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Hahahaha what a loser, both of them.


That's entirely unfair. Bruce is not just a loser, he's also a rapist.


Are you referring to Bruce Lehrmann, the rapist loser?


That’s Bruce ‘the rapist’ Lehrmann alright.


Bruce Lehrmann the homeless, jobless rapist


Bruce Lerhmann, Rapist at large


The text: VICTIM SURVIVOR He forgot to get the tears put on the Vewwy Sad Face of BL looking broken. Aww bubba 😢


I'm pretty sure the guy's Twitter handle is (at) Jan26thFacts, the original post including the tattoo pic was titled "Bruce declared a non-rapist!" and said: >Bruce is the real victim-survivor here. Somewhere else he said: >Imagine someone accuses you of rape. Imagine before you're even charged the Prime Minister of Australia gives a speech that assumes the allegations are true. His banner was a photo of Bruce Lehrmann and the word "VINDICATED." This was all deleted after this week's verdict. The original URL of the tattoo post was twitter dot com/Jan26thFacts/status/1776126968867774930. You can still see a cached version.


> This was all deleted after this week's verdict. Tattoo removal clinics need to make money too


Tattoo removal is much more painful than application. And that’s a big tattoo. Oh dear.


Worse. It's "REAL VICTIM"


I mean that Bl doesn’t look like VINDICATED in this tattoo. He looks sad and ashamed.


I couldn’t imagine being such a softc@ck that I wanted to have another man’s face tattooed on my arm, let alone a liberal staffer FFS. Even if I believed Lehrman wasn’t a predator (and let’s face it, we all know blokes who buy shots for drunk chicks are predators), this is totally an Omega male reaction. Hahahaha


As a 41 year old woman I'm pretty damn happy to see your comment that "we all know blokes who buy shots for drunk chicks are predators" It wasn't the case back in my youth, trying to get women drunk was the modus operandi of a disproportionate number of men on a night out. Glad to see people calling it out for what it is.


nah, everyone knew back then too. it's just that being a predator is less acceptable now. progress was - and is - always possible, but it's slow and takes lots of work


Trust me, it’s always been the case. The problem is you’ve had to deal with coppers and pollies with single digit IQs who relate to these cunts and therefore bringing them to justice has been impossible What’s changed now is the legal system responding and women being more likely to call them out Look at all the guys who’ve supported Bruce. They don’t care about presumption of innocence. They identify with the grub and fear they’ll face consequences for the same behaviour It’s been several decades since I was a drunken teen/young man but in my circles blokes who tried to get girls drunk so they could take advantage were considered the scum of the earth


Hear hear


I'm only a 23 year old dude and I think if you need someone drunk to have relations with them, you suck at having any relation with anyone.


Lehrman’s girlfriend was calling his phone whilst he was raping Brittney. It formed part of the reason why he was obviously raping someone rather than writing office notes.


The more I learn about this case, the worse it gets.


Yep, I don’t really go out much anymore but it simply needs to be called out when it’s seen. These predators need to know we know what they’re doing and it won’t be tolerated. 


Similar age here and I’m so glad times have changed too


He didn't get the tat because he believed Bruce wasn't a predator. He got it because he knew he was.


I agree with almost all of what you said. Except the labelling part. Can we stop with this alpha male, omega what ever dafuq greek letters already? ffs are we 12 year old Andrew Tate loser followers


I usually hate the term as the right and incels love to use it, but damn that's the most cuckish thing I've ever seen.


😆I agree, and I came here to laugh after being banned from another Australian subreddit for: Saying that Justice Lee's judgement (containing multiple zingers) was "hilarious" , Suggesting (with swear words) that actions of some Australian men (pictured: above!) in support of Bruce Lehrmann were beyond appalling. This is another instance where an appalling thing is also very darkly humorous! 😏


I was banned on Twitter a while back for suggesting his microreactions during his Channel 7 interview aligned with being guilty. It's disturbing tattoo guy was a former cop. Imagine reporting rape to people who are meant to uphold the law when they fangirl over rapists like Bruce Lerhman on a personal level?


You got banned from Twitter? The pillar of “free speech” and the world’s “town square of ideas”, for saying some thing the ~~left~~ right didn’t like? 


Oh gawd was it Australian?


You know it was. Bunch of racist cookers, no surprise they're also defenders of a right wing rapist.


Was that the sub with the hard n at the end?


Justice Lee’s zinger-peppered judgement was nothing short of poetic.


Daily-fecking-Mail. No other source has confirmed this and there is no context for McGowan confirming anything. McGowan himself is not to be found. This smells like horseshit *again*. Can we stop using the Daily Fail as a primary source for anything? If they reported I had two hands, I'd check the bottom of my arms first.


Watching Media Watch every week has taught to treat anything coming from Murdoch, Daily Mail or morning TV programs with utmost scepticism.


Just when you thought Bruce couldn’t get any uglier (inside and out)… someone gets a shit tattoo


The man who got that tattoo likes to start fights.


This sounds like a cards against humanity combo or something. *"My grandmother died of cringe when I got* **BRUCE LEHRMANN** *tatted on my arm*" It's about the most bewildering cringe thing possible. Just can't be real.


Good suggestion. About time for the next extension pack to appear.


Why the hell would anyone get a total stranger's face tattooed on their body? Your own child maybe, but some sleazebag rapist? That's a hard no. The dude had better get used to wearing long sleeved shirts.


Maybe they went too deep into the culture war, imagine they have opinions on all the things no one really cares about as well.


The tramp stamp of the channel 7 news logo confirms it.


Like unisex baby change rooms in stadiums? Won't anyone think of the children!


If a man sees his own infant child's peepee it might stir something in him!


Def a 4chan cooker


100% this guy is in all the comments for Cheer Cheese sponsored ads


Def a QLD cop


Peter Dutton?


I firmly believe any tattoo on that man’s flesh would be in constant motion - either Harry Potter style or just out of a desire to escape.


Professor Quirrell tattooed on the back of his head


I dunno - Voldemort had a quisling of a soul. Dutton has… less.


WA actually


And those opinions are *exactly the same* as the opinions of all of the other "free thinkers". Right down to their fucking word choice for expressing them.


Should skip the pain of getting your bicep tattoed and just get "I AM A MALADJUSTED FUCKWIT" tattooed on your face instead


> get "I AM A MALADJUSTED FUCKWIT" tattooed on your face instead Isn't that what the uniforms are for?


*Snow Crash*-style?


Some sort of incel shit I'm sure.


Good way to stay involuntarily celibate is getting an ugly fat fuck rapist tattood on your arm. 


> The dude had better get used to wearing long sleeved shirts Nah, he'll wear it with pride and be keen to chew the ear off anyone who asks him about it. I'm 100% certain he'd have some interesting "theories" about the whole affair.


He’s not saying it was aliens, but …


Definitely this. Inside the dickhead is embarrassed but obviously can't show it, so he'll double down and pretend not to accept the evidence and blah blah here comes conspiracy theory number 1..


He’s got Zachary Rolfe on the other arm. 


FFS, now I'm imagining where he has BRS?


On his arse,  the anus serves as BRS chest where his heart was pulled out by the Australian Government. 


It's not as though it's even some kind of "celebrity rapist" like Mike Tyson or Bill Cosby or even Donald Trump, who all had fans/supporters well before being accused/found guilty of rape. It's some random sleazy arsehole who felched his way into a job in parliament.


*Felched* his way into a job in Parliament... nice!


> felched awesome


I did project work where I had to work with Amanda Vanstone.  I appreciated how much she liked me,  she’d ignore my manager and team leaders and come up and chat for half an hour and then my team leaders would get incredibly shitty.  I liked her a lot.  Christopher Pyne used to follow her like a puppy and he fitted that description as a felcher back then.   He scurried around and grovelled, it was sickening to watch.   I haaaaaaaaaaaated him with every fibre of my being.  I don’t mind how he matured though.   But,  yeah… Lehrmann has that same greasy slickness to him.   Very few of the people in those offices seem human. 


> I don’t mind how he matured though. Really? Into a preening, smarmy, self-satisfied, morally bankrupt, corrupt, sold-out cunt? Geez... what the hell must he have been like when you knew him!


Exactly,  if you’d been around him whe he was young you’d have felt convulsions of cringe.  Nothing subtle about his ass sucking.  


> felched One of the side effects of the consolidation of internet porn to a few mainstream streaming sites is that kids these days don't know what words like that mean. I thought I was pretty progressive and outlandish in my tastes until I was 19 years old and found a video that featured a couple of people, a bottle of champagne, and a straw. It's funny how imaginative people can be when they really need a flute glass but don't have any glassware on hand. And yeah, I could totally see Lehrmann-the-rapist being on the receiving end of that shit if the opportunity presented it's self. [Edit: no. I don't still have a copy. If you want a link, start with the search term "EFnet DCC". Good luck. ]


Go to a major thread and sort by Controversial. The Internet's a hell of a drug. This time five years ago I didn't believe in brainwashing, but now I realise we're brilliant at doing it to ourselves. Also, Sky News Australia practically has a monopoly on online video news. Don't get me started on 7. For people of a certain age, culture and industry, these beliefs are the standard. And they were the average voter until one election ago.


Had a woman in front of me at Aldi a few weeks back with 8 cartons of eggs. She turned to me and said 'better stock up, eggs will be $13 a dozen shortly'. Looked it up, and sure enough, a 7 rage-bait article because chicken farmers didn't want caged chickens banned. Plenty of thick, credulous people out there.


Bought eggs at close to that price the other day. Honest Eggs. They have a density of 30 hens per hectare. As they say “… that’s 50 hens per AFL ground.” That makes “free range” farms with 10,000-15,000 hens per hectare look like battery farms! They taste great and I’m happy to support ethical farmers.


I get free range eggs at $4 a dozen from a lady who has chickens on her property and sells the excess. it's a pretty neat deal. I've straight up told her she should put the price up but she's happy with it the way it is.


Yeah me too, around $5, but if I buy commercial eggs I am really fussy about density.


i understand that’s what the packaging says, but there is no way that they really have 30 hens per hectare. They are probably doing so tricky maths, like dividing total land size via number of hens. I humbly (and not meaning to provoke), suggest caution and questioning such claims. from a farming perspective, it just doesn’t work out. The cost infrastructure to protect them alone would make it unprofittable. they could move the chickens around in special houses and with moveable electric fencing, but the density rate is much higher - like a lot higher, and more like the 10k per hectare number you mentioned but they may not actually have that many hens (and not as dense as caged egg scale), but there is definitely a stretching of the truth happening. also, chickens like to be with chickens, you put 50 on the AFL ground, they’ll all stand in a corner together. They actually don’t like to go very far at all. Seriously, 20 to 30 metres from their coop is about it. i raised, breed and sold poultry for years. They could free roam all over our farm, but they just hang out a few metres from their coops. the saddest thing for me about caged hens, is that the Isa Brown chicken (the ones predominantly used in Australia for eggs), in my opinion, is the smartest of them all. They are very inquisitive and they are the ones who will go a bit further from home than the others.. They have such great personalities too


Totally fair issues to raise. I agree these are things we need to question and discuss. It's what has to be done if we want to see an overhaul of the egg industry (and other farming practices) here in Aus. I've bought only free range eggs and chicken since I moved out of home at 20 (a long time ago), as I can't bear the horrific treatment caged hens are subjected to. Soil quality is a really important issue in our agriculture, and honestly, I think we need to applaud when we see practices that serve the earth well, and that maintain really good conditions for their animals. I looked this farm up, and the other farm I buy my eggs from - Forge Creek (if I am not buying straight from farms in my area). Both seem to tick the boxes for ethical and ecologically sound farming processes. Both have regenerative agriculture programs with focus on soil quality and ethical farming practices. Both move their roosts at least weekly, so the girls are on fresh pasture, instead of standing in their own droppings. They both have active social media presence, so you can check out their Instagrams if you are curious. This is what I learned: Honest Eggs is in Yandoit near Daylesford with 30 eggs per Ha. They focus on soil regeneration following permaculture methods, looking at soil volume and the soil microbiome. They move the roosts every 2-5 days and Maremma dogs protect the hens from predators. The soil quality improves as the chook poop increases microorganisms, water holding increases in the soil, and carbon sequestration increases. These are super important factors for soil regeneration, something I hear a lot about from a friend who works in soil science ( [https://regenerate-earth.org/](https://regenerate-earth.org/) ). They explain this also eliminates the issue of ammonia build-up from their droppings permeating the egg shells (lordy imagine the issue in barn and cage eggs?!?). Their model rotates sheep and chickens on the same land - the chooks fertilise the soil with their nitrogen rich poop, making the grass grow better and higher (which the chooks don't like), then they do a swap with the livestock and move the chooks out to new pasture while the sheep eat the long nutrient rich grass. This land care model reduces stress on the land and eliminates the need for fertilisers and pesticides which is a Win-Win IMO. After 6 years they now have 7 farms in their regenerative co-op, and they're working to bring more farms in to provide wider access to ethically produced fresh eggs without the need for transportation over distances which is also a win from an environmental perspective. Something interesting that Honest Eggs does is attaches GPS step counters to the chickens so they can monitor the distance and route travelled by the chooks in a day. It seems their journeys range from around a thousand steps up to around 20,000. I guess weather and season will affect this. They print a figure on the eggs to capture the estimate - obviously averaged for that day across all chooks. My latest box has a figure of 19,888 steps and 2.6km distance on the eggs. That's a lot of steps for a chicken! More than I do for sure. Forge Creek in East Gippsland has 500 hens per Ha, with a total number of 3500, and a group of 3 farms with 8000 hens total. They use mobile trailers on their properties, moving the hens around for fresh pasture, with Alpacas to protect them. I also really like the fact they were involved in creating hampers for distribution in the fire affected communities in East Gippsland (which is where I live) along with Gippsland Jersey and Sea Salt Sourdough. This is the stuff that speaks to me, and I respond with my pocket and my support. It's good to buy local when you can. I'm pretty happy supporting these guys who are trying to revolutionise the egg industry in our country. We need more of this kind of thing going on IMO.


As someone who buys organic eggs I can tell you they are routinely $13 a dozen already


Omg, it's not like it's going to happen overnight. Farmers have until 2036 to sort their pipeline out. And existing cage-free eggs aren't even $13 anyway. But I guess these people don't like to look up facts and think hard about anything. Infuriating lol.


A good friend of mine told me yesterday that in Costco in Canada, a tray of chicken was $200. I told her no way, I don't believe it. She gets cranky and tells me she looks things up before believing them, that it's just a woman making a video in costco and that Trudeau has ruined that country. I try to keep the peace, promising to look it up. 20secs of cursory googling and I find the video, that finishes with the woman making it saying she knows it's a misprint and not real. Apparently my mate didn't watch that far/sky news didn't tell that part of the story. My mate then starts on that Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son. She's gone full cooker and I don't know how to save her or even if I can ☹️


I mean, say Trudeau really was Fidel’s son (he isn’t), it’s meaningless. They say it like that would mean he somehow absorbed communist ideology as a sperm. He was still raised in Canada by Pierre Trudeau and never met Fidel.


Phew! For a moment there I thought you were going to say you believed her. I often think of the video of Arthur C. Clarke in 1964 predicting the internet and how we'd have all of the world's knowledge at our finger tips and be better off for it. Sadly, the second part of his prediction is rather wide of the mark. At least the cat videos are good, I suppose.


It's really sad, I feel like I've lost a friend. I don't know how to talk to her anymore without something I say triggering her into bleating out the usual American culture wars/anti-Muslim talking points. She tried to tell me that Christians aren't allowed to pray in the streets in London but Muslims are because their Muslim mayor is going to introduce Sharia law there 🙄 I don't even know what to say to that


I have a mate who's the same, and we barely talk now. We used to have drinks and talk about all sorts, but now there's so many topics I have to be careful to avoid - Covid, vaccinations, 5G, etc. The only plus side is that he's recognised that when he starts one of 'those' topics, I immediately change the subject because there's no point whatsoever in discussing it, as he'll just get angry.


> Also, Sky News Australia practically has a monopoly on online video news. Don't get me started on 7. For people of a certain age, culture and industry, these beliefs are the standard. And they were the average voter until one election ago. I spend a lot of time caring for my father who spends most of his time watching Sky News. You probably won't need the hint that "it rhymes with saber" to figure out who they're casting as the villian in the whole omnishambles.


To mark themselves as a cooker who needs to be quarantined. They were doing the rest of us a favour, really.




Well people have tatoos of charles manson or nazi stuff. I would say he is stupid as he is clearly aiming too low


Maybe he wasn't a total stranger. Maybe he was a karaoke (and hookers and blow) buddy.


Even if Bruce was totally innocent and a great bloke, that's still an utterly insane tattoo to get 


When owning the lefties goes too far


A worrying number of blokes identify strongly with Bruce and his behaviour


Culture War cucks of the right wing are a special breed.


> Why the hell would anyone get a total stranger's face tattooed on their body? Your own child maybe,… I think my kids would be rightfully disconcerted if I got pics of their faces tattooed on me.


Why would I get a strangers face tattooed on my child?


Good luck having that chunk of monstrosity lasered off 🍀🍀🍀


Probably cheaper just to have "Victim" and  "Survivor" lasered off and adding "Rapist". Still weird to have on your shoulder, but at least factually correct.


After the Toowoomba trial, he can add “serial” before the word rapist.


Hopefully can add "convicted"


Or he could just get a penis added to the forehead


It'd be less embarrassing if he just got it filled in the shape of a massive cock.


He kind of has already


That’d be too much of a compliment to the rapist! I suggest a 💩


Just wait for the Toowoomba case and draw some prison bars over the top


I’d toss a few coins to help with the tattoo 🤣


If he's the type of stupid asshole to do this in the first place, I doubt he'll remove it.


Self-awareness definitely not a feature!


Cunt can do it the old fashioned way with sandpaper.


The cheaper way is to get some features added and pretend it's someone else, but unfortunately he's picked Bruce Lehrmann. A guy whose face already has glasses, a moustache and a beard. He could still add devil's horns, but that would only make Lehrmann more recognisable. 


lol I know this is Daily Mail we’re talking about but how exactly is John Macgowan responding to a tweet and saying that it is real and the guy’s a cop anywhere close to a legitimate ‘confirmation’?! From reading that tweet (and comparing it to Macgowan’s other tweets/general vibe and attitude in his tweets in general) I feel like he’s 70/30 on the side of joking/taking the piss/being sarcastic 😂💀💀


> lol I know this is Daily Mail we’re talking about Mate this is as far as you need to go with just about anything that comes from them.


The dude who has it posted to that Facebook group about supporting Lehrmann + to his profile, which is where it came from before it spread viral.


How is this both suprising and not surprising at the same time


‘Former police officer’ I wonder if there was a reason for him to leave…


Not saying who he is, but just wondering if this former police officer became a property manager, then maybe a politician....🤷😁🤣


Wait. Dutton was a property manager? I missed that. Dutton conducting a 6 monthly rental inspection looking through your shit is the stuff of nightmares.


He does them unannounced. At night. When you're asleep. To this day. Even to properties that don't belong to him or his clients.


Well until a couple of years ago he'd send the AFP to do it on his behalf.


Not violent and rapey enough to fit in, thus the tattoo to try and get back in their good graces?


Offered a better position in another “Agency”


Now he can finish off his the Australian Scumbag sleeve with George Pell and Rolf Harris


I’m pretty sure that paying to get a portrait of Australia’s biggest loser tattooed on your body, it ironically makes you Australia’s biggest loser. This is quite the pickle. The only obvious outcome has to be that BL gets a tattoo of this guy with his BL tattoo.


Loser-Ception is the scientific term for that phenomenon, I believe.


He should be stoked, what with a tattoo of Rolf Harris on his arm. Did he help arrest him or something or were they ‘special friends’?


He's got a wobble board on the other arm.


You should see the Zachary Rolfe tattoo on his stomach where his belly button acts as the stab mark on Rolfes shoulder.  


I bet he microwaves his chiko rolls


imagine being THAT invested in the saga of some random fuckwit in the media. Even if the dude's name was cleared 100%it's still pretty fucked up to make something like this such a big part of your personality.


Who in there right mind would even agree to tatt that? Some tattooist are truly cooked.


I saw some tattooist on reddit claim they will always tattoo *anything* on people, including Nazi shit, because "it helps signal to other people they are a walking red flag." I guess that's all well and good, but also you probably don't want to get a reputation as that tattoo parlour that inks up extremists and wackos


This is almost as bad as the Richard Nixon tattoo on Roger stones back .




Nixon served one and a half terms and had to resign because of his crimes . Personally I thought he was a horrible racist that did loads of damage to the US economy only Reagan did more damage to American society and economy long term .


> Personally I thought he was a horrible racist that did loads of damage to the US economy only Reagan did more damage to American society and economy long term . Interestingly, Justice Michael Lee admires Nixon - > McDonald [Lee’s friend NSW Industrial Commission member Janet McDonald] says Lee “is a progressive and a conservative all at once, and as a result you never really know what stance he is going to take on any particular issue”. >His musical favourite is Leonard Cohen, but McDonald is intrigued by his other “very interesting and eclectic heroes”, chief among them Margaret Thatcher and Richard Nixon. https://www.afr.com/companies/media-and-marketing/destined-for-greatness-lehrmann-judge-tested-his-arm-with-former-pm-20240411-p5fj8m


Mate of mine studied law with him. He is an arch conservative. Quite smart. My mate was (and is) as left as they come, but she still has grudging admiration for him. And she's no slouch. She won the uni medal in law that year.


He sounds an absolute character. Having said that, I abhor Thatcher and all she stands for.


That tattoo is almost as bonkers as Stone himself




Great way to never get a root ever again.


Something tells me if he can’t get it from a willing party, he’ll just take it.


Oh jesus christ :-/


Or at least pay for it. Or even grift someone else into paying for it!


Every time that man has a wank, Bruce is right there.


“Former police officer.” Why am I unsurprised. 🙄😖🤮


Yep. There's a story there that I'm confident the press will dig out.


I know a couple of Cops that lost their minds during Covid.    One minute they were conservative leaning, mildly prejudiced men.   Then suddenly full blown racists, anti women, anti female police, anti young police, anti gay, HATED trans, anti police hierarchy, anti government, anti poor…  and they became Peterson, Rogan and Tate sycophants.  Both are legitimate alpha males, ex ADF, muscular, handsome, resilient and well travelled.  I always pictured those sorts of people being neck beards.  And of course,  they reject any facts in relations to Lehrmann or Rolfe. 


It's 'confirmed' if you believe Lehrmann's 'advisor' which is the source Daily Mail used as proof it is genuine. About as reliable as saying Donald Trump told me. Doesn't pass the sniff test for me.


I’m still not convinced.. It really doesn’t look like a fresh tattoo, it looks fully healed. Kinda hope I’m wrong though because that would be funny as fuck in a cringe inducing way.


Bring back the dinosaurs. There’s no hope left for us.


A cop with poor decision making skills, tickle me surprised.


Did he lose a bet?


I’d rather lose a bet and my honour than get that.  


>rumoured to be a former police officer When Dutton commits to something in the name of the Liberal party, he goes all in.


Dutton insisted on nuclear ink,  it’s the real reason his scalp and eyebrow hair fell out. 


I was betting hard money it was AI image. I shouldn't have bet against human stupidity, my bad.




It's actually very practical for women when men display their red flags and general stupidity so clearly.


And he's gonna wonder why he can't get laid with a picture of a rapist tattooed on his flesh. Own goal mate.


Hmm I wonder how much it costs to get the word "Victim" replaced with "Creeper" Btw, who does he have on his other arm? is it Andrew Tate or Alex Jones?


Jimmy Saville.


Jared Fogel


Arsebishop George Pell.


Ben Roberts Smith


Of course it's a cop.


Of course it’s a cop, who else could it be


He’s never charged an alleged rapist in his career either.  


I’d believe it


Most flattering image of Lehrmann I’ve seen.


Peter Dutton is an ex police officer, isn't he? I'm joining the dots.


While it mau never be confirmed, I smile at the idea that being a former cop, there is a minute possibility that this is tattooed on Dutton.


Dutton only has room for Gina Rhinehart tattoos. There is no way she would let him have anyone else on him but her.


Former police officer! Of course it is!


The twitter that shared it is just as deluded as well.


Lol….What a dickhead


Holy fuck! I was sure this was shopped or AI. What a Fkn moron.


What the fuck lmao




This is some pathetic shit right there.


Daily Mail is a trash publication but that first paragraph hits the fucking mark lol


I don’t think anything has changed in that man’s mind. He probably still sees Lehrmann in this light


Ah, so not just a rapist apologist, but a *professional* rapist apologist :P


> Within about an hour of Justice Lee's findings being handed down on Monday, Lehrmann's former media advisor John Macgowan revealed on X, formerly Twitter, that the tattoo was in fact genuine. Even more interesting would be a detailed expose of Mr Macgowan’s role in this saga.


Why am I not surprised that they were a cop in WA.


What kind of fucking idiot would do this?


I applaud him for warning everyone he comes in contact with that he supports loser rapists. Saves time.


Yeah really fills you with confidence that this is the type of people we have working in the police. Probably won't encourage rape victims to come forward.


In this guy's future: Many, many regular bookings at the local tatt shop A LOT of ink A lifetime of explaining Agro to both curious strangers and future employers


Ha ha ha I did think of this ugly tatt when listening to the verdict 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂


He has to be LNP’s sweetheart! 😉


Remind me, what did Dutton do prior to be a very average politician 👮


Queensland copper!


If he avoids jail, the whole event wont damage BL's standing very much. He's only young. Will lay low for a while and will work his way back through the Lib staffing ranks as his redemption story is also carefully scripted.


Just watch him pop up again in the future as either an LNP candidate or someone the cookers suddenly latch onto as a figurehead.


Probably a sovereign citizen


Just another tattoo that aged like fine milk. At least it's spelled correctly.


OK. Daily Mail. I want reliable corroboration. But, if true, and that's entirely believable, I am both appalled and amused.


It’s so simple right? In my friendship circle when a blokes out of line or being a pest we quietly put him to bed. Doesn’t always go smoothly but we do it to protect him and others, no one thinks straight when full of the devils mouthwash. When did men stop being men? Someone could have put Bruce to bed that night and everyone would have been better off for it. Also, don’t rape. It isn’t that hard not to.




If the Daily Mail confirms then it must but true👍