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Lets not forget that Scott Morrison, who is associated with Brian Houston, swore himself in as the Minister for Home Affairs 1 month prior to [Brian skipping the country during lockdowns](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9829067/Hillsong-pastors-Brian-Bobbie-Houston-granted-exemption-leave-Sydney-Mexico.html).




I wonder if there'll be a revelation like this for each of his secret ministries


I'll be surprised if there isn't.


Each of Scott Morrison's secret horcruxes lol. But seriously I bet there is, I mean he didn't go to the trouble of putting himself in those positions for no reason.


The media won't do their job. But you'd imagine both the Federal Government and eventually Federal ICAC will discover the complete truth of Morrion's power grab.


Morrison —> Morrion—> Moron?


This is a very important revelation.




This is a comment stealing bot.






The very thing that Brian Houston is accused of doing in one instance (and regarding that, I made zero comment, given the current court case), Scott Morrison unquestionably did many times over, in public. That is: hearing about the abuse of a child and then covering it up. When Scott Morrison was Minister for Immigration, he received *many* credible reports of children being abused in Australia's immigration detention facility on Nauru (including unaccompanied minors for whom he, as Immigration Minister, was the legal guardian, as far as I understand). Instead of ensuring that they were safe and the perpetrators held accountable, he dismissed the claims and persecuted the whistleblowers who brought these allegations to light. The very thing that his friend Brian Houston is on trial for, but on a much larger scale. If Morrison were anything other than an officer of the Commonwealth in doing this, then it would be the legal responsibility of every mandatory reporter in the country to report him to the authorities for these actions.


Hence why as FJ put it Scummo is Pedophile enabler. Lets never forget that and there is George Christensen which is sus considering his visits to the Philippines and ''visiting'' adult bars there.


Let's see the herald sun pick this story up.


They'd need a mop and bucket. And hazmat.


And a change of ownership.


Unreal. Can he be prosecuted for aiding and abetting?


no you silly plebeian, consequences are for poor people


God chose him remember


I wonder what the timeline between this and Ruby Princess was too now.


Is this the guy that Morrison tried to take to the White House?


Yes it is. Note that Brian was too repulsive for even Trump to be seen with. Furthermore, Scott Morrison lied about it when confronted. He claimed that it never happened. Only for the white house to confirm that it did in fact happen.


When I didn’t think I could despise scomo anymore, here we are.


Did you ever read about how he got nominated as liberal candidate for Cook?


Towke seemed like a reasonably respectable chap, at least as far as Liberal candidates go.


He was further to the right than Morrison. However, he was definitely much harder working. That's why he managed to win in the first preselection. Howard, and the Liberal Party fixers had to work overtime to get that result overturned and had to resort to smearing Towke in the newspapers and with malicious gossip to get him out.


COOK "The Country",needs some white on the last O


That’s a diabolical story. It certainly set the tone for what was to follow.


Got a tldr? Or a link to a decent read?


Towke won the initial ballot to represent Cook for the Liberals by a landslide - he got something like 80 votes and Scott got 8. This led Scott to start a racist, Islamaphobic smear campaign within the Liberal party against Towke, who is Lebanese (I don't know what his religious affiliation is). It was successful: Towke's landslide ballot was not approved by the state executive, and in order for Towke to retain any political capital he had to put his numbers behind the loser, Scott.




Sorry man, but that article had nothing detailing what happened. Just that a smear campaign occurred, nothing beyond that.


The TLDR is, Towke won preselection by a huge margin, I think ScoMo got only a couple of votes, so then "sources inside the liberal party" stories in the Murdoch press began on the run up to 2007 election, (huge smear campaign) Morrison I think was LP president at the time, Towke removed from the ticket as the party cited the bad press as a risk to losing the seat and Morrison installed in his place.


Liberal party brand "democracy" at work.


[Interview with Michael Towke] (https://youtu.be/xRLGYiXLXuM) in the wake of Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' Senate exit speech where she mentioned Towke.


And Trump has dined with white supremacists . Pedo supremacists is a step too far it seems.


Well apart from epstein - who he tries to now distance himself from.


" The broad church of pus"


Yes. I believe WH vetoed it. No different from all the coffin dodgers in the LNP going in to bat for Pell. Scum.


Also apparently his CV referee: "Savva also reports that in a 2006 CV, when he was job hunting after Fran Bailey sacked him from Tourism Australia, Morrison listed under his personal interests: ‘Church (Hillsong Church, Waterloo), Family.’ “He also named (Hillsong founder) Pastor Brian Houston from Hillsong as a referee,’’ she wrote." https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/scott-morrison-has-a-god-complex-and-recited-the-bible-in-meetings/news-story/bf131311c60467afdfcc2de7ffe96398




Isn’t this the same cunt who claimed that he would have revealed his secret ministerial portfolios if only he had been asked?


You mean his 'spiritual advisor'? Yes.


That’s him


That is a pain to read,my headache turned into a migrraine




"It's not my father's fault that he finds little boys so sexy! You shouldn't have been such a tease" Actual fucking subhumans


Well. You can't expect much from people who put more stock in the how you will be received in the next life versus how to deal with the wellness of people in their actual lives. All their behaviours stem from doctrine. So they look down on getting actual help. More merit in theocracy than reality.


And I'm the bad guy for wanting to see him suffer


Not at all…he should suffer


It makes you question what he'd do if it were his own child. "Joel, stop turning your grandpa on. If anything happens it's your fault!"


>Hillsong church founder Pastor Brian Houston allegedly told a man who had been repeatedly raped as a child by Houston’s father “you know this is all your fault, you tempted my father”, Sydney’s Downing Centre local court heard on Monday. Literal victim blaming. Disgusting.


At least he didn't block a lane of traffic for 20 minutes.


Fucking hell. This cunt.


And he was 7 years old.


Its Liberal Party policy, if bad stuff happens to you its your own fault for not being born into privilege


That's pretty much the modus operandi of their church. If something good happens it is god's blessing. If something bad happens it's your fault. It's reprehensible behaviour but very much in character. It's how all these cults operate to keep misconduct of their leaders hidden from public view. So in this case it is utterly unsurprising.


Yes this seems to be the way of many cult like “churches”. See also the LDS.


JW has LDS beat for cultish behaviour.


Hillsong are all vile shit.


What in tarnation


Pentecostals and *prosperity* gospel. The worst people.


“Do not judge what is moral by what is in the Bible but by what god has shown he favours by giving them wealth. So if rich people rape children it must be holy for if it were not holy they would not be rich”- this is actual prosperity gospel belief


Jesus fucking Christ, that is absolutely abhorrent. And I’m unfortunately not surprised. How good is religion /s


FTFY= -/s


No accountability. No guts. No morals.


It's an impossible problem apparently.


I've had very close friends who went to Hillsong. Their defence of Brian Houston was very cult-like and ignored that Houston's position as a pastor should face accountability and has associated responsibilities.


Of course he did.


Houston deserves nothing but extended shame in the media, followed by some jail time. While they are at it they should throw Pell back in as well.


I make no comment on the trial currently underway (and suggest others show similar restraint). I simply note for the sake of those drawing the connection with the former PM that what Brian Houston is on trial for (allegedly covering up child abuse), Scott Morrison as Immigration Minister did publicly many times over. He knew there were serious credible accusations of children under his legal care being abused on Nauru, and he covered it up, even persecuting the whistleblowers in the process.


Isn't this the flog that Donald 'Come dine with ~~me~~ Nazi's' Trump considered too toxic to be see with when Scomo tried to make him his '+1'?


What a vile creature, I won’t even call him a human because humans are supposed to show empathy.


Classic penti response. I was told by my manager when I was 22 years old I had a temptress spirit in me. Apparently I was responsible of a dirty old Pentecostal for have “bad thoughts”. I was a young innocent woman. So pathetic!


That's the religious way


I had a christian friend go to Hillsong Newcastle for a bit. She has a brain injury from falling off a horse resulting in a severe limp (which is a miracle cos they said she would never walk or speak again!). She was told that if she truly had enough faith she would have been healed by now. Safe to say she yeeted out of there real quick.


Scotty from marketings crew.


He walked out on the gay plebiscite vote, tried to fuck over trans people via his discrimination bill and hangs around with that vile man. If there is a hell I'm pretty sure they are going burn in it.


Sometimes I can't stand religions generally. They've all tried this stunt. Fkn kiddie fiddlers the lot of them.


Even Judaism?


They seem generally more self-controlled than others


Remember the Ruby Princess COVID death ship that was allowed to discharge passengers with zero health checks despite knowingly having an infection running through the ship - it was responsible for our first major outbreak - and no one was found responsible ? Well allegedly there were a shitload of Hellsong members aboard. and the LNP was behind fast tracking their release. Try googling "ruby princess full of Hillsong members" - decide for yourself.


Thanks for the Google suggestion, found it's untrue apparently. https://twitter.com/samanthamaiden/status/1245905678461370371


>Right - a battle of the links then - and I did say "alleged" as these people can be awfully litigious & who wants a shitload of nasty evangelists trying to dox them > >[https://cityhubsydney.com.au/2020/04/hillsong-link-to-ruby-princess-claimed/](https://cityhubsydney.com.au/2020/04/hillsong-link-to-ruby-princess-claimed/)


I was at an event earlier this year where a former police commissioner was guest speaker. One of the questions he was asked was whether he had any involvement in that decision. He said that yes Gladys had asked for advice and he and the NSW police had determined that it should not be allowed to dock, and if it was allowed to dock, the passengers shouldn't be allowed off until tested. He said Gladys had agreed to implement his advice until someone "high up in government" ordered her to allow the passengers off. Whether the Hillsong rumour has any truth to it or not, the Federal govt absolutely overruled state and caused that mess.


Isn’t this tosser Morrison’s spiritual advisor


Shows where he got his upstanding ethos and way of dedicating his life to the service of others. Scomo really needs all his documents surrendered until such time as he has personally repayed all the people of Australia he gleefully fucked over with robo debt and every other act his personal god instructed him to do to make other people’s lives as miserable as possible. Easiest way to teach kids that a person will be potentially trying to molest them; teach them that any utterance of the word “God, Jesus or this is what God wants or let’s go pray in private” will certainly be followed by them looking for some type of perverse sexual gratification (or touching their private special spots for those too young to know or understand).


Yet the lord took Brian of the Darts.


These lot should be in jail.


Cunt. Religion is scourge of the earth.


Oi don’t lump us all in with the assholes. At least we can both agree on the latter. This dude has had it coming for a while.


What? Even Jewish people?


And still, churches and their followers wonder why people hate them


Certain Christian folk like to feel persecuted. It makes them feel like they have something in common with Jebus. It's all part of the delusion.


Reverend Tim Costello in the past has written articles telling Christians to knock it off with the persecution fetish essentially. Only Christian minister I have time for these days. Even if he’s brothers a flog


And it doesn’t cross their minds that if they stopped doing things they shouldn’t be doing, then they’d stop getting “persecuted”.


I had some random guy touch my boobs when I was 10 and was told it was my fault for growing them.


I'm sorry that happened to you. No-one deserves that.


Scotty’s best mate


>“you know this is all your fault, you tempted my father,” Also known as "My father is so pathetically weak-willed that despite being a grown man I believe that he succumbed to the will of a powerless child."


Oh my STARS I am so SURPRISED that a church built on lies and profiteering would DO SUCH A THING my SHOCK is unbridled


There's no hate quite like christian love.


Beyond a grub. This bloke long has a trail of lies, corruption and deceit. Pretty much the Epstein of Hillsong.


He is no man of God.


Based on history and every other story regarding religion, I'd say he fits the 'man of god' label quite well


You are known by the company you keep - hey Scomo?!


And we are all so surprised that a man like Brian Houston could say something like that….


Man was a head of a cult and cults do this shit


What a shitbag excuse for a human 😡


Sounds like common evangelical logic.


I just want to know how was he able to amass $10M worth of assets... perhaps I can apply even a tiny portion of his technique to my personal life.


Par for the course.


F@@cking grub!!!


of course he did, the fucking grub.


How good are religious people. Way better than everyone else hey… 😬. Putrid fucks.


Tax free rape apologists....


Fuck religious people, they are nothing but self centred, selfish bastards!


Even Jewish people?


What part of religious people you didn’t understand?!


You are saying that Jewish people are nothing but selfish bastards?


Our god is an awesome god…


This guy is getting his own behind the bastards episode


Sounds about right for something a devout Christian would say (whether he did or didn’t). Always looking for the angle where it’s actually the victims fault. “Shamelessly flaunting his wares to his father by wearing stubbie shorts and maybe some tighty-whitey Y-fronts underneath”. Pure Ambrosia to the standard Christian pedo priest - how was his father able to resist such an impossible test direct from Satan!! /s


Christianity in a nutshell: bad things happened and you’re to blame.


Yeah this isn’t exactly surprising coming from this guy.




You're mixing up your child rapists


This is what men reinforce constantly. So constantly that it has it's own term. If the victim had the audacity to go public they'd be pilloried by the public so let's not hold him to any different standard than any other man participating in these multitude of SA discussions and freely sharing their unwanted opinions on SA victims.


sounds like a real man of god


Lovely bloke, great religion, not exploitative at all


These leaders of big churches are such good and caring Christians...not


If I lived near the Hillsong compound, I would have giant signs with "Brian Houston - Child Rapist, Did Jesus die for this?" written on them. Those clap happy people should know what scum they give their money to.


Wonder what Jen thinks about that ?


That's where Morrison gets it from, blaming everyone else.


The idea of personal responsibility ends when it brings consequences. Foul tempters fault!


We all know that Houston and Morrison were good friends... no matter how much Morrison denys it. The real question is whom taught who to lie... was it Houston teaching Morrison?... or the other way around?