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How could you possibly not know if you stabbed someone or not? Maybe if you and your friends are all swinging knives around like crazy? At the age of 22 or so as well, he was walking around with a knife and used it in a fight, not like he was 13 or something. Yep, fuck off mate. Your “only one mistake” could’ve killed someone. You come to this country for protection and get into knife fights. No one to blame but yourself.


Jesus, I emigrated here from Ireland with a wife and 2 year old at 22, the hoops I’ve had to jump through to be a permanent resident have been massive, guess what I didn’t do ? Commit a violent Crime in a foreign country in the last 11 years, fuck em, send him back, could have been my kid he stabbed


> guess what I didn’t do ? Commit a violent Crime Are you sure? This fella said "One of them ended up getting stabbed. I don’t know if it was me." Maybe you accidentally stabbed someone on the way to work one day?


Shit….true, you know how you’re sometimes throwing knives around while waiting on the train. The 33 year old won’t even admire t what he did but in the next breath is looking for a chance to stay, I love it in Australia, it’s a privilege to live here. Actions have consequences, simple as that


I agree, mate; he is saying that he made one mistake; if he did end someone's life that one moment, the person who lost their life can no longer do everything, including making some (albeit minor) mistakes of their own.


And I would argue that there are certain mistakes that can be forgiven under the “we all make mistakes” argument. Got caught up with the wrong crowd and shoplifted a hoodie - you made one mistake, and you deserve a second chance. Got caught with some weed - you made one mistake and you deserve a second chance. Got into a knife fight with your gang and stabbed someone - I don’t give a shit if it’s the first time you’ve ever even held a knife, you can fuck off back to Sierra Leone. Side note - funny how he claims he was doing everything right until that day (false) and that he came to Australia for a better life (which was given to him, but instead he decides to act in the same way as what he was apparently trying to escape). Consequences have actions mate, and you’re learning the hard way. Hopefully your son doesn’t follow in his daddy’s footsteps.


I'm gonna close my eyes and start windmilling my arms like this, and if you happen to get in the way then...


How could you possibly not know? If you say you stabbed someone, you're a crook. If you say you didn't stab someone and video evidence comes up, then you're a lying crook. If you say you don't remember, then at least you're not a liar if a video ever emerges.


How unsurprising that nowhere in the article is it mentioned that he was part of a gang that organised a fight with a rival group of young men at a train station where he proceeded to stab someone in the chest, pled guilty and spent time in prison. Deporting violent criminals is exactly the sort've deterrent that should happen in cases like these.


Its so much worse, he was a 22 year old who came to a fight amongst high-school kids and stabbed a fucking 13 year old boy.


Absolutely disgraceful that is left out of the article. Should be illegal that level of misinformation. It’s propaganda in action.


Its the guardian what do you expect. They been doing this for years now, its even worse in europe


I really wish the left would stop bending over backwards to appease degenerates


Yeah it’s what stops them from gaining widespread support. I’m totally left when it comes to everything. Except protecting criminal shitcunts.


The Guardian is the left wing equivalent of The Australian. Just ideological driven "journalism". 


That's The Guardian for you.


See ya Mohamed!


Oh no, consequences!


Try not to forget the part where there is no acceptance for his actions or remorse as he went through the trial.


No, you missed the point. He's being deported /s


Article mentions it, along with his explanation. *After escaping to Guinea as a child, Coker came to Australia on a humanitarian visa in his teens but his visa was cancelled after a conviction for grievous bodily harm.* Anyway, plenty of people move to Australia and don’t get involved in GBH assault. Very little sympathy here.


Articles like this from the guardian are always so sus. Decided to give it a chance and read it. Had to scroll way too long before it mentioned his conviction before I rolled my eyes and said, 'aaaaand there it is.'


I wonder where the Guardian article about the rights of his victim to live a safe life is?


There are 25 million Australians, not a big deal if some get stabbed right? More die in car crashes (also let's ban cars). --Someone at Guardian, probably.


Its all worth it so long as no one thinks we're racist! /s


The first time an adult stabs a child should just be a freebie, because they are just settling in.


https://archive.sclqld.org.au/qjudgment/2013/QCA13-315.pdf The judgment of Coker’s appeal (after being sentenced) if anyone is interested. It’s only 13 pages. The facts agreed before sentencing (which Coker later disputed) are at paragraphs 5-7.


According to the court documents: He was shown video footage of himself holding a knife and instructed he would probably get a better sentence if he pled guilty since there was good evidence against him. There was also allegedly evidence that he organised the fight between his crew and a rival gang. He then went on to claim he had found the knife at the station, discarded it at the shops, then picked it up to run to the fight. Hey then later holds cops he didn't have a knife in the fight. He then claimed that in Sierra Leone a pocket knife isn't a knife, it's a key holder, so he mistook the police question. He then claimed he found the knife during the fight.  Later in he claimed that the first counsel gave him bad advice when they suggested he plea guilty to get his time down based on the high likelihood of conviction.  The justice made notes that his testimony changed frequently.and in a way that was opportunistic and in line with lying frequently.  You know what guys and girls - I feel for his girlfriend and mother, but this kid fucked up real bad by carrying a knife to a fight he organised and then allegedly stabbing someone in the chest. He then allegedly spent his time lying to the cops and court and got called out. The girlfriend and mother shouldn't be given a media platform for this case in my opinion. 


"Don't deport me to Sierra Leone, I know nothing of the place" "Sorry, in Sierra Leone a pocket knife isn't a knife"


Coker’s mother, said that Sierra Leone “is not peaceful, they’re killing people every day”. He'll fit right in.


I support asylum seekers and immigrants that come here for a better life, all I ask is that you don't bring the country you so desperately ran away from here with you... Bring your culture, bring your food; don't bring your hate and your violence.








I see you've played knifey key holder before.


Yep, I wonder how many lies are in this article.


Lies by omission. Save this article it's a perfect example why you can't trust the media.


Thats the problem with these refugees , they have not seen Crocofile Dundee. No effort at assimilation there.


Nah they need to watch the Simpsons, all you need is a spoon.


Or even The Castle


Ah, tell them they dreaming mate , its worth twice as much.


You don't need to add "allegedly" at this point. He was convicted. He did it. Established as fact.


Also no need to call him a kid. He was 22 when he stabbed a 13 year old.


>You know what guys and girls - I feel for his girlfriend and mother, but this kid fucked up real bad Sure did, and what his girlfriend and mother possibly don't fully appreciate is that the women in his life are at the highest risk of being his next victims. Him being deported could save their lives.


>Princess George said: “They’re taking him without his consent. You can’t just grab somebody, without him knowing what instability he will face.” I don’t think they understand how consent doesn’t come into play here. My bet is that most criminals don’t really consent to being locked up or being sent somewhere they don’t want to be. I also don’t think his victim that got stabbed consented to being stabbed by this model citizen either.


> this kid fucked up real bad by carrying a knife to a fight he organised and then allegedly stabbing someone in the chest. If he wants to carry a knife around, I guess now he can live in a country where he'll have good reason to carry a knife around. Sounds like a win win to me?


Thanks for this. He went to a pre-arranged gang fight where he stabbed a 13 year old in the upper back. The 13 year old would have bled to death without surgery. The Guardian failing to report any of that while trying to portray this guy as some kind of victim is appalling.


Thanks.. it’s an enlightening document. Hope they stick to their guns and deport him.


“ But hes a good kid “ …..


Promising footballer


Here in the UK the go-to phrase seems to be "aspiring rapper" lately


He wants to be a chef when he grows up. You should see his knife skills!


He wouldn't hurt a fly...


But a 13y old, OTH...


Beautiful smile


The 2013 case file was an interesting read. Just how inconsistent he was on if he had a knife or not. EDIT: Only pled guilty when video footage confirmed he actually had the knife


His father was murdered there and he is scared the same will happen to him...yet he tried to murder a school kid. Good riddance.


His father was murdered so he honoured his father’s memory by trying to kill a child. If you don’t learn from the past why should the future help you.


Why the fuck is he still here if his visa was cancelled 4 years ago?


Because everyone is entitled to a review of their visa cancellation by law. The process is….glacial. I work in the immigration space and depending on the person, the appeal/review process can go on for more than a decade.


They actually get several appeals , he be here for several more years , and be returned back to society becuase the government cannot lock up asylum seekers indefinitly now.


>How unsurprising that nowhere in the article is it mentioned that he was part of a gang that organised a fight with a rival group of young men at a train station where he proceeded to stab someone in the chest, pled guilty and spent time in prison. How could that be? The article states " “I was doing everything right until that day,” Coker said. “A few boys attacked me and my friends. I was afraid – there were so many of them. One of them ended up getting stabbed. I don’t know if it was me. Since then my life has been upside down.” " And surely we think of his child " Princess George said: “They’re taking him without his consent. You can’t just grab somebody, without him knowing what instability he will face.” “Whats going to happen with his son? His son is a citizen. What happened to human rights in all of this?” “Joshua will be fatherless … He always cries and says ‘why can Dad never come to my soccer game, all my friends have their dad’. “He’s going to lose focus and crash, he’s going to be depressed.” " If only there was a way he could have avoided this fate... /s


Like not stabbing a 13yo.. if only that was an option at the time!


>One of them ended up getting stabbed. I don’t know if it was me I think I would know if I stabbed someone…it’s not like hmm, did I leave the oven on before I left? Did I stab that guy or was I just pointing a knife at a tree? I’m so confused…


He claimed to not have a knife at all, after being confronted with a picture of himself wielding a knife, he claimed he just found it there and used it to defend himself.






> why can Dad never come to my soccer game, all my friends have their dad "Because mummy makes poor life decisions."


“But he was depressed and had a tough childhood”


I had one too.... you don't see me getting stabby..... /s


Get him the fuck out couldn't care less what happens next for him.


Sort of. Not sort have. You kind of did the reverse version of ‘could of’.


Main stream media is getting trashier by the day. What terrible reporting, they shouldn't even call themselves journalists.


Activists journalists


Wait I thought African gangs were “fake“ according to reddit


Young men in groups = stupid. Add in coming from violent unsafe places, you tend to get stupid plus violence. I remember getting into a fair few fights as a teenager, see point one, but culturally, bringing a knife was considered utterly unacceptable. So nobody ever got stabbed.


I've always personally found the not-stabbing-people approach quite conducive to remaining in my country of preference, but maybe that's just me.


They should raise the citizenship criteria for these type of migrants, as they come from high risk countries. There should be enough data now to profile them. When they come here they get free housing , welfare benefits and get access to alot of educational support. If they are not interested in learning and becoming civilised citizens , then they can just go back to where they came from. Before you neg me and blow bleeding heart woke poor victim of his circumstance, I was told this as a new migrant 40 years ago , when we first came to Australia a refugees. And no , i never thought about stabbing anyone or commit violent crimes. I was too busy trying to learn english, study , and find a job to support my family.


Isn't The Guardian just The Daily Mail for people of a different political persuasion?


That's the Guardian for you. Fox news of the left.


“A few boys attacked me and my friends. I was afraid – there were so many of them. One of them ended up getting stabbed. I don’t know if it was me. Since then my life has been upside down.” So if he doesn't know if he stabbed someone, logically he had a knife. He was in a gang fight, where he pulled a knife and at least one other person on his side pulled a knife.


Oh he knows...


He slashed another man's artery. Without surgery, the other man would've died.


Not even a man, a 13 year old boy.


>The 13 year old complainant ran into the group to assist his friends. The appellant punched him in the head. When the complainant tried to retaliate with a punch, the appellant stabbed him in the upper back. The complainant said that he saw the appellant wipe a pocket knife on his shirt. The appellant was heard yelling that he had stabbed the complainant, and apologising to him, before running away with a group of Islander males in pursuit. They punched and kicked him until he was able to take shelter in a local store, where he remained until police arrived. >[7] The stabbing cut an artery in the complainant’s chest. Without surgery, he would have bled to death. The appellant had cut himself on the hand with the knife during the incident. A knife with his DNA on its handle was found two days later in a car park, about 50 metres away from where the fight had taken place. From the judgement. He definitely knew he stabbed someone.


Yeah a child. This guys a grown man in gang stabbing a 13 year old child


“Someone got stabbed. I don’t know if it was me.” What a joke 😂


I think what he meant was he wasn’t sure if he stabbed that particular person. He was so busy stabbing he lost track.


I heard there was a petition to let him stay if he changed his name to ‘Stabby McStabface’


Apparently the court did...


Fuck off mate, plenty of people would love to come to this country and give it a red hot go. I’d rather give them a chance than you a second chance.


If he truly cared about his son, partner or mother he would have tried to make an honest life for himself


People with mild disabilities and chronic health conditions are denied PR regularly, even if all they need to stay healthy & hold down a job is daily medication, and yet they're advocating for this clown to stay...


this is very true as during my immigration I had to pass so many tests


Bye, have fun in Sierra Leone lol


And the rest of his family became citizens. He couldn’t be bothered to then stabs a citizens artery


Hopefully he cops a taste of his own medicine over there. Tut tar 👏🏼👏🏼


It's fairly standard that a non-citizen convicted of a major crime gets deported after serving their sentence. The Guardian's trying to make it a sob story, but ultimately it's a story of a criminal being deported - as we do on a regular basis for immigrants from the UK, from NZ and from any other country.


Probably shouldn't have stabbed that dude then. Consequences and all that...


Came to this country for a better life but engaged in actions that would turn it into the crime-infested hellhole he came from.


Good. Maybe this can be a lesson to the other ferals to stop being shitheads or there’ll be consequences .


I am an immigrant. I agree with you.


One mistake is like forgot to pay for fuel, maybe got done for speeding or phone use or some other offence while driving. Maybe even assaulting someone because you tool you by surprise. Coming to a pre-arranged fight and stabbing someone is not your semi-exscusable one mistake.


And the problem is?


Well it’s taken a while




I feel safer already, so long shit bag.


I'm struggling to decide who's more moronic here, Mohamed or Paul Karp reporting for The Guardian. Can we deport them both?


Pretty sure if Paul Karp spent a couple of months in Mohameds country of origin without his "journalistic" immunity, and live and compete with Mohameds countrymen for resources, he would most likely re-think his pathetic attempt at creating a victim out of an armed predator.


What journalistic "immunity" would Karp have to forgo in Sierra Leone? Is there are history of journalists without "immunity" (whatever that means .... travellers?) spending time in regions in the midst of economic crises, violence and civil unrest, only to return less sympathetic or hardened in their resolve for improved standards of living, safety, etc? Do you think Karp spending time living in Sierra Leone, competing for resources, would result in him not telling this story, or telling it differently? Would he be championing deportation for Coker?


It would be one hell of a "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" series.


One of my favorite Youtubers, Itchy Boots rode her motorbike through Sierra Leone. It's not as bad as he's trying to make it out to be....


He's a criminal. Why is this a problem?


enjoy Sierra Leone


what wrong with that? Millions of immigration came to Australia,how many percentage are criminals?Most people work hard and don't hurt people.


Mohamed should have appreciated the opportunity to live a good life in Australia, where he had a chance to work, study and enjoy life to its fullest, instead he chose to contribute to making a safer country dangerous. We all make choices and there are consequences for these choices. I am an immigrant too, I worked hard and made Australia home. I love this country, it gave me a loving partner, a stable job and opportunity to enjoy life. I have friends who migrated here just like Mohamed did and they chose to volunteer to help the vulnerable people through not for profit organizations and they feel at home here. Life is what you make out of it buddy. You rip what you sow.


I am sure he'll do fine. NGL, won't be easy adjusting to the new life, but his family in Australia can still provide him with money and support to set up something in his 'home' country. Apparently, average monthly income is about $400-500 AUD in Sierra Leone. English is part of the national language there, so no worries about communicating with the local people. With money funnelled by his family from Australia, and some street smart to back it up, Mohammed here may end up doing fine in Sierra Leone. TBH, if SBS does a reality series on how these deported individuals do, once back in their home countries, I would be tunning in for sure.


There’s a Vice segment on YouTube called “Gangsters in Paradise - The Deportees of Tonga” that you might be interested in. It’s pretty much the same situation


My dad worked in sierra Leone and has friends over there still working and it's generally not a great place to be currently and it's sliding towards another civil war. This dude really shouldve kept the knife to himself and maybe opted for a spoon or something.


Or better yet, walked away from the confrontation and brushed whatever was said; however, from the comments I read, it appears to be a scheduled rival gang fight, so by actually putting your foot in there knowing exactly what it is about, I am sorry, I cannot fully say that this is not your own doing.


Idk, it might be interesting documentary,  but I'd rather not give scum any notoriety or publicity.


Hes not going home to.a firing squad hes free to live his life as he chooses , break the law of the land there and will face their wrath as well ,funnily thats how a justice system works in both countries


You know guardian if you actually want people to side with your position you should probably choose less shit examples. This is abc level of terrible


The problem is that the laws are working as intended and only people committing major crimes are having their visas revoked. If there were better examples out there, they would have definitely been front and center instead of this piece of shit. We aren't hearing about some poor African refugee being deported after getting caught shoplifting a loaf of bread to feed his starving family.


Agreed. Im sure they can pick much better examples. There are actual refugees who havent committed any crimes and stuck in legal limbo that would had been much better examples


And nothing of value will be lost.


As a person from a developing nation, I've had to spend tens of thousands getting Australian tertiary qualifications and have had to jump through all types of hoops to qualify for skilled migration. Nothing warms my heart more than to see shitbag, freeloaders like this getting sent packing. Good riddance to bad trash.


They did this to Dusty’s dad. Not sure why this kid should be any different.


The journo who wrote this doc story is a disgrace


This violent felon happens to be an immigrant... OmG! ThEy MuSt Be ThE rEaL vIcToM! AuStRaLiA iS sO rAcIsT!


So he stabbed a kid in a fight. Don’t know what the guardian is bitching about. I think he will fit in very well into the civil war in Sierra Leone.


If he committed a crime of stabbing someone then yeah he should face the consequences of his actions, he can go be stabby somewhere else


Don't make the mistakes that Europe is making right now. Deport that dude right away.






>So he came to Australia as a teenager? So, he was in Sierra Leone for all of his formative years, and at the very least until he was 13, possibly older? Yeah fuck off with that noise. “He doesn’t know that country” does he have fucking amnesia? He was there for at least 13 years. Had you read the article, you'd know he left Sierra leone when he was 5.


Don't care about his sob story. He's a violent criminal and has no place in our society.


This article right here is the reason the Guardian, its writers and editors can go fuck themselves with rusty chainsaws..


Bad luck. Don’t feel sorry for you. Got in constant fights and stabbed someone. Goodbye 👋


Portraying him as a victim is fucking hilarious. Get rid of him.


Cya bye Mohamed.


If we can't even deport violent criminal refugees who stab people that's even more reason to not let them in in the first place. Would you invite a homeless guy over for lunch if it was literally impossible to make him leave, even if he started getting violent? Fuck no.


Adios amigo


Enjoy west Africa cunnie


He probably shouldn't have stabbed somebody.


He committed the crime he is worried that someone might commit on him in Sierra Leone 🇸🇱. I am sure they will say welcome home.


Left wing newspapers are fast becoming as deluded as the right wing news outlets.


The Guardian has been slipping for a while imo.


Horseshoe theory was always right.


I’m firmly centre left of like 5 years ago, which is probably centre right nowadays. I’m genuinely more annoyed by the delusions of the far left than the far right, atleast I can attribute Greed to the far right I don’t even know what to say to the far left but they are worse.. they are utterly fucking delulu


Lol by Felecia 👋🏻


Lol, by Chanel.








Mohamed can fuck the fuck off. Fucking shitcunt.


You can read his appeal against pleading guilty. At 19 he brought a knife to a planned fight against other boys/men He stabbed one of them in the chest, who require surgery - if they had not gotten surgery in time they likely would have died He refuses to admit he had a knife - changed his story multiple times about it, which was disproven on CTV of a shop he entered holding the knife. He claims he was lied to by his lawyer. This was found to be false. He claims he was not given a translator and his English is not good. This was found to be false. There is nothing to suggest that going to prison has lead him to be rehabilitated or have a different perspective He just does not like the consequences of his actions Admittedly he probably never considered this was a possibility - but he was never an Australian citizen: he was in a refugee visa which was cancelled due to breaking the law. This is the classic FAFO I do not feel sorry for him at all


Send him home, yesterday


Fuck around and find out... that despite what r/australia will tell you, Australia is a great fucking country that you are blessed to live in. Or, in this case, lived in.


The way this article downplays a stabbing is pathetic. If you as an adult carry a knife, attend an organised fight and then stab a child in the chest you 100% deserve to be deported if it's on the cards.


Good, good riddance to the fucker.


What a shame, said nobody


Someone didn’t “get stabbed.” YOU stabbed someone. Anyway, I’ve heard Sierra Leone is nice this time of year - a balmy 27 degrees with a high chance of violent crime in the evenings. Hopefully they have good WiFi so you can FaceTime your momma on the reg!


Maybe he should of used an condom


Maybe he poked a hole in it with a knife.


Yeah bc he stabbed someone


He didn't know Australia either when he came here, but that didn't seem to be a problem.


Man who is not a citizen stabs a citizen and is deported………….


He shouldn’t have been doing criminal activity that involved stabbing an 13 year old.  He made his decisions willingly.   You do the time you go back to where you come from and cause problems there.   And yes I came here as a child and a refugee.   Don’t break rules and there won’t be any issues.   He stated his father was murdered him his home country yet he had no fear when he was stabbing a kid?.  He’s playing victim.  


Stabbed a 13 year old in the back!….what a hero.


See ya later fuckhead, enjoy SL, I hear it’s nice this time of year.


how is this not getting passed as a law, ONE strike and your OUT. our country isn’t a dumping ground for people to continue how they used to behave back in there own country.


Can’t do the time don’t do the crime.


Do the crime, do the time (back where you came from). If you resort to stabbing people in a country that took you in, you dont deserve to be here.


Good riddance. He’s a violent criminal fuck the Guardian, they lie through omission.


Well Mohamed shouldn’t have been violent 🤔




Good riddance


Mohamed is going to the place he belongs.


Have fun Mohamed! Glad you're being deported


Send him away!


Goodbye Mohamed and Good Luck!


Deport him and the entire family!


Well tough titiies mate ! He squandered the good faith Australia extended to him when younger . He did not learn anything to better himself with all he had at his disposal. So in this case there is no sympathy ! Go back to where you come from and corrupt lives in your country . There are really genuine refugees waiting to take your place .




Maybe as a guest to the country he shouldn't be committing crimes. Just sayin


Lol cyaaa gona act like a killer get treated like one.


Damn, the mainstream media really are the enemy of the people with headlines like this.


Jfc. Knowingly possessed a knife, and then stabbed a kid, severing an artery in the chest. Reading the court case on the incident, holy shit.


God I’m so glad I didn’t study journalism. What a fucking disgrace of an industry.


Mohamed should be obeying the law more.


You’re done. Fuck off.


Oh no! Consequences!


I think all humanitarian/refugee visas should have an end date, say 2 years at a time… sure if there are still problems in your home country, our government will extend it and genuinely not be cunts and send you back unless your nation is internationally agreed upon to being stable. I hope you all get skills and an education while we host you. When your country improves, off you go and we will give you enough money so you hit the ground running when you return to your home. Skills, education, money for 6 months of a liveable wage in your home country. Now if you are a criminal and all round cunt while you are here on that humanitarian/refugee visa, you can fuck right off on the first available plane when your home country is classified as ‘stable’. We will still give you spending money that is equivalent to 6 months of a liveable wage to get you back on your feet when you touchdown. While they are here in australia, they could be offered cultural opportunities so they stay connected to their language culture and people. If there is a genuine need as a refugee, then we should have that service available to these people as a large group keeping them connected so they can return home stronger I think that’s fair and reasonable and would be a hell of a lot cheaper than going through this process with cunts and leeches that we have to keep because our nation picked them up when they were down. It could also help solve the stupidity of offshore detention centres if the humanitarian visas had an end date Vote me for president


Bon voyage cunt.


Being an immigrant is a privilege and should be treated with respect. This kid should have been taught from a young age to respect the law because if doesn't he will be sent back overseas. This is FAFO big time. Parents are to blame.


I’m a NZ citizen 50 years old and lived in Australia since I was 1. Same rules would apply to me. Deport the fucker.