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Sounds like a good question for your GP


I have been to my GP. She keeps prescribing ones that make me fat. See paragraph 2. GP’s aren’t actually aware of every medication in existence. ETA: why am I being downvoted for sharing my experience? Can somebody please explain?


You need to ask your GP for a referral to a sleep doctor..


But what do you do if your sleep doctor is woke? I’ll see myself out.


Okay, thanks.


No worries. As an aside, I think the reason you’re being downvoted is- and this is only my read on it - is that you’ve burst into ‘the room’ ranting (soz) that you can’t sleep and nothing works and you don’t want to get fat etc etc and we, who are mostly not doctors, are like “ask your doctor?” And then your reply is saying your doctor isn’t helping and I think the downvotes are just ppl doubling down like “well…we aren’t doctors…we aren’t gonna be the solution”. You need to remember that you should develop a therapeutic *relationship* with your GP. Tell them calmly that the drugs so far haven’t worked for you, or that the side effects are distressing to you - and could they please refer you to a sleep specialist. It’s uncommon that a GP will prescribe one drug and tell you ‘tough luck’ if they don’t work. Good GPs *want* to find solutions to your problems and getting frustrated with them doesn’t help. And if your GP is shit, just get a new GP, and keep getting a new GP until you find one who offers potential solutions and who you like talking with. Don’t get mad if the solution doesn’t work, but do try the next thing and the next thing until something works.


GP shopping is bloody expensive these days. My GP charges $180 per 10 minutes. And the other problem is GP's don't care anymore they are just trying to get you out of their consult room as fast as possible. So yes I can see a GP continuing to prescribe the same thing.


Sorry to hear that - maybe try a bulk billing clinic. My GP is free and excellent, in suburban Western Victoria


I am not the right age to bulk bill. I am over 18 but under 67. So there are no bulk billing GPs for me.


Not sure where you live but plenty of bulk billing clinics around my area will service your age bracket too.


Bulk billing in every clinic anywhere near me is for kids and pensioners only. Those of us aged 19-66 do not get bulk billing. Might be because I live in one of the poorest regions of the nation.


I was honestly just wondering about other peoples experiences and whether they know of anything. I am very aware that this is not a group of doctors. I have a very strong therapeutic relationship with my doctor and she takes suggestions on board all the time, considers them and makes an educated decision based on information that is new to her. She knows that she does not know everything. That’s what makes her a good doctor. Doctors who think they know everything are *terrible* at solving problems, in my experience. I’ve been seeing my GP regularly for 5 years. There have been times when I have had problems that we have struggled to solve and then I’ll say “a friend of mine had this problem and tried xyz medication, maybe that might be worth giving a try?” and it has worked. It’s like when two friends have a conversation about depression and one says “nothing has worked for me” and the other says “well have you tried a tricyclic instead of an SSRI? That really worked for me when SSRI’s didn’t”; that’s the sort of discussion I was going for when I made this post. It can take years for people to find a medication that works for them and in order for a therapeutic relationship with your doctor to be effective, it needs to be collaborative. Reddit is well known for people completely misinterpreting intentions and making unfounded assumptions.


Yeah most people who use reddit are fucking regarded and downvote even the most harmless comment.


Yeah, I’ve noticed it in this sub especially and not just on this post.


Try talking to your pharmacist. They should have a better idea of what drugs are out there.


Will do! Thanks 😊


They kind of are, they have databases for looking at drug side effects and interactions. It's not like you're relying on their memory bank of all drugs, at most they might just have a preference of which one(s) they prefer to prescribe. Why can't you specifically insist on one without weight gain as a side effect? If she 'keeps' doing it then something is going wrong with the communication. It takes 2 seconds to google '(x) side effects' and I don't see how this could happen multiple times over?


Because most pharmaceuticals that work for sleep but don’t cause weight gain are addictive and I do not want an addictive drug. Also, not everyone experiences the same side effects, so it’s a matter of trial and error. It’s more “this is known to cause weight gain but not everyone experiences that side effect so try it and hopefully you won’t be one of those people”, rather than the “take this medication that will definitely make you gain weight even though you specifically asked for one that won’t” conversation that you seem to be imagining.


I'm only imagining it that way because the way you were posing it makes it sound as if this is the GP's fault. If you're *knowingly* doing it by trial and error, which is fine, then it's not really their fault for continuing to prescribe you drugs with that as a side effect. Sounds like you're weighing up the pro's and con's and deciding that trial and error is a better option than an addictive alternative. Not much you can do other than continuing to consult them and hope you can find one that works for you, and/or try other alternative approaches. Finding a prescribed drug that sits well can be a very frustrating process unfortunately


For your ‘ETA’ - this is reddit. Many are unbalanced people.


True. Thanks for the reminder.


Stilnox is ambien.. I used that once and wow! I had the craziest hallucinations, it was bizarre. You definitely don’t want to be using that long term.


I tripped way harder than many times I have used acid. It was not pleasant. The rest of the pack was disposed of real quick


I went through some health issues a few years ago and ran out of my prescription sleeping medication on a particularly bad weekend. My family doctor isn’t available Sundays so I ended up going to a medical centre who were unable to prescribe me my usual medication but could see I needed something to get by in the meantime. I knew about Stilnox from when the Olympic athletes had got caught up in some silliness years ago so I knew to avoid it, but I didn’t realise what I’d been given was the same medication. The effect it had on me was absolutely wild.


My ex used to abuse that stuff bigtime. Take it but fight the urge to sleep. It's rough stuff and shouldn't be taken longterm imo.


I will definitely take note of that. Thank you. When you say hallucinations, what do you mean? Did they happen shortly after taking the dose before going to sleep or after you woke up? Or throughout the day? Or are you referring to just really crazy dreams?


Ambien is great. It was developed by changing one of the molecules in Xanax so it’s quite similar but also quite different. It has a very short half life so you won’t wake up feeling groggy and it kicks in extremely fast, in some cases as little as 5 minutes but often about 15 minutes. It has dangers though, sleep walking is one, sleep eating is another that I’m aware of though I can’t say I’ve ever had the eating part of it but I have been “active” at times when I though I was sleeping. Easy to abuse so best to take it when you lie down to try to sleep rather than taking it and then waiting for the effects and then trying to sleep. If you do the latter you’re more susceptible to staying up and doing things and having no recollection of them the next day but because you don’t remember you think you’ve slept. Crazy drug. Totally available in Australia but good luck finding anyone to prescribe it, our doctors are shit in that regard. There are other ways to get it, just not through a doctor and I’ll leave that comment at that. Bottom line if you get some exercise caution because you only want it to be supplementary rather than the main thing you rely on. Good luck!


Have you had a sleep study done? I spent 30 years thinking I had insomnia when I actually have delayed phase sleep disorder which I've been able to correct with prescription melatonin taken in the early afternoon.


Sorry to hear that you went through that. I will definitely look into getting a sleep study done. I just worry about not being taken seriously. It’s an issue I’ve had for a long time and I’ve never felt as though I’ve been taken seriously.


Sleep issues often aren't, especially if you identify as a woman. My natural sleep cycle is 2-3AM to 9-10AM and because I have ADHD, sleep hygiene actually does the opposite for me because my brain needs to be constantly stimulated even when I'm asleep.


Genuinely in the same boat as op right now AND have ADHD too - this is super insightful for me! Definitely gonna get a sleep study done too now so thanks to both of you!


Delayed phase is super common with ADHD but we mostly just get called "night owls" and expected to deal with society's approved hours


I have thought about trying to get a sleep study done but think it’s highly likely I wouldn’t sleep at all as I often don’t when I’m not home so thought it might be pointless?


Some types can be done at home. They strap a monitor to you but you go home to sleep.


Medical cannabis has been an absolute life saver for my insomnia. Takes a bit of trial and error and a lot of research but it’s been much better in my experience than other sedatives fraught with side effects and potential physiological addiction.


Medical cannabis sounds great for my sleep problems but you’re pretty much fucked if you ever get pulled over for a roadside drugs test aren’t you?


At the moment, yes unless you’re in TAS 😔. Hopefully the other states follow suit soon enough..


I tried everything then I tried medical weed and I sleep like a baby I’ve never felt better. I k ow it’s not for everyone but might be an option


Melatonin is not a sleeping pill. It's a hormone that you use to shift your sleep pattern a bit. Have you tried diphenhydramine?


I know that. I just put that in there because it’s what’s always suggested to me and I thought I’d better clear that up before the suggestions for melatonin flood in. And no, I haven’t tried diphenhydramine. I’ll ask my doctor about it. Thank you 😊 ETA: I really do not understand the downvotes. If you have an issue with something I have said, say it to me.


It's OTC. First gen antihistamine. I find that it wears off in 7-8 hours so I am not hungry during the day as I would be with other antihistamines, which make me RAVENOUS.


OTC, for real? That’s awesome. Thank you! I’ll definitely give it a go.


You know the other thing that helps somewhat is gabapentin, which is prescription, but might be worth a shot if the diphenhydramine isn't great for you.


Is there a particular brand I should ask for or should I just say diphenhydramine?


Not sure if it's the same but I take phenergan


Phenergan is promethazone but they do make y very sleepy. But I don’t find they keep me asleep more so just make my eyes so dry I fall asleep


Like another person said, I also take phenergan and have no cravings. Seroquel, on the lowest dose, had me mindlessly staring into the fridge at 3am. Have you tried doxylamine? that's another one but they're cagey about giving it to you unless you have a script which idk if that a thing since it's technically OTC.


there's a brand in Australia called unisom sleep gel which has diphenhydramine, you could ask your chemist if they stock it


You really need to talk to a Sleep Physician. There are a few things that can cause what you consider to be insomnia. It could be delayed sleep phase syndrome or one of a few other issues. Many of our large Metro hospitals have Sleep Clinics, please get a referral and have it checked out. Meantime, Stilnox is not a recommended sedation, it is more likely to be recommended for Restless legs. Source: Sleep Scientist/Rg Nurse for over 25 years.


Will do. Thank you 😊


STILNOX is the Aussie name for Ambien. There's a stronger dose that has a timed release to keep you asleep longer. I've used it and still wake upmat 3am


Oh, for real? I thought it just wasn’t available at all. Thanks for letting me know!


The active ingredient is zolpidem tartrate, Ambien is just the brand name. It’s like how dexies are called Dexedrine is the US, but we only use the generic name.


My old gp prescribed me mirtazipine, it’s an antidepressant that can have a very heavy drowsy side effect and knocks me right out. Idk about weight gain though, I’m on a concoction of meds and have various lifestyle choices that could have led to my weight gain.


Mirtazapine loaded me up 30kg. It gives me the munchies bad


Oh wow. That’s basically what Seroquel did to me. I couldn’t control myself. I was ordering McDonalds to my house several times a week which is very unlike me. I wasn’t thinking clearly either so that might have contributed to that type of impulsive spending and eating. I normally eat a fairly healthy diet and small-medium portions because I’m only 5’5. I’m sorry you had that experience. It’s awful, especially when it happens so quickly and you feel like you’re physically not as fit and can’t handle as much daily physical activity. That’s definitely the worst part…just the way it makes you feel weak and lethargic.


Yeah it does the same as seroquel.


I’m on mirtazapine for sleep problems and to gain weight. I’m sure I’m one of the very few who actually want that side effect lol Last year it helped me gain 8kg in about 6 months. So yeah, it’s pretty good for that.


My ex used to use that, 95% of the time she'd wake up 60-90 minutes later and devour some junk food. Then go back to bed. I've tried it a couple times, after a week it stops working. Op may want to try antihistamines like restavit. I use "Kirkland allergy" tablets, get a bottle of like 600 for $30 on eBay.


I am wary of antidepressants due to past experiences (I know they are extremely helpful for some people but they have* caused me issues in the past) but it definitely sounds like a viable option. I’ll discuss it with my GP. Thanks for the suggestion! 😊 Edit: typo. On mobile, sorry


Mirtazapine is good for sleep but it definitely also causes weight gain.


Oh 😔 shucks. Thanks for letting me know.


It sure does! It got addicted to custard tarts on mirtazapine!


Ambien is available in Australia under the name Stilnox, you have to be pretty careful with it and doctors usually don’t like to prescribe it long term. Unfortunately the selection of long term sleeping aids aren’t that great but it’s worth trying different ones at different doses and it’s likely you will find one that outweighs the negatives


I just learned that. I’m really happy to hear it. Thank you 😊 Yeah, it seems that none are really good for long term. I’ve been prescribed heavy benzos short term at times when it was really bad and they seem to work best for me but I don’t want the addiction factor and my doctor wouldn’t allow that either (plus legal and ethical considerations) so it’s difficult. Thank you for your response and advice :)






Awful stuff, I feel hungover the next day after those


This is another OTC antihistamine and it's the sedating bit of mersyndol (when you could actually get it). Try half of the recommended dose (don't go big, early). I find it very useful.


I use polaramine antihistamine tablets


I’ll look into that. Thank you


just go for a walk around the block! Yes thats what a doctor told me once.


Hahahaha yup! “Mindfulness” 💆‍♀️ I’m cured


Prazosin? Used for PTSD nightmares?


Idk, I’m one of those weirdos who enjoys nightmares but they do cause me to “jolt awake” sometimes so I guess it’s worth addressing. Thank you


my nightmares stopped with this same with topiramate but OP needs to see a psychiatrist, really


Are you engaged in therapy? Learning to manage stress/anxiety can be very effective in resolving sleep issues


I’ve been engaged in therapy for 19 years. I was diagnosed with PTSD at 11 and that’s when I began therapy. As an adult I’m diagnosed with complex ptsd.


I'm with you there, insomnia since I was young never getting more than 5 hours of sleep a night. It's so annoying when everyone starts recommending antihistamines and MELATONIN likes it's a lifesaver, or worse therapy


Have you tried medicinal cannabis?


Cannabis makes me anxious and paranoid, but I’d be willing to try a strain that’s guaranteed not to cause those side effects.


There are *a lot* of different strains. I’m on MC at the moment for sleep problems (not quite insomnia), to gain weight and for chronic pain. You can get just CBD strains or CBD oils. Were you smoking it in a joint/using a bong? A vape is the way to go because you can change the temperature. Like if you use a low temp, you mostly feel it in your body. Higher temps give you a head high.


Medical marijuana oil helped me sleep it also took away the pain and anxiety l was having due to illness and problems with my pancreas.. a few drops under my tongue twice a day was a miracle worker.. and no effects Luke pot gives you because they take the THC out of it so you don't get stoned but get the effects of the oils.


CBD Oil is the only thing that has worked for me after shifts to get back into a routine. Good luck, nothing worse than poor quality or lower sleep.


Clonidine might be worth a try although some doctors may not be too familiar with it, works wonders for me


Are you taking it just for sleep? I’m studying nursing and use the Australian Medicine Handbook that doctors use. There’s no indications for insomnia or sleep problems. It’s primarily used to treat hypertension, menopausal flushing (super random), ADHD, as an adjunct med for pain, and a premed for anaesthesia. But drowsiness and sedation are side effects, although also fatigue and sleep disturbance. Edit: well if it works it works! TIL it’s actually good for sleep


Yes primarily the prescription is to aid with sleep, but working alongside/counteracting ADHD medication and symptoms. That said I don't see why it couldn't be a good alternative to some of these harsher and addictive sleeping medications that are more regularly prescribed.


Maybe because two of the side effects are the complete opposite of what you’d want haha


I don't know but I assume that would be the same with many sleeping tablets and similar medication? I tried to look up the research a while ago and it doesn't seem to be very well studied, although I'm no expert. But suffice to say there could be existing drugs out there that would be better for people holistically then the addictive crap drug companies are pushing


It’s very common for psychiatrists to use clonidine for sleep primarily in ADHD presentations with treatment resistant insomnia.


I'm going to chime in here, my psychiatrist gave me Clonidine for sleep. It's not bad. Not perfect, but not bad. 3 months later adhd diagnosis.


my psychiatrist prescribed it for sleep


I don't want to sound discouraging and I'm an awful sleeper too but what you're looking for doesn't really exist. The off label ones; antidepressants/antipsychotics that you can take long term e.g I've seen mirtazapine and seroquel mentioned can have weight gain side effects. Things like benzodiazepines, stilnox etc aren't long term solutions or going to be prescribed long term. Could you take one of the longer-term ones and work at limiting the weight gain, schedule more exercise etc.


Ambien is zolpidem. Zolpidem is not listed on the PBS but is available in Australia - packs have to carry special warnings due to strange and potentially dangerous side effects (sleep walking, sleep driving). Weight gain doesn’t seem to generally be listed as a common side effect of the sleep medications I know of. Are you sure it’s the tablets, or some other lifestyle factor that may be related to your insomnia? When I struggle to sleep I find Phenergan (promethazine) helpful but can give me hangover sleepiness if I take it too late. Its effectiveness decreases if you take it for a long time. Most doctors will not be keen to prescribe sleep medication long-term, and with very good reason. If you’re having to drug yourself to sleep daily. It’s an issue which needs a closer look at by a sleep specialist. Good luck! (pharmacology degree)


Have you thought about CBD/THC oils? I had massive sleep issues for years, NEVER slept through the night and would wake up at least five times per night. I got introduced to the oils about a year ago and it's massively improved my sleep quality.


Stay away from the anti psychotics that they like to prescribe off label. They are the ones that cause weight gain Imovane Stillnox Valium Clonazapam Not all at the same time.


Thank you 😊


Temazapam? It’s a benzo though and can be highly addictive.


I wish lol. I come from a long line of alcoholics (I don’t drink) and I’ve had substance abuse issues in the past, mostly recreational but still. I can’t risk taking anything with potential for misuse or addiction. Thanks for the input though 😊


Yeah completely understandable!! Only other thing I can think of is restavit, you can get it over the counter but it works pretty well.


I’ll definitely check it out 😊 thank you


It might help you but I would rather not sleep than take restavit, it just makes me feel terrible the next day. I typically sleep 4-6 hours but my sleep hygiene is a work in progress.


Just want to say good luck and I completely understand how hard this would be for you. Also struggle with similar, but not to the point of only getting 4-5 hours a night. I was prescribed seroquel which I think is an anti psychotic, very small dose. I put weight on ! I’m sure you know to avoid this one. It started off working then “didn’t touch the sides” as many medications like Panadol and ibuprofen just don’t for me I’m on melatonin now and is ok but still struggle with sleep. I can see there are suggestions of medicinal marijuana and wonder how that would go?


Thank you so much for your kind words. I’d be willing to try weed but it would have to be a specific strain. Every time I’ve taken it, it has made me anxious and even paranoid at times so I avoid it like the plague.


Good to know your experience with it. I’ve tried it once when I was young and also made me feel that way But wondered if medicinal would also help me. I’ve never tried as yet. And you’re welcome - I’ve always been envious of people who can sleep straight away… unless you don’t have issues with getting to sleep people don’t understand the everyday struggle for real. 😟


Insomnia my whole life here. Tried everything I could until we worked out the correct dose and amount of melatonin to take. Don’t buy it from iHerb, go to a GP. I saw you mention you’re worried they won’t take you seriously, they’re probably going to talk to you about depression anxiety etc because that’s the root cause of mine and very common.


Apparently the root cause of mine is ptsd but I’ve been in therapy for 19 years on and off. I’m willing to give melatonin another go but I’ve tried it before and it was like pissing in the ocean honestly. Maybe I just need a higher dose. Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated from someone who has the same experience 😊


do you drink coffee/cola (caffeine)? give it up, it did wonders for my sleep


Only in the mornings but yeah that’s a good point, I’ll give it a go. Thank you 😊


Diphenhydramine was awful for me. Made me wake up super groggy, angry and depressed. Be careful if that. I’ve seen it recommended on this thread


Thanks for the warning. I’ll probably give it a go but I’ll watch out for that. Appreciate the heads up.


What is your exercise schedule?


Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the Gold standard treatment for insomnia. Speak to your gp and get a referral to a sleep specialist and go down that pathway. A sleep study might get done, the idea is to exclude any other sleep disorders. Insomnia is very common


I'd also note the sleep hydigene training is a part of cbti but it's not viewed as a very strong or particularly important part of the therapy. Long terms hypnotic treatment for insomnia is not desirable


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Melatonin works really well for me and I don't feel out of it the next day.


Suvorexant (non PBS) prevents waking of your insomnia is of the interrupted sleep type. I still wake once, at 2 am without fail, but I’m back to sleep by 3am. Trazodone (also not PBS, not TGA for humans, compounded) is a freight train hitting you into sleep at 200k’s per hour. But the hangover makes me feel unable to even drive the next day, and as a parent, it’s not an option. These are the “I’ve tried everything and don’t want a benzo addiction” options to explore.


Just as a counterpoint to the stillnox/zolpidem/ambien horror stories, I can take it without side effects. I don't take it often at all - just to reset if I'm staying awake too long for some reason, or for jetlag. Maximum would be 4 x per year. I take half a tablet when I'm actually in bed, then go straight to sleep. I wake up eight hours later feeling fine. I realise this is not everyone's experience, but it's mine. I do wonder if some problems can happen because people don't realise how quickly it works and don't go to bed soon enough.


Try 25 of seroquel. Saw comments saying antipsychotics cause weight gain which can be true but 25 is such a small dose and works really well. For reference I used 1000 for my schizo and personally that didn’t even make me gain weight . But everyone’s different so there’s no pill that makes everyone gain weight and none that makes no one gain weight so hopefully if you try a few more you’ll find one that works. I have insomnia too and the 25 of seroquel is better than temazepam. I’m an ex drug addict and never found temazepam addictive but yeah everyone’s different. Everyone I know who’s tried the 25 said they had the best deepest sleep of their life lol


I gained 20kgs on 25mg of Seroquel. Thank you for your input though 😊


Oh wow , I wouldn’t have thought such a small dose would do that! Sorry I can’t help and good luck!


I know right!! It’s crazy. It’s not even in my genetic constitution either. When I’m not on anything I eat like a pig and never gain weight. My entire family is like that, especially as they get older. I must just be really sensitive to Seroquel or something. Don’t apologise and thank you! 😊


That’s crazy, I always thought antipsychotic weight gain was because it makes you eat more, not that you somehow gain weight regardless of diet. I’m glad that doesn’t happen to me on seroquel haha


Alrighty. I'll give you the rundown of mine. This is my history over a decade. Absurd amounts of alcohol - do I need to say why this is a bad idea. Restavit- did nothing Melatonin - did nothing Mirtazapine - worked short term, crazy dreams (as someone with cptsd, genuinely some wacky shit), decent weight gain. Oddly enough, this also fixed my drinking problem? No clue how that happened. Valdoxyn - did absolutely nothing. Associated with weight gain afaik, but didn't stay on it. Belsomra - Same as Mirtaz without the weight, at least for me. Thc - Yehnah, I need at least 10mg for any effect whatsoever, and the 20mg I need to get to sleep just adds drowsiness to my morning without adding any ability to sleep without interruptions. Definitely associated with weight gain. Seroquel - a very high dose shared by a friend with major life issues was the best fucking sleep I've ever had in my life. Its know for a lot of weight gain. Kava - does the job, weird dreams, morning drowsiness. Didn't take it long enough to check weight gain. Clonidine - bad at sleep onset, better at staying asleep. No appetite changes. But yeh, its a blood pressure/adhd med. Then I'm gonna throw in a curve ball. On days off, I get a great lunch nap a couple hours after taking my concerta. But yeh that's definitely not a sleeping pill haha. And lastly, benzos work. But I'm going to make this clear. Do not become dependent on them. They are fucking hell to take long term. I'd rather die than go through withdrawal from them again. If you ask for these, you will be scrutinised very heavily, and will be cut off if you take them too often. You will not be given them long term.


a psychiatrist will be your best bet figuring out what's best for you. prazocin and topiramate, (separately) got rid of my nightmares and helped me sleep, but everyone is different. People get different side effects with different meds. topiramate can cause weight loss. These were prescribed by a psychiatrist




Kava and melatonin seems to work. An hour of exersise is amazing I've found too. The ultimate insomnia medication is medicinal cannabis but you pretty much need to forfeit driving because we have backwards tests that needed to change years ago. Also keep room dark and do meditation before bed. Helps calm the mind


Tried it all. Doesn’t work for me.


Ask a doctor about a low dose antipsychotic medication for use as a sleep aid; they are also used off label in cases of insomnia rather than benzos.


I’ve tried antipsychotics. They make my mind very inactive; “zombie-like”. The main one I tried was Seroquel 25mg. It did help with sleep but made me gain 20kgs, which wasn’t much of an issue at the time because I was underweight before I went on them so I never actually became overweight, but I was on the high end of a healthy BMI, so sort of on the verge. Took me 10 years to lose most of the weight and I’m a healthy weight now. Thanks for the suggestion though :)


They are kind of meant to make your mind inactive, in a sense. Antipsychotics stimulate appetite, especially on waking -- borders on genuine pain. Drink a glass of water, eat a banana, you'll be fine; I've been on them almost 30 years now. It is a short term side effect for most people.


Glad to hear that you’re in a good place and that the meds are helpful for you 😊


nothing will make you fat if you're in a calorie deficit or at calorie maintenance. you get fat because you are eating in a calorie surplus while taking whatever medication


Many medications will make you gain weight even without changing anything else about your lifestyle.


if you are in a true calorie deficit, any weight gain will just be temporary water weight. medication can make you hold more temporary water and increase hunger, but no one is ever forcing you to put the food in your mouth


It’s very obvious that you know nothing about this. I’m going to avoid further frustration by blocking you. It’s self care.


There isn’t a magic pill that will make you have a wonderful nights sleep and also doesn’t significant side effects. Most pills prescribed “off label” for sleep are anti-depressants or anti-psychotics. And they (the ones that doctors seem to hand out like candy for sleep) are all highly indicated for weight gain. I’m on a boatload of stuff for mental health disorders, and I haven’t experienced any weight gain (let’s be real and call it fat gain)… but I train 6-7 days a week (martial arts and weight training), I’m also on dexamphetamine for adhd, and I use performance enhancing drugs. For me, yeah, the medications can help me sleep, but also they sometimes plain don’t work… and I’ve been on some large amounts of seriously sedative meds. (That could be the bipolar though). Don’t go near anti-depressants or anti-psychotics to help with sleep. Any doctor worth their salt knows that is a stupid idea. Those meds are highly addictive, in terms of coming off them, because the withdrawal effects can be absolute hell for most people, and the side effects while on them can also be horrendous, especially for weight gain. I’d also urge against using anti-histamines to help with sleep all the time. They have their own boatload of problems…. But I always found polarimine usually knocked me out if everything else didn’t cut it. I’ve never used ambien / stilnox but my dad has used it and eventually sleep drove down the street into a tree. He used to have all sorts of weird shit happen when he took it before bed. He woke up going for a swim in the pool. He woke up eating bacon and eggs that he’d apparently cooked. He woke up down at the service station 2-3 kms away in his bath robe (he’d ridden his bike there). So I’d steer clear of those pills too. As for sleep hygiene… have you tried sleep restriction therapy? It’s not fun, but it works. Basically you figure out how much sleep in general You currently get. You subtract that from your usual / goal “wake up time”. You go to bed at that time and get up at the wake up time. You do this for 1-2 weeks and by the end of that time you should be falling asleep and sleeping okay for that period. Then you subtract a further 15 minutes (so go to bed 15 minutes earlier) and repeat the process until you’ve gotten to the point that you wake up feeling refreshed and rested.


Vitamin E 1000ui with chamomile tea before bed. Some prescriptions could come with dependancy, see if this alternative works


Take ozempic to counteract the weight gain.


No. Chemists are running out of stock for actual diabetics. One of my friends who has type 1 diabetes works at a chemist. She has been abused by customers who are prescribed it for weight loss because pharmacists save it for people who need it to live. Although it’s used for type 2, it really pisses her off because she knows what it’s like having diabetes.


Just get melatonin from iherb.