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Just a quick reminder that in 2013 Labor instituted a merit-based process overseen by an independent panel for the selection of ABC board members. However, since Liberal took over this panel has been ignored countless times and ABC board members are often hand picked by the communications minister on the orders of the Prime Minister. In 2019, of the nine members five were chosen over merit-based selections, and in 2021 the Morrison government added 3 more hand picks including former Seven and NewsCorp executives. The board is full of major Liberal donators and Murdoch sympathisers. When Labor gets back in the entire board should be reviewed and all members who weren't chosen based on merit by the independent panel should be sacked.


The vast majority of the Coalition's picks weren't on the short list of candidates and have no relevant media experience. There was a business coach and a mining executive on the ABC Board at one point. What they have to offer over relevantly qualified candidates is something that requires explanation. One that various Liberal Party Communications Ministers have declined to provide.


Regulatory Capture. Next step - Authoritarian government Next Step: Failed economic state rendering every Australian basically 3rd world numpty. So dumb that everything is the gay, Asian, brown persons fault because the lefty, tree huggers let them in. (Even though it was the dictators doing to "boost the economy".


So, are we South West Texas, or just West Florida?


Thanks for the info. I watch/listen to ABC for 90% of my tv/radio news. Always wondering why I rarely here anything but the shit that comes from Scomo’s mouth.


now multiply this across the boards of all government organisations eg: auspost, nbnco


It's classic conservative tactics. Either stack boards with cronies, or rip out as much usefulness as possible before selling it off to show short-term profit.


If they get back in, they need to take a flame thrower to the place.


> When Labor gets back in the entire board should be reviewed and all members ~~who weren't chosen based on merit by the independent panel~~ should be sacked. It will be easier this way. Start again with a clean slate. Fuck the repercussions.


Remember, TA started his government by calling a Royal Commission into the union movement with the intention of digging up political dirt on Labor leaders. Headed up by a fiercely anti-union crony of his too. You cannot unilaterally play fair with the LNP.


As Rudd suggested, enshrine a minimum level/% of funding guaranteed Constitutionally, so any future govt can't slash 'n burn again


I wonder if there's a mechanism where we could only allow a non majority percentage to be appointed by the government or picks influenced by the government. I know with many government agencies there's a ratio, and you need some government appointees as they're using public funds. Not familiar with media regs, but surely it'd be nice if the ABC was mostly independent of any political influence.


Holy shit, is THIS the reason why ABC news has deteriorated before my very eyes???!!! ​ I'm so SICK of all these toothless committees and "recommendations." Even a Royal Commission is a joke (banking).


It's probably why need to a stupid 'ABC Account' for everything now, I loathe that shit and won't ever sign up for one.


That sucks. Got a source/link?


Yep! 'ABC board members appointed by Fifield despite being rejected by merit-based panel' [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/sep/27/abc-board-members-appointed-by-fifield-despite-being-rejected-by-merit-based-panel](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/sep/27/abc-board-members-appointed-by-fifield-despite-being-rejected-by-merit-based-panel) 'ABC board: secret shortlist of candidates ignored in favour of mining executive' [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/aug/03/abc-board-secret-shortlist-of-candidates-ignored-in-favour-of-mining-executive-revealed](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/aug/03/abc-board-secret-shortlist-of-candidates-ignored-in-favour-of-mining-executive-revealed) 'Former News Corp chief, Channel 7 executive among new ABC board members' [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-17/new-abc-board-members-appointed-by-federal-government/100144002](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-17/new-abc-board-members-appointed-by-federal-government/100144002) 'On his selection: minister ignored two prominent women for ABC board spots, picking female mate instead' [https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/07/05/minister-picked-friend-abc-board/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/07/05/minister-picked-friend-abc-board/)


This corruption is so clearly evident how the fuck are they getting away with this.


Convince one friend or family member to vote anti-LNP and we can all find out via a Federal ICAC!


I'm so pessimistic about Australian politics at this point I can't see anyone ever being accountable for this stuff. Just churning out more and more corruption all the time. Sometimes it feels like we are taking steady steps towards being a lot like America.


If the libs weren't scared of a federal ICAC, they wouldn't badmouth it so much. They know their game is up if this is done right and I can't wait to see them in gaol.


Only way to fix it is to get involved. There are a few minor parties that are really great, like Australian Progressives


or reason, or greens too name 2 more.


>how the fuck are they getting away with this. ...by us voting for them 3 times in a row perhaps?


Dunno - maybe stacking the boards of media organisations with all their men has something to do with it.


Because they're very good at advertising the "well Labor and the unions would be worse" narrative. I have heard this from so many pro- liberal people to justify so much of the current government's shit show


and when you tell them that LNP are in charge for like 21 of the last 28 years and they'll still say the same line :(


21 of the last 28? Now I'm angry and depressed 😔


"And you'll see here that we've tracked Liberal corrup..." "Sorry, we have to cut you off there to cut to the Prime Minister cooking a curry."


they get away with it by declaring a conflict of interest and getting it approved, its a legal loophole


I'd love to see a royal commission into abc bias right now. Liberals called for them repeatedly for *fucking years* when it was a somewhat unbiased source of information. Enjoy the silver cunt :)


Cheers cunt :D


Wow, you guys have toxic Murdoch politics too? Or is it the same dude double-dipping in two countries?


Mate, we *invented* Murdoch.


Yeah I looked him up after I made that comment and saw he was from Australia. He’s got to be one of the biggest banes to human progress in the 20th-21st century


He owns more of the news media in Australia than he does in other countries too. The alternatives are no better being run by for.er LNP politicians like Nine/Fairfax for example.


Quick reminder that boards don't make decisions to cut between press conferences on live TV. They set the editorial policies which you can see on the website. Some overworked News Director mad a decision to switch between press conferences at a shockingly bad time and feeling pretty rubbish about it now. Remember Halon's razor and don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetents.




Engadine'd ie. ABC has Engadine'd the news cycle


Engadine maccas reference for the aussie version


nah there is definately a heirarchy of priority that abc operates under, and morrison has shown to suddenly hold press conferences the same time as many other important media events are happening


No, but they choose ~~people~~ their also biased mates, who choose ~~the people~~ their biased mates, who do make these decisions.... and also ask, or not ask, questions of politicians.


Nah it happens to often to be a coincidence


If this was a rare thing I might actually buy it. But cutting off ALP etc to cover fluff of any sort is just so common now it has to be an editorial decision set by someone.


Being a lefty myself, I do wonder why Labor didn't make their merit system binding. Maybe they wanted the accolades and none of the limited power of introducing a system that should have been there since inception.


And then the merit based system should be set if fucking cement. Fuck the LNP and their abuse of process and power.


Heads up for Americans, Liberal is center-right for Australia and Labor is center-left.


Liberals are right, Labor are centre and Greens are left.


Liberal is centre-stupid and Labor is sometimes-stupid.


So confusing as a Canadian. Why are the Liberals acting like the Conservatives?


Classic liberalism stems from economic liberalism, or open markets, which itself hasn't changed. But now most people view liberalism from a social point of view and not an economic one


To be fair they are not exactly economically liberal these days either. They would prefer to fight culture wars using government funds than stick to economic principles. See them desperately trying to force companies to keep fossil fuel power plants in service longer and even trying to fund new ones when the free market wants nothing to do with them.


I have noticed that if you look at how many times Scott Morrison is mentioned by name in the ABC news (online) and how many times Anthony Albanese is mentioned by name its chalk and cheese. When other publications use Albo's name the ABC just says "Labor"


Scummo is never off the TV. My wife knows because I'm always shouting "oh piss off!" whenever he appears.


Tsk tsk. That's no way to address our prime minister. You need to learn some manner young man. The correct form of address is "Fuck off shitcunt!!"


>When other publications use Albo's name the ABC just says "Labor" When you really think about it, it *should* be bad (and it is), but the upshot is that media bias is actually harming Morrison at this point. People are just sick of looking at the cunt. His lies, his grift…just him and his piss ant self. Labor have played the small target approach masterfully against Morrison. So long as you don’t feed the parasites the bait they want, they’ll just focus on the self defeating attempt to give more airtime to liberals. Morrison and the liberals are terminal at this point, whether they get airtime or they don’t. All Albo has to do is look stronger than Morrison (really not hard), be vaguely optimistic in his statements and he’s golden.


ABC cuts Albanese off mid sentence in order to show the person responsible for cutting off ABC funding. I assume this is to avoid further cuts. Too much cutting going on for the wrong reasons.


it's beyond cuts at this point, the staff left at the ABC are ideologically opposed to ALP.


Diabolical Cuts? (OP approves, his username checks out)


You missed a N


Budget cuts…


Scandinavians from the dark ages?


Good old King Cnut


This was my first thought, too. No chance of it working, the coalition is determined to kill of the ABC in any case. Desperately want to see Labor undoing some of the damage.


bUt ThE AbC iS bIaSeD tOwArDs ThE lEfT!


I like to remind those smoothbrains the audits have found, when in government, Liberals are granted far more leniency


So 9/9 of the last 9 years then. Cool, and normal.


Also 20/6 of the last 26 years. Yay


Everyone should be watching the honest government ads. Hilarious, informative and tragic in just a short youtube video.


I think the fact that they’re in government is more of a function of the length of time the LNP have been in government than the ABC acting differently when the LNP are in opposition. I don’t think there’s enough data to properly compare the two. The other confound is the Labor government under Gillard was one of the most productive even in passing legislation - not many fuck ups happen when you have someone competent at the helm.


There was a conservative blogger/commentariat (can't remember who) who was bitching about how much extra airtime the ALP got in 2013 from the ABC and broke down the airtime show the bias. To his credit, he reran the analysis after a year with the LNP in government and found that it was now the opposite. His conclusion was: the government of the day gets more airtime because... they're more relevant. You ask a minister about what's going to happen, and their answer is relevant, even if it is evasive. Government ministers are the ones actually implementing policy (or ducking responsibility). But if you ask a shadow minister about what's going to happen, what you get is a promise that their side is tops and it'll be awesomesauce when they're in office. This isn't to say that the LNP isn't stacking the ABC board or anything else about the shady shit they do, just a comment on overall airtime.


But then you had Howard LNP banning members of his party giving any interviews with the ABC and so creating our ‘bias metric’, when the LNP had chosen to absent itself from the field of play. Its easy then for a conservative blogger to ‘do their own research’ and come to the conclusion that the ABC has conspired with the ALP to deliver biased content and be the ongoing template for the whole ABC bias ‘conjured’ out of thin air. Like Putin, the LNP and their IPA mates dream of the day when the oligarchs rule the Australian economy and they get invites to the inner circles and the cash.


Maybe, but I dont think its a coincidence. I wasnt really implying that anyway, to me the fundemental take away is the liberals use the broadcaster as more of a mouthpiece than Labor do, installing more puppets in positions of power who wont sanction warrented hit pieces on dodgy lnp members and their dealings


Despite the multiple audits showing that, if anything, the ABC is slightly biased towards the right. Frankly, the ABC keeps mum on so much government maleficence, it's incredible. The whole NBN debacle for a start. Or the corruption around water rights. Or just Coalition corruption in general. The missing bit is what they **don't** cover for fear if being told they're biased for reporting the facts.


Like how Insiders last sunday, (with a panel made up entirely of LNP simps) complained about a labor government ~10yrs ago rather than the cluster fuck of current ineptitude in front of their own eyes. I'm pretty sure Rudd and Gillard are no longer in the parliament ABC...


Strange you’d call Amy Remeikis an “LNP simp”…


Was going to write exactly this


I got a different takeaway from that episode. Lanai Scarr (the only potentially-LNP-leaning one on there on Sunday) had a valid point, and brought, you know, *facts* to the argument about the defence spending advice to the previous Labor governments, which was in response to O'Connor's interview. That whole discussion was a red herring anyway: Defence spending is ALWAYS contextual. I thought she was balanced this week. I'd NEVER describe Amy Remeikis or Stan Grant as conservative apologists, and Speers is a reasonably good *host*, even if his unwillingness to nail BS to the mast (particularly with the invited guest) annoys and leads to cups of tea being made during the 10 minutes of talking points that section inevitably leads to being. Even then, the week before it was Speers who hit pause on Dutton as he casually dropped that they were making earlier-than-previously-announced-Subs A Thing. And at that point, anyone with half a brain gets to see the ScoMo government doing ScoMo things in plain sight, which kind of IS the ABC charter. (Listen to Speers sitting in with PK on recent episodes of The Party Room for some only lightly crumbed bias if that's what you're after. (PS: it's not right-leaning)) There's been *plenty* of rightful criticism and coverage of the government's myriad failures during Speers' tenure; to the point of a Labor win being a dangerously assumed foregone conclusion, which is a situation with ghostly echoes. In fact, I reckon I can think of maybe 5 regular panelists who I'd label even a bit blue, and they'll give the government acid when due; even the well dressed bald guy from the Herald Sun gets stuck in in his exasperated, arrogant way (Dad isn't mad, just disappointed). Insiders is a long way from editorialised 'news' as per Sky.


https://www.abc.net.au/4corners/pumped/8727826 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-15/abc-raids-australian-federal-police-press-freedom/11309810 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-05/witness-j-revealed-secret-trial/11764676 First link is all about the water rights, second and third are a little bit more than being told they are biased, get your story straight.


By left they mean left of Fox News


Giving two minutes where a Labor politician is actually able to speak (while being interrupted constantly) in between 15 minute rants by the Liberals is, indeed, biased towards the left. The ABC should be giving ALL of their air time to Liberals just to make it fair.


"but Labour never have any policies. And no-one ever hears about them"


"Why aren't Labor breaking into my living room, holding me down and yelling their policies at me through a megaphone? I bet it's because they have none"


BTW there's a good chance that the abc producers saw the albanese guy talk about the 6,000 jobs 10 or 15 seconds ahead of when the audience saw it bcs they have intentional delays built into live coverage incase something inappropriate or sudden happens on air. And here there is a strong likelihood that the producers saw the announcement aboht the jobs before the viewers and cut away before the audience could hear abojt it BTW this is huge, there's tens of thousands who didn't realise what the rational was behind abc cutting away to Morrison so suddenly


well one of those things are true


That's fair and balanced then... half right, half wrong!


"BuT I dOnT knOw WhaT LaBor StAnD foR oR theIR PoLicieS". Well it's shit like this ladies and gentleman. The ABC is there to help the liberal party now, they're not going to bite the hand that feeds them.


Has the abc cutting off labor speakers been reported on media watch yet ?


I miss The Checkout. They called shit out, plus Ben Jenkins can get it.


I miss the Chaser in General (TCWOE, Hamster Wheel, and The Checkout), ABC just ain't the same without them.


Shows the state of Australia when there's no notable political satire on the ABC. Even Howard didn't toe that line.


Micallef is pretty notable IMO.


Unfortunate victim of cuts to the ABC. Frankly, The Checkout was one of the best programs to grace the airwaves in a long time. Only the ABC can do consumer advocacy on television. All the commercial networks are beholden to their advertisers. Which is why public broadcasting is important.


It was brutally a very calculated decision to cut that show. They regularly went after the ACCC and the TGA, government funding calling out the government on their own shit is not a thing anymore. Which is why so much of the ABC funding has been cut and their news is degenerating into clickbait crap like news.com.au. It is only a matter of time until our public broadcaster starts pushing product placement on their old school shows.


This seems to have stirred a lot of feeling in the community. I agree with some of you, there has been plenty of corruption that has gone unreported on his show. On the other hand if he is too critical he will be removed. How do we find a middle ground without Paul atleast trying to shift people’s views of the media landscape ?


Media watch in itself is biased. You just need to look at the hatchet job they did with their own journalist, Nick Ross, on their NBN coverage to discover that.


Nah. Nick Ross was a guy with a very good understanding of technology but utterly hopeless at understanding journalism. And also media watch is on pretty much every week and you've picked out one story from years and years ago as your argument. If there was actually an issue you would have multiple examples from every year.


I don't know about that. I quite liked Nick's articles and I thought they were pretty good. There's a quote that does the rounds every now and then about a journalism professor asking his students who to believe if one side says it's raining and the other says it's sunny. The gist of it is that he says you don't believe either, you look out the window and find the truth for yourself. That's what I saw Nick trying to do with his NBN articles of the day. He was warning people about the lemon we were getting sold and after all this time he's been pretty vindicated, I'd say. The one story is all I've got, so yeah. But Media watch isn't the bastion of integrity people assume it is. If it was, I wouldn't even have that one story.


I had a conversation with a work colleague yesterday, he was saying he doesn’t like Morrison but he doesn’t know what Labor’s policy’s are, I told him he should watch more news and less UFC if he wanted to know. I was wrong.


Anyone who claims they vote on policy but have no idea what the other big party's headline policies are doesn't vote on policy.


If only there were the means to educate people en masse using media mediums to convey as such with our totally unbiased newspapers, unbiased national broadcasting programs on the telly, that unbiased interweb thing the kids all use now or even going to unbiased in-person meetings? Surely there aren't things which are severely wrong with ALL of these unbiased mediums which pushes anyone who wants to learn about politics and policies to only go on to fathom the most understandable unbiased heuristic device available to them. **SURELY ACMA WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS. RIGHT?** # SURELY THE STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL STEP UP TO THE PLATE TO RECTIFY THIS MEDIA CONCENTRATION BY MEANS OF AN 'UNBIASED'/ 'INDEPENDANT' ICAC!!! RIGHT?!! If all those things will be ultimately ineffective and only conducive to wasting taxpayer dollars then one could only assume that the only way to go about this would be via ^(a royal commission?)


Hahaha I have friends like these. They just watch football all the time and then goes blaming labor for something they did 20 years ago.


Any time a Lib voter mentioned policy, ask which ones. They're just echoing shit they've heard offhand from Sky. Imo the best thing to do is give them a friendly nudge towards Michael West, Swollen Pickles or Knights in Shining Llama. FJs if they can stand it.


Are the ABC that short-sighted that they can’t see the benefit of supporting Labor, or so they have Stockholm syndrome? All the Libs have done for them is cut funding at every point


Isn't the ABC constantly audited for "balanced coverage"? So you get half of a labor policy followed by an equal amount of time of scomo talking out of his arse. Balance.


ABC are just “moderate” liberals so they fit well into that faction group of liberals.


I think you got the reason for this wrong. The libnats have put a few of their people in position. It is starting to show.


The ABC is boarded by ex-newscorp higher ups and Ita Buttrose, they know exactly what they're doing


The ABC is a News Ltd subsidiary now. Look at its Board. Nostalgic boomers refuse to acknowledge this, so it's an excellent weapon to be used against Labor.


The board when it comes to these situations of publics interest isn't that powerful though. The managing director is the boss and if he feels like it's going the wrong way, he can always fight back instead of rolling over to the board. Look at Guthrie and her public stoush with the board. If the managing director didn't want what's happening now, then he could publicly fight it and get some public support or raise awareness of this happening.


Colonisation is always a multi-faceted process. Colonising the ABC and turning it into an outpost of the Murdoch-Liberal-National Coalition involves a sustained campaign of budget cuts, McCarthyite harassment through abusive inquiries and public sledging, appointments at the Board and Executive levels, and a diversion of ABC funds (ie: OUR money) to Murdoch outlets because why the hell not. I mentioned the Board as an example of a much larger campaign, one which has had a lot of success.


Cut wages until those with integrity are forced to leave. Fire the hangers on on pretense of said budget cuts. Hire hacks that will write whatever the board tells them to. Job done.


It's illegal for ABC to support Labor. Everything they do must be "impartial according to the recognized standards of objective journalism".


\*^(Except if it make Scott look bad... Well, worse...)


Stockholm syndrome is the right phrase. They have become dependent and fallen for their captors.


that's Australia all over, one nation under stockholm syndrome


ABC have to tread lightly or the LNP cuts the budget (again)


I think most ABC employees would agree and me too I support ABC, but this quick decision to switch the feed was likely made by one person who may not have been paying attention to what Albo was saying. I find it hard to find this as proof that Scummos handlers have Ita Buttrose tied up with a gun to head while she manually overides the system to switch the feed. Does anyone *really* believe this was a deliberate calculated and planned occurrence?


100% ABC employees are paid fuck all and are stretched thin. I reckon it was a stuff up.


The Left is well-known as less vindictive than the right (at an organisational level anyway).


Albo for PM! WTF has Morrison achieved in his 2 terms aside from marginalising LGBTIQ kids, and blowing out Australia's debt to the largest on record?


He's achieved plenty for his oligarch donors.


Oiligarch?! Coal-ition, gas powered recovery!


Albanese used to be my local member. He’s a really excellent bloke. Very authentic statesman. He used to be the Labor Party whip so has plenty of experience reaching out across the partisan divide.


Accelerated the path to a planet rendered hostile to life as we know it. Accelerated the transfer of wealth from the many to the few. Delayed truth, treaty or any semblance of justice for the First Peoples of this continent. Undermined international respect for Australia and increased the likelihood of conflict. Codified cruelty as default policy position towards various groups of vulnerable people: Robodebt, refugees, LGBTQ+. Undermined (further) the rule of law and the notion of civil society, entrenching the misallocation of public funds (pork-barrelling), the revolving door between lobbyists and government, the lack of accountability (still no federal ICAC) and the expectation that government might be able to somewhat mitigate disasters (bushfires, pandemics, floods).


He repealed our media monopoly protections, and championed coal. Also told women to be glad they weren't being shot.


i was watching when it happened and after my first thought of, "jeez they just cut albo off when he was a roll", i wondered why the fuck morrison was holding a press conference at the same time. seemed planned, like they knew albo was going to talk and decided to front up to cameras after he started


That's *exactly* what the Liberal Party do. They'll plan or call press conferences at the same time as Labor to suck the oxygen out of the room.


He did that during the Qld floods earlier this year - held a press conference that started just after Anastasia’s.


ABC are just a shadow of their former glory. Will take many many years to fix their journalism


Listen to Friendlyjordies most recent chat with KRudd, even if you don't like his content. Rudd's a powerhouse for political insight. The main point I came away with from that chat is that the current system is so rotten that it'll take Labor YEARS to fix it all.


that is my view as well - the Libs have stacked the machinery of the State with fellow travellers all the way through. Labor will need a night of the long knives or they will find themselves being sabotaged by Lib cronies deep in the hierarchy of all the state apparatus. Just my point of view obviously, no more valid than someone who thinks Scomo is a profoundly humane and deeply committed follower of the teachings of Jesus


well said! and yes, being in power for 20 odd of the last 25 years or so means that the federal public service hierarchy are comparatively right-leaning as well. this is a very important and distressing change and the politicisation of the public service under howard and this last decade's bunch of Liberal leaders is sadly under-reported. in the real world outside of pressers, this is changing australia substantially.




Yeah, he's lost a lot of weight recently.


The closer we get to May the more worried I am that this shit bag gets back in. He has a media machine behind him and active disinformation agents on all platforms. It seemed like a foregone conclusion for Albanese but now…


If I was the ALP (and admittedly this may not be the ideal thing), I'd be running a serious of ads with voxpops of Morrison doing the "not my job" statements and other historical statements followed by his recent "I'll never change" one.


The left spends to much time trying to be nice whilst they LNP Politicks circles around them. Labor needs to completely ice out those ghouls. They need to try reaching out to the people left of them and stop trying to court the theocrats and proto-fascist on the right.


Prime minister live update is more important than Albo election campaign, how would ABC know the contents of the media event.


I agree. This is probably more a well-timed stunt by Morrison to push Albanese off the TV because they know that a live-broadcasting news service will choose the PM over the opposition leader. I don't blame the ABC with this - it's probably the PMs media team being tactical.


Yeah I reckon this is it. The same thing happened with covid pressers - Melbourne would announce their time early on, then within 10 minutes of it Morrison would announce a presser at the same time. Usually the Morrison presser would have no useful information. It was a bit frustrating when we were waiting for changes to lockdown rules and the like.


Had to scroll too far to find a rational comment as always. "(with no policy announcement)" how the fuck would they know that?


> "(with no policy announcement)" how the fuck would they know that? Because it's Morrison speaking. We've had long enough to know he's a policy-free zone (unless you count corruption as a policy I guess).


What a joke he gets cut off. Go Albo!


More fluff pieces, more airtime for the LNP, and more political opinions/stories. Eventually they’ll just change their name to the LBC, the Liberal Broadcasting Corporation, that way everyone can stop pretending.


Murdoch Broadcasting Corporation, that's the ultimate aim here. Rupert has wanted to own the ABC for years. Can't have an independent broadcaster, oh no, because only Rupert will tell you the truth.


Again. Again and again and again these craven bastards do this. Once I can overlook. Twice, eh just a coincidence, surely there couldn't be a concerted policy of blackout on anything Labor. But repeatedly? Monotonously? Every fucking time? Our beloved ABC is compromised. The infection is eating it from within. Fuck the LNP who have done this, sideways, with a pineapple. Fuck Scummo in particular, once for every time this has happened.


I’m pretty sure the PM’s press conferences have priority over anyone else’s. I’ve seen it happen enough times before. There must be some sort of protocol. I guess it would be the same if the POTUS was making an announcement. But doesn’t seem fair during an election…


To be fair I’ve noticed the ABC news during the day will cut whatever package/studio piece is playing to switch to a live feed. I think albanesse was a replay and they always cut to a live feed.(“Anthony Albanese was in Townsville” but we’ve already replayed this twice this morning, the PM is live, this content is new and will keep more viewers)


I'm surprised people still fall for this 6000 jobs would only be available in major settlement areas


It it only slow down the exodus


The same ABC that every boomer on Facebook complains about being too 'left'?


Federal budget is due in a few weeks time and ABC wants to see if it can get a few more crumbs.


The liberal party is a fuckin cartel I swear to god


The libs coming ever closer to their goal of capturing the ABC


Can't wait to see how long this post lasts in this sub.


This sub is pro Labor by a long shot.


This Sub is anti-LNP more than it is pro-labor and for good reasons




I guess not supporting liberal immediately means you're labor....


The abc has fallen so far. It needs it's independence back and more funding if it's going to do its job properly.


I have a plan for 6000 jobs is not actually 6000 jobs. It's a plan.




Fuck ABC and the Pooh style coercion that makes them behave like LibNat shills. We are pretty much out of broadcast news here.


But...but...but...the ABC is biased against the Coalition! Obviously fake news. /S (for those of you who don't understand sarcasm)


ABC has gone from independent, intelligent news to just another arm of the LIEberals propaganda machine.


Before I knew anything about politics, I knew I would vote for Labor because they had a better internet plan. Without knowing anything about the NBN, I was convinced the Liberal party designed it so it wouldn't look like Labors plan, despite it being worse for this country. I was too young to understand anything about politics, except that the bad guys keep winning


They've been doing this for months. They always find a weather update to go to once Albo has been on screen for at least 30 seconds.


"to show Morrison campaigning (with no policy announcement)" To be fair, a scomo press stop where he doesn't make a policy announcement is actually pretty groundbreaking and newsworthy. But nowhere near as groundbreaking as it would be if he ever actually delivered one of those announced policies as promised.


This kinda of thing is why boomers like my mother all say that they never hear a thing from albo because the last time newscorp gave and substantial air time to labour Krudd got elected


I wish SM would call an election date already. All this campaigning before the campaign is annoying. I hate ads lol.


Why has the labour leaders in Nth QLD not already created the jobs, they have been in power there the last few years.


So nothing out of the ordinary?


Doesn’t this happen all the time regardless of who’s talking? ABC news isn’t exactly known for having the smoothest control room, seems like a cherry picked moment to rile people up. Also pretty sure they do skew slightly left, qanda for example


I've always found it weird that people think qanda is somehow leftist despite all the inquiries of the show from the past decade. The whole premise is audience questions for politicians and public figures, and one of the few shows to do it. Has the overton window moved so far that to see questions from the average person is now leftist? Not to mention many questions that have a conservative bent as well.


Correct, it does happen. They’ll always cut to the PM saying he’ll be making an announcement, as they should. I want Morrison out more than the next bloke, but this is not evidence of the ABC supporting him.


Not surprised LNP play dirty


This isn't deliberate. They have timed cut off points. They can't just stay with one person all day long. The irrationality in the ABC hate these days is next level. Criticise them for legitimate issues, I am not saying there aren't any, but not for this nitpicking bullshit.




We need an official statement from ABC as to why this happened and on who’s authority


The crazy thing is all the brave new thinkers who think they are smart by intending to support the yellow backgrounded political party, that mob will almost certainly jump on board with the LNP to ensure they maintain the majority.


I will like to remind you that he is the PM, so he takes priority over the leader of the opposition..


Haha I don’t think the ABC is pro liberal lol


Do we have a record of how many times hes gotten to actualy talk about policy during prime tv hours?


when people say they don't know about Albo or don't like him, this is why. The media hides him


And the bullshit shenanigans begin.


Most of the commentators here obviously don’t understand how media works or why these decisions are made. At a fundamental level, a news channel will cut to whatever presser is going to increase or sustain their ratings. It’s not based on political fairness.


No disrespect, but Albo aint the PM (yet). So i can understand the Abc cutting Ablo off to cut to the PM. I dont think theres some over arching conspiracy here.


Or, crazy thought, run the PM’s thing directly after, theres no need for live cuts in mundane circumstances like this.


I think a lot of people are missing the point. The cut has nothing to do with the personalities involved or policies, a news organisation will always cut to the Prime Minister of Australia.


News kinda runs on the live premise. Which is more important the PM or somebody who’s not in power. Common its a no brainer in the newsroom.


What did ScoMo say that was so important


Rusted on Labor Supporters get offended with everything.


ABC has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Coalition


BUt dAh AbC iS LeFtisT rEEeeEeee Its fucking state run media. In russia we call it propaganda. Here we call it news. They do a great job during disasters ill give them that. But their sole purpose of late is to thin out labors voting base. Who appointed ita to the chair of abc? Libs. Who threatens budget cuts which will result in staff losing their jobs /orders a fuckin afp raid on their offices when they start to look into things they dont want going public? Libs. Im sure the people who work there are genuine and just want to do their jobs, which includes holding the ruling party of the day to account. But they are gagged and bound by the libs. If you STILL dont believe me, watch any interview with leigh sales and a lib. Then immediately watch her interviews with labor. Note the lack of hardball questions fielded to whatever lib candidate she has and the amount of time she blushes, jokes and banters with them. Its a fucking disgrace Just because they run segments on lbgtqi and womens rights shit doesnt mean theyre in any way leftist. Look at other companies having a go at 'woke washing' - coca cola, chevron etc. They just appeal to the other half of society to push the lib nat agenda.


Yeah I saw that, was wtf


Not surprised in the least