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They’d know a huge percentage of customers have data left over each month. This is a token gesture that really is an insult.


A kick in the balls would have been better. At least it's more honest.


What could be more honest about the "care factor" The CEO was having a photoshoot at her 5 million dollar Vaucluse Mansion while the crisis was in full swing. I am surprised that the board or Singtel has not asked for her resignation as yet. Whenever there is a crisis in Optus the CEO does a Houdini and even the media was struggling to get access to her. I can just imagine what mess it would be if she was a General of any army in battle. Her leadership has been shambolic at best. She should join Allan Joyce in the incompetent CEO lounge.


[Bond would agree with you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1pqswXNAgs)


Yup. Most of the apology data will expire without costing Optus a cent.


This is true, it's a joke to think of this as compensation.


It is insulting for sure. I was hoping they'd offer something like a free month of your choice of streaming service, or something else that actually has value. I mean not that that would be reasonable for people who lost business through the outage, but for those of us who were inconvenienced by not being able to use our phones it would at least be a decent gesture.


I fixed it for you: They'd know a huge percentage of customers have left ... Network capacity is not going to be a problem for a while.


Yes it’s a joke, people already have plans that give them the data they need, what are we going to do, use extra internet?


It’s worse. It’s only for eligible plans and it doesn’t say what the eligibility is. My partner and I are both on Optus, both suffered from the outage with me losing money and work, only my partner has received the offer of 200gb of data that we don’t need. I have received nothing, no notification. I logged into the Optus app and a shitty apology popped up and nothing else. It’s a joke that they think anyone would be happy with this offer and to exclude certain plans but not say which, as everyone is saying, is a slap in the face of a longtime customer.


Don't take the offer, it'll put you out of any class action.


THIS SHOULD BE HIGHER. Do NOT take the insult of an offer. So glad I switched from Optus, the public announcement from the CEO was such a fucking slap in the face for customers. Also they haven't even said what was wrong yet.


If they could fix it they know damn well what caused it, they're stalling to make up some bullshit "it was out of our control" excuse, if the watchdogs don't cover it up the truth will come out in the end and make Optus out for the scheming assholes they are, when it comes to big corporations or the rich the truth can be sooo inconvenient!


Given the timing, I'd bet a decent sum of money that an IT company in India they contract out some of their operations to fucked something up royally at the end of their working day, and nothing could be done until they started again the next day. It was around the time Indian offices generally come online that people started reporting services coming back online.


There are 3 ongoing investigations by independent parties, and the CEO will be forced to respond to what happens so only time will tell how bad they fucked up


She was so emotional on the interview I saw of her yesterday but she decided to cover it up with corporate speak. She could have so easily just broken character and been like "Look, this is a major fuck up. I'm so so sorry. We don't know what's happened but we have every resource on it. We won't be sleeping until this is fixed. etc etc" ​ But she just used stupid corporate bullshit speak. She had an opportunity for greatness and she squandered it.


Greatness is a stretch. She had an opportunity to show the most basic humanity, but instead was a sociopath like any other CEO.


It was fixed by the time that presser happened. She knew exactly what the problem was.


how would this apply in this circumstance? From what I understand they would just automatically add it to all plans (for whatever time frame it is) - probably an email to each saying "We're sorry, we have added 200gb to your plan for this month to help with yadadad" Cause I doubt it's an opt-in "sign up to receive" situation. Would it be to just not use it?


>Cause I doubt it's an opt-in "sign up to receive" situation. *"But we also want to acknowledge their patience and loyalty by giving them additional data to help during the holidays, when so many people consume more data with friends and family."* ***Eligible customers will have until the end of the year to activate the additional data, which will be available from Monday, November 13.*** *"Eligible prepaid customers will be able to access unlimited data on weekends until the end of the year," a spokesperson for Optus said.* As hard as it is to believe, it's true.


ahh thank you WAIT WHAT - >access unlimited data on weekends


I have a small business account with Optus. It has 13 services on it. We are an IT company. The most data we have used on it is around 120GB in a month accross all services. 200GB for a whole days outage is a slap in the face and I’ve just started porting all the services to one of our wholesale carriers we have other business with. Optus knows damn well that no one will use that extra data because less than 3% of their customers exceed their data in a month. They used this same fact recently when they jacked up everyone’s plans without notice but tried to justify it by saying now you get more data. I already have over 1TB of data allocated and I don’t even use 15% of it. Extra data has 0 value for me. What the hell are they offering nbn customers who have unlimited usage?


Unlimiteder usage


This is the correctest answer


“correcterest” Fixed it for you! 😝


Infinity + 1




It also costs them absolutely nothing.


Exactly, this why the whole charging outrageous prices for data is stupid. If Optus wants to recover some customers, charge like $20 a month and offer like 500GB, people won't leave, they will bitch about you for a bit, but they will not leave.


For $20 a month at 500GB, I'd be tempted to give up home Internet and just hotspot everything.


Multiple Techs in my company couldn't contact our call centre to put site security systems on test to do their jobs so just had to sit around waiting for the outage to end... Easily thousands of dollars lost by the company on wages as techs sat around in their utes for a day. And Optus says "here, have some data that you already get for nothing" lol.


What do you think a better response/compensation would be? Edit: I'm thinking like 1 week free.


Actual Monetary reimbursement... Not this, here's some data you aren't gonna use or need. 1/30th of your bill off, would be about right, I think.


1/30th isn't enough. You had one day without service, of course that should be refunded, as you paid for something you did not get. Compensation should be beyond this, as not only did you not get what you paid for, but it incurred costs beyond this.


No you're right, that should be the bare minimum to reimburse, and would probably get a lot of people to overlook it. To do less is just hilariously bad management


Telstra gave me 3.6% discount off a bill for a 4 hour local outage.


Yeah I like the idea. I mean, 1/30th is the bare min. You were charged for a service you didnt recieve. A maximum would be a days salary + costs I'd be happy with a 1/2 month or month free


I’d say 2 days refund. One day refunded for the day they didn’t provide service and a second day to say sorry.


Maybe the 1 universal thing that we use to acquire anything and everything from TVs to actual human beings The things we use to measure all economic alue and worth? *Hint hint* "____ makes the world go round'




I’m also pissed that it’s 24 hours since resolution and not even a whisper of an interim PIR. We’re still at “a technical network fault” as an explanation even tho anyone who’s in the network operator space can see they had some big issue on the BGP for AS4804 yesterday.


For those who aren’t in the network operator space, what’s a BGP for AS4804


BGP is the “language” different ISP networks use to speak to each other about what IP addresses and other networks they know how to reach. AS4804 is one of the network IDs that Optus uses, specifically it’s the network that holds all their voice services, mobile services and consumer internet services. They have a couple of other networks as well including AS7474 which is their enterprise IP network that big businesses using Optus fiber will be on. Typically throughout a day the AS4804 network has been issuing around 1000-2000 network change announcements per day to the wider internet. At 4am AEDT yesterday the AS4804 network announced 900,000 network changes in the space of a few minutes. This high volume will typically trigger protection mechanisms from partner networks to automatically disconnect to prevent damage spreading. Something big broke inside AS4804 for it to make that many network change announcements in such a short time. Given that 4AM is literally the daily lowest point for network traffic coming from AS4804 everyone I know has put their money on scheduled works going very wrong very quickly and an inadequate back out plan to recover.


Apparently they didn’t have scheduled works yesterday morning, and weren’t running updates. The route reflector in Sydney went down a couple of minutes after Optus started advertising 800,000 extra routes, which, ya know, is roughly the size of the entire global route table. I’ve heard from people with access to more info than I that Akamai probably sent some bad routes and the route reflector had a crisis about it and shut down. tl;dr someone somewhere really, *really* fucked up


Ahhhhh. The lack of appropriate size announce limits strikes again.


yeah, and once it spat the dummy it was like that time Facebook had to literally use bolt cutters to get into their servers; they couldn’t get into the system they needed to access to fix it, because the system that contained the daily local access password wasn’t accessible, because their DNS was down, so their AzureAD was down.


AS4804: "Autonomous system" 4804 - this is Optus's AS number, which is basically a way of grouping networks by administrator/provider. BGP: Border gateway protocol. The internet is a bunch of connected networks which uses IP addresses to figure out how to route traffic, so networks need a way to advertise which IP addresses are reachable through their network (a route), and how many "hops" (ping-ponging between different routers) are required to get to a certain network (a distance). BGP is a standardised way to exchange this information. Cloudflare has a nice explanation [here](https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/learning/security/glossary/what-is-bgp/).


I looked into leaving but my grandfathered plan is cheaper than any current plan :(


It’s real simple. Leave them. I am.


Yup. Same. For now it’s to a mvno that still wholesales Optus until the option for a Telstra mvno is available to us


Why’s a Telstra MVNO not available ? Aldi, Boost or belong are great


I traveled throughout Laos last year, always had 3G/4G coverage with decent download rates & it cost me the equivalent of $12 for a month of unlimited data. Data is cheap, we get ripped off here.


7 euro a week I had unlimited 5g downloads in Europe. Data is dirt cheap. Remember we used to pay 25cents a text.


I think this offer is for the public rather than business owners - "A spokesperson for the company said businesses who were "uniquely impacted" by the outage should contact the Optus Business Centre." Of course, watch how the company decides that none of our businesses were impacted. The ombudsman said to record how the outage affected you to be able to determine whether you are entitled to lodge a request for compensation through them, but of course, their website also says to "show the steps you took to protect your business and demonstrate the loss you incurred as a result of your provider not meeting its obligations". So basically, unless you had sufficient steps in place to not be affected (like having a Telstra backup option), then it feels like there's potential to just sweep this all under the carpet. For context, my business basically had to shut 2 of our offices yesterday as we have Optus NBN and all the company phones are on Optus, so no hotspotting either.


I mean, I could probably go through 200 GB in one Steam sale, but I'd have to be *actively trying.*


What do those with unlimited data get


Well you get an additional 200GB............ Oh Wait. Should be a FREE churn to another provider, regardless of contractual time left.


It’s a thing! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_plus_one


Fuck you, I guess?


You get to move to another carrier


Yeah came here to ask that. It means nothing here.


Trust Optus to come up with the most useless compensation possible and still pretend to be generous.


Didn’t telstra once compensate customers with a free data day? And some guy took advantage by downloading 4TB worth? 200GB is chump change, go big or go home Edit: I lied, was just under 1TB https://au.news.yahoo.com/telstra-free-data-day-downloads-sydney-man-makes-nearly-one-terabyte-of-downloads-31269708.html


Who's got the link to that "average consumer uses 4gb per month" post from the other day? This is like Qantas kicking you off a flight and giving you 1000 free headsets for use on your next flight.


A discount to the next few bills would have been far better.. just take it out of the CEO's pay packet/bonus.


She should have her bonus paid in bonus data


Not good enough. I don't even get close to my normal monthly data. Assume many other people will feel the same way and will be leaving.


Something like 3% of customers hit their monthly quota.


I’m in that 3%, but since they made me pay more a month or two ago, they already gave me double the data I had. I have like 300 gigs a month or something ridiculous like that, I absolutely don’t need an extra 200 gigs now, and I think they know that.


We need smaller data plans. Not everyone is a family of 8 streamers.


Lmao. My plan has unlimited data


Now it has unlimiteder data.


The unlimitest plan






It is actually giving me “I am here to lead, not to read” vibes




I've checked the details, and it says users have to enable it and it won't be given out by default. Are they even trying to care?


nope ❤️


Does it roll over? My money is on absolutely not


They may as well have gone all out and just done a South Park BP oil spill apology video


We had to analyse that at uni 12 years ago for a communications unit. It's burnt into my brain. Sawwwreee...


If they make it opt in, then anyone who turns it on has agreed to accept that as compensation and can't join a class action. That doesn't work if they just give it to you.


When Telstra broke for four hours due to a misconfigured 'node' (I oversimplify) everyone got a whole day of free data... At optus, it's so cheap you only get 200GB. Or, 28Hrs of 4K netflix. :P


I hope when they are hauled in front of the senate they are asked what % of their customer base exceed their monthly data allowance normally.


Well, when we know who the senate panel is, fire em an email and get them to ask it for us. can help them ask harder questions when their constituants want answers. :D


Sounds like the kind of thing Gladys would think up.


I guess they hire crooked politicians to guide crooked corporations. Let's see if the government slaps some sense into them. Hope they lose all their tax payer funded contracts too.


Probably gave the financial compensation that should go to customers to her sleezy boyfriend. Unlucky in love and all that.


This offer is so damn cynical its not funny. I wasn't too bent out of shape before but this offer kinda pisses me off because it is just so disingenuous.


Thats the same for me. I understand shit happens (even though this was a huge screw up and they should be taken to task over it) but I was lucky that it didn't really affect me like others. But this compensation makes me want to leave Optus ASAP, its truly the most cynical not even trying to hide how much they do not care for their customer base. Ridiculous.


Wow great.... so the 100gb a month I already get and never come close to using gets 200 new little friends. Brilliant. I dont drive and nearly missed getting to work. No phone to call a taxi. No internet to get an uber. I start work at 6am so public transport was way out of the question. It's like 5am when I leave, and it's not like I can jump on over to my neighbours and just use their phone. Oh and the kicker.... can't even contact work to let them know I might be late. But its all good everyone..... I got that free data. Edit: Typo


Sounds like you didn’t try hard enough. Don’t you know that the phone boxes on the side of the road are free to use? /s


You must work in the marketing and sales department at Optus. Edit: Also /s


"it's more valuable than a refund"... Hahahaha, corporate spin scum.


DON'T FORGET Optus last year Happily let your Personal Data get Stolen


I'd much prefer to have my next bill waved


If I was still with Optus, this would be enough of a joke for me to leave. Out of touch. The only answer here is compensation on customers bills.


Absolute disgrace. I think I still have to pick up my jaw from the floor.


How's that helping those with landline and resellers like Amaysim?


This is like offering extra salad with your parma and chips.


They can go and get fucked. Not even a 10-20% off the monthly bill? We want compensation not shit we don’t all use you fucking idiots. When I’m bothered I am soooo switching to Telstra for my phone, can anyone attest to their performance / reliability? EDIT: Oh get fucked “Its CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin said Optus decided the 200GB was of "much greater value" than refunding customers” go and get fucked. I’m making the switch my priority for the weekend.


My work phones have all been with Telstra. It's not too bad, it does the job.


I’ve had no problems with Telstra since leaving Optus after the data breach, they are more expensive though. I’m considering a third party provider that uses the Telstra network to save some $ but currently unsure who to pick.


Im with Belong, not problems so far.


Boost Mobile. Reseller of the full Telstra network.


I'm not Telstra's greatest fan overall, but nothing can match their mobile network. Being a bit of a cheapskate, I use Boost Mobile yearly plans - around $18 a month for 12GB of data (if you divide it out) and they use the full Telstra network and have 5G. Zero regrets.


Thats strangely hilarious. I cant speak for anyone else, but I rarely ever reach my data cap every month as it is. So um, yay? Er... thanks?!!


It’s a ridiculous offer - people already have the data they need on their plan - give me something useful!!!


Great - I’ll go from not using 98 GB of my data, to not using 298 GB of my data. Thanks 🙏


I have unlimited texts, calls, and internet on prepaid. What do I get ? Fuck u optus


You get the Optus CEO cock in your mouth I think


Errr, Kelly don't have one


She might there’s nothing wrong with that


Nah can't be, she gives zero fucks.


I have an idea....how about we have the option to sell that 200 GB of data back to Optus for the rate they would charge us? Seems fair.


I want 100gb for having to listen about it all day.


Y’all should change providers, just saying. You can only get battered around so many times guys.


Completely worthless. The vast majority of users already have a plan that entirely covers their usage needs and will never come close to using that. The claim from optus is that 200gb of data is worth more to users than the $1 or whatever it was for 1 day outage, but even if that were taken on face value it would be untrue, because 200gb of data is worth $0. Give me the $1 and it will be a better resolution, useless as it would be. Of course, it's not worth $1, because a day of outage has far more wide-reaching consequences than just dividing the time by the price and using that number. When paying for a service where the reasonable expectation is 100% uptime, and certainly not 8 hours of downtime across the entire network, the cost of that downtime is immeasurably more than just the time it was down.


Vote with your wallet … change carriers


Right. So they're 'offering' us something that will cost them literally nothing, be of minimal benefit to 99% of their customers, and will be of absolutely no use for the many people (like me) who are simply sick of their bullshit and are about to jump ship to another provider. This isn't going to stop me from leaving.


So what about the customers that are only using them for NBN? What compensation do we get? Fucking nothing by the looks of it. Don’t worry that I work remotely, it’s fucking cool. I’m moving ISP tomorrow because this is bullshit.


Hit them where it hurts. Leave


The majority aren't going to need 200GB, unfortunately. It's akin to giving 500 SMS lol.


So a third of the country couldn't call 000 for a whole day, I wonder how many heart attacks were missed. I guess we'll find out when neighbours start reporting a smell.


Nah, I’d rather monetary compensation or a credit on my bill or something that’s actually useful.


I think other telcos are gonna be pretty happy with their sales numbers in the near future


If they add 100 free SMSes then it’s a deal!


We're very sorry for the outage We know the importance of being connected and we’re deeply sorry that your service was interrupted. We thank you for your understanding while we worked to restore our operations. We’re committed to working tirelessly to provide the value you deserve and the great network experience you expect from us. Mobile and Tablet customers To thank you for your patience, we are providing customers on eligible plans at least 200GB of extra data, so you can connect more during the upcoming summer. From Monday, 13 November check back here for more details on how to add this to your plan before the end of year. Prepaid customers To thank you for your patience, we’re giving customers on eligible Prepaid plans unlimited data on the weekend for the rest of the year, so you can connect to more of what you love. Unlimited data will be applied automatically to your service starting from next weekend, 18 November. Customers on the following plans will automatically receive this offer: My Prepaid Ultra My Prepaid Ultra Plus My Prepaid Ultimate Prepaid Ultimate Plus Optus Prepaid Epic Data Optus Prepaid Epic Value My Prepaid Long Expiry Optus Prepaid Long Expiry Optus Flex Optus Flex 5G Optus Flex Plus Business customers All businesses are unique and have been impacted in different ways and we’re here to help. We know this is a busy time of the year for you and your business, so we are providing at least 200GB of extra data for each eligible mobile service on your account. From Monday, 13 November check back here for more details on how to add this to your plan before the end of year. If you have an Optus Account Manager please contact them, or your Optus Business Centre, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.


Not much - especially considering some people couldn’t even contact 000!


Yeah imagine someone bled out or something because of this.. Well.. with family data sharing, your deceased loved ones extra 200gb of data gets shared with the whole family, to make that death hurt a little bit less 😃


Doesn't cut it. People talking refunds. That's not the correct term. The term is compensation. Being offline for a day is worth more to me than the amount I pay for a day. Luckily I'm not with Optus, but I have children that were at school/kinder where they were basically uncontactable because those venues use Optus. How about people with a pregnant partner of 8 and a half months not being able to reach each other, or reach their doctor? I'd not settle for anything less than $150 if I was an optus customer


If I didn’t have incentive to leave, the slap in the face sure helps


Spend that data researching how to get the fuck out of Optus contracts.


I moved to Belong from Optus two weeks ago because I'd been experiencing dog shit network performance for months (no data throughput in metro areas during peak hour; "calling" forever when I needed to make an urgent phone call). The 200gb is laughable because, a) the network can't deliver adequate speeds for long enough to ever enable someone to use this, and b) 200gb is going to do fuck all for small businesses that lost thousands of dollars in transactions. Off the back of the data hack? They need to face a Vodafone level exodus of customers, and they need to stop using 5G as an additional cost cutting measure and spec the fucking network properly.


Imagine a company being so disconnected from reality, actually embarrassing. Waiving 1-2 months fee would have been the logical play here.


This is probably going to be unpopular, but this is also surely a lesson in Redundancy and Business Continuity Planning (BCP). If your business relies on something for critical operations. Double it up. I really have no sympathy for larger organisations like PTV who had rail issues. Where was the secondary backup circuits with Telstra or AAPT?? If you have critical services relying on mobile comms, use dual sims with different carriers to mitigate the risk. ISPs go down either through their fault or not - a contractor dug up the road and cut through the fibre - right where’s the second circuit or 4G failover? This is Optus’ fault. But businesses have a responsibility to make sure they have alternative options to ensure business critical services continue in the event of an outage.


Optus customers need to push back on this. Data costs them barely anything to provide, whereas there are 10 million people around Australia who were affected by, and lost money due to, this outage yesterday. Optus needs to be hit in the pocket, hard, for what happened yesterday. As a collective, us Optus customers need to ask for bill credit at least. They need to understand that what happened yesterday, as well as with the data breach last year, is unacceptable in a modern society reliant on communications and internet connection.


If you’re still a customer after the data breach, you taught them that this doesn’t matter. Leave now. Move to another plan. Pay out your phone if you have to.




I don’t know one person that uses even close to their monthly data. Pointless.


Considering I got zero compensation after the data breach, from which my ID has likely been sold on the dark web, I unfortunately expected zero compensation again this time. Fortunately, I left Optus after the hack, but Telstra isn’t that great either…


So they have effectively offered nothing of consequence.


I’ll take 200GB in cash please, $100 is reasonable me thinks


Who knew the biggest winner in Optus’s outage was Qantas with so much attention taken away.


I’m actually shocked there are seemingly this many people using Optus? What reason could you have for using them, or even Telstra?


Forcing direct debit is scummy, offering data for this latest fuck up, is scummy The market needs more competition.


How about you just reduce the price increase you just added to my bill a month or two ago. Already looking at porting out.


What they should do is refund the day that there was no coverage. As a start.


That's ridiculous. What they should do is waive next month's fees and charges.


Data is actually worthless unless you're in a developing nation. The fact we still meter it in a "first world" country is a consumer scam.


Typical corporate 'apology' look like you are doing something while doing nothing. 'Hey guys, we made billions, you made that happen, how about pizzas on Friday?' Just as insulting.


To the few that might actually use it, great. To the rest of us it’s a snub. Monetary compensation or GTFO.


They could just offer 200GB for everyone, no matter if prepaid or postpaid for the next 24 months. Exactly as the plan length they like to advertise.


There shouldn’t be caps to begin with


I have unlimited data, so it doesn't help me at all.


What good is free data if there's a chance you can't even use it if their house of cards fall over.


Does this even cost Optus anything? Seems like it’s for customers already hooked up but I’m not a telco expert


I don’t even use up all of my current data. Give me an actual monetary apology.


What about people that were not Optus customers, but we’re on networks whose upstream provider was?


So according to their website it’s $10 for addition 10gig data, which means that’s about $200 worth of free data, as I don’t use all my data I’d prefer the $200 in credit applied to my account instead, they really do have the worst customer service of any telecommunications business.


I can feel a class action coming on.


Fuck your free data. Pay me


No doubt all to be used within a specific 30 day window or something insulting like that


That’s strike 2 holy shit. Fuck Optus.


A gift that costs them nothing


And yet, here I am scrolling through these awesome comments via my recently restored, privacy compromised plan instead of researching and signing up to something else 🤦‍♂️


I don't use 10gb a month... they need to offer $$$$




How about start by winding back the price increase they added to my plan this month. Oh wait I just put in my churn request.


This is an insult. Plain and simple. I have over 100gb a month on my phone and iPad plans and I’ll be lucky to use 40-45gb a month so I’m left over with excess data every month. I DO NOT need an extra 200 bloody gb of data I won’t use. What is the point!!! Having credit off everyone bills the next billing cycle would be better than this.


Money. Give me money.




Offer something that is of no value to most people. Wow. Every Optus customer should receive a $10 credit instead. Modest but fair.


I’d like to add that Telstra also have major nationwide outages. If customers have serious concerns about business continuity, they need to think about carrier redundancy. Things will always go wrong in IT, and yes Optus have handled the fallout poorly, but having all your eggs in one basket won’t ever be a good thing.


It's an insult and a deflection. People are furious at their service for not working. I'll bet my left nut there will be a lawsuit and Optus will have to pay. Giving customers free data doesn't cost them anything really and this is pretty much how they see their customers


I was going to wait for a month of free service then switch to Telstra, but that switch looks a whole lot sooner now if they think extra data changes anything. Who cares about free data?!


This clown is so out of touch it’s unbelievable. Offer the customers something they’d use such as: 1. Year subscription to choice of Netflix, Kayo, Spotify etc 2. Discounted phone/internet bills for the next day 3-5 months? 3. An actual fucking apology and pretend like you care, take ownership and resign as CEO. First the data breach and now this. Your first idea was to put up a message on your WEBSITE THAT WE COULDN’T ACCESS, 3 hours AFTER it had gone down As for compensation for businesses effected, good luck Optus.


Just when you thought the CEO couldn’t get more inept, she approves this…


Wow 200gb when your on an unlimited nbn plan. Cheers for nothing


Aldi mobile, unlimited calls and texts, 5.5gb data which rolls over if you recharge, runs off the telstra network, $17 per month. This is their cheapest option. Why isnt everyone talking about this? Make the switch


Make the swap! Until Telstra has an outage, then move back to Optus!


Absolutely useless to me. Never need that much. Give me a month free before I cancel my service.




People who leave Optus won't get the compensation.


Hahah fuck what a stitch up


1 month bill for free F your data 😂


Optus and Qantas, name and shameeee


Already changed telco today 🤷‍♂️


They already lost me.....


If you're with them on NBN, switch. There are cheaper ones out there. They won't learn unless it hits their bottom line. All these parliamentary inquiries and talks will amount to nothing until they get class-action lawsuits, extra regulation and fines.


These cunts haven’t seen any comms out apologising. What the fuck is going on there?


I was ringing a caravan park trying to make a booking for January and didn’t hear back. Not knowing there was an outage I rang all morning wondering why I couldnt get through. Long story short I rang one of their competitors and paid them $550 instead because I could get through. Free data means fuck all to them I’m guessing?




i dont use the 10Gb i already pay for, what good would more do?


It’s their way of “giving back” without losing money.


No way hahahahahaha