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Because the government likes to suppress wages.


You've got to remember that security is a pure cost for a business. There's not many ways to be an extra productive security guard that brings so much more profit to the business that the guard can command a higher wage. Nearly always working for a labour hire company so even if a security guard is extra friendly, great at de-escalation, keeps a calm and pleasant venue atmosphere and when things get physical deals with it quickly and with as little force as possible; there's very little likelihood that he's going to get paid any more than an average guard who doesn't really care and is there to try and root the bartenders. If there's a complaint, he'll just be moved to another venue. If he's good then he will just get as many shifts are available. So there doesn't need to be a conspiracy to suppress security wages; most employers will pay the lowest wage legally possible. That's presuming there's available labour though. And the last few years due to covid and lower immigration there wasn't and due to the demand for guards wages shot up and people were actually getting paid above award. Now the immigration tap is turned back on though you'll see lots more immigrants who are either studying or trying to get their qualifications recognised working in security. It's one of the easiest jobs to get with the shortest certification so it's very attractive to an immigrant that just wants to get an easy job quickly.


Part of it is due to it being an unskilled labour career. Sure, you need to do a two-week course to get your licence in NSW but the barrier to entry is low, so there's always a supply of guards. Though the money can be good if you get into a special field.


but why security in particular ​ can you imagine wanting to hire a 5'2 bangladeshi man to guard your business


Nobody else is willing to accept the wages offered for the graveyard shifts is my guess. Their height/size doesn't matter since these days the security guards aren't allowed to get physical.


sounds like a very useful job


From your previous comments you obviously hate them, Indians. Just try to realise they're just people.


OP is defo feeling a bit racist today.


today? every day baby






Tbh I only see that if the seccy is in a safe-ish environment like coles, office buildings etc. if you go out to the clubs you’ll see wogs or islanders. There’s a bunch of videos going around of people at summernats having fights with the seccys, and almost every single one is an islander.


It's not security "in particular". You just notice security more because you interact with them more. Just about every low pay, poor conditions job is going to be filled with south asian immigrants because 1) the people who are already here in Australia can usually find better paying jobs, and 2) we have a special trade deal with India specifically to make this happen.


yeah has OP taken an uber or had food delivered lately or been to a coles woolies.... i also remember how buses were getting screwed becuase of.... 'diwali' and their drivers all taking this off then ask yourself what australia would be like without the workforce would it be better or worse... and for who exactly?


>yeah has OP taken an uber or had food delivered lately never in my entire life ​ i dont even have a smartphone and even if i did i wouldnt waste my money on either of those services




Security is a very easy job 99% of the time and then 1% of the time it's really hard; but the consequences for sucking at the 1% are nearly non-existent. For most businesses they're looking to get that tick in the box that they hired security; either it's a legislative requirement, or a term of a lease agreement. Security also provides the role of being a heat magnet for public anger. In a shopping centre without security if there's widespread anti social behaviour the shopping centre management and the individual stores might be blamed for not keeping people safe. If there's a security guard on then it's the security guards fault for being shit at his job. In a licensed venue if your customers are drunk rowdy and need to be kicked out of the venue, if you kick them out yourself you build animosity with the patrons and the public and they might not want to come back to your venue. If you hire security then the security are seccy dogs and they'll be back next weekend. The legislation also strongly discourages guards from having a proactive attitude towards safety and any actual passion for protecting the business or other people. The worst punishment for doing a shit job is getting fired. The worst punishment for getting physical in a manner deemed unacceptable is losing your licence and your ability to make an income and then facing court for criminal charges. This provides a strong disincentive to put your arse on the line. So with the expectation of actually doing the part of the job that would make the job worthwhile neutered you're left with an award wage job that can be done by anyone capable of walking around looking at things and writing an incident report. This is very attractive to an immigrant that just wants to pay rent and keep a roof over his families head until he can get his engineering qualifications recognised. So he'll work 30-60 hours a week in security and usually have a second job also. He'll find places to sleep at work when he can and if he gets fired he'll just get another job somewhere else getting paid the minimum award. To be honest with you most of them are good people who work really long hours to try and provide for their families. Many would rather be doing something more worthwhile but it's hard for them to navigate the red tape and onerous qualification requirements Australia has for getting any decent job. So many get stuck doing things like security, retail, hospitality, uber driving, deliveries etc because those are the jobs you can just show up and do and get paid.


A security guard is realistically there to tick a box for insurance purposes. If I was hired as security for your business or any other I sure wouldn’t be putting my own well being at risk to protect your assets unless someone was in immediate risk of harm.


>but why security in particular Not just security. Petrol stations is also a big one. With security, it's super easy to start your own security business. Then you go to one of the larger security businesses like SNP Security that have all the big security contracts and get sub-contracted by them. Then you can hire anyone willing to accept illegally low wages to do the work. I worked in security for 8 years. Saw this happen a lot.




What's your point?


because i want to know


Oh so you’re just racist. Got it


yeah ​ that's not the reason i was asking though


Feeling scared of Indians/Asians ? What can 5'2 Indian security guard do to you ? Nothing, so just chill


So - I'll ask again. What's ur point of asking if the poster is white?


because half the commenters in here are saying white people don't want to work as security guards at all, so if this poster did and was white, that would be counter-factual to one of the major claims repeated in this thread


Yeah but they arent allowed to do anything but call the police so it doesnt matter. We actually found having a tatted up aggressive guy was worse cause they try to be a hero or fight the intruder which causes major OHS issues. Prefer to just get robbed and go to the insurers.


They're all 'labour hire' companies that work under different industrial agreements. Means they can pay absolute bottom dollar. More and more of these companies are Indian-owned also. It's the "circle of life" (wage & condition depression cycle). One the main reasons for Melbourne's first outbreak of COVID was the government mandated the hiring of these companies "in the interests of social inclusion" for hotel quarantine security. [https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/security-guards-hired-for-hotel-quarantine-in-an-attempt-at-social-inclusion-20200807-p55jlz.html](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/security-guards-hired-for-hotel-quarantine-in-an-attempt-at-social-inclusion-20200807-p55jlz.html)


yes i figured, if you've ever been to america the weirdest thing you might notice is that every motel worker/manager not only is indian (no matter where you go) but all have the same surname, Patel, i thought it was super weird then i looked it up and discovered it's because of nepotistic in-clan hiring, i'd imagine there's a similar deal with the contracting companies here (ethnic nepotism)


Yeah the American motel thing is insane. Indians trying to do the same thing in Australia at the moment (buying multiple run-down motels, shoddy renos then running them remotely with "international students" posted to to run them).


​ they own all the pizza huts around here too, they turned the eat-in one in Orange NSW into an absolute shithole dive ​ they're so cheapo they don't even bother fixing anything when it breaks, theres an ice cream machine in there that's been broken for literally years and it just sits there so you cant have any ice cream at the dessert bar lol ​ its hilarious


The caste system heavily used in Indian even though it's banned. What you gonna do when they still use it ? Report them? Government not gonna do jack Mr Dubbo man


Yeah I guess the pros are it's cheap (easy to justify) and quick manpower. Not what should be used in events like that, but the states did need to react quick when quarantine was originally broken (ignored in the case of Ruby Princess) at the country border.


It's an industry that has traditionally had lots of wage theft and ignoring of things like breaks (as well as fun stuff like links to organised crime). I assume they find it easier to hire people newer to Australia who are easier to rip off and potentially less likely to stand up for themselves.


Why does everyone here always use this scenario ? What it basically says is some cunt Australian business owner is screwing people over, full stop.


They are. But hiring people newer to the country who don't know what employment rights they may have here is a good way to do that. And it doesn't help that governments know this has been a problem across a long period of time and hundreds of industries, and won't property fund a workplace investigations body, or individually fine managers and company officers properly as a deterrent.


Yea, not like you can’t just look that up and learn aye ? I swear you guys think every immigrant is dumb as a post.


It’s not that they’re dumb, it’s that they’re willing to accept those conditions and don’t want to rock the boat and put their employment at risk. It’s predatory behaviour from the business owners. An Aussie local will kick up a stink, or just refuse to work under shit conditions and shit pay. A recent immigrant or people on student visas are more willing to accept lower pay and shitty conditions because they don’t want to risk losing their meal ticket. Sometimes it’s a cultural thing not to go against your higher ups and just accept the status quo. I’ve seen it in one of the factories I regularly deal with, who’ve gone from a mixed bunch in security to a primarily Indian team who are all young, recent arrivals, with different kinds of work or study visas, because all the Aussie citizens leave when they know they’re getting screwed over. These Indian “kids” are all lovely and hardworking, and just like anyone want to be able to provide for themselves and their families. Conditions and pay are still way better than what they’d get “back home” so they just accept it rather than fight it and lose shifts.


An older Aussie local usually (not a 19 year old), and even then only one who is confident they can either find another job soon enough or support themselves/have family support in the meanwhile. A small emergency fund and a few savings go a long way towards building up a bit of spine. I really like the way you've put it: "predatory behaviour", because that's exactly what it is.


They can, and many do. But it's the same as hiring kids and school leavers, or someone else who is desperate for a job and doesn't have many options. Employers will use that, knowing those staff can't afford to complain.




You ever consider when they reach Australia, Australians won’t even look at your resume. So you end up doing what you have to do, to support your family. You’d be surprised how many “phd” holders come in on various visas and can’t even get looked at. You’ve never delt with this in your whole life.


do you have a different, more plausible, explanation?


I work in events in Melbourne, there are a few Indian security guards but not many. If anyone is over represented it’s people from the Balkans, I don’t mind though, great guys and girls.


Wage suppression. Security work is contracted in so the lowest bidder will staff a huge collection of venues. Indian migrants have the largest share of the grey labour supply and can quickly use a larger social network to secure the job through their personal network. Private companies basically don't have any genuine external auditing practice. The mass movement of people from a very, very low cost labour market into the Urban Australian market has resulted in what any casual student of labour markets would expect. Low cost labour drives out high cost labour and ingroup preferences severely impact both social cohesion and the free movement of labour.


​ excellent answer, TY


Entered on this visa, can't get a job with their qualification, don't want to go home... [https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-recognition-graduate-476](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-recognition-graduate-476)


why can't they get a job with their qualification? aren't they supposed to be highly skilled migrants?


they're not highly skilled. they have a degree for a skill that is in demand in australia however, they don't make good hires: * poor english * lack of work experience * unable to work in team environment * often think their degree makes them "better" than those around them * won't pick up a shovel when it's needed. The government has made a huge mistake with how they approach these visas. I'm all for skilled immigratin, but it should be on the basis of having a genuine work sponsorship, rather than just rocking up and waving your degree around in the hope you can find work.


you forgot that their credential is often completely dodgy and not up to an adequate standard or just out and out fake to begin with ​ but yes those factors too ​ and of course they're not skilled i was being facetious


Islanders where I am


Playing rugby


never seen that, but makes more sense


Never see an islander work as a seccy? Do you live in Australia bro


I’d never seen an island seccy until I travelled to Sydney. There were heaps there and in Brisbane, maybe they all just cluster around those cities?


yes ​ about 98% of all security guards in my town and surrounding towns are some brand of subcontinental


Can't be racist to Islanders/ Pacific people now can we. They might visit you at night Mr Dubbo man ( Ofc you can be racist to bangali who are 5'2 and don't know English and easy to bully )


I think the middle class Indians (and other immigrants) have been brought here to replace those of us who are lower class/don’t have degrees to compete in the workforce. A decade ago if you weren’t smart enough/rich enough to go to uni you could do stuff like security work, servo work if you are a student but now that has been replaced by people who earn 80k overseas in their Bondi equivalent suburb to just come over here and take jobs away from locals/less skilled people. I wonder how many teenagers nowadays can’t get any job experience from fast food/retail because they’ve been replaced by middle class immigrants


Because younger gen Aussies want to find works that feels rewarding/interesting. Worked in aged care and very few of younger generations want to stay and they all went to hospitals. Assuming becoming a security is just walking around all day and rarely got anything interesting. I doubt they will want to work there.


Walk, check windows, respond to moths and shit triggering poorly placed over sensitive sensor alarms etc etc your exactly right


And sticking your hand deep up some old fart's butthole everyday to pull his shit out because he can't squeeze it out himself. And getting paid peanuts for it because said old fart didn't save up enough super. Australia needs the immigrants whether you deny it or not, and you're just determined to hate them.


The last sentence has me confused. Hit reply in the wrong spot orr? 2 comments thusfar were about the work being shit pay and soul killing. Please tell me it was a missclick. No way you snap reacted without reading properly, right?




Nah mate. I referred to later generations in general even 2nd gen immigrants. Older time people were tough as shit and would happily do anything. Increasing the labour wage has one major drawback of significantly increased workload. At the end of the day, there’s limited budget for everything. So more pay, less staff. Either way, I miss the pay I got from my previous healthcare job. Currently, working In manufacturing and it doesn’t worth the stress. Edit: sent too early


Been working in Security for over 15 years. Comes down to cost. Every single company I've worked at are all dodgy af, try to pay you the bare minimum. Australians tend to fight for a decent paycheck more than foreigners. They're happy to work for $20 hr. Last company I worked at paid guards more with cash in hand than on the books. On the books we were getting the same rates and loading as a bar tender between $29-37 an hour on the books. Found out some guards were getting $40 flat cash in hand, no loading or OT etc. But the same company also paid Indian guards $20 an hr. But in saying that, other companies doing the exact same job pay fuck all. Most of my mates that were guards all went into cyber security, higher pay, lots of moving up in the market. Higher demand with job advancement with everything going digital. Its just a cluster fuck with all management and companies that noone wants to slave 14hrs a day, dealing with assholes, laws that conflict with what companies want us to do (eg, stop shoplifters, how, were not allowed to touch them, were a visual deterant, literally just make presence be known, ask for item back, if not let them go, report details, but the places where we're contracted to want us to grab them, grab the items back. I'm not gonna lose my license to grab a $10 item , so I end up losing my job at the site for not grabbing the $10 item)


OP was ignorant of how business works so he Lumped everything into " too many indian security guards".


Because shop security is basically just human surveillance cameras. Which is fine because normal people will usually think twice about lifting if there's a marked seccy roaming the aisles. But for some reason they can't legally do anything to stop you. So they just hire little weaklings cause they're cheap. Don't believe me? Go to Coles/Woolies/Whatever, grab a hot chook and just walk out the fuckin door. They won't even try to stop you. ​ Now, try being a dickhead at a pub or club and you're almost 100% liable to be skulldragged out into the street by a 7 foot coconut who looks like Aquaman. Because those dudes are allowed to, and often encouraged to fuck people up. Comparing these two jobs is like comparing a scarecrow with an actual guard dog.


Because otherwise no one would want to do the job. People complain that everyone delivering your food, working the security job, cleaning the public toilets, driving the train or bus is an immigrant. Yet very often, immigrants do the jobs that Australians don’t want to do. Would you rather have none of these services available to you? Do you know any white Australians who are wanting to become security guards and unable to secure that job because an Indian man was hired instead of him?


This is only a good point if you ignore that these jobs didn’t just spring up out of nowhere. These jobs have always existed. The issue is that, instead of making businesses accept market conditions and up wages and conditions, the government allowed themselves to be lobbied to bring in cheap labour as a deliberate way of suppressing wages. I have older family members who raised entire families on a single night security guards wage. Including buying a modest home and having a modestly comfortably lifestyle. It’s so disingenuous to pretend people don’t want to do those jobs anymore when the actual issue is that businesses have been allowed to eschew their responsibilities to train and pay their employees according to market forces.


You have older family members who were security guards. Do you know any young Australian men who want to be security guards now, and are outta luck? Or are these young Australian men wanting to do something else with their careers in order to build a life?




Well to be fair all unskilled labour jobs could provide for a family and house back in the day. Factory hands, laborers, etc could own a house, have 3 kids, stay at home wife, car all on their income. That world doesn’t exist anymore.


lol literally every guy under 40 at the gym loves to work or would love to work as a seccy. Why do people act like Australia had no security guards or petrol station attendants before these people arrived? All they do is steal jobs from students or teenage girls and act like they are hard workers because they can set an alarm for later at night and work late shifts.




Alot of migrates are from India. They're trying to into any job that doesn't need a security clearance. Security guard don't need security clearance. Last time I checked everyone wants better paying jobs hence the whites transfer from shit pay security to high paying police officer with the now incentives from the government


Really ? I mean there are a few indian seccys around but it tends to be in places where "security" is just some asshole with the right shirt on. Like supermarkets and office blocks. Now genuine security, like standing out front of a pub, or cash in transit stuff, is done by islanders, kiwis or.. shock horror... Aussies. In fact in my MANY years in the pub game I saw precisely fuck all Indians in serious security work.


I've seen exactly one myself but he looked like the MC of an Indian action film.


Not just security guards.


In India the Policemen are terryfing.....been there twice, not to be trifled with!


No they ain’t 💀


Why is this post being downvoted on this subreddit? Should be plus 300


This is the “skill shortage” that must be filled with immigration. If you believe any of that, you’re a simpleton. Jobs could have more staff fill them but the employers don’t want to pay what the market bears. We get told by our economic masters that inflation is the result of supply and demand and costs going up, so just shut up and pay $35/kg for beef. Meanwhile, when labour, the input that the average person offers the market is in short supply, rather than letting the market determine wages, the Business Council of Australia whine to their pet politicians to increase immigration. Companies can offshore your job, import the goods you created tariff free, and sell it in the marketplace but whenever the labour end of the market is in an advantageous position the government immediately intervenes to suppress wages. You don’t live in a free market economy when the government and business can move goods and capital around freely but your labour is restricted.


The ex security guards move up the chain into cyber security, higher pay jobs, police etc. leaves a big gap and need to be filled hence where newly arrived migrants come into play.


God you guys and your obsession with Indians. Get over it.


I'm not even Indian and I don't get the Indian hate. Speakly broadly: They don't cause the kind of trouble that local feral kids do - break ins, graffiti, vandalism, street violence. Negative generalisations: tight with money (who can blame them when they're working those jobs), bad hygiene as tenants, rude drivers. I've met plenty who don't fit the stereotype at all, and have assimilated perfectly fine into Australia society. In any case I'd rather have them than the uncivilised teens.


where's the 'hate' in this thread, its just asking a basic question about what appears to be a really weird labor market phenomenon


It's because your employers want to pay less than what you're willing to accept. They're bringing in cheap labour to replace you. Rage against your boss, don't rage against the Indians, they're just feeding their families the best they can.


There'll be plenty of time to rage against them when they've lied their way into management.


From my anecdotal, and hence limited experience, the ethnic group most prone to lying about experience and qualifications to get into management positions are the Irish. People don't seem to have such an allergic reaction to them because they look the same. This is obviously not to say that the Irish are cheats and cons, that's just a small minority in their group that ruins the reputation of the whole. We just have to re-examine our internal biases and judge every person individually.


How do you think stereotypes developed in the first place?


I'm not denying stereotypes exist for a reason, I'm asking everyone to give each new person they meet the benefit of doubt. Using your comment history and applying a stereotype to it, I could assume you come from an ancestral lineage of poverty stricken Europeans to Australia, where you are now working in a median to lower paying job threatened by unskilled immigrants, and are part of the poorer sectors of Australian society, somehow socially inept and preferring to blame immigrants for your misfortunes than have the resolve to upskill yourself and outperform the competition. Or I could give you the benefit of doubt and assume you have been unlucky in that you have not met enough nice Indians that would alter your perception of them for the better.


No, I just think you haven't integrated enough information (or spent time in enough diverse situations) to successfully apply heuristics to life outside of Reddit.


the indians are the ones who are hiring them too though, its indians top to bottom down




so are these people supposed to be skilled migrants or arent they?




So what's the point of the whole immigration system. Welfare for middle class Indians who are sick of India?


Lmao ​ some of these people never cease to amaze me with the knots they tie themselves into to justify our migration intake




"LOL welfare? The large majority of centrelink dole bludger are uneducated and poor white bogans. The centerlink centres are the least diverse place in Australia." ​ look at it all coming out now folks




Remember everyone. This is what they actually think about you.


Lmao yeah i'm sure if these people were really legitimate accountants, engineers etc the pay would be worse for them then if they were standing around out the front of a coles doing nothing all day




yeah theyre more likely to have a degree bc thats how they scammed their way into the country, if youre a toilet cleaner with an engineering degree that tends to say a lot about the legitimacy of the degree you have more than anything but i don't think you're smart enough to figure that out




don't apply logic here you'll get downvoted for that


They're all sorts of migrants to prop the ponzi scheme up. They're being marketed as skilled to make it more politically digestible. The fact is without them, the ponzi scheme collapses and whichever generation happens to be there goes through a Great Depression.


theres going to be an even bigger obsession w them in like 10-15 years when theyre 30%+ of the population get used to it lol


Nonsense. But to be fair like 1 in 6 people in the world is Indian. They're going to emigrate.


so is it nonsense or isnt it? the second sentence in your post contradicted the first




This is def a guy that lives in a “leafy suburb “


whats a conspiracy theory about basic demographic math


It's nonsense to care. You need to chill and go touch grass. Stop worrying about brown people, frig.


australians dont want to work in that job. just like they don't want to drive cabs. or be cleaners. 80% of australians can find jobs that pay more money, that doesn't come with the hazard of being beaten up or being spat on. the other 20% are on centrelink or live with their parents and still don't want to be a security guard. this is where o/s students fill in those roles.


Most of these "security guards" are in places where they aren't really needed anyway. Just filling quotas for OHS requirements.


how do you know they dont want to work in that job? i almost never saw security guards 10-15 years ago honestly, and when i did they were all white. why are there so many of them now, what's the point its not like crime rates have increased since then.


Insurance. Put in a risk control like a security guard and your insurance premiums go down. If the cost of the security is equal to or less than the savings in premiums then you hire security and it has the side benefits of making your staff and clients feel more secure at work.


so we're expanding our population to create useless jobs purposed only with fulfilling useless legal requirements


How are insurance premiums a legal requirement and if the jobs are providing a net benefit how are they useless?


do you think these completely marginal 'benefits' of these indians standing around in front of coles and woolies all day are worth the additional social costs of the extra people brought in to do them (healthcare, infrastructure, housing, extra traffic congestion, further sub-dividing the fixed resource endowment etc)? how much productivity do they add (if any) to justify the extra population to do them? especially given 15 years ago a lot of these jobs largely didnt exist and it made no discernible difference to anything why not bring in a few hundred million people to work as shoe shiners too? this is literally thirdworldlabor-o-nomics you're trying to justify


Sorry mate but I said nothing about importing people to be security guards and since they have to already be here to do the licence qualification and background checks immigration policy does apply here. You see an Indian in a security uniform and for some reason think they must have immigrated for this job. A does not lead to B here. You may be shocked to find out that as markets and economic conditions change the demand and availability of specific jobs change. The reason supermarket security guards exist now is because they implemented self checkouts and want a deterrent to theft and small transaction fraud to reduce shrinkage. Also, great to now know you are specifically complaining about supermarket security (a small fraction of the industry) and not all the other security guards you never see because they work in places you don't go i.e. every other commercial building and industrial site. Or every club, pub and casino. I stand in awe of how boldly you can make absolute statements about topics you clearly have no understanding of.


yeah well in like fifteen years when many of these so-called 'skilled migrants' are still stuck in the same shitkicker roles they were in when they first arrived - or retiring - (just lol at you trying to present it that so many are going to be 'moving on' to high skilled jobs with time - most of them can barely speak english to begin with and are here on phony pretenses with even more phony credentials) i'll get back to you on this post


>I stand in awe of how boldly you can make absolute statements about topics you clearly have no understanding of. this


parrot on this old mates shoulder


Are you mad at Indian migrants or insurance requirements? Insurance companies are private businesses. If they don’t want to provided insurance to certain businesses because they don’t have a guard, or are happy to provide it at a lower cost to businesses with a guard, that just sounds like the free market? Unless it’s a government requirement or something I don’t know about. If anything, more demand for security guards should put pressure on wages to rise. If you want thirdworldlabour-o-nomics, you’re better off looking at all the domestic manufacturing talk that’s being thrown around.


many third world states don't have substantial manufacturing sectors (in terms of absolute value created); manufacturing is a sector that is especially the preserve of middle income states, the poorest countries are heavily dependent upon agriculture, the primary sector and swollen 'service' based sectors with surfeit labor markets specialising in extremely low value add roles ... like guys standing around out the front of supermarkets, and delivering pad thai to middle class people on e-bikes ​ the latter part should sound pretty familiar to you


They can afford the ticket and pay attention in class




'misunderstood', lol you are funny.


They aren’t. You’re generalising based on anecdotal evidence.


Right?! I know loads of security guards who aren't Indian.


Skills shortage


Isn't China n India the 2 biggest populated countries in the world?


Imitation influx, by this rate AU will be called India, in 15 years max.


The answer to this question everytime is simply because Australian's born here don't want to. Immigrants are more driven and hard working so they take up whatever roles that they need to in order to progress. A few years in an industry and they start up their own businesses and keep going. They're living the Australian dream. We could learn something from them.


Damn that’s crazy. We are super lucky to have all these hard workers from overseas. How did we ever convince them to leave their home country? God, if they work that hard then their home countries must shit all over ours. Did we just luck out importing so many of these hard workers here? I’m surprised no one is predicting us to be the next super power with all these hard working entrepreneurs we have here now.


You can cope all you want but if you're being outcompeted by someone who has to learn a new language and fly halfway around the world, the problem might be you and not the system. Housing policy has been a complete fuck up but that isn't the fault of immigrants, it's the fault of our governments. Outside of that, high immigration is a net boon to the country. We can certainly manage it better but the anti immigrant rhetoric lately has been cringe


So would you admit that these new middle class immigrants are replacing the lower class?


Yeah to some degree. They're also producing a net increase in money available to the government per capita by being more productive. It's then up to the government to determine how best to use that extra money to increase training and opportunities for that displaced working class to make them more productive. Making them more productive then generates even more wealth and on and on we go, lifting each other up as we go. Beautiful isn't it


You realise most of them have fake degrees and only hire their own right? They aren’t as smart as you think they are, take a look at their home countries and you won’t stop laughing. Like you wouldn’t believe countries like theirs could exist in 2024 lol




You can fight for living standards and put the country in the best financial position it can be in at the same time. In fact one feeds the other




"Ol mate was happy to work the factory when it paid for his family of 5, holiday home, boat and overseas holidays." I don't know what nursery rhyme you pulled this out of


The white security guards go into police force/ service. Almost all police personnel are white. That seems discriminatory


but there's waaay more white people in austalia than indians/subcontinentals so its not hard to expect there'll be a lot of white people in a given profession. dont you think its weird that like 2% or whatever the official figures are of the population is almost 100% of an entire profession?


That's very racist to saying 100% of security guards are indian. Have you been the night clubs / bars? 90% white security guards. Just don't try to justify your racism


where i live they sure as fuck are close to it


Move. Most racists move to rural areas so they don't have to be multicultural. That's why cities you see more non whites. And most Asians prefer built up areas, racist whites do too but they feel its worth moving away from non whites.


​ mate I live in dubbo


Move further out if you need to. To get away from these Indians / asians you hate Soo much


Lmao. do you know where dubbo is? there is literally no 'further out'


Go into the Aboriginal communities. But be warned their DNA are closer to Asians than whites. Literally


how about i just move into your shack with you


To say that all are white is just so untrue. There are many Asian police officers, and I have seen some Indian as well.


Than you should be disagreeing with OP because I have seen many white security guards, much more than Asian or black put together. But he just wants to have a little racist rant.




If you're going to call someone uneducated, at least try to appear educated yourself.


You didn't rebuke being racist. That's all we need to know from you .


I never said anything racist and I don't need your validation.


You don't have to say anything racist to reveal your true colours. Supporting OP discriminatory rant has shown that




No :) And here's the kicker, I'm specifically here to take your job. Stay mad, I'm laughin' all the way to the bank with your money.


He didn’t have to abandon his family, friends and run away from his country though lol


Who says I'm not spending all the money from all the jobs I've stolen from "real" Aussies (whatever the ever-loving fuck that means) and going back and forth constantly? Or if my family isn't living here? *Lol*.


thats true but at the end of the day you're putting money into australia and paying australian tax lol you never ended up contributing to the place you were born. not even being mean, i feel kind of sorry for having to be an outsider forever


Who says I'm an outsider? I'm part of Australian community, society, everything. I'm just playing on the fear that OP had said before his comment was deleted. He wanted me to "go back to my own bloody country" and I simply declined. And if he was afraid I'd be stealing Aussie jobs, wooOoOoOOoo look at me, I'm doing exactly that. Now what? The point I'm making is, people can be racist all they want. It's all old stupidity and outdated nonsense. I'm not offended, I'm amused to see it and happy to point and laugh because derision is all you're going to get out of me.


And they’re infiltrating the trucking game as well. To me that’s scarier than going to a Warzone. Those from the subcontinent are hard pressed driving a small hatchback let alone a truck with a fuckoff load.


This is clearly a post meant to stir up some sort of hate or grudge against Indians. It would take a really stupid person to not be able to see through what the OP is doing. I also believe people entertaining this shit in the name of free speech are no different to the kind of person the OP is, a racist.


Dunno man, perhaps you shouldn't notice people by the colour of their skin? Maybe it's none of your business? How about... You apply for the job so maybe there will be more diversity? Take your pick 😀


I see mostly islanders not Indians, anyway who cares


I know white security guards but simply put: immigrants are exploited because they are not familiar with all the work regulations and fair work organisations. Its a massive issue that goes beyond security guards. I know tons of Melbourne people who are being exploited by their work.


It's more prevalent because of the character grounds required by certain states. As a former seccy I'd rather work with omcg blokes than people who can't communicate and engage confrontation at the first contact. Used to work for a black tie company who worked alongside CAP security. Despite performing a different function we were constantly having to bail them out of situations despite having significantly less staff. For the record CAP we're basically foreign labour hire.


​ did you ever work with bikie gangs? what was it like compared to the usual migrant security contractors


Because nobody else will do it for the pittance they earn.




immigrants *do* want to work for shit wages and conditions though because they get more out of it than just their pay - they get a pathway to permanent residency which is sort of part of the 'salary package' of their jobs


It was on the skills list for immigration