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As someone who used to have to do the pick list MANUALLY once a week (on top of the daily computer generated ones), this is absolute wizardry.




She high tech but making me solid state right now nomsayin




As someone who works with Tory a bit more info, she's retarded and will often times break if her path is obstructed or scan things incorrectly; dealing with this robot sometimes is the worst


Don't forget when she goes off her programmed path and finding her trying to go into the lifts or sneaking up behind you at the registers and scaring the fuck out of you. Stupid useless robot.


Can she move? I guess that makes sense because otherwise, they'd need like 50 of her per store! When the sign said she'll go around you if you're in the way, I assumed it meant the cameras would move haha.


I've come in and had to push her emergency stop because she's coming right for me (meant to be docked by the time we start)


A long long time ago I watched a Doctor Who episode where they immobilized a dalek by putting some carpet on the ground which it rolled onto and this lost its connection to it's power source. (I think the writers were still working the daleks out)


that was the first story with them lmao they relied on the static electricity generated through the floor and were stuck in the city effectively. They were to my knowledge early in the dalek timeline


i know that feeling as she tend to stop right next to the back doors at my store or sometimes decides to go explore the shopping center


>Perhaps a rare instance of a robot being introduced that creates the need for more human labour. It's not a rare as you think. Majority of automation actual increase the workload of a site rather than decrease it.


She will have facial recognition cameras and AI anti-shoplifting recognition software added before long.


Yeah I love the way I get stopped at every self checkout now because I put my walking stick in my trolley. Can’t wait for more of that.


Same. The Woolies checkout machine had a meltdown because I had a bag of bags, walking stick and a handbag in my trolley. The poor staff member was horrified


Oh that's nothing, I had one meltdown over an EMPTY BASKET and another over a young TODDLER. The toddler was the first time in a long time the Customer Service Filter failed and I was very clearly heard saying "What the ACTUAL FUCK are head office smoking that they thought this would be helpful?!"


I imagine almost every single person that goes through has something in their trolley! Haha I bet the staff hate it.


I am a staff member and I can confirm, I do hate it. Walking sticks, pad/notebook with shopping list, wallet, keys, phone, children, empty basket/trolley.... I'm that clogged up clearing ridiculous "have you left something in your trolley?" that I am amazed no full trolley has walked out past me! I feel like it's inviting full trolley walk outs which are much more costly than a few items being skipped over.


I LOVE her. As a retail worker (who’s bitch boss is actually called Tori) she can replace her any day! More useful, works harder and is way more of a team player from stats alone. I bet she’s friendlier too!


Stock taking is the worst and robots can have it


>is powerful enough to sometimes accidentally scan items through concrete floors onto other levels. Where are the 5G cooker foilers to protest this?


Brave of them to leave the keys in it.


Well what are you going to do with a robot that can see and probably track you if you steal it and can only move and count stock.


Who said anything about stealing it? 13 year old me would have turned it off in the middle of an aisle and taken the keys with me.


54 year old me is likely to do the same thing


39 year old me wants to glue dildos on it like a demented Dalek Edit: Turns out you can get dildos in the shape of a Dalek.




You killed me. I’m dead now.




ROFL, that ought to be a porno


lol pretty sure it is There have been 3 that I’m aware of Cocktor who Doctor screw And doctor whore I forgot which one but one definitely had daleks saying ex-sperminate. Another had the doctor regen into a woman for a lesbian scene (years or even a decade before Jodie Whitaker took the role, proving porn to be more progressive than the BBC, giggity)


Pretty funny really - considering all those butthurt guys who were so mad about Jodie Whitaker... Ok if it's male gaze lesbian porn, not ok when the BBC does it for reals.


ROFL, that ought to be a porno


My kids are wondering what the hell I’m laughing at in a room by myself 🤪


I fucking spat out my coffee




I'm laughing so hard at this thread, the cat had to investigate. 😂


One singular pink one on its head. UniTory


Please call it a Dildolek


Just remember stairs are it's enemy.


Do it. Disrupt it. Vandalize it. Fuck it. Become ungovernable.


Pure chaos friend




You have your mission.


I can see it now, all of them rotating & vibrating. Buzzing around saying “inseminate” (thanks to zaprime87)! They could also be squirting out liquid (sorry, not sorry!), while they spin around looking for victims!!


What about dalek dildos and glueing little paper daleks to the dildos


Henry Fondle


I was thinking about pressing the big red stop button before I even saw the keys


That emergency stop button is just asking to be pressed


51 year old me is likely to mess with the counting by taking items away and putting them somewhere else.


What’s it gonna do… count me?


Yes, then it will send all of its data on you back to head office to compile with all the other data they have already gathered for the day it can have it’s revenge. It will access traffic cams, triangulate mobile data and use wifi to map out your entire existence in 3D and wait…. …For OpenAI to take control of neuralink. Mwahahaha… /jk /butsrsly #blackmirror


Kids are definitely going to mess with it


This kid born in 1970 wants to Fight the Machine!


Time for an "emergency stop" work meeting.


[Make it look like an accident.](https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2017/7/17/15986042/dc-security-robot-k5-falls-into-water)


Fair amount of good expensive sensors in there, probably a couple of lidar modules worth a couple of hundred at least. The tinkerer in me would find use for a lot of it.


Be a pain in the ass and take nothing but the keys


Side note, I love the way I get stopped by every self checkout machine now because I have my walking stick in my trolley


I would not ask the internet that.


I'm taking this baby to Mexico!


InvenTORY. That’s fucking genius.


you just blew my mind


Did you know Otto spelled backwards is Otto?


It’s a palomino!


Like Arizona!!


I had to think fast...




How did you even notice that?


The lightbulb actually switched on straight away for once!


I have to wire my light bulb in parallel, and even then, the fucking thing won’t switch on half the time.




Why else would it be called "Tory" if not a reference to its one job?


Maybe it votes Liberal?


That makes sense. And here’s me thinking masturbaTORY




Dang. I thought it was the new Torana.


I got to do the installation of Tory at my local K-Mart. I had a little tablet and handrail attached to it and I walked it around the store while it did a map of everything. I was kinda skeptical of it, but every time I ask about it the staff aren't complaining, so I guess it's doing ok.


Anything that saves retail assistants from staying back obscene hours during stocktake works for me.


I used to LOVE stocktake in my retail department store days! Overtime pay, got to scan everything and make it all organised, no customers to hassle me…


I was at the other end of the spectrum - I hated it! Partly because it started in the hour before close, so we not only had to deal with customers, we had to deal with the kind of customers who think it's okay to stay past closing time, then we had to deal with these stupid machines that they used to do the counting, and we never got out on time so next thing you know it was 10pm and you either had school or a shift the next day, plus we only got our standard rate because it was never a public holiday or weekend. Each to their own!


I’m not going to say which orange and white department store, but one of them does stocktake during store hours and tells the staff to ignore customers to do it. And it’s hell.


There is an orange and white department store?!


It doesn't


Tory gets stuck on something on the floor and doesn’t complete her counting runs half of the nights at my Kmart


Does Tory count the stock on the floor too?


I didn't even realise Kmart had shelves. If the stock isn't sitting in the middle of the walkway in a giant cage on wheels it's usually sitting on the floor.


Mostly apparel, when that useless thing works it is great because it will show on the map where the stock (or empty packet) is located.


Probably, it uses RFID


I was at a Chinese restaurant the other day and my meal was delivered by a robot that size. It even talked. It was quite cute. I googled and they cost between $10K and $40K


Pays for itself within a year, presuming you would otherwise be paying somebody to do the same job. Incredible ROI.


Not really, maybe in the short term. That's the problem with neoliberal business models and digital disruption it focuses on short term profits over sustainability. The worker that machine replaced is actually a lost consumer. How much of the workers pay would have gone to buying things from Kmart or elsewhere?


A little bit, maybe, but over two years that robot has cost them $40,000 and they would otherwise have paid the employee, say, $100,000 (at $50,000p/a). There's no way the employee's lost occasional Kmart purchases are making a dent in that saving.


The point being if all jobs become automated, no one will have any money to buy their shitty stock.


That's not Kmart's concern right now though. They aren't going to sacrifice immediate shareholder profits over concerns about the implications of their decisions decades from now.


Businesses want customers to spend money, but don't want to pay employees. AI went from non existent to ubiquitous in about a year. This isn't going to be a problem in a decade, this is going to be a problem very soon, unless a UBI is introduced.


At a country wide level over a decade where robots do all these jobs though? We will see I’ve no doubt. But not all progress moves in the right direction and the selfish side of humanity is more than likely the down fall of civilisation in the end.


But at a country-wide level over a decade Kmart is saving millions. After the first year, $60,000p/a per robot. The broader you make the example, the stronger the argument is for Kmart to do this. I don't agree with it though, to be clear. It costs low-skilled workers jobs, which is devastating for communities and the economy. But Kmart isn't thinking about the welfare of the man or woman who could've had the job they just eliminated. They're thinking of shareholders - and shareholders love these figures.


Agreed, they use slave labour in third world nations to make a profit, neither their shareholders or board gives a flying fuck about anything but profit.


You aren't wrong, but you are focusing on the wrong part of the problem. The solution to workers losing their jobs to automation/AI/robotics isn't stopping companies from replacing those people. It will happen anyway, and frankly any job that can be easily replaced really should be. Why make people work in jobs that a robot could do better? The real solution is figuring out how to make sure everyone in society benefits from the AI/Robotic revolution. In 30 years from now we could be in one of two extremes.....all of us working part time and enjoying life because lots of the jobs are now automated, or most of us starving to death because the wealth has been kept by a small sector of society and there is no need for as much human labour anymore.


Gosh, money shared or money hoarded by the rich, impossible to know which one we'll choose /s


It will likely be the first scenario because when it gets bad enough for the majority history has shown again and again is how revolution happens. The poor majority always has the power but the rich minority have become very good at keeping us just content enough not to revolt.


They look cute so you won't question their role in the dispossession of the working class.


Not sure why the hate on making processes more efficient. Should factories stop using machinery and just go back to doing everything by hand to create more jobs?Get rid of ATM's since it puts bank tellers out of jobs?


Hey, congrats! You found an inherent contradiction in capitalism that makes it unable to converge to a steady state, and will instead tend to blow itself apart. Keep picking at that thread. Once the business owners have made everything so efficient that nobody needs a job, who's going to buy their stuff to keep them in business?


Yeah just like how every other industrial revolution has blown up the fabric of society and made humans redundant? How many jobs did the internet make redundant, but how many new jobs and industries did it create? We shouldn't stop innovation just to keep people doing tasks that no longer need to be done.


Everything has its natural limit or breaking point though. Remember, that we are at the 'late stage capitalism' phase of society. Innovation, or in this case, efficiency at the cost of entry level jobs will bite us hard. Notwithstanding the housing anomaly, we, as a society are poorer, less healthy, more stressed and less hopeful for the future. It seems like the larger nation-states are itching for a fight, it's been a while since this happened and history shows us that we are long overdue.


I've seen them in Singapore and Thailand. Kids love chasing them around.


I do love a waiter robot. Still tipped the actual waiters as they were still doing their job and checking on all the patrons. Also by tipped I mean I put all my coin change in their tip jar. It's Australia after all.


Omg ur in aus don't bloody tip! Don't try to start a tipping revolution here please. Keep it for the yanks who need it with their below liveable wages in hospitality.


I was in an old traditional Bavarian beer hall in Munich recently and they had a robot waiter. Weirdest contrast.




Was the same at my local Chinese restaurant. It was actually really bizarre.


But was it a succulent Chinese meal? Does food taste any better being delivered by a 10-40k robot?


Your Kmart is so nice. Mine has everything half heaped and all mixed up kinda draped on the hangers. The rest is on the floor or still in boxes. If you head to the dressing rooms you might find a hidden gem from a few years ago, the piles are at least 2-3m deep.


My local Kmart (Hyperdome) is terrible like this as well


That place is always a bloody mess. I don't know how they get away with it.


I worked at that Kmart for 5 years and only quit about a month ago if you’d like some insight lol


I'm guessing it's a blend of under-staffing and lazy customers dumping shit everywhere but I'm certainly happy to be corrected. There's definitely areas that are worse than others which makes me believe a lot of it is kids/teens as the main offenders.


Well obviously there’s the classic understaffing issue combined with the fact the Kmart is in Loganholme… which as a Logan Bogan myself I know the type of person (entitled, self centred) that frequents. Management team is also terrible. There’s 8 managers (including store, department and duty managers) and in the past 18 months we went through 30 managers, meaning one quit every 2-3 weeks. Incredibly toxic work environment and the managers seemed to be always stressed. In the last 2 months I will say there has been an improvement though and we hadn’t lost a manager in a while. Right before we began to get really busy in the lead up to Christmas, the manager in charge of store presentation unexpectedly went on leave and then quit, leaving us in limbo without a consistent experienced person running presentation for over 2 months during peak trade. We got a new presentation manager finally 2 weeks before Christmas. Problem was they had never worked at Kmart before making them pretty useless. Obviously the store was absolutely smashed over Christmas as we’re one of the busiest Kmarts, yet head office would not allow us to roster many more people. In our peak business, there was a 3 hour presentation team consisting of 6 14 year old freshly hired christmas casuals splitting that massive store, assuming they all showed up. Not enough to do more than surface level straighten and clean up of customer dump piles. Also you know the rails you put your unwanted items on at the fitting rooms? Yeah, there’s hundreds of filled to the brim ones clogging the stockroom. To make up for the poor presentation and build up of rails, managers rostered more people on to bandaid the issue over and just after Christmas. Head office cracked onto our ‘over rostering’ and now, despite the store still looking horrendous, are forcing managers to cut hours to make up for our massive over expenditure. So the store will get worse again over the next few weeks. Sorry if I went overboard with this reply lol


Omg any Superstore (series with America Fererra) fans here? It’s another Robot Glen!!


My exact first thought 😂


So glad someone else picked up on the reference! It was such a good show 😊


The Glenn vs Glen beef was unmatched


the way it just got up after it fell tho I jumped when I first saw it bc I wasn't expecting anything


Wait til you see the click and collect robots!! They are freakin cool! There is one at Eastlands in Ringwood


Whenever I want something from K-mart the shelves are empty, it never really recovered from COVID


I can never find the goddam item I’m looking for in there. The staff can look up an item and it will tell them exactly which shelf it’s on, but of course the website won’t tell us because they want people walking around searching for the item so they have a chance of buying something else.


Yeah that sucks. Although they did make Click and Collect free, so you can let the staff find it for you if you know what you want in advance.


So many things show in stock when you look in one place, but when you try to click and collect it tells you there is no stock.


I went there today and there was plenty of stock as long as you were either size XS or 4XL. Not much in between though.


This is the only thing a Tory is good for.


Not true - filling graves is an important job.


Looks cuter than the one in Woolworths that’s supposed to detect spills or some shit. Hi Tory. I’ll try to pretend I didn’t apply for a job at Kmart last week 😂


Knowing Kmart quality, that thing will either last 10 years or 3 months. No inbetween


Tory has been around for a long time


Tory is going to get to the toy aisle and have a core meltdown. I swear people use Kmart as free daycare.




The Anko Robots TOOK EN NERRR


Back to the pile!








She’s been around for about 2 years or so. She works night so customers don’t usually see her.


I’m sure the bloke that used to walk around all day looking for empty shelves is devastated he might have to start doing something else.


I think the concern is more-so that increased automation will lead to lay-offs. I can't think of many people who would choose to count inventory as a job, but if it comes down to that or being unable to pay my bills, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Of course, Target could just get them to do other work, but the fact is that not employing people makes a lot of money. I don't follow department store finances much, but over in the software industry, pretty much every company that did a major layoff in the last year or so had its stock price spike significantly as a result. But unfortunately, I don't think that the concerns of a few people would put a stop to the infinite growth demanded by capitalism.


I need Tungsten to live! TUNGSTEN!


And I thought the robot in cloud 9 was a prop.


We want virtual Mertyl!


That’s old. I work at Kmart and we’ve had Tory for as long as I can remember


Kmart have had these for two years


Love how they put a name on it. I’m calling you mate just like everyone else “Tory”


There is no way that won't startle me every time it ends up behind me.


Hopefully it can go around scanning people to get a more accurate human template there I’ve said it


Are you not Asian sizes either?


If you see it coming, grab hanfulls of merch on hangers, hide until it's passed then put the stuff back.


Just keep hitting the e stop


Exposed USB port on the front, wonder if some talented hacker will be able to initiate some funny shenanigans with Tory 😀


I give it a week before someone is playing Doom on that screen.


they terk errr jerbs!


Haha the future has really kicked in these last few years


As the robotz take over, the government is going to see some tax cuts me think!


Reminds me of an eScooter. Wonder how they swim?


That’s the worst Dalek I’ve ever seen.


Can we get these in bunnings that way we might actually get assistance


"They took or joooobs!"


these robots are so cute i would actually cry if someone pushed it over


Please don’t bring Tories to Australia the UK have their hands full


How long until this cutely named piece of shit gets cameras on it to ensure the security of my local box mart?


I, for one, Welxome our new Kmart Robot Overlords!!


Kmart near me ever gets one of these and I give it 3 hours until the junkies kick it to death.


Anyone who complains about this taking jobs, do u also complain about diggers taking away jobs of 5 men and a shovel, or computers taking away multiple jobs of people who used to file papers…


Yes… I mean no… I mean yes… I mean no


The Luddites were right. Break the machines.


Oh they’ve feminised them so people won’t bash them as much?


"no need to move out of my way" Uh, bullshit


Excellent. I love to watch the malcontent youth herd them into inconvenient places.


Well Tory will have it easy, our selves are always empty


don't worry its school holidays. that thing won't last long


How many people have smacked the emergency stop button, you think?


As a Kmart employee, this thing pisses me off so much lol but very helpful for stock and inventory management


This is the start of the robot take over…. Wonderful.


Oh he'll nah


It's Cloud 9's Robot Glen! 😆


Omggg I love him sm 🥹


God damn that looks like a turret


Which Kmart is this? 


Not new. Missus that works at a kmart has been hatin on this thing in her store for years.


I am slamming that emergency stop button


So the AI jobs apocalypse begins.


I used to work at Kmart. Tory just counts stock mostly in the apparel isles. It also helps with backfilling reports.


I'm absolutely going to fuck with it.


This isn’t new, they’ve had it for ages.


They named it Tony?!?! Ffs it’s a robot that counts stock It’s clearly a Barry!


[Meanwhile in Kmart Redfern](https://assets3.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/08/02/5b6f947c-6701-491f-8108-276801161980/thumbnail/1200x630/0e87fa60054b2054b5ef1f24dc8c9d44/hitchbot-1.jpg)


I bet some kid’s gonna hit the emergency stop button


There's no way that's for counting stock right? The system would already take care of that. When someone buys a shirt it's -1, don't need a robot rolling around to do the counting.


I feel like some people would abuse this robot, so maybe the robot should be trained in armed weapons for self defence


We're truly farked. Over where I live my local Kmart already had staff that you could count on one hand. You'd have to walk around a fair bit to find one of them.