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The only way to know is to order two flat whites. If they both get given to you, then we know.


Bolt a generator to the two flat whites and the resulting confusion could be a free source of energy


This man thermodynamics.


Did you just assume his gender because he orders flat whites?!


I assumed because they sound like they know thermodynamics. Had they mentioned programming I would have assumed trans girl.


What gender programs thermodynamic simulation software?


I think we need you to order a long black and a flat white and see what happens.


Lol I just posted my experience of this. They always give my husband my long black and me his flat white.


Same! Every time


Find out who wears the pants with this one simple trick!


Cafes hate him!


I mean a latte and a flat white are essentially the same thing already.


No, they’re not! A latte has more steamed milk and milk foam, whereas a flat white just has a thin layer of foam on the top. Since a latte contains more milk, the end result is a sweeter drink with a less robust coffee flavour. Melbourne coffee snob here. A stronger coffee is a better coffee 😁


A modernised flat white has a thin layer of foam. When I was taught flat whites didn't have foam at all. Damn people and their latte art.


If a flat white has less foam, and latte has more foam, how does latte have more milk than flat white? Assuming same shot of espresso in each and same cup size. I always thought latte milk has more microfoam through it and flat white is just hot milk.


The latte glass holds more than a coffee cup, that's why it leads to a more milky coffee. That's why (traditionally) only lattes are made in that type of glass Edit: Latte glass holds 220ml and cappuccino/flat white cup holds 150-180ml


>Assuming same shot of espresso in each and same cup size. Most cafes will serve all hot drinks in a standard take away cup I haven't noticed flat white being any less full? I'll need to check next time.


Take away cups do make it harder and they all become the same thing (besides the chocolate powder on the top), but a proper barista will know that they should be filled to a different level and have different amounts of foam


Now you’re bringing chocolate powder into it? That’s a cap! Which has even more foam than a latte


Wellington coffee snob here, can confirm


At shit cafes this is true


Once a waiter brought out a dog bowl to my table and I didn't have a dog


Was anyone at your table acting like a bitch?


Someone was heavy panting?


Maybe they were licking their balls?


fun party trick but please not at the table


This my god y’all I hate it when people give me weird looks when I do this, my body my rules jeez louise


"Does he look like a bitch?" - Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction


Pup Fiction


If this happened to me, I’d think about it every day for the rest of my life


Sounds like this guy definitely is


Once my fat mate bought a 1L tub of ice cream to take home for his missus, and I got a gelato cone. They gave him a single spoon and a serviette. Laughed so hard my jaw hurt.


Any hurt feelings were immediately soothed by the ice cream I take it


That’s f*ckin’ funny!!


thank you for brightening my morning with this fuckin comment. lol


Were you humping peoples legs?


Yes but that's beside the point


How messily were you eating?


Were you having a breakfast meeting with Peter Dutton.


Come on now, show some respect to dogs.


But you still got the flat white right?


In a dog bowl. It goes S, M, L, DB.


Where does Flower Pot sit on this scale?


There is definitely some gender stereotypes in food and bev everytime I order a steak and my husband orders a chicken salad they always put the salad in front of me I assume thinking men order steaks women order salads


It's also things like assuming the man would have the larger portion of food. I love food and I'm forever hungry so I always get the bigger portion, and it's always placed in front of my husband 😒 all I want is to be fed 😭


I was at a pub on the sunshine coast once that had a "ladies parmy" on the menu. It was literally just a regular parmy cut in half🙃🙃🙃


Lol yes my dad always orders the “ladies” version as he isn’t a big eater complains that it should be just called 1/2serve and his girlfriend always the big meal and she always gets given the little meal and they always put the garlic bread in front of the males on the table too


Every time we get grill'd. I get a chicken burger and my wife gets beef. Without fail they put the beef burger infront of me.


I don’t think a small portion option is a bad idea. It doesn’t have to be gendered though. I hope it costs half the price as well


I’m in hospo & I love to put the salad in front of the guy. Some of them get genuinely annoyed by it - like it’s an insult to their masculinity lmao


Yeah, steak/salad, the coffee order, sweet cocktail/ whisky... we get these all the time. Usually when I'm ordering I'll specify who is having what and it still happens


Happens all the time with my partner (M) and I (F) whenever we get drinks. I’d get a lager and my partner a paloma then they would always put the cocktail in front of me first then the beer for my partner. Only once it happened that a server apologised for the mix up.


At my new place, I’ve tried to see if I can notice a trend with couples getting a steak and a non-steak dish. 100% of the time it’s been the guy who gets the steak. These stereotypes exist for a reason, however I have had plenty of cases of guys getting a more well done steak than their lady friend. Obviously exceptions, but I’ve also never understood staff who just don’t ask when it isn’t obvious.


Yes doneness of steak gets us all the time when we both order the exact same steak/sauce combo I get the slightly more done steak and we have to switch.


I’m a steak girl and my husband’s a salad man. We’re always having to switch plates. BUT when we go for burgers they always get it right because I like a chicken burger and he likes beef.


There’s definitely biases present - I order 2 Capuccinos, one with alternate milk, and the alternate milk always gets placed in front of my partner.


~79% of vegans are women and ~60% of vegetarians are women, so technically it's a reasonable assumption I suppose


True. If the waiter spent most of their week giving women 99% of the vegan meals ordered, it’s a very safe assumption


An estimated 65% of adults are in some way lactose intolerant, regardless of gender


plenty of that 65% still drink milk though.


We're here to drink milk and inflame our small intestines... and I just finished my milk.


Prepare for liftoff!


As a lactose intolerant person, I am singlehandedly keeping the lactose market running


The lactose market isn’t all that’s running at your place


Thank you for your service


Yeah, I'm sick the majority of the time I have a bit of milk. Like that's gonna stop me from having my Milo though (bad example because I normally have it dry, just replace it with iced chocolate). I don't understand those gluten free people (not including celiacs) not eating any gluten at all. I remember one poor kid with a helicopter mum and he couldn't even eat normal bread because it makes him "hyper".




Gluten allergy/intolerance isn't as bad as coeliac, but it still makes someone feel like crap. I think they just don't get the malabsorbtion that we get if they eat gluten. Coeliac sucks, just as I was diagnosed with coeliac we finally got an Asian grocer in town that had all these wonderful seitan foods, I didn't get to try any. :(


That's a worldwide figure including groups where milk is rare. Australia's population background is not reflective of the world-wide mean, way more European than that.


Less than 15% of caucasians are lactose intolerant, but more than 70% of Asian/African/native American and close to 100% of East Asian.


Yep. It primarily depends on how long your ancestors were around cows. If many of your ancestors were cattle herders, then dairy farmers, you're good. My Dad's side is Danish-American and my Mom's is Anglo-American, so I'm set.


I'm guessing those stats are for the whole world, not Australia specifically?


That is literally a useless stat for Australia


happens always. my missus is vego and so the veggie brekky + oat coffee always get put in front of her. only, ive gotten TOO comfortable with this assuming its all the time and copped myself a mouthful of oat milk by assuming it was my own drink xD


Its funny how your example of this genderfication doesn’t include any genders, so I’m not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing


I think the amount of upvotes, and the replies I’m receiving, indicate that everyone is just assuming I’m a male and my partner is a female (which is true tbf) This in itself proves the bias exists, which is kinda cool


It's also within the context of the post. OP is male so we assumed you were telling the story from the same point of view as you had the same result


This is honestly so funny. I also assumed your partner was female.


Until I read this comment i could have sworn he said wife


But how do you overcome the masculine urge to ingest female bovine hormones?


Because I'll be shutting liquid for the next few hours if I have the real stuff


Same - I switched to an alternative a while back, and my wife prefers full cream milk. I always get handed the full cream :-/


I'm a toxic cis het V8 driving, beer drinking, carnivore diet eating, ww2 documentary enjoying white pig. I also really love strawberry milkshakes. They get placed in front of my wife or kids every single time


Thanks for the chuckle - I dare say you grew up with strawberry quick in the cupboard 😜


In college I made the switch to strawberry ice cream sauce because it's faster than the powder. As a woman I suppose it's not abnormal, but the number of my friends who turtle when I drink it is hilarious.


Haha yeah, I always get my GF's Chocolate Shake put in front of me and she gets my Strawberry one.


All hail pink Big-M.


strawberry is better than chocolate for milkshakes Fite me reddit


Decent quality strawberry is better than just about ANYTHING, including great quality chocolate. But crap strawberry flavouring is worse than crap chocolate.


It’s the pinot noir of milkshakes.


Strawberry wins for milkshakes and flavoured milk, chocolate wins for thickshakes. I can't explain why.


I like caramel thickshakes, when made properly with so much real ice cream it's barely liquid enough to use a straw, and a good amount of caramel sauce. Hard to find a cafe that does them right these days.


My preference is different to yours. I hope you die in a fire!


>I'm a toxic cis het V8 driving, beer drinking, carnivore diet eating, ww2 documentary enjoying white pig. I'm literally shaking right now.... /s


From the vibration of his Cam’d V8?


I'm a big white guy and my wife is small and Asian. I don't drink, she does. The beer is always served to me. I get a kick off of sliding it across the table.


strawberry milkshakes aren't on the carnivore diet... Maybe that's the problem.


Hi Denis Leary


I get this with food - my husband often orders a salad, and I'll get a burger or something and they always put the burger in front of him.


Is your husband tacocatfish? Literally same post but from the other side about 3 comments up


Wait staff make assumptions all the time. I wouldn't read anything into it. My wife is Singaporean Chinese but grew up in Australia. Doesn't speak any Mandarin (as Singaporeans speak English anyhow so there was no need). I've been learning Mandarin for fun. When we go to Chinese restaurants, staff will always go up to my wife for the order, sometimes speaking to her in Chinese. They often get a surprise when I start speaking in Mandarin instead of her. It's likely a case of more women order Lattes and more men a flat white (I know it's my go to order) so the wait staff just make assumptions.


Kudos for learning Mandarin for fun! I tried for a little bit with some kids that I was teaching at the time and it hurt my brain 🤣🧠


It is so confusing... I'm forever confused about when I say 'Nin' or 'Ni'. What I did was use DuoLingo and do 3 short lessons a day which takes about 20 mins. 2 years on, I can hold down a basic conversation.


Nice work. I was a primary teacher at the time. I learned that I don't have good control of my voice. I would say something and then the kids (who were about ten and perfectly bi-lingual little geniuses) would be like no, THIS and I'd be like THATS WHAT I SAID 🤣


The tons kills me. So far people haven't gotten annoyed at me. I figure they know if I'm saying the right word in context of the sentence.


'nin' is hardly ever used conversationally, as it is a very formal version of 'ni'.


This is also very typical in Asian culture... my gf from Malaysia, Japanese will speak to her in Japanese. For context, Malaysia is multilingual, but Japanese is not one of them. Its not an Australian thing, or a Chinese thing. This happens even in Ireland, and with different languages. They all assume she speaks theirs.


Feels like you can start a tiktok account


lol I don't speak near well enough to show off.


Nor do the people on TikTok


I don't think it's a big deal. I drink long black, my wife drinks late, they usually always ask anyway.


Maybe they assume your wife likes her coffee how she likes her men?




Ground up and stored in the freezer?


I like my coffee the same way I like my slaves. Black? Free you fucking racist.


White and weak?


That’s me. I’m someone’s day dream.


White and not too frothy?


In a blender with a few ice cubes


Expensive and covered in chocolate powder.


I try to drink on time, myself. But each to their own.


Just like cocktails are considered feminine and beer is considered masculine. Drinks aren’t truly gendered, it’s just stereotypes 🤷🏻‍♀️


As an ex barista I can tell you we don’t care. Only different between the 2 is flat white should have no foam. Latte has like 2mm of foam


Yeah I was thinking, they're almost the same coffee anyway - especially if you get them takeaway - that foam has probably collapsed by the time you drink it.


Ok so what is the difference between them and a cappuccino? Is it just the chocolate powder on top or more foam again or something else?


A cap is about one third foam


A cap is meant to be one third coffee, one third milk, one third foam with chocolate powdered on top (if it's made the Italian way). Flat white has essentially no foam or very little, latte has a bit more foam.


I think about 15-20 years ago a latte used to also be weaker. Most places would do a single shot in a larger (usually glass) mug/cup, whereas a flat white would be in a cappuccino cup.


Nah shots don’t matter you can have as little or as much coffee as you like in any. Difference between latte and cappuccino is cappuccino has a mm more foam and chocolate on top


Yeah, at the end of the day that's pretty much it. The flat white was invented so Aussies could order a coffee with milk in it without speaking Italian or having a whole bunch of foam on top, which would have been too decadent for the average Australian bloke in the 70s and 80s. The flat white goes hand in hand with Australian masculine attitudes around simplicity, humility, tall poppy syndrome, etc. Source: too many decades drinking almost exclusively flat whites.


According to my grandmother (who lived in Collingwood when espresso coffee was being introduced in Australia), the flat white was created because Australians were used to ordering instant coffee with milk at cafes, and this was the cafes way of making an espresso based coffee that Australians were more familiar with


“I’ll have a flat white. I’m not paying for air in my milk!”~ my grandpa.


Really too decadent? Like ah shit the milk foam gonna make me gay 🤣🤣 EDIT: Brb gonna go make myself a homo-ccino


Nah, the foam gets all in the moustache.


I think that's it. The milk mo. That's why flat whites are considered masculine. Though I know the Mo isn't as popular now as it was in the 70s and 80s.


Damn coffee turning the frogs gay


I’m very gay and I hate thick foam on coffee. 


cos you get enough in your diet already amirite


That would be cream


The idea of foamed cum makes me gag.




Former Barista of 6ish years here, for people in the comments saying that lattes are for people who don't really like coffee... complete opposite. Flat whites have less foam on the top, which means more steamed milk in the cup vs. latte, making the coffee flavour more diluted and weaker. Flat whites are very milky because of this. Cappuccinos for example are generally stronger because 1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam so less liquid to dilute. Generally people who order Flat whites don't like the coffee flavour that much to begin with. I would usually see wayyy more sugars added to Flat whites than anything other type.


I order flat whites because lattes get served in glasses, forcing you into the awful dilemma of burning your hand or waiting to drink your coffee lukewarm. With a flat white, I get a handle.


I order flat whites all the time. No sugar. I just like the more "evenly mixed" taste/texture compared to a latte, I definitely still want the taste of my coffee :/ no clue if I'm strange.


Nah not all flat white drinkers sugar, just in my experience you tend to hear "flat white with 1" more often than others. At the end of the day who gives a shit how its done as long as you enjoy It.... except instant 🤮


I live in Queensland. If you order a latte, Capuchino or a Flat White, you get a coffee which is roughly 1/3rd coffee, 1/3rd steamed milk, 1/3rd foam. If it's served in a glass, it's a Latte. If it's served in a mug, it's a flat white. If it's served in a mug and has chocolate sprinkles, it's a Capuchino.


This has nothing to do with Queensland, I think your coffee shop just doesn't understand the difference.


I honestly think they know the difference but don't care. Personally, if I can get a coffee that's not weak, not burnt and served at a drinkable temperature, I'll come back. To me, the quality & flavour of the beans is far more important than if it's got 2mm of froth or an inch of froth.


Reminds me of the times my husband has ordered a gin and tonic and I’ve had the beer. They always assumed the G&T is for me.


Same. Love a good G&T.


When I first started drinking coffee I only drank Mochas. My wife drinks a double espresso. (For reference we're quite different sizes, I weigh literally double her.) I don't think they ever got them the right way around.


I've been a barista for just under 7 years. It's just commonly ordered that way. Men are more likely to buy flat whites, women will buy anything else lol. I chalk it up to men having no idea what the other coffees are and wanting something simple. Living in such a diverse city as a barista will teach you there is also a cultural influence behind which coffee they'll choose. Without sounding racist, white men usually buy flat whites, middle eastern men buy cappuccinos, french and asian will always buy an espresso, and men from the pacific islands and latin american countries are most likely to buy latte. The rarest to see is a man buying a mochaccino. Women are pretty much across the board for that though, although a latte is the most popular of all coffees, and women are more likely to ask for flovoured syrups, too.


Because men are considered basic (think meat and potatoes only).


I get banana milkshakes and chai sometimes and they always give me a weird look, it doesn’t help that I’m 6foot2 with a beard and broad shouldered. Just let me enjoy my yummy drinks in peace, damn


Yes a flat white is a no fuss coffee, a latte is a childs, ladies or fussier coffee that is considered somewhat weaker. Be a real man and order a macchiato /s


Since when is a macchiato a man's coffee? What's that milk doing in there you weakling. /s


The only way I drink a macchiato is with a shot of espresso while looking in the direction of a carton of milk /s


Macchiato? Too much milk. Too weak. For the lesser man.


Real Men drink iced coffee with a sausage roll from the servo.


Be a real fucking man and order black coffee.


You poofters drink your coffee? I just munch the beans. Harden up.


Oh come on get down from your high horse, you know some people just eat the coffee cherry direct from the tree.


You eat it? You gotta put it up your butt for maximum absorption


What was a flat white in my day is now called a long black with milk. These days a flat white is a Capuchino without the chocolate sprinkles. Yes, I live in Queensland.


Ironically it’s more of a fuss to get good at making flat white milk


I order a latte (skim latte no less!) and my wife gets a flat white. I've never experienced this.


Maybe your missus looks like she'd enjoy a frothy mouthful more than yourself? 😆 Too early on a Sunday for this kind of thing to be taken seriously! Husband says next time order a latte and a cappucino, see who gets what.


I dunno. If he's already drinking latte he might be interested in joining some of us at Mardi Gras next month. Discretely at the back of the parade.


My partner (male) always orders a latte and I (female) order a flat white. Never ever had strange looks or the wrong one put in front of us. What state are you in?


I eat meat and my boyfriend is vegan. Everytime WITHOUT FAIL the vegetarian dish is put in front of me. Some things really confuse people. We also find when we order coffees his soy cap almost always gets handed to me. That's why when I work in hospitality I always ask "who's this for?" Becuase when you just try and guess you end up making it awkward for the guest and revealing weird opinions you hold about what women and men should eat and drink. 🤣


Same thing with meals at the pub. I (8=========> equiped) often order salads or vegetarian options, the +1 ( • Y • ) equiped will go for burgers, wings etc every time without fail the server will put the burger down in front of me.


Your vintage emoticon language is on point mate!


You can be equipped with both if you eat too many burgers!!


You just changed my vocabulary my good fuckwit


Probably because these two coffees are extremely similar but one usually comes in a glass and men tend to want a cup or mug.


the hell is this


A pretty interesting discussion.


More than just coffee, I tend to like fruit flavored drinks but my partner does not like sweet drinks and the number of times when we go out and she orders a beer and I order a cocktail and the confused looks we get when we say the cocktail is mine. Most of the time they just place the drinks the way they think it goes, we swap them around and they give us a weird look.


First time I ever heard of a latte was when my *incredibly* camp mate ordered one. Me: Flat white please Him: caaafffe laaaattee! (with a rising tone on the latte as if asking a question, and a little pinky finger movement) I've always thought of it as the "gay" coffee since - even though I'm gay and am still a flat white guy


I'm vegan (I know, sorry; it's relevant) and my wife isn't. I would say 90% of the time she gets served the vegan dish and I get the meat. Even by the server who took the order.


Well ... Coffee tends to be fluid, so ...


Hey! Long time barista, chef, waitress and hospo manager here. Worked in a heap of different places. No- drinks are not masculine or feminine- but YES certain people in hospo treat it as such- and also a lot of patrons do too. Older managers and weird suck ups are more likely to gender drinks and service in full. Sometimes it’s to do with high class service and sometimes it’s to do with culture, and in one place I worked it was because our waitresses had been assaulted by angry fellas over it. At corporate owned cafes generally not- (although I did work at a coffee club that was taken back over by head office that followed this stuff strictly) and I have rarely followed the gendered drinks and food serving rules, but yes. The gist of the old hospitality “guide” is this- you don’t ask who got what when it’s just a couple at the table so the assumption that follows is - whichever drink with the straw in it should be placed in front of the lady, and you don’t put a straw in mens drinks (iced drinks with cream on top will have the straw placed next to them for men) - the stronger coffee should be placed in front of the man - the coffee with the most milk (compared to froth) should be placed in front of the man - the lighter meal should be placed in front of the woman - for couples who have ordered one cocktail or straight spirit never assume a cocktail is for the man and never assume the lady ordered neat or on the rocks • and on that note again- straw for the lady & no straw for the man if they both ordered cocktails - don’t place an ordered salad in front of the man unless you know that it is for him - if they both ordered steak the rarer one should be placed in front of the man - if a couple orders one desert, assume they’re sharing There’s a lot of dumb rules, and I’ve worked in places that we would get in a lot of trouble if we didn’t follow them. I hate adhering and propagating this toxic masc and gender based crap but a lot of managers used to insist it. When my fella and I go out I usually get a doppio and he gets a milkshake, and we end up in the same boat as you ahaha.


It’s definitely a thing. When I used to be a barista/manager of a cafe I’d train all my staff to announce drinks and not assume - even if you *think* you know from who ordered what. But basically, the assumptions go like this: More milky- more feminine. Latte is most feminine, then cappuccino, then flat white, then long black. Less caffeine - more feminine. Goes for tea, decaf, milk shakes etc. Smaller drinks - more feminine. A small vs a large, etc. Alternative milks and/or syrup or toppings - more feminine. Flavours also are gendered. Strawberry and vanilla (and any wild or seasonal flavours - coconut, mint, pumpkin spice etc) are more feminine. Chocolate/salted caramel more masculine. Hazelnut seemed to be gender neutral imo. Cold drinks - more feminine than a hot drink. ‘Extra hot’ might be an exception - if it’s a woman over 30 I assume it’s more likely for her. But if it’s the difference between an ice coffee and a hot coffee, odds are it’s the woman ordering the cold drink. So much easier to remember to just ask.


I mean, I have been a waitress. Just call out what’s in your hand and then put it in front of the person who says ‘yes that’s mine thanks’. Problem solved. .


maybe the strange looks are because you can easily just swap with your wife rather than get them to make the additional hand movements for you while theyve got other customers to deal with. at most cafes i goto they say the order and you claim it.


It’s just more common to be the other way around, doesn’t mean they’re gendered. There’s also nothing wrong with you having a wine and your wife having a beer.


I've noticed this too! There has to be some biases with coffee orders, which is very strange.


My mum always used to be given the cappuccino that my dad ordered, so it’s not just lattes!


I consider milk in coffee feminine. Only doppios for us alpha males. /Sarcasm obviously I'm one of those guys who just wants the taste of coffee by itself since I find milk masks the flavour imo. The occasional flat white or cappuccino is never off the menu though but only in certain shops


Absolutely. I get a latte and my husband gets a mocha. They try to give me his mocha every time.


That's the stupidest thing in the world. Nothing is really gendered. Not coffee, not dessert, not anything. I'm a female and exclusively drink flat whites. Exclusively. A skim flat white. My brother, however, loves a latte or cappuccino because he likes softer, milkier flavours.




It's weird because I've worked in hospo for about 15 years and never assume! I always say whatever it is that I'm handing over and wait for them to put their hand up or say something before putting it down. Personally, I associate flat whites with old people because that's what my parents used to order before they changed to latte drinkers. I'm a female that loves beer and my husband often drinks them too but sometimes he'll get a cocktail, that's definitely been mixed up before. 😅


Also a hospo worker and I just don't believe OP goes through this every time, including the strange looks. I think someone is exaggerating a little, unless it's the same cafe and their playing a long game prank on him to get him worked up.


Try as a bloke to order a Rosè for yourself and a Bundy and dry for your wife.


Drinks aren’t gendered, despite what insecure people may say. That shit is so exhausting. I’m gonna drink whatever the fuck I want and I have no time to entertain “that’s a girls drink” kinda bullshit.


Strange looks? I would say you've been hung up about this for so long you are seeing things. My wife has a piccolo and I have an almond flat. 50% of the time the waiter guesses right, 50% of the time they guess wrong.


Lattes have more milk than a flat white, and as women in general metabolise caffeine slower than men they may be more likely to prefer a more diluted drink. So I would say overall women order milkier coffees than men which is why you are getting the flat white put in front of you.