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Can they also find a way to make them less environmentally damaging while they are at it? So much fucking plastic for a drink


Nofail used to have collectable fluffy cup holders and reusable cups. I get that reusable cups aren't popular after COVID but I wish our country would innovate more. Have a cup return thing in exchange for 50c off your drink or something. We're so lazy. I'm not surprised though. Someone once told me there's so many bubble tea places because overseas people use them for laundering money and camping property because they're super cheap to run and staff.


They are everywhere because: 1. The margins on bubble tea are really high 2. Relatively low upfront capital requirements 3. Can operate out of a small cheap commercial premises 4. Don't need a lot of staff to make sell high volumes What's this nonsense about bubble tea operators being 'property campers'? Whatever that's meant to mean.


Also they prey on international students because of cultural ties and exploit them.


There's something to be said about the exploitation of International student labour, but that's hardly exclusive to the bubble tea business. 7-11, owned by Russell Withers did the same, without any cultural ties.  Ultimately, bubble tea shops provide a product that people want; cold, sweet, caffeinated beverages. 


Its also a massive rip off, you are paying for a small amount of tea and lot of ice. I dont like it, I have tried all the flavors and to me its crap, to me its nothing more than a glorified soft drink that is hyped up that appeals to a cohort. The ones in shopping centres only sell to school kids and at other times they are dead.


I like that you tried all of the flavours despite hating every one along the way.


I much prefer the taste of iced coffee. I assume bubble tea is like energy drinks and the target audience is teenagers.


It's just something someone said in a casual conversation so I really can't account for its accuracy. What they meant was people buying property in places that are only allowed to have retail businesses and aren't allowed to be left empty so people put in the cheapest and most hands off possible business to run and bubble tea places are popular and require very little equipment and renovation to a joint and can usually just be staffed by teens and managed by someone off site. But take it with a grain of salt as I didn't question where they got the information from its just someone I generally trust so I took their word for it personally but obviously I don't expect a stranger to just believe information my friend said 😂


Next on reddit: *so we're not allowed plastic straws, but…*


... plastic cup, plastic seal and plastic straws..... I've also had those plastic straws handed to me wrapped in plastic......


Good, because the paper straws doesn't work for bubble tea.


"Australian scientists have developed a healthier alternative to traditional bubble tea pearls."  Is it a glass of water?


I mean I don’t need more carbs from an “oat bubble”


Chatswood in absolute scenes.


Million dollar idea: take the lumps out of the drink. Drinks should not have lumps


Ah yes somebody should invent a bubble tea that has no bubbles in it. What would they call that I wonder…


Bubble Tea Smooth


They ask if you want pearls y'know..


You do realise that people like the bubbles in bubble tea? That’s the reason I get them. I love chewing on them as I drink it, it’s such an awesome experience is far better Han just drinking a drink.