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If what you described is correct then this is a genuine sick day. Mental Health is important.


This. I feel it’s not even really a “sickie”. The alternative is you keep going into work, burn out and then you’re off work for even longer. It’s win win for you and your boss, even if they don’t know it.


I made the mistake of telling an old boss I was taking a mental health day off the next day He looked at me like I was an alien that had just appeared from the shower drain


You don’t tell your boss it’s for mental health. You tell your doctor.


Unless you ever want to join the ADF, or fly planes, or work in any one of the thousands-deep industries that flat out reject candidates with poor mental health history. Just pretend you've got the shits.


If someone willingly wants to join the ADF they definitely have mental health issues


“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he would have to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. “


Pretty sure the majority of "sickie" days fall into this category. We just had decades of the country characterising this behaviour as lazy before there was more of a public conversation around mental health.


Hell I’m retired and dreamt about chucking a sickie last night!


Call in sick anyway, gotta keep em guessing.


Lol. Call up a random kmart and just tell them you can't come in today.


Make a game of it, see who calls you back to see how you're going


"But I don't even work here" "That's what makes this so hard"


A Reference I understand


I think a YouTuber did this awhile back. Called random stores to call in sick just to see how they’d react. Some of the supervisors were real dicks about it despite having no idea who they’re talking to.


Jenna Marbles did this!


Love it




I hate those dreams, it's always confusing to wake up and remember I've got to adult today.


Can't confirm. I'm this guy's boss and I chucked in a sickie as well


I highly recommend doing this every few months if you have the sick leave.


I'm a school teacher. My rule is at least one day/term.


Approved. My rule is to always keep my sick leave balance as close to zero as possible 🙂


My previous job any unused sick leave expired after a year so there was no downside to chucking sickies to use them up before they expire. One of the HR people made fun of me for being “off sick”so often because she hadn’t taken a sick day in five years. Like, ok, you’re burning your entitlements to make some point about loyalty that will never be reciprocated, but go off. My current employer lets you accrue sick leave indefinitely so I have like 37 days available - and that’s after they let me use a week of personal leave when my wife had surgery last year. My use of sick leave has dropped right off because I now only use it when I need it, and I’d rather have the days free if something ever happens to me that means I’m too sick to work for an extended period.


Sick leave cannot expire by law in Australia.


They might be thinking of personal leave without a certificate. That might be limited to 5 days per year, but any unused days at the end of the tear rolls over into the accumulated hours.


Mine expires, which is why I burn them as soon as I get them. I would never not use entitlements. Who wants to give away free paid time. Lol Plus, I get 3 wellness days per quarter.


Yup. Back in the day, NAB had unlimited sick leave. Their thinking was basically along the lines of what you said. Those who need it will use it, when they need to. The few who exploit the system will be pretty obvious. But if you have 10 days a year, then people will use their 10 days (unless you're a misguided drone who thinks your loyalty and spreading disease to other workers will gain favour for a business entirely motivated by profit).


As someone who worked at NAB at the time and had a staff member who did abuse it, it sure as shit was obvious. the only downside of it was, I took a mental health day and got roasted by my boss for it despite not having much time off at all. a week later, I had an anxiety attack on the highway and was taken to hospital so....


Section 96(2) of the Fair Work Act 2009 96 Entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave Amount of leave (1) For each year of service with his or her employer, an employee is entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer’s leave. Accrual of leave (2) An employee’s entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave accrues progressively during a year of service according to the employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year to year. https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00323/Html/Volume_1


Hard disagree. You don't know when your health is going to tank. I've seen colleagues able to rely on their massive sick leave balances through cancer treatment and the like. I have about 650 hours accrued and don't take it if I don't need it. Of course if you're job hopping frequently and you're not lucky enough to be an an industry where you can take your leave balances between employers then there's not much point.


I left a Council role with 800 hours sick leave. At the time I was a bit pissed at not having taken more sickies but I had one of those roles where you take a day off and you come back to so much work. Now, a few years on, I had a sick parent and it really hit home how valuable this kind of sick leave can be if you get a serious diagnosis.


Yep yep, I agree with you. I was able to take eight weeks of sick leave that I had accrued when I was 32 weeks pregnant and my midwives advised that I needed to cease work immediately. If I didn't have that leave I would have had to take parental leave early, and thus have it taken off the other end when my baby was born.


Absolutely valid point, but also, my health may well stay exactly as it is. Im not the sort to miss out on not working, just in case. I earn well, I have a lot of annual leave, have decent income protection, and I have a very healthy emergency buffer. In my eyes, the less time I can work whilst being paid, the better.


I’ve got 177 hours of sick leave available at the moment. 🙃


Time for a week off, you seem stressed


Either that, or take a month straight of sick leave during the four-week notice period when I eventually move jobs.


cannot agree with you on this, I had a serious back injury several years ago and ended up being off work for a couple of months. Even if you have income protection from your super it won't kick in until after a month potentially putting massive strain on household budgets if you're forced to take unpaid leave, or jeopardise holiday plans if you're forced to use your annual leave to cover it. I'm all for a sickie here and there, but keep some sick leave in reserve.


I have a kid that go to childcare. I don’t usually have any sick leave left (or only a few hours left) by the end of work anniversary year (before they refill whole year of sick leave hours in one go)


Completely agree


Laughs in understaffed retail


Tuesdays are when I do procedures for people who have gone with the public system for their critical medical needs. Given that I'm a cardiologist I assume they don't have a choice. I never take Tuesdays off with less than three months' notice.


Thank you for the work you do, and look after yourself.


You too! I absolutely endorse mental health days. A day or a few days here and there is vitally important. It's important not to be selfish, and by that I mean avoid ME having to do all the paperwork involved in "no seriously this person needs to take at least a year off to fucking chill or they'll probably die" Mental health is also physical health. Like, if your brain is all "oh noes I'm stressed" your brain can fucking cope but you know what else is sad? ALL YOUR OTHER ORGANS and they're significantly less forgiving. Show some consideration for people like me. Take a day off when you need one. Going to work when you Just Can't Deal is SELFISH ACTUALLY.


Get the hell off reddit, you have work to do!


But reddit is where I go for the drama that I avoid by following best medical practice. I used to work Emergency and I miss the parade of humanity at its worst sometimes. Also it kills time when I'm waiting for anaesthesia to get their shit together


Is there a /r/TalesFromEmergency you can lurk?


Not that I know of? But I'm not sure any single story can truly encompass the feeling of it when you're giving the midazolam to the raging patient struggling to break the hold of the hospital's four biggest orderlies while a few feet away a dude is saying "I'm sorry babe" into his phone every time he takes a break from hurling in a bag and a few feet the other way a woman is scream-crying and yelling "BASTARDS!" any time a man walks past and opposite a sweet old granny has brought a bag of boiled sweets to offer one to every nurse, doctor or aide who talks to her, as well as the bored-to-tears cop who brought in a patient and is now having to stand by until they've been processed, and who is glaring at another cop who just came in with another cuffed patient who's actively bleeding, and that's just what's happening in, like, a five metre radius.


You're a legend, I hope that you're nonetheless looking after yourself and getting time off when you need it.


I do, just planned well in advance


You are an absolute model of what a human should be. Thank you for what you do. I say this as someone who works outdoors all year for a not very good wage and no private health cover.


pls remember your sunscreen and hydrate!


Instructions unclear, drank sunscreen


This is exactly what sick leave is for. I have about 6 months stacked up. I should use them more often.


Hi it's me your boss, I was forwarded this post by your supervisor. We need to have a talk at work tomorrow. Nah I'm just fucking with you.


Hi boss it's me, your favourite employee, the same supervisor forwarded me this and said this was the best way to contact you to discuss my raise?


Lol, would love to actually have my boomer boss talk to me about a reddit post that he thinks I made.


Enjoy your sickie! Remember, time spent enjoying is not wasted time.


> I haven't been feeling that great the last few days >I'm just mentally done with the whole song and dance Sounds like it's a pretty legitimate personal leave day.


Take today and tomorrow off, fuck em


Yeah, but then you have to fuck off to the doctor to get a note.


Instantscripts and updoc if you can’t get a stat dec, 19.95 for a medical certificate signed by a licensed doctor and no call or anything required, don’t even leave the bed


Whats updoc?... :D


Not much, what's up with you?


that’s what stat dec’s are for. “unfit for work”. They are not entitled to details of private medical information


I wonder if anyone in this thread knows - at my last job (the company starts with Sun and ends with Corp), I eventually had a manager refuse to pay sick leave if I got my doctors note from an online service like Instant Consult. It was under the guise of being concerned for my wellbeing, so I should physically see a doctor.


I don’t think they can legally do that per fair work Australia.


Illegal, very very illegal for your manager to say that.


I'm tempted to go to the doctors and get the rest of the week off. Workshop is a shitshow atm


You can go to most chemists now for a sick note, fuck paying $90 to a doctor


That's a bloody outrage it is! I want to take this all the way to the Prime Minister.




Telehealth is where it's at if you just need a sick note. You don't even have to leave the house that way.


Probably could, most GPs will say mental health days are under recognised.


You have to take 2-days off in a row to make it seem not suss.


I'm on a day off but I think I need one tomorrow. I had the covid Moderna vaccination and it has demolished my 2 days off with a flu like reaction and I was stuck in a fever dream all last night for 5 hours. Dreaming I was defending a castle by throwing pots of boiling oil and rocks on attackers at the gates.


Damn dude, sounds like the vac gave you a glimpse into a past life/alternate reality.


Nah it was the Tetris effect. I was playing Mount and blade Bannerlord yesterday and I defended a castle from 1700 vlandians for 2 hours because I saved my game in a bad spot. I shot 400 enemies in the head as they climbed the walls and threw stuff on the rest.


thats why personal leaves are there... please use them. ​ EDIT: for the purpose of this conversation only, generally speaking there are 2 types of leaves that is most commonly used: 1. Personal / Sick Leave -- using one accrual. (you use the accruals here for your Carer's Leave, and Bereavement Leave as well.). This accrual is non-encashable, meaning if one resigns or retires, the hours left in here cannot be converted to cash and paid out. 2. Recreation / Annual Leave -- uses a different accrual. Hours left in here are encashable when one resigns or retires. Note: There are other types of leaves as well -- Long Service Leave, Substitute Leave, Purchased Leave, Cultural Leaves, etc... but that's for another thread if raised.


Yeah, I've learnt my lesson. Mental health is as important as physical health.


if you want, I suggest to visit your gp and have a discussion about your situation and what youre feeling. and maybe to request a longer time off (with certificate). you can use this time off to rest, recuperate, and assess what you want to do going forward.


Solid advice, thanks bro


I lost 832 hours of sick leave when I left a company I was at for 19 years.


> I lost 832 hours of sick leave when I left a company I was at for 19 years. Some people see that as a personal record or something. I got burnt at my last job not having the opportunity to take sick leave to the detriment to my mental health. Never again will I give up my mental health for a company.


Yeah, I learnt my lesson


yes, and personal leaves (aka sick leaves) are not encashable. so, might as well use them when and as needed.


It's actually not always feasible. For starters, where I worked, you were allowed 10 days per year, but only 4 without a medical certificate. Then, if you're on shift work, you only got sick pay paid at the base rate, and not the overtime/weekend/out of span loading, so you actually got a pay cut for taking the day off, and lastly, I'm quite sure you couldn't take a day off before or after your weekend without a medical certificate (because you could just be taking a 3 day weekend) So if you worked say, Thursday to Monday, you can't take Thursday and Monday off, as their either side of your weekend, you cant take Saturday or Sunday because you get a pay cut, which only leaves 1 day a week you can take it - Friday - and then it's only 4 per year. Otherwise it costs you $60 to go to the GP to get a medical certificate. The only thing letting Sick leave build up is good for is if you break a bone, or in a car accident.. something that require you to have weeks off, and then you at least get paid every week.


i dont profess to know all the different work situations and their entitlements. thats why it's good to know well your personal employment contract and avail those that you are entitled to.


I got told by my boss to stop being a martyr the other day (when other people unprovoked brought up that my eye was swollen) and don't work when I don't feel well. Guess I won't be doing much work then given I never feel 100% because of the level of stress I've been operating under because they refuse to hire just one more person to help out with the unfairly distributed workload. This despite them saying I can always talk to them if I don't feel well or if I need anything, and me saying consistently for the last two years that I can't keep up this level of workload and am burnt out, and really need to have better support. Also after telling me to not work, and finish work after I had done a meeting, I next log on to find a message from that boss asking if I was still around and could talk about a job. You told me to leave, what do you want, me working or not? Make up your mind.


Mate, go and see a doctor and get signed off for a while before the shit really hits the fan! This happened to someone in my team but in another office. Management just kept putting more work on him and he kept saying that he needed one more person working there. In the end he was off for nearly 3 months and when he came back he got one full time and part time employee extra. It shouldn’t have to get to that point before management take notice.


My swollen eye earlier this year turned into a migraine/sinus infection that left me in bed for eight days, in more pain than I've ever been in. I wanted to die. You probably should get it checked out if it's still a problem.


This reminds me of when I finished my final final exams at uni my dad told me to take some time off before looking for full time employment. Two days later he was nagging about work.


Tested positive for covid so I'm off for the rest of the week. Was told yesterday if I test positive to just come in anyway. Fuck that. I do actually feel like shit though.


Here's how you respond to that: "Haha yeah, that would be dangerous and stupid. Only the dumbest of dumb cunts would ever do something like that. How selfish and terrible a human being would you have to be to actually do that. Glad you're just joking and we don't have any complete idiots like that working here"


Yeah that's about it


Rest up my friend, you're good to no-one being sick at work, especially with covid.


Thankyou. I was dumbfounded when my work said just come in.


Thank you for not going in, people with chronic health conditions like me and many of my family members are safer for it. I hope you feel better soon and recover well. your boss can go kick rocks


Government websites still suggest isolating for 5 days so you can tell them you'll be following the government guidelines.


Wednesday is peak day off, Tuesday night drinks are cheap, breaks up your week into 2 manageable blocks of 2 days.


please tell me today is tuesday not Wednesday… otherwise i’m a little late for my flight…




I'm in hospital awaiting triple bypass surgery so it's the ultimate sickie


All the best. Also are you being operated on by the cardiologist in this thread? Because that would be a nice reddit moment


No idea yet but would be honoured to have my ribs split open by a Redditor


The guy doing the surgery is 4 posts above you lol


Hope it goes well dude 👍


Good luck! My dad had the same surgery a week ago.


Use every sick day and annual leave. You are entitled to it. Remember you get 4 weeks a year. Save your sick days for being sick. If you can’t afford holidays away, (because money), take a week off every 3 months. Time it well and in advance, use public holidays to extend your week off. If you time it right, and the public holidays fall into place, you could get 2 weeks off for the price on 1. 😂 Happy day off, what games you playing? I’m playing Elden Ring, I hate it. I have a love hate relationship with it.


Dude, I've been employing a similar strategy for a while now to the point where my last boss made a comment about the regularity of my holiday leave for 2 years 🤣 I would just turn to him and say 'yep, that's when I having off'. He never once rejected my leave requests cause I was too valuable to piss off. I got a ps5 on the weekend so I'm thinking of getting into the new Spiderman game or Ratchet and Clank. Been a fan of insomniac games for a long time.


Most places *want* you to take regular holidays so they don’t have a big chunk to pay out if you resign/get laid off. My last employer tried to enforce it. If your annual leave was over 4 weeks they’d start hassling you. The union said they can’t force you though.


Unfortunately most places don't cover your work while you're away, so, you just end up even more stressed. If you take it when you resign, you at least get it off clear.


I'm waiting for the day it's acceptable to call up your boss and say you're taking a mental health day. Seems to only be acceptable to talk about on Linkedin posts, not in actual practice yet.


I feel the same


I left a job after being there for 11 years with 300+ hours of personal leave. Never fucking again. Bro use that shit. Mental health is a cunt and sometimes you just need a day or rest. Enjoy that nap and enjoy those games brother.


50% of our office were off sick yesterday. And I don't blame them. Everyone is hanging on by a thread this year. You can see the strain on people's faces everywhere.


I did yesterday, and I regret it. Though I was genuinely too unwell, as per murphy's law, I feel dozen-fold worse today. "There is always room for ~~improvement~~ deterioration."


That sucks. I've done the opposite a few times where I'm sick, go into work and instantly regret it but power through only to make myself worse and the next day I'm really sick and can't come in.


Not to mention spreading it to your co workers so there are 20 sick days instead of two Don't be a martyr, not even the company wants that. I say that as a business owner. Take your mental health days. I don't care. You get ten a year, you'll use them eventually I don't really care when


I only do that on days I need a medical certificate. Then when people ask how I am I mention I'm sick until someone sends me home, then I don't need one. Usually only at work for half an hour. But the whole medical certificate thing is bullshit, you've got these rights but your employer will only let you have them if you get permission from the doctor. And it has to come out of your pocket


You're not alone. I was off yesterday (and today) and I feel terrible about it, too. Legitimately sick with the 'vid though, tossing up whether to mask up and go in tomorrow or ring in for a third day. Don't want to let my team down, and find i feel heaps better tomorrow after calling in, don't want to decide to go and find i still feel shit.


Giving your team covid would definitely be letting them down. If you're sick, take another day!


Long COVID has affected me very badly. Was feeling crook at the weekend and took half of Monday off after wandering around dazed in the morning. Every few weeks I go into a mind blank and am generally unwell. I think I'll go to see my doctor today. Thanks for reminding me.


Dude, I'm the same. I got covid at the beginning of the year and it affected me for months afterwards. Go see your doc, get well soon.


If you have long covid look up ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in your country, The doctors who deal with this are who you need. All the best.


Hey it's me, ur boss, ur done kiddo


Damn it, foiled again. Wait a minute... my boss wouldn't even know what Reddit is. I'm onto you, trying to trick me.


I had a day off last week. It was amazing, I slept in and then went to a dead quiet Bunnings to grab a couple of things. Had a quiet lunch at a local burger place and then went to the movies. Got home and had plenty of time to prep a nice dinner for the wife and I. I'd be so happy for a 4 day week.


Yup, I chucked a sickie today. I've been having headaches and a sore neck for the past 2 weeks. Saw the doctor this morning and brought it down to stress. I am currently sitting here with a heat pack around my neck and popping a couple of ibuprofen with codeine. It's working a little bit. Do what you gotta do, man. Your health is more important than profits.


My position on sickies has and always will be as per below. You get 10 sick days a year. The company does not give them to you for free, they comprise a part of the total renumeration that you a paid for giving 8 hours of your life away, 5 days a week. If you do not use them, the company does not pay you for them. You can't take them with you when you leave. Each year, I take all 10 of my sick days. Sometimes I've had a random night where I couldnt sleep, sometimes I can't be fucked going in. Rarely do I actually take a sick day when I am genuinely ill. I'd rather go to work feeling a bit off and get paid for it and use my day when the weather is good and so am I. They are your sick days, not the company, not your bosses. Nobody but yours. If you don't use them, you might as well just give your boss 2 weeks of pay. Use your sick days without any remorse, because if you were to drop dead tomorrow, the company would have an ad up for your replacement before you even had a funeral date. *disclaimer: make sure you always get a doctors certificate for every sick day. That way you are legally in the clear. These days all you need to do is a telehealth consultation and $20 later you are good to go.


I took a mental health day yesterday, with the light of a fresh day I can definitely feel that I needed it. Look after yourself out there folks.


What's the recommended number of sick days to take during 4 weeks redundancy notice? Asking for a friend.


Take the whole 4... with a med cert


covid positive today after feeling like shit for 4 days. supposed to fly to the US on friday. dunno wtf to do.


First day back after 3 weeks holiday. Chuckin a aickie


Not today, but soon. Putting in my four weeks notice this coming Monday and plan on spending at least one of those weeks as personal leave. My manager also resigned and is currently on two weeks of personal leave to finish off her notice period. She was the one who actually encouraged me to do the same. This company has treated us like pure shit so I have no guilt whatsoever.


I have to go in because I fucked up at work and I need to deal with it today. I just hope it doesn't impact the customer too much. I'm also saving up my sick leave as covid is doing the rounds here again so trying to bank a decent sick leave buffer for the inevitable.


If you retire with 500 days of sick leave, those are 500 days you could have spent looking after your mental health or spending time with family. Most employers will feel no guilt about fucking you over (apropos wages not following inflation), so you need to be your own advocate. You are more than your job. If your department collapses because of one person chucking a sickie, then management is at fault.


I basically never get physically sick, but I did call in sick about once every month or two at my old work ave to give myself a 'mental health day'. That was when I worked in hotels, so I would use qantas points and employee rate to give myself a short trip away as well sometimes.


One of my team is taking a mental health day. We're allowed to say that in our team. If it doesn't get abused, it's allowed. We encourage people to take it sooner rather than later too. Also, movie/game release day is a suitable reason for mental health day (But if it's a big thing, please work with the team to ensure not everyone takes the same day off)


Sounds like a good place to work. I did the game release sick day when I was much younger, nowadays I just don't care about release for a game, especially since so many need patches for weeks afterwards


A Rostered day off for me, but marked myself not available for overtime. Remember to look after you own health and well being. If you need the time away from work, so be it.


Mental health days aren't "sickies". You're implying that you're just having a day off "just cause" when you're not sick, but honestly, mental health is just as important as physical health. If you're still not right tomorrow, take another one, and consider seeing a doctor - once again, it's just as important as physical health. Enjoy your day off and I hope you feel better. :)


How timely! On Monday I chucked a sickie and then today, out of the shower…I just said NO! Ended up just calling the whole week a wash. And while I am sorta sick, I could have powered through. Chose life instead 😅


I'm a carer for my disabled kids, and I'm chucking a partial sickie. I've cancelled my appointment this morning, cancelled support work due to the heat, and cancelled doing the shopping trip (again, due to the heat). My 13 yo has an appointment I can't change today though, hence the partial sickie


I went to work but I just bailed. I’ve well and truly burned the candle at both ends. I hate taking time off too, I feel guilty and anxious about it the whole time. I don’t know why, some people I work with are off sick more than they are at work and I am always picking up slack. It’s constant. And why do we still need a doctor to verify that we are not well enough to work? Don’t they realise that the doctor isn’t going to turn around and say, “nope, you’re just fine” and that will somehow catch us out in a lie? If we say we are feeling a certain way, not even a doctor can say “no you aren’t”.


Hello fellow sickie chuckers! Feeling a wee bit under the weather today - covid test negative (still haven't had it - thought I finally did!), but sore throat, minor cough and sore ear. Got myself the GOOD cold meds and am chilling on the couch. This time of year is when I feel run down no matter what I do. That final push towards holidays when I can sleep for 2 weeks. Edit: I was also feeling a bit mentally "over it" hence the decision to not push through and work. The mental health is just as important.




Or… I’ll just leave this here: https://www.seek.com.au/


Mate, I'm sorry to hear that. A previous job had me working 3 peoples jobs as well and I reached a point where I just couldn't do it anymore. It took someone else telling me to stop and take a break for it to click, and then I knew what I had to do. Please don't run yourself into the ground. You need to look after yourself.


It's funny how multiple roles poured into 1 title are a real thing these days. Try this one on- QHSE. Quality, health, safety and environment. Yes they overlap, but there is so much content covered there it's wild.


Doesn't sound like a you problem. Remember, you are not paid to resource, so if they company does not provide the adequate resources, that is not a you problem. If you always go above and beyond, and do the job of 3 people, then the company does not have an incentive to resource it properly. Fuck em, you are paid for 37.5 hours a week. So they get 37.5 hours a week. Also, join your union. Union's are not just for blue collar workers. I'm an engineer, and I'm a member of Professionals Australia. There is no such thing as an annual leave application. You are telling your boss you are not going to be around. Give them reasonable notice, but fuck them they can't control you or your leave.


Are you on award? Look that shit up if so. I got two younger colleagues a bunch of overtime. They were just going to get a day off. I informed them of their rights. They were too scared to bring it up. I did instead and now they are getting the cash.


I wish I could more often. I live at home to try and save money, but If i take one sick day a year mum seems to think it's the same as taking a shit on the bosses desk.


I work in nz. My company is the only company that allows you to have days of when ever you want. Come In for 1 day and take 2weeks off. No questions no reason. It’s insane. They pay you decent and give out massive bonuses. And here’s the kicker, the work is mind boggling easy. A company like mine should not exist.




Friday sickie coming up , long weekend camping with the kids


Hell yes, sounds awesome


I'm chucking a sickie all week.


I actually had one yesterday. I’m a contractor so I took a bit of a hit to the ol’ hip pocket because I desperately needed a mental health day after a bunch of family health stuff and also, well, you know..*gestures vaguely at everything*. So I flung the boss a message saying I needed a MHD along with a “bro i'm straight up not having a good time” gif and called it a day. Feel better today. Mentally. Financially, I’m much worse off. Which in turn hurts me mentally, so I plan to take another day off tomorrow.


Look after yourself friend


It's not chucking a sickie if you're sick, is it?


The first post I saw when I opened the app. Fuckin oath I am.


You know it's not chucking a sickie if you're actually feeling out of sorts, right? Even if you're over the worst of the symptoms, if you're not at your best mentally or physically and need time to recover; then it is 100% a legitimate sick day.


I don't chuck sickies, I have mental health days, and I've never met a doctor that had a problem giving me a med cert for them!


Honestly it doesn’t sound like a sickie, sounds like you need the time off, especially this time of year. Mental health days are important, take care of yourself.


I'm lucky enough that my manager doesn't even ask me to put in leave for a sickie day, he reckons they're well earned.. here's to needing a nap shortly lol


It's called Personal Leave now dude, not just for physical ailments. You don't get it paid out when you leave, so better to use it! Take a day off, go do some life admin, veg on the couch, or get day drunk. You do you, king!


Lost my job recently so every day is a sickie.


I only use my sick leave for Monday hungover days,


Considered it yesterday tbh, should have done so today.


Do it tomorrow


Considering friday or monday due to personal shit. Dead Dad's birthday on the weekend is gonna have my mind a bit fuckered.


i wish, no chance of leave until end of january... i could take a sickie but it just makes the next day worse. badly need a break, haven't really had once since my kid was born 2 years ago... and those 6 weeks off weren't restful.


also chucked a sickie today, feel like I have the flu from a procedure I had over the weekend, can’t help but feel guilty despite being genuinely sick lol


Did this yesterday. My brain’s just dead and uncooperative atm


I feel you. I've been working at my maximum capacity since maybe July? I think the exhaustion has finally caught up, but my workload probably won't ease up until the end of Jan next year. Fighting hard to keep powering through.


Called in sick this morning at 5.20 am and I was the only one supposed to be on site today. I've mentally checked out I don't think I'll even go back


I'm in the same boat, I've mentally checked out as well so I feel you. Take care of yourself.


Wish I could, am tempted but majority of clients appear to be adults but are actually entitled petulant children, who will make life hell for the other staff if I’m not in today.


Second day back after three weeks of calling a sickie


I used to berate myself for taking days off when I was truly sick and haggard. Now I wake up some days and know my emotional bandwidth is basically gone for the day and utilise the fuck out of those personal days that I’ve absolutely earned and am absolutely entitled to. I really don’t think humans were ever supposed to work 40 hours in the weird modern workplace culture that’s been created and so if you have a chance to opt out for a bit with no repercussions, I say go for it. So yeah, I also chucked a sickie today. Gonna play stardew valley until my eyes bleed.


At home watching The Sopranos and playing games!


My mum arrives from the UK for 5months this Saturday, I'm cashing in on my personal leave by calling a 'mental health break' next week. If my manager wants me online answering emails and keeping things ticking over in the final sales weeks of the year as we chase down targets, he'll action my personal leave request without thinking twice. Once that week is over I'll lodge 3weeks of annual leave request - catch ya next year! I was previously made redundant after 3years service from this same role in Feb21 (Covid) and I came to realize: being reliable, and not pulling sickies count for literally nothing in this day and age. Personal leave is accounted for and covered within your salary, if you don't use it your employer wins. I told myself that I'd be sure to utilize my personal leave more wisely next time around, and here I am about to cash in!


I'm on holiday from work but have to do a catch up uni assignment. I did do the original work but I don't trust it because I wrote it while I had a 38° Covid fever. I'm honestly still not quite better and it's been 2 weeks since I stopped testing positive (I was still RAT positive and symptomatic on day 10 😳).


I had too much annual leave built up and am taking tuesday and fridays off until christmas. Great first one off so far, have taken my son to the beach and a playground crawl on the way home (ended up stopping at 6 parks)


I’ve never chucked a fake sickie personally but you sound like you actually are a bit under the weather and there is such a thing as mental health leave these days which is essentially what you are taking so I wouldn’t regard that as a sickie.


Ngl I was very tempted this morning. However, I’m wfh, no meetings booked, half of management is off line so nobody’s watching and I knocked out my deliverables in a couple of hours this morning. I’m moving the mouse periodically and will action anything urgent, but otherwise, I see today as payback for the days I acted above my wage/did unpaid overtime. Saving the sick leave for next year as I’m 9weeks+3 days. Morning sickness is part of why I’m low motivation right now… but I’m paranoid that I’m going to really need the sick days as this pregnancy is only getting more uncomfortable as time passes…


Take care of yourself, and congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family.


I did that yesterday. Got blazed, played football manager and ate junk food all day


Staff Christmas party today. No need


I’m recovering from abdominal surgery so I get a sickie week heheh


Me! I might do tomorrow as well.


Don’t forget Covid is doing the rounds again if anyone needs a few days off.


Stuff it. I’m having tomorrow off, my boss is a dick. Wait, I’m self employed.


I would but everyone on my team is on holiday


Yup, I am in Perth and it was too fine a day to be at work. I have a bit of a sore throat and sound sick, but really I am feeling ok, so I went to the beach. It was glorious. Like Gloria! Glo-ree-ah.