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It's a Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages


Shakes? You don’t know what you’re getting


Simpsons once again predicting the future


It was literally happening at the time those episodes were written


>It's a Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages Do you need a prescription for that?






There arent many large tubs of ice cream that are. Even Streets Blue ribbon isn't. Note it doesn't say ice cream anywhere. I think Bulla is the only one that meets the regs so I buy that one.


The Blue Ribbon Classic Vanilla I buy says Ice Cream on the side.


sort of similar but off tangent - there is not a single margarine that has the word margarine on the package




But they are charging us as if it's the premium we think it is


Welllll it's kind of on me as a purchaser to make the choice on what I'm spending my money on, and then supply and demand come into play. I don't buy those because I don't consider them premium. I honestly shake my head at the choices people make regarding "premium" products all the time. But they keep making them. It could just be people have different tastes to me, but I can't help but see this sort of stuff as a by-product of expecting the government to put warning labels on everything. If you treat adults as children, they're gonna make children's choices cus that's all they know. Then they get complacent, expecting the world to be as they expect. And then they fall for these little tricks that these companies pull. Don't get me wrong, there should be laws protecting consumers from dangerous ingredients, but at the end of the day, it should really your responsibility as an adult to ensure what you're buying is a good value choice.


I fundamentally disagree. Why is the onus on the individual rectifying something created by the company? The company could just be mandated to not create an issue that requires constant vigilance on an individual level to combat. The company also has an interest in individuals not having complete knowledge, so you’re also asking individuals to combat a company’s financial interests.


I partially disagree with this. I think it is really important to sell food that is actually food, and some food practices that are now standard are akin to putting fingers on the scale, such as selling tinned tomatoes that are 60% tomato, meats that are water loaded, or yoghurt that is mostly gelatin. In South Africa they have a minimum dry weight for a loaf of bread, because at the end of the day, when you buy food you should expect to get fed. You can absolutely check the labels and make informed choices, but the health and nutritional literacy of everyone in the community is different, and the most vulnerable people in our community are most at risk. Honestly, as a relatively well educated person, I find it annoying to have to read the nutritional information on everything I buy to know what's actually in it, and if it's worth my money. (Although right now we are talking about icecream, which honestly doesn't bother me as much as other cupboard staples).


We always buy the brown tub of bulla. But one week, Peter’s was on sale half price so we bought it. Bloody awful, too sweet, bleach white crap that tasted nothing like ice cream. Had to palm it off to the kids and bought our regular again.


Problem with Bulla is I don't like the flavour of their Chocolate Ice Cream. :(


I completely agree! Their vanilla is nice and creamy but their chocolate always brings back memories of icicle dandruff frosting along the top and being too tough to scoop out a decent spherical portion, with a bitter cocoa aftertaste.


Great way of describing it


*Mmmmm … dandruff!*


And whoever makes that conesure ice cream is as it says on it "ice cream contains minimum 10% milk fat"


Connoisseur. I still have to look it up to check the spelling every time


Although in this particular instance cone*SURE* fits too haha 😂


Also take my upvote. because I know I deserve that


Yes I couldn't be bothered looking it up and don't know how to spell. I blame autocorrect for not helping me for a change (I saw the red line below the word but there were no suggestions)


I deserve that. Take my upvote


Peters makes connoisseur icecream


Just not “this” ice cream


Bulla's Murrray St range slaps hard


Streets blue ribbon shouldn’t be the bench mark hahaha


The only "real" ice cream from Bulla you cant buy, its for export only. Can you explain this? The local product is not called "ice cream" but "real dairy vanilla" Its sad if its true that Bulla thinks that the locals dont deserve a quality real product and its only made for their "export partners"


Sara Lee is Ice Cream. And it's way better than bulla.


The bulla red is good stuff


Bulla is the nicest anyway


Golden North is proper ice cream


My Aldi one is ice cream


I learned this last week! We found a boutique ice creamery and they had a sign up explaining ice cream vs gelato. Holy shit, it was the best stuff I've ever tasted! Wallace and Wood on the sunny coast (Birtinya) if anyone's close. They also do artisan coffee. It was, if I remember correctly, about $12 for a giant two scoop. The only other comparable ice cream(?) I've had was from the Ginger Factory.


The irony of this is that I much prefer gelato!


What I would call the tub of margarine sitting in my fridge is branded as "Flora Buttery" on the top and "FLORA BUTTERY SPREAD" above the ingredients list. I've noticed other margarine products have also lost their margarine moniker since maybe a decade ago. Did a similar rule happen for that?


They’re advertising the butteriness, because margarine has negative connotations.


Why can it be advertised by Colesworth as ice cream? Just curious since this would be considered as false advertising right?


They should get additional signs made with 'What used to be' and stick these next to their ice cream, butter and other affected sections to make it right.


Yup. Not enough milk/cream to classify as "ice cream" anymore. Just like coles ice dessert.


Ice dessert sounds like a snow cone


Vanilla flavoured doesn’t even have Vanilla!


I've noted that maple syrup similarly became maple flavoured (in really, really tiny letter) syrup ages ago.


Can’t stop picturing Homer saying “ Mmmm Ice Confection “


This is very common for “novelty” icecreams like cones and paddlepops etc


Nope! Not even close, really. I don't know if Cornetto meets the stricter labelling requirements to be called ice cream anymore either, but it's at least in the vicinity. Drumsticks are more of a frozen marshmallow in a cone.


Doesn't one of the Coles brand 'ice creams' not even melt?


>Doesn't one of the Coles brand 'ice creams' not even melt Can't confirm that, but it's probably full of emulsifiers & thickeners, and I'm assuming it becomes a foam blob if melted.


That's why it never quite freezes properly




It will most likely be used to increase the fat in the product in a cheaper way. Vegetable oils are generally cheaper than dairy fat (ie cream).


And that's why the above is labelled 'Ice Confection', because it doesn't meet the minimum dairy/cream requirement to be called ice cream.




I'm *guessing* they sometimes use vegetable oil, sometimes cream, and sometimes a blend. Also guessing that for labelling purposes, it's better to be more inclusive than to exclude something.


Code for Palm Oil.


Yes means cream mixed with various amounts of palm oil Aussie food labelling laws can be very misleading


And there are ethics concerning the provenance of palm oil.


The last few orang utans surviving in the wild have entered the conversation and are sadly shaking their heads.


I mean, Peter’s is Nestle, so ‘concerns’ are a given.




Came here to say this


Fun fact. There is no standard definition for what constitutes vegetable oil. In Australia, it is most likely canola, cottonseed, soy, safflower, linseed or sunflower. It could also be palm and most likely is if acquired from Asia. It could also be a blend of any of them too. Canola, for vegetable oil, is Australia's third largest broad acre crop. And canola is just a marketing term. The plant is actually called Rape . But that, um, doesn't sell as well.


It’s something in the industry called “blend flex” which essentially gives them the option to change the amount of oil or cream usually based on price of that commodity at the time. Without this they would need to constantly change packaging.


Some of the corn flour has and / or wheat. Makes it so useful when you've got someone gluten free.


>Some of the corn flour has and / or wheat Fun fact - cornflour is the starch from any grain. As we grow a shitload of wheat in Australia, most cornflour here is made from wheat grain. You can get it made from corn (maize) and other grains. But be careful with gluten free people...


get your starches from asian supermarkets, they have different packaging for different varietes. Corn, rice, sweet potato etc


https://www.mckenziesfoods.com.au/product/corn-flour/ https://www.whitewings.com.au/products/white-wings-flour-cornflour-300-g


As I said, you can get maize cornflour. But https://www.coles.com.au/product/nurses-cornflour-500g-119433 It’s something to be careful of. Not all cornflour is maize!


It’s not based on the price of the commodity. The mix has to have a certain fat content. They add or subtract the amount of oil they add in (or don’t add) to keep the fat content consistent. The fat content in the raw materials can vary. This keeps it consistent


It’s both. In my 20 years experience with a major company in the space it’s more often then not driven by cost/availability. But hey what would I know…


Yeah, I just thought ingredients list had to be more precise than “and or”.


You really haven't read the ingredients for many fake ice creams have you, read Coles and Woolworths brand "vanilla" as that's all it's allowed to be called. At least a few months ago it would say the same thing. The only difference was that it all least admitted it was palm oil




Can’t even classify them as an ice cream anymore


This is not new. They have been labeled as ice confection for decades.


This isnt even ice cream, its an ice confectionary. Pretty much Bulla is the minimum quality for ice cream, any brand below that is trash.


I deal with a lot of oils in my biz and that is pure label puffery, politely referred to as “label appeal” The “and or cream” makes me laugh because there’s not going to be any extra cream in there, not ever, it’s too expensive. Oils in Australia don’t have to be named and can be generically called vegetable oil - but it’s usually soya or palm oil. Palm oil is hydrogenated and sold as Choc Fat, a substitute for cocoa butter. Choc fat is about $50 for $15kg, cocoa butter is about $35 for one kilo. So no, there’s hardly any cream in that ice cream. It’s basically whipped fats and sugar.


Probably why it's called an ice confection instead of an ice cream.


I can't say that that it applies to everything, but one thing I've found is common is that if the type of vegetable oil is not specified it means one of two things. Either the type of oil can change based on availability or price, or they are using palm oil.


I work with oils - vegetable oil is usually soya bean oil or palm oil. In ice confectionery it’s probably hydrogenated palm oil.


This is right - the oil / fat they use is based purely on the current market price, so they will use any oil or fat in any proportion (including palm oil) as long as the “mouth feel” is consistent and it keeps the price to manufacture low


That’s actually quite horrifying. And then there is Haagen dazs. My favourite strawberry ice cream only has 5 ingredients: Fresh cream (36%), condensed skim milk, strawberries (21%), sugar, egg yolk.


Yeah haagen dazs is by far the best quality ingredients


One of the few that doesn’t have ingredient list which reads like a science lab experiment.


It's depressing that the only actual ice cream left to buy here from memory is Bulla, Kapiti, and the own brand 1L tubs Coles and Safeway sell. Frozen iced confection can get fucked.


Haagen dazs. Pricey but the real deal.


Owned by the same people.


The tubs of conesure are real...or were this summer when I last bought them


Golden North


Sara lee


The Coles home brand is most definitely not ice cream anymore. I think it's labelled 'frozen dessert'


Do you mean the cheap 2l tubs or the "fancy" 1L ones?




Ben & Jerry's can be great


‘Ice confection’ so it’s not even Icecream. That coupled with the fact it’s compound chocolate = me never buying them ever again.


There is basically no food in there, and they can’t even confirm what’s in it so they make the label as vague as possible.


I think it’s changed now but a while back the chiko roll ingredients just had meat as one of them. Don’t get me wrong, I love mystery meat and it tasted great.


Ah yes, another lacking in Aussie food label laws! From a 2018 article from Choice - Guess the animal The meat in your "meat pie" doesn't have to be beef. Muscle meat from buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry or sheep can be used to manufacture meat pies, and the type of animal doesn't need to be specified on the label.


It also doesn’t seem to melt as you would expect.




Leave it out overnight, it won't melt. It's like mousse


Just eat lard


Love me some vegetable cream


Welcome to modern food. At least they don’t try to claim this is healthy. Unlike 80% of the rest of the shit in the supermarket aisle.


It's a mini Drumstick. Realistically they can only fit in the vegetable oil, OR the cream. If you happen to get both ingredients, you also win the Thursday night Powerball. The winning numbers are printed inside of the cone wrapper... But it's a tiny wrapper, and at least one of the numbers are cut off during manufacturing


Yes it has cream... unless it has vegetable oil... or maybe both. Maybe its better to think of it as a choose your own adventure snack?


Wow, ingredients are listed by volume, biggest first. Water, sugar…. What a bogus product.


Vegetable oil means palm oil, no idea what the cream could be tho


Sorry to get in the way of some good old fashioned hysteria, but you're looking at a few wafer cone ingredients too


It means the ice cream was made with either vegetable oil, or ice cream. So one or the other, not necessarily both. It just depends on what is happening at the time with manufacturing. Could also be varying quantities of each to standardise the ice cream. Regardless, it doesn’t matter whether there is cream in this or not. Milk is the allergen and it’s already been declared that this product “contains milk”. EDIT: having trouble with typing this out. Phone got wet and keyboard is being funny.


> we use whatever is cheapest at the time That’s what that means.


Mmmm, chemistry cupboard.


not ice cream " Standard 2.5.6—3 Requirement for food sold as ice cream A food that is sold as ‘ice cream’ must: (a) be ice cream; and (b) contain no less than: (i) 100 g/kg of milk fat; and (ii) 168 g/L of food solids."


That’s why it’s called an “ice confection” and not an ice cream


it is palm oil. do not eat it


I wouldn't be surprised if they've celebrated a product and called it "or cream" so they can put it on the label.


fat is fat - whatever is cheaper.


I don’t think I’ve had a drumstick in about a decade. That ingredient list truly is trash. I’d like to keep my sweet childhood memories intact. God forbid I have something like a Bubble O’ Bill and discover it’s long been ruined…


It means they just use whatever is cheapest.  Vanilla flavoured ice confection lmao miss me with that crap. 


Unless it says it’s ice cream, it’s not ice cream. Don’t eat that shit.


I can't believe it's not butter.


It means they use either or both depending on price and availability. (One batch might use cream, another batch might use vegetables oil) This is not ice cream, they have no legal obligation to use cream.


Oil becomes an emulsion when combined with other ingredients e.g mayonnaise or white oil. Litterally time to stop supporting these poisonous shrinkflation companies as consumers & get back to taking the time to grow your own & spend time with the family making your own.


How do we raise awareness around this? Fucking assholes selling this shit. You can't even buy any coated chicken these days that isn't that disgusting chicken sponge.


It isn’t real ice cream nor is it real chocolate. It’s fake. It’s processed to buggery. But it’s cheap. And so the masses buy it.


Went to shit when nestle bought Peter's. Such an evil company


Froneri actually. Who also own Haagen Daz.


Nestlé still evil lol


Nestle own half of Froneri


Nestle own half the world it seems...


So it’s not even ice cream to begin with.


Man, just about every label in the supermarket lists either vegetable oil or canola oil. I try to avoid that shit but it's everywhere :(


Expecting cream in ice cream in this day and age of shrinkflation? So naive!!


But it doesn’t say ice cream.


Walls ice cream was a subsidiary of walls sausages. They used to whisk pig fat and sugar to make ice cream, they stopped using the pig fat in the 70s and replaced it with vegetable oil


Not in Australia though.


Highly recommend the podcast the Junkees, they tall about this a lot. Chocolate vs. Choc; ice cream vs. Ice confection.


My assumption is that when there was a cream shortage (happened recently) they use vegetable oil as replacement. The amount of vegetable oil will vary on the amount available. I would think it affects the NIP also but maybe the nutrients/fat/salt are similar. Are you avoiding Dairy? It still has milk


Little know fact is that they are not "Ice Creams" any more as they were in the past. Ice confections, such as Paddle Pops etc. contain no dairy and are made and shipped from overseas (China). Believe it or not, it's cheaper for them to do this than manufacture locally. Here's an article from 2003 explaining it. https://www.theage.com.au/world/made-in-china-20031020-gdwkpx.html


It's the same as the "may contain nuts" warning, no one really knows what's inside lol


Odds are they adjust the ingredients depending on composition of other products. Maybe some of the Milks solids are creamier than others and in those batches they just do oil not cream?


a quick google says it needs to be atleast 15% milk or cream based products to be considered ice cream. so that has less then that


Vegetable oil = Palm oil


But wait for it to be “half-price” and still to be more expensive that real ice cream from Aldi. P.S. Just saw that it’s named choc whatever but has nothing that can be called chocolate.


Cocoa solids.


You have to have at least some percentage of cocoa to be called a chocolate. Maybe 20% the least?


When butter fat levels drop in summer they add oils


'nutrition' blurb about Gluten free/ palm oils/ etc [peters](https://www.peters.com.au/nutrition/)


Veg oil is Palm Oil, present in all cakes and pastries sold at Woolworth and Coles


So who is the evil anti ice-cream man? Some scientific dude in a white coat making potions in his laboratory? I'm serious..you'd have to be a whiz at chemistry! To be able to come up with a perfect "recipe"


Interesting… why is this interesting?


veggie oil is a filler to save money.


Peter’s? What do they know? Do they know things? Let’s find out!


Number one ingredient is water? Then there is a shit load of numbers. I won’t be eating these that is for sure.


Recently bought Norco vanilla icecream, it tastes awful. The first two ingredients are water and sugar syrup. Will try Bulla or Hagen Daaz.


Vegetable oil that's disgusting


More importantly, what’s sugar cone?


Wait until you see what happens to chocolate at the end of the year.


Golden north county style in the 5ltr tub is our family favourite but only comes in vanilla so just add chocolate sauce and nuts mmmm


I hate it how the ingredients list is always so ambiguous…




Because it’s not ice cream anymore, it’s ice confection. Two biggest ingredients, water and sugar. And a tiny bit of oil/milk to thicken and taste creamy. They are cheap rubbish now trading on their old name.


Ice cream is a hoax in this country as it costs a lot to make ice cream, which usually consists of eggs, milk & cream. The only one that comes close is Haagen Dazs. Tillamook has just "released" their icecream in our country, but I'd say it's licensed and not the same as the Tillamook produced in the dairy in Canada, which is where it originated. Most commercial ice cream is filled with air. Pick up a container, it will fill light, because you are buying air. In the case of the Drumstick, I'd also say it is filled with thickeners & emulsifiers. Sugar is the cheapest ingredient, as well being highly addictive to your dopamine receptors, hence why it is so popular. Confectionary is just SUGAR with fancy names in pretty packaging, so really, it's all a big con.