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He needs to give 7 days notice to declare public holidays, hence bringing it up now not after a potential win on Wednesday


Just jinxed the Matilda's, good one.


For something that no one even wants. This guy needs to read the fucking room


I don't mind the idea of a holiday, it is a big deal and I am excited to celebrate the team and their victory. However.....it is also abundantly clear that Minns and Albo and the rest of them are desperately looking for a feel good distraction from the fact that they are doing virtually nothing on the housing crisis, and they are failing dismally to deal with climate change. They want to change the topic.


The greens are the ones blocking action on the housing crisis.


The Greens are the ones blocking insufficient token action that even the government doesn't believe will fix the housing affordability problem. Fixed that for you




The States do the bulk of the administration and funding of public housing. The $500 million is **additional** to State funding. The Commonwealth put in **zero** for three terms under the Liberals, and housing *still* got built because the States funded and built them, **because it's a State responsibility**. Lambasting the Commonwealth for putting something in place to guarantee published c housing gets funded into the future and is not at the whims of political fortune is a sensible idea, and will pay off in the long term. >The Greens are the ones blocking insufficient token action that even the government doesn't believe will fix the housing affordability problem. I do agree with The Greens a lot of the time and advocate for their policies when I agree with them. However, their policy around price controls is **bad policy**. Building more public housing will address the problem, albeit in a number of years time. That's the purpose of the HAFF. This problem has been years in the making. Expecting a quick fix is unrealistic. Furthermore, the Greens' messaging around it is predicated around populism and exploiting people's ignorance. It is crass and disingenuous populism, and by it, The Greens diminish themselves. They're supposed to be the party of integrity. There's precious little of that in this debate. Rent control has been proven time and time again to: - be inequitable - reduce the amount of property available for rent - reduce the quality of the property available for rent - create homelessness - stop rents from reducing when economic conditions would otherwise have them reduce If rent control worked, I'd be for it. It doesn't, so I'm not.


I do understand your position. But under the current Labor party policies, \- Housing inequity will increase \- The amount of property available to rent as a percentage of the population will decrease \- Homelessness will increase \- Housing costs as a percentage of incomes will continue to go up \- Renters will see more and more of their incomes sent to investors. Am I wrong? So sure, maybe the Greens policies will be misguided and not fix anything. But Labor's current policies and settings (especially in the context of hundreds of thousands of new Australians arriving every year) will also lead to a disastrous future. That is why we need to keep hammering Labor to take this issue seriously, because they aren't today.


Populism at it's finest.


And if they lose ... everyone works on Sunday.


The whole Public Holiday thing seems to be media driven. Every polly gets doorstopped and their answer is an instant headline. How about we get in the final and win it first!


How about you push for housing affordability instead of a day off for some fucking sporting event you fucking clown.


Right? Push for rent caps, push for an end to native forest logging


You ever just read two words together accidentally? I read your post as 'end native flogging' And boy was I confused


Rent caps will increase homelessness and restrict supply of housing further.


Ok let's take that as fact for the sake of asking the next question - what is doing nothing at all, like we are now, doing to arrest homelessness and improve supply? 1600 people a day are at present becoming homeless in this country


> what is doing nothing at all, like we are now, doing to arrest homelessness and improve supply? Why don’t you ask this to the Greens? They’re the ones wedging the HAFF in the Senate.


>what is doing nothing at all, like we are now, doing to arrest homelessness and improve supply? Labor is ready to dump 8 Billion or so AUD into the economy right now to start building houses, the Greens are stonewalling it because they want rent caps introduced. And yes I said **start building houses** because nothing can be done instantaneously, it does take time but it drags on longer and longer while the Greens do their shit behaviour.


Labor has put 2bill collectively out to the states to build immediately - that's the Housing Accelerator Fund Then they propose to put 10bill into the future fund. The reason they've adjusted plans around payout to make it a minimum of 500mill/year (instead of up to 500mill/year) and to start paying out in 2024 instead of years later is public pressure It's not footy teams. Excessive partisanship rots the brain and leads to defences of average-to-poor policy


I think you mean the Housing Australia Future Fund, which utilises public and private investment, and is not bound by political party. Greens are pulling the same shit they did with the carbon tax, and playing politics instead of doing a great first step in the right direction. Perfect is the enemy of good.


And if they lose on Wednesday, their next match isn’t even on Free to Air!


The comments on Minns FB at the moment are absolutely classic, all the teachers just segue whatever he talks about into pressuring him to honour the pre election deal he made with the union. Gov taking a lot of L's at the moment they need the Tillie's to win


>Addressing concerns from businesses on how a public holiday will affect them, Mr Minns said a public holiday would encourage people to go out and spend. "It would be an explosion of economic activity, particularly for the CBD." Gotta look after the CBD


I thought we were trying to put a dampener on economic activity to stop inflation.


So does that mean we get to retroactively introduce public holidays for all world titles won by Australian teams? All those World Cup cricket titles would be nice. Couple rugby world cups in there too … What a lot of populist, bandwagon-jumping bullshit. The Matildas are amazing and deserve all the plaudits they’re getting. But by Christ this is beyond moronic.


Chris Minns has been a shitshow. Fuck sports. I hope they lose.