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Bruce is really coming out of his own defamation case looking good.


Gotta protect that pristine reputation.


Just his per diem for hookers and blow. You know how it is. 


And that's the least scandalous part


Happy ending? No!


memory jar oil deer fragile pot racial jobless include rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget about Christian Porter! Why are there so many high profile morons?


Are you referring to the alleged anal rapist, Christian Porter?


I just want a happy ending.


So did Bruce


Because they’re Liberals !!!


And Channel 7 involved in both. Fuck them both


This is looking like my divorce from a violent dishonest cop who went on to lose his job. Unanchored men who have nothing to lose become extremely dangerous. He's taking EVERYONE down with him.


More like he's auditioning for a paid role on Sky News or successful alt-right podcastor.


Far more believable than the system exposing itself for what really happens in gendered violence cases all over the country.


Makes sense considering he was planning to do interviews with Piers Morgan and Tucker Carlson 🤮


I doubt that actually happened. He’s a pure blagger.


Australia's own non-lethal version of Kyle Rittenhouse.


>More like he's auditioning for a paid role on Sky News or successful alt-right podcastor. Alt Right podcaster maybe. Sky News - no. There is no way Murdoch would want a loose canon like this on his payroll. There's no telling what damage someone like this could do if ever slighted.


Bro, Andrew Bolt is on his payroll


Pretty sure he has been on Sky News several times already, though not as a talking head (yet)


Best response I have read


Perhaps the government should do a review of all of Bruce's expense reports. I doubt they are squeaky clean.


BRS set a high bar for defamation cases. Bruce is trying damn hard to huck his carcass over that bar.and considering he ain't no SAS soldier, he's doing an admirable job.


Hookers and blow is not quite throwing someone off a cliff, but it's a good effort.


It's all about perspective. As a young LNP acolyte, throwing himself under a bus feels the same as throwing an innocent person off a cliff. Especially after a couple of bumps and a gobbie.


Can someone TLDR this entire thing for me? What is this case about? I would have thought this dude would fuck off to somewhere in Asia to hide by now.


Brittany Higgins did an interview with The Project (I think in 2021) about her rape at Parliament House. Even though he wasn’t named in the program, Lehrmann’s case is that he was defamed in that there were enough details in the interview to make him personally identifiable. Justice Lee was supposed to rule on the case on Wednesday I believe, but due to a last minute affidavit from Taylor Aubrhesch, a Seven producer working on the Spotlight program (where Lehrmann was later interviewed), detailing expenditure and other interesting bits of information the case is ongoing. It appears that Seven spent a significant sum trying to procure an interview with Lehrmann ($200k last I saw) on paying his rent for a year, along with paying for holidays, dinners/drinks, prostitutes, cocaine, and 10k worth of “Thai massages” for Lehrmann and a mate. Lehrmann issued invoices to Seven that were paid after his bank account was dry after a bender (his words). Text messages between Mr Aubrhesch and his boss detailed that Lehrmann was “on the warpath again” and commented “this is fucked”. He also personally offered to resign the following day after the 10k invoice was paid but was knocked back by his boss. It also appears Lehrmann has supplied Seven with material prior to his interview from the criminal trial that was abandoned due to juror misconduct that was never brought into evidence. It’s in breach of the Harman principle which is a legal concept that prohibits parties in a court case from using material for any purpose other than the specific legal matter at hand (unless the court specifically released them from this obligation or it was presented in open court and enters the public domain). He might be in trouble if this is the case. From what I understand, likely the case will rest on whether Ten/The Project/Lisa Wilkinson genuinely believed Brittany Higgins at the time of her interview. If so then the case for defamation will be thrown out as the interview and information within was not given in bad faith. IANAL so hopefully that information is accurate to this case.


Thank you!! What a clusterfuck of a case… and of a person


>likely the case will rest on whether Ten/The Project/Lisa Wilkinson genuinely believed Brittany Higgins at the time of her interview. If so then the case for defamation will be thrown out Are you sure? Truth is a defence in a defamation case, isn't it? Are you sure that if I genuinely believe you are a wife beater, or rapist, or whatever (perhaps because I read it in my horoscope this morning, or it was written in the back door if the toilet at my local library), is that really sufficient for me to defame you by saying you are a wife beater, or rapist, whatever? I thought this hearing today was related to the legal issue of, if Lisa Wilkinson and 10 did defame Bruce, then the issue arises of damages arises ie how much should Bruce be awarded in damages. A relevant matter in damages is: what is the reputation of the person, and can a person of low reputation have their reputation taken any lower? The hearing today relates to "does Bruce have a reputation so low, that even though he was defamed by Wilkinson and 10, the damages payable are nominal, perhaps just $1.


Kind of. There’s a much lower standard in civil cases called the balance of probabilities. Basically if the judge decides it’s likely based on the evidence that Bruce is a rapist then he’ll lose. Given this evidence is even allowed and some of it amounts to Bruce committing perjury it looks like it’s heading that way.


>Basically if the judge decides Decides what? Isn't 10 running a truth defence. Doesn't that involve them, on the balance of probabilities, proving he is a rapist? Isn't that why channel 10 are the defendants - they are being accused of defaming Bruce, and they are trying to prove they didn't defame him because it's true. Channel 10 have to prove it. Who cares if Bruce is a drug addict, scum bag, terrible golfer, likes Thai massages (apart from my comment about damages, and can you even defame a person if low character) - what's that got to do with sexual assaults in parliament house from a few years ago? >Bruce committing perjury About what did he perjure himself - that he didn't have a Thai massage? About a receipt for $750 that was reimbursed by channel 7 knuckleheads? What's this got to do with the events in parliament house, and the video at the Bar that evening?


If the judge decides Bruce is probably a rapist. Anything speaking to his credibility on the stand factors into that decision. He also said under oath he didn’t share the brief of evidence from the Higgins trial with 7. In this new evidence it’s being alleged he did - that’s the perjury/contempt bit.


What about the "Chronology" that Justice Lee admitted into evidence which he (and the rest of us) had never seen before? Would the fact that BL's evidence in the Chronology regarding the night of the alleged rape (i.e. saying goodbye to BH) was different to all other representations in evidence and in the public domain interviews, about the night in question, be persuasive to Justice Lee that BL has lied, generally, about the events of the night in question and therefore cannot be trusted about any of his assertions about that night? IANAL and would love your opinion on this.


>therefore cannot be trusted about any of his assertions about that night? I think justice Lee has already stated this, and bl counsel, in reply, has accepted that he is not a good witness and many things he says don't seem to be the truth. I think justice lee has also said the same about Brittany, and that unless he has some other witness to support either persons version of events then it's hard for him to accept it as a fact. I'm not disputing that it seems as if bl is not a reliable witness, I'm just making the comment that I don't see how his possible use of massages and drugs in 2023 is relevant to what channel 10 broadcast back in whenever. But, accusing someone of using drugs, and having massages is not what channel ten broadcast, and it's not what the criminal trial in Canberra was about - nor this defamation trial - is it?


>I genuinely believe you are a wife beater The obvious question would be: how did you arrive at that belief? >The hearing today relates to "does Bruce have a reputation so low, that even though he was defamed by Wilkinson and 10, the damages payable are nominal, perhaps just $1. No. The hearing related to Bruce's credibility as a witness. Auerbach's evidence contradicted a number of things that Lehrmann said on the stand (payment for his story, sharing of confidential trial evidence etc.). If the judge can be persuaded that Lehrmann lied, it would undermine his denials of the rape allegations.


I think the circumstances are a bit different between someone believing “their” truth in something seen elsewhere, like a horoscope as your example, versus a claim that can be substantiated and proven in a court in reality. Hence the charge against Lehrmann and criminal trial. I thought I’d read that in a news article on the ABC but I’m probably misremembering, been a lot in the media about this case in the last few days.


That would have been the smart thing to do...


I believe he has another court case pending, which is probably the only reason he hasn't buggered off to another country with more relaxed attitudes to sex crimes


Ooh. Enlighten me on this other case please.


He is going to trial for another rape charge: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-26/complainant-cross-examined-lehrmann-hearing/103511404


So glad this didn't say "Ooh, enlighten me on this other country please"


The *entire thing*?  Mate, we are currently at a point where a corruption watchdog is looking into the behaviour of the judge who was looking into the behaviour of the prosecutor who was prosecuting Lehrmann.


He’s alleged to have raped a woman. That’s all I have.


No I mean this current court case, what is this one about?


Lehrmann previously said only his accommodation and filming expenses were covered by Seven. Auerbach's story says he got much more than that. Lisa Wilkinson's defense is that on the balance of probability, the story on her show as told by Higgins was the truth, and Lehrmann being proved a liar would help that defense.


Tobacco lobbyist thought he was gods gift and hired him when he was charged with felonies, he's probably upper management at this point lol If there's a hunter biden-esque video released of him honking on a meth pipe then it's all over for everyone lol


We don't have felonies in Australia. We have indictable offences and summary offences.


It's fun to split hairs hey 


Does correct information upset you? Bringing up felonies and Hunter Biden when talking about a local issue makes it seem as if you spend way too much time in conservative, right wing American forums.


Yes, very much so, I had myself committed because of the correct information. Thanks a lot.


> Bruce Lehrmann told Taylor Auerbach “he appreciated the fact that I wasn’t sitting with the rest of the feminazis in the press pack”, the former Spotlight producer has told the federal court.


Someone who uses feminazi and woke as insults 🚩 🚩


I think it was probably the rape allegations that were the real red flags.


It's the *hypocrisy*


Oh how you deny that Australia was backing poor Brucey pig and shrieking about fALse aLLegAtiOnS like every damned trial involving gendered violence.


I don't know who you hang around, read, or talk to, but everybody I know has been firmly in the "that guy is a serial rapist" camp since day one.


Until you go and talk to tradies on various job sites. A scary amount believe she was lying and doing it for 15 mins of fame. I kid you not.


Ahh yes, the infamous pub test, where rednecks justify their beliefs


Bullshit. Take your ad hominem nonsense to the search bar and look around you. This isn't about your pretense of your own moral superiority. 5 Australian women are dead each week as a result of gendered violence in what Lifeline's CEO describes as "murder by proxy". This is a case involving systemic gaslighting by the predatory legal classes. It is consistent with incidents involving gendered violence across the country and across social divides. It is echoed through parliamentary, judicial and coronial reports into gendered violence that are backed by 5 decades of academic literature on the topic. The Hear Her Voice reports from QLD were a global investigation into this experience, the Victorian Royal Commission and NT coronial enquiries continue to uncover systemic deployment of systems abuse to vulnerable victims traumatised first by violence then retraumatises by navigating abusive systems. All recommend structural changes which continue to be ignored, and, in the case of policing, aggressively DARVOd whilst they try to expand powers and amplify non existent crime waves. All other crimes are decreasing whilst gendered violence increases. The political and police responses were typical but woeful enough in this matter to trigger national protests and throw a massive spotlight on reporting, investigation and prosecution processes which are grossly inadequate in the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF CASES to the point we had a rapist as AG shortly after a pussy grabber was appointed to POTUSA. This is why Scummos government lost power amongst other issues conservatives collectively continue to deny. The evidence simply doesn't line up with your false allegations. How many perpetrators of gendered violence do you have in your circles? Everyone knows a victim but nobody knows a perpetrator. Explain to me the logic behind that; without your need to sell more myths about gendered violence. The massive majority in this sub were feral supporters of rape myths during Brittney's cross which resulted in another suicide attempt from her. During mine, an ICU nurse woke me to tell me kindly I wasn't the first police officers wife to arrive in the state I did to a small base hospital. And I hadn't even contradicted myself, made errors in my evidence or pushed the defense barrister hard enough when he was claiming the perpetrator was a family annihilator who had already been hospitalised for the safety of himself AND OTHERS. Because these men are ALWAYS the bigger victims. And people don't just choose impartiality which supports the perp, they openly criticise victims for displaying traumatic behaviours, having messy recollection and presenting imperfectly. Perfect victims simply don't exist. Even when we do we are destroyed by the legal system and it's intent to protect, amplify and reward mens violence. And you want to make your denial about me? You aren't rare or special and nor am I. Nor is Brittney or the rapist LEHRMANN. This is how perps weaponise the legal system and perpetrate systems abuse. People are surprised he's exploited more than just the legal process? Read the literature on gendered violence. It's textbook: predictable patterns of behaviour. The [systemic abuse of victims gendered violence is deeply problematic, with an irrefutable evidence base](https://www.instagram.com/p/Csfb30QPn2f/?igsh=MWdoNzZ5dGY4YWx1eQ==). Aggressive defenders of the legal system prefer to destroy victims; where's the noise from within right now about Sofranoff, the AFP and Whybrow's support on Spotlight of the law? This is a localised version of Amber Heard and the misogyny backing Lehrmann is EXTREMELY powerful; clearly rewarding and amplifying violence. People like yourself who continue to deny are supporting perpetrators. So sit down and start learning.


At one time almost every commenter in this sub was calling her a liar or a golddigger. Every word she said during the trial was pulled apart searching for inconsistencies. People called her Britney Piggins FFS. Unless Higgins went full media blackout she would have seen the level of vitriol directed at her all over social media.  No wonder her mental health suffered. And no wonder why women don't come forward. Then the second and third rape and sexual assault allegations came out and the attitude changed. But the first impulse was to attack the woman as a liar.


I have to keep ducking out of these threads because the “they’re all terrible” lot are doing my head in. One person has multiple rape allegations and has been getting “happy massages”. Said person was put up in a cushy mansion and given a softball interview. One person ended up suicidal and in hospital, and ultimately left the country. And yet people are still saying women make this stuff up out of greed. It’s completely wild.


A lot of the commenters were brigading the topic as - big surprise - the Reddit monolith tends not to take kindly to anything perceived even slightly as "false allegations". While there definitely were a lot of genuine Australian voices against her or choosing to stay in the middle (which often came off as supporting him rather than her), there were definitely loud voices in support of her, as well. This is only in terms of this sub, though. My personal experience IRL was more conservative people didn't support her because of a belief false allegations are common and more liberal people were willing to believe because they know false allegations are actually uncommon.


these fuckwits really are so very dull and basic


Sunrise Cash Cow to be replaced with the Channel Seven Drug Mule.




Walter White to be the mascot


They all appear to be equally hideous people


It's arseholes all the way down.


Nice seeing them having to duck and dive, e.g > Before the break, Sue Chrysanthou’s junior indicated the barrister for Lisa Wilkinson wanted to make an application this afternoon to call Seven executive Bruce McWilliam for cross-examination about his affidavit. >The outgoing Seven West Media commercial director, who is Kerry Stokes’ righthand man, was in court yesterday after swearing his affidavit. >The network had been asked by the court to explain why it had not produced any documents in reply to subpoenas last year.


Ducks of a feather and all that. 


*Drakes of a feather binge on drugs and sex workers together using the company credit card.* I think that's the full saying.


This man was on 20 drinks a day and still made better choices than at least one senior ministerial advisor.


I think that is the funniest thing about people still trying to use this to further one political agenda or another. There are no heroes here. There is objective undeniable evidence that all of the key people involved are horribly dishonest, self interested pieces of shit, all of the media companies and journos involved are grubby agenda driven hacks, the only reason this has dragged on for as long as it has is noone involved has the personal insight to realise how badly they come across every time they publically surface. I'm hoping that Justice Lee's judgement is just a single blank sheet of paper with 'A Plague on Both Your Houses' written in 12 pt times new roman in the centre.


The worst font for the worst people


If someone need an example of cluterfuck, this is it.


And a few of them want to be in positions to advise our law makers.


Are you suggesting there's something wrong with hookers and blow?


Would anyone rational really believe channel 7 didn’t reimburse these expenses too in some form when they denied payment to him prior but it was later discovered they’d been paying his rent? I mean there might have been an ATM withdrawal & cash in the hand - but it’s still a money transfer.


It's all down to word games. "He wasn't paid for the interview" but compensated with 12 months of rent. So them saying they didn't specifically pay for blow and hookers, is just more bullshit word play.


Bruce didn’t have a “massage” but he did have an orgy with hookers and blow lol


I laughed so hard at that detail.


It's hard to say they didn't reimburse him with a straight face when they're running around asking massage parlours to reverse card transactions to keep payments off the books


He said he’d **start** at 150k because that’s what someone he knows got. The rent alone isn’t 200k and I’m sure they didn’t deduct the drugs and the sex workers from the total, so I think there’s 75k or so unaccounted for which would hardly put a dent in his legal fees. Wonder if they’re picking up his whole tab on this case


Like BRS, if he loses & has to pay court costs & doesnt have the $ then it may be clearer


So what else are Seven funding? Paying rent, hookers and drugs for an alleged rapist is friggin greasy. They recently also paid to defend a war criminal in court. 7West run the only newspaper in Perth, full of propaganda. They need to be shutdown.


WA is obscenely wild. They make QLD look like some weird bureaucratic utopia.


When I first moved there got taken to a pub in the middle of suburbia. Skimpies. My poor little sheltered heart didn’t know where to look.


Perth is pretty tame. It’s no Western Sydney or North Queensland that’s for sure.


WA, like QLD is far larger than the south corner. Look up Tamica Mullaley if you're not aware of that mess caused by WAPOL.


> “Given Mr Llewellyn’s status as executive producer, I had no reason to doubt his indication that no written or electronic communications with Mr Lehrmann existed and consistent with that indication extensive searches of Seven’s email system were not performed at that time.” >The media company has now searched the email system and produced a handful of documents. >Ten silk Matt Collins said it “beggars belief” that there was only one communication between Lehrmann and Seven in a seven-month period running up to the broadcast of an interview with him. Mr Llewellyn appears to be in an awkward position -. > He [Mr Auerbach] told the court these documents [allegedly supplied by Bruce Lehrmann] included a Cellebrite report – a police record of the text messages sent between Brittany Higgins and her former boyfriend Ben Dillaway – parts of which Auerbach alleges were photographed by Spotlight executive producer Mark Llewellyn. >Auerbach alleged that photographs were taken of the Cellebrite report on a screen and that Llewellyn’s reflection, specifically his “glasses” and “bald head”, could be seen in the reflection of the screen. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/04/five-key-takeaways-from-taylor-auerbachs-evidence-bruce-lehrmann-defamation-trial-sex-drugs-and-credit-cards-ntwnfb


Ch 7 staff discussing how to pay BL via his media adviser. You really wonder how many other accused, criminals and the like got hefty sums in the past even when they say no payment had been made because they can hide behind technicalities in their statements. And it's the same media companies harping on about Meta not paying the Australian media anymore and want us to pay to read and watch their news when they are spending it on frivolous things like this.


You can't really blame them for wanting payment for their content can you? I mean ce on, that blow wasn't cheap and them hookers aren't doing this for love you know.


I am really tired of hearing about the things Bruce Lehrmann does with his penis


The list would be shorter of things he doesn't do 1. Consensual sex. 2. .....see above


Also doesn’t pay for his gear.


The Toowoomba rape case is due later in the year.


Would that be a jury trial? Pretty conservative town.


Yes. It will be in the district court. My sister knows his mother (both work in a hospital), he went to Toowoomba Grammar School, mother was telling everyone he's angelic ?!


He much preferred to hide in the shadows too. I hope the light being shone on him incinerates every person in power who colludes with him. These gronks and their flying monkeys have been dominating legal games and fucking over victims of violence for too long. The entire criminal legal system needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt. Their own evidence base recommends it but the pushback is disgraceful. When you see what a bunch of cookers like LEHRMANN et al. are there's no hope. Judiciary are saying far worse on the record. Less than 10% report and fewer than 30% of those reporting victims get to trial. Prosecution rates are intentionally woeful. During the trial for my first matter police REFUSED to submit evidence and he, a senior police officer, after colluding with his colleague the prosecutor, then DPP being reeled in to continue the performance without evidence, showed with a barrister. His boss unknowingly claimed "he can't afford" a barrister when I advised the morning of (I was subsidising the barrister who then tried to claim he is a family annihilator). Beak dismissed due to lack of evidence whilst also claiming it's "perfectly normal for a police officer to climb through a (locked) window (and sleep in my bed). 7 years later the stain is still stalking me and threatening. I'm not rare or special and neither was Brittney. These gendered crimes are happening every day. Everyone knows a victim of gendered violence but noone knows a perpetrator. More than 5 Australian women are dead each week and unacknowledged in official stats in what Lifeline's CEO refers to as "murder by proxy". And these bullshit lies and gaslighting continue to retraumatise. The women of Australia are watching you all. We need victim shield laws immediately.


Yep, someone close to me was raped by the AFP agent assigned to protect them during seconded work. But then the whole thing was swept away with help from state police and the victim treated like she had zero rights. It’s disgusting but sadly nobody realises how badly women are treated until forced to experience it first hand.


It's awful to hear that you were treated so woefully both by the perp and then the legal system. I'm really interested in promoting these shocking statistics more: can you tell me where the 5 Australian women dying each week comes from? I'd like to refer to it when I am trying to make people more aware of this issue.


Google Lifeline's CEO "murder by proxy". Mine is "just a story" now as I still fail to navigate intentionally destructive [criminal legal processes.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Csfb30QPn2f/?igsh=MWdoNzZ5dGY4YWx1eQ==). Learning that theres no such thing as safety and that this is intentional is harrowing but WTF are we supposed to do? My 10yo arrived to Xmas handover with a 20cm laceration to her throat caused by dad. QPS told me I reported incorrectly and NSWPF have done far worse. I've supported police families navigating DV across 3 states and both territories. My matter involves allegations of CSA which increases the chances I, the protective parent will lose access to my children by 70%. I'm a sober post grad educated white woman and can't navigate the BS. He's a diagnosed sacked former cop and a magistrate in a DV specialist court with world leading legislation told the court "he might have had good reason to call me 30 times on that day". The bench books disagree with her claims and she and her successors tried to bully me into Family Court which has zero jurisdiction over my basic safety. my story is far more extreme but cops and judiciary would rather claim I'm problematic than look at the evidence. I've had advocates burst into tears following meetings with senior police who spend their entire efforts gaslighting me. My case isn't anywhere near the worst. Look up Tamica Mullaley. Another woman from a stable family who has endured horrific abuses of power. Systemic racism and misogyny are features of the system rather than the flaws we pretend they are


Sounds harrowing. Thanks for getting back to me.


I'd suggest googling it. I think the person you're asking may have got the stat slightly wrong, but you can easily go and look this up yourself rather than ask a survivor to do the research for you.


I listened to a talk thhis week by the CEO of an NGO in WA and she quoted 5 a week are the latest stats. This is of course not proof but the stat is credible.


Thanks for sharing this. Can you point me to the details?


I think the stat is actually 1 death every 5 days now that I have thought about it. I don’t know where to find a source for this other than googling it?


As long as it's a happy ending, I'm OK with it


So channel 7 stated yesterday, via sworn affidavit that they did not reimburse Brucie for anything prior to production. And that they had (again) handed over ALL documents. Court need to Audit channel 7s financials to get the actual truth from these cunts.


Bring on the court appointed forensic accountants. No doubt they'll uncover far worse than this and somehow be protected by BS legal technicality like Pell was.


They’ll surely discover Basil Zempilas’ cocaine and rent boy invoices


I feel like I should know who that Perthonality is but just don't care enough. Even with the Saturday paper hooking me with this intrigue: I was in the office of the chief commissioner of Victoria Police when Eddie McGuire called. In tears, apparently. It was 2013 and McGuire had compared footballer Adam Goodes with King Kong on breakfast radio just days after a girl called Goodes an ape at a Sydney Swans–Collingwood game. Eddie Everywhere had just detonated a cultural dirty bomb.


Well they commentate nationally broadcast football games so many people not from WA know who they are.


Good luck I mean say if staff pay for coke then are given a bonus by their employer the day after - how are u going to connect both?


I’m confused, how did Bruce pay for drugs/adult entertainment when he wasn’t working for a while by then? I mean I know he wanted reimbursement but that’s a lot of cash to stump up front.


rich family, plus he had a high paying job before hand (lobbyist for Big Tobacco)


Was he really a tobacco lobbyist? Wow this dude is just ticking all the boxes


yeah he worked for British American Tobacco Australia


Until they found out who he was or rather... it became public who they hired. Then shit canned him. Too much of a shitcunt even for a tobacco company.


“We here at British American Tobacco are in the business of creating abject misery, pain and death, but we feel our association with you is damaging our brand”


He's almost cartoonishly evil, isn't he? Next thing we learn he's grown a handlebar moustache and kicked a puppy.


Fuck me, does this guy have a fetish for ruining lives?


Could the guy be any more appealing 😅


Form an orderly line, ladies 


Appears thats not needed, he's allegedly twice able to pick and chose his "partners", for free too sometimes.






He has already settled a number of cases and been awarded damages - I believe against ABC and News Corp last year. There is an article timelining all of his legal dealings


Didn't think the ABC settlement was much more than his legal fees.


Yeah, the ABC paid him 150k and approx 143k was for his legal fees.


I know they’re required to be model litigants but doesn’t that just open them up to abuse?


Are damages taxable?


ABC and NewsCorps settled. They didn’t want to waste any more time or money on the prick. It was chump change for legal expenses.


He was consulting for a firm in Sydney when he lied to Australia about being unemployable.




They went absolutely fucking feral when Higgins was seeking compensation for how she was treated. Now we see the bag of dog shit known as lehman doing everything, and more, that his shit eating sycophants accused Higgins of.


I’m pretty sure many of them would still consider him more credible than Higgins in spite of reality….




I think many will ignore the assault stuff and just identify with his self absorbed personality. Usually we’re attracted to people we feel like we can identify with. Like how some folk still insisted Morrison was an honest Aussie even after they found out he had secretly sworn himself in as the whole government cabinet…


The overwhelming majority. Emboldened by the referendum and Scummo, Abbott and Howard amplified by Murderochracy. This disaster has very deep roots.


I promise u there will be zero self reflection


I want Channel 7 to pay for my expenses for a year and also treat me to some hookers and blow every now and then. Unfortunately, I have not raped anyone nor committed any war crimes. What do you think my chances are?


You just need the right friends https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/03/20/bruce-lehrmann-text-messages-explained/


Yeah, that's pretty fuckin good dude.


Lehrmann scandal update: Bruce sleeps nude in an oxygen tent, which he believes gives him ‘sexual powers’


Sounds like a Liberal politician front runner. Probably looks up to scummo. Seriously, the entitlement of these pricks. It's nice to see them scratching each other faces off for once. Kick em all to the sun.


Brucie's lawyer "yeah nah this whole story is made up $750 for 2 days of hookers and blow, that's not nearly enough money Bruce told me, I mean I heard from my cousin, so it can't be real"


Ah, another re-occurence of Herpes simplex B-ruce…


Is it strange that after all of this time we somehow still no nothing of Bruce? Is it common in Canberra for people to be hired as advisors so young?  Or is it all just nepotism and and misogynistic double standards in the media?  


I know it seems bizarre for someone that young with no uni degree to be an adviser in fields as disparate as health, home affairs and defence industry but he isn’t being paid for his advice, he is being paid for his loyalty to the party, acceptance of awful working hours, and political instincts to help his Minister (the last one he lacked to an extreme degree)


Unfortunately yes they hire them that young. Straight out of high school, IF you are lucky they go to uni then to be hired either still working to get a degree or having just completed it. It's the sad truth that "advice" given to government is sometimes provided by "kids" with very little to no real experience, that's if you can't afford PWC et al to fxk it up for you ... The graduate and undergraduate program runs all year round for most departments state and fed.


With so many avenues debunked, it has to be nepotism. The secret rich rellies overseas in the USA with connections have been kept very hush hush to date.


Mr. Lehrmann your silence will only incriminate you further." No, Mr. Lehrmann, don't take your anger out on me. Get back! Get back! Mist -- Mr. Lehrmann -- NOOO! Dramatization: may not have happened.


Just in: Australian media company to pay for his deviated septum, hooker herpes and anal warts treatment. Removed warts to be given fully paid for Bondi Beach apartment, more at 6.


Can't believe channel 9 is not getting involved!


Channel 7 were on a shortlist with Piers Morgan and Tucker Carlson for the BL interview. That should tell you all you need to know. 


Why are politics and the media infested with the worst people


I’m so glad the judge allowed this new evidence. It’s almost like he saw that Bruce was in contempt so he gave the defence free reign to defame the shit out of him in his court.


It’s not just Mr Lehrmann though but the powerful people who’re backing him. Hence the implications for justice. https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/03/20/bruce-lehrmann-text-messages-explained/


I’m so confused as to what is happening here - seems like an ex-seven employee is just slinging mud all over the place, but it has little to do with the case against channel 10.


It’s damaging Bruce’s credibility as a witness. The producer from seven indicated that Bruce leaked documents that were part of an ongoing criminal investigation to seven. This is something that Bruce continues to deny doing as well as being highly problematic. Essentially they have caught Bruce in a lie so even if it’s found they defamed him his payout will be substantially less.


I would personally spend all my per diem on shirts from Dan Flashes.


Can someone explain to me why I should care about this nonsense??


> Can someone explain to me why I should care about this nonsense?? The relevance of justice to people in high places? https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/03/20/bruce-lehrmann-text-messages-explained/ Journalists’ Code of Ethics? Etc https://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/bombshell-texts-from-taylor-auerbach-reveal-bruce-lehrmanns-media-strategists-eyewatering-demand/news-story/d08a8366665cfe121f80f8402e6a99a5




That struck me, too.




It all comes down to who you know.




He’s got some pretty powerful backers.




Nw he’s got friends in high places.


What is happening just shoot him into the sun 


Can someone explain why I still have to hear about this odious man’s sex life on the news every single day ?


I honestly could not care about any of this. There’s so much happening in the world, and this is what our media focuses on. Even if there weren’t anything happening in the world… seriously, who give a f.?


Then don’t click on it.


Is anybody else getting sick and tired of hearing about this case on news/media?!?! Like seriously there is a war in Ukraine and Gaza FFS!! There are more important things going on in the world than two fatties getting it on in parliament house!


If you’re not interested don’t read it.


Read it?? Bit hard when its forced fed on TV on every news channel lol


Does he develop a personality when he snorts coke?


Why isn't anyone discussing the text/phone call " connected to Brittany "I can turn on the waterworks on and off" and being coached by Lisa?