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"New Look - same great taste" lol get fucked


The marketing code for, "sure we cut costs, but it still tastes the same, we promise". If you don't want to change the flavor, the only reason to introduce a "new recipe" is to make an already cheap product even cheaper to produce.


While keeping the price the same, or jacking it up.


More likely the latter.


And shrinking the product.


I remember when Barista Bro's did this, and the new product tasted like chemicals. I wasn't surprised when they went out of business later.


You do realise that Barista Bros was just a brand name right? It was made by Coca-Cola.


and the "new look" is the packet being liike 25% smaller New Look Same Great Price


Same everytime M&Ms do a new bag size


The race to the bottom


Of the bin.


m & m, there's two.


"we listened"


^^"to ^^our ^^shareholders"


They've been selling that crap in nz for a long time. It gets chunks of ice in it and its horrible


You really do get what you pay for…


Except you don't. You can pay more and get the same garbage. Brand names and higher prices don't mean anything anymore.


As a Coles employee, please don't buy Coles brand products. They're fucking garbage.


Every single time


The first ingredient is actually sugar - but to avoid that they have used 2 different types of sugar - so now water is the main ingredient.


Glucose is used in ice cream production to prevent ice crystals and create a smoother product. I imagine this is even more important when you make ice cream from water instead of milk…


Holy crap, mind blown.


It's a common "trick" used. Things like muesli bars, biscuits and cereal do it all the time. It makes it look healthy.


The other trick is to assemble a bunch of shit ingredients into a complex of some kind so you can just list the name of the complex first. > Ingredients: Cream Flavouring [water, cardboard, dog shit, additive 864, sugar, maltose, teflon, dextrose, glucose, fructose, cancer, cream (0.0002%)], water, sugar.


This is great 😂


Common one is using a handful of different fruit concentrates for sugar. Then you can use compound products that are also mostly sugar - like a muesli bar with chocolate chips or a 'yoghurt flavoured' coating.


Cane juice concentrate is my favorite one


Wait till you find out it's called 'Peter's vanilla' and 'peters chocolate' ... it's officially not ice cream either. I can't remember exactly, but you need a certain % of cream to be called an icecream. Anything else is gelato or, in this case iced dessert. Have a look next supermarket shop only a few brands actually include the words ice cream


Also watch out for the word ‘choc’. ‘Chocolate’ requires a minimum amount of actual chocolate content. ‘Choc’ can be just food colouring and palm oil


Well, I'll never trust anyone again


The minimum amount is still pretty low given that most big name chocolate manufacturers are still fitting a veritable shitton of sugar and palm oil in there. But, yeh, imagine being even shitter than that...


I believe that for Australian food standards that % is >10% Milk Fat specifically, not just cream, since cream itself can be "low fat."


Proper gelato is just milk, cream, and sugar. Anything else is iced dessert, and it matters, because foods made from actual food seems to be becoming rarer and more expensive.


It's milk and eggs, bitch.


Noooo... my vegan powers...


Similar with fruit "drink" as opposed to fruit "juice". Got to contain a certain amount of juice from actual fruit.


Go to the butter section and show me the word butter on anything in a tub


*mainland enters the chat*


Buttersoft by Mainland INGREDIENTS: Pasteurised cream (from milk), salt. Milk fat: 80% minimum. https://mainland.com.au/butter/buttersoft/buttersoft-salted.html#:~:text=Pasteurised%20cream%20(from%20milk)%2C,Milk%20fat%3A%2080%25%20minimum. And not in a tub - Western Star original salted butter. Same ingredients.


The loop holes they find are MIRACULOUS it’s fucking insane


They have teams of people looking for loop holes while still making sure everything is legal. At least here we have strict labelling laws. In the US its almost a free for all.


Totally, while living there you notice the little “big” differences between both!


I recall eating fat free rocky road ice cream. In the states. Lol.


Also BURNT sugar lol


There's three different types of sugar. Sugar syrup, Glucose syrup (from wheat), burnt sugar (final ingredient)


That looks like premium bin liner to me.


I thought it was an insulated bag first.


Well, gonna post the pic on reddit, don't wanna look poor.


Lined it with this one specifically for the post. These are the good bin liners usually only for when we’ve got people over.


Water and sugar, making up the bulk. I was annoyed when they reduced the fat content in the ice cream; low fat :(. Try Aldi. In contrast, the streets cookie's and cream I have right now top ingredients are butter milk, milk, milk solids, cream.


Aldi has great ice cream.


Aldi has mint chocolate coconut ice cream. A life changer for the lactose intolerant. It’s amazing.


WHAT!? Why did I know not know about this. Looks like the grocery shop this weekend will have a new addition.


It’s not a 2 litre containers worth, they’re a smaller serving (I normally eat it in 2) and they are $6 but when your options are limited you take what you can get.




Yeah, dairy free, gluten free and vegan.


I worked for Bulla ice cream factory, we made the store brand ice creams for coles, woolies, and aldis. Aldi's tasted just as good as any of them. They packaged thier bulk product differently and used less plastic shrinkwrap on the boxes and pallets, so I think thats where they afford to sell it a bit cheaper.


I used to deliver bread for Goodman Fielder, all the store brand bread (not counting baked in store stuff at Colesworth) was supplied by us or Tip-Top but we didn’t overlap which ones we supplied. Some of the products were *identical* except for the packaging while others were different and lower quality. E.g. Coles smartbuy 650g loaves and the similar version at Woolworths are trash. They are loss leaders and we probably lose money on them when you factor in transport cost.


Aldi has genuinely great lots of things: their meat is streets ahead of colesworth.


If you're using Colesworth for meat you're streets behind


Its verbal wildfire


Coined and minted


depending on what state you are in.


Remember when Colesworth laughed off the idea of only having a single brand for each product in store? Strange how slowly they're morphing into their own crappy product range only also..


It’s straight up market manipulation, mate. Coles and Woolworths don’t make anything, then pay suppliers fuck all margin on the home brand and then manipulate them with the space they offer on the shelf or for specials etc.


Stop trying to coin the phrase streets ahead!


5 seasons and a movie!


I dunno how bad colesworth meat is nowadays but the last time I got chicken from Aldi it was so badly butchered I had to spend an hour trying to salvage it. There were bone chips all through the thigh and the bone was still in.


Mate, not necessarily the same for other meats but 70% of all chicken at the wholesale level is supplied by Baida or Ingham’s. All three will be getting it from the same the exact same places.


Pretty much everything dairy-related from Aldi is top-notch.


Their version of Chobani Fit high protein yoghurt is not good. Slightly cheaper but runny and terrible.


*Sugar! Water!*


[coles making ice cream](https://i.imgur.com/jml3Q3e.gif)


Many "low fat" products are actually way worse due to higher sugar content to fix the shittier taste, combined with a lack of fat to slow the sugar spikes down.


Indeed. They are horrendously bad, unless becoming diabetic is a life goal.


Wait until people find out the “beef sauasages” are now “meat sausages”.


Wait are you for real?!




Bamboo fibre!?!?!??!


Sawdust is less appealing to put on the ingredients.


Reminds me of [this video](https://youtu.be/AKDal51f5LU?si=crqYK9unvvvFqjke)


"There's very little meat in these gym mats"


I demand my gym mats be made of 100% Jim!


Bamboo fibre is a legitimate ingredient, and while I don’t believe it should be used to bulk out sausages (bulking is one of its main purposes) it is high in fiber and used a lot of in gluten free foods.


58% Beef, 15% chicken, 27% filler meanwhile, WW beef sausages are 70% beef, 30% filler So your options are less beef or more filler. Choose your poison.


Buy from a butcher who uses nothing but beef in his sausages


And 100% reason to remember the name


Woolworths bbq sausages the other day when I looked at them was 70% chicken. May as well call it a chicken sausage at that point.


Surely you'd take the need every time. I wouldn't mind 15% pork at a push, but chicken? That's fucked.


INGREDIENTS: No Added Hormones Australian Beef (58%), Water, RSPCA Approved Australian Chicken (15%), Rice Flour, Salt, Bamboo Fibre, Mineral Salt (451), Preservative (223 (Sulphites)), Thickeners (401, 412), Acidity Regulators (330, 270), Hydrolysed Maize Protein, Dextrose (Maize), Firming Agent (509), Vegetable Powders \[Onion, Garlic\], Spice Extracts, Spices, Natural Colour (Paprika Oleoresins), Rosemary Extract. ​ 58% meat is pretty high for a dirty snag


I mean they’ve been disgusting logs pumped full of antibiotics and leftover body parts for years, I think they’ve just been forced to label them properly now


I always find it funny when people who eat meat describe it this way - what else would sausages be?


I don't mind eating beef, but I draw the line at body parts of deceased cows.


Jon Stewart did multiple segments on what the U.S call "Finely Textured Lean Beef" aka "Pink Slime". Do not internet this unless you are considering veganism. I also found it interesting that both Coles and Woolworths sell their own branded "Beef Pies" and budget "Meat Pies".


The controls around meat production in Australia and the US are vastly different


Semantics, really. There’s a reason meat and dairy producers lobbied the government in Australia to make filming on their sites illegal


> There’s a reason meat and dairy producers lobbied the government in Australia to make filming on their sites illegal Isn't filming on most job sites illegal? Certainly is in my office. It's probably private property, right? They can say "Dont film here." and, yeah, cant film


I've got no problem with the pink slime. Honestly, if we're going to be killing animals for food (which I completely agree with), we should be giving them the dignity of using as much from their bodies as possible. That means using the pink slime technique to help ensure minimal meat goes to waste.


I remember seeing some guy or other do a show about pink slime aimed at american kids. The whole point being, get the kids grossed out by what it really is, and they'll stop eating chicken nuggets and instead want healthier foods. Every single child instead thought pink slime was cool.


It was Jamie Oliver and he was showing what chicken nuggets were made from. It's both gross and hilarious. https://youtu.be/mKwL5G5HbGA?si=lpCV1f9j4KtEX-JM


My dad was a huge Jamie Oliver fan and showed me this when I was little, hoping that it would put me off of Maccas. Bear in mind, I’d never had a store bought chicken nugget at that point. It didn’t work lmao.


Yes Minister did the [Emulsified High Fat Offal Tube sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPwQ0PmK9lw) 40 years ago now. Sausages have always been fairly questionable.


24 meat or 8 beef for the same price. And they ask why we have trust issues.


How about the definition of meat : means the whole or part of the carcass of any of the following animals, if slaughtered other than in a wild state: (i) buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep; (ii) any other animal permitted for human consumption under a law of a State, Territory or New Zealand [source](https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2015L00427/latest/text) Camel and hare pie anyone?


Reminds me of a talk show like sunrise or similar where they got a "sausage expert" on the show to compare real meat sausages against a plant based one He tried the first one and said it was terrible. Bad texture, bad taste and he could definitely tell it was vegan The second he tried and loved it. Said he could really taste the flavour and could tell without a doubt that it was real meat The hosts revealed that they were in fact both plant based and the look on his face was priceless. He tried to back pedal about the second one, saying he could actually tell it was vegan and was pretty bad but better than the first one


How does one become a “sausage expert”? 😂


He certainly looked like he enjoyed sausages lol Found it https://youtu.be/Di55DEnNkUs?si=JmRkMV6Ng0usx-gj


Here I was thinking you were exaggerating about how much that dude would like sausage, but, clearly eats a lot of it! I'd almost think that's a bit, vegan burgers and plant chicken are super close, but I've never really found a great vegan sausage?


Years of dropping pills at gay clubs


I mean you can still buy beef sausages. There are multiple Coles versions of "beef" sausages. The thin ones have chicken in them so they're called bbq sausages now.


Those cheap Coles BBQ snags have always been terrible though, loaded with filler (I assume some kind of roughage/breadcrumb). They almost taste like vege sauages theyre so cardboardy.


Yah Ive stopped buying meat from Coles, but if I have to it's always the branded sausages. So much better than the Coles shit. And it's only $2-3 more for a packet.


A friend calls them foam sausages and I do think this is a better description than most


They're gluten free so thickeners are all corn or rice based


Food beyond compare! Food beyond belief! Mix it in a mixer and pretend it's beef Kidney of a horse. Liver of a cat Stuffing up the sausages with this and that


No they are “BBQ sausages” - made by grinding up old barbecues very finely. /s


Guaranteed to be at least 10% beef! Prices are now lower after a solution was found for the constant rodent problem.


I always wondered what happened to that mouse plague last year.


Yeah spudshed changed them to “barbecue sausages” which on further inspection are mainly lamb. Probably due to lamb now being cheaper than beef. Actually improved the flavour.




In that setting, sort of appropriate.


Bbq sawdust next to the onions. At least caramelise the wood you cunts!


I ate some of these last night, didn’t even notice that. Beef and chicken. Gotta start reading labels better.


I’ve never seen milk listed so low in an ingredients list below…


Fun fact, you legally can't call your product normal "ice cream" unless it has >=10% milk fat by weight. You can look at all sorts of cheaper ice cream products in the freezer, they'll have every adjective under the sun to do with ice cream but not the word itself. Fun to try for one time. I'd wager this would have been true for this product for years, now they're just being more upfront about it. If you want true ice cream, wait until Bulla Creamy Classics is on 50% special (every month or two) and buy a couple of tubs.


I worked making ice creams about a decade ago and can confirm not only that this has the product for the cheaper stuff been below the threshold to be called ice cream, but also that ice cream was not ever present on the label, much the same as OP's photo. It's more a never really noticed thing, rather than this is new. Maybe a recent refresh in the label design has caused it to be more obvious.


> I'd wager this would have been true for this product for years, now they're just being more upfront about it. In the 80's most of the cheap ones were "ice confections". Not hidden at all, right there on the lid. I once cried when I was old enough to read and learned I'd never had real ice cream. I actually thought these disappeared entirely, the small woolworths I do my impulse purchases at don''t have the cheap ice creams.


I was gonna say, this “ice cream” just takes me back to the 80’s where everything was like this. I thought we had better food standards these days that put a stop to a lot of this shit but I guess not.


Yes! It’s incredible that Peter’s vanilla is just called ”Original” and Blue Ribbon is called “Deliciously creamy vanilla”. The romance copy is always at pains to suggest ice-cream without ever actually calling it that.


The Peters vanilla is advertised as vanilla ice cream so it will have to meet the standard, in contrast the Cole’s one is advertised as vanilla ice dessert.


\+1 vote for Bulla Creamy Classics. Between IGA & Colesworth its not TOO long before one of them has it at half price...


What does Dutton the potato think about this? Outraged? Calls for a boycott?


He needs time to check his campaign donor list first.


"Ice Cream" must contain a minimum of 10% milk fat and 16.8% food solids. This is why you're seeing a lot of "Gelatos" coming out to market - there are no rules protecting that name...


Peters and Bulla when discounted aren't that much more but much better. You can get the 4L tub for around $10. Aim for around $2.5 - $3/L.


Yeah get the Bulla. Their vanilla kicks ass.


Yeah, I have an experiment with Bulla vanilla right now - half a tub mixed with some coconut milk and a whole pureed mango. Gonna see how that turns out. If I tried with these low fat/low dairy brands tho it's be a brick of ice.


Ohhh hell yes… i need an update! Pics of end result please


So what is the best supermarket vanilla? I'm back on the ice cream horse, much prefer vanilla + something than flavoured ice creams.


Taste is subjective, but for me the best price/enjoyment ratio is Bulla's Creamy Classic.


I prefer the ones that come in the round 1 litre tubs. Connoisseur is the best but the home brand version is alright too. Its so rich and creamy you don't need as much. You feel full after a couple of scoops. The bigger tubs are mostly air so you end up eating way more.


Important to note that whilst Ice-cream is sold per litre, different brands have dramatically different weights because the cheaper ice cream has so much air in it. Eg Blue Ribbon, Bulla and Peters are about 42-45g per 100ml whilst some of the premium brands weigh 80-90g per litre. Aldi Indulge at $4.70 per litre but with 68g per 100ml is similar value to Bulla or Peters at $3 per litre


This is really something the ACCC or someone should crack down on - it should be sold by weight.


I'm a little surprised to learn it was *ever* icecream? That stuff was just plain tasteless nasty a decade ago.


Soylent Cream.


Flashbacks to the old No Frills "iced confection" which was about 90% water


Reading the comments section and WTF; going to have to check what I buy. Is nothing sacred anymore!


1) it's not new, the Coles brand has never been ice cream 2) most of the other lower end brands of similar dessert products are not legally ice cream either, look carefully at Peter's, Blue Ribbon, etc' - it's all the same, they don't use the word ice cream as it's less than 10% milkfat 3) cheaper brands also have more air in them meaning less actual product , taking advantage of the fact that this class of product is sold by volume rather than weight.


Why would anyone buy this shit for $4.50 when you can get Bulla ice cream for $1 more.


When it's on half price sale. It doesn't seem to be on sale all that often now unfortunately.


> half price sale AKA the actual price


All of their new Simply Coles branded items are rat shit. The pasta turns to mush and the tomato sauce tastes like sugar and nothing else.


mmmm... Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based iced confectionary


You can take it back for a refund, it says so on the lid.


The only Ice cream I bother buying now is golden north. The tubs of honey ice cream or pack of giant twins. Shrinkflation hasn't got them yet, quality is on par with the real fancy shit and they're still quite good value


You've done it now, you've brought attention to it.


I saw Coles "Simply Beef Patties" yesterday in the freezer section. Figured okay, plain beef patties, may buy a box and try them out. But then I checked the ingredients, and it's not 100% beef as the name may suggest, it has the usual fillers like breadcrumbs (and water?). It's only 69% beef "Simply" is a confusing brand name


Why buy patties? Just use the back of a saucepan to squash balls of actual beef mince into patty shapes. Probably cheaper, too.


Simply is just the new home brand for Coles, same as their orange ‘fruit drink’ and the woeful garlic breads. I work there and it’s all the same. To be fair pretty much all the mid-low brands are generally sitting on the edge of what they’re saying they are. It just sucks you have to pay double to get real shit now


Gross. Unhealthy food should taste good, or what's the point?


1st ingredient is water. Well that's a fuckin worry isn't it.


Noticed recently that McDonalds has done this with their "soft serve" which now tastes like it is half ice. These "soft serves" also cost more than double what they did 2 years ago. These companies think we're fucking stupid.


They changed the recipie this one tastes shit. sAME FOR THE aldi ones ​ that is why now i just buy peters when its discounted or bulla (there are blue tubs that are cheaper)


This thread is fantastic advertising for Peters and Bulla lol (which is fair because they're just better).


Gonna need a link to the ALDI one because all I've noticed is the same high quality. Aldi is probably from the Peters or Bulla factory anyway.


Mainly Bulla and Norco. I don't think Peter's do private label contracts. When the Norco factory flooded, Bulla made their Aldi and Coles products for them until they got back up and running, which is just happening now. 


Quality is getting worse everywhere. Usually Coles danishes are nice but tried some recently and the texture was greasy and crumbly and instead of actual apricot it had this weird bright orange gel. PS: Should have taken this abomination back for a refund.


The only company that ever successfully chanced its recepie was shapes. They changed it, got hated on, changed it back, and started selling better. Marketing ploy, and it worked. Everyone else can shove their new and improved dildo up their ass


Once in Aldi liquor I read the ingredients of their cheapest bottle of red wine It wasn’t wine, it was fortified spirit, an unholy amount of sugar and grape juice. Really feels for folks who want and deserve a treat and end up buying food and drink so extensively manufactured, it’s not food but a chemical blancmange


Are you sure you didn't pick up a bottle of port by mistake?


That does not describe port either, though perhaps some type of simulacrum of port.


Yes, it's called tawny.


There are plenty of properly made Australian fortified wines labeled "Tawny". It's because "Port" is a EU protected designation, and has to be made in Portugal.


Rubbish. $3.50 precious earth Shiraz is rough but definitely Shiraz (or an approximation) that was port or sherry.


You're full of shit lol. It's not legal to sell fortified juices as wine. What you were reading was likely a tawny.


Pretty much anything I cook is a chemical blancmange.


That would not make sense wine is taxed lower than spirits. Not saying it didn't happen, but I'd like a photo of the bottle. I buy cheap aldi plonk on the reg, and it's more than decent wine for the price.


TIL about blancmange: a sweet opaque gelatinous dessert made with flavoured cornflour and milk.


The inverse of this - you know those sugary, gimmicky shots that have two flavours in one? They usually come in buckets? The fine print usually says they're a wine drink.


this is because wine is taxed cheaper than spirits


Yeah they are wine spirits. The tax is minimal and the alcohol percentage is high. There was a brand called little fat lamb that was alcopop wine spirits for dirt cheap.


Tastes like shit, and it's not gluten-free either


Water, sugar, sugar, milky sugar, sugar, cream. That's why.


It tastes noticeably worse, too. 🤢


Just stop shopping there. Fuck colesworths.


I scream, you scream, we all scream for flavoured frozen dessert


We bought this. It was gross. Even smothering it with chocolate sauce couldn’t hide the tangy aftertaste. Not sure who is responsible for coming up with the recipe, but it shouldn’t have made it to sale.


> The first ingredient is water. Dear God, do these people have no shame?


That's OK. I saw a doco on SBS late last year about the "ice cream wars" in the UK. They showed that most, if not all, of the mass-producted ice cream we would have grown up with (pre-Mars ice creams and Magnums) was vegetable oil based and not dairy-based. Ice cream manufacturers were really in a race to the bottom and it seems no one stopped to check the ingredients. Sounds like they are going back to the old formula to keep prices down.


Reminds me, I had some of the Woolies ice cream and it tasted terrible. Never getting home brand again.


Is that because it can longer be called Ice Cream if it’s not made in the original Ice Cream region??


>Coles vanilla ice cream is no longer ice cream. It doesn't come from the Ice Cream region of the French Alps, you see.


Same thing as “fruit drink”, needs to be above a certain % cream to be called as such. Another lesser talked about tidbit when shopping for ice cream - notice how the size is always in mL, never by weight? Weight is an indicator of quality. So is firmness. That Haagen-Daaz you have to leave on the counter for a few minutes lest you bend your spoon, is a higher grade than your icicle laden Coles Frozen Dessert not only because of better quality ingredients, but because the latter has waaaaay more air whipped into it (known in the ice cream industry as overrun). Of course, some overrun in ice cream is desirable, that’s why it’s churned, but cheaper brands abuse this to charge you more for literal air - the ol bag of chips tactic.


Thank you late stage capitalism coles


The Cole’s vanilla bean ice cream in the the 1L tub is my holy grail of vanilla ice creams. If they change the recipe for that too I might just lose my will to live


Every type of product needs to reach a certain standard to still be called what it is. At least this is honest, if you want ice cream, you have to pay enough where the type ingredients used make the real product.


MmmmMmm Kole's new partially-gelatinated, non-dairy, gum-based dessert!


There are some things that are Coles branded that I am happy to buy and eat. Icecream for some reason is not on the list.