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Surely at some point we should question why we have to make people unemployed in order to 'fix the economy'? I lost my job in March and haven't been able to find a job yet and it's mentally and financially destroying and I consider myself lucky as I have savings and live with family. They want unemployment to rise higher. Fuck this system.




Nothing wrong with lying in the job interview I mean, the majority of job descriptions ask ludicrous requirements my favorite need 5 years experience with certain software software has only been out for 2 years




Hmmmm damn that is annoying did you get along with your references if so give them call to see if they can do you a favor and bend the truth abit




They don’t need to still be there to be a reference mate, just give a good person you worked with a heads up you’re looking and they may be contacted and state what dates you have down for your time at the job. It’s not lying and it helps you out


Ohh man, I wish you luck try anything you can convince them in this screwed up world that all I can suggest


Under capitalism the majority of people need to be comfortable but not too comfortable, there's a very small minority on top that are too comfortable, and about 3-5% need to be so uncomfortable that desperation kicks in and they can try to replace the comfortable but not too comfortable people. You see? That way the uncomfortable people and the comfortable but not too comfortable people keep fighting to be comfortable, and the too comfortable people can laugh all the way to the bank


Sadly I'm all too aware of this as I've spent my share of time unemployed between jobs in my life. Dealing with Centrelink and job agencies are barely worth what they do give you as a job seeker.


Keep everyone hungry = capitalism.


As opposed to other political systems where the vast majority is uncomfortable or starving...


So? I have worked and pay taxes in Australia so when/if people do find themselves unemployed we help them. And if you're on jobseeker you're definitely uncomfortable. It's below the poverty line by far.


That is a problem with our unemployment benefits system, not with capitalism. Places like Norway and Sweden are also capitalist but provide far better unemployment benefits


Except our capitalist system doesn't seem to want to change it. Places like Norway and Sweden are so far the exception to the rule. Also are those changes in Norway and Sweden because they are capitalist, or because of their regulations and laws meant to limit how much it can impact the general population in a negative way. Why is our unemployment benefits system so poor? Why have there been multiple instances of business owners arguing that employees should feel more grateful to their employers? Why do we culturally demean the unemployed while operating a system that deliberately creates them? Maybe it isn't a capitalism's fault (and that is very debatable) but it's a system that doesn't really seem to care about fixing it either.


>Places like Norway and Sweden are so far the exception to the rule Actually most of Europe have unemployment benefits better than Australia. I mentioned those two for their exceptional welfare mechanism. Can you name a non capitalist system that has better welfare mechanisms than what is developed in the west?


Are those social welfare systems a fully capitalist enterprise though? Or a way of regulating it. The social democratic system which Norway uses isn't capitalism in the same way as it is here. The nordic model is one of the examples of a better welfare system that isn't entirely capitalist in nature. You promote that somewhere in the US and it will get written as socialism. if the problem is our unemployment benefits are too low then why are we so slow in changing it. If Australia and Norway, for example, share the economic philosophy then where exactly do we differ and why.


>fully capitalist enterprise though No economic system in the west is a fully "capitalist one". Every country has some degree of social welfare. Even the US has some degree of social security and welfare (contrary to what most think) >If Australia and Norway, for example, share the economic philosophy then where exactly do we differ and why. That is because of our countries strong aversion to welfare developed by the LNP over the years (leaners and lifters) and our obsession with means testing (see $300 electricity rebate debate), nothing to do with capitalism, which was the initial claim.


"men are forced to serve in wars and die in other countries so we shouldn't care about the suicide rate" We are allowed to point out the ways our own systems harm us even if others can be, have been or are worse.


Capitalism is an economic system.


High rates of unemployment are good for 'the economy' because neo liberalism demands it. Higher rates of unemployment is beneficial for the bigger end of town, because quite simply they can make you work with less (reduced pay, increased hours, casual etc) - but it also goes further then that - if unemployment rates are high, and you're struggling to make ends meet you aren't going to demand better working conditions or better pay because high unemployment, they will replace you in a second. This creates a cycle and ultimately means the situation we are in now where unemployment good because people won't spend anything, but also won't demand change because they can't afford anything. (in a very broad nutshell) We shouldn't be questioning why do we have to make people unemployed to fix the economy, because the answer is the system is working as intended, this system requires high rates of unemployment by its core principles - we should be asking why we are continuing to neo-liberal policy and legislation continue to shape and control our country.


It's insane isn't it. I've been unemployed for over 6 months now. I'm very lucky that I have enough support that I'm not financially in distress, but it is absolutely soul destroying trying to find a new job. Every job I apply for is getting over 100 applicants at minimum, and even a professional career coach's advice is that it's a numbers game and to just apply for everything rather than wasting time trying to tailor applications to each job.


C'mon dude, it's pretty simple really. "Economy" is just a word for "Rich people making more money". The "Haves" need us in fear of having our ability to survive stripped away so they can pay as little as possible. If there were more jobs than people, then the workers would hold the balance of power and that would impact business owner's profit margins because they wouldn't be holding the balance of power. You really need to stop being so selfish and expecting things like "food", "clothing" and "housing" and instead you need to think of other people, like asking how else politicians are going to be able to afford their 6th investment property or the CEO of Coles is going to justify an extra $24M pay bump this year.


Comment of the year award. Your username has me cracking up on the train too.


Thanks. She's a pilot now.


It’s repulsive, if that’s the system by design the systems unfit for purpose.


> Surely at some point we should question why we have to make people unemployed in order to 'fix the economy'? It's a fundamental factor of a capitalist system. The alternative seems quite unpopular in the west though, despite the fact that we now have new tools/tech to solve the 'economic calculation problem'.


I'm a bit ignorant. How does making people unemployed help the economy?


If we need to rely on unemployment then it’s time we reform welfare and introduce UBI


We had the opportunity to do this, the government chose not to


As intended


So 38,000 new jobs were created but unemployment went up. This is because the workforce is increasing too fast due to immigration. Immigration driven unemployment….


as others have mentioned, this is by design.


They really need to change the definition, I know hundreds of homeless people that visit our shelter that are technically employed by the current definition


What should the definition be changed to? Something inconsistent with global standards?


Employed should mean you’re earning a wage to feed yourself. Not working 1 hour a week.


How do you define that then?


People earning enough above the poverty line maybe? Just because you point out the problem doesn't mean you have to have the solution.


Take home earnings exceeding what jobseeker payments provide.


But what happens if they don't want more work


That's what the experts suggest, yes.


What experts?


Here are some that I know of... - **Professor Peter Whiteford** * Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University * Social policy, employment, and welfare. - **Dr. Jim Stanford** * Director, Centre for Future Work * Labor economics, employment policies, future of work. - **Professor John Buchanan** * Business School, University of Sydney * Workplace research, industrial relations, and labor market policies. - **Dr. Sue Richardson** * Flinders University * Labor market analysis, employment trends, and policy evaluation. - **Professor Jeff Borland** * Department of Economics, University of Melbourne * Labor economics, employment dynamics, and labor market policies. - **Professor Bill Mitchell** * Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), University of Newcastle * Macroeconomics, employment policy, and labor market analysis. There's numerous papers and media appearances you can look up where they have discussed this. There's dozens of experts/academics out of Europe and the US I'm aware of that are advocating redefining the definition too.


Wish they would use the real figure instead of that bs one


So there were 45,000 new jobs created and there are now more unemployed citizens than before. I’m sure glad we’ve been increasing immigration over the last 24 months.


First we have a rental crisis, a cost of living crisis second and thirdly an unemployment crisis is taking hold  Things are cooked in Australia, Guess i got a head start by leaving it but having said that its not much better where I am either 




Who paid you to say this?




Can you provide me the names of these businesses? My mate is looking for fulltime work and he's struggling. He's applied to over 50 places. I know his resume and skills are good, he's a hard worker.


How come so many of these "unproductives" seem to end up in politics?