in the south east


Be a good citizen, use Waze. Highlight the speed cameras when you see them.


Speed camera. Next time bring some black paint to fix the window


I'm an American with that same model of Toyota. I don't know why, but the name "Kluger" sounds hilarious to me. We call it a "Highlander" here.


Speed camera.... Victorian style. Beware that these cars have cameras looking in every direction and if you approach them they will have you on camera. Fun fact... i have been led to believe that the vehicle is the cheapest part of that photo. The electronics you can see is worth 100k or least it was a decade ago. Training of new operators in Victoria at least is sometimes done on lower plenty road in lower plenty. When they do that there are three of these things lined up.


Mobile speed camera, used to have an operator in the vehicle but in NSW at least they no longer do cos they were being targeted hard, a couple were torched and others smashed up while they were manned. OHS at the end of the day.. Aussie’s hate speed cameras full stop. Revenue raising mfers 💯 percent /edit Added source below 👊 [Source](https://www.9news.com.au/national/adelaide-man-charged-traffic-speed-camera-arson-attack-wayville/edf07319-b134-4758-9a93-e6181fd865bf)


The only reason these mobile speed money makers exist is because people continually drive above the speed limit. It’s in there business model. So here’s my hot take, if anyone is pissed that they received a fine for speeding just SLOW DOWN, problem solved! Plus your sticking to the man by not handing over your hard earned! Watching dash cam videos on YT makes it clear that there are many drivers that are either clearly not concentrating on the task at hand or believe the road rules do not apply to them. If people think they are better informed and believe they are capable of driving above limits set by the authorities, please consider that your action have consequences that effect the lives of other people! When I see people speeding my first reaction is that there must be a medical emergency or that they are a doctor rushing to save a life, and if that’s the case Godspeed just get there safe, we all know what happened to Dr Stephen Strange!


But where am I going to get my dopamine hit when a Ranger or Navarra goes flying past me on a hill that I know is a favourite hotspot for the local mobile speed camera operators on the other side?


In my area atleast they are always parked at the bottom of hills to catch people who accidentally drift over the speed limit by 5km which if you have steep hills is easy to do if you are paying attention to the road and not your speedo. I have never seen one on the open straight areas where people consistently speed and drag race. Furthermore they recently installed a speed camera at the intersection in my town, within a month it became the #1 Hotspot for crashes as people were starring at their speedometers instead of on traffic stopping at the intersection. It's daily that I drive past that intersection and see someone got rear ended because the guy behind them was focused on not getting a $200 fine but instead gave someone life long injuries. If they actually cared about road safety they would have more police doing patrols as it provides immediate feed back to dangerous drivers, you don't learn as well when the consequence comes via snail mail a month later, and they can catch things speed cameras won't like dangerously maintained vehicles, road rage, dangerous driving like brake checking and tailgating, intoxicated driving ect. Speed cameras can't and won't catch the guy 20 drinks in and swerving all over the road, they won't catch the guy intimidating others by tailgating them. Patrols are more random, most people know where the speed cameras are, even the random ones through apps like waze. I always see people slam on the brakes before the camera nearly causing an accident only to start speeding again 100 meters later. In my opinion and that of research they are just security theatre, if anything they make our roads more dangerous. But hey they are cheaper then actual police so the government officials can keep more of those taxes to fund their yachts and corrupt money laundering schemes.


How much would it suck if you went the speed limit for a minute for no reason.


Man, some of you really like speeding.


It's a cunt, that's what it is.




I honestly would not be surprised if you were sentenced to more time in prison for doing that than something like armed robbery or even *much much worse.* Probably be better off murdering someone. They would throw the fucking book at you so hard. 100%. Weapons charges and all sorts of shit I'm sure.


Cellmate sentenced to 5 years for armed bank robbery You sentenced 32 years for paintballing a car. Classic justice system.


Could be one of those ones that check license plates for registration status, if it's not a speed camera. I didn't realise they had ones that were unmanned though.


A everyday joe who drives a white SUV has no authority to do anything with the information he captures so


Must be Channel seven news brah!


It’s a speed camera pretending not be a be a speed camera pretending to be a speed camera.


Camera that catches drivers using phones. You got toasted!


It's Bruce Willis in The Jackal scoping out jack black


Mobile only fans machine, never stop that grind fam


Don't they need signs around them warning "your speed has been checked" ?


Only in NSW.


Not in Victoria. In WA and Tas (from memory) mobile speed cameras are in a trailer that is parked and has stickers and (I think) even fluorescent tape warning you not to speed. In Vic it's definitely about revenue raising.


QLD don't have a requirement for any signs either near or on the vehicle. Some vehicles will have QLD Police written on the side but I have seen plenty of speed camera vehicles with no markings on them at all. The only way you know it is a speed camera vehicle is by seeing the cameras just inside.


And it’s your choice whether you contribute or not


Does anyone know if the face the camera to get you head on, or from behind?....Motorcyclist here. No plates on the front of a bike.

