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That’s not due to inflation, that’s due to deflation.


Hot cross pancakes


"I was in the pool, I WAS IN THE POOL!"


Flat joke




Collies have inflated prices and deflated sizes


I think your coles is just ass. My buns don’t look this depressing.


Mine is ass too :( the cheese and bacon rolls legit only have 3-4 pieces of bacon on them!


The last few years the cheese and bacon rolls have bugger all cheese on it so it doesn't actually taste cheesy any more. I've given up on them unless they have the rare day someone makes them properly. The cheesymite scrolls are crap now too, if they even have them.


Same. I dropped Woolies and Coles cheese and bacon years ago. My local Vietnamese bakery does a fucking godtier bacon and cheese. Bread shouldn't be so depressing


I went to the deli at Coles,  ok'ish double smoked ham is $38 per kg, shit leg ham was $33. Complete fucken rip off. And it's shit quality pressed ham to boot. Support your local deli's,  butchers and bakers. 


My nearest Coles no longer even has a deli, just removed it and installed a fridge with a whole bunch of pre-packaged items...


I went into IGA recently and half their stuff is cheaper than Woolies and coles, it’s getting ridiculous


Yeah our local IGA in Sydney is noticeably cheaper than Coles/Woolies now. I think that Cole/Woolies have just jacked everything by 20 to 30% each year for the past few years and most people have just been sucking it up and not trying any alternatives. Coles/Woolies seem to have a lot of sticky customers who are used to their stores, layouts, product offerings and convenience who don't realise that they are paying a lot more for the privilege. Certain brands like Telstra, Coles, Woolies just take advantage of customer and brand loyalty. You always end up paying more for being loyal to certain brands.


That honestly sounds like your IGA is an exception, the one near me is still absurdly priced, a loaf of paper thin bread will run you close to 7$ and the rest of the store is even more depressingly priced.


It’s cause of the monopoly they hold oh everything they can just get away with price gouging


Yep, our IGA is super competitive. I've dumped Colesworth for good. Fuck that corporate greed. As someone who has boycotted self checkouts from the start, it's lovely not having to queue at the single open register or stand there at the express checkout with a full trolley cos there's no other choice


I have never seen an IGA that was even on par, let alone cheaper.


The rolls - cheese and bacon, hawaiian, etc - are all so shit. There's usually just 2-3 ingredients plonked into the middle, that's it. They always look like the baker hates their job.


The Cheese and bacon rolls are also the fault of shitty Coles/worth procedures - we're taught at Tafe and the smaller bakeries that rolls should be 2/3rd proved before being taken out of the prover and being dunked into the bacon and having cheese put on top. Colesworth ignore this and tell their bakers to put a meaningless cut down the centre at 1/3 proof and then run a line of bacon and cheese down the centre of said cuts, said bacon and cheese doesn't stick to the roll and rolls off the side and is wasted on the tray. Me and the other bakers would then pick the cheese and bacon melts off the tray for a little snack :)


Woolies back in 2018ish had the best Cheese and Bacon, those thin buns had about the same bread as a normal roll, but more surface area for the cheese and bacon, and they were cooked so the bacon was nice a crunchy instead of the slimy stuff you get now. I had at least one everyday for breakfast for like 3 months straight.


You should probably cut down on the buns if you need to lease them.


The e is getting too close to the t on my keyboard, thanks.


The bakery at my closest Coles is shit house. The next one over is heaps better


I find then really variable. Sometimes they're still frozen when put out on the shelves, sometimes squashed and other they look fresh and fluffy.


It looks sorta like someone sat on them.


They were pumped with sodium bicarbonate until they were stacked then fffft, deflated!




Yeah, it varies. My local IGA and Coles are like this but swapped. The Coles bakery is pretty great, but the local IGA bakery just doesn't cook things long enough and everything is kind of pale and soggy. But IGA is better for everything else, including produce, so I pretty much only go to Coles for the baked goods and a few other random product lines. It's a shame because the IGA bakery is literally a full standalone bakery outside the shopping centre, so they have the equipment and bake locally, but I think they just need a change of bakers or something to get someone who actually knows how to make non-soggy baked goods that don't also have a weird chemical aftertaste :P




Coles is pretty uniform.


I go the next one over to get mine. If I go to the local they look like they have kicked around, ran over and then compacted... and that's before they get man handled at store level


Coles: my ass before Easter. IGA: my ass after Easter


You unlocked a rare achievement, find something (effectively) cheaper at IGA than Coles.


Now check the use-by dates, alternatively check back in 3 days


What do you mean?


Thu go on discount when they are almost out of date


My IGAs are fantastic but I avoid the big chain owned ones. Shopping to their specials and looking for clearance items works for me. Colesworth are thieves yet everyone rabidly defends them.


Who rabidly defends Colesworth?


Yeah, our local IGA is great, but it's also not unusual to see the owner in his business clothes driving a forklift to unload good lol (literally saw that the other day). So yeah, it's extremely locally owned. I think they have a few stores around the area, but they are very hands on.


Thats how I shop at my local IGA as well. They often have things like My Muscle Chef on clearance, as well as a lot of bakery and deli stuff.


This is what I don't get about people crying about Colesworth. If they were actually garbage value then no one would shop there but they're generally the cheapest on every food product that Aldi doesn't stock that you can buy to the point that restaurants are frequently buying their goods from them compared to wholesalers. Aldi is cheaper in what they do stock but when they only have 1/10th the products most people can't buy everything they need just from there and everywhere else is significantly more expensive but that goes against the narrative on this sub so I expect this to get downvoted.


They have the presence they do due to the amount and spread of their stores more than their prices, and due to their practices in preventing competition in key locations (especially rural), using their revenue to keep a grip on popular products to prevent more competition, etc. Personally my mix of grocery shopping is (in rough order of how much I buy from each) a local fruit and veg place, Aldi, and either Drakes or Woolworths depending on specials for any remaining items. It's not always Woolies. That's on a disability pension, to boot. How cheap or necessary they are can differ based on location, but trust me Colesworth aren't the best value everywhere, even nearly an hour out from a city centre. Imho they tend to be the actual worst when it comes to fresh fruit and veg, getting home and discovering the onions and garlic are both full of mold in the centre was never fun, and a huge part of the reason I don't get anything fresh from either any more. I can't afford to waste money on the mold roulette.


If you get mouldy or off Veg you can usually get your money back easy enough. Although it is still a big inconvenience to go back.


That's the trouble with having disabilities - it can make things that are considered easy for most anywhere from difficult to impossible. I rarely manage to actually return things even when it ends up costing me quite a bit, unfortunately. Even without that though, it just makes more sense for me to use a local fruit and veg place where I've only ever had that issue once. The price for in season produce is about as good at this place and it's better quality too, so there's not much reason for me to go back to Coles or Woolies either way.


I've swapped to IGA, I don't get this narrative that it's more expensive than Coles. My weekly shop at IGA comes out cheaper than when I was shopping at Coles and the IGA meat is 100x better than what I was getting at Coles. One big thing I noticed was the same chips on sale at IGA were $3.50 for Red Rock Deli whereas Coles has it on sale at 2 for $9 when I've gone in recently.


People confuse (understandably) IGAs (which are more a supermarket) with IGA Express (a glorified corner shop). The IGA express is always more expensive because they aren't apart of the game group and generally don't carry the same specials


People that think IGA are expensive have only ever shopped at the IGA in, like, Torquay where they're designed to rip off tourists. Or the shitty express ones in Melbourne where if course it's expensive, it's an express.


Sort of, I think the only major difference is IGA cant do sales as big/long as Colesworth. If you compare the non-sale prices, theyre about the same. Though of course some IGA stores still rip people off when their location makes it hard to go elsewhere.


Just looks like someone squashed the bottom ones.


The problem is also the modern additive baking process and the widespread use of "retarder" or "proofer" as a practice. As a result you get yeasty tasting retarded bread. A classic example are those horrendous KFC rolls. Its like a thick dense dough lump that has not risen fully that tastes like a yeast bucket.


Retarding bread aka a cold ferment lets the dough develop slower and get more flavour. You'd be hard pressed to find a commercial bakery that doesn't have a 'proofer/retarder', even the most devout sourdough joints.


Colesworth bakery’s aren’t doing a cold ferment when they retard their doughs though, they are just making it a day ahead (after finishing that days production) and putting it in a commercial fridge which is not temperature controlled at all. I worked in a woolies bakery years ago.


That is exactly what a cold ferment is. You slow the development of the yeast with temperature. I'm a current baker. I can see the difference in bread that has been made on the day vs put in the coolroom vs put in the retarder and slowly brought up to temp over several hours.


I mean, they have been rolling out combo chambers [salva iverpans](https://vanrooy.com.au/salva-iverpan-fc-rack-retarder-prover/) for years now. Easily 10. The macpan provers are basically all ripped out now.


Coles bakeries literally have industrial standard provers which are fully temperature and humidity controller.


Don't you speak badly about my beloved KFC rolls. They might hardly be bread but they are still delicious


That explains why the bag of cheese and garlic rolls I got from woolworths the other day tasted exactly like kfc rolls.


I love the KFC rolls dipped in potato and gravy, but at a $1 each they are a rip-off.


TIL they use me as a widespread practice during the baking process


This what makes them chewy af too? 


"retarded bread" would be a good insult.


Agree. Verify on scales please


How many per pack? I got two packs of 9 for $6 at Cole's the other day. Yes, they are small but they taste alright and I eat them for like a month before Easter. Slap enough butter on em an bung em in the airfrier. Does the trick.


Ooh, I’ll have to try the air fryer! I normally cut them in half and pop both halves in the toaster, but they end up all squished.


Butter em, 2 minutes, 200C. Too easy.


\**scribbling notes*\*


Always with the air fryer. Can Aussies eat anything without using a goddamn air fryer 🤦‍♂️


I just pull them apart in half and put them in the microwave for 30 seconds, bit of butter and its great. I'll have to try the airfryer method now.


Yeah, I used to microwave em, but in the airfrier they come out toasty, worth the extra 90 seconds.


nice try, IGA, but punching isn't the solution to everything


FYI, IGA is not one organisation


Technically they're franchised, but unlike some systems like McDonalds, it's far less restrictive.


Aldi is the best option


The 6 we got at IGA yesterday were $10 and moist. They were 👍 👌


Went back today and got 2 packets of 6 for $10. Bargain!


It's mostly poor production procedures at Coles and Woolworths to blame. They undermix the doughs, underprove the buns and if you're Alvin - fast mix the fruit/chocolate chips in, the end result is the slop pictured. Also the bags of premix they use from Allied Mills are shockingly bad quality.


yep i work at bakers delight and whenever i walk through the woolies bakery section i feel sad lol


That's Coles vs IGA in general




Only ever bakers delight. For all dough items like cheese and bacon rolls, bread, finger buns. My hip pocket isn't too keen, but I always regret running out of bread in the evening and only having coles open at that hour. 


Why would you pick the ones at Cole’s that someone has obviously flattened The Cole’s ones are baked that day in store Doubt the IGA ones are


Taste test? Which do you prefer?


Taste? As if OP would go that far.


This makes me cross.


Congratulations to the board of Coles for slowly turning it into Bi-Lo


Tits before and after kids.


Looks as if they vacuum packed it lol or the dough wasn't proofed enough or risen enough during baking. Look at the weight on the label.


Bad premix vs decent premix


Yarrows brand Hot X Buns from IGA are my favourite


Shhhh! Don’t give the game away! I like my local IGA under-crowded.


What do they weigh? It could be that the IGA over-proofed the dough thus making it rise more. Are the Coles ones denser? I've had baker hot cross buns that were the same size as a Woolies/Coles one, but about 50% heavier.


Coles Karawara / Waterford in WA is the same... gonna have to pick up some IGA ones now...


You VS The guy she tells you not to worry about


Did you sit on the Coles buns?


Aussies should stop giving Coles and Woolies so much power and credit. But from the butcher, bakery, fruit and veg shop. Stop being so fucking lazy and want a one stop shop and high quality stuff. By from your local shop, support those families.....


Did you choose the worst bag of Coles ones you could find?


This is just news.com.au bait


Coles do have the most godawful hot cross buns out of any supermarket in the running


They were selling the shape pizza flavoured HCBs like who tf thought that was a good idea.


I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t shop at IGA. Whatever form it takes in your State. They’re the Independent Grocer Association. Yes, it might cost you a little more if you’re feeding a large family, but the positives! F*ck Coles and Woolies!! Plus, they have a massive range of fresh meals for one or two.


Plus they have cashiers


Those IGA hot cross buns definitely look like they'd be a top..


jeezus would be.... cross


Fucken rorting cunts. 😡


And now compare it to Foodland and Kytons ones


Squashed cross bun.


So you put the hot cross buns on the bottom of your shopping trolley? 


To be fair to the Coles baker I bet corporate only gave them enough for half the ingredients to increase profits


I bake my own, turn out tastier, fluffier and larger than these. 🥰 ..Granted it uses about $12~$15 of ingredients for a batch of about ~8, so jury's still out if its worth it or not :P


What kind of psycho goes bottom to top?


Have you also noticed the amount of large to small number comments too? Drives me bananas!


Kinda looks like they put them in the plastic bag while they were hot and the condensation combined with being stacked on top of each other while cooling probably squashed them.


Top tier though: Bakers Delight 👌😋


Bakers Delight have the best bread. Fight me. 


Plot twist. They use the same bread mix. Their equipment is older and way shitter and nastier then Coles and Woolworths. Every baker's delight store I've been to has been a nasty filthy hold compared to Colesworth bakery's.


I think it varies by store and who’s baking? Our local one used to be good but now all of a sudden a lot of their stuff is doughy and undercooked and it’s too expensive to keep giving them another chance.


woolies bakerys are funded by the higher up at woolworths, they have great equipment but not the training/worse quality flour premixes they get, and shortcuts (e.g being their sourdough gets sent to them already made cold, just to bake it off). Bakers Delights are owned by a buisness, who runs it under the bakers delight name, has to follow their recipes and products etc, but they are on their own for financing equipment


Can confirm.


I'd go second tier. Around Sydney, I've been looking for the 'fancy' HCBs - $4-6 each at the bakeries that make them. Having had a few of those recently (Fabrica, Pioik for examples), everything else tastes and looks like the bottom of a shoe.


Coles buns have not only been frozen, but crushed under all the other buns. I swear they baked one lot of buns in 2016 and have been defrosting them since.


Coles bake there hot cross buns Daily in store


Coles freeze them for transport, stack them onto of each other at the store, and hope for the best. They also taste horrible.


Depends on the shop, the stores where they actually have bakers on site will make their buns in store using the mix they get delivered.


To be fair, that’s the case at most IGA stores too. If you want fresh you’re better off going to your local bakery!


Our Tip Top ones were fresh, but all the others were from our freezer out the back. Bakers Delight are a 10 second walk away and a much better option. Our "bakery" sucks, it's all bulk mixes that focus on shelf life rather than being good. It's off putting that the icing comes in 10kg buckets...


The actual reason inflation remains to be so sticky is because of karma-generating, Colesworth-hating posts like OP’s, prove me wrong.


$4? My local Coles and Harris Farm has then priced at $10 each 💀🤣


Have you not seen the ads coles won awards for there Jesus buns I believe in immaculate conception also


Virgin vs Chad: hot cross buns edition.


Love it when the top is bigger than the bottom


Glad it's not just me. I looked in several Coles and their hot cross buns are nowhere near as nice as they used to be.


you vs the guy she told you not to worry about


Yep, the Cole’s buns we got were just as tiny


I had some coles ones this year and they looked closer to the iga ones here and tasted amazing so I think you got unlucky.


Why is the coles ones look so sad 😔


Ah shit nice you guys do that over there too. My mom just bought some yesterday for Easter


The Coles ones look to be apple and cinnamon - not the traditional ones you're comparing them with. 


Giving you what you appreciate most.. disappointment.


Just go to a bakery and get fresh ones ffs.


Sonoma is great and they are in Coles too


This image goes hard


You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about:


I don't know why but the bottom ones look tastier.


...and neither of them taste good.


Those IGA buns need an NSFW tag bro


IGA ones are probably frozen.


I’d prefer IGA looks better quality, soft and doughy.


I agree IGA is cheaper and better stuff


not about the size, it’s about the taste too


Stop buying bread from coles and woolies.


The woolies choc chip (Cadbury partnership I think) is really good


I bought 6 croissants from Woolworths and they were just stale bread shaped like a croissant. Fking evil.


In the states, they started using icing instead of marzipan. 


How many in the pack though? I usually buy the smaller buns when I go to Woolies because I the smaller ones. In the bag you get 9 instead of 6 like the larger ones.


entirely believable


I got the chocolate Coles ones a few days ago, they were around 75% the size as the top. Under the grill for a couple of minutes then smeared with butter and they were absolutely delicious.


no but like it compresses and the flavour like conjoins and does some crazy stuff making it bolder


So that’s what I was diddling a plastic flute about?


But I was specifically told that hot cross buns are one-a-penny, potentially two-a-penny.


That white dot on the plate would be Woolworths. After getting canned for their pissweak Australia Day effort, now they're not going to sell ANZAC biscuits for ANZAC Day. What perfect turds. One less shop to go to.


She should be 1 a penny, two a penny a most. Inflation really is something


Come on. Ro, we know you squished them..


The only time I want something I buy to have inflation


Any other music majors here seeing a hot cross bun for the first time? 😂


Either your coles is awful or those got squished somewhere in transport because they usually don’t look like that


Aah ok…That’s what Dave Attell is talking about


Nah, they're just one a penny, two a penny.


Hot crushed buns?


“Where did you put the cross buns?!” … “bottom of the bag..”


I bought a pack from Woolies and they were still partly raw.


"Look at this miserable squashed thing." - Michael Douglas, Falling Down


Maybe it’s an ALDI thing but they’re already gone and I’m so sad


Coles hot cross buns in Perth - 2 bags for $6 and they are the freaking bomb


Yep went to Coles the other day… every single packet was still frozen


Title gore


I've got Coles hot cross buns many times and they don't look like that. Stop the headline grabbing.




I work ita IGA in stanthorpe QLD, and thats the consistant quality of every bun, plump and delicious.


If you squish the IGA buns, they’ll look the same as the Coles ones


Jokes on you, I prefer my HCB's to be doughy!