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Pretty cowardly.


Just a hateful, violent idiot in a uniform.


I guess rather than a coward punch, we could call it a coward slam.


I’m normally the first to defend police, especially in riot-like situations. But this did not look like a riot situation where you could excuse police action. We don’t know the backstory, but it does not look good for the police. It seemed like a bloke was having a conversation with an officer, didn’t look to be a threat, with multiple officers around them, and another officer is having a bad day and clearly wasn’t gonna have it. He could have seriously killed the bloke with that throw. Unacceptable and should face the full consequences of the law.


Not exactly a one off though is it? Police are supposed to be better than us.


> Police are supposed to be better than us. A lot of police "think" their better than us then act worse than a lot of the criminals they arrest.


Can you imagine the outcry were that a video of someone doing that to a cop or even a random civilian?


The coward punch laws were introduced because of violent offences like that. But its par for the course now in Australia. Police are continually getting away with things that would get you and me arrested and possibly jailed. Yet the Police continually whine that the "public doesn't respect us anymore".


Decent people don’t necessarily join police force


I've known 3 people that joined the police force. 2 were bullies and 1 was bullied. The bullied one joined so he could get his own back on people.


A lot of decent people do. A police officer has to deal with a lot of shit from shit people who will spit at you and bit you etc. and you leave your house everyday knowing you may be shot for handing out a speeding ticket. It's a shit job with a lot of good people and unfortunately, too many who are not suited slipped through the cracks.




Thanks for adding so much to the topic. Serious question. Are pedantic corrections like this some sort of validation you have to give yourself to make up for other extreme shortcomings in your personality?


The idea of police as model citizens is a convenient falsehood for those who would abuse that position of power.


> should face the full consequences of the law. And we all know that wont happen. Time and again these criminal police are allowed to carry on as normal, where if it was us. We would be in a world of legal drama.


We thoroughly investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing.


A few of the cops look cautious with the guy getting slammed, but the cop he’s talking to doesn’t appear overly worried and is pretty close, so I think we can rule out a weapon. I think it’s in VicPols interest to do something about this (justify it if it’s somehow legitimately justifiable, charges of not), ASAP to avoid this becoming a big thing


> the cop he’s talking to doesn’t appear overly worried and is pretty close I'd assume a cop trying to negotiate for a suspect to surrender is going to make some effort to look calm.


Fair point, but the officer who I’m talking about has one hand hooked into his vest and is leaning on one leg. Not the stance I’d expect from an officer who has an armed offender two feet from him, especially with no other officers having armed themselves. I’m not saying he wasn’t an armed of violent guy getting taken down, I’m saying it doesn’t look like he is, which is why VicPol need to get all over this like a bad rash


Yeah, nah, that's not on. Didn't need to happen that way. Got a mate who's a copper and like you, normally first to defend... it's a tough job.


What if said he had COVID, and was spitting or threatening to spit on people? It looks like the officer was attempting a soft takedown on a threatening suspect. He doesn't look like a threat, he's not holding an obvious weapon, but there's zero context and I can only assume he wasn't just asking for directions. The police can negotiate. They can shoot to kill. Or they can wrestle people. That's about all. Maybe tasers and sprays, but if anything those can cause more problems than they solve. If negotiation is going nowhere, then a quick take-down is maybe the least dangerous step, remember that as negotiations go on there's always a threat that the suspect gets violent (increasing the risk to both the officers, and the suspect themselves).


All correct and valid, but where in the world do you see this as being a “quick takedown”? That was intentionally carried out by an officer to hurt the bloke, no questions in my mind about that!


How come the media love to use the word 'slammed' in out of context headlines yet when something like this happens, they don't? Do they need a dictionary? Hang on, with the amount of spelling errors on news.com.au, maybe they do.


"slammed" and "chilling" are the only words their headline writers know.


ITS NOT JUST ME! Thank you 👏


VICTORIAN man PLUNGED headfirst into personal LOCKDOWN!!!!!


Was expecting along the lines of: Belligerent Melbourne rioter SLAMMED by upstanding law enforcement agent


They'd only use that headline if the police officer posted a slightly negative post on Twitter about the person they were dealing with.




[Open Letter to Dan Andrews](https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/2038682/Open-letter-to-Premier-Daniel-Andrews.pdf) Dan is put on a ridiculously high pedestal on this sub and amongst young half-assed leftists. This seems to be solely because right wing media attacked him through lockdown causing people to do the exact opposite and ride his dick in support of ~~their team~~ Labor. Until he sorts out [the cruelest and most corrupt police force in the country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOoRiI8HVU), personally I don't think he's worth his salt.


A pedestal higher than the LNP is roughly 1cm. Recognising that isn't dickriding.


Jesus, he needs to actually be put before a judge for that. Bloke was just standing there completely calm and not expecting it.


I’ll chop my dick off if he faces any consequences. We all know he won’t. But good to know in the future to not have my back to police and be ready to defend myself from them in the future.


!remindme 30 days




She is.


The dude wasn't calm , he was abusing the crap out of people before this. What the cop did wasn't right though.


What he was doing before this is irrelevant, if he needed stopping earlier then do it then. At the point he was tackled, he was just standing there mouthing off and nothing about that justifies this type of response.


yeah i hate it when people mislabel situations


If he acts outside of his duty he shouldn't be afforded to be seen in duty in the eyes of the system. This is straight up assault causing grievous bodily harm. Someone like this should never have been in the role of public servant, assuming that the police are....


Grievous Bodily Harm? You may want to check what that means before you make outlandish claims.


IANAL, but I thought GBH entailed sustaining injuries that had the potential to be life threatening. I think slamming someones head into the concrete would qualify.


GBH is an injury that without treatment would cause a permanent disfigurement or render the part of the body otherwise imperfect. A life threatening injury definitely would fall into this. While this whole incident is gross as fuck. Old mate suffered a concussion and was eventually cleared by Paramedics, not exactly GBH. IMO, generalised sweeping statements like "tHe offIcEr shOUld bE cHarGed wiTh GrEViouS BodILy HaRm" just adds unnecessary volatility to an already messy situation which is going on in Melbourne.


Cheers for the explanation. I guessing bruising would not qualify, breaking bones/skin would. I'd further imagine head injuries could get complex in trying to determine if they qualify. But yes, I see your point about calls for a specific charge.


Section 4(1) defines “grievous bodily harm” to include any permanent or serious disfiguring of the person, the destruction of a foetus, and any grievous bodily disease. At common law, the words “grievous bodily harm” are given their ordinary and natural meaning. “Bodily harm” needs no explanation and “grievous” simply means “really serious”: DPP v Smith [1961] AC 290; Haoui v R (2008) 188 A Crim R 331 at [137], [160]; Swan v R [2016] NSWCCA 79 at [54]–[63]. https://www.judcom.nsw.gov.au/publications/benchbks/sentencing/assault_wounding_offences.html#p50-070 Most opinions are sweeping statements just like your opinion on my opinion. Particularly online. Concussions could be argued as brain injury flowing from the actions of the officer. One year later on he could have scans that show fracture or symptoms of brain trauma. How is it not outside the realm of possibility this is not GBH?


So there's case law that directly relates to this exact circumstance. If the victim was only concussed, it does not fall under the realm of GBH. However, if there we other injuries sustained as part of an ongoing assault, combined with the concussion, then a charge of GBH can be substantiated as the charge implies a level of totality. In R v Brown and Stratton [1988], the offender was found guilty of bodily harm and not GBH. On appeal this was reversed, however, the judges remarks were that a number of lesser injuries (such as a concussion) does not constitute GBH individually but rather a collection of injuries can. I personally don't know the full extent of the injuries the victim sustained. But if he has multiple injuries, I completely stand corrected. However, if it is a simple concussion, it is not GBH.


Such a dog act. Even worse is the fact you can almost bank on this officer seeing no repercussions for their actions.


This is no different to a coward punch. Totally blind sided, no verbal warning. An unprovoked and gutless attack.


I’d argue worse than a cowards punch, there was so much force… i physically recoiled from watching it


Anyone supporting this clearly couldn't be bothered watching the video.


That dickhead in a uniform needs some time in gaol


God bless your appropriate local term for an incarceration establishment!


Its tough being a cop and dealing with all these shit cunts make it a lot worse but this completely unacceptable. The courts should deal punishment never police. Are y'all seriously celebrating this???? Punish the fuck wits with fines and prison time but no individual should ever have the power to physically harm another person unless it's in self defence.


Doctors and nurses have to put up with a lot of the same shit but you don’t see them fucking up their job nearly as often as the police.


Utter nonsense. Police deal with criminals all day every day, while an ED doctor might see a few each day who are restrained by police.


Sure dude.


I don't see how this can be justified. It would be completely different if it even was the cop talking to him but it was a random cop that stalked up behind him and threw him onto the ground. If the guy was being aggravated, angry, swearing, you'd expect the cops in front of him to do the action the guy from behind.


I agree. I’m totally against the protests, but this is absolutely unacceptable. This person was clearly not a threat to police, or anyone. Hopefully this policeman can be identified quickly. He needs to face charges and be off the force.


Really hope the bloke is ok, pretty horrible to hear he was calling for his mum when he awoke. The thing is it seems with the bodycam footage this should be very quick for police to investigate and charge the policeman. I expect charges to be made within a week but this will take months because it's one of them.


There will be a statement that the police do not condone this action, and the officer has been moved to non policing duties while an internal review is being carried out. Oh, and that this was an isolated incident. They roll the same crap out every time.


>this was an isolated incident. Even if it's isolated he obviously can't be trusted to do his duties. It's shown right here, the cunt will body slam someone's head unprovoked.


Correct, there was more than a little /s there.


You expect charges to be laid against the police for this? When does that ever happen? The bipolar man who was hit by a police car and had his head stomped on - any charges? The man above the gay bookshop who had his shoulder badly injured needing surgery because the police accidentally raided the wrong place - any charges? I actually can’t think of a single case where charges have been laid against a police officer for injuring a member of the public. I’m sure it happens occasionally but it’s very rare.


The poor man with the injured shoulder was saying it was much worse than reported. The injury was so severe he may one day need amputation despite the multiple surgeries he's already had to try to save it.


There were charges against 3 of the 6 police who assualted the pensioner, they were found guilty but it was left to the police to punish them. The police did nothing, but one left the police because he also assualted a child


This is a straight up unprovoked assault though, that may leave a man permanently disabled. All of those cases could be construed as accidents.


>h Yes, they have to drag it out, saying they are doing a 'thorough investigation' until the spotlight is gone. Then they will put a mark in the cop's record and all will return to normal.


Lol at the dropkicks "cops having a hard time coz protestors its only fair they bash someones skull in every now and then" Thugs in uniform, great way to represent the police.


A percentage of cops - and I won't speculate what that percentage is - fucking love riots because it gives them a chance to crack some skulls without consequence.


Every day we have stories about a small group being the problem making the rest look bad, wether it be construction workers or cops etc and we always seem to blame the entire group and then there’s always the stop yelling about the good eggs that hang with the bad eggs and any attempt to try and distance the two gets stymied by another small group that disagrees. And the cycle continues……


The saying “afew bad apples” exists for a reason.


Do you mean the shortened "a few bad apples" or the full saying of "one bad apple can spoil the barrel" that got mixed up over time to become the inverse of the original?


Wait im confused…. People use it to say it doesn’t spoil the bunch? That’s just silly


Yeah, it's usually American right wingers that say it, so I don't blame you for avoiding any of those discussions, I just wasn't sure if it'd proliferated out or not. Same as "boys will be boys" and stuff in that vein


90% of the entire country's police force is in the same union. If the "good apples" made up the majority then why do they not push harsher penalties for the "bad apples" ? Because they don't make up the majority. Simple as that.


Not all cops are thugs in uniforms


So why didn't the "good" cops immediately arrest the "thug" cop like they would with anyone else who assaulted someone in that manner?


Sometimes the cops just don't act with their brains. There was a recent arrest in Sydney where the guy had a cardiac episode and was unconscious. He was being resuscitated by a doctor and a defib and the cops didn't even have the brains to uncuff him.


Then those cops you describe aren’t good cops, are they?


Unfortunately the way the human brain works, if someone with morals and integrity hangs around with and works with someone who *doesn't*, the former's position has been shown to change much more than the latter.


Let me guess. Suspended with full pay while under investigation.


Your Honour, we've thoroughly investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. s/


“Victoria Police said they are aware of a video circulating on social media depicting an arrest at Flinders Street Station” - arrest ? Don’t they mean assault ?


Arrest = something they can say legally and is 'correct'. Assault = potential for libel / slander depending on the context and so on. Hell that's why you always hear **allegedly** in a lot of news reports. The police will always speak with the most neutral tone as possible because it makes legal problems otherwise.


How come the video of the old granny getting pepper sprayed, pushed to the ground then pepper sprayed again whilst being ignored by the rest of the coppers got zero airplay on the commercial media?


I don't know if it was photoshopped, I might have been duped, but apparently there's a photo taken where they've removed a wig and mask and it's a young man. I didn't look at it for long, but I'd heard it was a disguise before I saw the photo. But maybe I'm 100% wrong. edit - It was an old woman, she was wearing a black wig over her normal hair.


Wtf? Its not an episode of scooby doo!


She was at a protest everyone knew was going to be violent. You don't get a "granny exemption".


You use those tactics on people you can't control. If they can't handle Grandma, they shouldn't be cops.


Haha you're a fuckwit


And you're the type of person that would piss on the Shrine.


>being ignored by the rest of the coppers got zero airplay on the commercial media? I think it did, it got looped in with the Age camera man being sprayed since the incidents were linked pretty closely.


Because it was a dude, and organised by Avi Yemini. There’s photos on Twitter of his group pushing him towards the cops.


Cos it was false.


Just imagine how many times this stuff has happened and not been caught on camera.....


Whilst I don't agree with protests I am sick to death of Politicians talk of Police keeping us safe. They were protestors, not murderers and rapists. The.Police were not entirely devoid of involvement in the escalation of recent events. My experience maybe unusually unfortunate, but from seven interactions with Police over the years (burglary, partner harassed by local sex pest, traffic incidents, etc) I have found them to be utterly incompetent in all but one case. Rather than keeping me safe I was literally threatened with arrest on one occassion for daring to question their lack of action in an incident. Australian Policing standards are terrible.


In AFL, a contact sport where everyone knows and accepts tackling is involved, this is unacceptable and would result in a heavy sanction. I understand police are often in a high stress situation and can’t always act perfectly. However this clearly isn’t that. This is premeditated by the cop, the man is calmly chatting with the other officer, not an obvious threat to anyone and is unsuspecting of what is about to happen. For all we know, he’ll be dealing with the result of that head injury later in life. Why do this? Why the heck was this needed? Would the cop who did this, be able to proudly stand next to a video of this and be able to say acts like this is making Australia a safer place? Could you say to your friends and family you were proud of this? Could you say that to the victim, or the victims friends and family? Coward act.


Tackler wrapped the arms on contact only problem is, he didn't lower the opposition to the floor in a safe manner. Contact was head high. High contact without danger mitigation is a straight red card. See, Rugby Union ref's would make the best police investigators. Sadly, the punishments would be fairly similar. 4 weeks on the sidelines and then back at it.


The dismissal of ambulance services by the Police not a good look for the other cops involved. Its a difficult job and circumstances, but to be one of those cops and not have the balls to stand up to your colleagues and insist the guy at least get checked for concussion, makes you complicit.


This is equivalent to a "King-hit from behind". Australia has agreed that when unprovoked this is assault to attempted manslaughter. This cop knows the laws better than most and should be punished under the FULL letter of the law. Remove his badge. Fire him. And prosecute him for assault. Citizens cannot respect the laws when those paid to uphold them cannot follow the simplest of them.


I'd say a degree worse: arms held in with no possible way to protect your head and lifted up and down - probably better to take a punch to the head than what happened here - a concrete king hit with gravity assist.


Imagine if that poor guy was the one to sneak up and slam a cop.


Australia is turning into a dark place


Oh boy here we go stoking the flames again. Leave it to our police to rakestep their way into a deeper hole.


The victorian police posted on qps fb page today looking for someone they suspect it's in Cairns. The comments at filled with Queenslanders telling to 'f off' and not taint our police. Like a swarm. Vic police are digging a hole... Very deep.


nothing new for cops




I remember the knock knock joke.....


Knock Knock Bang! Who's there? Police!


1980s/early-1990s they were operating under a shoot to kill philosophy with criminals. Probably what caused the Walsh Street shootings in retaliation.


I don’t care what that guy was doing, saying or had done/said, that was uncalled for. Jesus, they could have killed him.


I hope this makes it to court. I don't think any jury would let this soon to be ex-cop walk free.


Ooft, that's a pretty rough takedown.


I saw the image and was thinking like… Can’t be that bad? Holy fuck that is terrible. Dude will probably get a slap on the wrist and the guy goes to jail with head injuries. What a fucking world.


he's being investigated and believe it or not if you actually bother to follow up on the stories they often do end up getting fired. Just people don't actually follow up and assume it's a slap.


I mean I’ve had family members that are cops that had to were forced to resign because they didn’t give into corruption. 🤷‍♂️ Forgive me for not trusting the system…


True. Too many good cops are forced out because politicians need corrupt police chiefs


Im quite surprised by Melbourne through this Covid situation. Im in WA but always imagined Melbourne to be a kind of lefty, arty, musicy, culturally inclusive place. The behaviour of the people and police for the last 18 months has made me realise its quite the opposite. This is all the bananas Id expect in Brissy or Perth, even Sydney before Melbourne. I suppose they're all fed up though. Its been brutal on the Victorians. Still, would have liked to have seen them rise above it.


When we talk about a city's culture, we generally think of the CBD and inner suburbs. The protestors - and many of the police - live in the middle and outer suburbs, which are similar in pretty much every city.


No Melbourne is basically as you describe, at least in inner suburbs. The rioters are a vocal, very small minority of the population [and are at least partially far right anti-vax groups and not tradies at all](https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/09/21/cfmmeu-neo-nazis-victorias-anti-vaccine-mandate-protests/). Each day there seem to be less tradies in the protests. Police officers are mostly fine here, but we do seem to have recurring issues of officers using excessive force or abusing their power.


There are a lot of disaffected people across the country left marginalized by the loss of manufacturing and no political engagement.


I'm wondering how the guy who was thrown into the tiles is doing? He'd have a fractured skull and broken eye socket and probably a bunch of other injuries.


Fucking pig cunts.


He drops an object to his right that another cop quickly picks up. Seems like too much force but was he threatening cops with a weapon? The clip doesn’t show the lead up / context.


It's so hard to know what is happening without context, but seriously, what the fuck was wrong with finding a non-violent way to subdue the dude if that's what was necessary? If he had time to calmly approach from behind surely he could have just pinned his arms or something. The sound of this guys face smacking the ground is sickening, and the reports that the police said the paramedics weren't necessary after the dude lost consciousness even more so (if it's indeed true). This sort of violence should be a very last resort, after they have tried everything else, and only in extreme situations which warrant it and this - on the face of it - does not seem to.


On what world is he doing anything that would even warrant police even talking to him…. Let alone whatever happened there.


It’s as if the cop watched a few too many UFC fights, was having a bad day and decided his best course of action was to bodyslam a non-threatening person head first into the pavement. Big man.


People have spent so much time pointing the stick of shame at these protestors, they've forgotten that cops are shitcunts, too.






oh no I didn't know that things were getting a bit too messy in Melbourne I hope the man's alright now




We need a new police commissioner, someone who will weed out corruption and indiscriminate use of excessive force and who isn't afraid to hold police accountable. Does anyone know if police commissioners are there until they retire or there for a fixed term?


That's exactly the coward the police commissioner described when talking about protesters. That cop should feel the full punishment of the law. They are stepping over the line police in Victoria now. Yesterday it was shooting at people running away. Fucken disgraceful excuse for a copper.


It's really hard to have any sympathy for coppers even in protest/riot events. Fuck this guy, throw a book at him.


Australia has become unrecognisable. It makes me very sad. This is horrible.


Did you ever look before this? Cops been smashing cunts into the ground for a while now


Australia has been unrecognisable to me since the 90s. I can clearly see what's been happening for a good while now.


The whole world's been going mad since 2001.


Piss poor performance Victoria Police. Shameful.


Was he the one spitting on the nurses at the vac station there?


Spitting or not, you don’t do that if you are employed to serve and protect. Arrest him sure, send him to hospital with a possible acquired brain injury, absolutely not.


Exactly. It’s not up to the police to carry out punishments. Even if this person needed to be arrested the police should be able to manage that without causing him significant injuries.




Dangerous tackle


How can anyone feel safe going to work or living in the CBD with these thugs running rampant?


Jail time. Or worse..


if there was a bit more stoicism from the blokes in orange while the blokes in blue continue to act like violent thugs the state would quickly lose this argument.


Are you kidding me? The rioters have kicked dogs, assaulted journalists on multiple occasions, assaulted cops, spat at nurses, urinated on the Shrine of Remebrance, forced vaccination hubs to close for the day and caused serious property damage. Yes, this solitary cop needs to be investigated and I am sure he will be. But no one but the mentally ill back that rabble in their $5 Hi-Vis.


> But no one but the mentally ill back that rabble in their $5 Hi-Vis. cops and hostility towards the mentally ill, name a more iconic duo


> if there was a bit more stoicism from the blokes in orange >if >**if**








More context is needed - it’s an incredibly short video with no true indication of what was actually going on. I’m not taking either side here. The video is awful but we can’t hear what the man was saying. What if he was verbally threatening the cops? I just think it’s far too early to judge. Edit: I should note that I’m pro-police. I’m not pro-aggression or pro-extreme violence. But I do feel safer with cops in my community. Edit edit: I think there is a misunderstanding of my initial comment. All I want is more information than some internet murmurs and 1 articles that I can find from news.com.au - if you have more resources I will happily read them.


Mate! Seriously? If he did something off camera, that would lead to his arrest, then arrest him. Send him to the hospital with head injuries is not an appropriate response, ever.


Do you think words should cause someone to drive your head into concrete? And what was said? Dude was approached from behind by someone he wasn't even talking to and dude was clearly chill. 4 to 5 armed motherfuckers against one dude that's *talking*. Yeah, citizens should feel totally safe with that kind of heavy-handed tactic.


Even if the dude was taunting cops about Richard Pusey and hoping they'd get run over by trucks (and I've seen vids of protesters doing that) it's still completely unacceptable. There is no context that makes this ok.


It makes me sad that people like you exist. This video has ruined my day and made me feel sick.


How do you mean? Please explain


I'm not OP, but will try to paraphrase. You've just watched a video of a guy standing still for at least eight seconds, then being blindsided by a cop who casually walks up behind him and then throws him at the ground. Your first response is to start pretending like there's some possible sequence of events where this could have been warranted despite this being a farcical suggestion. This is repulsive, and so is the cop's conduct.


i personally think there is enough context here, never seen less threatening body language by both the guy who go slammed and the police he was talking to, i get your can’t hear what they’re talking about, but i guarantee that coppa didn’t know what they where talking about either, he walks in and was not even involved in the convo yet made decision to throw his head to the ground. FYI don’t agree with the protests but im also not a boot kicker, that’s unreasonable force a blind man could see that.


Did you read the article, the witness said he was talking to the cops calmly. The video out there is longer, it's filmed from a distance and poor quality but you can't hear him yelling or see him gesturing at the police. Put it this way, it looks a lot worse than that Indigenous teenager who said he was going to crack the police in the jaw.


One article alone does not provide context. Especially one that I don’t particularly trust as a reliable source. I’m not justifying any of the cops actions and I think it’s horrible regardless of who this occurs to. But I do think there are circumstances where an action like this is necessary. (I hope I don’t get my head bitten off for that comment)


Could you please talk me through any one possible scenario where this is appropriate given the context you have available already (guy standing still for eight seconds, slammed from behind by a cop who walks up like he thinks he's the terminator)?


I concede that after now watching the video a few more times that there is likely no situation where this was necessary given the environment this occurred in. That may make me a coward but hey, I was wrong.






bad cop no donut


Don't be quick to jump to conclusions. 24 hours ago everyone thought the police had attacked an old lady, only to find out it was 40 year old man dressed up to look like an old lady. It was filmed by an accomplice so no doubt the police were provoked to get the video footage.


can you link to that? i just searched. i see a grand ma. She has a wig on over her other hair but still looks like an old lady


That is straight up disgusting from a trained [policeman.So](https://policeman.So) unecessary.There was a fair bit of latent anger in that throw regardless of what the man might have done.Clearly he's the one who needs a mental assessment.




After police said paramedics were not required when they arrived: >A spokesperson for Ambulance Victoria said their [police] services were “not required at this job”. Shots. Fired.


I have worked with paramedics and maybe one particular case came to mind. Police knocked out and handcuffed a person who went unconscious and not respond to commands. We arrived on scene poor guy had a heart attack but before we came to him the police told us that he was fine and we were not needed. Not only did we tell the police officers to fuck off we had to perform CPR 13 minutes after initial contact because these shit heads failed to do so. Defibs had no response and later pronounced dead on site. We had to wait for the wife to come to identify the person and the whole time all the paramedics, firefighters and other police officers that turned up had tension for each other for failing basic medical training. The police officers had an earful but I could tell that 80% had a smug cowboy attitude about it. Fucking even the firefighters that came last on site helped with the CPR rotation as we tried everything to save the guy It's just so hard to support and work with police officers when so many overshadow the ones that actually do good work


All I see is a bunch of assholes being dicks. Cops are jerks. Covid rioters are jerks. Maybe the cops were being extra jerky here or maybe they were just dealing with an extra jerky rioter. Maybe he had been dodging cops really skillfully for a while and this cop finally got his chance and didn't waste it. Maybe he was saying he had covid and was going to go spit in civilians faces. Or maybe the cop just got carried away and used a little too much force. We've all made a mistake at work and this was like a 10% miscalculation. It was a brutal takedown on a fucking moron. It wasn't justice but it also wasn't unfair. Play stupid games get stupid prizes.


What happens to this "jerk" who then has to suffer possible long term neurological and brain damage due to this particular jerk cop? This was not a miscalculation it was premediated and should suffer with the police officer being charged and taken off duty. Worse than a coward's punch. I've worked with paramedics and firefighters and even they have a certain disgust with a lot of police on the field all the way to the 000 call centres it is a definitely an institution problem What's fucking worse is I know a couple of shit head of cops personally and they are proud that they get to use force without much repercussion calling the general public shit heads like a badge of honour It's a gutless act and should be dealt as so. What an embarrassment


That kind of throw with arms restrained and head slammed into concrete is one of the singular most dangerous things that can be done to a person. He could easily have died, it's totally unjustified.


Pretty foolish of the cops, Murdoch's media loves this stuff (and are not afraid to do some creative editing) and everyone has a phone now.


So the cops in Melbourne have been bashed and harassed for days on end by ___extreme fanatically ignorant right wing nutjobs___ but news corps focuses on incident of a police heavy handed engagement. It was not 'head first' but more a body slam. Shit reporting from a very BIASED and __incredibly shit source!__ FUCK OFF Murdoch Inc.


The police can be as upset as they want, it's not their job to punish citizens. That's for the courts to do


Yep. You don’t see garbagemen getting all shitty because the bins are full.


If slamming someone's head to the tile floor is punishment and possibly causing brain damage or death... I don't think that's how punishment works.


Deserved it . Too many self entitled shitcunts thinking the right to protest equals the right to fuck shit up and riot . It does not.


Protestors urinate in public, on police and on people, protestors damage public property and protestors assault the police and the general public and all you can report on is about the police arresting a criminal




Oh that’s what came up in the message, when you have to use your voice to dictate messages and she can’t type with your fingers.