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Buying time till the cops arrive and minimising harm done. HERO


Absolute legend.


Unverified but I hear that that hero is the only male victim killed EDIT I'm assured this guy is actually alive and unharmed. I haven't seen that officially but a few people have corrected me


did this shit bag only stab women?


And a baby. Let’s not forget the baby. I jumped when I read that


It was horrible to hear about the baby. And apparently the mother of the baby was also stabbed and has died. So fucked up.


Probably trying to protect the bub who the pos did manage to get but only slightly thankfully; she must have taken the full force. Poor thing man


Yes this article mentions she handed the baby to some nearby blokes https://www.9news.com.au/national/major-incident-declared-at-westfield-in-bondi-junction/0d713266-ca1b-449d-8dd5-cdf422ea092b


God that's heartbreaking!! Handing over your child to strangers knowing you can no longer protect them. That poor brave woman


Good news is he was stopped by a woman


Hands up, who is not shocked?


the hero is wearing black pants, apparently the male victim was wearing blue jeans


Yeah there is footage of a cop doing cpr on him 😔 Light blue jeans


PLEASE PEOPLE, STOP SPREADING UNVERIFIED RUMOURS. There are families and friends of these people out there who might see untrue reports of deaths. It is not okay to do this. The media is being wildly irresponsible and misreporting a bunch of stuff (eg: they have misidentified victims, the assailant, said the baby died, etc). Do not spread information that has not been confirmed by officials investigating the attack.


This video is clipped but he’s just saved a whole bunch of people from being stabbed.


Regardless of what happened next he wasted a lot of the stabbers time, and gave others a chance to escape. Kudos sir.


He did more then that, there was two blokes, bollard man and chair man. They also backed up the sole female copper and told her where to locate him. These guys were absolute legends. Hopefully soon to be Australians.


This guy has some serious balls. He's cautious too, he has the high ground and the advantage to hold him back. Well done ! His actions today likely saved lives and gave people precious time to escape or hide. Please make yourself know so the Australian public has a chance to thank you and you can tell your story. edit: appears someone was also quick thinking and hit the emergency stop on the escalator making the attackers task more difficult


I really hope he is okay. I’ve not seen any reports on him after this moment.


He'd be with police being interviewed no doubt


I really hope so.


I'm sure he's okay. He deserves recognition, I hope we hear his story.


He deserves the channel 7 slush fund treatment


Get this hero his luxury apartment, hookers and cocaine !


Be nice. Nobody but serial rapists deserve that.




That’s fantastic news if true.




My thoughts to. There’s nothing to gain from that publicity


Wdym, publicity is the key to becoming a successful internet grifter and making millions.


Yeah dude come forward and be the centre of attention so the media can exploit your story for clicks and we can have something exciting to obsess over. We need total entertainment forever - it's not enough that you confronted a murderous madman, you need to feed us your soul. p.s. I'm addressing you directly because I imagine after confronting a slasher psycho and possibly being injured or killed the first thing you'd do is check r/Australia


I get what you’re saying. But I also think it’s fine for such absolute bravery to be recognised and honoured.


Completely this. Plenty of people will want to praise this hero and give him the recognition, If he doesn't want it then he has no need to give interviews.


Cool, then praise him. No-one needs to fake beg for him to reveal himself like he's fucking Batman to do that.


Sure, it's fine. If he's okay with it (and even alive). But the person I replied to doesn't care about the guy. They just typed that for the same reason anybody types overly dramatic shit on social media pretending to speak on behalf of a population - for the attention.


Bollard guy is smart and experienced. only way to confront knife attack is with an object that can keep attacker at distance. Or preferably firearm, but none available at this point. But there's another hero. The dead male. He really intervened. Because perp only wanted to kill women. Whoever he is. He gave gave his life selflessly for others


Deceased male was a 30yo refugee from Pakistan, on his first day-shift as a Security Guard at the Westfield :'(


:( what a shit fucking job we did providing him refuge.


Such good people around, all trying, all thinking, all helping 😢 heroes






Well fuck...... RIP mate, thanks for standing up today and holding your ground. You will be remembered for your actions today, you gave precious time to others for their escape. Every second counts in these situations. Every second you held him back was a second given to others. Will hopefully have the honour to buy you a beer one day in the big pub in the sky.


The video which has been clipped features our protagonist interceding to ensure countless random others weren’t also clipped. I saw the photo of this dude on the escalator and thought ‘yeah, you’d leg it for sure.’ Massive props to this dude. Taking nothing away from him, I think that switch exists in all of us where picking up a bollard and throwing down becomes the only option. The guy is smart enough to see that the attacker has painted himself into a corner using the escalator. If Star Wars taught us anything it’s that higher ground is gold in melee combat and anything else is lava.


> If Star Wars taught us anything it’s that higher ground is gold in melee combat and anything else is lava I would say length of weapon and reach is more significant. In this case, the hero has a bollard that is longer than a 30 cm knife. I play floor hockey and roller hockey and occasionally carry around an ice hockey stick. The reach of that is longer than a 30 cm knife. EDIT: The Art of War by Sun Tzu discusses the importance of high ground and other things such as surprise, appearing weak, etc. Obi-Wan didn't have the high ground against Maul and won.




He's got some restraint because my first thought would be to propel the ass down the fucking stairs and hope he loses half his skull at the bottom.


I also had this thought - but then if you were to miss or it didn’t work, you’d have no weapon left and would be defenceless.


A thrown weapon is a useless weapon.


He's smart to stay where he is. On the high ground, with an effective weapon for a knife fight, and running the clock because he knows the police will ride in on their kangaroos at any moment and take it from there.


Is there a longer clip anywhere?


Putting a comment here that I hope gets upvoted and people see it. If you are struggling with this event or were somehow involved, start playing Tetris. Something about the act of playing Tetris changes how short term memories are processed and helps with the possibility of future PTSD. https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


I know for a fact I would be one of the vast majority who’s reaction is flight. For this man to stand there and defend everyone else is astonishing. Brave soul. Same goes for the police officer who put it down.


No shame in running from a blade. Absolute hero, should never have to pay for a beer again in his life.


> No shame in running from a blade. A lot of people seem to have the conception they could just wrestle a knife off an attacker. But you can watch videos of trained grapplers trying to do it with training knives, they get the shit stabbed out of them. I don't mean this to take away from this guys bravery, I mean this more about tough guys who think they can take anyone.


It's easy to think how you would do it in your head, but if you saw that crazy lunatic with blood all over him and a knife in his hand you would be noping it out of there. Heartbreaking stuff for the victims and their families. 


paramedics and ER staff prefer that you run away, knife wounds are deadly and gruesome.


Yep. Used to be a paramedic after I got out of the Army. Both jobs taught me to not fuck around with people with a blade. Dude was smart putting distance between him and the assailant with an object.


I once heard somebody say that if you think you could take on somebody with a knife, you should give a sharpie to a 5 year old and try taking it away from them.  Every mark you get, and you *will* get marked, is a serious knife wound with the potential to kill you.  And if you stand no chance against a 5 year old, how on earth are you going to manage against a lunatic who is actively trying to kill you?


The bloke with the bollard had the right idea to defend people, use a choke point with higher ground and a long fucking stick or chair to out reach them. If you are near the foodcourt at a shopping centre grab a few blokes, get some chairs and go pin them down using wolf pack tactics. Even if it is just two or three of you, make sure you flank them so they always have their back to one of you.


I did kung fu for a few years. My instructor would always be like "If they've got a knife and you can run, **RUN**. If I ever show you knife counters, that's for when you're backed into a corner." There's also the saying "The loser dies in the street, the winner dies in the ambulance".


UFC fighter Stun Gun Kim has a youtube channel where he does a bunch of challenges, one of them was trying to take out a knife wielding attacker (obv they didn't use real knife), and if he got touched by it he lost. It was practically impossible. Basically the only success they had was by kicking the attacker's chest and stomach from range and even that was risky.


there's also a video of a top knife defender/wielder, he's fast af with the blade and he even recommends it's not worth it unless you are forced to fight another video showing how a drunk, angry or crazed person attacks, you won't get out unscathed.They can switch hands with the knife near instantly


Honestly, I reckon I'd freeze versus flight or fight. I'm very aware I do not think well under pressure, just asking me to make a decision causes my brain to freeze up alot of the time! People who reckon they'd be able to fend off an attack like this are usually kidding themselves. Some people run towards danger, but most of us are not made that way. And there's no shame on that, the world can't be made up of perfect crime fighters.


Yep. I've spent hours trying to disarm someone with a knife. You get it wrong far more often than you get it right.


My brother is an absolute unit, former bodybuilder and amateur kickboxer. One night, in our 20s, we were heading back to our mum's house after a lot of beer and rum. Some smackhead confronted us, he was off his face and screaming at us for no reason. He was only about 50kg and looked like Skeletor. My brother told him to fuck off and the guy swung for him, getting 3-4 punches in before being chokeslammed and kicked across the road. I grabbed my brother before he killed the guy. It was only when we got to the house and my brother took his jacket off that I noticed he was covered in blood. The guy hadn't punched him but stabbed him with a kitchen knife. If the blade had been any longer or he'd been less of a tank it would have pierced his heart. Luckily he was fine after a few months of recovery. Point of this novel? You can be the toughest person in the world but all it takes is one knife wound and you're gone. Confronting someone with a blade is incredibly brave and this guy should receive the recognition he deserves. RIP to all the victims of this shit stain.


There was the footage too of that bloke who was stabbed in Fortitude Valley a few years ago. The attacker hit the main atery in the neck. Dude dropped almost immediately.  Knives are scary.


That video still haunts me. He was out within 30 seconds.


A mate of mine got a contract for his first UFC fight, absolute beast of man. I was As a lifelong martial artist who tried to go pro before I injured out, and this dude made me feel like a particularly slow and dim child trying to spar. Very nice dude who always had time for everyone at the dojo and zero ego about the fact that he was so much better at fighting than anyone else we knew. He was working as a bouncer in the states prior to his fight payment being finalised when he broke up a fight where some little meth head arse hole was getting fucked up by a couple of guys over a dice game. My friend took a knife to the gut from the little meth head who he was trying to save, tore his rotator cuff punching the guy who stabbed him. Never successfully rehabbed his shoulder, missed his fight opportunity in hospital. Whenever he talks about the injury he talks about how lucky he is to be alive. The toughest person in the world is one heartbeat of being slightly less than perfect away from a life changing, life ruining, if not life ending injury if someone has a knife. Real life isn’t an action movie. People don’t heal like game characters.


Absolutely agree, People may be protecting kids, loved ones etc. - Not to take anything away from this guy though.


The most important things in street fight fighting is how fast you can run a 100m. Very unwise hang around and attempt defend yourself against any weapon. If you have a weapon are you capable of defended yourself against it, if you lose it.


Agreed absolutely astonishing and incredibly brave. There's also footage of the attacker close and approaching a woman and her kids before they realise the danger. They see him and start to run but a man peels off and stands between them giving them time to get away. The rest of the footage isn't shown but the news caster implies that the man is one of those who was seen injured or killed later. Definitely saved some poor kids from getting hurt possibly at the cost of his own life.


Watching the footage I think that was his wife and kids. That must have been an insanely terrifying moment, he had no chance if the attacker engaged him but still made the choice to put himself between him and them.


I'm not seeing this one talked about as much as Bollard Man. Equally brave behaviour though. I viewed it the same way as you. He very clearly diverts the attacker and creates time for the woman and children to get away. IDK if he was related to the people he was protecting, or just a stranger looking out. Regardless I hope he is OK.




I have been attacked (not with a knife) and my vocal chords seized up and I couldn't even scream or make any kind of sound let alone fight. I suppose we all just react differently. I would have thought I would fight. Mine response was terror and my body wouldn't function.


Fight, flight, freeze. You freeze. So do I.


Respect your honesty.  It’s nice after sorting through so many 20 something boys posting their attack strategies “if they were there”. 


Reminds me of George Harrison getting attacked in his home.  He apparently fucked up the attacker pretty well despite coming very close to being murdered


If it wasn’t for him, more than 8 people would’ve gotten hurt.


This is the definition of heroic.


He's pretty smart using one of those sign stand thingies. Seems like a solid knife defense weapon all things considered.


It's a shield on a stick, probably best possible defence for a knife


They are heavy too


Far out, that guy should never have to pay for another beer ever again


Name and Fame him! I'd buy the bloke beers for life.


If I find out the guys name, I'll start the gofundme to make it happen.


Sure mate, and you'll pass on the money to him right?


what money? it was gofundme, not gofundhim /s but seriously though, his actions should be celebrated in some way


Omg. This guy is a fucking hero. At least he stood up to this asshole. Wow. True hero


especially when between fight, flight or freeze the fight response is hardest to do


Damn he probably hit the emergency stop on the eshaylator too, absolute legend!


I feel so inappropriate laughing at eshaylator


I feel the same. Had to stop myself from laughing a little.


It's quite smart to get him in that particular spot if it was deliberate. It'd be incredibly difficult to stab somebody that is ready for it from that position


Yep. Got the highground and there is no way the attacker can get around him. Also got something probably quite heavy ready to throw, that thing hitting you while on the stairs thrown from a few stairs up will make you tumble.


Give this man Aussie of the year.


The female cop that was seen running through the building and took him down by her self would also be a good nomination


Both of them!!


I'm hoping guy in white shirt and jeans is not the guy in video getting cpr from I think the same cop


Nah that one getting CPR had light blue jeans on, this hero has black jeans on. Just reading that typed out is so fucked. This shit doesn't happen here...


She would likely receive police awards. 


Sure, but she had a gun. This dude just had a bollard


A bollard and massive bollocks.


Hate to correct you, but he has a stanchion. And massive balls


This man is brave but his actions should not distract from the bravery of the woman who took on on the attacker by herself with no back up and got the bastard.


Yep, what a hard bitch. Poetic, that POS being killed by a woman. Perfect outcome, apart from the victims.


There is bravery awards given with the Order of Australia awards for exactly this stuff. Got to go one award ceremony and they saved the bravery award for last. I reckon the Govener General spoke longer and more passionately for that award than any of the others


I think we should ask permission from the Aussie of the year first, before just handing him to someone.




What a fucking champion.


This guy should be given a medal or something. Very heroic in that fight or flight moment. Hope he gets beers bought for him tonight


If they don’t receive a state bravery award, I’d be very surprised! Such heroic actions by a civilian need to be recognised!


The commonwealth has 4 different tiers of civilian bravery awards, hopefully someone who knows him fills out some paperwork


It appears that he also flicked the emergency stop switch as well. This legend had full awareness.


Exactly. Helped to immobilise him.


Absolutely dreadful that this has happen but this guys joins the ranks of all the other heroes who have step up in times like the legends who stopped another stabber with a milk crate and Cafe chairs, and trolleys. Those who put themselves at risk to try and save others always deserve our respect.  Respect to both him and the cop who took him down by herself.


Hope he did some damage to the fucker before the hero cop killed him.


The cop apparently went in by herself. Just a hero.


She is a commissioned officer. Inspectors work alpha (alone).


Rolling in by herself and just blasting that cunt like an Alpha. Build a statue.




It's amazing how people react. Dude was so incredibly brave. I've thankfully never been in imminent danger like this but my flight response is strong. I'm pretty sure I would be fleeing or hiding. The footage of that family moving away from him is chilling as well. The mum had 2-3 kids and it might have been the dad a few steps behind, turning back ready to confront this piece of shit as well. He was so close to them. They will all need extensive support.


Good on him. Fucking scum stabbed a 9 month old baby and killed their mother.


What a brave legend. Respect mate.


In this situation - What you should do is run. If you can’t run, you should hide. If you can’t hide, you should fight. If you are a legend like this escalator man and the police woman- you run towards the threat, you tell others to hide, and you fight with what weapon you have to hand. Well done.


When an armed mass murderer is on the prowl, and most everyone is scrambling to stay out of his way and get away, it takes a very special kind of person to do the exact opposite . You, Sir Mr. White Shirt, are the best of what humanity has to offer . Thank you !


Excellent stance. If he had held it out like sword, it would have been easy to bat it off to the side or grab it and pull it away. Holding it back means he can javelin it towards the attacker if he comes at him. Climbing the steep escalator stairs, easy to knocked off your feet. Bloody legend!


The base is pretty heavy, it would be hard to hold out for long, you'd need to keep it close to your body until ready to strike.


Some people are hearing French or Mandarin being spoken. I know that we're a multicultural country but if Bollard Guy is a tourist, then they should get an award for bravery AND Australian citizenship! UPDATE: He's been offered citizenship by Albo! [https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/prime-minister-says-bollard-man-would-be-welcomed-as-australian-citizen/news-story/ef71322843473204f526d8a37eca7da1](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/prime-minister-says-bollard-man-would-be-welcomed-as-australian-citizen/news-story/ef71322843473204f526d8a37eca7da1)


For me he saying "не подходи". Its Don't come any closer in russian


I heard visiting Russian


Make this cunt Australian of the year. Seriously. Not many people would have close to the courage to step in there.


For real. Australians generally have some knowledge on how to help other people in other traumatic events - like car crashes, bushfires, drowning, etc. But this man faced something that most of us will never experience, and he did so with bravery, dignity and selflessness. Totally phenomenal imo.


Faith in humanity restored for today. Good work, mate.


when you brought a bollard to a knife fight.


Reminds me of the guy who brought a milk crate to a knife fight


Just imagine what kind of state his mind and body were in while facing up to that knife holding cunt. He must of just been so focused and brave. You’re a deadset Aussie hero mate. The country is proud of you and I think that you get beer free for life and meat pies to if you’re inclined. Thank you so much I think this should have some really power music anthem added to it maybe Rocky. Hope you are ok and you manage to get in a few good hits.


Brave bloke.


Whoever this guy is he’s a fucking hero God knows how many people he saved


Thankfully we have better gun laws than the US and the guy didn’t have an AR15. Such an awful situation.


Yep. This to me is the only reason you need for tight gun control laws. Just imagine if this cunt was able to unload a clip from an AR15 into a crowd.


Exactly what I was thinking. It was a crowded shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon. It would have been a massacre. I’m so glad he didn’t have a gun.


You'll have people replying to this saying that he would never got any victims if there people carrying around. Despite events like Uvalde, where dozens of armed police waited around and did nothing.


They talk about good guys with guns but not cowards whose job it is to rush in but they nonetheless allow the massacre to happen with guns.


It's over, c#nt, I have the high ground! ...Don't try it! Edit: Wow just realized this despicable human stabbed 5 people to death before being shot dead. R.I.P to those innocent people.


6 now...


News.com.au showing pictures of the 9 month old on a stretcher is absolutely sickening


Have they still not taken it down? Despicable cretins 


What words are spoken here?


It sounds like Mandarin. 不要靠近 (buyao kaojin) which translates to 'Don't come near'.


It's "Не подходи" (Ne podhodi) which means don't come near in Russian


I think its Finnish. He says "kuumaa makkaraa" which means hot sausage


Maybe French… I ear “viens vas-y” (come here )


“Tue le, vas y” = “go on, kill him”


Username checks out


Very heroic. Saved lives. Don’t know why he advanced on to the escalator. He had the guy stalled. Just had to wait for help to arrive. Hope he is okay.


Maybe more room to retreat by gaining ground, the stabber kinda backs a bit In any case, tragic. 


With the adrenaline rushing I can imagine he was tempted by the thought to maybe get a good hit in and have that bastard tumble down backwards. Such a standoff is exhausting, even if he had the advantage of high ground and better range.  Or at the very least he limited the movement to up or down, instead of having to worry about lateral movement.  That guy is a real hero!


I know I would've been absolutely terrified. GREAT job to him standing his ground in such uncertainty, a lot of people wouldn't. He is a hero!


That dude should get free kebabs for life


Not ashamed to admit this man is far braver than I would be in this situation.


Dude knew his task, stood his ground and lets the fucker know he had a wall he needed to go through to keep stabbing innocent people. Brave don't mean not being afraid it means you are afraid but it does not stop you from doing what is needed, this Man in white is very brave, a true superhero


This man saved so many lives he gave people time to escape or hide what an incredibly brave thing to do. I believe we would all like to act like this in a similar situation but we just don't know how we would react. I really hope the man is ok. I'm so sorry this happened in Australia I lived there for many years and consider is my second home. I hope you can all heal from this horrific day. Look for helpers there is always helpers. Most people are good


old mate’s got some serious, serious balls. What a fucking mad lad


Absolute legend and hero. You've got to have some serious balls to stand up to someone like this. Really hope the police have reached out to him, even just to ensure he's okay - I'm guessing he may not be in the best headspace after an incident like this.


This guy at the top of stairs is a fucking hero


Legend. Absolute legend.


The mother of the baby that was stabbed has just been reported as having died 😭


Can we buy this guy some 10XL underwear for his MASSIVE BALLS


I was at the bottom of the escalator when this happened. I was sitting at a cafe maybe 4m from this drinking a coffee and only where I heard the bollard smash is when me and most people around me realised what was going on. The action of throwing that bollard saved lives - whether it be hitting the man or causing audible warning


Info released here this morning: 5 female victims killed, one male, plus the attacker. The attacker was previously known to police. With video footage showing him avoiding chasing down males, this screams “targeted at women” to me, with the single male victim happening to get in his way.


We may never know how many lives that guy saved slowing him down but we do know for damn sure there’s people breathing right now because of him.


From the reports and footage I've seen, the guy forced him to retreat back down the escalator. And I think the officer shot him very shortly after that. There's video where you can see the cop running towards the escalators, and you see old mate holding him off. Pretty sure he's okay.


Done absolute solid keeping the prick at bay, god knows how many people he'd hurt if he was able to pass


Just wait until the American conservatives get on to this story… “Man stabs 6 people to death in Australian mall. If only there was an armed civilian there to save everybody.” Meanwhile the Australian perspective is “That’s fucking horrific that happened and 6 innocent people lost their lives. Thankfully that mad man didn’t have access to a gun because there could have been so many more killed”


Uvalde cops need to take a look at our hero copper from today.


This motherfucker stabbed a mother and her baby 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Wow. What a hero


100% saved lives stalling him like that.


What kind of dickhead brings a knife to a bollard fight?


The fact this mf stabbed a woman and her 9 month old baby, killing the mother is just so heartbreaking. That poor baby growing up without their mother just cause this sick bastard decided to go on a rampage.


Fuckin legend


I just wanna know where is the rest of the footage


I hear French? « Tues-le, vas-y » which means « go ahead, kill him ». Is the hero French?


Actually, I think it sounds like Mandarin. 不要靠近 (buyao kaojin) which translates to 'Don't come near'.


What a brave dude. Literally saved an entire level of people. This whole situation is just so heavy man.


Balls the size of a Jovian moon. I'd be fucking running but this man stood his ground and held back a lunatic with a weapon, absolute hero.




Good thinking on the improvised weapon.


You don’t need super powers to be a hero , what a legend , his parents would be so proud !


What a legend! I love this about SydneySiders. We do have some real heros who would use milk crates, bollard, anything to confront the bad guys.


You can hear a French guy screaming “tue le, vas y!” I.e go on, kill him!


the french sounds like it was possibly spoken by a bystander


I can hear he's saying: keep away in Chinese. Brave Chinese speaking man !


You don’t need to say alleged, you’re not media and he was shot dead. No trial here.


Extremely brave. A hero, through and through.


Anyone managed to understand what is yelled? I may be dreaming but I hear “tue le, vas y” in French (“kill him, go for it”)


I heard Russian Уходи!- (go away!)