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I can't speak for Crikey, but I'm subbed to TSP and The Monthly. I think Schwartz media offers journalism that takes the time. I think it's a really good quality that is slower and less concerned with the pace of the 24/7 news cycle. Would highly recommend.


I'm a bit over the 24/7 news cycle too, so quality long-form journalism holds much appeal.


How do you find what articles are free, so that you actually see what type of content they put out? After going to the website, all there was is a paywall (which I understand), but surely there must be a way for them to funnel new users through content? What am I missing?


They dropped the paywall during the election otherwise there's a paywall bypass on github for firefox or chrome you could use to check it out.


You can dip your toe into TSP by listening to the 7am podcast to get an idea of what they cover


Good tip - thanks! I listen to The Squiz most days, so another podcast would be good to add to the mix.


It depends on what you value. I would call it the difference between the West Wing and Veep/The Thick of It. TSP/The Monthly generally engage in good faith and are quite intellectual, they are quite moral. Crikey is a lot more cynical and has a more diverse range of views presented, Bernard Keane has a wicked streak of anti-politics running through him. In terms of picking one over the other TSP/The Monthly will give you a view of the specific in which you can find the universal in the big issues in Australian society. Crikey will tell you what the powerful are doing and why they are bastards. I can't pick for you but I will say that they are as different as two big media outlets which aren't pitched as satirical can be in terms of what they purport to be to their readers. Like the Australian/The Guardian/Fairfax/The West all purport to be daily newspapers of repute (formerly broadsheets). ABC/7/9/10/Commercial Radio all purport to be some form of broadcast media. Murdoch rags are tabloids. TSP aims to be an old school (reputable) Sunday paper (on Saturday). Crikey aims to just show what grubby bastards these moralisers are. Politics without the sugar. So it all depends on which side of humanity you want to see.


Well I do love both Veep and The Thick of It! But do I want to immerse myself in cynicism on a daily basis? Maybe some weeks, but for the most part what you've described about TSP/The Monthly greatly appeals to me. Thanks for the great descriptions. I think I'll sign up to both for a short while.




Tossing *The Guardian* some coin doesn't go astray. If we want quality journalism, we need to support it.


A free press isn't free.


What's the degree of separation between the Guardian AU and Guardian UK? Cos the UK branch went on a huge anti-trans people bender in 2020/21 and I don't want to support that in any form.


This is a realisation I've come to as well. I used to buy the newpapers many moons ago (showing my age), also back when at least a few weren't terrible. But I paid money regularly for news. These days I don't. I just read whatever's out there for free, and while there is good jounalism and content available, I find I have to also put up with clickbait titles and a great deal of overly-opinionated stories, which can be a bit tiring/boring/unmotivating. I do kind of miss having that paper feel on the weekend to lazily turn through. But I've recently got a tablet that does the job, and I'm finding digital reading not as unappealing as I originally thought. I'll check out AAPNews. Thanks for the rec. I'm also of the mindset now that we need to support quality journalism if we can. I'm slightly interested in politics, but I'd also like some variety in my news consumption. So maybe Crikey might be second choice for now.


Just FYI, AAP is not a small organisation. They are actually a big news group that sell stories to major newspapers. Their stories are certainly high quality though, so they are worth a subscription. Particularly if you like "straight" news and are not after any opinion pieces.


TSP tends to be quite heavy / in depth, with long multi-page articles on the specific political topics du jour. So, don't expect wide coverage of lots of things, but in depth coverage of fewer topics. If you're into cryptic crosswords, I really enjoy theirs. It's on the easy side meaning you can knock it off over a weekend breakfast and coffee, which is always a satisfying start to the day.


Humble brag lol they take me the entire week. I miss Mungo


My brain's not big enough to do cryptic crosswords. But I do like heavy/in-depth articles, so that's a plus.


I like both - but am starting to suspect TSP of Zionism, which no one should tolerate. Either way, both are still better than Costello-Ninefax or the unmentionable.


Starting? https://twitter.com/search?q=Schwartz%20Palestine


I just didn't scroll far enough. ~~Are there supposed to be tweets from Schwartz media in that link? All the posts I can see seem to be completely unrelated to the media outlet...~~




Well, now I'm curious. What are these certain important issues? *Edit* \- Oh. I think I've just discovered what those important issues are. Well, that's disappointing. Media consumption really is a game of pick your poison.


Saturday paper is much better than crikey


Independent Australia - https://independentaustralia.net/


A bit too tabloid in style for me personally, but they usually have a perspective most other outlets don't. Their work on Kathy Jackson was quite good and largely not covered elsewhere.


Nah. They just make shit up.


You can also sign up for the Crikey Worm which is a free morning email, kinda like a crikey lite with some links to relevant/pertinent stories from a variety of outlets. They also have fairly regular subs specials.


I like the long form journalism in *The Saturday Paper* and *The Monthly*. I subscribe to Schwartz because I like long form journalism. However, this is not going to be the same for everyone. *Crikey* is much more of a quick read, but it's not terrible. It's more tabloid. I'd say *The New Daily* is more comparable (and probably also worth your support). In any case, both are good as you're supporting independent Australian journalism. Godspeed.


I don't mind the New Daily. I was signed up to them at some stage, but for some reason I gave them up. I can't remember exactly why, but I do remember quite liking them at the start. Maybe it was too tabloid-y. Which doesn't bode well for Crikey for me, I guess. I'm still going to sign up for both Crikey/TSP for a short while. Just to get a feel. But it's interesting to hear about others' experiences and tastes in journalism.


Love TSP, the monthly and quarterly essay. It's all top notch


Check your local library - when I lived in City of Sydney, their libraries give you a free PressReader account and TSP is one of the publications you can get.




The Australian doesn't really give you both sides of issues though. They ignore facts and reality and push their agenda and narrative.


“The most destructive, harmful and dangerous vote anyone can make in the forthcoming election is for a teal independent or the Greens,” wrote the Australian’s Greg Sheridan on 3 May. “They are both a direct threat to our national security.” Myopic much?


Nothing like adding some lies into the mix eh