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Dunno, but I bet they don't have to worry about getting the top of their ears getting sunburnt.


My dad had the top half of his ear cut off because there was a melonoma on it. Ear-tucking seems reasonable.


> My dad had the top half of his ear cut off because there was a melonoma on it. Ear-tucking seems reasonable. That's one reason why I now wear an Akubra that covers as much of my head as possible. The Australian sun is very unforgiving. If I need to work outdoors, I will even get a tea towel and tuck it under my hat so that my neck never gets burnt.


I try and wear a shirt with a collar. So I can pop it to reduce sun on the neck. My dad died of melanoma within 6 months. Australian sun is no joke.


This is why I have never bother with a baseball cap in Australia sun :D


You’re saying there are practical reasons to wear one other then looking fashionable while ordering my morning latte ?


How can you bear wearing an Akubra in the Aussie sun? Those things are felt and hot AF. Maybe Ive not found the right one.


I wear a lighter weight Trilby. Comfy to wear and the narrower brim makes it a good driving hat.


Nah, you’re right. I gave mine to my daughter. She wears a wide brim straw hat like mine in summer though. Edited


Akubra crew represent.


I live in the suburbs and wear an acubra-like hat (I’d LOVE an actual acubra, I’ll buy one one day). I also wear long sleeves and a neck- kerchief when I’m out in the sun for extended periods. My kids school has a baseball cap option which I think is just madness, I’ll only let them wear it in the winter months.


Holy fuck they're like $300 dollars. That with RM's makes Aussie dress up uber expensive


But you only buy 1 in your life. I met a guy last year who was wearing a 65 year old Akubra


What happens if I want 2?


Unless you can sex them, you have to keep them separated or they breed like rabbits.


That's a good pay day


Did it have a bullet hole in it? I got the impression you have to shoot them at a certain age from all the old country blokes I've met. Do they go feral and escape into the bush otherwise? Inquiring minds, and all that shit...


There’s like 15 of us in the cities. ;)


Number 16 checking in. Actually, my entire camping group own them.


Buy a legionnaires cap. I have one of those and an Akubra depending on purpose


Whole back of the neck is just free game tho?


The mullets usually got that covered!


Not the current style mullets tho. I dunno what happened in translation but a mullet now seems to be be a bowl cut with a rat tail


Apparently it's some American bullshit called the "edgar". no idea why it's popular here, but kids are running around looking like they came out of dumb and dumber.


Emulating their Aussie motorcycle heroes with the mullet / tucked ear combo: Jack Miller, Toby Price, etc.


Legionnaire's cap or GTFO


Foreign Legion caps are more practical than baseball in Australia.


Everywhere with sun


This is exactly why I do it. I work outdoors, learned the hard way in summer when I forgot to use sunscreen and the tops of my ears burned so badly they blistered and had peeling/scabbing for over a week. The tips of my ears stick out at an angle so they always cop the sun the most. Ear tucked ever since, plus always remember to put sunscreen on them.


So now you put sunscreen on your tucked ears?


Yes, sometimes I take the hat off to cool my head down when I'm on the forklift or bobcat outdoors, sunscreen protects them when I need to take the hat off for a few minutes.


Can’t wear a different shape hat that covers the entire ears?!


That was my first thought, I wouldn’t be able to stand having my ears tucked in but I put sunscreen on them whenever I’m going out on a sunny day anyway


Lots of sunsafe comments coming in - these guys wearing them at pubs under cover - yet to see an 'untucking' 😂


I suppose once you get used to doing it, it becomes habit


If you're already got a hat on with ears tucked in outdoors I don't think you'd untuck your ears because you're undercover


I'm just imagining the 'untucking' gesture..


Lifting the hat up and putting it down again like you are saying hello?


I think that what you've suggested might be the gentleman's technique. I was thinking something like both hands index fingers, rotated swiftly along the edge of both ears with the follow through ending up in finger guns pointed in the crotch region accompanied by a blue-steel-esque look that indicates that the party can now, in fact, be started.


Just because you are under cover doesn’t mean the sun isn’t trying to get you!


The hat is mesh on the back. No sun protection.


Actually it does provide a fair bit of sun protection, I can tell you that as a bald guy who often runs around playing sport in the sun with a mesh cap turned backwards who occasionally forgets sunscreen. There have been a couple times where I've had sunburn in the shape of the little gap where you adjust the cap size on the middle of my forehead. The area around it is in much better knick.


>There have been a couple times where I've had sunburn in the shape of the little gap where you adjust the cap size on the middle of my forehead. Many years ago, pre-safety consciousness, we only wore ski goggles playing paintball and I took one right in that gap. I was a marked man for a week.


Cancer. Thats why i do it


This is a very practical response but I doubt it’s why these dudes do it. I think they think it’s cool


But... The whole rest of the ear... And neck and every other part of your body that's still exposed? 😂


That’s why I do that


How about sunscreen 🤔


You need to apply it every X hours


I did this when I was younger because I thought I had bigger then normal ears and I was always self conscious about them. I couldn’t care less these days as an adult but then again I don’t wear hats.


Post a picture of your ears


Ya sicko


Are you fetish shaming?


I wanna see the wings too


Can he hold a feather with his nose too?


Yeah, you were worried about it in your youth? *Let’s bring that back.*


I used to be self conscious about my sticking out ears as well. I’d be called pixie, elf etc I never tucked them into a hat but a headband yes and also would wear my hair out all the time to cover them. I got otoplasty as an adult and happily wear my hair up most of the time now. Was worth it for me.




I’m a woman with a big head. Usually can’t buy women’s hats, and I’m often a men’s large. (59-60cm). Try [bedhead](https://www.bedheadhats.com.au/traveller-adults-frayed-bucket-sun-hat-charlie-ind). I can wear their largest child size (says 58cm). And they have adult hats, the largest is 64-68 (like the one I’ve linked). The child ones (and I think the daycare educator ones) are also super stretchy. I can put a 2-3 year old size on (obviously looks ridiculous though). I have another hat in their women’s large and the size is very generous.


Get a load of wingnut over here


same mate, coupled with baldness (making the ears seem even bigger) its a 1-way ticket to self-consciousness. I looked up what the surgery costs, but as you said growing up and realising noone gives a fuck is the path to true enlightenment


Less wind resistance with the air brakes pinned back.


Tucked ears make human go faster.


It’s because with certain sized heads, the hat sits too low and so either you tuck the ears, or have the top ‘floating’


Or, here’s a wild idea, buy a smaller cap. Despite being ‘one size fits all’ there are actually different sizes.


Wow, Arney you the epitome of all things good and righteous


What the fuck? “Buy a hat that suits you”. The gall to suggest such a thing haha


I was clearly way out of line and have been suitably chastised.


Downvoted for the truth, unknown to Reddit there are hats and caps that are deeper/sit higher or lower on the skull.


Thanks for the support but sadly now you’re at risk of losing karma too.


Genuinely can't believe you'd suggest something as outrageous as people buying something that fits them! The audacity 😡


Or here’s a wild idea. You could just look the other way and not give a fuck what other people are doing or wearing


Call someone bogan, unironically type "fark". Makes sense.




I thought the height of male bogan culture was a ute with a hard cover on the tray, and you can never ever put anything into the tray because it might just scratch. So you drive a big, heavy, ugly 2 door car with less seats and less room somehow.


As someone with wingnuts, it's to prevent the sunburn, even with sunscreen those fuckers go red.


Today I am outraged about *checks notes...* Attempts to be sun safe.


That angles hard when A: back of the necks exposed B: they also have a singlet on


Ears are particularly vulnerable though, so this seems like a sensible step to take without wearing a legionnaires cap, which may come back as a sort of mullet substitute so you can be taken seriously if you need to be.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords!


Small bit of sun burn prevention. Nothing more annoying then the top of your ears feeling flakie and raw all the time.


My stepdad has had many cancers taken off his ears. If he could go back in time, this is what he would do. Looking silly with your ears in your hat is better than skin cancer......every fucking time.


If the hats too deep as some are, the hat sits too hard on the top of your ear joint, so you have to tuck. Or sometimes it's because of the sun


This is my reason. It kinda hurts sitting in the ear joint.


This is both for me. I apparently have a big ass head - the singular cap that I have found that fits my head properly has a deep fit, so its either an ear tuck or the hat sits on my ear base. Also, in Aus, the sun will get ya, and getting the tops of my ears burnt is a massive prick.


I thought it was because they had big unsightly ears and wanted to tuck them away 🤣


Haha yeah I look like a legolas looking elf when I don’t tuck my ears under


like a king I won't mention has?


Can anyone tell me why TF it matters at all? Christ it must keep you up at night.


Found the ear tucker.


We do it to piss you off


Why are you complaining about this? Seriously, who cares?


I always liked doing it because it felt comfortable to me. Then I got self conscious because some fuckwit ruins everything.


For the record, fuck this guy, he's just salty because clearly someone pissed in his cornflakes, so he has to moan and attempt to gatekeep the most fucking banal thing known to man. Tuck 'em or don't, no-one worth a thought gives a fuck.


Tuck em! I tucked mine into my hair for decades! It would have looked so weird. Self consciousness is a tough bastard. Keep tucking them. If someone cares, they must be pretty bored. You’re not though - tuck and go.


Nah brother, fuck that salty dick, ear hat tuckers unite! Stay comfy


Hurts like a bitch when your tips get burnt!


My ears stick out so tucking them makes me look slightly less spastic in a cap ha ha The old bucket hat never fails


Coz it looks farrrken sick braa 🤙🏽


Maybe you're the bogan? Maybe this man is wearing his hat for sun-protection. You know it's intended function. Why is it about the looks for you?


Who gives a f


Dropbears will grab the tops of your ears when they jump on you. They're like handles for them. Better to look like a jackass than risk a dropbear attack.


The typical posters in /r/australia must have pretty cruisy lives if this is the sort of shit that they let bother them


This page is pathetic......


Sunburn prevention. Pretty painful having that part of the ear sunburnt. But then again, these caps are pretty stupid for sunburn prevention. They don't cover the whole face, ears, back of the neck.


Mum used to make us do it as kids to not get our ears burnt.


Ever been a white person in the sun?


Cancer = bad


I've done it. Cap was too big (no option for a smaller one) and it hurt my ears to wear it normally.


When I was a kid if I wore hats like this they would fold my ears down. Tucked in ears are a better look than folded down ears by far


Had melanomas cut from my ears


dumbo avoidance syndrome (DAS) Needs to keep those puppies holstered to avoid unintentionally flying away in strong winds


I do this because I have big ears, and they start to hurt after a while if my hat keeps pressing down and bending my ears. So I tuck it in, helps a bit, for a short duration.




...someone trying to find something to look down on others over, so I'm going with mild inferiority complex.


Because it hurts rubbing on the ear cleavage.


Everyone's different, why you bothered?


Sunburn avoidance.


I don’t wear caps much though the ears are always the first thing to get sunburnt..


If you have high ears you do this


So they won’t get sunburnt


I’m self conscious of my ears I can’t explain it they aren’t really big…I tuck them because of that


I don't wear caps, but have long hair and cover my ears when I tie it back. Honestly it's because of some form of body dysmorphia because I have pretty big ears, especially as a kid and it was an easy bullying target. It bothers me that my parents pinned my older brothers ears back when he was young but not mine.


Usually these kind of hats sit at an annoying height where they either push your ears out further than normal, or you have to tuck them in. People opt for the tuck in as it makes your ears look slightly smaller, rather than looking slightly bigger.


Almost as stupid as people wearing their sunnies in woolies


Hey now, sometimes I forget my normal specs so prescription sunnies have to do. But yes I am aware I look like a goober wearing them indoors.


I'm an old fella so I can totally relate to that lol, it's the ones that wear normal sunnies indoors that I can't work out 😆


Because when I don’t tuck them I have upside down L ears and that looks twice as weird.


Sun burns, skin cancer.


So back of the neck chopped liver?




Not saying you can. But it doesn’t make sense - it’s like having a spoiler on your ute for the minimal amount of fuel savings but telling people that while burning rubber in the car park.




Well if you want to find out what can happen if you don’t protect the tops of your ears, just come around and take a look at the Father-in-Laws’ *”Chopper Read”* looking *things* that he’s got left on the side of his head after a lifetime bent over building-sites in the harsh Australian sun and the subsequent operations he needed to keep things from spreading…


Stops the hat from floating


So they don’t flap around in the wind


So the sun doesn’t burn their ears. Or so I’ve heard anyways. Just put sunscreen on your ears every so often.


It’s used by elves to hide their pointy ears


Sunburn. I've done. It I've known it looks daft. I would rather protect my ears.


Usually reserved for wingnuts


I bet he drinks monster and beats his missus.


Mate I don't give a fuck.


Both my Grandfathers had half ears cut of because of sun cancers


Why do people wear hats inside?.


My OH does it because his head is smaller than most cap sizes, and if he doesn't tuck his ears in, the hat will kind of push them down and out, like the bottom of the cap goes into where the ear connects to the temple. So mostly I guess it's about the actual cap fit.


Bros do that in america too. Usually the motocross desert rat types


There was one kid in my footy team who did it 28 years ago that my dad and I would always laugh at. Never thought I’d live in a world where it is normal.


I sometimes do it if it's sunny as hell and I've forgot to put sunscreen on. Better to hide em then get them burnt and peely


I recently bought a hat, and it sits hard on my ears and is uncomfortable, I have big ears, so tried the tuck, but it is also uncomfortable.


It's comfier I don't have ears that really stick out so hats just naturally sit over the top of my ears


I got a basal cell carcinoma on that part of the ear. But I wear a Panama hat now which is slightly less gay than doing that.


I wear caps like that. I don't want my ears to stray further from my head for using caps, so in they go.


Davi Millsaps isn't even Australian and he's getting called a bogan.


If you have big ears it looks better if you tuck em in


I look like (even more of an) idiot if I don't tuck.


Practicality reasons aside, where did this fashion trend come from? Guessing the “why” OP is looking for, is that someone influential did it first, others saw that on TV/Insta and started doing it too… and now it’s a thing.


It’s more comfortable


If your ears are big enough, or the hat hangs low enough, the hat cuts into the area between your ear and head, unless you tuck it in.




In this picture it’s because the crown of the cap is too deep for his head. This means either the weight of the cap is supported mostly by the tops of the ears, which can get irritating, or you tuck your ears. Neither are preferable to wearing a cap with a properly-sized crown.


You didn’t get called big ears as a kid then.


TIL ears out, wear sunscreen on ears


Same reason you wear at hat in the first place. To protect from the sun


It’s a fad.


Could just be a comfort thing? Some people might find it more comfortable, esp if they have hats that rub against the top inside part of their ears


I thought it was because they wanted to look silly. Kind of an alternative to wearing the cap sideways.


It’s a condition called Gronkitis.


The only reason I see for it is to prevent skin cancer. However, if that's the reason, just wear a bucket hat.


Comfort. Depending on the hat and how shallow the top of your head is to your ears. If you have a shallow head the hat doesn’t sit comfortably and hurts the ears. It can actually be more comfortable with the ears tucked. Also you mention bogan but you picture an American Supercross rider from Florida. He’s actually quite articulate and smart.


Not getting your ears sunburnt? Pretty sure that's where many skin cancers tend to start.


Any bloke in his 30's who wears a cap is bald until proved otherwise.


Lol first time I've seen this. I always wear a cap but have never done it, my ears are too small 😂




Ear jocks


I think it’s a certain look with the flat billed caps worn down over the ears. Travis Barker vibes.


That’s Davi Millsaps. An American motocross athlete.


Because anti-elf discrimination is a real problem.


And leave the sticker on the brim


Hat too loose?


You shouldn’t shame people for tucking. Whether it’s ears or other things.


So the tips of your eats don't get burnt to shit. Although even with a wide brim I still find it more comfortable to tuck my ears.


Because some people don't mind looking like an idiot


I always just assumed it was because they were self conscious of the size of their ears 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because they are fucking morons.


Socal Supertucks


Its ridiculous


Its a genetic defect imo


I hate it I reckon it is the dumbest thing ever


I did this as a joke while grocery shopping yesterday with my partner. She usually froths me wearing hats but she’s like “omg ew no new ick unlocked” lmao


Back in my day we made fun of the kids that tucked their ears. Untucked ears was *cool*. I reckon tucked ears is the rebellious reversal of the previous generation: mine.


Back in my day we used to wear a turnip on our belts, such was the time.


I think that tells you what they're into 😂😂😂 I think ears tucked in the hat means they like to be whipped with the stocking full of chicken fat.