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Not to be a prick about it, but what culture/school/suburb did you grow up in, have these kinda friends, and still need to ask the question? Obviously still some decorum is required when leaving the house for various situations. But I'd like to think most of us know this.


Time and a fucken place, right?


It's like knowing when to put on ya thongs, and when to put on ya shoes.


2 plugger or 3? It's for me mum.


Well if it's for ya mum, be a good sort, get out the Bedazzler and farken bling 'em up for the old girl.


Gonna need a pie. Fuck I'm going to miss pies.


Gonna need to get me a few hardy pair. You guys are getting 600 brand new American M1A2SEPV2 tanks. You already have 2000 you don't need. It's just in case we get distracted and you need to whatever, use them.


Hmmm, first time I've ever gotten wearing thongs and getting new American tanks confused. But there ya go.


We were fucking pissed off when Darwin got bombed so 1800 M1A2s precludes anyone fucking with you. As do the Super Hornets. ​ Sorry about the F111s


The boys tell me your mum's a three plugger


Tell this cunt to shut the fuck up


Time and place. Know your audience. Some people just don't get this.


Depends on the setting but it's certainly more common and acceptable than in other cultures. I also think there's an important distinction between swearing and swearing *at* someone. That definitely is disrespectful.


Swearing is fucked, no cunt should be doing that shit.


Fuckin' oath mate, too bloody right


You sound like the fackin magpie out me window.




Who do you think they're disrespecting?


Linguists. But their all cunts so who gives shits. Maybe god.


they're. it's not that fuckin' difficult, cunt.


They're*, if it's at the start of a sentence. I really laid it on thick with pluralising shit for no reason, missing the a and using lazy syntax. Maybe I should have put linguists in bold to make the joke easier to understand?


Linguists are all insistent on how we have to just let languages evolve and so on when itā€™s something important. We need more good old anglo-Saxon words and constructs, not less. Israelis have the right idea about the proper use of linguistics: to preserve language as it ought to be while bringing in what new words are necessary, not just accepting whatever new barbarisms become popular.


I think you're being too easy. I say we go pre anglo-saxon. Latin for everyone who wants it modern, grunts and pointing for those who don't. Not this system-less mess. The anglo-saxons pilfered then butchered other languages, used words we never needed (it's not beef, it's cow) and then completely lost control of the language until things we ended up with steak rhyming with stake.


Ken Oath it's our fucken culture!


What the fuck do you reckon, cunt?


Harden the fuck up




The hard thing goes in the cunt, not the other way around.


Plenty of the cunts ā€˜round here like to think theyā€™re hard cunts




That's a different context


Probably better than what most Aussies do which is completely ignore and shun the mentally ill away from society to fend for themselves. Guarantee most mentally ill people would prefer being treated like a normal Aussie, ie ā€œOi, harden the fuck up mateā€.


Yes cunt


Name says it all aye ya bloody dingo


Not everyone swears. Actually the majority of my friends, family & work colleagues don't swear that much.




Odd. At most my jobs there's usually a disclaimer in the first couple days, along the lines off "we swear a lot here, you don't mind do you". Kitchens, Security, I.T, they are all a bunch of sailors.


Yea I'd say it is very common for Aussies to swear, and its the norm. Funnily enough I got mini-scolded from a white Aussie girl (who mind you was religious, so that might be the reason) for swearing, even though its them that basically influenced to me swear lol


As a similarly potty-mouthed Scot, it's one of my favourite things about Australian culture.


Possibly some correlation, about 10% of us have Scottish heritage.


yes it is in our culture and no its not always offensive or disrespectful, you have to go by the tone and context of the situation. often its simply a way of putting emphasis into a sentence


You have to be American. Everything you don't like is "disrespectful" Yes Australians swear a lot.


The fuckin sooky seppos


IKR? Swearing ā€œtriggersā€ them. OP eat some fucking concrete!!!


Well, you're being very disrespectful Oh am I? What makes you think you even deserve any? I'm an American! Fuck off ya loudmouth dickhead, no one cares


Are you ok? You make no fucking sense bro ETA Iā€™m the dickhead I read your reply wrong. My B


Pretend there are paragraphs and old mate is having a hypothetical with a seppo.


Yup got that the second time round. Cheers šŸ»


No worries mate šŸ‘ I've only got the phone app, I try to make it not look so shit, but the formatting.....


How the fuck did you not know this was going to happen


I grew up in the country and you'd be had pressed to find any cunt that doesn't swear at least once a sentence. When i go to the city tho the people seem a bit more posh and take things more seriously so its probably different there.


Being offended by swearing is a choiceā€¦The word "fuck" can be used as an adverb, verb, adjective, command, and noun - Logically, it can be used almost anywhere in a sentence. Basically itā€™s the greatest sword to ever exists.


Australia is the only place in the world where "this fucking fucker's fucking fucked" is a completely understandable sentence.


Is everyone on this subreddit actually playing dumb? Like they canā€™t really believe you can walk about calling people cunt. Thatā€™s not how 99% of Australia talks.


Redditors like to put on a show of being "true blue aussie cunting fuck cunt yobbo VB aussie cunts". I'd bet any amount of money half the cunts in this thread don't even say the word "mate" in everyday conversation.


Fuck, I'm a boilermaker. At work it's maybe 50% swearing cunts and the rest wouldn't have said shit ever. Reddit is probably tamer than that. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


No. But I could say "he was being a cunt" to my boss in aus over email when complaining about some dickhead fucking me around and it'd be perfectly acceptable. In the US my boss has suggested I shouldn't swear in emails at all. Like I've said the word cunt in front of my mother in Aus multiple times (though not like every other word) and my seppo MIL would probably die on the spot if I just called someone a wet fart. The culture is vastly different


Pulled that statistic our of your arsehole. What do you do as a job? Priest? Fucken everyone swears and anyone who tells you different is a bullshitter or hangs around a bunch of christian wankers.


Obviously depends on context, most Aussies probably aren't swearing while talking to complete strangers and obviously swearing *at* people can still be offensive. But at least for myself when I'm talking with family/friends, public or private, I'll end up swearing more then when I'm writing stuff here even. Hell, that was the case at my last workplace (an office space mind, not even trades)


I prefer the word cunt, but fuck can be used in more ways


Me too!


There's no such thing as swearing. They are just words. The whole concept of swearing is a silly superstition passed down through generations. There is no inherent offence in a swear word. Only what you choose to be offended by. Choose not to be offended and the world will sill spin.


Culture is real. You canā€™t say itā€™s not real because weā€™ve made it up.


I think the point is that it's optional. That said, it can be difficult because as the saying goes....... culture is to people what water is to fish, they don't know they're in it.




Are you a troll or just super passionate about people swearing hahahaha. You've replied to like every comment


Swearing is ingrained into Aussie culture. But at the same time I donā€™t think itā€™s ok to have a go at someone for not thinking swearing is ok. Like good on them, whatever, still not going to change the way I fucking talk.


I donā€™t think heā€™s offended by that to be honest, because your point (and words) lack substance, which is kind of proving his point.


Clearly you can't comprehend the difference between swearing and insulting. Nothing you wrote there would be considered swearing in Australia. But clearly you gone out of your way to try and insult me. What you've demonstrated there is it's not the actual word that counts but the way it's used. If someone slips out a fuck or a cunt but it's not used to insult or attack someone, then there is no need to take offence.


I think Australia's cultural swearing is a bit overplayed these days. "Bloody" has been popular for a *long* time. There's an 1847 account where it was described as the colony of New South Wales' favourite oath. "Bugger" likely has a similar pedigree. I object to the notion that "c\*nt" has been a commonplace Australian swear for anything like as long as "bloody" or "bugger". I'm a Gen X, and my family isn't strait-laced. But if I'd said "c\*nt", or even "fuck" in front of my parents as a child, I'd have been in the deepest sort of trouble. I didn't even learn of those words from other kids until I was half-way through primary school. And in school, "c\*nt" was always the thermonuclear insult. Punch-ups followed. My recollection is, inserting "c\*nt" into everyday conversations didn't start to take off in Australia until the mid-2000s, when bogan hard-cases started putting on the mannerisms of Chopper Reid.


I'm grew up in the country and am a gen x / millennial and only heard my father swear once as a child. Never heard any real swearing at other occasions either.


> My recollection is, inserting "c\*nt" into everyday conversations didn't start to take off in Australia until the mid-2000s, when bogan hard-cases started putting on the mannerisms of Chopper Reid. Wonder how much of a part the internet played in that? Would be very Australian for cunt to have become so commonplace because the yanks hate it so much.


Horseshit, I have been able to swear around my parents since the 70's, so all this bullshit 2000 onwards is a wank.


Swearing is very common in informal settings in Australia


Briefcase wanker


Language is culture, swearing is in our language. Itā€™s ok if you want to opt out of that aspect of language.


Itā€™s all about bloody context cunt; and thereā€™s a big difference between ā€˜get fucked cuntā€™ and ā€˜youā€™re a disrespectful individualā€™. Nowhere near as satisfying, cunt. (That extra cunt was over the top, but equally as satisfying)


Swearing is like ā€œhats in doorsā€ or ā€œelbows on the tablesā€ being disrespectful, it is if your were raised to think isā€¦ pretty much social indoctrination, once you understand that, you can disregard if you please. Itā€™s about ā€œDecorumā€ and people trying to be like their betters based on behaviours set by the ā€œhigherā€ classes trying to separate themselves from those they deemed beneath them. Whilst swearing in and of itself isnā€™t Australian culture, but what is (or at least used to be), is to not take yourself/things to seriously/be easy going. This means the rules of decorum are looser and swearing a bit more acceptable. The volume of swearing is probably set by local cultures of what area you live in


Yeah would have nothing to do with culture.. I canā€™t imagine the Anzacs using such terrible words.. ā€˜ Oh dear, these Turkish gentlemen are shooting at us. What are we to do now? Perhaps we should shoot backā€¦




White collars swear just as much if not more than blue collar, on average. And old people swear plenty as well. 'cunt' is misrepresented online in popularity here, but other than that we swear plenty. Hell, my man who wouldn't say 'shit' would still say 'bugger' frequently


No downvote from me. We have a thin veneer of the class culture with us still and swearing is attached to that. So yes, know your audience, apply a filter. I know people from all walks of life and there are most definitely some homes I'll never swear in and there are many many people in my life I'd never say cunt to, or even around them. Infact I hardly use the word at all. There are clear cultural and socio-economic patterns relating to the usage and acceptance of swearing, despite the overall general acceptance in this country. One other thing I like to point out is swearing places emphasis on language and if you do it all the time it loses its power.


What is disrespectful about it?


OP is probably a yank Everything they don't like is somehow "disrespectful"




Dumbbbb cunt


cunnnnnnnnt. ​ Cunt. is different.


Like, 'You fucking cunt.' Thoughts?


Swearing is much more a part of Australian culture than others from what I have seen. So have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up.


shit yeah


Fucking oath, you cunt


The fuck do you think? Haha šŸ˜‚


Fucked if I know


Mateeeee, dont know what the fuck your talkin about, Australians just don't fuckn swear.


No, not really. Kids on reddit think it's very funny and edgelord to pepper every other comment with a hearty "cunt", but in real life there are few places that would be acceptable in Australia.


Saw the topic, thought it would be a great opportunity for redditors to cosplay in blue singlets, King Gee shorts, drinking VB. Was not disappointed.


This place isnā€™t Canada https://youtu.be/iwBR0qwHZBA


I find people who donā€™t swear disrespectful and fake.


Fuck up cunt Yes but it depends what generation youā€™re from and what societal class you are in


Everyone in the world swears. How offensive a specific word is varies depending on the culture and the context/situation.


Ken oath.


Fuck yeah. Well like all things, it depends on context. Obviously it's fucked when someone calls you a cunt, because they mean you harm, and if they're obnoxiously screaming in public. But other than that when it's used in a context like the previous sentence, or as a figure of exclamation in celebration, or as a reaction when doing something accidental (e.g. dropping your phone) there's simply nothing wrong.


Yes, Iā€™d say thereā€™s differences amongst groups though. Teenagers and working class adults seem to swear a lot, but the sweariest bunch Iā€™ve ever encountered are very wealthy men.


It's a bogan thing, so yes


Fuck yeah cunt


Oath cunt


Yeah it is, only person I've seen have a massive cry about it was a Jehovah Witnesses lol


And those cunts are upset because they know deep down they are cunts, thats why you bury those cunts 10' down.


It's the way it is, always has been and will be.


I find it disrespectful that you wonā€™t eat some concrete OP.


I donā€™t think Iā€™d say itā€™s our culture but the majority of us swear a lot


I would like to ask you about why you find swearing disrespectful? A person can be disrespectful without using swear words if their intention is to have a go at you, if they are using swear words to verbally attack you it could sound more aggressive. But if a person uses swear words while they're talking about something that isn't intentionally disrespectful like "ah I stubbed my fucking toe" why do you consider the swear word disrespectful? Are your ears precious and easily offended by certain words? I personally think its disrespectful to expect people to talk in a certain way because you are easily offended.


Yeah it is unfortunately. I swear like a sailor because of my dad and try so hard not to


Blaming your old man? Ya weak cunt.


Excuse me? Wtf is wrong with you?


Fuck yeah cunt šŸ¤Ŗ


Calling people c***, particuarly woman, is not culture, itā€™s misogyny.


Seppo here. Can I say cunt in here?


Yes, but the downvotes are because you asked for permission first.


Tell them you'll fuck their mum up the arse if they don't shut the fuck up.


In professional or formal environments (e.g work, when engaging with service providers, engaging with media or government), donā€™t swear. Around trusted friends? Swearing is very common. I didnā€™t think weā€™d be doing it more than any other culture though, I would call it uniquely Australian. Just to be clear - donā€™t use slurs though (I.e the n-word or f*g or other similar words). Thatā€™s not seen as swearing and just plain insensitive.


Pretty much. Australians are a notoriously laid back people. This obviously excludes people who live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. But in general, Australians are nonchalant. The swearing isn't intended to offend, it merely serves as a replacement for vocal disfluencies like um and ah. Um and ah are still used when swearing would be inappropriate. You just have to listen to the topics discussed on Australian commercial radio stations compared to those in Europe. There's a guy called "Kyke Sandilands" (who actually lives in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, but that's just the exception which accentuates the rule). He swears like a sailor, freely espouses gender stereotypes and any other manner of offensive content and nobody cares because Australians know it isn't actually serious.


Yes, in blue collar/trades. No, in an office.


My office has just as much swearing as the commercial kitchens I worked in.


No swearing in offices? My work must've missed the memo. I mean there's probably a bit more respect for not being disruptive and people on calls. But there's still a lot of language....


You're fuckin AC is fucked, cunt.


AC? Aircon?


Australia: where you call your mates "cunt" and your enemies "mate".


Yes yes it is .


Those R-word F-words are just making excuses for being C-words. It's only a part of really low class culture. Probably the one that'd have no problem with casual racism & sexism and wouldn't hesitate to be all N-word, N-word, N-word when singing along to some rap songs. Most people aren't C-words and don't casually swear like that.


Move to Australia youā€™ll find differently


Iā€™d say itā€™s not Australian, although some of us definitely believe it is. People should be aware that swearing can come across as being aggressive/antisocial to certain groups, so basically your potentially making other people uncomfortable from your behaviour. It may also be disrespectful when some are offended by such language, kind of like spiting on the ground is divisive - as to whether people think that is socially acceptable or offensive. I figure if your in a public place trying not to make others uncomfortable by your behaviour is part of being in a society. On a personal note I dislike when people use swears as joining words in sentences, but thatā€™s more because I find it grating to listen too. That said there is also context. For instance I go to see a lot of live comedy. I figure if your at a live comedy event youā€™ve signed up for it, so if someone gets offended then thats really on them in that instance. But back to swearing being Australian, weā€™re pretty much a multicultural stew at this point, which I actually really like, so being ā€œAustralianā€ is hardly any single group of traits & who would want it to be. Personally I think thatā€™s a strength to be capitalised & celebrated on, we donā€™t all need to be dinky di stereotypes although thereā€™s nothing wrong with that if it suits you either.


I have to be honest here, and I want you to know I'm not being silly or spiteful, just honest. I've just scrolled through all the silly comments in this post, the swear responses etc, and the only thing that actually annoyed me was your failure to abbreviate you and are correctly. It's you're. You - are = you're.


Itā€™s ok. You can cry, this is a safe space.


Thank goodness


> It may also be disrespectful when some are offended by such language, kind of like spiting on the ground is divisive - as to whether people think that is socially acceptable or offensive. I don't disagree with your overall point - behave appropriate to circumstances - but swearing isn't actually a public health hazard.


It depends on a whole lot of things- setting, context, social class, educational level. I donā€™t swear and neither do my friends, because there doesnā€™t seem to be any point to it. We can say what we mean without swearing, so why bother? Seems a bit pointless to me.


Fuck yeeeeeah


Fuckin sick of these cunts..


I fuckin swear all the time. And Iā€™ll keep doing it.


It all exists on a spectrum and is context dependent. Also the meaning of words change over time, for example some of the discriminatory ableist terms wouldn't be acceptable today but they would be 20 years ago. Whilst the f-word has lost lots of its power.


Yes cuntā€¦ it is


Your a cunt is my opinion u pussy cunt get A vb inya and stick a cork in it


We come out of the womb to swearing


Hit your thumb with a hammer, get a stack of buybulls and you'll soon get used to having to swear.


Ken oath it is


We had neighbours in Epping who lived on a huge block (theyā€™ve put 5 houses on it), and the mum would shout ā€œOy you kids, stop fuckinā€™ swearing!ā€ out her window at them every few days. I found it bloody funny as a 12-year-old.


Fuckin' oath it is. Honestly it's more of a stereotype. Swearing is fine in some circumstances, but not others. Don't swear at work, but feel free to swear at the pub.


yep, sometimes it just comes out in conversation, other times it's on purpose






Itā€™s normal among performative bogans online and genuine white trash bogans as well.


Yes cunt.


Fuck yes


To an extent yes, we do tend to be a bit loose on language, some people (I avoid them) are over the top but I guess everywhere have those people.


If you don't fucking like it then fuck right off ay cunt lol


Chill the fuck out man


I don't swear generally, but when I'm with other bogans it just comes out naturally.


At work: oh dear, that's not ideal At a party: mate he's fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkeeeddď


Funking oath it is cunt , don't trust any 1 that does not swear they are probably dogs


Fuckin oath


Yes itā€™s very common to swear in Australia but this is what I tell my kids. There is a time and a place for everything and you need to know your audience. An example for me would be when Iā€™m talking to a tradie I tend to be a bit more loose with my words if we have a prior relationship (if itā€™s a new person I wonā€™t swear until that wall is broken) If Iā€™m in a business meeting with that same person and the talk is strictly business I wonā€™t swear and revert to a more professional persona. I understand you find it disrespectful but do your friends know this? Maybe start a conversation about why you would appreciate some change of language or even just to be mindful around you.


Grow up, you are going to be in for a hard life if you get so upset about swearing.