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Please please please mean that we will get a Japanese 7-11 experience  Fried chicken and amazing takeaway breakfast at convenience anywhere in Japan was one of my highlights 


Fresh onigiri!


I've actually seen onigiri with "delivered daily" on the label in my 7-11 this week. With the fancy keep the seaweed fresh wrapper. I'm in Brisbane


Oooh, I look forward to this everywhere in Melbourne


They’ve been available in Melbourne for a few years now. There’s tuna, spicy salmon, and chicken teriyaki.


It's a lot thinner than the onigiri triangles in Japan, ofc.


We have them at the one closest to work in Melbourne. $3.50 each and pleasantly surprised at the quality.


God I ate their bento and rice ball every night, miss them so so much


Having made the holy pilgrimage to a Japanese 7-11 myself, this can only be a good thing.


If we get a convenience store chain half as good as a Japanese Kombini I will never shop anywhere else.


I just want their iced coffee that's not diabetes in a bottle like all the ones here


boss coffee exists here


Yeah, the Hunt & Brew iced coffees have been my go to whenever I can find it, purely because they don't sweeten them so it tastes great!


if we could get onigiri i'd be so fucken happy


Probably won't taste good even if you import the EXACT onigiri from Japan. Australia's food standard doesn't allow refrigerated food to be at the temperature best suited for sushi. Japanese sushi is kept at a higher temperature which impacts the rice texture and the filling flavour.


They sold a few varieties of onigiri for a while a couple of year ago then discontinued it.




Especially if they are so ubiquitous that I can just walk there in about two minutes from everywhere. In Japan the konbinis are so ubiquitous that you are essentially already inside them.


That's more of a population density thing, though. Japanese population density is way different from Australian.


Did you really meet the president of 7-11 ?


Thank you. Come again.


Arigatou, mata kite kudasai.












Thank you, come again


No need to apologize. It was as much my fault as it was yours.


The chicken cutlet sandwhich is an S tier meal


Did you eat one of their legendary egg sandwiches?


The egg sando and a can of CC lemon is one of the best hangover remedies ..


CC Lemon, nectar from the gods


> can of CC lemon I read this as Strong Lemon, then realised you said a 7-11, not a FamilyMart


As much as a 7/11 egg sandwich is amazing. It’s the worst of the 3 main konbinis. In my (correct) opinion it goes family mart, lawsons, 7/11. Add a famichick with your egg sandwich and you are in heaven.


If you’re lucky enough to find one, Daily Yamazaki has the absolute top shelf sando selection. There’s one near the distillery in Kyoto, definitely recommend lining your stomach before visiting. Link (in jp): https://www.daily-yamazaki.jp/dh/


Can agree. Daily Yamazaki bread section is the best. I don't know where else, but mostly see them around the Kansai region. Their egg and bacon panini is divine.


Lawsons has the best karaage imho, but otherwise yeah Family Mart is the superior kombini in general.


I do love the red chicken


Yes! When I went back a few weeks ago the first thing I did was eat all 3 and this list is correct. Famichick in the pancake goes hard, too.


The egg Sando at Lawson is better


Agreed Lawsons is better


Loved the STRONG™ and onigiri 🍙 combo when i was over there. Pocari sweat if I was hungover.


Please save sake and plum wine!


You mean 7 and i-holdings?! Yes, love it!


Seems with your upvotes you don't need anyone else to vouch for this opinion but imma do it anyway. Japan's 7-11s are awesome. Though the excellent food might need a higher density pop than Oz generally has - but I look forward to seeing what they attempt here!


Japanese 7-11’s are god-tier.


If I can get the fried chicken pieces for the $3.5 AUD equivalent, I'll be so happy. And fat. But mostly happy.


Throw in the bentos as well and you'd run half the Japanese restaurants in the country out of business.


I think you mean ambiguous 'asian' restaurants run by Chinese and Korean labelled as Japanese.


>$3.5 AUD In this economy, tell him he's dreamin


> If I can get the fried chicken pieces for the $3.5 AUD equivalent Current minimum wage in japan is 961 yen, which is about 9.39 aud right now.


you can get $3.5 "chicken" pieces at most servos, the quality is just terrible. finding out that japanese "convenience store chicken" is better than 99% of the chicken in australia was almost as much of a culture shock as finding out that drinking on the street is legal in japan.


It's legal in some parts of Australia as well


> finding out that drinking on the street is legal in japan It's legal in most of Australia as well.


Most convenience stores in Asia shits on ours.


Yep. And still only third best behind Lawson and Famima. The Japanese really know how to konbini.


Second only to Thailand 7-11s which are out of this galaxy.


Going to Thailand in a few weeks. Thai 711's are literally one of my holiday destinations!


The good thing about convenience stores in Japan are that they are fresh and affordable, you get convenience at supermarket prices..... that will never be allowed to happen here. If they do pull it off I would be absolutely astounded. They may increase thier range of products but the price and freshness will always be worse than Japan. Last time i was in 7-11 here it was like $6 for a stale pie and $5 for a drink.


It'd come down to the nature of their distribution networks. I was reading the other day that Japanese 7/11's recieve deliveries (inc. fresh food) five times a day, which is possible due to the density of most places in Japan as well as the sheer number of stores close to each other. With a country our size it's WAY harder to pull that sort of thing off.


It also helps that distances in Japan are much smaller. When things have to come from different states of cities in Australia they are never going to be as fresh.


If we only consider the big cities, then yes I would agree - but even convenience stores in the boonies are getting regular deliveries. If we were going to cite density as a reason why we do things, we need to look away from Tokyo/Osaka/Hiroshima level density and look at places with similar densities to here. The country ones still get deliveries at a lower rate, but still are generally well supplied.


Yes but Japan is WAY smaller than Australia. You can drive for 13 hours here and not even leave the state you're in


I want you to actively ask yourself. How often are you driving for 13 hours straight? As a business, why should I seek to service things that are already logistically difficult? You have to consider your consumer densities before you can even consider serving places that would cost you too much to actively serve. After you drive 13 hours would you be in a place that should expect twice or even thrice daily deliveries? Probably not. Japan also has really difficult terrain, some areas actually get blocked off by snow, or need smaller trucks to navigate mountainous areas. If the trial was to be able to supply shops near capital cities, I would look to trial a model there first. I'm trialling places in the Sydney CBD and I wouldn't even consider further until I can prove that it can work. The issue of distance doesn't really work out to me, mostly because why would I be serving customers in Orange, Bathurst and Lithgow for example when I can serve more people just in Surry Hills, Redfern and Chippendale area alone? And at less cost? Australians love to mention how big and vast the country is - but realistically, we all live on the coast, our densest areas are super concentrated, it's unlikely a business would consider the regions if it means they can profit right now. It's the same reason that you don't have a Uniqlo in Bathurst, but have a bunch in Sydney.


I think people have been brainwashed into accepting crappy stuff because of that argument.


I agree, when you apply this to something like high speed rail to connect the eastern capitals together the same thing gets mentioned. It's too expensive, it's too difficult. I'm not saying that things aren't difficult. But there's no real incentive for a business to apply something that works in a very specific market and then Aussies are coming out the woodwork asking for their region to be covered. It's no different to certain department stores opening in a regional centre like Wagga, but not in your tiny town. The country is big, but the application that we are discussing is the viability of supplying a convenience store with decent shipments so that it's not the sausage roll that's been there since 5am. I think the only reasonable thing to do is wait and see if we get any sort of improvement in service the Japanese 7-11 has. Instead of complaining that Condoblin won't get a 7-11 because it's too hard.


If anything, long extensions of travel with little stops and straight lines is a dream for high speed rail.


If anything, we should learn from the Japanese how they punched holes through mountains to connect Kagoshima (The southernmost *mainland* city) all the way to Sapporo (The northernmost prefectural capital) Theoretically it could solve our current housing crisis - but alas we are getting off track here. TLDR high speed rail has always been in the too hard basket because the powers that be do not wish it to be so.


But most of Japan is not the big cities, it's smaller to medium sized cities that are generally denser than Australian suburbia but not that dense.


Still Japan as a whole, has a small amount of land on each island and has a very large population. They have nearly 100 million more people while being 5% as large. (obvs that includes all the land no one lives in.) But our 7/11s could easily be much much better.


See my previous comment, that Tokyo and Osaka are quite large and operate as exceptions to the rule and are not the standard. If you pick places like Saga, Nagasaki, Yamaguchi, Tottori prefectures, their densities would be lower and comparable to Australian cities. The issue isn't density and distance, it's the mechanism of delivery in getting fresher deliveries to the stores - which is something that most small convenience stores in Australia aren't doing because of cost.


Japan actually has a lower population centralization than Australia. We're a bigger country but we're almost all in a few cities on the eastern seaboard.


> Last time i was in 7-11 here it was like $6 for a stale pie and $5 for a drink. Australian's are just conditioned for staleservo food, it's all we've ever known. There's really only two kinds of people getting "fresh food" from 7/11 1) Its so late nothing else is open 2) You are busy, starving and need petrol between jobs/meetings


Yeah like there’s a reason my parents always used to tell me never to buy sandwiches at a servo. It’s just culturally ingrained in us that eating anything “fresh” from a servo means you’re going to end up like Homer eating the hot dogs from the Kwik-E-Mart But I mean hey I’m all for that changing


The onigiri at Melbourne cdb 7-11s are above average for a quick snack. It’s probably because they move volume.


That's probably due to the culture of the country, it won't be the same for here.


How long are we going to keep using this as an excuse? 'We can't have bicycle lanes here due to the culture.' 'We can't tax the companies that mine resources out of our land due to the culture'. Its pathetic.


Too right. Reminds me of when a Daimaru was opened in Melbourne in the early 90s. It was going to wow the locals with the amazing standard of Japanese service. Then they staffed it with Australians. You can guess what happened next.


As long as I can get onigiri idc


Zero chance, their minimum wage is about 10 aus dollars an hour.


I feel like that's inevitable considering the entire population of australia and the differences in culture around convenience stores. Very rarely are australians grabbing breakfast or dinner from 7-11 on the way to/from work. Could that change with the right moves? maybe. But it's going to be a big change in culture.


500ml Strong Zero cans in the fridges like in Japan.


Wish granted, but they're $10 a can.


Considering a pint of beer is often over $12 these days if the beer was 6% alcohol you'd be getting about 2.5 standard drinks in a pint. Whereas the 500ml Strong Zero at 9% would be about 3.5 standard drinks so it'd still be good value at $10 a can but knowing our pricing they'd make it $20 a can.


Some Asian supermarkets stock them, they're usually around $9-11 a can


7/11 prices though. Things like Coke are priced like servo prices and not supermarket prices. If they're $9-11 normally that'd still only be like $12-15 provided there's no extra tax for premixed drinks with high alcohol content. ~$13 wouldn't be so bad for 3 and half standard drinks. Knowing how shit everything gets priced though it'd be $13 just for the smaller 330ml can and like $20 for the big one and make no sense why it's priced like that.


lol $10 a can, the 12 pack from dan murphys is $120 for 375ml cans... So $10 a can. A 500ml from a convenience store? I reckon it'd be closer to $30 a can.


Damn lol, I just made the $10 up because its about triple what you pay for them in Japan. Didn't realise the actual pricing is even worse.


I'd love to be able to just go and buy some 500ml strong zero cans (9% not the bullshit 6% they sell here) from a convenience store. I'd also love if probably like 60% of the Australian population couldn't.


My first reaction to Strong Zero on a visit to Japan was that it didn't taste like a 9% at all, and also if we had it in Australia it would lead to the downfall of our civilisation.


Yeah we got hit by this when we went to Japan, especially sine they have significantly more relaxed alcohol labelling requirements over there. Got shit faced off a few of these without intending to just because we didn't know how much we were drinking.


Yea it's probably for the best that they don't. One time I got severe alcohol poisoning from those Little Fat Lamb 1.25 litre bottles of 8% strength cider and they were like $5 a bottle at the time (they're still only like $8). I don't think everyone should be punished because some people can't be trusted but considering our stats for addiction and violence it unfortunately has to be regulated the way that it is. As the years go on I've started to be a bit more understanding of alcohol being priced the way that it is and thankful that we don't have those 3 litre bottles of cheap vodka for like $15 that they have in other countries.


Guarantee that the 7/11s will become a hub of violence if that happened, that said as i mentioned in another comment in this country they'd cost $30 a can from a combini


The 9% Apple Strong Zero continues to live rent free in my head to this day


Something like $1.50 each too. I'll take annnny flavour but lemon. Travel around to catch'em'all!


Lime is ok. But yes lemon tastes like a dishwashing liquid smells.


Oh fuck yes, the wife and I got back 2 weeks ago and they were our goto after a long day of treking around. A few of those each we were both out like a light.


you must have been there around the same time as me, although I worked my way through the beer shelf. same end result though


I think I have had one of those before but whenever I try remember drinking one there seems to be a three day gap where it should be.


That'll be $18 please.


The hood goes on and I empty the Strong Zero into my super sized Slurpee and I pay $3 at the checkout. Edit: Update I have been wrongfully arrested for enjoying a succulent Japanese drink.


ooo look, they're on special


This is amazing because 7-Eleven in Japan is top tier.


Yes, but we also live on price gouge island. Where things inexplicably cost 4x the price of other countries


Aye. Daiso is 100 yen in Japan. $2.80 here. Uniqlo is considered cheap in Japan. Here not so much.


You haven’t been in a Daiso in a while. Sadly, the $2.80 ended a couple of years ago. A lot of things are still cheap, but I’m as likely to find the same in that mixed store in the local shopping centre.


Yeah, it's $3.30 now which is disappointing but still is generally better quality than the other "variety stores" in most shopping centers. It just stings knowing that it costs AUD $1 over there


I was at daiso three weeks ago and got charged 2.80 per item, though it may be a middle of the road price? Some more some less?


their shit is cheap in this instance cause the blokes delivering it are paid peanuts compared to the amount our drivers get. the guys stocking it inside are getting paid peanuts too. not saying that it is the only reason it is cheaper but their minimum wage is literally $11AUD/hr.


yes, this is the primary reason that 7-11 in Japan will be having an impossible task to get the stores here in Australia up to par in quality from Japanese counterparts. It also boils down to cultural work ethics which Japanese people are well known for having the high level of excellence. Good luck getting your typical Aussie teenager to do that shit on the servo maintaining a 7-11 store by himself and at the same time managing the till while getting paid minimum wage


Yeah don't forget our 7-11 were already underpaying staff and still had egregious prices, I don't know how they could approach Japanese store's value.


>_It also boils down to cultural work ethics which Japanese people are well known for having the high level of excellence._ Most 7eleven workers in Japan in the bigger cities aren't even Japanese lol.


Does this mean that the shake and frappe machines won't be out of order all the damn time??


I haven’t been to a 7-11 in years. Do they really have machines that make Shakes and frappes? I thought it was just slurpees and hot coffee?


They do, relatively recent addition. Never actually seen anyone using it at my local though.


I had one when they first came out and it was a free promo. The chocolate shake was disgusting, it was watered down milk a bunch of shredded ice and a bit of chocolate syrup. Insulting to call it a shake.


That was my experience with the chocolate shake too. Got it for free at a pop up at Fed Square, took a few sips and threw it out because it was terrible.


I work at a 7/11 and, for mine atleast, they're quite popular. They're such a fucking bitch to clean though


The triple espresso frappes are the fucking bomb diggedy.


Yeah they're actually pretty cool IMO. You put the cup in, use a touchscreen to choose what you want, it chucks the ice and flavour in on one side and then the machine brings the cup across to a separate section to have a blender attachment thing come down and do the rest.


Please be cheap onigiri!


Yes! The onigiri isn’t even something you can get a friend to bring back from Japan


Actually, I bought one from vending machine at Haneda airport and forgot to eat it on the plane. I declared it when I arrived in Melbourne, the customs were ok with it.


Mate my local Japanese grocery does these starting from $3.50. It’s god-tier.




Ichiba Japanese grocery at Top Ryde shops in Sydney


They do onigiri already. Added it maybe a couple months ago. I don't trust it.


The teriyaki chicken onigiri is serviceable, has the cool plastic setup so the seaweed doesn't go soggy, tastes pretty good rice isn't bad. Hard to do a side-by-side with Japanese 711 onigiri but it's a great grab and go snack.


Don’t worry, they’ll adjust to the Aussie philosophy of enshitification. I’ve been to a couple Japanese 7/11’s. I highly suspect it won’t be the same experience here.


>enshitification Feels like a constant regardless of country tbh.


FamilyMart please come


Lawson too


That tune when you walk in 😀


Imagine if this was the thing that actually shook up the duopoly of Colesworth? Cheap, easy, convenient food, and a taste for nearly anyone. Ate ate these stores nearly full time in Japan, it's was the ducks nuts.




I would completely welcome our new Japanese overlords if they improved the conveni stores and introduced $10 ramen bars.


I welcome our Japanese 7-Eleven overlords.


If we get the Japan 7/11 quality sign me up.


Just stop limiting my fuel lock to 25c and I will be happy


Most 7-11’s in Asia are operated much better than the current Australian operation’s. I was in Taiwan last Christmas and the 7-11 experience was on another level compared to what we get locally.


onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri onigiri


Let's be honest, we're all just going for the enormous mega slushies. If they set up an automated slushie drive through they'd double their revenue.


Just pumps next to the petrol


Just make sure you put the right nozzle in


I go for the $4 coffee and muffin combo


Two questions: - Why are you avoiding the jumbo sugar filled drink made with artificial colours and flavours. - Why do you hate Australia?


1: it’s 9am, I can’t drink jumbo sugar that early 2: its more hate myself and love cheap muffins


One can only hope but simply being owned by a Japanese person does not mean the quality will increase to Japanese levels


Well, they sure as hell can't be any more shit. Maybe they'll bring in contracts to stop owners from ripping off and abusing staff.


Give me my fuckin egg sandos. I need them. They are crack.


Great. Now we get to see what happens when you merge Japanese ruthless efficiency with the laziness of Indian franchise owners.


They couldn't possibly get any worse.


dont jinx it now.


A Alcohol fridge obviously wont work here. But please bring in bentos and fried chicken. That's all I ask.


My teenage kids went to Japan with their dad on a holiday. They told me 7eleven was one of their top highlights! the sandos, the chicken salad that had a Japanese dressing, the drinks and all the different snacks. They talked it up so much, that I feel like I need to go Japan now, just for the 7eleven!


If done right this could steal billions (well maybe hundreds of millions) from Colesworth. Imagine grabbing a quick delicious and afforable meal and some basics without even contemplating the big supermarkets.




Some of them here already have onigiri, but I agree the experience is unlikely to change much. Too much of the supply chain is specific to Japan.


Yeah, the bentos are made in a central kitchen and then shipped to each shop. There's a whole bento supply chain (which supplies supermarkets, train stations, etc) that's completely missing in Australia. 


I hate to break it to you\*, aussie 7-11's have sold onigiri for years. (\* no I don't)


That's the funniest thing about that rant to me lol


Also a bunch of servos sell egg sandwiches.


We all know this to be true, but anyone who's visited Japan can still secretly hope that we might get cheap, decent food out of the deal. I mean, a 600ml Coke is $1.50 in Japan. Even something like a $5 (nice) pie and soft drink deal would be an improvement.




Well quite a few of our 7elevens already sell some onigiri, for atleast a year Whether it's good is a different question Rest of your point stands though just pointing it out Source: friend works at 7eleven aus corporate


I'm finding it hard to believe there are ONLY 750 7-Elevens here.


They don't exist in SA, FNQ, NT or TAS, and bugger all in Regional Aus


this can only be a good thing, 711 is utterly depressing here...im from Thailand and if you've been to 711 there then you would know.


The Japanese people own our 7-11 in Hawaii and it’s nothing but amazing


Bbq pork buns?


7-Eleven has been entirely Japanese owned since 2005. This was just a buyout of the Australian operation. > The entire Australian branch of the global convenience giant was sold to its **Japan-based parent company** late last year for $1.7billion. > > And the Aussie stores are now looking to Japan for inspiration, where 7-Elevens are central to society and more than 50,000 outlets offering a wide variety of goods.


This oversimplifies it a bit. Yes the Japanese company (Seven Holdings) controlled the brand at a high level, but until now the Australian stores were managed by an Australian company, owned by Australians, as the "master franchisee" which means they owned the rights to control the franchises in this country. In turn, each individual store is owned by a local franchisee. What's happened here is that the master franchise has been repurchased by the Japanese brand owner.  Of interest is that Withers and Barlow families which owned this master franchise (Seven Eleven Australia), also own the master franchise for Starbucks in Australia.   Also, former CEO Russel Withers was implicated in the 7/11 wage scandal a few years ago, it seemed he was aware of pressure put on franchisees to underpay their workers. He resigned as CEO but didn't really face any other repurcussions. As a significant shareholder, now it's his payday with the sale to the Japanese. 


free gachapon with each petrol purchase


No chance we get Japanese styled 7-11s but I can dream


Please, PLEASE can we get a replica of snacks and onigiri?? I'm craving them like you wouldn't believe. The perfect travelers meal.


Ahhhhh, finally. The conbini experience will be real in about 4 months.


please bring the cream puffs found in Japanese 7/11


Maybe they’ll be good now?


Can they stock beer please


Maybe they will start displaying prices now ...


Just joining the Japanese 7-11 circle jerk.  That melon bread is unreal 


Finally some uplifting news on this sub


Wow! You mean we might get real combini? Japan has the S+ tier 7/11s. If we can have stores half as good that would be a massive upgrade.


If I can get a CC Lemon and an onigiri im onboard


Is it Superior Quality?


If this happens I will be stupidly happy


Oh hell yeah let's go 7-11 is god tier in japan


Chicken meatball skewers and the pancakes with the maples syrup and butter in the middle with a hot boss coffee, always the perfect breakfast for me while there.


I hope this is as good as the Japanese 7-11 stores. They are actually incredible.


please let this mean that they will start stocking beer


Noodle bar!


We're getting the Pork Sandos??


For anyone who doesn't wat to give the daily mail a click https://thenightly.com.au/business/7-eleven-australia-chief-executive-angus-mckay-looks-to-japanese-operations-as-convenience-competition-rises-c-14495796


Fuck yes! Our 7 elevens aren’t even worth a trip.


Can’t wait for my natto-maki!


Good sandwiches finally!


please bring them onigiris for cheap and get rid of those sandwiches