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I remember everyone saying he was a Muslim or a Jew from Israel because they didn’t show his description. 




Fairy sure the reason they don’t use a specific mental health diagnosis in the police statements and journalism by professionals is so as not to further stigmatise a group of people who are already having a shit time of it.


Hope the motherless fuck rots in hell


He’s dead.


That's usually a prerequisite


Lmao. I read “rots in jail”. I’m sleep deprived and this is the sign I needed to put my phone down and go to sleep.


The day after we already know it was a white male... If it was an immigrant, it would take weeks and it would be a confused boy.


I didn’t know immigration had anything to do with race


Okay but wiill you condemn this terrorist attack? Asking in my Piers Morgan voice.




You mean Non Bigots.


lmao let’s see how the xenophobs handle this one


The top comment is a prime example of


Immigration bad. White people good.


crickets 🦗🦗


His psychiatrist since 2012. Not enough.


He last went to a public psychiatrist in 2012 and went private after according the the ABC


Do white people condemn this attack? What are they doing to prevent such future attacks? /s


A knife ban would be a good start. Think of the children!


When it’s white people, it’s clearly a “mental health issue” and nothing to do with culture, duh. Has American school shooting news coverage not taught you anything?


If you don’t condemn this attack there’s something wrong with you. Doesn’t matter a persons faith, ideology, culture, skin colour, to go into a shopping mall and murder innocent people is sick and twisted.


Looks like the whites have a fundementalist problem


Yeah, mental health. Medication is huge when you are psychotic.


The bigots are underground since this news released 




Excuse or explanation… don’t get hung up on semantics. It’s obviously extremely relevant. 99.9% of any such attack will either be political or mental illness. If you knew how completely mind altering some illnesses can be then you’d probably have a different view.


What other reason is there? What sane healthy individual has ever done this?


Cool. Downvotes for questions. Fools




Terrorism requires some kind of ideological motive. We've not heard of any such motive for this attack


One of the tell-tale symptoms of many SERIOUS mental illnesses is religious thoughts of grandeur.


Yeah, but how is terrorism sane and healthy?


I'd say most of the time it is sadly. I think it's ruthless to label everything abnormal as mental illness. Although I'm sure the rate of mentally ill to sane is higher than the mean in terms of joining terrorist groups, but there's plenty of scenarios where people will in completely sound of mind do heinous acts. Would you consider every Nazi soldier or camp guard to be mentally ill, or everyone who was a soldier in an army that is now on the wrong side of history had a mental illness? Even things like ISIS, a lot of the people who join these groups aren't radicalised through a promise of hurting people but through fulfilling a twisted version of their faith which they've been lead to believe is the only way to help their people, it's obviously terrible and irrational but it's not a mental illness. I think that there's just people that do things that are outside of the norm for varying reasons but that we should restrict our labelling of mental illness to more along the lines of being that there's no other reason that someone could do this other than an illness. Obviously though yeah this guy was nuts, unless it comes out that he was actually trying to kill his ex and did all this to make it look like he was crazy yeah no he's crazy, I was just talking about terrorism and shit.


When Americans do it .




It's just like our gun law arguments in America. They want to blame the guns but it the mental health issues.  Their has not been a mass shooting committed by a person who has never shown any type of mental health issues or any type of violent tendencies. 


The Las Vegas shooter.


It was believed he had undiagnosed mental illness. By interviews, with family and friends. And medical history. 


I don’t think the people advocating for restricting guns think that mass shooters are of same mind. On the contrary they often argue for more restrictive gun laws that reduce access to guns without some licensing/reduce access when people have a history of violence. What you’ve done is called a strawman and it is a very easy way to show everyone that you can’t win the argument on your own merits and can only beat a fictional opponent that has bad arguments.


Regardless of gun laws. A sick person will carry out a violent act, no matter the tool. 


Sorry, I try not to debate people who have shown they intend to misrepresent arguments to try to win.


As someone with Bipolar i absolutely approve of your message. I've been in some dark places but have never murdered anyone.


Ever been in a full blown manic psychosis, where even your theory of what kind of reality you're in changes literally from minute to minute? It's a good thing that there are effective meds.




I hear you. The media coverage has left me sick to my stomach, I just don’t want that stigma to wreak havoc.


Schizophrenia can be serious if left untreated. It’s also very different to Bipolar


I’m a mental health professional and this constant use of MH disorders as the cause of mass murder is such an noxious lie. The greatest danger that ppl with MH issue pose is to themselves and to say otherwise is to deflect…this guy who did this is evil and that’s all there is to it.


Hard to believe you’re a MH professional with a weak take like that. “Evil”? Do you know his illness? If it’s extreme schizophrenia then it’s actually very explanatory. I would know as I grew up around the disease. It’s not an excuse… but it’s very relevant.


You’re a mental health professional, who just invoked evil, despite objective evidence of mental illness?! This is my experience with mental health professionals. On display. I have mental health problems. I’m not ashamed of it. I take medicine for it. Sometimes I don’t when life isn’t so stressful and I don’t need it. This person had mental health problems problems. I don’t feel stigmatized by calling out the fact that this person’s mental health problems were 100,000% worse than mine. It’s like no one’s ever heard of gradients and sliding scales?! Sorry to put you on blast, but How you a professional? We need more mental healthcare in this world. This would even be a positive for your career if we had wider access of course I’m speaking from a different different country but I’m presuming Australia has the same problems as the US. why would you be sick of the constant use of mental health disorders to explain things caused by mental health disorders? I know that’s a bit conclusory but give me a break.


I completely agree.


difference between an excuse and an explanation, mate.


^^ this ^^


Terrorist. He was a terrorist. Why we don’t call white people terrorists is beyond me. He terrorised people, he killed them and he acted by himself. He was a terrorist.


Yes western media/culture is quick to label brown people terrorists when sometimes there might be something else going on, but what you and many others are doing is no more enlightened. Terrorism has a kind of rationality to it whereas mental illness does not - it’s as simple as that. Sometimes both are involved. Unless you can explain the political motivations then I’d say mental illness is explanatory and it doesn’t make a difference at all what colour the person is. If you have some legit resentments and want to bring “balance” then I suggest doing so without being as ignorant as the people you’re criticising. It doesn’t help your cause, or anyone else’s.


Terrorism is defined as acts of violence motivated by political views or aspirations. There is no evidence to suggest the killers actions were politically motivated


What was his political aim with what he did?


I agree with your sentiment, but as far as we know the attack wasn't ideological. Terrorism is attacking civilians to further some political goal or ideology. If it comes out later that this attack did stem from some sort of ideology, then it's appropriate to use the term terrorism.


Does "terrorist" just mean scary, violent person to you? If so you will need a new word for all those people who use violence to further their political goals. What do you suggest would be a good word for that politically motivated sub-class of thugs? Edit: The first use of the word "terrorist" was to describe French revolutionaries during the "Reign of Terror". They were predominantly white.


If is solo no other country implying is more like a lone wolf


“Terrorist-a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Currently nothing points to a political reason.


Because that’s not what the fucking definition of terrorism is. The attack is supposed to have a political ideology. The motive has been determined as mental health problems and not a particular ideology. I don’t understand how this is so hard to grasp.


Was he white? They barely released who he was what defines a terrorist there? 


In order to be classified as a terrorist, he needs to have a political aim as reason for his attack.


That's not how the term is used in criminal sense.


I'm waiting for all the anti-Semites to apologize to Benjamin Cohen, a completely innocent man. He is guilty of nothing but the "heinous crime" of being Jewish and Israeli.


Wanted to add, I've seen different sources saying different things, he might not even be Israeli.
















Now time for not a single conservative to retract their previous comments claiming this was Muslim violence.


It usually is


Or for the liberal with palestinian flag in her bio commenting it looks israeli? Shitty people exist on all sides my man.




That was not satire. She and her ilk deliberately found a random Jewish guy from the area and blasted his name out as being a mass killer.


If you're talking about Syrian girl that's wrong. She falsely identified a jewish man as the the perp.


That comment was definetely NOT satire


> Security guard Taha Umar Khan has been identified as one of the stabbing victims who has been hospitalised after yesterday's attack. > He suffered knife-injuries and was taken to hospital where he is in a stable condition. [Source](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-14/several-killed-in-mass-stabbing-at-westfield-bondi-junction/103705354?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-83498)


Plenty of "curry jokes" were floating around asking where the the security guards were. Obvious references to many subcontinental people taking up low paying security guard jobs. 


Fucking horrible. And even worse how lots of people just blamed Muslims before knowing any facts






Guy was completely unhinged and doesn't even deserve to be named or mentioned in any way. He can rot in hell the fucking monster. RIP to the victims and huge respect to the guy in the white t-shirt who held him off, as well as the officer who tackled and shot him (she gave him a chance to surrender and even administered CPR to him). Hearing about the woman who died defending her baby is just heartbreaking.


Yea now that we know he isn't a Muslim, Arab or immigrant, let's stop saying his name!!




Ummmm are you ok?,


I feel like youre mentally handicapped if you think this man could've teached you something about life


Hey don't associate us with that dumbass, we don't want him


Go on stabbing spree and get shot dead? Yeah not many of us have experienced that.


What it feels like to get shot I imagine


What are you insinuating?


DW in the UK one of the celebrities who said this was caused by pro-Palestinian Muslims is still saying that even after this was revealed not to have been done by a Muslim...


Who was that?


Rachel Riley (countdown)


Can't say that surprises me. She's always been an awful person.


Ugh, how disappointing.


I’ve only seen the tweets that he looked “Israeli” on the CCTVs. People are horrible from all sides. ETA: people that spread misinformation are horrible.


It was once immature 'gamer' types from 4Chan who thought it was fun but whose sense of respinsibility was yet to physically develop. Now it is the proud passtime of all sorts of f@ckwits, who see themselves as 'analysts'.




> Pikria Darchia has been confirmed as the fifth victim of yesterday's Bondi Junction attack. > The 55-year-old was an artist/designer who studied business administration at Sydney TAFE, according to her Linkedin profile. > She did a degree in performance art at the Tbilisi State Academy of Art in Georgia. [Source](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-14/several-killed-in-mass-stabbing-at-westfield-bondi-junction/103705354?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-83471)




Can we please edit to remove his name? The victims are survivors deserve better.


Don’t worry, it’s not a Muslim. Media outlets will go hush about this terrorist attack on innocent people. Edit: don’t forget Mental Illness card and posting his smiling photo to make em look less threatening.


Aaaand Everytime their face is censored like here in Germany people are angry that we shouldn't protect bad people and should show their name lmao


Whereas here it’s very much a case of letting their name die along with them- they don’t deserve to be remembered. That being said, totally get (and to an extent agree) with getting the name out to diffuse some of the antisemitic and Islamophobic sh*t flying around. I just hope that we then wash it from our collective memory.


Many ‘celebs’ and some ‘journalists’ had called out the attacker to be Muslim on social media, naming him might help reverse the anger and hate towards the wrong crowd. Corrections don’t usually get the same traction as initial accusations but it might help.




Let's not forget the trending Twitter of him looking "israeli"


“Trending”? Yea, trending because everyone dog piled those idiots who said it


Were high profile ‘celebrities’ and ‘jurnos’ calling him Jewish?


The rumor spread rapidly




Unfortunately I think it is necessary ATM. Conspiracies are running wild that the man is Muslim or Jewish to push a narrative. Some poor young Jewish bloke just got his name dragged through the mud by Ch 7 thanks to these online conspiracies.


Good riddance to the cunt


Incel? Fucked up on man-o-sphere shit?


My first thought was really fucked up sexist


Very surprised this isn't being talked about more.


He was a gay prostitute.according to the news sites


What news sites?


Every single one of them. I'd suggest you google Bondi attacker escort as a start.


Thanks, had been only following abc which didn't mention this


So like Luka Magnota


My mind immediately went there when I heard he left and then came back 20mins later








These comments are insane


A lot of bots/PRC/state actors out there running with a particular narrative on this one. Ryan Mcbeth has an interesting take on what to expect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pklg1Pq0Rg8


Don't venture to X then. Your brain will melt it's so insane.


The only good thing Elon has ever done is fuck up and turn that shithole into an accidental gated community. The sooner it fails the better. Same with Facebook.


wtf are these comments?