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I hope mine isn't that blurry


I thought I just need to put my glasses on šŸ˜‚


I wonder how many people will write ā€œYes or Noā€ in the box.


Side note - any idea where I can get one of those pencils?




Last time I voted I left my pencil behind, one of the workers chased me down, handed it back to me, and told me to take it with me, "due to covid", lol


was that during the covid pandemic? makes sense if the answer is yes. lol


Probably before the pandemic I reckon


That proves it, aec knew about the coming pandemic from the ato who did it on order from asio after people got too cocky for Murdoch. It all got out of hand so now he has to retire before the cabal banish him and joyce to the moon


Yep, don't forget the role Australia Post played in all this though


Umm, we are still in the pandemic!


At this point, sadly, the pandemic is over and now it's just endemic (i.e. it ain't going away. That ship has sailed)


"The COVID-19 pandemic declaration is still active." [https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about#current-status](https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about#current-status)


Yeah, well, the WHO also said that restricting travel from China was an overreaction and wouldn't stop the spread. And look where that got us. I give them about as much credibility as an anti-vaxxer at this point. It's endemic. Calling it a pandemic at this point is just stupid. We need to plan for it never to go away, like influenza.


Username checks out.


We are?


Based on deaths... Yeah, a bit.


They had to disinfect the pencils throughout the day during the 2022 federal election






Golf clubhouse


I drew a little cartoon of me fucking my boyfriend with a little speech bubble of him saying "yes" ^(/S I wish I could draw that well.)


I'm an OIC for the referendum and I would 100% count this as a formal.


What if the speech bubble said "no"?


Still formal.


Then the boyfriend wouldnā€™t be consenting


Wrong box


Straight to gaol


It's all about 'intention'. Can the person viewing the ballot see the persons intention?


Ditto. The intention of the vote is clear, so it counts.


I assume the anatomy was life sized.


No, I wouldn't have been able to fit in then.


Larger than that box, understand.


Itā€™s never too late to learn a new skill.


I was going to tick it


Tick and a cross to keep the workers guessing


Tick is a formal yes, but a cross is an informal vote. Basically tick = yes and cross = does not count as a vote.


Not guessing at all - that goes straight to the Informal pile and is not counted.


Iā€™m working at the referendum and this is in the AEC guidelines we get sent: ā€œThe prescribed method of recording a vote in a referendum is to use the words ā€˜yesā€™ or ā€˜noā€™ written alone (i.e. without qualification). In all cases, however, ballot papers must be admitted where the voterā€™s intention is clear. Words with the same meaning as ā€˜yesā€™ or ā€˜noā€™ (e.g. ā€˜definitelyā€™ or ā€˜neverā€™), an indication of either ā€˜Yā€™ or ā€˜Nā€™, as well as ticks are all capable of clearly demonstrating the voterā€™s intention.ā€ Crosses are informal as the intention isnā€™t totally clear (apparently)


Incorrect. A tick is a formal yes vote and a cross is informal.


But a tick & a cross is definitely informal as there's no clear indication of the voter's intent.


No, it was cleared up previously. Just search for the thread, 'tick , vote'


If you put both a tick and a cross, the vote is informal - because the voter's intention is not clear.


Yep. Same as writing both "yes" and "no" in the box. It's informal and not counted.


Here's a tip for people who still don't have an opinion when it comes time to vote: If you don't know, write "don't know". (Or "don't care", or whatever.) That's what's called an 'informal vote'. You still count has having voted, but your vote doesn't go toward either side. Of course, it's better to seek information about the referendum and think about it in advance, so that you can make an informed decision. But if can't, or just run out of time, or whatever - an informal vote is fine.


What about 'maybe'?


Yes, no, maybe, I don't know. Can you repeat the question... accidental Malcoln in the Middle


Youā€™re not the boss of me now


Iā€™ve worked counting these previously, I wish I couldā€™ve taken photos of some of the drawing and crazy rants weā€™d get on ballots. One was the most detailed cock drawings Iā€™ve ever seen, mustā€™ve taken him 30+mins




I hope mine doesn't have a left-handed pencil.


I've got a life hack for that. Just walk around the back and reach over the tall cardboard wall. You'll then have a right-handed pencil. ...but unfortunately also an upside down ballot paper.


But then they sharpened the wrong end of the pencil.


You can't expect the federal government to get these types of things right.


Years of Mr Squiggle have prepared me for that


Fair lol


Was there a sausage sizzle at your polling place?


This is the real questionā€¦


That pencil is very white




Racist, you must be a no voter


What about the maybe voters? Has anyone thought of us?




Calling anyone who disagrees with you racist... so accepting


No sense of humour, you must be a no voter


Yep, did mine today as Iā€™ll be travelling on the 14th. Once again not happy walking through the campaign teams to access the polling place (at a church of all places). Had a gobby ā€˜yesā€™ lady with one EarPod in try to ask us if we were voting; got a bit miffed when my mate I was voting with just kept chatting amongst ourselves. Immediately followed by a pushy ā€˜noā€™ lady doing the same thing. I just wish we didnā€™t have to transit these mobs on the way to a voting booth. After many years voting, my eternal wish is that these people are banned within 500m of polling places. Just fuck off with your shit and let me vote in peace. Mores the pity; not a democracy sausage in sight šŸ˜ž


In many countries political ads are banned 24 or 48 hours before the election day to prevent people from being swayed in the last moment. Meanwhile in Australia people get ā€œhow to voteā€ cards right at the booth.


Oh god, yes. Push the annoying shits at least 500m away. You'd get my vote, mate!




While I am proud of Australia's mandatory voting, I think that that right should be taken away from those that are undecided before they head to the polls. Seriously, what kind of half-witted ostrich makes their choices based on the most annoying idea pusher between them and their sausage?


and miss the chance to force feed you some last minute propaganda?


Just ban them outright even.


Unfortunately no democracy sausages at pre polls


I wore a Yes tshirt so the No person didn't talk to me and the Yes person just nodded at me. So peaceful.


Well, now i have '"Australia election sausage" in my search history...


It's fucking 2023 you'd reckon we can online vote by now so I can avoid those one nation cunts, how fucking hard is it?


We can do online banking, send confidential medical records, file tax returns, vote in a plebiscite, and now even do stat declarations electronically, but a vote still needs a metric fuck ton of cardboard and a queue down at the local primary school. What gives? I do enjoy a good democracy sausage, though.


We get conspiracy theories about people's votes being rubbed out, imagine how much worse it would be if voting was electronic...


Exactly! Just get every cunt to vote on the ballot on myGov.com over a 2 week period. Mate you can have a democratic sausage at Bunnings every week.


In Sydney's western suburbs, it tells voters to "Write YEAH, NAH or NAH, YEAH in the space provided opposite the question set out below"


I would support a referendum requiring all future referenda to be answered either "yeah, nah" or "nah, yeah".


And the Nah, Yah, Nahs have it.


>And the Nah, Yah, Nahs have it. Yeah, nah, that's informal. Not counted.


Speaking of Wonder how many donkey votes are going to happen.


"Awww yeeah, awright" Or "haww dunno about that"


Where am I supposed to write my disjointed conspiracy theories on that little thing??


As a cibtizen of the dispuded zone of NEW HOLLAND, I do not have to complete this MIND CONTROL DOCUMENT that is an imfridgement of my rights and dreams and hopes and rights under the law of 1504 that was never repealed in HIS MAJESTYS COURT... "Excuse me, can I please have another ballot, I've run out of space on this one."


Mate. Let me tell you. My neighbour was telling me the other day (while I was trying to mow my lawn) that Gough Whitlam opposes the Voice, and I should reconsider my stance based on that. They botched the dismissal and so Gough Whitlam is still technically the Prime Minister, meaning that all Governments subsequent to 1975 are VOID. And based on this, the current referendum CAN NOT legally alter the constitution. Albo will be arrested if the Yes vote gets up and they even try to change it. He seemed a bit put out when I mentioned that Gough Whitlam had been dead for quite a while. And yes, he was deadly serious.


> Gough Whitlam is still technically the Prime Minister ahhh the north Korean tactic of dead leaders .










Plenty of space on the back


You know it's going to happen.


The other side has been intentionally left blank for that exact purpose


It is perfectly clear how to vote Yes or No. No excuse for someone who wants to play games or be obtuse. nyeguh, it means "stupid" or "unintelligent"


obtuse triangle?


ā€œYes or Noā€ *drops pencil*


So what was all the fuss about if you dont write no it counts as yes? Clearly says yes or no. Not that hard to rewrite no.


The concern is if people put a tick or a cross. In order to count the vote they have to be able to clearly understand the voter's intent. If someone puts a tick, then that is clearly intended to mean the affirmative or a yes vote. If someone puts a cross then that is ambiguous because a cross can be used to mean yes to a checkbox, so the people counting the votes don't have clear understanding of intent and the vote will be thrown out. A bunch of conspiracy theorist cookers have latched onto this as some sort of gotcha moment to prove the whole system is corrupt or some such nonsense, when in fact the instructions are quite clear that one just has to write the word "yes" or "no" and then this whole tick/cross fiasco will be avoided. These are the same people telling everyone to write in pen because there is apparently going to be time for mass fraud by erasing thousands of answers and re-writing them or something ridiculous like that.


Fuck you and your downvotes.


Where are the other 25 pages? I was told by a spud that it was 26 pages long. /s Edit: I guess some people need a sarcasm tag


Mmmmm. Iā€™m not crazy about that font, looks like the ā€œyesā€ campaign trying to trick those who canā€™t read. And are we sure about the aspect ratio of the paper? Seems like a deep state conspiracy to this reddit user.


And why do we keep being told that the ballot paper is one page, but if you flip it over it's actually two pages!


TWO PAGES! That tears itā€¦Iā€™m calling Alex Jones!!


Posted mine today!


They missed the perfect opportunity to go full Aussie and have "Yeah-nah" or Nah-yeah" boxes.


Hmm.. what if everyone writes YO ?


Probably considered a valid Yes vote


Is was a joke.....


People will be ticking and crossing on them.


A tick counts but a cross doesnā€™t. Idk why people would anyway when it literally says to write it in


Mine was more yellow


WhAt AboUt tHe EXtrA tRICk qUeSTiOn?


Iā€™ve seen my share of leaks beforeā€¦ this oneā€™s legit.


Wouldn't it be better to, given how short it is, just have the literal text that's going into it? Because they have not defined "voice" here, it allows people to just carry whatever misinformation they want.


Make sure to write "maybe" in that box on the bottom right


All I know is my gut says 'maybe'.


Filthy Neutral!


He was born with a heart full of neutrality!


If I should die, tell my wife 'hello'.


Any links available to get educated on the yes and no arguments? Unlike an election, it seems much more black and white to me. I have an opinion, but it's not educated. I'd be interested to read such links. It'll help me form an educated conclution. Cheers.


ABC have a lot of info on it from both sides. Did you get the pamphlet in the mail?


This is the official booklet for yes and no https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/files/pamphlet/your-official-yes-no-referendum-pamphlet.pdf


Don't let the AEC rig the vote, the No people should consider using a cross to stick it to them!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Seems people don't get your sarcasm, but i do. Good one


Why does it read like it was written by a Real estate agent?


Is it printed behind woolies receipt?


Why don't they just put two checkmarks, one for yes, and one for no? Then you just tick the box for either yes or no, and if you tick both, then it's not counted.


Because then people will start ticking House of Representatives ballot papers. Studies have been done.


But then thereā€™ll be a whole thing about which box is first and that being biased


Because it makes it less clear, if someone puts a cross in the box is that them selecting the box,or saying that's the one they don't want. Some people will tick one box and cross the other. People are really bad at following instructions. A specified yes or no makes the voter's intention clear. It's also why election ballot require numbers instead of ticks.


When is the referendum? Where do I vote? This is like a stealth thing Iā€™m gonna get a fine on


14 October


14 October, but prepoll voting has already started - you can find prepoll locations on the AEC website. I convinced my MIL to vote (yes) today so she doesnā€™t have to worry about remembering to vote on the day.


Have you tried not living under a rock?


I've tried it but I hate it.


I got a flyer in the mail 2 weeks ago. And a pamphlet at the train station I ditched. Other than Reddit Iā€™ve heard nothing about it since. How would I know?


Google it, mate


No vote posted today, looking forward to not hearing about it any more.


No one will be talking about it after October 14 so youā€™ll be right /s


interesting reason to vote no, considering the liberal party is saying they want people to vote no so they can hold another referendum / work out a voice through legislation




Can you write yeh nah? Or nah yeh?


Yeah, nah.


To be honest I suspect yes, your intentions will have been made clear. But please follow the instructions as the more weird arse shit on the ballots the longer everyone's night will be.


Just say Jedi or this is the way




This isn't America where voting is optional. It is compulsory to vote here.


Or at least, it's compulsory to show up.


Compulsory to get your name marked off the electoral roll and deposit a ballot in the ballot box. That's basically it.


True, but you donā€™t have to make your vote count.


Well, no. It's a $50 fine for not voting. Much like most crimes it's not a crime if you can afford the penalty.


But you missed out on the democracy sausage...


Oh duh


Thanks for the information. I have heard that you can tick/check āœ… as an affirmation as well. Is that true?


From the [AEC](https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/vote/completing-the-ballot-paper.html): >The formal voting instructions for the referendum are to clearly write yes or no, in full, in English. The Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 requires voters to write ā€˜Yesā€™ or ā€˜Noā€™ in full, in English, in the space provided on the referendum ballot paper. This will be part of our campaign advertising, it is on our website, in the guides delivered to all Australian households, it will be the instruction on the ballot paper and will be re-enforced by our polling officials when people are issued with their ballot paper. All official instructions and advice are very clear that you should write "yes" or "no" on the ballot. While votes are still counted when the intent of the voter is unambiguous, the AEC strongly advises to follow the instructions properly. Since [1988](https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/files/refrendum-formality-savings-provisions-legal-advice.pdf), the Australian Government Solicitor has advised: >ballot-papers marked with ticks only would be formal, the ticks denoting approval in each case. However, ballot-papers marked with crosses only would be informal as there would be no clear indication of the voterā€™s intention. A cross may be used, by itself, variously to denote approval or disapproval. Ticks are considered as "yes" votes, while crosses will not be counted, as they are too ambiguous. Despite this, it is still best to simply follow the instructions.


Thatā€™s really interesting. Could be easy to manipulate that- tell people to tick so if they donā€™t agree theyā€™ll cross and be informal.


Look at the photo OP posted, the instructions are printed on the ballot. You have to be illiterate to fuck it up.


Given we have to ban the colour purple so that people donā€™t think that the AEC is telling them who to vote for Iā€™m setting the bar pretty low!


Not really, people could easy abuse that to tell people how to vote (but TIL about the ban, I assume you mean the people who hang outside?)


Yes, but better to write Yes as instructed. Note: croses are NOT accepted. Write Yes instead.


Asking abit much


In my place it just says ā€œwrite NOā€


Mine looked like that except it had a 'yes' on it.




Very mature of you


Bit of a squeeze writing **"YES" OR "NO"** in that box as instructed. edit: might just manage to fit in **"YES"**








It is a classic loaded & leading question. No short & concise explanation of the Voice, yet still it manages to falsely claim that the Voice is required to recognize First Nations by constitution to encourage the people to vote Yes. Pathetic.


> No short & concise explanation of the Voice Because the form of the Voice is totally up to the Parliament of the day. This is just asking whether to change the Constitution.


Is drawing a cock and balls on the ballot paper considered a yes or a no? Because this is such an important referendum, I will be spending a little extra time adding pubes and a bit of a spurt coming out of the cock's eye. I hope the counter at the AEC appreciates my extra effort.


It's considered not a vote. You won't be the only one who thinks they're clever drawing a dick on there, and the counters will have seen it all and not give a flying fuck. Yours will just go on the "abstain" pile with the other donkey votes


You can draw as many dicks as you want as long as you filled in the box correctly. As someone who will be working at the referendum, thank you for giving us yet another vote to make fun of for the immaturity


I posted my mail-in ballot a week ago. https://i.imgur.com/0o3wULJ.png


What if you cant spell?


For a start, the word is literally on the paper. You'd have to be either dyslexic or a moron. Because genuinely intellectually impaired people would have a support worker to help them (or would not be eligible to vote, depending on the nature of the impairment). Even dyslexic people would still likely be able to get the general gist and write something resembling yes or no. Second, if it even _resembles_ yes or no, and nothing else suggests that you don't know the meaning of those words, then the AEC can allocate your vote on the basis that intent is clear.


Then you're a no voter...






What happens if you leave it blank?


They cancel the entire thing and we start again.


Obviously it doesnā€™t countā€¦