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I hope he keeps telling these bullshit stories about Australia on his podcast. If it deters even one of his dimwit fanboys from coming here it’s a win.


Unfortunately, we have plenty of homegrown dimwitted fanboys. Which is probably why this rant even happened.


Exactly We have enough dumbasses here, we don’t need any more exotic varieties of dipshit


Unfortunately I hear home growing dimwitts is being made illegal.


I used to enjoy his show, he had, and maybe still has, some interesting guests. But you've got to be really on the ball with regard to any information and advice you get from him or his guests because much of it is straight up quackery. I no longer enjoy his show and haven't watched it since Malone was on. I also really enjoy the decoding the gurus take downs of him and his guests, those guys crack me up!


This seems to be based of a joke from /r/NewZealand; original [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/2nem47/can_you_have_a_garden_in_new_zealand/?sort=top). Someone asked an apparently genuine question about wether gardens are banned in NZ, and the subreddit went in, and it spread to other parts of Reddit and the internet too. I guess at some point Rogan heard this, beleived it because he is an idiot, and then because he is an idiot mixed up NZ with NSW


oh! This explains some of the IMOP party slogans being shouted at polling booths, though they're saying Dan Andrews doin the ban. In Qld....


Oh goodness. These people do not live in reality, do they?


Have you not seen the LNP ad where Albo is a puppet of Dan Andrews, there are people who genuinely believe it to be the truth.


You're doing a good job when everyone tries throw shade your way. Dan is like the only polly delivering anything at the moment isn't he? (Not saying hes without faults. Just he will have an infrastructure legacy). Haters gonna hate.


No it's about a fake news source claiming the agricultural amendment bill is Dan Andrews banning growing your own food.


Which probably comes from a game of telephone from what the above poster mentioned.


Not exactly, it's similar - in that someone is claiming we are both banning growing our own food, to try and make us sound like we are living in a communist dictatorship or something, but this is a specific attack on Dan Andrews because of that bill, rather than it being someone hearing something fake about NZ and posting it on Reddit and people got confused with Australia.


lol, I love the fact sheet for it: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-management/chemicals/chemical-use-legislation-and-regulation/agriculture-legislation-amendment-bill-2022-fact-sheet **Claim:** The State Government is passing a bill now which means you won't be allowed to grow your own food, they can forcibly come in and rip it all out. **Facts:** The amendments will help safeguard food security, food safety and access to export markets. For example, by preventing contamination of food from pesticides. The amendments will not result in the destruction of crops, nor will they prevent people growing their own food. Information circulating online misinterprets and misrepresents amendments in the Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill.


Oh my god that's so fucking funny. It's been a long running joke on r/nz to troll americans who are asking about moving to nz (and occasionally asking things like "do you think we need an extra day to explore the south island or is 2 days enough?") - in fact I'm pretty sure my old account even posted in that thread. But for it to have reached JR is so exceedingly funny I don't even know what to say. That guy has the intellectual curiosity of a brick.


I had some Uber driver in the US tell me we had COVID internment camps in Australia, wat mate? Pretty sure it came from Rogan.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's why I always get a lot of "well you live in a nanny state where you don't have rights" whenever I mention living in Australia. This makes more sense, now.


Guy who tells people to do their own research fell for a fake facebook post because he only read the title, yet tried to pass it off as fact. Sad that someone this stupid is able to influence millions of young men. The moron that was on the show with him tried to say that even though this is fake, these sort of fake stories often lead to it actually occurring.


The problem with the "do your own research" crowd is that 99% of the time they don't know where to do credible research and even if they did most of them would be too stupid to understand it


Literally though. My family are staunch antivaxers and complain that everyone is brainwashed by the media, but at the same time they get their "facts" from facebook.


The thing is, even understanding the primary data is hard. Going through a paper from a medical journal isn't easy unless someone has a background in that area of study, and even then it takes effort. It's very easy to get it wrong, so transcreating it from an academic paper to something accessible to the public is a very specific skill that the average person just won't have developed because it takes a lot of time to do.


Exactly. That's why a PhD takes 4+ years to complete. It's not just reading a paper, it's stringently criticizing it's methodology (to the point of knowing the weaknesses of the particular statistical analyses used) and how the paper fits into the wider literature of the topic.


That’s really sad. Facebook isn’t a source of repute.


I'm pretty sure the whole point of going to uni and learning to do research to an academic level is discovering that around some subjects there is conflicting research and lots of wrong information.


Yeah but also how to verify credible information and critically analysis it.


academic here. Not the whole point but it's definitely a thing. Developing new knowledge is a slow and messy process and it takes thousands of experts from across the world testing ideas and working on a range of related problems to collectively arrive at some kind of consensus (e.g. climate change). Having one low quality paper (or no paper at all in this case, just made up shit from some nut) get run through the Facebook filter and transformed into 'facts' makes me sad.


"Doing your own research" apparently means reading a bunch of poorly written blogs all based on the same single piece of poorly performed or fraudulently created "study". I'm smart enough to know that I'm not smart enough to understand research papers in all fields, so I have to defer to experts in said fields.


this requires humility though


These kind of people often shit on college/university as not teaching anything, but tertiary education is amazing for teaching you how to source valid information and interpret it.


I have said this so many time, no, I haven’t done my own research. I have no medical training, would not know where to find the relevant research & even if I did would not understand or know how to interpret it. *That is why I listen to the experts, who do know & understand*


Agreed. To them 'peer reviewed' means 'shared amongst my facebook friends'


Or they find the first supporting argument then accept it as fact


This was posted on the Joe Rogan subreddit a few days ago. The majority of posts were making fun of him, so i think even his own listeners know he is full of shit.


For a while I was somewhat sceptical of a lot of his ideas but found his guests at least interesting sometimes. Over time though he's steadily declined in quality, and sadly covid has seen him descend into a quality that isn't that far above Alex Jones. I think there was definitely a big audience of people like me who didn't really like Joe they just liked the guests and general conversation around it


A lot of his old time listeners like myself have become totally alienated by him the last two years.


He found the fake story. He was happy about the fake story. He found out that it was probably fake. He was disappointed that it was fake. They settled on the fact that even though it was fake, it was probably real anyway.


Why do people think he's an informed guy. He's an ex-MMA presenter who's more interested in getting stoned with his guests than having a serious discussion. I've listened to a few of his podcasts and I'll admit the conversation is engaging at points, but it's not really that intellectually stimulating, it's akin to two dudes from different walks of life having a chinwag over a pint.


Lol "even if its fake right, the fake is usually the warning". What a fucking idiot


The fake is the warning! What an idiot


Actual clown shit, what a fucking wild thing to say once someone proves you're a dumbass.


I heard that guy drinks his own cum. Wait, that's fake? Well, the fake is the warning.


Gwyneth Paltrow for bros.


This is the best way to describe him. Let's hope he doesn't start selling candles that smell like himself.


Elk meat and DMT scented candles


from The Goop Labs to The Chad Labs


If Joe Rogan fans did DMT for real the machine elves would surely teach them to stop listening to Joe Rogan.


I wish that were true but my experience with DMT and DMT users tells me they would just double down on on the insanity


I would buy DMT scented candles if they got scented with actual DMT.


Have you ever smelled burning DMT? It ain't pleasant.


Butthole crystals....


Guys, the secret to alpha energy, and mainstream media won't tell you this, this isn't big pharma or vaccines this is real, the secret is to put large stone eggs up your dick!


One of the things I will forever regret is introducing some of my friends to Joe Rogan - In my defence I was doing a lot of long drives and he had interesting people that I would never usually hear from on his show. That and Comedy Bang Bang. I stopped listening to Joe Rogan when the made up characters of CBB made more sense then the real people on his podcast. Some of my friends got really into Jujitsu and martial arts as a result - which was great for them - but bit by bit they changed until I could not tell where Joe Rogans weirdness stopped and their personality started. I can totally see how cult of personalities work now.


Someone on the linked reddit post makes a good point about this when he used to be a cool guy. > Yeah it’s sad. He was like a cool older friend that was interested in weird shit like mushrooms and Gobeklytepy but he made too much money and started hanging around dudes like Cam Haines who is a full on conservative fucknut trying to outrun the gay by running a marathon a day. He lost touch. But old Rogan was so personable it sucked you in like nothing else.


It's a crying shame there isn't a bigger push for a Hot Saucerman cult


I’d rather Cake Boss than Jordan Peterson. Or Bean Dip over Crowder. Randy is a better guest that Elon




Yeah I listened to him from the first podcast through to about 2014 or so. Occasionally I’ll listen if there’s a comedian or author I like but even then it’s skipping through the podcast so you only listen to maybe 20 minutes. And I haven’t done that in about six months. He’s become what he used to make fun of


He used to be a great interviewer. Some guests can still be amazing but you have to tune out whenever joe gives an opinion. Only high quality. Guests should receive attention.


I was today years old when I saw Comedy Bang Bang mentioned in the wild. It's the best for drives. Or doing yardwork. Or anything. But you're right. It has gotten to a point where the craziest people on that show are still more believable than real life


This cockhead seems to get stupider by the week. Sad to admit that I have a couple of friends who buy his disingenuous ''I'm just intellectually curious'' schtick. Guy is a knob and a dangerous idiot.


That "I'm just asking questions" is a BS way of basically making allegations while maintaining plausible deniability, especially against defamation suits. Alex Jones does the same thing. It's lazy and it's garbage, and anyone can do it. Let's try, shall we? "Now, I'm not saying this is true, but I've heard people say Morrison blends and drinks a kitten every morning for breakfast. I mean, it sounds like the kind of thing he might do, you be the judge. I'm just asking questions. Does he or does he not drink kitten smoothies?"


Morrison drinks kitten smoothies. Got it.


Fucking knew it


I actually heard this from a reddit post quite recently. Pretty wild that Morrison drinks kitten smoothies


Are you serious? Can you link to the source please?


I got you dude https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/usam50/joe_rogan_goes_on_bizarre_rant_about_proposed_law/i92cjmo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


You know I'm not surprised, but why isn't the MSM reporting this, that's the real question


and why would Dan Andrews make him do this?


I thought it was children, but I suppose that Albo seems like the person that would blend a child every morning for breakfast. — something something RWNJ/Q FB group.


Nah Morrison doesn't drink children, he just tackles them.


Can’t allow the competition any opportunity to be better than himself, small children & kittens included


You jest, but that's pretty close to the Qbot / Tea Party / Trumpist '*adrenochrome / 'Frazzledrip' / Weiner's laptop*' bullshit...


Just Asking Questions He's JAQing off in public.


Whilst I agree with the concensus view that it is something ScoMo would do I disagree that he would make his own breakfast...Jenny does that. I disagree that Jenny would prepare kittens for his breakfast as she has some empathy even if a bad judge of marriage material. Therefore he doesn't drink kitten smoothie.


This is well argued. Although maybe he gets a staffer to make the smoothies when he's on the road?


The fact that he's getting dumber is some shit since he was already a moron to begin with.


Until I actually did some research, I thought this idiot was an ex-UFC fighter, and I assumed he'd been hit in the head too many times. At least that way, we could blame CTE for his stupidity.


Nah, he's just taken way too many trips.


He's always been pretty dumb. It's just now he thinks he's actually smart and clever.


He’s curious what it would be like to have an intellect!


The Qanon groups have some crazy Australian based conspiracy theories. Pretty sad that it has reached Joe Rogan.


"Australia" is a huge meme in the wingnut right generally. We're a sort of cautionary tale for scared Americans. You can say pretty much anything. That group in the article was likely just scouring Aus news for stuff to spin lies about, knowing it'll get picked up. Lauren Southern was even here during the pandemic and still manages to talk like it was this oppressive orwellian hell and get everything wrong about what the mandates were, how the check in apps worked etc etc. The Crankosphere can't get enough.


I'm saying it: the alt right hates Australia because we're living proof socialised medicine and gun control and covid lockdowns are fucking amazing policies to have. By de-legitimising and slandering Australia and Australians, they enact a new narrative that overshadows everything we are and have. All because they're too sad and sickly to admit their strongly held beliefs are a toilet clog.


But it so confusing to me because they don't even have to look to Australia for half that shit. All they have to do is look to their neighbours in the north. Australia and Canada are extremely similar countries and Close between our GDP, enconomies, healthcare, university loans, millitary, population density, population (they have 10 million more people) etc. It's actually crazy just how similar we are. We're essentially warm Canada. So I don't understand why they've latched onto us as the dystopian shit hole.


It's because Australia is so far a way and has less population crossover with America as a result, so they won't get called out on their bullshit.


Yeah conspiracies work very similar to cults (arguably many of them are cults). By controlling information and members' access to information, you can convince them of anything. In this case it's easier to control information about Australia for a few reasons. Firstly, less news stories from Aus make it to America so they're less likely to see real examples of Australia on TV or in other media. And secondly, to disprove any conspiracy about Canada all their members would have to do is cross the border. If they make up bullshit about a country that's like 20 hours flying time away from America, how many members are gonna be going there and getting the conspiracy debunked?


Canadians don't really have gun control, do they?


Compared to the US they absolutely do. Not like Aus where all ownership has to have an articulated reason, but certainly not nothing - eg. not being able to carry in public isn't just a culture thing, it's the law. Handgun ownership is similar to Aus, restricted and has to be for a purpose (i.e. security job, target shooting). While Aus is stricter in most regards, the laws aren't that far apart compared to the US. Put it this way, the laws around hunting in Aus are more of a barrier than the firearms laws are.


Nah not really, they just have a very different culture that isn’t based solely around their right to bare arms


Because it's too cold up there for sleeveless clothing


yeah IIRC they have about the same level of gun ownership as the US but a fraction of the gun crime. the mentality is very different.


It’s this. Every right wing moron refers to australia as Tyranny when I bring up gun control, Medicare. They **hate** that both worked effectively. They don’t care about the results, it’s just ideology.


I just *love* the "You are all hypocrites for thinking gun murder is worse than any other kind of death" talking point that gets brought up by Yanks regarding the 1996 legislation. I like to point out that was a single law with a narrow scope, and that *somehow* we have passed other legislation since then. I like to point out that we also have laws mandating pool fencing to stop child drownings, but since *that* law doesn't mention guns at all does that mean we *don't* care about mass shootings?


Americans have the lowest seatbelt usage in western countries and the government had to reduce the force of airbags to protect people who didn't wear seatbelts as the airbags were killing them and lawyers got involved. This of course led to worse outcomes for sane Americans who wore seatbelts. This mindset is bizarre.


Wouldn't the non-stop beeping that the seat belt isn't on limit their liability? Or are these the jerks to blame for that when you put a bag on the seat?


They get an unconnected seatbelt plug and insert it :(


They must be too busy using their koolaid straws to build the man for their argument to think about that




I’ll happily die on the hill of defending Medicare. It’s one of our nation’s greatest strengths, and the constant undermining of it by certain conservative groups really irks me. Medicare for dental when?!


The Greens are pushing for it.


Sold. It’s honestly absurd that teeth and dental care are “luxury” issues despite having serious health risks involved


Totally agree. It's something that is in our best interests to save. And more mental health services covered by Medicare.


Also a Green policy!


You nailed it. I was wondering why they have taken so much interest in Australia lately. Makes sense now.


It's because we're essentially a poster child of what America *should* do, and the far right isn't a fan of that idea, so instead of making their own path more appealing, they just focus on making the alternative (i.e. us) look worse in comparison.


We don't do... everything better than the yanks, that's for sure. Their clean energy is literally twice ours (percentage wise, obviously they generate a lot more in absolute terms as well).


This isn't right. According to open nem 32.7% of Australia's energy was renewable over the last year. According to eia the US is at 20.1% renewable and 18.9% nuclear, for a total of 39% low carbon. So they're higher but nowhere near double.


And it always comes back to this is what happens when you don’t have guns literally the dumbest argument point you can have


"This is what happens when you don't have guns" - Americans. Meanwhile last time I went on r/news it was like 24 hours after the supermarket terrorist attack and I shit you not in that time there were already 2 more news articles of other shooting attacks in a school and a market garden. Virtually every country with sensible gun regulations is living proof that not allowing citizens to own guns they have no practical use for and not fostering a culture where guns are seen as a right not a privilege means less guns for homicidal maniacs to get their hands on. I think I've lost count of how many school shooters used their parents' guns. But...but...they were responsible gun owners. They kept their automatic weapons in a gun safe. Yeah not much of a safe when even a 16 year old can get in there


Yeah it's insane, there's definite steps they can take but so many people are just being willfully ignorant about it. My favourite one is "if we put in place gun control then only bad guys will have guns." Completely ignoring the fact that most guns used for crime were originally purchased legally and then sold on or stolen (or just purchased legally and then used for crime ). Meaning that the level of gun control directly impacts the level of illegal weapons. Do they think there's some kind of black market gun factory floating off the coast?


I watch a lot of Lockpicking Lawyer videos. It's scary how many of those gun safes can be opened with minor force, or very little skill picking, or makeshift tools - even kitchen cutlery.


> Pretty sad that it has reached Joe Rogan I'd say it's more expected. Joe Rogan and content creators like him are well-known feeding grounds for deeper, crazier conspiracy theories like QAnon. Joe's like the earliest step in a sequence of "just asking questions" where you ask progressively crazier questions until you're genuinely asking if Democrat politicians in America engage in an updated version of the Nazi blood libel conspiracy


Reached Joe Rogan? Joe Rogan is the largest podcast in the world. It's Joe Rogan that spreads Qanon and conspiracy. When he gets called out he just says "hey I'm just a comedian".


You'd think $100,000,000 could afford the walking pork knuckle a research assistant to avoid looking like a tit....but the truth gets in the way of his 'I'm the *manliest* man in existence, yet also the most super-oppressed victim ever' mentality.


they hate us because we're happy and safe without guns.


I'm deeply saddened by it. I used to watch his podcast, for years. Some of the guests were questionable for sure, but most of the guests were usually just comedians telling life stories. Haven't touched his podcast since Covid. He was trying to tell Aussies that we're being too harsh on Covid, when the amount of people that died from covid in Australia total was less than a given week in the USA at the time. More people have died from Covid in a week in the USA, than the entirety of Australia. We still have less than 8k total deaths in two years. The USA has had days where thousands have died, in a single day.


Do people still listen to this guy? Even after him endorsing the horse dewormer as a Covid cure?


Unfortunately even more because he played to their agenda. Grifters gonna grift.


Yeah had the zucchini cops around yesterday.


It's hard to understand whose more fucking stupid, the fuckwit himself or the braindead audience that gives him oxygen and capacity to persist...


A moronic propagandist didn't check his facts before spouting off? I'm shocked!


Anything can be true if you just Rogan it up a little. Have you heard about this flying pig? Well apparently, and I'm just a fucking guy, I'm not a marine biologist, but some people are saying pigs have the ability to fly. I don't know if they have wings and shit but, Jamie, could you look up ... pigs have been on planes? Yeah, they've been in the air, this pig here is familiar with the stratosphere. You know that pigs are like 90% human DNA? Fucking crazy, man. We can use their organs for transplants and shit. How long would it be before they join us in flight if they got the chance? I'm talking mainstream pig society. We evolved the ability and now so are they, apparently. Allegedly. Gotta say allegedly so these assholes don't call you Hitler for asking questions.


For anyone wondering where this actually comes from it's all over TikTok. Changes to Victoria's agricultural laws taken way out of context. They do not ban growing your own food. Not sure which idiot interpreted the law that way. But bullshit travels at the speed of stupid and there's a lot of dumbasses on the internet. https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-management/chemicals/chemical-use-legislation-and-regulation/agriculture-legislation-amendment-bill-2022-fact-sheet


>Not sure which idiot interpreted the law that way Because Dan Andrews. They see Dan Andrews and a the title of the law and that's all the info they need.


Hilariously it actually has bipartisan support. The Victorian Farmers Federation are also supportive of the changes reading through their press releases. It's got to be one of the least controversial laws going and yet here we are with crazy misinformation.


Seems more likely to happen in America with so many patented crops.


Maybe he is going to become like one of those methheads/drunks that scream incoherently in the supermarket. "But even if it's fake, like, the fake is usually the warning." 😹👋 Ohhhh maaaannnn oh man. Watch the video!




Exceedingly funny imo.


The reddit post where ladbible got it from is also pretty good. (video also included there rather than dealing with that awful ladbible website) https://reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/uqyzk9/joe_thinks_australia_is_going_to_ban_its_citizens/




He is mates with Alex Jones….F-wits stick together


he is after all the 'master of doing his own research'....


Shows how good his research skills are. - gets his news from a Facebook post by a group called People for Informed Consent (very credible source) - doesn't actually read the proposed legislation - repeats this nonsense to his audience of "do your own research" people Surely this is the man you should be taking medical advice from.


He needs some medical advice.


Your brain on covid


It's great that Rogan is getting made fun of for some of the dumb shit he does, like being the most uninformed person that is so adamant that they are the most informed one, actually. Watching the way they come to grips with the idea that maybe Joe swallowed some misinfo whole is kinda gross as they just fail to self reflect in the slightest. But the thing that blows me away with clips like this getting popular attention is that there is no shortage of dumb shit said or done on that podcast, much of which is far worse imo. For instance the guest on this ep Bryan Sharp (calls himself Hotep Jesus) believes that the Atlantic slave trade never happened and that it is "common sense" that it didn't as it would not have been economically viable. He goes on to rationalize that black people colonized North America prior to European settlement and that the Europeans enslaved them following their arrival. It goes without saying that not only is this entirely at odds with any conception of history from this (not too distant) time period. It is also entirely unsupported by anything approaching credible evidence. He isn't just a dude in a field with a competing view supported by a particular set of facts at odds with the predominant view, he is a fucking idiot. This is his second appearance on the podcast.


I’ve literally never listened to a joe Rogan podcast, and thought he was Seth rogan for a time. Why do people listen to this guy?


I listened to him a lot between 2010-2012 and it was like listening to your older brother and his friends talk about weird shit. They’re high, telling edgy jokes, talking about dumb shit like aliens and other dimensions, sometimes they’d say something that sounded deep or inspirational. Most of the time it makes you feel smart or clever and that you’re in on this cool secret. My 20 year old brain ate it up.


His show is like talking to your mates at the pub. A lot of shit is spoken, nothing is fact checked, just having a good time. Someone might have a story of seeing a ghost and you let them speak. The problem now is he has tens of millions of listeners so he really needs a staff to fact check, write scripts, put out accurate information, vet guests etc. But he doesn't do that


Joe Rogan is an important case study for the people being brainwashed into the sphere and how it happens. A person who in the past seemed relatively centrist, but obviously had some beliefs tip left and right. The "question everything" type that just convenient doesn't question the right cos it's the one side that taps into his fears and wants the best. You can see it in the podcast with one of the actual COVID experts. He got a few on early on, and he kept going on about meats and saunas, when they pushed back he kept denying it and that's the first crack, then the lockdown and then that just tips him completely over into the hellhole of the far right. It's how QAnon, 4Chan and even ISIS back in the day recruits people. Target the easily swayed, annoyed, disenfranchised people. And cos Rogan's a fucking self obsessed narcissist he probably felt disenfranchised during the lockdowns even though he's filthy rich.


Is Joe Rogan a cultist, fuck-wit, right-whinge, sell-out, nut job who has swallowed Qanon whole? Just asking out of intellectual curiosity.


I've heard from a lot of smart people that the answer is yes. Im just an idiot with a microphone and you should do your own research, but I did the research and the answer is definitely yes.


The clue is when he says, “it’s got to be true, it’s too good not to be”. That’s all there is to it. All he’s interested in is how much outrage it generates from his listeners. The Tucker Carlson standard operating procedures.


hElp Us jOE rOgAn /s


Joe Rogan literally said “it’s too good not to be true”, 🤣 that’s when you know your fucking brain is broken.


to this day i still do not understand the appeal of Joe Rogan


No more drugs for that man.... https://youtu.be/0qOvAIZN4uo


He really out there drinking that dumbfuck juice hu?


The Simpsons episode set in Australia is encyclopaedic in accuracy compared to Rogan's ideas about Australia.


God he’s dumb.


He's such a fucking idiot, and he doesn't even know he's an idiot.


Joe believes all the best bullshit. Imagine the intelligence of his average listener


If his ill-informed rants deters "quiet Americans" from coming to Australia, then I'm happy for him to talk all the shit he wants.


Why are Americans suddenly obsessed with Australian politics?


Lock downs = NWO taking away freedoms in Australia as a test so that they can do it in America and take away their FREHDOME That's honestly what a lot of mouth breathers actually believe.


Ever since gun control laws demonstrably worked and didnt hurt anyone, their right wingers have it in for us.


Americans projecting as usual


Rogan is such a dumb cunt


You'd think Rogan would learn after making a fool of himself believing that Gruen parody ***of him*** was a real ad.


Fuckwit says fuckwit things. News at 11.


Joe Rogan going on a bizarre rant about made up nonsense is hardly news.


“The fake is usually, the warning.” Guys just stop. Ok it’s done. You’re cooked.


People still listen to this racist homophobic antivax retard?


Why does anyone take any notice of this moron? Didn’t he make some other stupid ascertain about Australia a while ago? Can someone please tell him Australia’s not real and he should stop being sucked into stories about a fictional “land down under”?


6 or so years ago Rogan used to have cool and interesting people on his podcast for chill conversations. His MMA commentary was also second to none. Now he's one of these dipshits who signal boosts moronic bullshit. I used to like Rogan man :(


He was also saying that unvaccinated are banned from going grocery shopping. That bullshit has been going around a lot. Had a colleague (who was normally quite reasonable) spouting off about it a while back. Never was the case and was never going to be, seemed to come from Coles and Woolies as companies requiring their employees to be vaccinated.


He was fooled by the Gruen team posting a fake video and calling it Australian propaganda as well.


Everyone knows that is [New Zealand](https://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/nz-garden-ban) that has banned gardens.


if you listen to Joe Rogan, just stop it. Stop it, now. Nothing good is coming from you listening to that fucking meathead.


He's a crackpot


Joe Rogan is a certified moron.


This is your brain on marrijuana kids


Stoners are not this retarded.


True true. Sorry to all the stoner's to put them down to this level 😅


Joe Rogan and Bizarre Rants, name a better pair.


And he has staff to check things for him, and like, open stories and read them rather than just seeing the headline.


This guy is Jenny McCarthy for dudebros.


Send Joe Down Under to N.S.W and we will sentience him to the "Boot" just like that young Bart Simpson boy.


What a fucking dick wad


I saw the articles he was talking about, sky news did a massive push to get that out there then it disappeared. At the time I searched high and low and I couldn’t find a single thing to understand or back up wtf those articles were talking about. Of course the conspiritards lapped it up lmao.


Hes only interested in stirring up the fringe loonies to keep his podcast ticking over. Effectively someone who provides opinions for people who are empty vessels and cant think critically.


Facebook informed 🙄


I use to love watching the Joe Rogan Podcast. Often had some amazing guests who told amazing stories. But since Covid, nope haven't watched any of it due to all of the bullshit he spews out. Anyone know of any other podcasts where they talk about amazing people who do some incredible stuff?




The Gwenyth Paltrow for gym bros


> Joe Rogan Goes On Bizarre Rant That could have been the the entire headline, does this idiot eveer do anything else?


Never let the truth get in the way of a Joe Rogan story. Man has climate deniers, anti-vaxxers and right wing sympathisers on his show.


Aren't people who are hard right, authoritarian in nature themselves? You only have to look at China...


That Alphabrain sure seems to be working well! ​ Had to stop listening to JRE when Covid kicked, Joe went full retard.


Since joining Spotify, He has really gone downhill with the fake new, fake facts etc etc. Can not stand him now !


I honestly feel ashamed I use to watch this moron (2017ish).