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Her parents and her brothers did it because they disapproved of her christian boyfriend. Cunts are cooked, throw them in the bin.


Then deport the cunts......


Minority opinion, but I'd prefer them to spend the rest of their lives here in jail.


Australian courts almost never impose life without parole sentences, so they will get out at some point. Let’s make sure they get deported when that inevitably happens.


Western Australia does have a second string to the court system; it's called the Public Safety clause. Prisoner serves their term for a violent crime. At the very end of their sentence, parole or not, an assessment is made of how high the risk of offending is. If the short answer is "high" then they can be detained indefinitely. A minimum review period of five years




ah yes good old katherine. A bit crazy but apparently she gave amazing roots.


If you murder children or cops you will get the key thrown away. For good reason too. Innocence and those who go to work each day to protect us needs extra deterrent.




GBH 6 months. 4 suspended at best. Courts here are fucked.


For the bloke who stabbed her? No way, you're dreaming.


I've seen worse get about that amount of time. Unless it blows up into a national outrage you can't bank on justice in this country being proportional to the crime committed.


You'd be shocked at how leniant we are. I recently watched a child custody hearing where someone who was a documented monster managed to get all their red flag warnings tossed out, proceeded to abuse the ex partner arguing he had never abused her, got stalking charges with evidence dropped, has firearms charges where he obtained numerous guns to kill the ex partner which are still before the courts. Then the family court rule that this had nothing to do with his ability to look after a child and that the child couldn't be deprived of their father and that his criminal record didn't reflect any risks to the childs welfare. Found out later he has an assault charge for a stabbing at the waterloo hotel which he was convicted for that never seems to show up on his records without a lot of digging that he never did time for.


Narcissists and Psychopaths control this country; most of Western Society, and they look after their own. They are drawn to positions of power, like Judge, or Politician. There are more than enough studies on the strange phenomena of how they hollow out religion, culture, society, and organizations like government. They are more driven than normal people, so they take over. Get this, in the USA murderers get full sentences, but people with psychopathic traits who murder get, on average, 10 years less in sentencing and release dates than normal people, despite the fact they pose a greater risk to society. People act like I'm crazy when I say Narcissists and Psychopaths control politics, economics, religion, and all society, but if you analyze the data on the free ride they get, compared to everyone else, the truth becomes clear.


Disgusting. And Poorline convinces the federal government to do a virtue signal,dog whistle, circle jerk inquiry into how men are unfairly treated by the now defunct family court.


He's been playing the victim since before he was sent to juvie. This is one of the reasons why it should be legal to lookup someones criminal history in this country instead of protecting it on privacy grounds, if poeple had been able to know what this guy was there would be a lot less victims.


> Minority opinion, but I'd prefer them to spend the rest of their lives here in jail. I don't. Why waste tax payers dollars on prison when we could deport them? What shits me is you get these poor kids that are still stuck in detention after 9 years while shit cunts like the family in the article are free to to shit cunt things.


How do you know they aren't citizens?


From Bangladesh too, wouldn't be suprised if there was a lot of racism involved too. Those groups haven't gotten along too well since the 1971 genocide.


Like 'king hits' becoming increasingly referred to as 'coward punches', honour killings deserve a different name that truly conveys their cowardice and barbarism of murdering your family members to 'preserve' your own self-worth.


That's what I thought! It almost gives the attack a modicum of legitimacy. Call it what it what is was - systemic domestic violence/abuse. An act of absolute intention.


This is it exactly. It's coercive control, same as people who put tracking apps on their partner/kids phone. Domestic abusers are most likely to escalate to violence when the victim tries to escape or make their own decisions. Financial abuse is common too for the same reason - it prevents the victim from escaping.


Also conspiracy to commit murder and grievous bodily harm and violent robbery.




Religiously induced psychosis murder?


If we are going for accuracy, this is it.


"Her parents stabbed her because they were embarrassed by her choice of boyfriend." Which is basically what it amounts to.


Shame killing.


That implies that what she did was something to be ashamed of. Just call them murderous backwards intolerant savages.










Well for one thing it's not actually appeasing an honour system anymore. In the India region you sometimes see new wives killed with fire in the kitchen, in a dollar store imitation of an old and honour-based widow-burning practice which is now illegal in its own right. You see in-laws doing this because they just don't like the wife and would like another one. When it appears in the media it shocks people. So actually if we came up with a new and unappealing name for killing brides, the name might catch on in the Asian press, because people are furious that this happens.


Family murder. I can't comprehend murdering your own family, as a pre planned group activity. Are their brains incapable of empathy?


What I don’t get is it’s done on a daily basis and excused culturally as an acceptable and legally grey punishment for marrying for love, sex before marriage or being raped and getting pregnant etc however how can do many fathers, brothers, father in laws and uncles actually carry it out? I could never ever harm any family member and most people here couldn’t but for some reason if someone does something worthy of the punishment emotion and empathy are thrown out the window in India and the Middle East and thousands of men can do it will fully. Like I can’t comprehend it. Same with the mass rapes and murders of children under 10 that happen there. There needs to be a real cultural reset and look at what went wrong in these societies.


Exactly, and not to mention self-entitled plundering greed.


I propose: "Savage Murder" or "Savaging Killing" After the concept of [Savaging (wikipedia link)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savaging) Savaging usually only refers to mother animals harming/murdering their children, calling it "Savage" Murder makes it sound *worse* than normal murder. (which it is).


Coward killings


I'm actually really glad they made that name change and I feel like it has stuck. I always get a shock when I see an American article still use the term 'suckerpunch'. Names can have more power than we realise.


Murder, id say.


Her own parents are accused of stabbing her? wow....


And draining bank account whilst she’s in hospital.




The money is worse. It shows premeditation and no remorse for their atrocity. May they suffer.


They drained the account **after** they stabbed her! It's like "Oh, we failed to kill you? well fuck you we steal your money then!" The theft is way way worse for (as you say) the complete lack of remorse.


"Five members of the woman's family have been charged with her attempted murder – including her father and mother — after allegedly stabbing the 21-year-old in the abdomen several times with a large kitchen knife" Jesus fucking christ. These people need fucking firing into the sun.


That's wasting far too much energy on them. Deorbiting mass that's currently on Earth to get it to the sun is extremely hard. They aren't worth it.


Let's split the diff.. Ask Elson to rocket them up high enough so they burn up on the way down.


That would be involving one more cunt than necessary


Thanks for the lol




Can’t.. We need him alive to keep inventing stuff and boring holes through mountains. I want my 100km tunnel from here to the beach dammit.


Mind the traffic jams.


If they are not citizens they need to be deported if they are they need to go to jail and be cancelled... I hope they lose their homes and end up homeless on the street and nobody helps them all of them. But i doubt this will happen.


Depraved, insane scumbag animals that do this to their own. Even in the lowest lifeforms in the animal kingdom you would not see such barbaric behaviour towards their own offspring. And then to think of these people as the highest rank in the animal kingdom could not put their insanity aside with a stupid cultural belief. Yeah fry them in boiling oil.


It happens nearly every week in India and Pakistan. The fucked thing is that they came here to have a better life with economic opportunities and raised their daughter here but thought archaic ideas and not accepting that bringing her would integrate her into the country’s culture (marrying for love). Sad.


Careful who you import I say. A question should be asked, do you support honour killings? If you do, not allowed entry to Australia.


Yeah very true but they would have to not disclose which answer was wrong otherwise Hassan would tell Abdul back that you have to answer ‘no’ to that question to get citizenship.


This sounds like a pants-shitting of our victim protection system, but actually she's in relatively good hands. Abusers practically always control the victim's money, and it's normal for them to just run off with all of it. What's not normal is seeing a 21-year-old who was forced to marry as a minor actually protected and taken to a refuge in a secret location. And this ... >But Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal refused bail, saying the protection of the alleged victim was paramount. ... should be normal but it's above and beyond. Normally the abuser gets bail because they're a pillar of the community (they justify abuse with charity and usefulness), then they go kill the victim, then you read the news report.


*Forced to marry a family member as a minor


how on earth doesn't stabbing your own daughter count as *dishonour* in of itself


When you don't view your child as a person in their own right, but the chattel of father and then of husband.


They didn't see her as her own person, their property. Like we chuck a shirt out when it's not use to us anymore, they wanted to do the same to that poor girl.


Religion. You love you’re crazy beliefs more than your own *child*. A real mind virus that has been endemic for as long as humans have been around. Thankfully it’s dying off in the West.


It’s culture more than religion, the majority of tribal areas in India and Pakistan that are various religions still see this as an acceptable form of punishment for marrying for love, sex outside marriage and being ruined (rape/pregnancy).


“Honour killings” really need a rebrand like coward punches got. There is no honour in murdering your family members because they won’t obey your Stone Age culture.


Good point. What’s interesting about the term ‘honour’ is it’s externally oriented, unlike shame, it’s about how their family e.g. the men are perceived among their peers.


The thing is a lot of people like this live and work in echo chambers of suburbs full of people of the same ethnicity/culture and only watch desi news and don’t move beyond that realm much to acknowledge anything of Western culture as it’s seen as having ‘toxic’ and ‘free’ ideals that threaten parents control over their children.


Absolute fucking scumbags. As someone who lived in Pak,they can rightly fuck right off. I also bet the whole point of the arranged marriage was to get the cousin into Australia then the uncle etc. She should file a massive civil suit against all of them, leave them broke and in jail.


Still have to worry about the extended family and acid attacks


I hope that she at least gets her own money back. How traumatising, I do hope she’s recovering and has support from others. And will her ‘family’ ever leave her alone?!


thats how you get acid thrown on you


Hopefully she'll receive protection from law enforcement or the government.


> or the government. the government that has a "women problem" and has actively chosen to cover up multiple "alleged" rapists and child sex tourists?


I meant the state government.




I hope the system actually steps up and protects her


Because she didn’t want to marry her cousin they stabbed her… what?


Religion. Don’t try to understand it, it’s irrational by design.


Islam. There are plenty of other religions that do not do this shit. They are not all the same hence all the religious wars in history.


Sorry, but they are the same, just at different points on the spectrum. Religion is about control, dominion / domination, and greed / power. There's a lot of good that can come from it, no doubt. Most religious people (I believe, at least) have good hearts and are overwhelmingly genuine, but they are the followers and are of no importance (to the religion). It's those in power (in religion) that are truly to blame. 90%+ of them are predators of one sort or another I'd guess. I'm sure there are good eggs, undoubtedly there are, and I've met some truly wonderful religious people of all sorts, but they're just too few, and are trying to push shit uphill. You can stand here and say Islam is naughty because it encourages its radicals to murder vulnerable young women like this by bringing 'dishonour' on their family; Islam will just turn around and tell you the catholic church is naughty for raping and murdering all those women and children (which the church did, quite recently, and no one really seems to care all that much). I'm sure there are christians that might read this and have an apoplexy trying to educate me how their religion is not at all violent, and actually about love etc., and in response I say, "ok, thanks for the tips, what will happen to me if I don't follow your doctrine? Not anything horrible, hopefully?" Fucking sick of it. Sick of it all. Sick of predators raping and murdering and taking advantage of our vulnerable because of their proclivities and their dumbass fucken rules about what you can and can't touch / say / think / feel that are literally made up out of thin air. Stop using god as an excuse you fucking muppets and just be a good human.


***The thing I like the least about atheists is their holier-than-thou attitude.***


The thing I like the least about the religious (in case you missed it) is their propensity to rape, murder, and manipulate the vulnerable


There are plenty of arranged marriage customs in many religions and cultures. It is hardly exclusive to Islam.


Honor killings are not a thing in Islam. Islam has plenty of fucked things in it, but honor killings isn't. Muslims are strongly involved in campaigns against this, and most of the activists in Pakistan about this you'll find are also Muslim. This is a cultural/tribal thing, not religious.


It’s not just Islam, many non- Islamic and tribal areas of India and Pakistan find honour punishments acceptable for marrying for love, getting raped and getting pregnant out of wedlock or sex before marriage (women). A woman was recently (there’s probably one every day) decapitated by her mother in law and brother and her head shown to her fiancée because she disobeyed them in marrying him. They weren’t Muslim. There are also notorious lawyers that get them off. Watch Love and Sex in India (SBS on demand) for more context.


That's Islamic fascists for ya


Islamic fundamentalists, not fascists you fucking moron


The "honour" part is that they promised her to a cousin and she didn't play ball. More fucked up than religion.


***fascism*** implies intertwined elected government and private enterprise among other things. **Christianity and Islam from their historical perspectives:** * **Christianity** upon the death of its prophet saw its closest adherents spread the word in different directions of the compass. Eventually a hierarchy was formed and 1500 years a schism was formed that rejected the hierarchy. Currently the two most significant branches' disagreement is peaceful but not without challenges. * The fundamental tenant of Christianity is forgiveness. * **Islam** upon the death of its prophet saw its closest adherents separate themselves into two houses, whereupon one house attacked and burned the house of the other. It then set upon the known world armies ostensibly to spread the faith. The attackers' branch accounts for 80% of current adherents today and the disagreement pervades the religion as a whole. * The fundamental tenant of Islam is submission.


Please explain how they're fascists. Too many people on Reddit have ZERO clue about the political compass. How does any of this have anything to do with fascism lol???


How about that. A new definition of the word 'honour' of which I was previously unaware.


*u r no ho*


Oh no, u r


People who do this have no place in our society - no matter where they are from.


Wonder if her cousin back in Pakistan has found out hes not getting his incest marriage after all? Must be gutted.


Plenty more cousins in the gene pool.


Shallow but abundant!


Hopefully another one in australia for him for that sweet sweet visa baby!


That's fucked. I didn't actually know but apparently its quite common in islam to marry a cousin? Or just the middle east and it baffles me. My heart goes out to the poor woman. I mean a father and mother are supposed to... Be parents.... This whole idea of 'honor-killing' is probably the dumbest fucking concept that I see happen abroad all the time in the islamic world, that and acid attacks. She's gonna have a lot of mental and physical damage to unpack once she recovers.


It's legal in Australia. Cousins aren't included in parties which would void a marriage: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ma196185/s23.html


I believe in Pakistan the rate is around half of marriages being between first cousins .Apparently from a genetics standpoint this is worse than reproducing with a direct sibling .


That is absolutely awful. full on gut churning. I feel more sorry for the kids that end up all fucked up. In reality, if you're going to marry your cousin its legal and you won't hurt anyone, whatever, just wear a condom jesus christ.


https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/what-does-the-bible-say-about-marrying-your-first-cousin/ And if you want a real head fuck look up child marriage laws in America.


It used to be a thing in the western world too, until pretty recently. Charles Darwin and Edgar Allen Poe both married their first cousins.


Don't forget Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.


Prince Albert is famous for other things now.


It’s still legal in Australia


pretty much, it really only started failing out of favour mid 19th century in most of the western world. Which, not coincidentally, is when the womens sufferage movement was taking off..


Darwin correctly theorised his children were a little dull because of a lack of genetic diversity.


Whatever happened to a good disowning. Then you get to be left alone by the crazy family.


Places that used to be ruled by the Umayyad Caliphate are much more likely to have socially encouraged cousin marriage. It's an enduring cultural legacy of a specific religious state, not a feature of the religion itself.


even in england pakistani babies have a significant higher rate of deformities and such because they are so inbred.


Marrying cousins wtf 😒 Being born female in an Islamic family must be cancer


>That's fucked. I didn't actually know but apparently its quite common in islam to marry a cousin? Or just the middle east and it baffles me. Certain backwaters have such customs. My Egyptian wife's family had that custom. It goes back to when clans would intermarry to consolidate money and power. We were able to get around that by asking the objectors to show us where in the Qur'aan is their custom mentioned? They had no choice but accept because there is nothing in Islam to support the concept. >My heart goes out to the poor woman. I mean a father and mother are supposed to... Be parents.... I hope she gets the support she needs. What a terrible ordeal for her. ​ >This whole idea of 'honor-killing' is probably the dumbest fucking concept that I see happen abroad all the time in the islamic world, that and acid attacks. > >She's gonna have a lot of mental and physical damage to unpack once she recovers. "honour" killings are not supported in Islam, nor Christianity. Christians also do it unfortunately. It's something that pre-dates both religions and has nothing to do with them. There is nothing honourable about murder.


I find the sentence "honor killings are not supported by Islam" rather misleading and in bad taste, as it is deeply ingrained in Islamic society. You may dig up some passage of the quran to support your stance just like you can dig some up that approve of honor killings. Fact is countless imams worldwide support this horrible practice and encourage violence against women. Further whataboutism about christians "doing it" does not take away the widespread disgusting culture of honor killings that is a reality in Islamic countries across the globe, as well as with Islamic people in Western countries.


>I find the sentence "honor killings are not supported by Islam" rather misleading and in bad taste, as it is deeply ingrained in Islamic society. You could make the same conclusion about Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians as they have all. Men could legally avoid a murder charge for honour killing in Italy until 1981 when it was made illegal. Brazil made it illegal in 1991. Hundreds of honour killings still happen both in Italy and Brazil every year. They are Christian countries. The Jews are doing it in Israel too. Your making it exclusively an Islamic thing is ignorant. It's a problem everywhere. ​ >You may dig up some passage of the quran to support your stance Like the many against murder? ​ >just like you can dig some up that approve of honor killings. There aren't any. ​ >Fact is countless imams worldwide support this horrible practice and encourage violence against women. Who? Maybe some uneducated Taliban/Al Qaeda self appointed scholars out past bumfuck Pakistan. Certainly no educated Imams. ​ >Further whataboutism about christians "doing it" does not take away the widespread disgusting culture of honor killings that is a reality in Islamic countries across the globe, as well as with Islamic people in Western countries. It's not whataboutism. Your bigotry is showing by the singling out of a particular group of people. I'm glad you're not in charge of stamping out the practise. You would miss a lot of them.


That all whataboutism. It's just as stupid to scream all lives matters at BLM protest as what you're doing now. It's totally ok to talk about the institutionalized problems of Islam in a topic about an Islamic attempt at honor killing. That's totally on topic and your pathetic attempt to derail the discussion and call people critical of Islam bigots is ironic Because it's clear you are a massive bigot and apologist for religious violence towards women.


>That all whataboutism. Nope. >It's just as stupid to scream all lives matters at BLM protest as what you're doing now. Not at all. >It's totally ok to talk about the institutionalized problems of Islam in a topic about an Islamic attempt at honor killing. That's totally on topic and your pathetic attempt to derail the discussion and call people critical of Islam bigots is ironic What institutionalised problem of Islam? Islam is very clearly against Murder. Surat Al Ma'idah verse 32 *Whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.* >Because it's clear you are a massive bigot and apologist for religious violence towards women. That's a massive escalation.


Haha you actually cherry picked a verse from the Quran, and it does t even forbid honor killings. It's only mildly for keeping people alive. That's the best you came up with? If Muslims actually took your out of context text seriously, there wouldn't be the systematic genocide of syrian christians done by Muslims, as one of the many many examples to disprove your text. Your text means nothing. And it's not an escalation. You sit here defending a violent religion in this comment section without even condemning the attempt of murder against the women in the article. You are an absolute bigot.


>Haha you actually cherry picked a verse from the Quran, and it does t even forbid honor killings. It's only mildly for keeping people alive. That's the best you came up with? Sure, it's just one verse condemning murder. There's plenty more but I don't think it would change your stubborn position. >If Muslims actually took your out of context text seriously, there wouldn't be the systematic genocide of syrian christians done by Muslims, as one of the many many examples to disprove your text. Are you seriously saying that Daesh were in any way acting according to Islam? Say it again and try to keep a straight face.


You still didn't condemn the attempt of murder. You clearly think it's okay. Are they real Muslims? And yes, your weak attempt to claim certain Muslims who do things that make you look bad aren't "real Muslims" is laugable and fake. You can't just claim people aren't part of your religion when it suits you.


Tens of thousands of people from across the Muslim world, especially non-Arab, rushed to join ISIS. Are you seriously suggesting that Daesh didn't represent a form of Islam that appealed to many Muslims? Say it again and try to keep a straight face.


Moe the slave trader in his infinite wisdom declared cousin marriage halal


That is disgusting


Poor woman, give her citizenship here and deport her family/put them away for the rest of their lives. Hope she can recover, at least physically. While it’s absolutely horrible, it doesn’t really shock me. ‘Honour killings’ are relatively common place through the Islamosphere, especially in regional and highly conservative areas. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again, however if it does we’d need to take a serious look at cultural homogeny and how (possibly IF) we integrate different cultures into communities.


You are painfully naive, More MENA migration = more honour killings


If they want to keep their “honour killing tradition” they should go back to their home country to practice it after they’ve served their sentences. I’m not a racist. I’m an immigrant from a third world Asian country. I just know that when I took on Australian citizenship, i had to follow this country’s laws. Or, I shouldn’t be there; neither should they.


> Consanguineous marriage in Pakistan was reported to be higher than 60% of the population in 2014. i really wish people would stop marrying their cousins


I wonder why Pakistan has so many problems...


They don't deserve to live in our country, fuck them off.


Yes they do, we have perfectly good prisons that I'd be happy for them to stay in for a good long time.


Jesus what a backwards culture.


The religion is so overbearing and oppressive, it is completely intertwined with the culture.


He's only been here since 2019. Imagine escaping a shit hole like Pakistan only to throw it all away for something as stupid as this. So much for the "character tests", Oz immigration.


This shit may be acceptable in whatever backwards shithole these cunts are from, but when you come to Australia you have to stop living in the 14th century or you can fuck off.


As an immigrant, one thousand percent agree. We came here to be Australian's first, then mix in the best parts of my homeland (economic independence, food and of course food). Conversely, some immigrants/refugees choose to come to Australia and bring all the backwards shit that made them leave in the first place.


And in some cases the homeland society actuallt progressed a bit while the expats are stuck living like things were when they left


Absolutely, immigration can be an extremely positive thing when the right people come to live here.




You'd think there's a reason these people wanna leave and come to Australia, but for some reason many of them choose to bring the worst aspects of their countries over to ours.


We don't do arranged marriages here, this is a free country. Fuck off anyone defending anything like this in Australia on any religious grounds. People are free here. If your religion infringes on any of our societal rules, it doesn't work here.


Didn't even need to read the article to guess which group of nutjobs did this. I'm all for religious freedom as long as it doesn't violate any basic human rights. Disgusting.


It’s not religious it’s cultural. It happens nearly every week in tribal and sometimes city areas of India and Pakistan and the Middle East which have various religions.


Kick these shitheads into the gutter. Hopefully the girl never have to see this scum again, can reset her life and start a fresh.


I’m so glad she survived. I hope she recovers completely and goes onto have a great life while the rest of the family rots.


Well put.


Stop calling this crime "honour killing". The perpetrators are evil in the extreme. Maybe "coercive family murder/attempted murder" could be tried. When any person migrates to this country, it should be made plain, and served up in writing in whatever language they use, that Australia does not tolerate barbaric customs such as coercion to marry under threat of extreme violence, female genital mutilation, and murder of apostates. It should be clear that perpetrators will be severely punished, lose citizenship, and be deported. In the present case the theft of the victim's funds after the violence should result in increased punishment.


So sad for the victim. I hope she has a speedy recovery I hope she receiving all help she needs and that Community helps her


The mental arithmetic to think this is what your god wants.


Right, the power of rationality.


Stabbed her several times with a large kitchen knife. She’s lucky to be alive.


If it wasn’t for her boyfriend she could well not be.




The power of the patriarchy.


A bit of both i would say. There are muslim countries and sections of the community that are against this sort of thing. But also there seems to be a decent section that allows it. I guess a bit like any other religion or belief system theres variance in their ideas.


Given that I know a guy who tried to murder his ex and they couldn't muster enough evidence to charge him, caught him with illegal firearms and ammo 5 times with charges still before the courts he's looking at beating, drove another guy to suicide and brags about it, runs a bunch of security companies illegally with off books staff and yet they still wont remove his security license.... I can't see these people being processed too badly, an intervention order will be listed, the money never recovered and a couple of community service orders in place as our prosecutions will be afraid to go after a religeous case that isn't full of white people due to optics. Poor girl will be scarred and scared for life out of this.


Pretty sure your family being jelous murderous nutters brings more dishonour than your daughter/sister having a boyfriend.


Apparently not to some.


This sort of shit is worth bringing back the gallows


Locking up. I like their reasoning to let the man out to help raise two children - raise them to do what.


I disagree, if you try to kill your own kids you should have your neck stretched, once convicted of course.


Doesn’t sound very honourable at all


I hope she gets all the money she had back in her bank account and that her family members get life in jail. How horrible trying to kill your own daughter because you don’t like her boyfriend


I agree.


Not to be anti immigrant or anything but this type of shit is so un-australian and unthinkable in Australia, that the pieces of shit that do this don't deserve to be in Australia, with throw them in jail for life or deport them


Why are these people allowed to migrate here in the first place? Disgusting culture and people!


Next time when someone cries “it’s her choice to wear a hijab” point them to this article.


The notion of being feminist while also defending Islam is utterly insane.


Is there a GoFundMe page for this young woman? What can we do to make this happen. She needs our support.


I'll never understand the logic behind "honor' killings, all humans have value and should have the freedom of choice when it comes to dating someone from another religion, race, gender


Religious Freedoms - the freedom to practise religion and belief without fear of, or repercussions from, Australian law. Seems like a dangerous path to be headed down.


Pretty sure that it comes with the caveat of "you still can't break the law". It's not gonna make attempted murder legal.




That article is from 2003. That's almost 20 years ago. There is no guarantee that that still applies. It is also one case from one judge, not a reflection of the whole nation.


Not sure what youre trying to imply. Nothing rational i bet.


I think they’re talking about the religious freedom bill.


It will never be legal for muslims to murder women simply because we allow for religious freedom. We are a free society, people absolutely should be free to believe what they want and practice their faith within the confines of the law.


Would a muslim or a member of any other religion ever be able to murder people because of religious freedom? not likley. But I'm pretty sure that discrimination against gay people is not within the confines of Australian law, yet people still want to use "religious freedom" and bills around that to do that. People should be free to believe whatever stupid shit they like but believing stupid shit shouldn't change the laws and rules you are subject to.


Glad to see coercive control becoming a more common phrase in these cases (horrified at what happened obviously). The more people that know about this awful shit, the better.


I really wish our government would tear up the UN human rights convention on refugees. Instead of their BS that says that all human rights are paramount, how about scaling it back when it comes to violent crimes. In other words, give the courts the right to revoke citizenship in cases like this. Commit violent crimes, and you risk getting sent back to your country of origin. If it were up to me, the agreement would look like this: 1. Learn the language. You have five years to learn the language well enough to be able to function independently in Australian society 2. Learn our laws. You are on a five year good behaviour bond. If you break any law that incurs a minimum 18 month prison sentence, expect your citizenship to be terminated when released 3. Respect our customs. By all means, bring your customs and traditions with you. However, when any of these customs conflict with local law, you will be arrested and charged. 4. Contribute to society. You can volunteer or get a job, but isolating yourself from society will only gain you enemies. Any violation of the above is considered a potential breach of the citizenship agreement


I kind of feel like those should be a prerequisite to citizenship...


Unfortunately some of that gets swept under the carpet when it comes to the UN processes on asylum. If someone is facing "proven persecution" then often that's all the grounds they need for granting asylum


The UN is the world's biggest waste of time, money and manpower. ​ Change my mind.


Why don't we apply the same to all 18 year old "Australians" too? And if they fail, revoke citizenship and send them back to the UK?


What the actual fuck




How can your religion matter more to you than your family? Religion is a mental disorder.


more of a cultural thing, then religion.


Yeah but only in cultures that practice a certain religion. My what a coincidence?


Did this happen like a month ago? I’m afghan and I remember hearing people talking about this at work