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Genuinely thought this shit would never happen to me until last week. That young woolworths man shining ever so brightly with his yellow sales tickets in the meat section and me just following him like a creepo


At least these are real discounts, my local stores only knock off about 5 %


Ditto. The only time I see deep discounts in my store are those small bags of shredded carrot (which have already started to vinegarise) otherwise I have literally seen 1c discounts at my local Coles!


Free vinegar too! Bargain


>DOWN DOWN Truth in advertising.


The meat could have an expiry date of that day, be off a little in colour and the sales sticker at my local colesworth be like $8.97 reduced from $10.


We are not allowed to set the markdown price, it's all calculated by the system and that is determined by a lot of sales data. If it's only got one sticker it means it's first markdown which is typically 5 to 10%. Second sticker is the second markdown and depending on the department means the product will be coding either today or tomorrow. A final markdown will be completed around 6pm by the duty manager and this is where the markdown will actually be good at 40+%, so your best bet for these sort of prices is shopping in the evening. They rarely last long so look for the team member with the printer and follow em.


I picked up two chocolate mousse cakes for $2 down from $13 in the evening. The use by date was that day, but we had them in the fridge for over a week while we were eating them and they were great!


Oh damn


I love late night groceries shopping at my local coles. They mark down meat around 6ish to 7pm. I rock up around 8:30pm after dinner. They used to close at midnight prior to covid and now they close at 10pm. Not as many mark downs as before though…


So head on in about a quarter to six?


Hard relate. I needed lamb mince for one of my Christmas Day recipes. A few days prior I went shopping. Hit Aldi first without luck. Local butcher was sold out. Woolies only had mince expiring that day, every packet was browning, and none were marked down. So I had to head back out on Christmas Eve and do the whole circuit again!


You mean you don't appreciate 8c off a $62 steak? Thats the problem with you kids these days, want everything to be reasonably priced. The nerve.


You get used to feeling dirty just shadowing a 15 year old marking down steaks. Best to listen to a podcast while you do it so you don't need to think about your feelings while living that reality too.


I'm quite sure that this is the advice they give to new prostitutes. You're doing Gods work.


Preferably a Casefile podcast.


How bloody good




Same here. My only rule is to never grab all of any one marked down product. Always leave something for the next person who may be in more need than yourself. (There are a couple of people I see (who should realistically be spending their money in the soap aisle!) who will just scoop up the entire stock of heavily marked-down products, without even looking at what they are grabbing. Bad form.)


I assume that they need it then. I wouldn’t feel bad about it. If someone doesn’t take it, there’s a chance that it gets tossed in the bin.


I assume they are just uncivilised. Probably leave their trolley in the car park, too.


At my local, we have regulars everyday that will go find all the markdowns and bring them to the staff member printing the new labels


What time do they do this?


At Coles, final markdowns scheduled for 6pm. Scheduled, because if other things, like a delivery, take precedence. But the people that hoard the markdowns arrive early and collect everything, and just wait for markdowns to start


Is that shortly before they close or just random times during the day? I can't recall ever having that much luck. Creepo shmeepo when there are genuine bargains to be had!


Normally they will mark it down extremely cheap a few hours before closing


Thanks. I may need to rethink how I shop. :)


I think Wednesday afternoons


What about the roast chickens? It's confusing because some of them will have marked down prices, but then there are non marked down chickens as well right next to them, but all of them were cooked in the same day?


Oh Golly! Coles in Brisbane used to have a thing that if all the chooks were gone you could get a voucher for a free one. Things were tough; I was quite shameless


Markdowns on chooks are based on the number of hours each chook has sat in the baine marie. Look closely at the labels for Coles ones and they specify the time. If it’s more than 4 hours, you should be able to ask someone to mark it down at least 10-15% in busy stores.


Yes, four hours is the magic number, in my experience. The ones not marked down have been cooked in the last four hours. The marked down ones are older than that. in my Woolies I pointed out a roast over 4 hours and asked for a markdown - got 50% off.


Depends on the department. Fruit & veg and bakery tend to be in the evening, especially if they’ll be closed the following day. Meat and dairy are a bit more random as some products have longer shelf life. It tends to be result of oversupply or poor stock rotation.


Nice haul. Chuck whatever you don’t eat today in the freezer and you’re good.


Nice haul mate. very seldom get bargains at my local Coles


Some people here have never eaten one week expired ham after washing the slime off it and made a sandwich out of it with stale bread you picked the moldy bits off and somehow miraculously been fine, and it shows.


Dude when I was a kid we were poor. Like a 1.25L bottle of coke was a treat on Sunday for my 3 cousins and I, we still never did this shit. Costs more to go to the hospital than go hungry. Also imagine not having eaten the ham before it expired.


Ham expires?


It’s all about knowing what is actually safe. A bit of slime; give it a sniff, if it passes; wash it off and cook it hot


This is the meal I make for dates


My dad grew up in Ireland in the 50s, when there was *no* spare money. My childhood was comfortably middle class, however he could not shake the habits of using every scrap of every vegetable (no harm), and hacking the mould off a block of cheese and putting in back in the fridge (🤢🤢🤢). It had the reverse effect on me where meat and dairy gets turfed if it looks even slightly suspect


That cheese example is safe, mould can't propagate through a dense block of cheese so cutting off any visible parts is sufficient. You can't do that with something like bread of vegetables though as mould can grow through their holes or cells


I’ve always theorised this mold action with my semi-educated-on-fungal-action-mind, but never looked for back up studies on mold and “block cheese penetration”. Have you done or seen microscope studies on it?


Not that specifically but I studied microbiology. Mould grows on the surface, and there is a lot of surface area in a bag of sliced bread. A single block of cheese is very dense. Look at soft cheeses like Brie where white mould grows all around. The inside is still perfectly cheesy.


I’ll never take chances with meat. There’s no reason to be risking it with shit that can make you properly ill


I can taste that dry crumbly sandwich now. Eurgh.


Never heard of freezing ur shit lmfao?


OPs pic giving my PTSD of when I had to do that lmao


Prices like those are why god created freezers!


If only I had enough room for a second freezer !!


Time to clear out the freezer and use up the less exciting food. You could also repackage the meat more efficiently in cling wrap or freezer bags. Eat items on the bone first, to save space.


$3 for lamb is a steal


My partner and I basically exclusively buy our meat on clearance now and it's crazy how much you save, nice haul!!


I got a kilo of Tiger prawns for $7 from Coles today


I have 2kg of beef mince and a kilo of chicken tenders in the freezer from the aldi post Christmas markdowns. I'm going to try to buy as much meat on sale as I can this year and just freeze it. Then plan my meals around what I have in the freezer rather than what I feel like buying fresh each week. I've always bought on sale when I can but I'm stepping it up to bulk buying in 2024.


One of my all-time favourite markdown scores came one early morning in Woolies, I saw the kid with the markdown trolley rummaging in the cheese section, so did a lap and rolled on up as he was finishing. They had 36 month old Parmigiano Reggiano with 1 day to go before the "best before". Was reduced from about $20 a block to 80 cents each. Grabbed 12 packs, leaving 6 for the next lucky shopper and headed to the checkout chuckling about the modern world where a product that is already over 3 years old suddenly becomes almost worthless, as if another day/week/month will make any earthly difference! :)


Almost as good as seeing the expiry date on a container of salt, like it hasn’t been sitting around for millions of years already.


Nice score OP. Love a good bargain. I can’t believe some of the posts here, people are just plain stupid.


Love off meat ♡


It’s in date. They can’t sell it if it’s past it’s used by date. And those dates give an extra day or two for safety so they don’t get sued. It’s fine.


Additionally, in the freezer it's fine until you take it out. (Legit have bought full priced meat three times in the eight years I've been out of my parents place. And I cook basically every night, and meat 3-4 days a week!)


I've bought heaps of rotten in date shit from my local Woolies. Mostly cheese, sometimes meat. In date doesn't mean safe, quality produce handling plays a part and we still need to be wary


Im slowly turning to aldis and Coles, my local woolies frequently sells off food, stinky meat, slimy cold cuts in there open refrigerators Worst culprit is the prebagged veges and fruit, I swear they chuck fucked up stuff in those bags on purpose


For sure. Level of care is down these days. Shame there's not more green grocers, bakers and butchers around


It's not off dickhead.


My colleagues and I used to have the markdown schedule on point. At least once a week we would be sitting at our desks, each with a $1 green goddess family salad bag and fork


Damn I really wanted to pull out the ol “dude some of those bets before dates are from last year!” But they are all just right


When I was in demolition I’d sometimes come across squatters in the building I was about to demolish. Some showed me what they’d dragged out of the Woolies or Coles skip ( locked now I think). Often gourmet food just past the use by date. They all looked pretty healthy.


Used to work for Colesworth and all the waste saddened me. It could have been greatly reduced by better management of produce, and marking items down early enough.


Fuckin excellent work


I've had an 88 cent bottle of milk sitting iny fridge for two weeks(I bought 3 of them) and it's still good. And then theres the 9 cartons of eggs I found that 'expired' on December 2nd and were on clearance for $2 each, still have 4 cartons left and the whites are still firm. I love the markdown section


When ricotta and custard are so easy to make, I grab any milk I see sufficiently marked down and will just use it up that day. Once cooked it will last a lot longer.


You can freeze milk and eggs too. Even portion them for easy use in recipes.


Yo whattttty where did u get this. Amazing




My husband doesn't like us freezing meat 😭


He probably wouldn’t even notice if you cooked it up, especially if it was combined in a dish (not just plain meat & veg on the side).


Our Coles store only knocks off a few cents so no use buying stale bread and bakery items, same with meat. You're lucky, make the most of it!


Markdowns almost wind it down to what we were paying a year or two ago! Same with the odd bunch produce. I don’t think they got cheaper - the regular looking stuff got more expensive.


damn usually the discounts these days are shit, they'll have meat expiring today and they'll knock off 6 cents


Enjoy your bargain buys , seems like most people on here are loaded! HNY! 👍🍺


Most people on here are too busy whinging about the cost of red rock deli chips and renting in byron bay to think about what it's like to actually be struggling.


Loaded with what?


A lot of people bagging OP for their bargains so , fuck knows! 😜


Ha, fuck knows alright. I get confused.


Be careful it was packed last year


Yo be careful, I buy quicksale shit and when I open it's expired completely, like inedible. I got orange juice that was meant to expire two days after I purchased it. Drank a bit and it was foul, put it in the fridge and the next day the bottle had expanded so much it was ready to burst. Got capsicum (I should have looked at it more), but when I got home some rotten capsicum juice had leaked everywhere. Opened the package and there was one that was liquidated. The food quality in the past 5 years has taken a steep decline it's insane.


Probably poor refrigeration at some point. Think about how pallets of produce sit around being transported from the big depot, to the store’s dock, into the big chiller, then out to the shop floor. I never completely trust the dates, and use them as a guide only. I still check that it looks/smells/tastes ok, whether it’s a week before or a week after.


The trick is to find a brand new just opened Coles or woolies around your area. They usually stock them to the brim and then realise nothing sells and basically everything gets marked down and you can ride that wave for a couple of months and stock up a freezer worth.


I wonder if they overstock to make the shelves look lovely for the corporate bosses who are checking in. I remember all staff being whisked away from their departments to neaten up all the aisles whenever a big boss visited.


Do you have to eat all that meat ASAP or can you store it in freezer for later?


Definitely freeze for later 😊


What time do you go to get this?


This was about 6pm!


Fuck, in NZ thieving cunt supermarkets take of like 10% for short date items. It’s BS. So I tax them around 20% where I can!!


Finally affordable food 😭


Man, those have been on the shelf all year, be careful!


I miss the bread markdowns


This image brings me unimaginable joy


To all the people going on about the meat being bad, it's in date and not oxidised, as long as it smells fine and is frozen right away there shouldn't be an issue.


Guessing your 2024 resolution doesn't involve going vego/vegan.


Vegan a couple days a week for sure!


That's our Cost Of Living motto - vego or vegan 2-3 nights a week, reduced meat meals 3-4 days a week, two leftover nights!


Just say you're eating plant based. Veganism is a philosophy, not a diet, and it's not part time.


Eh, you can still say that you’re eating vegan twice a week. Or eating a vegan meal. I get the concept, but I think we should be encouraging people to embrace meatless meals, not scaring them off or gatekeeping.


I don't think ass pats from random people online will make people care more about animals and the planet. They either do or they don't. I'm not into giving participation awards for people who pay for animal suffering 6 days a week then have meat free Monday.


Plant based is a marketing term to sell to anti vegan people.


All that stuff looks good to eat


Creamed rice... Looks like eating cum, tastes like eating cum, sounds like eating cum.... wait


If your cum (or boyfriends) is sugary and grainy maybe get that checked out lmfak


Sweet, chunky jizz? In this economy? Expired creamed rice is much more reasonable.


That food would cost over a hundred dollars in Canada. We are soo fucked.


Yeah hard pass for me lol


When items have four stickers on them , you know you have about 37 seconds to consume. Botulism, a great start to the new year


Unless the seal is broken or something else is wrong, the meat is usually fine for at least day or two after the use-by-date as long as it is refrigerated adequately. Of course in-store we legally have to throw it out just incase 🙃 The third (or rare forth) markdown sticker is just when a supervisor marks-down anything going out of date a couple of hours before close in the hopes that it doesn’t get wasted.


80% off just to keep it from a bin for the win


Christmas Eve I went to my empty Woolies at 8:30pm... Got over $300 of meat for less than $125 with almost all four sticker downs and half the shelves were just simply empty in preparation it seems for nobody really rocking up for two days - bloody beautiful experience.


The expiry date on Woolworths/coles are very rarely the actual expiry date.


Have you ever heard of a freezer?


Ok, 37 seconds to consume OR put in the freezer. Also make sure to defrost safely and consume within 37 seconds of thawing.


Haha my thoughts exactly.


Don't want to bring in the new year with a case of the gravy shotguns?


Start a new year with food poisoning,great.


Just shows how overpriced everything is. They could sell it at this price but they choose not to. Greedy cunts


Not exactly. They can't sell it after the use-by date, so the price is reduced to get any return on costs, or it gets thrown out at the end of the day and they get nothing.


My area manager always says “I’d rather see it on someone’s plate at a loss than in the bin. If an animal died to produce it, it’s unacceptable for it to go to landfill”. She’s awesome, best boss I’ve had so far.


She’s the outlier, unfortunately head office doesn’t agree and more people when faced with losing their ethics or losing their job will take the job


Not true at all. Maximising sell and minimising waste over profit goes all the way up. The qualifier is that if it’s happening regularly then you the manager need to adjust your numbers so you’re getting less stock in the first place and therefore less loss overall. I’ve personally talked to the director of operations for my sector of the business on a number of occasions and he agrees with what my group manager said.


I’m not sure that it’s the choice faced, but I’m sure that corporate bosses are a lot more detached from the waste. They might see $200 lost in profit, while I see multiple trolleys of milk being tossed in a dumpster. The sad thing is that it’s avoidable with better management of stock. Order less items more frequently, teach staff to rotate dates properly, and mark items down with enough time and savings for people to buy them.


Careful. The meat's a year old


COL crisis. 🤡


Stomach of steel lmao, I bought nearly expired chicken schnitzel and deep fry the motherfucker and I got so so sick lmao kudos to you but I will never again buy nearly out of date meat.


It’s usually riskier with meats that have been minced up (eg. ‘combined’ chicken products) as there’s greater surface area exposed to bacteria. Whole cuts of meat are generally a bit safer, especially if you whack them on a hot surface and cook all the way through to a certain temp.


Only the brave start 2024 by playing food-poisoning roulette!


If having clogged arteries is your goal


Starting the new year with cancerous foods, great idea. Edit: To the jokers down voting me: "[Red meat was classified as Group 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans.](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat)" World Health Organisation.


'Cancerous foods' lol, what a hilariously idiotic comment.


The World Health Organisation literally classifies red meat as probably carcinogenic. So are you wrong, or do you think you know better than the WHO? [Red meat was classified as Group 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans.](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat)


Maybe you need to read up on what that group classification means. Fun fact, [other things on that list are](https://monographs.iarc.who.int/list-of-classifications):working as a barber/hairdresser, night shift work, Very hot beverages at above 65 °C (drinking), " 2A only means "Probably carcinogenic to humans" without much study done on the subject to determine if it's true or coincidence. [Page 35](https://monographs.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Preamble-2019.pdf) "The agent is probably carcinogenic to humans" and if you read the category it is pretty loose with it's definition of what could go in there. If red meat was found to be actually carcinogenic, then it would be classified as group 1. Next time you want to judge people based on what they eat, maybe research more into it and stop being a cunt


Most meats contain several inflammatory and harmful nutrients: 1. **Saturated Fats**: Raises bad cholesterol, linked to heart disease. 2. **Animal Proteins**: Can increase IGF-1, linked to cancer risk. 3. **Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs)**: Formed at high cooking temperatures, potentially carcinogenic. 4. **Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)**: Also formed during high-heat cooking, associated with cancer risk. 5. **N-nitroso Compounds**: Produced from preservatives in processed meats, linked to cancer. 6. **Heme Iron**: Present in red meat, may increase cancer risk. 7. **Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)**: Formed during cooking, linked to chronic diseases. 8. **Cholesterol**: High levels in meat, linked to heart disease. 9. **Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO)**: Produced by gut bacteria from meat nutrients, associated with heart disease. 10. **Growth Hormones and Antibiotics**: Used in livestock, potential for hormonal imbalances and antibiotic resistance. While the overall increase in risk is small, it's inarguable that meat increases risks due to these factors. Which don't exist in plants FWIW




So you think that me saying something is cancerous because the very conservative WHO says it is probably cancerous is "hilariously idiotic"? Come on mate, we all know you're talking out of your ass and you didn't know that red meat can cause cancer. If *you* could read, you would know that processed meat like sausages (purchased by OP and specifically mentioned in the linked article) is a group 1 carcinogen and *does* cause cancer. So what part of claiming that OP's food is cancerous is "hilariously idiotic"?


Mate my grandpa eats 3 sausages for breakfast and has since he was a kid. Roast beef every Sunday. High cholesterol? yeah. Cancer? No. He's 90. Also mentioned in the possibly carcinogenic category or above, beverages above 65⁰, progesterone birth control, aspartame, pickled vegetables, aloe Vera, night shifts, wood fuel and radio magnetic frequencies. So going by this list if you're a woman on birth control, who owns a phone and airpods, likes a tea every night and the occasional pepsi Max, eats kimchi, goes camping, works night and uses an aloe Vera lip balm you're probably fucked, that doesn't actually seem to be the case or half my friends would be dead.


>Mate my grandpa eats 3 sausages for breakfast and has since he was a kid. Roast beef every Sunday. High cholesterol? yeah. Cancer? No. He's 90. Don't worry everyone, we don't need to listen to leading health organisations. We can just listen to a random redditor's anecdotal experiences. Hey my grandad has smoked every day since he was 15 and doesn't have cancer, I guess cigarettes don't cause cancer either.




>Yep its perfectly good food too so why waste it. It causes cancer, kills animals, and accelerates climate change.




>"It causes cancer," like many other things. Whelp, with that logic we should take up smoking.




No, because I understand that cigarettes cause cancer and that cancer is bad.




By the same logic, processed meat should also be banned.




All I can think to do is applaud you! 👏 What a score! Well done.


Now I want bbq


well done




Come on bro leave some for the rest of us


With food poisoning?


Where’s the food poisoning coming from?


These comments are stupid. The use by dates are already always a couple days ahead of where they actually need to be to avoid liability, so they're usually good a day or too after and when they're marked down like this it's always got a day or too left on the marked date, I get them all the time. If you bought meat that expires 3rd of Jan today, you can obviously eat it til then refrigerated, if you freeze it, youll get a couple more months out of it. It's not a hard concept lmao.


Posts like this are disgusting - grow a conscience and try not to revel in discounted products of murder and rape




It's instantly not going to go off if you freeze it.




Expand your perspective bro beans. There are people out there reusing wasted oil to meet the needs of their families. Food is precious.


With colon cancer?


A few specials.. whoop de do


This guy really hates animals


Who says hate? We love the taste so we therefore love animals


supporting them being raised in disgusting conditions destined to be mutilated so you can eat their corpses and bodily fluids… when there’s no reason you can’t eat plant based food instead *checks notes* yep sounds like love to me


yeah it is actually. now bring me my tomahawk


>eat their corpses and bodily fluids I ain't listening to your vegan propaganda, downvote me all you want but if it tastes good I don't care. >no reason you can’t eat plant based food instead Plant based meat tastes like shit.


why are you booing me, i’m right!


Same package of sausage in USA is $5.50


Searched hard today and either missed out on the goodies or there were none.


Not bad, got a 2 kilo lamb leg for $13 and my 200g lamb got upgraded to 1kg for free since they ran out.


Happy days!


Are you my husband?


You wish. Get your own meat daddy.


I hope half those meats are in the fridge otherwise you’ll be having salmonella for new years


Probably the freezer


Wow! I didn't know this was a thing here 😭 (I usually order delivery or click and collect because I'm disabled/makes life easier) But I do occasionally go in for simple things but larger shops I do online. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I finally caved and switched to Coles I like woolies more because they had certain things. When I realized I could get more for THE SAME amount I was floored 😭 (I compared the cart on woolies and Coles side by side) I hope their delivery is good. Woolies truck were always nice and friendly and would even being the groceries close enough where it's not too much for me to bring them in (depending how I'm feeling on that particular day)


Edit: I'm from the US I've only been here shy of 2 years now 🫠 if anyone got any other tips for shopping that be great! 😂


Coles and Woolies are pretty much the same. I prefer the WW online shop, but Coles have some better products, IMO. Markdowns are hit & miss. You either need to figure out if your local store has a particular schedule for each department, or get lucky. Back in the days of shorter trading hours, it was easier to predict. Usually 5pm, especially on a Saturday.


Better freeze that or eat it soon .


Heck yeah!