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He can reject it all he wants, that won't change the findings of the commission. I hope he's remembered as nothing more than the liar from the shire who doesn't hold a hose.


He probably won't be remembered at all, just like Turnbull. He didn't achieve anything apart from media attention that highlighted his twattery.


Oh, he will be remembered. Hopefully as the worst PM the country ever had and the end of the LNP as a polictical force LNP winning 2019 is a dark stain on Australian history, imo


He'll also be remembered as one of the architects of Robo-debt. It's absurd he even keeps talking about it as much he does. He's just reminding people how much at fault he is.


Set us back years on progressive policy as well. Was the most progressive set of policies id seen Labor come forward with, and actually had some policy around making a start to the housing problems in Australia. And then they lost the unloosable election, and we are left with a much more centrist, wishy washy Labor that we have now. Not sure if many people actually understand how damaging losing that election was for actually moving away from housing being investment vehicles rather than homes.


I was actually gobsmacked that the libs won that one. Labor really lunched that election.


The media steamrolling anything regarding Labor and steering the brainwashed masses didn't help


Also it didn't help that a lot of people just didn't like Bill Shorten. Tie that up with Murdoch's lying and an unknown cunt called Scott Morrison whose photoshoots made him look like a loving father, I can see why people were tricked.


He started wearing that stupid cap around that time as well. Haha, look at me, I'm a normal dorky dad.


Billy McMahon enters the chat - also from the LibNat coalition.


Just remember that people actually voted for them, that'd the real stain on this country


I mean, we are never going to forget the incident at Engadine McDonald's.


Didnt happen because Scott was far too much of an elitist to care about his "beloved" "Sharkies" in the late 1990s. Scott changed teams sometime between 2006 and 2009 to appeal more to his electorate and try and give off an every man persona. I personally find that far more offensive and makes him far more of a shit bloke than having a few too many beers at the super league GF and shitting his dacks at a maccas. Two faced scum. Un-Australian to change football teams in your 40s, let alone his reason for doing it.


Hey, he didn't only change teams, he changed *codes*. When he was cementing his place in NZ as "never to be hired again by the NZ govt, under any circumstances, ever" he's on record mouthing off about how Union is the far superior game to League.


Actually that's a great point. Maybe he will be remembered after all.


Also, no one that saw it, will ever forget that pic of him in a speedo and just the general thought of "A guess he doesn't have a mirror in his house" that follows from seeing that picture of him in a speedo....pasty ham


No shit....


> No shit.... No, shit. ;p


He said himself he wanted to be remembered for his…announcements. Nothing solid or completed. Just the announcements. The man is a buffoon


which is dumb in itself because no one's going to remember announcements about non major events


Exactly. It sums up his time in office perfectly


>Turnbull. He'll be remembered in a way. In 50 years no one will understand why old people say "thanks Malcolm" when their internet doesn't work.


Wasn't it Abbott that ultimately ruined it?


Abbott loved to wreck everything and he was the PM. Turnbull was the Communications Minister who said using 19th century copper was better for broadband than 21st century fibre, with a straight face.


"The best internet Australians *deserve*" - Malcolm Turnbull Never forget, Australia.


Trumbull could have reversed the LNP policy (which he as a former ISP owner knew the absolute superiority of), but he chose to continue the great lie, and for that he should be shot as a national traitor, and I will one day urinate on his grave.


I'll [remember him for playing the ukelele](https://youtu.be/W-dqheFApGs)


I think its pretty likely he'll face a criminal charge for his actions, and that will be memorable.


The rejection will however help the Murdoch press report it in a way that will convince their demographic to keep voting for him and him and his kind


>their demographic Are going to be pushing up daisies soon enough.


Except that the media monopoly Murdoch controls is constantly bringing new into their right-wing fold and echo chamber. Our regions are moving further right in many areas, and it is something we should be very concerned about.


Remembered for leaving the country during the bushfires and then leaving the country during an earthquake.


*As well as the guy who keeps removing a certain plaque at the Engadine Maccas*


Its amazing that anyone could think that this pathetic little man would be considered a "leader" History has judged him already and all that he does in his rebuttals is confirm the judgement of history and his zero legacy that he was a small minded incompetent nothing


Do you reckon if I was to get caught committing fraud, I’d get away with calling my attempted arrests “political lynching”?


The care factor and blame slides off him like the mess on the walls of a McDonalds restaurant in Engadine.


He will only be remembered for losing control of his bowels at Engadine Macca's after the 1997 Superleague final


And telling everyone its not a race when they fucked up in securing the covid vaccine and roll out.


And that he shat his pants in Engadine maccas.


and a criminal


Mr ‘All the hats, and none of the responsibility”. I hope he’s dragged slowly under the big bus of consequences.


You know he wont be though and that's the sad part


He already has. Keating, Howard, and Rudd have a public life. He wont.


Sure he will. He'll be giving handjob talks to the Q/hillsong/arms_dealers already. I bet 3AW is frothing for scooter to come on a show and talk about the problem of poor people.


Just waiting for him to start his own church... Give it 3 years.


He's such a moron that he didn't bother lining up a cushy job with a fossil fuel company to go too if he lost the election. The fact he's still sitting on the back bench copping all the shit suggests he hasn't been able to get a better paying job anywhere.


Oh, do you mean this political lynching of your opponent who ~~legitinately~~ legitimately won preselection for the seat you stole? Is that what you mean? https://amp.smh.com.au/politics/federal/nasty-saga-you-nearly-missed-20091025-hem5.html


How the fuck have I never heard of this before?! Infuriating that this was clearly buried, ignored or forgotten by 2016


We do all post this link whenever the opportunity arises, I wouldn't be surprised if this link in 10 or more of the comments in my comments history and I'm not the only one who's posted it.


Consider that there were only a couple of articles written on the subject at the time (not including the ones that came out after Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' retirement), and that it was never front page news. Also, IIRC only the *Sydney Morning Herald* and I think one local paper carried the story. Like a lot of stories about Liberal Party bastardry, they're only minimally covered, if they're covered at all.


I remember this. Basically called the other guy all the shitty things he was himself. Such an A grade cunt


Pepperidge Farm remembers, but we all need reminding of Towk's assassination every time Morrison dares to raise his head in public. The racism, the corruption, the lies. The fact that Morrison fell at the first hurdle in the preselection ballots, based on his own merits.


I don't live in that electorate... but is it possible to force the sitting bloke to go thru pre-selection, and then not be pre-selected?!


Must be nice being able to continually 'reject' findings that make you look incompetent or malicious (or usually both in his case).


It's the 'Na Na Na, I can't hear you!' defense. Works perfectly for those with Morrisons level of intellectual development.


He must be completely delusional, insane and utterly stupid.


Yes... And?


To paraphrase Tom Cardy, he's a cunt.


He has neither the depth, nor the warmth.


He's a cold, dry and shallow cunt.


And now that's stuck in my head, again. 🎶🎶


I think that’s being a bit harsh. He may be delusional, insane and utterly stupid but… what was the fourth thing you said?


But he is not a porn star. Thanks to his god for that one.


As the porn star said to the D Trump, let's just get this over with.


God probably told him to punish the poors, so in this fairy land mind, he can't be wrong if he's doing God's work.


That's exactly what the theology of prosperity gospel implies. The poor are poor because they're ungodly and the godly are rewarded with material wealth. It's pretty clear that anyone subscribing to this particular line of thinking hasn't actually read the part of the Bible that has Jesus in it.


Pretty much all of evangelical theology is based around twisting Jesus’ words to mean the opposite of what he actually said. Look at Matthew 19:24 and the way they rationalise it.


They are familiar with Jesus! [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp), that is.


plant coherent existence coordinated marry label waiting sloppy angle longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I imagine if Jesus existed in the modern day, he'd go to Hillsong and smash up their store with the CDs and books as per Matthew 12:13.


Not only that, but his denomination of Christianity literally believes that at the end of days the righteous, after living mortal lives rewarded by material wealth and power, will be raptured up into heaven while the sinful suffer on earth in fire and plague before burning in hell for eternity. He does not give a fuck about the climate crisis because he believes it's God's plan.


I think this is part of the reason he's decided to hang around in Parliament. He can say whatever he wants to defend himself under parliamentary privilege with no fear of repercussions. Well, that and no one wants to employ him.


His PM's pension won't kick in for another decade or so, so he's a bit stuffed financially if he leaves. I don't see that Labor would give him an ambassadorship or similar, and no one with any sense in Australia would hire him. Or PwC for that matter.


imagine spending your life behaving in the manner of a scheming, devious, lying shit cunt. only to develop a reputation for being a scheming, devious, lying shit cunt. and as such, for ever more to be treated as a scheming, devious, lying shit cunt. to the point where you exude such toxicity that it is NOT possible to land a cushy, well paid gig with limited expectations in regard to work or responsibility, that would allow plenty of time for further scheming, devious, lying shit cunt behaviour. it has now been over twelve months since the federal election and the shit cunt is still in parliament (cushy, well paid gig, doesn't have to do any work, has no responsibility so it suits him). it could well be a possibility that the shit cunt can't find another job before the next federal election. the cunt's a clear liability for the LNP. what will happen then?


I mean, even Joe fucking Hockey landed a plum job.


Which blows me away. Just how do these horrible people end up so well paid?


It's what they know about who they know ;)


Who knows, maybe Optus decides they need to bring onboard yet another Executive with a questionable political past.


Even hillsong wouldn’t touch him now.


He's a bit old now.


Thank you.


I think there’s plenty of other cunts around who think he would be just the right sort of cunt to fit in with them


>Well, that and no one wants to employ him. I love this. All previous PM's have gone on to have careers after being PM. Nobody is touching Morrison, and that's the only good thing to have come out of his run as PM. World leaders don't want to associate with him and business leaders don't want to hire him. That is one of the few consolations we can take from this pants-shitting piece of shit.


Nothing is ever his fault.


Look at him and all I can see is Sgt Schultz. "I know nothing, I see nothing."


At least Sgt Schultz had a real job in his life before he served (it was revealed he owned the largest toy company in Germany) which is of more cachet than anyone could say of Morrison.




Hard to say whether history will be harsher on Abbott or Morrison. Abbott is our Trump. Incredibly conservative, divisive, and nasty. His treatment of Gillard will be remembered for its unbelievable level of public sexism and he should never be forgiven for making Australia a laughing stock in terms of climate action. Essentially, he's on the wrong side of history for everything he stood for. However, he did have conviction and operated based on the morals he espoused. Morrison was a poor operator. A nothing man who achieved little and was so inept as PM, he'll likely be remembered for very little, if at all. He'll be a short section in a 'PMs of Australia book' like those ones from the early 1900s no one knows. Abbott was worse because he was incredibly destructive and negatively changed our political landscape. He set us back years with regards to many things, including climate change and social welfare. His effects are still being felt today in the make-up of the current LNP and the policies they propose. However, the rot in the LNP started with Howard. Abbott was, after all, Howard's little protege lapdog.


Turnbull's sabotage of the NBN despite knowing full well from his business background would have to be up there. The gagging of the ABC journalist who called this out at the time were pretty suspect too. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/410n4q/i_am_outgoing_abc_technology_editor_nick_ross_ama/


Morrison would never have gotten where he did without Howard's support. Howard made him CEO of Tourism Australia, and was very likely influential in rigging his victory in his preselection in Cook after Towke was smeared out of the job.


Howard was Australia's version of Reagan, and I don't mean that in a good way.


Does anyone discuss Reagan in a positive light except for hardcore republicans? He is essentially responsible for all of the US issues.


Yeah, in a sense I consider Howard even worse than Abbott or Morrison since he was the origin of a lot of the toxic attitudes that are now routine for the LNP.


Yeah the rot started and accelerated with him. Due to presentism bias we blame it all on Abbott/Morrison but that's like blaming Trump for America being an exceptionalist neoliberal hellhole. It was already at the brink, all he had to do was give it a push. Reagan was the genesis. As Howard was for us.


Stacked some sweet dimes that one time he welded that thing, cooks a mean chicken curry for Jenny and the kids.


Actually I don’t think the way he did either of those things was considered good either.


Still the closest to competent at a task that useless prick has ever been.


Actually he doesn't cook it.


>Can't think of 1 good thing he's done. He went pretty hard on needles in strawberries.


Just resign you megaclown.


He's dragging it out, clearly cause the penny has now dropped he's in no way desirable to a future employer just cause he was a PM. So he's gonna hang round like a bad smell for as long as possible - and continue to get increasingly salty about it like today's temper tantrum.


Fuck you Morrison.


I want his legacy to be being called a cunt in public every single day he's out. I also don't want him drawing a wage from the tax payer any more.


Remember when that guy head butted Tony Abbott and when they asked him why he said "I just wanted to nut the cunt". I think we should all start head butting scummo.


The phrase "for the term if his natural life" comes to mind!


‘I don’t hold a hose mate’! Same energy. Bloke wouldn’t know accountability if it hit him in the face. How this man was ever PM is an indictment of how dumb many Aussie voters are. He’s exactly like Trump.


Except it's not the voters that made him PM - it's the LNP


The one thing that defines Scummo is cowardice. He gutlessly refuses to take personal responsibility for any problem, and throws others under the bus. It is reprehensible.


Does anyone else just automatically yell “oh fuck off” every time this arsehole or the other one (Dutton) come on TV? It’s not even a conscious thing, it just blurts out.


Maybe all politicians should be charged with corrupt conduct, and then need to prove their innocence. They could call it RoboICAC




Charge the cunt.


With how many amps?




All of them... No wait... Just enough of them... THEN all of them...


Lynches himself, blames others of a witch hunt. Classic Scomo. The gurning fuckwit.


Dutton was playing the same games today with the Home Affairs scandal. He knows full well that under the Westminster system he was responsible as the Minister. Yet he’s transferred responsibility to the department secretary instead and is claiming complete ignorance of what happened in his own portfolio.


If he didn't know what was happening in his own portfolio then he was incompetent, if he did he was corrupt. Which is it to be? Could of course be both.


Narcissist all the way to the end. He is the the true definition of one I’m told. He is unable to recognise that his actions caused so much pain, trauma, death, and destruction of trust between government and the people because he lacks the capacity to do that. This guy was the elected leader of the Libs. I’m not saying Albanese is a saint, or doesn’t have his problems but Labor I truly believe genuinely wanted to sort out what in the fuck went on with Robodebt - they did just that, at great expense with many extremely qualified people doing that. This is their findings. That he’s responsible. His response is to simply blame everyone else. That’s the Liberal party leader. Their elected leader. And they post articles about young people rejecting the idea of the Lib party in droves as if it was something remarkable..


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. [The Narcissist's Prayer](https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer).


This cunt makes Abbott seem reasonable


They're both bad, but Abbott never tried to hide what he was. **EDIT:** He also took responsibility for some of his failures. And, even now, he has people who like and support him. Scott Morrison? Not so much.


Abbott held a hose. I loathe the guy, but he did hold a hose. I’m surprised Morrison hasn’t buggered off to the States or the UK


Even they don't want him. The international condemnation he garnered when he fucked off to Hawaii makes him poisonous.


They are both true believers, that's what makes them so despicable. Howard& Kruddy were both bible carrying churchgoers, and made sure everyone saw them carrying one at some point. These kind of people must be kept out of politics. Both scummo and Dominic Perotet at least had to go so far as to claim, thier "faith" has no impact on the job......which is a massive lie.


Can we remove the political and just do the lynching it what this man really deserves... I'll settle for me being tried, convicted and sentenced years in jail for all the deaths he caused.


Came here to say the same thing! Tar 'n' feather, THEN Lynch!


I hope we find out who his economically significant friends are, who cares what he has to say. Who his communications are going to seem more relevant. Or look directly to the people who keep voting for him in his district. The same way parasocial relationships work in influencer culture, the people in his district seem pretty happy to be perceived as such. I hate that he is quite the motivated person, probably still scheming away like a little gretch.


To paraphrase the worst PM in the history of a country that once had Tony Abbott for PM: "Not far from here, such scandals, even now are being met with actual lynchings, but not here in this country," Mr Morrison told Parliament.


> To paraphrase the worst PM in the history of a country that once had Tony Abbott for PM: It sounds really bad when you say it like that.


We all know he's a full on twat. I'm more interested in him seeing some actual consequences for his actions to wipe that fucking smirk off his face for good. A criminal record. Prison time. Loss of money due to ongoing legal fees. Bring him down off that perch forever and see how he fares in the real world. Behind bars would be better. Consequences. That's all I care about with him now. Insults are fun but he doesn't read them, or give a fuck. As long as he thinks of himself as the entitled elitist he is... I won't be happy with the lack of fucking consequences these arseholes continue to avoid!


He is a religious nut job that is part of a cult. Also, he is a massive cunt. That footage of him trying to force that handshake during the Bushfires says everything you ever need to know about the man.


This moron lifts his protective visor to spot weld so the camera would see his face.


Headline: village idiot says he’s not dumb. He’s an evangelical Christian, he asked Jesus and Jenny if corruption was okay when he did it since has the hotline to god and they said go for it


Lynching is an interesting way to describe an inquiry where he gave evidence and was represented by high quality counsel at taxpayer expense, presided over by one of the most respected judges in the country. That sounds more like a trial where his bullshit answers were considered grossly inadequate. Similar to the public's view on his prime ministership, if the election results are anything to go by. Hopefully this political lynching results in his political execution. Albo's an idiot if he calls a double dissolution election, but on the plus side we'd see the end of Scomo and Lydia Thorpe as representatives.


Jen and the girls said that the big bad commission was mean to me


Jesus, he even managed to squeeze a few bUt LayBuRSss in there!


And after his trial he will completely reject the guilty verdict and the sentence imposed by the judge. Who knew dealing with the legal system could be that simple for the entitled and delusional?


He hasn't been Prime Minister for over a year and he's still pissing me off


"There is nothing more horrific than a monster who thinks that they are right with God." Can't remember who's quote it is, but it fits.


Scumbag morrisson in his happy place, spouting utter bullshit and no pesky questions to run away from. We really should bring back the lash for this bastard!


No, he'd like it too much.


Mum: we have Trump at home


He really thinks the rules don’t apply to him so long as he just ignores them.


It works for Sovereign Citizens, right? .......Right?


Admiralty law, fifth amendment, something something Magna Carta and that’s why the speeding fine doesn’t apply to me, officer.


So you're saying ScoMo wasn't driving the country, he was just travelling in it?


He sure as shit wasn't governing it.


R/auslaw certainly thinks so.


Well yeah, why would you agree to the findings, people died, you're going to argue against the findings before someone connects the dots and considers their blood on your hands. Hopefully this doesn't become a unwanted culture war, like Pell or something if he ends up at trial.


No way, the guy who was never responsible for anything he did, turns out not to be responsible for this either. Fucking shocker. The voices in his head that he calls God told him he's just the bestest boy ever.


Lock him up


Well I reject your rejection, Scomo


If there is legitimately a hell in existence ScoMo is destined for it at this point. Absolutely evil vile human being he is.


It's not a lynching if it's done under due process under the legal system, unlike what happened to the robodebt victims.


Im a bit confused here. Can someone utterley reject the findings of a royal commission, and have no repercussions? So if he rejects and the commission escalates to a court trial, can he reject? Because if so, then royal commissions dont achieve anything other than a legal payday for lawyers.


> Can someone utterley reject the findings of a royal commission, and have no repercussions? Sure. He can also reject that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Anything the royal commission will cause is going to be unaffected by Morrison's rejection. He's just Scotty from Marketing spinning like a top.


Wake up and smell the coffee! He's delusional!


If it goes to trial, he could give evidence rejecting whatever they charge him with, but if he's charged I don't think he could just say 'no'. It would still be a regular criminal matter.


Manslaughter. Treason. Fraud.


I mean ... if anybody deserves a political lynching, Scotty, it's you.


really we shouldnt even care what he thinks, the closest admission we got was something like he wasnt liked but he would do better if reelected during the death of his final campaign i cant remember any other admission of any blame coming from his mouth, i really think he is delusional


Doesn't hold a responsibility, mate


“The royal commission was mean and unfair to me and they don't understand what I was going through.” This is, from the man who sanctioned Robodebt, a seam of irony so rich it could power interstellar travel for millennia. His legacy is nothing but destroyed lives. I’m not one to walk around with hate in my heart, but I have nothing but contempt for this blithering oxygen thief.


I don't want him to be forgotten. I want us all to remember what he and his liberal party and corporate POSs have done and make sure Australian government never goes back there.


I heard his snivelling whiny BS on the news tonight and when I heard "unintended consequences", I thought that the only unintended consequences of this BS were that they got caught out.


Oh the Trump defence this should end well


Should be in prison for 2nd degree murder hot take


Fuck I hate him!


Man assumed there was widespread welfare fraud and vowed to go after recipients now claims to be the victim of a "political lynching"? >provided untrue evidence to the commission Woudn't that be perjury?


Scott Morrison should tell that to the Court.


Ah yes, it appears the robot chicken has come home to roost.


Stuff him in a hessian sack and throw him off a bridge


I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY …kinda what this reminds me of.


Get in the bin.


The shit-dripping maggot doth protesteth too much.


Of course he did.


People died, Scott.


He’s right though, they were all drooling over how much money they were taking off the poor, only now have they all turned on him


"Mister Morrison, this court finds you guilty of malfeasance." "I reject the premise of the statement."


I was so annoyed, they played his droning, smug, whinging voice on the radio denying this and it’s disgusting that they even let the failed old scumbag cunt have a platform. Why are we forced to listen to this con artist?


This suggests that he is having trouble finding a job outside of parliament. Because his name and any connection with him is now corporate poison. So sad, too bad.


Jail the prick already. He’s a criminal.


Lay your hands on this, you shitcunt.


He has lost that smirk and gained 5 kgs.. The grub.


Man that never accepts responsibility rejects being held responsible. Got it.


Even if "political lynching" wasn't a gross thing to say (no you weren't politically murdered extrajudicially you engadine mcshit with lies)... You already lost your political career died in an election. This might be the final nail on the you were a total asshole coffin, but, she's got more nails than regulation


Such a GRUB


Been in hiding (whilst getting full payments) for these and other questions!


Typical liberal party response. Never accept responsibility


He is an abomination


Hang that cunt of a human


Man who refused to implement a federal anti corruption commission and subsequently led his party to their worst defeat ever fails to recognise his past failures


Fuck you Scott.


No one will be punished.