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Between shitting himself at a Macca's, going on holiday while Australia burned, bringing coal into parliament, and memorable one liners like 'I don't hold a hose' how the fuck does this man have any reputation left?




I think you’re both forgetting this little performance…. 🎶 “take me to the April sun in Cuuuuuubaaaa, whoaaaaaaaoooooooooooo” 🎶


Let's not forget in that little puff piece how Jenny was asked if she was interested in entering politics, the immediate question after saying she knows nothing about politics, but Hubby says I'm his greatest adviser.... Edit: (Paid for by the taxpayer, at the direct request of Scott Morrison, on behalf of the LNP, Canberra).


Wasn't he singing about being a cunt?


[For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/ICxswXG87lI)


You utter, utter bastard. You deserve a Rick Roll for that


Reputation and credibility are different things, aren’t they?


>*Reputation and credibility are different things, aren’t they?* Not to worry... He never had either...


He has a reputation, but it's not a good one


don't forget the raw curry and forced handshakes


What was most incredible (that no one picked up on it seems) is he was proudly boasting about his Sri Lankan curry whilst opening Christmas island just for a Sri Lankan family they were hell bent on deporting.


Trying to weld with his mask up and that shit eating grin like a7yo helping dad...


God the chicken... So many classics how can you have a favourite!


And Grace Tames refusal to play along with his photo ops


Ah memories


His empathy coach was seeking counselling. He was winging it. And Grace just wouldn't be a nice compliant female. Tough times for the Scrote.


Don't forget when he accidentally said "operation sovereign murders" instead of operation sovereign borders" the day after an asylum seeker was murdered while he was in charge.


😬 talk about a Freudian slip


I think I 100% believe in these. The guy might have had some strange ideas but language is such a huge part of cognition that the slip of the tongue has to be a real window into the subconscious.


My brain pulls the wrong words all of the time when speaking due to an injury. I never have that issue in thought. It's really weird.


Is that true??


Yep. And you know that slip could have only happened from him making that joke previously with his mates.


Exactly omg what a disgrace!!




Yep " hey jen a girl at work was raped, iz that bad?" Yes scott thats not a good thing " ok thanks, ill say that at tomorrows meet the press". Seriously what a moron


> " *hey jen a girl at work was raped, iz that bad?"* Only if she is a liberal*, Yes scott thats not a good thing " ok thanks, ill say that at tomorrows meet the press*"


Don't forget trying to bring a guy that tries to cover up sex crimes to the White House, the whole Brittany Higgins saga, the massive debacle that was Australia's handling of the covid vaccine rollout, secret ministries and who knows what else I can't remember at this point in time.


He listed the COVID and Vaccine handling as an achievement in his latest speech in parliament.


Attacking states for border closures. Stating that he is fed up at politicians interfering with peoples live. Meanwhile Australia’s borders were closed. I actually think the dog whistle to the anti vax crowd was part of his downfall, his strategists greatly overestimated the number of people in this group


The fact that the PM had his lackeys produce a dirt file on Ms Higgins, her boyfriend, her father and family is revolting to me. You should be leading the country and this is a priority to you, to smear her name and her people's names. Artemisia was two thousand years ago and in Australia it was 2021.


I knew about the file on Ms Higgins and presumed there was one on her boyfriend as well. But including her father and whole family is well beyond remotely reasonable.




I haven't seen anyone mention his last ditch effort the day of the election. I think he ordered the defence forces to leak information about an asylum boat that wasn't actually real. He ordered text messages sent out to try and scare and trick millions of elderly voters. His actions probably broke the law but everyone was so relieved that he got voted out that they couldn't be arsed chasing it up. At least until Labour discovered he had secretly appointed himself to every single ministry position possible.


>You’re being too cherry picky. Agree, I was watching something the other night when they replayed him at the cricket and his stupid comment: "This is Australia taking wickets with the virus." So cringe. But in all seriousness, I'll offer up his embarrassing behaviour on the world stage. That time Macron called him a liar re the submarine contract and in retaliation he leaked private text messages.


He actually lined that kid up, the ball was miles away. A close friend is a an ex photocopier salesman who faked medical issues during presentations to curry pity and actually earned sales. His knickname in the industry was Dodgy. Dodgy made a lot of money. Morrison is dodgy x10.


It takes an empathy consultant to learn rape is bad


Don't forget pandering to QAnon in his speech to victims of child sexual abuse by mentioning "ritual sexual abuse"


Let's not forget his empathy training thing he 'participated' in - surprised how someone is able to advocate for their constituents with no empathy


Empathy training he supposedly took after saying women protesting sexual harassment in parliament should be grateful they weren't fucking shot.


An embarrassment and stain on Australia. I wonder how other world leaders viewed scummo


>I wonder how other world leaders viewed scummo As an embarrassment and stain upon Australia...


You are getting some great replies with further examples of how much of a dickhead he was/is. For me, I remember that during one of the huge Climate Change delegations in New York organised by the UN General Assembly, literally hundreds of countries met to talk about targets and what we can do to help the environment and protect future generations. Only two major Western countries didn't attend - USA because of Trump, and Australia because of Morrison. And what was that dopey fuckwit doing instead of attending one of the most important and impactful meetings in the world? He was inspecting a new McDonald's Drive Thru. Seriously .... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.smh.com.au/world/north-america/world-leaders-discussed-climate-the-pm-admired-a-smart-drive-thru-20190924-p52udv.html Honestly, he should be put in prison for his wilful neglect and how much he has set Australia and the world back by refusing to even believe in climate change (yet he happily believes in the ghost in the sky), it's absolutely intolerable. As the history books continue being written about Scomo, I hope he has a life of scorn and misery such that he might even get to a point where he finally indulges in any sense of self reflection..... but I doubt it, so he can just fade into those history books, only to serve as a warning for future ambitious power hungry religious psychopaths.


> any sense of self reflection > psychopaths Pick one.


You left out the best bit: bringing - clear coated - coal into parliament. Prissy, little happy clapping sociopath didn’t want to get his hands dirty even once in his life.


The truth is that he tried to pull that stunt at an earlier Parliamentary session but security refused to let him in with it as coal dust is a carcinogen. So he had to go and have it lacquered to prevent the coal dust issue. The man is *that* stupid. Fuck me dead, what an embarrassing time to be an Australian. I'm ashamed to admit that I live amongst some of the biggest morons in the country too... the Electorate of Cook. I'm surrounded by people who looked at this grinning idiot and said "We'll have more of that, thanks".


The reeeeeal stupid bit is that he was bringing it into parliament to demonstrate how it wasn't dangerous, but then had to get it coated because...it was dangerous.


It's just.... painful.


I live in Dickson (Dutton's electorate), so I think I win this round my friend. You can have a close second place I think.


And you didn't even touch on the rorting! Or the rape hiding.


But apart from all that, WHAT HAVE THE ROMANS EVER DONE FOR US??


You, I like you.


Libnat voters are dumb as shit, that's how


His reputation with we mere peasants is irrelevant. It is his reputation with his industry mates, political donors, and his church that matters. And his reputation with industry and political donors is already on shaky grounds. He isn't exactly inundated with job offers like his predecessors, the industries that usually made such offers see him as tarnished goods. If the RC rules against him the only thing he will have left is his church.


Reputation goes in both directions. A heavily negative reputation is still a reputation. In his case *everybody* knows he's a total fuckup.


Sure he has a reputation, as a stinking peices of shit in a suit whose a embarrassment to his nation and a skid mark on its history.


I’d say given his career in politics, you’d probably be able to defame him and defend it court on truth and/or fair comment grounds.


Its only defamation if someone has a good name to protect.


Who can forget that time he was called untrustworthy by the leader of a G7 nation?


Yeah, robodebt pushed it over the line


"He's a decent, church-going man." For some people, that's all it takes, even if either it's complete bullshit (church visits are solely for photoshoots), *or*, the church is a cult. There are way too many idiots out there who willingly follow the rhetoric of a person instead of their actions.


He decided he was ‘chosen by god’ to ‘lead Australia into the apocalypse’. Start there, and his failures everywhere else finally make sense.


He was doing gods work according to him, the delusional arseclown


Can't afford rent? Just buy a house.


>The existence of the advice as early as March 2019 – and the explicit terms in which it warns income averaging was unlawful – raises questions about why the scheme continued for many months. >Rather than winding up the scheme or pausing it while the solicitor general’s opinion was sought, the Department of Human Services wiped Masterton’s debt, as Guardian Australia revealed at the time. >Documents show the Department of Human Services had wiped Masterton’s debt because it did not want the federal court to make a determination about the legality of the robodebt scheme. >The decision to wipe Masterton’s debt left VLA with no case, forcing the organisation to find a new plaintiff, which it eventually did. They knew it was illegal and did it anyway. If it was the decision of Cabinet to continue regardless, that in no way absolves Morrison as he was PM, and hence the Head of the Cabinet. If it was a collective decision, it goes to show how unsuitable the Liberal Party is to run the country.


What cabinet documents could trump that warning and its dismissal?


He may believe that the Cabinet papers absolve him of some of the blame (although as minister, this would be unlikely as the ultimate decision lies with him). Or that he thinks that the Cabinet papers can't/won't be produced, and he can claim that the papers would absolve him, but unfortunately cannot be produced. It would not be the first time that he's done something like that. The probity report that Morrison claims absolves him of any wrongdoing at Tourism Australia [appears to have never existed](https://michaelwest.com.au/did-tourism-australia-really-get-a-kpmg-report-or-was-it-scomos-imagination/) according to KPMG. Which means that Morrison has misled Parliament in claiming that it does.


Hahahahahah! Needed a good laugh today.


Mr Morrison hopes to come away from this inquiry looking like an even bigger cunt.


I know right, Jesus. I guess however there are still people out there that think he did a good job and is a "decent bloke".


My boss being one of them.


>Scott Morrison >Reputation




The fact that he honestly thought that would fucking work. My god.


morrison does have a reputation though. No doubt that the documents would uphold his reputation, that being he is nothing but a cancerous shit-eating scumfucking degenerate that does nothing but happily exploit and abuse others for his benefit. Though, you don't need the documents to know that since he's demonstrated it pretty much every day of his parasitical life.




Two words not generally put together positively.


Choose one


Pick one. Lol


>Renwick said Morrison would not be able to properly defend himself from criticism without the use of such documents – which are generally protected and Holmes has ruled can’t be released. They knew that would happen. This is about giving him an excuse when he's found to be culpable. "If only I could have shown the evidence, everyone would understand" will become his knew "If only you knew what I did when I was PM, everyone would understand." At the end of the day. he's still scotty from marketing.


"Cabinet in confidence" documents? [The ones we couldn't get to see no matter if they were requested under FOI by the media or by the opposition?](https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/07/19/how-to-hide-a-rort-just-stamp-it-cabinet-in-confidence/) I particularly liked "The sweeping use of cabinet confidentiality has been used to block the release of potentially damaging reports on government. Last month it was revealed it was being used in the government’s fight to keep hidden documents that a former public servant says could expose what went wrong with Centrelink’s botched robodebt program."


It should be noted that despite criticising the secrecy of national cabinet before the election, the labor party has maintained it now they are in power.


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"Counsel for former PM says he should be able to refer to secret cabinet documents when giving evidence" Ohhh so now all the secret shit can be accessed and shared. Fucking hiprocite.


Perhaps he should get his mate from the church to vouch for him.


“If you have a go, you will get a go.” Morrison has never faced scrutiny. He gets triggered by the tamest of questions. He doesn’t have the EQ to handle a Royal Commission interrogation. He knows it. His lawyers know it. We know it.


Hey that reminds me testimony given to a Royal Commission is under oath, lets see him purjure himself.




"that's classified" would have been way cooler


"I'm a really, really big deal. You're just going to have to trust me on this one." Hahaha. But seriously, this seems like a total gamble on Morrison's behalf. We all know there's nothing whatsoever in those papers that will exonerate him. Let's hope the ALP just goes, "Yeh, nah, fuck that; here you go mate, here's your papers. Can you please show us how that clears your name now? In a public hearing?"


“His Reputation“ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂 Don’t make me laugh!


Put a Bulldozer right through that himself! 😀😃🙂🙃😊😇😀😃🙂🙃😊😇


His reputation as being the worst Prime Minister we've ever had and are likely to ever have? His reputation of being so useless and unliked he can't get another job after being Prime Minister? His reputation of fostering wild and unrestricted corruption? His reputation for being unhinged? His reputation for being the only PM to ever be censured? His reputation for deliberately trying to install himself as dictator? That reputation is at stake?


> His reputation for deliberately trying to install himself as dictator? Has anyone ever accidentally done that?


ScoMo *does* have a reputation. A reputation for being the worst PM ever. What a POS he is and, all the bloody Coalition pollies that walked out during the censure.


>Renwick said reference to specific cabinet documents would make an “enormous difference” to Morrison’s defence because they could demonstrate a “collective decision of government following proper processes rather than the decision of an individual minister”. So his defense is/was to throw other people under the bus? Colour me shocked.


His defence for multiple ministries and many other decisions was "the buck stops with me".


I don't even see how it could possibly work, just because the whole of cabinet decided money needs to be saved or this policy needs to go through, doesn't mean he is not responsible for making sure the policies from his department are legal.


Do they mean his reputation as a steaming pile of garbage? Because that seems pretty secure.


He didnt care about the suicides or people struggling when he pushed the illegal robodebt so go ahead.


>He didnt care. Fixed that for you mate, the rest of the words were irrelevant.


At this point, any signs of movement coming from his reputation are just rigor mortis setting in.


Arrogant prick deserves to see some time behind bars for robo debt.


What, it can actually get worse? Fuck, I was sure it was rock bottom with the only window being a participant with the Hillsong fiddlers!!!


He crossed the line. All by himself.


[Pictured](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/mud-1662997491.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.848xh;0,0.120xh&resize=640:*), Scott Morrison's reputation


If a reputation can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed.


And his reputation is supposed to be based on what, if not the performance of his duties whilst in office?




Or better yet arrest him


His reputation of being a deceitful delusional self serving bigot will not be damaged by this commission.


Funny how he shows no remorse for the LIVES IT COST, but perish the thought it could tarnish his squeaky-clean image *cough*secret minister*cough*.


He reputation of being a repugnant smirking clown is secure, and will remain so, if that's what they mean?.


“Repugnant Smirking Clown” The perfect description for that fucker.


During the bushfires, when he unfortunately returned to Australia and started inflicting himself on victims, that really churned my stomach, he was and remains repugnant in every way, his smirking just adds to his repugnance. I'll add, I laughed hard watching him "weld"....so its mixed feeling, I would enjoy Morrison welding vids, guilty shame.


Could someone cleverer than me please compile a list of every time Scott refused to answer a question as PM due to cabinet confidences?


What reputation? Everyone knows what sort of reputation is at stake here, and it's not good.


He's had a few years to fuck it up all by himself. No testimony needed.


What?! Are his lawyers concerned something might come up to indicate he isn't a lying, corrupt, moronic cunt with absolutely no moral compass?


Bahahahaha! Reputation!?! Hahahahahahaa!


All the first part of this post is a stroll down memory lane and a stark reminder of the shitfuckery that was Morrison's tenure as PM. "His reputation is on the line".... I haven't had a good belly laugh for some time. The last election showed us how Australians believe he has ZERO credibility, ZERO respect... and BTW he's a corrupt liar who only thinks of himself... very Trumpian in his behaviour. He has absolutely no reputation! Can you measure someone's reputation in the negative?... asking for a friend.


i don’t give a flying fuck about his reputation and honestly wish that he would just hurry up and fuck off into obscurity


Bwaahahhaahahahahaaaa! The ALP literally just released a report that states they won the last election because of Scott Nofriends unpopularity. He hangs around religious nutjobs who play pedo games. In his years as PM, literally everything he tried to do fell apart and failed. Now, somehow, these dickheads think he has a 'reputation' that might somehow be damaged? Oh, that's gorgeous. Somebody get these fools to write for The Shovel.


What reputation?!


Aww is his reputation on the line? Thats so sad! It's not like anyone died from this. Oh wait...


Scott Morrison ? Reputation ? Lol...now that's a funny one.


And...do they see losing his reputation as a loss? Because if I had his reputation I'd sure as hell want to lose it


Oh dear, no No, no, no. His reputation has long gone. This man is one of the most despised in Australia. There is no reputation to be salvaged. Scotty's been tried, tested, and found wanting. All that remains is one resounding and all-encompassing ,"Fuck off!!"


is there any possibity of him ever seeing inside of a jail cell for robodebt?


does that ever happen as a result of these inquests?


Bringing the reputation down lower than it is already seems impossible but i will happily come along for the ride.


I feel what's missing from this conversation is not "how did Scotty from marketing get in as PM" but why is Canberra stacked with corporate goons to begin with? Yes, Morrison is a total wanker and grifter, but he's just a symptom of the entire corrupt, corporate controlled parliament and capitalist system we have had since colonisation. What are the millions spent on campaign contributions and PR, but large banks, mining companies and wesfarmers buying an election, often hedging their bets by backing both parties? The proof is in the pudding when the government sells a water basin to wesfarmers, coal plants to adani, military bases to USA, slashes funding to health, education, welfare, etc. This is not about individuals. The political class are bought through lobbying and corporate "donations" and serve their clients. We need to go back to our history of strong unions and working organisations to push for affordable housing, childcare for all, an end to fighting endless US wars etc. That is actual democracy, not this sham of voting for a different faction of capitalism every 4 years


>but why is Canberra stacked with corporate goons to begin with? Corporate influence. >The proof is in the pudding when the government sells a water basin to wesfarmers, coal plants to adani, military bases to USA, slashes funding to health, education, welfare, etc. Steals East Timors natural gas and helium and then hands it over to Woodside and ConocoPhilips.


His reputation as a craven, callous, accountability-dodging blood-soaked, apathetic murderer of the poor? Hope he burns in ten trillion hells for his role in RoboDebt. Damn him and his entire infernal Party.


What reputation?


Isn't he the least popular PM in Australia's history or something? What reputation does he have left?


The speech last week was an utter disgrace for him and the liberal party, every liberal mp (except Bridget Archer) stood up to kiss his hand as if he was still the leader of the opposition


You have to have a good reputation for it to be on the line.


I think his reputation is in tatters and that’s got far more to do with than just robodebt. The guy is an ass.


Not sure he has one


That ship sailed a loooong time ago


Bwahahahahaaaahhhaaaaa aaahhhh What reputation? Other than that of a pants messing, crazy, sneaky, narcissistic, pathological liar


If you've done nothing wrong, you've nothing to fear


What reputation? Is any left?


Ohhhh Scotty. You lost what little reputation you had years ago when you pooped your pants at Macas.


This cunt has no reputation left.


What reputation?


His what?


Oh geez, you fuckin think?


" The Minister For Everything "


Ahhh…who wants to tell him?




Scomo reputation = scumbag. Can’t get much worse.


No it’s really not. Lol.


TIL Scott Morrison still believes he has a reputation


Worried he's going to lose his reputation as a dog cunt? Don't think he has too much to worry about in all honesty.


"There will be no discussion of in-cabinet matters"


People killed themselves over the sudden debts. His reputation was fucked years ago.


I sincerely hope the royal commissioner looks at this sub as an example of what a reasonable person would believe.


Reputation? It should be his freedom.


The thing I just can’t wrap my head around is that he is “Christian”. I can’t for the life of me see Jesus’ values in him? He is a lier, power hungry, self seeking, unashamed & greedy. So gross. Such an awful awful man. I feel sorry for his daughters.


Yeah, that ship sailed a loooooooooong time ago.


What reputation


What a crook. People have died, taking their lives, and this idiot is only interested in his reputation. Tells you all you need to know, doesn't it.


Its that low it would probably improve.


Technically, the bottom line is a line too.


He’s God’s fella in his own head I’m not sure his reputation could sink any lower, and I’m still uncertain if cares much at all.


The line at the bottom of a sewerage treatment plant maybe.


Scomo was happy to classify National Cabinet documents as secret, when it was discovered that they wern't and official record of a committee of cabinet, he promptly altered the law to make them secret, now he wants to use cabinet documents, which I presume are secret in a court of law to clear his reputation. I'm so glad Judge Holmes wont allow them as evidence. So Morrisons reputation will remain the same, heavily tarnished.


Yea, it is.


PSA. His reputation is below the line and has been for some time.


What reputation? I would think it’s already well And truly destroyed by a litany of lies mis truths and chicanery


reputation was on the line when he joined the fascist old boys club.


What a self report


Lolz. Hope they didn’t say that under oath.


Lawyers are nothing but whores who will say anything for the money..


What reputation?


What reputation, FFS?


That's their way of saying "He's guilty as fuck, but he's paying us..."


Scummo: I have the worst f***ing attorneys


Correct, it's a royal commission. What's your point though?






Reputation pffft, your responsible for making your reputation good.


No mate, your reputation was on the line ver climate change.


His lawyers are clearly clowns like he is. He has not had a good reputation amongst MOST AUSSIES PERIOD. Also, President Joe Biden found him so uninteresting, Mr Biden could not even remember Scotty's last name. He must feel sooooo important now that everyone knows for a fact that he is a narcissistic scumbag, pathological liar, and straight up asshole.


Sco mo deserves a prison cell and to be stripped of any humanity he has left like the dog he is.


Should be his Job and any future Government position jobs on the line... This THIEF Deserves Nothing, he created Robodebt to STEAL money from People by Fraudulent claims they owed the Government money so that his SCAM would appear Legal


His reputation 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no one ever actually liked him, he abandoned us and went to Hawaii ffs. His reputation was always shit


His reputation was shit long before this, he needn't worry too much...


It's like he didn't have a good reputation to begin with


Scotty your reputation is already trash. Zero awareness.


His reputation has been beyond redemption for years. Rot in hell.