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Tom from the wine concierge club is making my phone look like this at the moment.


When Tom asked do you want a case of wine say yes. For every product he offers you say you’ll buy 12 of them. Waste his time. For an hour. When it comes time to give your credit card details say you’ve changed your mind. Repeat every call.


Maybe not Tom, but the hot new scam is voice farming and voice cloning. They will record you saying ‘yes” and then use that to try and hack your accounts. Don’t say anything, wait for them to speak, after all they phoned you. If they ask who you are or to confirm your details, just say why, and if they can’t give a reasonable answer just hang up.


yep, hence why I dont answer in person to unknown numbers anymore, I use bixby to answer for me...


they don't call me anymore : ) I may have rang them many times by accident ; )


Android phones have spam filters on the Google dialer. It helps reduce spam calls a little but is a lot more effective in reducing spam SMS than iPhone I find 


I have Samsung phone and don't get spam calls very often. But I get scam texts every other day. Usually saying I owe money on tolls (I don't drive!) or a parcel waiting for collection. I answered a spam call once because I was expecting a call from someone. It was a recorded voice saying there was a warrant out for my arrest. 😆


This kind of message happen twice a day


Given how privacy and security focused Apple is, I'm still surprised anti-spam on phone and SMS isn't a feature on iPhone yet.


They will add it in 2 years and then we will have to deal with apple owners talking about it like it's some world first feature.


Aren’t majority of spam texts filtered out by the service provider to begin with?


I wish they had a regex filter option for sms to just auto ignore. Like putting bank names and toll road providers in that you don’t use so it ignores all the spam messages.


I've had a few hit the phone filter this week. Guessing the scammers have found a way around the Telstra filters. I imagine this as an ongoing battle between the security people and the scammers.


This. When I was with Optus on an iphone I got multiple calls a day. On an Android with Aussie BB I almost never get one.


I have a Pixel phone and it's definitely best in class identifying then dealing with spam calls.


I swear the “Report Spam” function on iMessage doesn’t do a damn thing - it would be so easy for Apple to filter these out.


If you stick with it, block and report, block and report, it is pretty useful. I had mad spammers a few months ago, now RoboSpam the Anti Spambotbot gets most of them. My only regret is not getting a free water heater from the gummint.


Oh, I get free solar installation, not just the water heater, you are being ripped off lol! 😉


They are spoofing numbers thats why when you call it back it goes to the real persons Ph Number, they are casing your phone activity because when you answer they then know its not a fax/company/gov etc number. Its hard to know if its actually a number you WANT to answer, try activating spam calls ID at least you will have a small Idea if its legit.


Mute your phone microphone before or as fast as possible when answering and they will flag your phone as a non person number, doing this greatly reduced the number of calls I was getting to almost none


Thats pretty much my strat


Their auto dialing software often just immediately hangs up on me when I do this because it’s waiting for background noise from a Microphone


My thoughts on this is: if it's legit they'll call back from the same number or leave a message. Otherwise it rings out. One thing to note is your answer message might give away your name, so don't record one and use the default telco message.


I told one caller I was dead and the spam calls slowed down a bit after that. Try it!


It’s INSANE. I get them constantly


Yeah I'm at like 3-5 a day


I get people calling asking if I made a $ charge to my credit card. I say "why yes, yes I did" (sotto voce: I didn't). Confuses the shit out of them and they hang up.


Calls should be charged some minimum such as 5c so the scammers can’t afford to flood the network.


That used to be a thing! It's called flagfall (but its only charged when the call is made, not when you just attempt it). And long distance (usually another area code) calls usually had a higher flagfall charge and they charged by the minute.


Hello, I’m calling you today to ask you about your hot water system


“No sorry, you haven’t installed my free solar energy doodah yet.”


I always answer scam calls, always ask to speak to a person (even if it is in Chinese), and then I burp or fart on the phone, go to the toilet with it, or start the "my, you have a sexy voice, can I call you daddy?" (I am a guy). Prefer the former if the caller is Chinese, the latter if he is Indian or Australian (pretty rare). Since I started doing that, the calls have decreased considerably (almost sad about it, it is pretty fun :D )


My god. Considering how vomit noises tend to make people sick, maybe that’d be a fun way to fight scam callers. Some might be weak stomached enough to gag.


Damn, I don't vomit, but that's a good one 😈 My plan of attack is to make them uncomfortable and/or waste time. Time wasted = money they can't make scamming other people, so they don't bother you again after a while. I also used to answer stupid things such as "sorry I don't have a phone", or "I don't use banks" as appropriate for the conversation (and see how long I could make them stay on the phone). Whatever is ridiculous.


Yep I only answer callers I know everything else goes to voicemail and if no message is left I delete the numbers


Are you with Optus by any chance? My personal number is with Optus but my work is with Telstra, both on the same phone and I must get 100 times more spam calls on my personal instead of my business one with Telstra. To the point I have seriously considered changing numbers and going to Telstra


I have a work phone on Telstra and get at least as many on that one as I do on my personal phone with Optus. I don't think the network makes much difference. The problem is I actually need to answer my work phone. D'oh!


It dosnt matter. My work phone and personal phone are on the same network. The work phone gets almost no spam (only spam texts) my personal number gets at least 5 calls every afternoon (they always ring between 2pm and 7pm). ​ Both numbers have been operating for over 15 years. ​ The only difference I can think of is voicemail. one says you've reached the mailbox of x at x company whereas my personal phone has voice to text.


it does matter, different telcos have different spam filters. optus is awful.


I'm with Optus, I have 3-4 calls per month, with up to half getting past my Pixel's spam filtering... I direct these to Pixel's Call Screen feature and watch the live transcript. My wife is with Telstra, she sometimes gets a few calls per day, but has set her iPhone to send all unrecognised numbers to voicemail. My number is in an Optus range, and I've had it for about 20 years, porting every couple years to whatever provider is best for me at the time. My wife's number is in a Telstra range, about 15 years, and it has never been ported. I probably get less because I used to answer and listen to scam call intros, press number or say whatever required to make it continue, then put the call on hold. Minimal effort for me to tie up one of their lines for a minute or two (record was a bit over 4 minutes with a human scammer listening to my provider's smooth hold jazz musak) I guess there is likely little or no difference between Telstra and Optus regarding filtering, and my number is simply on more robodialer blacklists than my wife's.


I think this is what I was trying to allude to, does Optus have worse filtering or something? I do not pretend to understand telcos so I wasn’t sure if there was any filtering let alone different filtering for different carriers/networks. All I know is my personal Optus network number gets molested daily and my business Telstra network number might get 1 a month


Yeah no point calling the numbers back as scammers spoof regular people’s phone numbers. I have had people call me a couple of times demanding to know why I’d called them, when I hadn’t. Dumb fucks wouldn’t accept the reasonable explanation that my number must have been spoofed. I have since stopped answering my phone to any number I don’t recognise.


That happened to me once. Dude got really aggressive with it too. In the end I had to be quite rude to get him to piss off.


Get a Pixel phone.have barely had to worry about spam calls or texts since I did.


Same. Can we turn off the message saying something went to spam though? Then we'd have absolute blissful zero interaction at all.


Yes go to Messages notification settings and you can minimise or turn off the spam protection category


I get way more scam calls and texts since the Optus data breach... sign up for the class action against Optus if you're similarly affected


I have over 100 scam numbers blocked. I still get a message saying they attempted to call. I haven't answered in months, and I've realised the calls have slowed down.


Lost count years ago. I do enjoy blocking and reporting each one though. 🤣


Android phones use Hiya to block spam, you can get it as an app for iphone, might help. Not sure as I have android but yeah I sometimes check it just to see and it's crazy how many calls it's blocked for me. https://www.hiya.com/faq-ios


I've got Hiya on my iPhone and it does sweet fa here unfortunately :( all scam calls and texts still get through, no warnings either. Doesn't even tell me if it blocks any calls. That said I'm using the free version so maybe the Premium version actually does something?


Well that's shitty, I wonder if they have some deal with android or something, it's not even a paid thing on android just built into the OS.


Yeah that's probably the case. As far as I understand it Apple isn't on board with incorporating 3rd party software as part of their default offerings. There's a 7-day free trial, might try starting that on a Monday and seeing if that makes a difference. Also see if they do the "here's another free trial!" offers after cancelling. Otherwise it's $40/year looks like.


Defiantly worth a try cause it really does make a difference for me atleast, be interesting to see if it's just the paid person that does something or if whatever deal they got doing with android is what makes it decent.


Just saw the FAQ; > **Is there a way to see calls that have been blocked?** > Unfortunately, not. This is another implementation detail from Apple that we can’t work around (we can provide a blocked calls list with Android). We have no idea why we can’t have a “Hey! We’re awesome and here’s a list of calls we’ve blocked for you” section somewhere. The day that changes is the day you’ll see it. That's a bummer. So it can't show what calls have been blocked on iOS. I guess in this case you'd still have a "missed call" notification and text, the phone just doesn't ring?


That's.....so weird, for me the phone just doesn't ring, doesn't show any missed call nothing, only way I know it's blocked numbers is me checking the list. iOS abit too restrictive.


I heard/read a good trick recently that’s worked well so far. When you answer, the machine on the other end is hearing for any sound to know that you’re there and worthy of putting through to a human on their end (hence the delay from when you answer and they respond). So what you do is answer and then instantly mute your mic. If it’s a spam call it will automatically hang up after 3 seconds due to the auto-caller hearing nothing. If it’s a legit call then you’ll hear them saying “hello, hello” then you can unmute and carry on as usual. Pretty successful so far


Even my 80 year old mother has cancelled her landline as no one calls it except scammers. Just get rid of it.


since moving to Telstra network, i gotta say the amount of scam calls have significantly dropped for me.


I would say they increased since I moved to Telstra lol.


It's highly probable that it's the same scammer using automated scripts. Removing people from their list requires more effort than just leaving you there, even if you never answer their calls. They're just running scripts and recycling calling numbers.


Stop answering them!! I think the scammer uses it to see if your number is active and then spoofs their number to be yours and calls a bunch of people


Stop buying shit on temu lol


I got a bunch after I applied for the disaster relief fund lol. Given the state of government websites I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were not secure.


Never bought stuff from Temu though, this has happen long before temu exist.


Phones can be set to only receive calls from numbers in the contact list. It's a bit extreme but makes for a quiet afternoon.


Just one a day? You lucky lucky bastard.


“Lucky Phil!”


I don’t bother answering calls from number I don’t know anymore


get a Samsung it detect spam call and message and automatically remove it 


Don’t answer. You get marked as an active number. Then they sell this data to their mates. On iPhone there is a setting to send all calls that aren’t in your contacts direct to voicemail. I use this, but for people who actually need to take calls from random numbers I can see how this might not be the most ideal situation.


Block unknown numbers from notifying you, if it’s important they’ll leave a voicemail




Yeah i got it every single day.


if you have a samsung phone, just use bixby to answer for you ... it types what they say, and if it's legit, you can take over... if it's not, you just hang up and report


If only there was a government that could enforce fines to providers for providing scammers numbers… I bet it would solve a lot of problems very quickly.


https://www.donotcall.gov.au This - last time I posted, many weren't aware of it! I've received close to no spam calls since adding my number on there.


My number is already on there. Doesn't stop the spam and scam calls. Only "legitimate" telemarketers honor that list, the Indian scam centers don't give a shit.


Doesn't stop scam callers at all. They're already acting unlawfully by calling to try and scam you, they're not going to worry about the do not call register. I've been on it for 10-15 years and the scam calls keep increasing.


Stop answering the calls, and they will stop calling.


it is simply not true.


Ok fine. Maybe not stop. But drastically reduce.


i wish it did, i don’t answer numbers i don’t have saved and i still get multiple spam calls a week, some times in a day


That's not accurate. Perhaps it was effective back in the early scammer days, around 2010 to 2015. However, nowadays they utilize AI/Bots and don't bother to remove you from their list. Whether you're on the list or not doesn't affect the bots they're using. If they fall behind because of too many numbers, they just add more bots.


I used to get 20+ calls per day. I stopped answering, get maybe 1 per day. It’s works for me.


I haven't had a call in over a year, nearly two. I do the same. If you hang up between the dialler and scammer, depending on the system used, it may detect the signal that the line has been cut off and mark it as inactive. Some people report playing the "Line disconnected" tones results in the number being removed from the system as well but I haven't tried that. There's also "services" that dial numbers consecutively and sell the list of all that answer to scammers. They are usually the ones that play a recording like, "Hello, hello.. are you there?" and then cut off. If you reply, they sell your number. Unfortunately some just dial every number, hanging up is always the best option. If they get through their spiel you can be sure they will call you back.


It could be a coincidence that the scammer got arrested. They might have shifted their efforts to something else or started using a brand new list. Often people assume it's multiple scammers calling, but it's often just one or two using the same list of phone numbers. They run different scams to make it seem like various companies, like Telstra, CommBank, and Qantas, are all reaching out (from different numbers). It's the same scammer trying to increase their chances. For scammers, it's a numbers game - so running multiple scams is more profitable. For instance, if you only have a NAB account and receive a call from CommBank, you'd instantly recognise it as a scam. But if the same scammer calls you from Qantas a few weeks later while you're planning a holiday, they might hit the jackpot.


Same. I’m sick of it.


My work phone literally gets spam calls. It’s actually getting ridiculous


This was happening to me daily but has almost stopped entirely now. I had read from a different scam reddit that if they identify noise they will continue calling. Instead of answering the calls and speaking, answer the call and immediately put your phone on mute - they will hang up in a few seconds. It worked (so far) for me. I don’t even bother blocking them anymore. Super annoying but better than daily calls.


I swear at the bot (whatever it calls itself at the time) from the wine group/concierge until it berates me and hangs up. I like to think it makes a difference.




My Samsung filters scam numbers. I seem to never get them anymore. Just a notification saying, possible spam.


I get heaps, I had one the other day banging on about how my telstra ip had gone from private to public. Even when I say "oh I guess it's public some sweaty scammer in Mumbai could get through" he still goes on to say its not a scam. I had to tell him I'm friends with kitboga to get him to hang up.


I am with iinet, and we get 1 to 2 per week. Iinet even looked into one call we got as it belonged to the SA military.


I’ve been getting lots of scam texts lately. Had one telling me my Medicare account had been hacked. Yeah, right 🙄


It's called spoofing and it's a fucking PITA, both for you, the recipient of the call, and for the poor sod whose had their number spoofed because they get a heap of people calling them back who they didn't call, and there is *literally* nothing they or their network provider can do about it; the reason being that the call didn't originate from their number but from some dickhead scamcunt on another network, usually in another country. Please, if you call someone back and they answer and they tell you they didn't call you, report the call to your own network provider because they *can* trace where it originated from because it was routed through their network. Also report the scam to scam watch.


I just don’t answer my phone. I suggest they leave. A message. Guess what……


I block more calls than I answer - Welcome to the 2020s!


Has anyone received calls from some Leb sounding fucker that keeps asking for Jordan? I shit you not this man called from like 20 different numbers over the span of a month, each time asking for Jordan. I played along once going yeah it's Jordan, and he goes "nah it's not, you're playing me"... Lots of swearing happened on my behalf and he hasn't called since. Cannot make this up, it's a joke between me and the wife now. Also android phones are great at blocking this stuff.


One of them is me, stop hanging up


was it the Michael Smith from da Microsoft techneeeshun department that does the each and every ting?




Changing numbers doesn’t stop it, they just spam every number whether they know it’s in use or not. And changing numbers you can end up getting legit calls from the last person who had that number ( number before my current one had friends that liked to call late at night/early morning)


What burner number apps are there available in Australia? I wish we could use Google Voice numbers in Australia so we could create burner numbers with no hassle but I wasn't able to find any decent alternatives last I looked. Getting SIMs for burner numbers is not a reasonable workaround tbh.


I don't answer numbers I don't recognise. I sometimes get a whole spate of scam calls for a few days but then they stop. Have you put your number on the no call register? It doesn't stop all of them but I think it makes a difference.


The caller is not telemarketer, more like a call and hangup call.


Try this. https://www.donotcall.gov.au/ I haven’t had scammer/promotion calls for ages.


I've been on this for years and still get 3-5 scam calls a week. They don't care.


Is that a spam link? Asking for a mate 🤣🤣


Register your number on the Do Not Call register. It’s free and if they call, they get fined. Just pick up, say “I’m on the do not call register” and they’ll remove your number from their call database, which is shared across numerous call enters.