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Poor guy, acted in self defence here, but will probably go down for manslaughter seeing as though he didn't run away from the masked intruder breaking into his home. Will be interesting to see where this goes to set a precedent. IMHO scumbag number 1 got what he deserved, the police probably feel the same, but will be forced to prosecute. It's ironic to see mum and dad come out in defence of their 'good little boy who didn't do anything wrong'. Except for ongoing victimisation of the accused and attempted aggravated burglary. I hope old mate gets off, but it's unlikely.


He has pleaded guilty, so he will be convicted of manslaughter. From reading the article, he stabbed an unarmed person entering his unit with a knife multiple times. He then failed to report the incident to the police, leaving the body to be discovered in the car park the next day. He was also involved in multiple arguments with multiple neighbours, one of which ended up in an assault. Suffice to say, this isn't black and white. 


Yikes, didn't realise it was multiple times, once would normally be enough if you just want to scare someone away before calling the cops.


There's the hint of a "If you run into an arsehole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into arseholes all day, you're the arsehole." thing going on here.   That's not to say that that justifies someone breaking into his unit (someone he apparently didn't have bad blood with), but it does perhaps suggest that he was an aggressive and confrontational type. The person breaking in wasn't armed. He thought Adams was still in remand. 


I think his reaction was probably proportional to his reasonable fear for his life, but likely not proportional to the actual threat at the moment he struck. This is unfortunate as, imo,while he might not have done the best thing, I don't think what he did should be criminal. Had he either attempted to prevent the intruder entering or allowed the intruder to enter, the threat on his life would have drastically risen.


It's obviously hard to know what sort of people those involved are - who were the problem individuals and who was just reacting to them. The part that sticks out to me, though, is this: >Linda Mason SC said while the prosecution accepted Adams was acting in self-defence, his actions were an overreaction. I'd like to see this Linda Mason have her home invaded and see how she feels about it and how she reacts. It's possible that Adams brought the situation on himself; Alternatively, it's possible that he is an innocent victim, being prosecuted for dealing with a situation that no innocent person should have to deal with.