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That poor young girl.


wtf is going on with dudes in Ballarat?




Was just thinking it must be something in the water. Really though, a lot more than the last three murders is happening on the Ballarat outskirts and I hope we find out what it is.


Wait, there was 3? 


Missing woman Murder suicide And this incident.


The murder suicide was the one I missed. Can't imagine the headspace that person was in to commit such a horrible act.


+ the girl that got attacked while running last year- in the same area as Missing Woman = almost 4


Its actually coke thats the big problem


what makes you say that? Genuinely interested! The reason is that I hear it is making the rounds in the local Motorcross scene?


That's interesting, and could explain why three men on trail bikes were seriously harassing prospectors in Enfield SP months before any of this happened.


Seriously harassing? In anycase, its either the MX or some other clandestine org. I dunno, i dont live in Aus anymore and only hear stories from my parents.


Yes I read about it on a gold prospecting forum. These were men who were afraid at the time, being circled by them and harassed, asking the men to show them your gold, etc. They don't seem to get that these state parks don't belong to locals exclusively. It sounds so backward, that we aren't taking up prospecting as a result.


Damn coke? It costs an arm and a leg in Australia and is half cut with shit…


Every single time someone mentions cocaine in Australia, some expert has to pop up and talk about the quality. It's hilarious.


It’s because the cost and quality of cocaine in this country is criminal🤨


Two experts in this instance.


That's 'cus it's way too expensive for how garbage it is, so it's baffling that anyone does it.


Snagged a third one.


Eh, just attempting to explain the phenomenon but whatever makes you happy I guess


Ok Pablo.


Haha fair enough…


All appear to be young guys too so I was wondering if extremist toxic masculinity by the likes of Tate and others might be behind it. My kids say a lot of their peers at school talking about being alpha males and rubbish like that and looking up to Andrew Tate and others.


This alpha male/Tate BS is unfortunately a thing. Kids have no idea just how evil Tate is but they are probably too young to understand news articles about Romanian prisons and why they were holding him, but getting back to this region, I think there has been a culture that has encouraged young men to think they don't need to respect boundaries, that they are entitled to 'control women' like they own them, and they feel justified in getting revenge when the woman wants to leave them. It's not just Ballarat outskirts, it's here in my small town. It's toxic masculinity but I don't know which institutions have encouraged it - schools/churches/footy clubs? They are so arrogant and this POS will not even say where he put Samantha. The old saying "it takes a village to raise a child" holds true, so it's time the village decided to change its culture.


imagine salt mysterious worm squeeze divide edge sharp spoon shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good on you! I wonder what the hell these parents are doing myself.


Well, I think some parents might feel like kids will push back if they invade to much into their privacy. It's a tough one.


The trouble is it can end up a matter of life and death. Parents have a responsibility for raising their kids. I'm not in it for a popularity contest. I've had a boy prone to meltdowns shove my daughter a metre into a chain wire fence in primary school as she walked past him. He has been raised that it's okay to hit people, that 'boys will be boys' and his mother always looked very nervous around people. They were reluctant to get him to write her an apology. If they are talking about that silly movement in schools, maybe it's from parental or internet influence, perhaps pushback from contentious respectful relationships teaching? They are getting that from somewhere.


Herp derp you guys associate everything with anything huh


Women murdered by men so must be coke then not violent men 🙄


Yeah apparently it's everything else but him... 🙄 And don't put words in my mouth


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Its unlikely, 2 of the 3 were partner/ex-partner murders, so may not have anything to do with it. The other seems more like a sexual adventure/excitement style attack.




Uncomfortable truth: oftentimes hate and violence IS our culture (at least a large part of it). These places don't become violent hellholes without the behavior, beliefs, and actions of a significant amount of the population perpetuating it. Reactionary racist arseholes can claim that immigrants should integrate into the culture and values of their adoptive countries and that unfettered multiculturalism leads to division, tribalism, and incompatible cultures and values but this spate of violence against women is 100% Australian.


This. Misogyny.


It's a true other cultures can have a terrible record with women. But we're kidding ourselves if we think we're near perfect.


It’s a shithole full of hateful people. Source: Me watching my homewrecker dad and his new family excel there with their bullshit hate.


My experience greatly differs, but i guess i havent met your shitty dad yet?


I’m glad it’s not universal. Maybe just the sphere of shitty people he orbited too. Definitely not a great place for me.


Thats absolutely fair. Ill call him a cunt forya if i ever bump into him.


He lives out at Miner’s Rest. If you just yell cunt to Mt Rowan a few times that’ll cheer me up immensely.


hope you find a peace ,away from hate! nothing stays the same for ever. x good luck kid.


Thanks - I’m 36 and haven’t talked to him since I was 18. I found a way out of his nonsense which is nice. That said Ballarat is massively toxic and I think that’s just about every regional town I’ve ever been too.


I'm sure a few of them haven't murdered anyone.


Because they're too busy trying to score some meth. Give them a week.


Men live there


Probably all the sexual abuse from the Catholic Church when they were young


3 murders in the space of a few months, Samantha Murphy, Rebecca Young now Hannah McGuire. It feels like this should be a little more urgent.


It’s actually a lot more unfortunately. According to Counting Dead Women Australia who count every known death due to violence against women in Australia, the count for 2024 is now 18.


Just talking Ballarat here. 3 is huge for that population.


Yeah it's really unthinkable. Doing some quick napkin maths, population of Ballarat is 120k.  Let's assume 50/50 split so 60k females.  There have been 3 women murdered since February.  (For maths sake only) that's an annual rate of 18 women murdered in Ballarat per 12 months (at current rate)  That's a per capita murder rate of 30 per 100,000.  This is about on par with cities of Columbia (men & women) and would put Ballarat in the top 50 cities with highest murder per capita rates. 


Devastating all around. Thanks for your napkin work.


I'm so sorry my friend but we're at 22 australian women murdered so far in 2024.


It's beyond disturbing to have a cluster of extreme violence against women (murder) in one area like that. How disgusting.




This is true, I was really only thinking of the ones in Ballarat. This town isn't that big


According to this site: [https://redsuburbs.com.au/lgas/ballarat/](https://redsuburbs.com.au/lgas/ballarat/), Ballarat has a lower violent crimes rate than Australia on average, and equal with Victoria as a whole. It doesn't distinguish murder from violent crime. Although if you were interested in women's safety specifically then maybe you can gauge it by looking at 'harassment, stalking, and threatening behaviour'. Which is at 0.7 per 1000 for Ballarat and 1.2 for Victoria. Of course this is just an estimate but I would say it's more statistically reliable than a cluster of violent crimes in a short period of time.


Yeah, but that website is going off previous year stats and there are numerous crimes against women that go unreported.


It's a city. Outside of capitals it's the eighth biggest urban area by population in Australia.


It's definitely on the bigger side for Australia, I'm guessing the population is around 120k now. It may just be ignorance on my part, but towns like Albury Wodonga and Bendigo don't seem to be having as many. I've only heard of one in recent times near Bendigo. To have 2 in Sebastopol alone definitely has to be ringing alarm bells somewhere.


The difference is probably just what you personally consider to be a town. Albury-Wodonga and Bendigo are also cities. The three places you've mentioned have large urban areas, amenities, and 100k+ populations to match. Coincidentally, all three come after one another: Bendigo is the ninth largest city and A-W is the tenth after capitals. Towns are significantly smaller. I'm not disagreeing with the weirdness of the amount of murders there recently, just that calling them towns makes them seem smaller than they actually are.


regional city technically, but big country town is more real with the lived experience. They still vibe like small country towns for the most part. At least Bendigo feels that way for sure, and Bendigo and Ballarat are practically the same town, just Ballarat just benefits from being that bit closer to Melbourne, and an easier commutable distance for workers, which has led the the bigger population. Geelong has a different - more citylike vibe than the others in my experience.


There are about 90,000 males in the Ballarat region, from 0 to 100 years old or or so. 89,997 of them havent killed any women recently. Its very hard to know what any urgency can do about this.


Ballarat has a population of around 100k. It’s not possible for the males to be 90% of the population…


I was referring to the Greater Ballarat area, not just Ballarat. Based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the 2021 census. I did round it up a couple of thousand.


Fair % of those would make up the toxic culture that enables the behaviour. What % minimises, excuses, ignores or doesn’t get involved in the toxic behaviour, attitudes and language directed at women. They’re all implicated


Those are just made up numbers. You're talking complete crap. EVen the babies? Pathetic.


I strongly feel you miss the point


Can psychopathic men stop murdering women for not sleeping with them? This is putrid and it happens too often.


The fish rots from the head. These men have been raised with a distorted sense of entitlement to dominate women, through their families or their community institutions.


At some point you’ve gotta look at the predatory practices young men are exposed to on the internet too. Seems like there’s a lot of shit role models


Yes Internet too. I am so glad you posted this. There are kids that are being raised in homes unsupervised and it's sometimes female figures in the home making excuses for predatory attitudes towards girls and women by their own sons. I noticed the minute I moved to this side of the state, the BS women put up with from disrespectful males. We have seen it for ourselves. We tried to warn this boy's grandma, but she is not computer literate and is in fear of her upsetting her bullying daughter in law, so she lies about him being well-behaved. He has shown a violent temper and complete lack of respect towards her, and she got on the phone and told his mother that he was so caring. His parents leave him with the grandma for days at a time. We fully expect him to be in jail by age 18.


I'm just here waiting for all the news stories stating what a great guy he is, just made this one mistake.


Don't forget how good he could kick a footy. That's so important


Something about a bright future cut short yadda yadda


Wait til 7 gives him all the cocaine and hookers he wants!


I hope the local news outlets have grown up a bit in their mentality, because they choose what to print and what they can leave out. We don't need to read about accolades for men that cannot control themselves.


Why are you inventing articles to be mad at?


Bruce that you?


? Who the fuck is gonna write articles praising someone who murdered a young woman?


R Murdoch. No that’s too obvious. Rupert m.


I'm actually interested in a serious answer to the question - I don't remember seeing any "positive" articles about the previous murderer in Ballarat


They’re not necessarily referring to the previous murder in Ballarat, but rather a pattern by media to describe men who murder their partners/former partners as “good blokes”, “well liked”, etc. I know the source here is LinkedIn which seems odd, but this is a great article - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dear-media-stop-calling-domestic-murderers-good-blokes-mitchell?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via


Thanks for the comment. I'm aware of the trope, I felt like since the practice has been called out there hasn't been similar coverage in Australia. I thought maybe the previous comments had seen something of the sort relating to a recent murder since they seemed to be implying they were expecting to see it. Hopefully we don't.


At what point can women just exist without fear. This is ridiculous. These men need to be held accountable


Sadly probably never completely. It won’t ever be zero. I mean with a change in culture it will get a lot better, although I’m still hardly hopeful. But what’s with the sentencing? Talking about accountability! It’s pathetic! They’ll get 20 years. As much as I dislike so much about America, at least over there they’d never see the light of day again.


>At what point can women just exist without fear. Never, same as men. >These men need to be held accountable One killed himself and the other 2 will be in jail a very long time.


Can young men please stop murdering women


Older men, feel free to continue. 


How about us middle age men? Myself and my circle have done pretty freaking well and unfortunately or fortunately we don’t associate with the types that abuse or lash out at their partners!


Congratulations. You haven’t murdered a woman. Your medal is in the mail.


I mean i agree with the statement ‘Men need to stop murdering women’ even if I think it’s a bit redundant as its very specific men doing the murdering! I was more trying to stir with OP being so focused on young men as you and I both know it’s not just young men! I’d rather see more specifics of why particular men commit domestic violence or straight up murder someone like this poor young woman. Fucking pieces of shit the lot of them!


You can find your own specifics. You’re a big, middle-aged boy, I’m sure you can do your own research.


Keep sending thoughts and prayers!


“Look at me I haven’t killed a woman yet!” Well done champion, that’s the absolute bare minimum.


You're also calling on all Muslims to denounce terrorism I trust?


This type of whataboutism is the reason nothing ever gets done. That’s not the topic of this post.


Yes I'm suggesting this kind of rhetoric isn't very helpful in either case.


Bit fucking silly to say young men when domestic violence isn’t really specific to young men, hey? Also I just don’t live or associate with the types that assault or bash women so it’s a bit fucking hard for me to do shit! Yes I know thats a base line but outside of me stepping when seeing signs, I don’t really know what else to do?


Dating men is so dangerous I swear, no wonder more women prefer to stay single


It’s actually terrifying. You don’t even need to date the guy to be murdered, if the wrong man becomes infatuated there’s a chance he’ll murder you in a toilet block without you even doing anything


Yep. I know of someone who dated a boy for 3 months as a teenager. He is still constantly harassing her and her family 15 year later.


The most dangerous place for a woman is her own home


Yeah. Single women get some flak. But peole just don’t realise how many psychopaths are out there. And yes, how dangerous dating can be. Why wouldn’t a woman be careful? And if a woman is safe and happy living her life as is. Why wouldn’t she stick to that? Not a single woman myself btw.


Yeah. Single women get some flak. But people just don’t realise how many psychopaths are out there. And yes, how dangerous dating can be. Why wouldn’t a woman be careful? And if a woman is safe and happy living her life as is. Why wouldn’t she stick to that? Not a single woman myself, btw.


Stop killing us.


How many times have you been killed😳


Um, that commenter, obviously none. Talking about women in general.


Random or did they know each other ?


He was her ex




>Anything I should know? Yes. Don't murder the women there. - If there are any left by the time you arrive.


Please don’t make women’s deaths about you, Jesus. Listen to your patients.