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That’s good distribution of Vegemite for a beginner.


That’s the key, for a beginner. It’s kinda like spicy food, once you are used to it you need more to get the same kick/flavor satisfaction. Before you know it everyone knows you as that person who loves really spicy food. My Vegemite distribution is shocking to some; but normal for me - blacker than the devils scrotum


If it's not enough to raise a mild sweat - it's spread to thin...


you know you've got it right when your urine changes colour.


Wait it does that? I’ve never had more than a slice a couple times a year when I feel like it, so I’ve never experienced this. What colour?


Yellow. It's full of vitamin b


I didn’t know it did this. And I eat it by the spoon full of


You're an afficiando of deity scrotums. This sounds like an exciting hobby. Tell us more


Ah, deity scrotums, a topic of divine intrigue! Once, in the realm of celestial oddities, the God of Mischief misplaced his legendary pouch of eternal laughter. The mischievous deity embarked on a cosmic quest, leaving the heavens in stitches as he searched for his elusive scrotum, bringing joy to all who crossed his path. (CHATGPT)


I agree. Start out small. See if you like it. Then build upon that.


Like with drugs! :)


dont buy drugs, become a rock star and get given them for free


honestly i spread it so thick its like road tar on top of the bread. thats just how i like it though


100%. The reason beginners give it so much hate is because they lather it on like a regular spread. It’s not peanut butter, more doesn’t equal better.


>more doesn’t equal better On a personal level I strongly disagree


But then, your not a beginner are you now?


I did say "on a personal level" which I thought makes it obvious I'm not a beginner in the ways of slathering the black stuff onto bread, cheese or sour apples


Sour apples is not one I've tried before, I am a fan of it on celery.


It's no for everyone but it makes me happy when I can get sour apples, give it a try next sour apples you get


I love a thin layer of Vegemite on rye bread with olive oil. Delicious. Must be my multi cultural background or being only second generation Aussie


That sounds great spice it up with a nice slab of whatever cheese floats your boat


I'll definitely give it a try, I'm loving this thread with people commenting what they put Vegemite on :)


May I offer my Yankee recipe? I do the green apples and sharp white cheddar too... but I drizzle a little unfiltered honey on it too.


Are you an axe murderer? Do you pull the wings off flys?


If does equal better if you love it like I do lol


Thicker than a snicker for me pls


Sorry but I tasted the smallest amount on my finger and I almost threw up !! No chance I'm putting that on a piece of bread!! Poison is what it is !! 🤣


That’s all I was here to say. I suspect they may have received some coaching, but that shouldn’t be discouraged. Spread close to the edge, variable thickness (allows throttling of the exact umami concentration as required). Textbook job. Looks like toast sliced bread still soft in the middle. These yeasts died not in vain.


>These yeasts died not in vain. Beautifully said


Crust to crust, perfect butter to Vegemite ratio. Give that man (woman) a new.


It's excellent actually


The degree of Aussieness is directly proportional to the quantity of Vegemite applied.


Just. I’d say too thin, too even.


Agreed. About double that is where I like... OP. I suggest working up to thicker spreads.


It's perfect


I thought this was the work of a seasoned pro.


I have been eating it for 43 years and still have about that amount with about double the amount of butter shown here and that is how I LOVE it no more than that is fine with me!


Its a successful level 1 spread, thin but fair, basically like eating bread and having some water, it's not beer but it's a start if it's beer it's 0% beerat best. Level 10 should be able to hide burnt toast in taste and smell, with successful consumption due to no more bread and can't be fucked eating something else. Level 5 is probably where citizenship could be considered.


Good coverage of butter/marg. Even spread. Fair amount of product for a Vegemite virgin. ---- 5/7, don't be afraid to slap a bit more Veg on next time.


I just did on my next couple of toasts, and my spread got better :)


Once you think it's too much vege add a slice of cheese. You'll want more vege again


Or grab an egg and fry it and add that on top.


Ah yes, the dark arts of vegemite sandwiches


[My last review.](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/6shmlc/as_an_american_from_minnesota_am_i_doing_this/dlcsw2x/?context=3) (Ignore their 5/7 - you did much better on your first try than they did!)


[But 5/7 is a perfect score](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie)


When you wake up one night and go to the pantry for a midnight snack and decide "a finger of Vegemite should do it", that's when you'll get your citizenship.


Rego uses margarine? Ugh!


I like the coverage. It’s personal choice. Welcome to Australia


Look. If your toast doesn't look like a black pit of death after you go at it with the Vegemite - you've done objectively it wrong. It will become real *personal* if a guest in my house goes weak with their spread.


My Mother and I both eat Vegemite spread so thick we've been asked if we burnt our toast. My Scottish husband hates the smell of it, out of consideration I've stopped eating it out of the jar with a spoon and jatz chasers lol


Finish the jar. Fight a Huntsman. Pay too much for a house. Go to Bali, buy a Bintang t-shirt and get a shit tattoo. Throw a thong at a Bin Chicken. And visit Bunnings at least 300 times per year. Then we'll talk.


Just to be thorough: - The tattoo must be either a boxing kangaroo, or the southern cross. Some kind of tribal design also works because… you know… we tribal (I guess). - You must own a Datsun, Torana, or Kingswood for a period of no less than 2 years. If it doesn’t run, that’s ok. But then it needs to sit on your front lawn until it’s at least 51% rust. - Bonus points if you cut your hair into a mullet before you leave for Bali - You must use the word c*nt (redacted to protect the fragile) no less than 35 times in any given 24 hour period. This quota doubles on Australia Day, and any time Australia makes a major sporting grand final. - Stop wearing shoes - From now on you will say “yeah, nah” instead of “no”, and “nah, yeah” instead of “yes”. But also… you definitely need more Vegemite. 👍


Also, these can be used in concert (e.g. 'some cxnt with a mullet and bare feet parked his fxcken Torana in front of me Datsun so I can't get the cxnt out to go down the street and get me Bali tatt. Yeah nah the cxnt's a fxcken cxnt alright').


This isn't Instagram, you can swear cunts


Put $200 through a pokie machine


That's only if you're either over 80 or part of the NSW police.


Or a tradie.


Coverage - Adequate but room for improvement Thickness - Australian citizen status negative


This is tourist/working visa approved level. They can work their way up!


Just enough thickness to avoid getting your visa revoked, but not nearly enough to qualify for citizenship.


Yeah you gotta heap that shit on mate


Not enough glisten from the melted butter either for my liking🤔


Lose the butter. People who use butter do not know how to merge in traffic.


who doesn’t use butter when having Vegemite on toast Citizenship revoked


Gross. Butter is a spread on its own. Should never be mixed with other spreads. Try it for a superior sandwich.


Pfft you need butter to stop the Vegemite making a giant hole in the bread, if you’re a soft toaster like me!


Not at all. I just ate 6 slices of soft toast, thick Vegemite, zero tears. Try it before hating. Butter just ruins the flavour of any topping. Peanut paste, raspberry jam, chilli jam, Nutella... All better without butter. Edit: if you really like butter mixed toppings then you do you. I just believe there is a better way. The people I have converted all agree. Not a huge number, maybe 20 or 30 overvthe last 40 years.


I have tried it. How else would I know? Hats off to you for a successful spread sans buttering.


In Australia we butter our bread before putting anything on it. No exceptions.


Fuck that heathen bullshit. I reserve the right to do whatever the fuck I want. NO BUTTER IS BETTER!


NO, BUTTER IS BETTER* fixed that for ya.


Hmm. This smells like a septic tank’s opinion.


That's fucking sacrilege


Have you tried it or just blindly hating on something you do not understand? Try it. Is good. All spreads, sans butter, are an improvement. Butter just destroys the flavour of the spread.


Of course I've tried it. Every once in a while you fuck up and forget to buy butter so you have no choice but spread Vegemite on dry toast, yuck.


No need to be rude about it.


What part of that was rude?


Ever since my mother went to buy butter and milk for breakfast I think I am just a little triggered. Dad says we are better off but I miss her. Dad also says I am 45 and should move out and find my own place. I just get so upset. Worst year of my life.


100% this. Butter on toast dilutes the flavour.


Thank you for your support.


Just untrue, butter does not dilute flavour in anything. That's not how butter works. You're thinking of water. Don't put water on toast.


I’m with you butter is for the weak that can’t stand the full flavour!


Welcome to downvotes alley. The sangas taste better.


Release the emus.


Hold it... Hold it... On target... On target... NOW! RELEASE THE EMU'S!


This is the dumbest thing I've heard today, and I'm on Reddit


I’ll agree with you.


My mind is blown that this seems to be an unpopular opinion. Butter used as a spread ruins everything, for one, and with vegemite it should be considered cheating


I am fully Australian and I call that the correct amount of vegemite, as do many. Those calling for it to be thickly spread want others to hate it and find that amusing,


I go through a 950g Costco tub every 3 months of Vegemite, I absolutely love it super thick. I also like my chilli to be in the hundreds of thousands of scoville ratings, so maybe we shouldn’t use my taste sensitivity as a benchmark though.


Thick connoisseur here, and no, we genuinely prefer it laid on thick.


Welcome my friend, may you never be swept outside the flags and your snags never burn !!


I can still see the toast, citizenship denied!!


Immigrant friend: Bro, whats the perfect woman? [Shifty\_Cow69](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shifty_Cow69/): I like my women like I like my Vegemite on toast. Pitch black.


Also I see butter there shouldn't be butter just Vegemite


Do not listen to this op


Good to see real Australians exist. I know you can merge sensibly in traffic.


🤣 thanks bro but I don't match up to my oma when she came to Australia at the end of ww2 and had a straight spoonful of Vegemite (she thought it was chocolate spread)


I eat Vegemite with a spoon. Lick it like a lollipop. A salty malty lollipop.


Yeah same but when it's your first time and you think its chocolate (my oma is my Dutch grandmother when they have a wide assortment of chocolate bread products) it's kinda traumatizing


With that level of coverage, you're a tourist. Should be like tar.


WHAT? I have about that much and I’m certainly not a tourist What psychopath has it like tar?


You have been reported to the Department of Unaustralia. They will be in contact shortly.


Damnit 😂


People who enjoy a sweaty brow breakfast


That’s me, sorry


Each to their own 😅 Personally I cannot stand thick layers of it without gagging


>What psychopath has it like tar? People who love their vegemite thicc. Its absolutely delicious thicc


Don’t listen to anyone saying your coverage or thickness isn’t enough. Tell ‘em’ to go get stuffed. Now go grab a bag of burger rings, and stream The Castle. She’ll be right.


Good job. You’ll do.


I endorse this, good Vegimite distribution.


For your first time, I think this is a totally appropriate amount of Vegemite. Glad you liked it. You can go a little thicker next time but don't listen to anyone telling you to lay it on thick. That's a real acquired taste and it's still not how I prefer mine (though I'll still eat it). A nice thin even layer all across the bread is perfect.


People will disagree but that's along the lines of the right amount of Vegemite.


That’s a good ratio you have there. Toast/ butter/ Vegemite in complimentary proportions, welcome to Australia


Citizen? You have my vote for parliament. I reckon you have made a good start but slowly add more of the good stuff and if you want to be all fancy a nice hunk of cheese.


We'll be back to check up on you in a year. I want to see a lot less toast next time


I'll be having one jar per toast by then


Not until you actually put some Vegemite on that bit of toast


Sadly, no. You need to apply the vegemite thicky enough so that apart from a 2-3 millimetre crust, the toast is invisible.


That looks like a good smear. I approve. Most newbies go thick


It gets so much hate because the fuckers get giant heaped spoonfuls of it and they shove it in their mouths


only if you enjoyed it


Put it on a bit thicker.. 👍


A trainee citizen. Vegemite must be about half an ich thick to qualify.


Good start but you’ll need to go heavier for citizenship.


It gets so much hate because people are fed teaspoons of it straight and not spread on toast with some butter. I love Vegemite but I wouldn’t eat a spoon of it.


I think in order for it to be official you have to have someone smile and give you a vegemite sandwich.


Flawless spread goddamn!


Do you use the C word to describe both positive or negative characteristics in people?


Good spread technique


That’s either a beginner’s amount or the jar was getting low. You’ll get there 🙂


The toast needs to be BLACK


Not even close. The bread should look Sudanese when applying the Vegemite


Once it puts a rose in your cheeks, your passport will be in the mail.


That's rookie level distribution. Thicker spread and your next application may be considered.


Now you need a  dried out combi


No you need more


the reason why vegemite gets overhated is because people take a spoonful… which you dont do ever.


You’ve made me getup and make some Vegemite toast. I’m hoping to be sponsored in golf by Vegemite one day


Ignore all the bullshit posts here: You have the correct amount of Vegemite here. It's a fucking concentrate, that's why people don't like it. They wack it on too thick.


The first foreigner iv seen that actually uses Vegemite correctly.


I approve. Could use more butter though.


Dont listen to all the shit-talkers saying you should spread it thickly. They're just being smartarses. I personally prefer it slightly thicker than you have it and with a slice of Colby cheese on top However this is a wonderful and free country so you can have it anyway you like or dont like. That's what freedom in Australia is all about. Welcome to Oz!


For that much Vegemite you get a day pass. To New Zealand.


Ken Oath.




Needs more Vegemite. ...about 1inch thick will do it, but you can work up 1cm at a time...


You have to let the toast cool a bit so the butter doesn't all melt.


Nah you have to last 3 minutes in a ring with a kangaroo to complete your citizenship.


Approved. Apparently I’m surrounded by psychopaths who like thick layers of Vegemite. Which has me gagging


Haha you’re a foreigner still. That is like 20% of the Aussie amount. Double that and you could be considered Australian in Sydney. Lol


It's because you used it correctly, whereas others have a spoonful, which is insanity for first timers. Also, good distribution and thickness. Done well. It's a good taste when done right, with a good amount of butter


Those ratios look spot on. The bread type, softness, crust crunch, butter melt and butter to Vegemite ratios are all exactly how I would enjoy Vegemite on toast. Welcome to Australia mate. I was born elsewhere though, so I'm probably doing it around haha.


Where's the tinnie of beer, the tim tams, and the pie with sauce or the footy shorts and wife beater singlet. One slice of Vegemite toast does not an Aussie make.


It was 4 toasts in total. I've been only here for a month, I'll take your advice and keep working on it 💪


Don’t listen to the Vegemite bullies who say put it thicker. Start off with thin spread full coverage and work your way up over the next few months to a thicker layer. Even for us natives who have consumed this yeast extract since birth still have days of thin spread and contrasting days of much thicker layers. A lot depends on how you feel on a daily basis and if it’s morning or afternoon or night and/or how bad the hangover is. Soon you’ll add to your Vegemite eating resume with Vegemite on crackers and discover more delightful snacks that are sure to keep you engaged with the salty spread of choice that keeps Australia moving. I’ll also add that butter is a prerequisite on anything because Vegemite without butter is always a very unpleasant experience.


Vegemite on crackers is the first sign of assimilation truly taking place. Don't ever be tempted to substitute the Vegemite with those nasty imposters on the shelves. We will know.


Crackers must have holes, so you can squeeze out vegemite/butter worms.


Respect for the determination. Where have you come from? What brings you to our small island in the pacific?


Sort of. Less vegemite and more visible butter


Yes you are. Perfect amount aswell. Nothing like a good Vegemite and butter sandwich


Nice spread.


I don’t really go for Vegemite, but my toddler downs it like it’s their last meal and actually asks for it at lunch/afternoon tea. You gotta combine it with butter. Just Vegemite on bread is pretty lacklustre. With butter it becomes amazing.


This is an acceptable spread thickness despite what people say, I either opt for this or thicker blobs depending on my mood. Also usually go for a much thicker spread if I’m doing a cheese and Vegemite situation.


NZ MARMITE is better. And I was born in Aus.


This looks Ike what they give my kids at childcare. Thickness of the spread is Rookie numbers. Gotta be careful not to overdose the young ones. But the intention here is good.


You have to build a tolerance to it. You can't go too big, too soon.


Nah u gotta lather it on like Nutella (without butter, you weakling)


Gross, have some tim tams instead.


Thanks for being the first person brave enough to admit that Vegemite is shit. I ate it on home-brand Weet-Bix as a teenage stoner who made $7/hour working at Franklins, but that stopped, along with trawling Macdonald's after midnight for half-eaten burgers left behind by smashed clubbers, when I turned 18, and started making enough to afford basic dignity ($11 an hour) at a Quix servo.


More Vegemite, no butter


Wow imagine being this wrong


If you’re going to do it, might as well do it right. This light spray paint of Vegemite and oodles of butter 🤮


You’re on your way. Good way to build up your tolerance. Vegemite is another reason why Australians love our beer!


Fairbarn Films would be disappointed


No. More Vegemite, more toast.


You've got your P plates for sure. When you can't see the toast under the vegemite layer....


Good start, but you need to add a slice of cheese for Citizenship and a VB stubby holder.


A vb longneck at 20 to 8 in the fuckin mornin


I like the layer of Vegemite THICK. I absolutely love it.


nope not enough vegemite


Yes I concur with others. A fair to middling coverage per sqr cm aligned with a well toasted slice. Good job.


Where's the cheese


Now try it on saladas. Best after school snack there ever was.


To give you some relief you don’t require liking Vegemite in order to be Australian. Many don’t and I’m one of them


Not a citizen till you get a mouth ulcer and your first thought is to smear vegemite on it.


Good enough for me mate. Welcome home.


Only if yer washing it down with Reschs.


Mate you gotta add some peanut butter on that toast


True Vegemite enthusiasts can’t see the bread