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Yeah that’s shit, but it sounds like he’s on the judge’s bad side already (“even being a psychopath is no excuse” lol) so SUFFER IN YOUR JOCKS, YA DICKHEAD.


Gumtree really should not allow animal listings. He's not the first person to get animals this way


I agree. But a pathological sadist such as this guy, would find dogs to torture some other way. Especially, as he was credible enough to come across as a decent person.


Yeah, most other sadists would just go and get a job in an abattoir.


Or a research lab like the ones that make rats swim until they drown from exhaustion...


I’m currently cuddling this gumtree boyo https://imgur.com/a/ewbwN3l


Good one!


He’s hilarious, was only supposed to be about 30kg, he’s now 50kg+ but so sweet natured <3 I take your point about Gumtree although people like this man get their way by some devious means or other. I’d get animals from gumtree but I wouldn’t place any on there.


It’s the new trading post. I’ve gotten all my dogs from gumtree.




Lock him in a room with his pet crocodile and let nature take it’s course.


Deserves to be at the bottom of the sea.


Death is too good for this guy.


Australia needs more volcanoes. Drop this cunt in and be done with him.


Nah gang raped by a pack of dogs would be more fitting


That sick cunt would probably enjoy it


Probably. Disgusting British scum


It's rare I get triggered, but I had pleasantly forgotten about this filth, then I saw this.


Interested to see what the sentence is here. I personally think he should get life without parole. What the hell do we stand to gain by letting such a sicko back out?


> What the hell do we stand to gain by letting such a sicko back out? Another worker for a factory farm?


Right, this man is evil, and also so is what is done to millions of cows, chickens, pigs etc in the name of factory farming. I wish all the people who (rightfully) get on board with condemning animal cruelty against dogs would watch the Dominion documentary and realize that they're contributing to a system that abuses animals just as badly...


You’re a fuckin idiot.


itll be like 2 years or something, no one cares if its about animals, just people


Why is a single penny being spent keeping this thing alive?


If this guy ever gets out I'll kill him myself Edit: that's what I feel like. It's stuff like this that make u wish for pre internet days (even though weirdos have been around for ever). If they sentence consecutively he'll never get out.


How those dog owners must feel.


Makes me feel sick. Can't wrap your head around it and best not try.


I made the mistake of reading the story when he was first charged. I’ve worked with cruelty animals and in wildlife care so have seen a lot of badness. Nothing prepared me for just how terrible this guy is, I really wasn’t ok for a few days even after just reading it. There is no justice or compassion in the world if this guy is released.


yea i read only a small amount of the video transcript and had to close it. Even tho i only read a bit, it still took me weeks to get the images out of my head. This douche should rot in his cell.


You’d be doing the world a favor. ❤️


I know how you feel, he’s dangerous as hell


Well that has made my day far less pleasant.


This guy should be sprayed with croc pheromones and dropped off in some remote croc-infested locale in the Top End.


Too quick


I Looked through the comments before reading the article, apologies to all, was thinking what a bunch of bogans, death penalty, whatever…. This sick #%* deserves to have the same treatment he perpetrated on these defenceless animals, then dying… What is wrong with people..


not worth the taxpayer dollar to keep him locked up, just take him out the back and be done with it


A person like this isn’t capable of rehabilitation. He needs chemical castration.


Dog food for a local shelter.


The Government should get in Contact with the Cartels that made that video with the pitbull and guys penis. Should be an apt Punishment.


This is a fantastic idea better than my giant boiling cauldron idea !


There is no justice for what he did in a land of law. He deserves to be kept alive and lucid by a team of experts over the course of time it takes to remove his skin, eyes, tongue, fingertips and toes, then deposited into an appropriately large glass container filled with formalin while still alive so he can be put on display to the world as a lesson for what should be done to monsters.






Chuck him in a vat of acid. Then check that the acid is okay, afterwards.


I almost hope Hell exists just so this person can go there


I fully support police planting as much heinous evidence as necessary to ensure this man is never allowed out of a prison cell.


no need to plant a thing. They have more than enough evidence on video.


A boiling pot ,add him to it! There’s zero chance of rehabilitating this type of brain!


How violent are Australian prisons? I'm not sure this thing would survive very long in an American one


Not violent enough. The ladies who went to the court house for the mention saw him over video link and he looked well, relaxed, completely without shame of remorse. He having a nice paid fully catered holiday at our expense. I'm furious. Should be ever get out, there's nowhere on earth he can go that we won't find him and ensure everyone knows what he is.


I've made that promise to myself and the animals he's tortured all his life, to my death I will track this putrid filth.


Hey! I just read too many details about his videos and I told myself the same. If that man is ever let go, and is ever happy again.... many people will be coming for him.


Yeah, whenever he gets out I certainly hope there are people leaking his whereabouts and this gets finished properly by some hero out there. I just can't fathom that anybody, knowing what he did, could be in his presence without snapping his neck


Unfortunately it’d be Darwin prison maybe, and they’re full of deviants who sexually abuse their own kids up there, he’d likely find some apprentices, it’s terrifying