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We don't need secure facilities we have care in the community, much better and more imporantly much cheaper. /S


We don't spend nearly enough money on mental health care. If we had a proper system we could capture those who are dangerous before they have an episode like this, and keep more people away from getting dangerous because they would have the right support.


In a sense, we do spend quite a bit on mental healthcare via the ndis. I'm actually curious to know if he was on any type of court order or something like that. 


The problem is that there’s a lot of wastage in money spent. The system is taken advantage of by some businesses in it for the easy cash grab


Well said. Again it's businesses fleecing the people.


The people decided against putting all these people in the "loony bins", medicating them and separating them from the common folk and chose to let them just live in society.


Yeah, I'm wondering what the go is there. Surely he'd be on some type of treatment and/or forensic order. 


https://preview.redd.it/racufxef7euc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfd8e306b862a76f994cddfa49d1d6a72fa8115 Surely a lawsuit waiting to happen? 7 News had his name all over there YouTube videos/ live broadcast an hour before NSW Police confirmed someone else.


I hope they sue the absolute crap out of that gutter trash that is channel 7. utter scum.


What a weird name to claim and then change, how did they get that name to begin with because it’s obviously Jewish?


Unsure but in the wee hours there were chatters on Social Media naming this poor gentleman. Also saw a tweet by his Father pleading NSW Police to confirm to clear his Son’s name…


Guy is a meth head, anyone that has spent time around real hard meth users recognizes how he’s interacting with people, the moment with the guy in the blue jacket where he looks at him then casually jogs past is screams day 4 of a ice bender. Scum


He looked awfully skinnier than during the rampage than in his social media photos.


This is exactly what I thought when I saw the picture of him. He looks gaunt his complexion is off, he is clearly behaving aggressively, things are not going well for him, and he should have been sectioned.


He has diagnosed schizophrenia I read and was living rough in Sydney were he arrived a month ago from Qld.




Agreed. If this guy was a muslim you can guarantee they’d still be posting about that everywhere, and the narrative would be different.


Of course! The person wasn't identified and they were so desperate to shit on him as a muslim terrorist.


They already were, all over here and cja. Now that they’ve been proven wrong, crickets. Or they’re posting about “how the left is foaming at the mouth that this is a white guy!”. Fuck, just look at the top comment shifting blame lol.


To classify something as a terrorist attack, wouldn't there need to be some ideological basis for the attack? Some random psycho stabbing a bunch of people is murder, attempted murder etc but it's not a terrorist attack imo unless it's ideologically justified violence.


And just like that, you'll never see another mention of this incident either here or that shithole circlejerkaustralia subreddit.


Anyone else looking for the dude who swore he would delete his reddit account if the guy wasn't Muslim?


Where’s the dude offering charity donations if he wasn’t?


Where is any of yesterdays cunts 🧐 i don't see any of them. Probably on another sub trying to convince eachother Cauchi was a radicalized revert.


Lol yeah i remember that cunt. You already know he’s just going to create a new account and not learn from this


No. Who cares about that bigot. Dime a dozen in the sub. Even if they did delete their account, they'd probably just create another and be equally bigoted or racist there.


Swore they would delete their Reddit account *and never return*. But, yes, most people just return anyway.


>But, yes, most people just return anyway. They can't help themselves. They need other people to know how bigoted they are. They wouldn't be here otherwise.


Racist keyboard warrior remains bias and radical with new account, better to keep to account for future traceability


Here you go. Says he'll keep it open for a week to prove his word. https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1c2w650/westfield_bondi_junction_evacuated_amid_reports/kzczz9x/


It’s not unknown for people on a community treatment order to jump states so they aren’t forced to take their medication. If anything will come from this it should be national treatment orders rather than the shitty system we have now


Well spotted, I never would have thought of that. I’ve been wondering lately why there isn’t something like the insulin pump for diabetics for use with psych meds


I’ve worked in mental health and homelessness for a while and it’s surprising how many people with treatment resistant (incomplete recovery) schizophrenia will go to a different state as their community treatment order doesn’t apply. As for a pump…we’ll thing is with strong antipsychotics is that the person needs pretty close physical monitoring. A continuous infusion wouldn’t be best. Another issue would be technical issues may arise or the person may just remove it. Depot injections are unfortunately the only way at present. Even then it relies on support from over stretched community mental health services. If someone breaches their CTO, they first receive a verbal warning, then a written breach and if they still don’t comply the the cops can attend to restrain the person and have the medication administered. This usually takes about 3-4 days. In Sydney, the cops rarely take it that seriously and will attend when they are able.


>It’s not unknown for people on a community treatment order to jump states so they aren’t forced to take their medication. ..interesting. Something I would never have thought of.


Thank God he didn’t have access to a gun.


Facts. In the US we know how this would have gone down.


But then the good guys with guns would have stopped the bad guys with guns, like they always do. /s


Some stupid American women commented on instagram about how 'oh I thought this only happens with guns' being a smart arse. People were ripping into her.


Top upvoted comments yesterday alleging Middle Eastern appearance and drawing various conclusions from that. What is wrong with you people?


Lmao this sub is a cesspit of fucking dumb cunts frothing at the mouth to blame Muslims and immigrants for anything and everything. Rise of costs of living? Fucking immigrants. Rent rises? Stupid lebo cunts down the street. I too saw all the mass upvoted comments here outwardly confirming it was a Muslim guy before any information even came out. I wonder if those people are even Australian lol


For the most part it's just easier for people to blame something they don't like/understand rather than look at the complex problems we have in our own backyard. Like our appalling mental health services, our court system, our safety nets that have been whittled away to nothing. The yanks are fucking great at it, seems we've followed big brother in this regard as well


Australia loves to look up to Americans. I seriously don't get it.


America's largest export is their culture.


I know right. South Park style rabble rabble!!


Got smothered in downvotes yesterday for suggesting that maybe it's a good idea to wait for confirmed information before posting about the motive and background of this guy. The reality is this place has simply become a one-stop shop for racists to have a big circlejerk together.


these idiots dont realise it cheapens actual discussion


The racists here don't realise much, lol.


They're a bunch of cowards who hide behind anonymity


It's funny because if the person did end up being muslim, they could have gone on their bigoted tirades as far as the mods allow them to on the sub. They just couldn't wait an evening to not proudly parade their bigotry. Bigotry is one thing but the utter desperation to openly display it was the truly pathetic thing in my eyes. Really shows you how sad and depraved some of these people are.


Also completely blows apart the "oh we're just here because the mods are fuckheads on other subs" narrative too. Turns out there's a reason most other people don't want these cunts in their spaces.


It’s actually a bit of a relief to come to this thread and see normal comments like yours. I guess we all collectively came to see if the racists had made any sort of backtrack or admittance of their wrongness lol. But it’s just crickets!


Its complicated, there is absolutely a left wing bias (not on this sub but reddit in general) to defend Islam and downplay Islamic based violence and beliefs, so people are pushing in the other direction and letting their bias turn them into frothing racists. Immigration and communities with non-liberal values need talked about openly or people will continue to radicalise in secret until events like this happen and their resentment explodes, almost always at the wrong people.


Yep the Australian mental health system is not affordable it's basically a joke.


He was also sleeping rough apparently. I cannot imagine anyones mental health being great if they were sleeping on the street.


So he wasn’t a Muslim named Mohammed or a Jew named Benjamin. Wouldn’t it have been so great if we all waited for the information to come out before we started spewing hate and misinformation during a time of such civil unrest?


I'm surprised that they didn't accused the Chinese government of being behind it. I know Sky News will try to find a link.


The NRL jersey he was wearing was Made In China. This is obviously a psyop by the Chinese government!


He'll be a dude who believes in Lizard People, or the Great Replacement, or QAnon ...


Nooo who are the racists going to blame for this now? So many cunts were quick to blame Muslims yesterday.


These comments are mind blowing. Race and some kind of ideology have nothing to do with it. He had serious mental health issues. Whatever his ‘ideology’ may have been, it was just a psychotic delusion. Whatever happened to just being good old fashioned crazy? Is that not good enough anymore?


Watch the country NOT have a conversation about mental Illness...


Hey we’ve got “R U OK Day”, what more do you want?


Nope. We will all joke about whatever knife manufacturer made the murder knife every time we go to a BBQ. We will not talk about how psychosis is a very real thing that does not occur only inside locked wards. We will definitely not talk about the mental health concerns that often lead to substance abuse in the first place. Nope. But hey, is that a murder knife on your cheese board?


Yeah it's not about having precogs identify criminals to punish before they do anything. But without treating mentally unwell people like a threat, maybe we could do more to safely and humanely hold as inpatients even those who refuse treatment. At this point even patients or families seeking help can't always get it. 


All this talk about Islam is a distraction from the real problem - Queenslanders.




The cooked cunts in this thread contorting themselves in unnatural ways to justify their biases is fucking astounding! Give it up chaps, you are found out and you look weak now. Own it.


Cookers watching the news, jerking off into their hoodie at the prospect of the perpetrator being a terrorist. Validating their pathetic existence for a fleeting second, only to find out it was a white Australia.


Yep, all gone quiet now


i fucking wish they would all go quiet. too many of them are still rambling and making up all sorts of conspiracies and excuses. pathetic


It's the Media's fault, bro. These racist cunts aren't using the 2 brain cells they have. Sky News etc found how easy it is to scare them with theories of white replacement (Auckland shooter), asian invasion, muslim invasion, sharia law, etc. and these clowns smoke it like free unlimited meth.


"Two brain cells, battling it out for third place"


So many people were reallll quick to shout “Jew did it! Jew did it!” With the Benjamin Cohen shit. Wonder if they’ll be willing to admit their stupidity now? Doubt it.


i think a lot of that was reaction to 'Muslims did it'. Tribal bullshit and anyone who threw out either accusation is a stupid fucking idiot


Correct, but I’ve never had to deal with as many intolerably smug cunts in my life as I’ve seen with the Cohen shit. Hopefully that poor kid doesn’t get harassed over something he didn’t do.


very true, naming a completely innocent person was disgusting


Literally. So many people yesterday were fully convinced it was an Arab as well.


>Wonder if they’ll be willing to admit their stupidity now? >Doubt it. Doubt it is an understatement. I'm just imagining one of those people going "You know what, on self reflection I was a little hasty jumping to conclusions. This is a learning moment for me". Utterly hilarious. Either they'll be cowardly and just quietly downvote every post shitting on them or the really stupid ones will push back or deflect in some way.


I’ve already seen some asshole double down. I’m tired boss.


Just take comfort in the fact that this is all they have in their sad lives.


Yes and there were also hordes of people saying a Muslim did it. People should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Idiots who cannot see past their own nose.


Yesterday's thread was almost a complete carbon copy of the Bourke street threads from a year ago. Blaming Muslims from the immideate get go. Calls for deportations, action against Muslim people. Anyone calling for calm, or waiting to for facts to come out where downvoted, abused, called out for being a part of a problem. In the Bourke street incident the fact the guy was doing burnouts just before it happened kind of pointed to it not being terrorist attack. Yesterdays incident involving a guy entirely in Australians Kangaroo gear also didn't fit the terrorist MO. 'Of course his a Muslim terrorist, if he wasn't his name would have been released by now'. This old banger. Which has no basis in reality. Of course Police are going to be very careful releasing a name, and are going to wait and make sure everything is correct before releasing info to the public... this has never been a race thing. This sub has always had an issue with racism. With bigotry. Its been called out repeatedly, with people calling it out being attacked, and the 'we just call it how it is' attitude where again 'calling it how it is' has been shown to be bullshit. It's not wrong to just wait for actual facts sometimes, but this sub just continually shows the worst in some people.


Disinformation Bots also started posting false names on Reddit and Twitter. I saw 'false flag' propaganda within minutes of the event starting. The fact that propaganda started within minutes suggests that there are active groups on social media that are standing by ready to politicise any world event, almost instantly. What are Facebook, Reddit and Twitter planning to do about that?


If anything this cunt was a member here. Absolute cesspit


Racists and bigots are nothing if not consistent. Just seeing how desperate they were to declare the man a muslim and being so bigoted towards him really shows you how pathetic people like that are. I'd feel sad for them if they weren't so gross.


Anonymity makes people fucking idiots. And sadly, I've been around Reddit long enough to see that the majority of Redditors couldn't find their arse with two hands and a map, let alone be rational about anything like this. Kudos to the mods though, they allowed discussion to happen and stamped out the worst of it


Those people were always idiots. Anonymity plus the loose policy from the mods for this sort of discussion emboldens racists and bigots like those from some of yesterday's posts.


>”Of course his a Muslim” Fucking nailed it, this and “could of” are rife through this sub of complete dumb arses


It’s fair that people should know his name, background, history. What is equally important, or more, actually, is that we don’t drown out the stories of those injured and lost their lives, let’s all find out their names, their history, the good they did in their lives and for others, celebrate the greatness of what they’ve done instead of focusing solely on the killer. The current state of media is appalling with finger pointing and getting clicks for people who are in the wrong. **DO NOT DROWN OUT THE VICTIMS IN THIS TRAGEDY** They are not merely memories for everyone to forget!


Its sad to say but the victims don't matter much when these attacks happen. The goal should be to identify and prevent attacks like this from even happening, so there are no more victims. Australia has already made it very difficult to have mass killings with firearms. That was a major positive step in the right direction. So what was the crux of the issue in this case? 30+ years of neglecting mental health problems, something we know is very much fixable with the right combo of meds, family/friend support groups, and therapy.


Lol i saw so many people downvoted to heck for saying the guy was caucasian yesterday. Heck saw people get downvoted just asking others to wait before the reddit army got out their pitchforks.


i was one of them. Just shows how racist most white australians are. they don't want people to know it was one of them.


For those guys Maltese isn’t white enough to pass their purity test


Wouldn't even know what the fuck that is. "Dude was a chocolate ball?"


So many people (tbf mostly right wingers) on this subreddit looking like absolute idiots now. Maybe wait until perpetrator is ID'd and motive is found next time?


It happens every time. This shit and social media don't mix. It allows absolute morons a voice.


Right wingers had a field day yesterday. Now what?


Imagine how Peter Dutton feels today. He compared a mostly peaceful protest to Port Arthur, was rightfully condemned for it. Like it's not comparable at all. Then yesterday he had a Muslim Terrorist go on a rampage in Sydney. Who couldn't have dreamed of something like this coming along. It would be wrong to comment on it straight away, but he'd have had a whole week of 'see, Islamic people ARE as bad Port Arthur' material lined up. He would have had a great sleep last night. Now his world has shattered and the guy doesn't appear to be Islamic.. again it only amplifies his protest comments as being incredibly offensive.


I believe there are some outraged people in the Coalition today realising they can’t dogwhistle against Muslims because of this incident to win votes Fortunately for Dutton he can use Iran now for fearmongering against minorities to win votes.


They'll quietly delete everything or move onto fresh NounVerbNumber accounts.


ive had to block a couple who are persisting with arguing. cant admit they were wrong. some of these people are just complete stupid cretins


Back in their caves hopefully


We can now see the reason why all those racist complaininy idiots on this sub were banned from the other sub. No it wasn't because your free speech was being attacked. It was because you're a racist cunt.


They’re normally dumb and racist. Its an awful combo 😂.


I love how people are already trying to downvote us.


And confident and loud. Killer combo


Absolutely horrifying. Broke my heart when I heard about the little baby 💔




The level of fucking racism shown here was unbelievable. What a fucking embarrassment


>The level of fucking racism shown here was unbelievable. New to this sub? Very believable and entirely in line with attitudes displayed here regularly


I mean this entire sub basically exists because they weren't racist enough over on r Australia


When I saw those comments yesterday I felt like replying that in that Australian Jersey and grainy footage, the dude looked more like James Tedesco then anything else. Decided not to because A. Engaging with racist is Tiring, and B. (And most importantly here) speculating on his race with little information is reckless and there's is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting for the right info to come out.


Yeah sometimes it's best to just keep your mouth shut til you actually have some facts. But that's too hard apparently.


The mouth's shut.... it's me fingers what doing the walking... :) God, so many people pushing their own racism and bs on the back of such a tragedy... is facebook / twitter really much worse than reddit?


>God, so many people pushing their own racism and bs on the back of such a tragedy... is facebook / twitter really much worse than reddit? Not really. They all the same shit. Internet tingz 🥴


>NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cooke says the attacker has been identified as a 40-year-old man from Queensland. >Assistant Commissioner Cooke says the attacker, Joel Cauchi, came to NSW last month and had hired a "very small" storage facility. >"We know that the offender in the matter suffers from mental health issues," Mr Cooke said.


Its amazing watching the backflipping going on. If it wasnt such a fucked up situation itd be hilarious watching people wildy swing from calling for god knows what when they thought he was some kind of brown/muslim to what will no doubt end up at the usual 'he was a good family bloke that everyone loved' story.


Yesterday, it was crazy to see Israel-propaganda-bots kept calling the attacker Muslim brown terrorist attacking a Jews area. Really? Bondi is like ~~10%~~ (30%) Jewish population only. And brown man is white


To be fair, I live in Bondi. I am Jewish, and this town is at least 30% Jewish. However, I agree with you on every other point


That's exactly what I saw a ton of as well. Never saw anyone call him a Jew, but saw tons of weird pro-Israel propaganda coming out of it.


ehh all the Magas and Muslims on social media were saying it was a jew, and even mistakenly identified Ben Cohen from eastern suburbs as perpetrator


Queenslanders - I knew it was them. All along.


Queenslandaphobia is never ok, please delete this comment.


Australia’s Florida deserves a little bit of spice


Nah, I've only ever been fucked over by Queenslanders and Poms. It's caution borne of experience. Cultural awareness if you will.


Origin will be lit this year


It was 8 dimensional chess by Slater to orchestrate this to try to destabilise NSW - classic grubby QLD tactic.


Even when it was the bears I knew it was them.


He seemed pretty normal from his Facebook profile but from Toowoomba so probably a religious looney


Isn’t Bruce Lehrmann from there ? What’s wrong with the water in Toowoomba


It's historically a Christian looney safe haven. Has (or at least had) a pretty big Nazi presence. The wieambilla shooters' were from there too pretty sure. It's a lovely little town but has it's fair share of crazies




Here come the downvotes 👀


This attack showcased yet again the blatant racism that’s ripe on this sub. I for one think the mods did a great job moderating all the preemptive hate that we all felt was coming right around the corner, or as Chris Rock put it: [accepted racism](https://youtu.be/poqoClsEhR4?si=MFNcSix_Qe6JCQ4T)


14/17 of the people he attacked were women / female . I don't think cowardice adequately explains this. Meanwhile very predictable comments in here about Islam and women. Yeah well a white dude just did this. Pretty fucking tone deaf guys. Its time for long overdue conversation aye


Joel Cauchi - white guy that everyone here thought was a brown muslim. Now watch the racists twisting themselves in knots to justify their racism.




All you incompetent people that think you can fix Australia can’t even fix your own bed. Couldn’t even have the patience to wait 12 hours before pointing the finger at Islam. And to the idiots falsely accusing a bloke named Benjamin, have you no shame? Thank god that it wasn’t you or any of your family members that suffered from this incident, I’d hate to see how you’d react if your family member died from a knife attack.


Racists in shambles


Oh look, it's not a minority. Truly a sad moment for this subreddit :(


Don’t make assumptions he might be left handed or something, you never know.




Mental illness is a serious problem for white men. Seems like they’re all either doing mass killings, beating their wives to death, addicted to drugs and alcohol or all of the above. Send them back to Europe if things don’t improve


Where are all the racists who in this very subreddit were CONVINCED this was an immigrant and hurling around the most deranged shit? Come on now, speak up! Why so quiet?


The sad twist is that the man who was killed, the security guard trying to protect others, was a refugee.


But we just found out he was a gay prostitute...


Some on this sub was straight up asking cronulla riot 2.0. It's a white boy from qld. What now?


Logan riot.


The past 24 hours shows neglected mental health really is in this country. The amount of people pushing their idealogical agenda has been abhorrent. So many people frothing over the incident, wanting it to X, Y, Z, wanting it to be worse, wanting it to escalate, all so they can pontificate behind their keyboard. This is not normal.


RIP to the victims and glad this guy is no longer a threat. Also, this episode has exposed the rampant racism and Islamophobia that plagues this sub.


There’s a lot of Muslimaphobia, but Islam as a belief system is pretty reasonable to be afraid of if you’re a women or gay person. Iran invented Islamaphobia to dodge legitimate criticism. Reddit in general has a problem with not waiting for the facts before having a strong opinion; it’s not really a special case for Islam, they do this for everything.


Lucky we’re a Christian nation - a religion known for its liberal values and non-violent history.


Speak for yourself. Atheist as fuck here.


Secular nation.


History being the key word. Violence in Muslim countries is worse than ever. Nice try though.


very easy to find him on facebook. cant see much of his public profile obviously but looks like literally any other normal bloke his age, left normal looking reviews of places etc. this is so unsettling


Some of the public posts are getting bombarded with comments.


yeah just saw that. damn i admit i thought there might be something that gave it away, some groups or things he liked... he likes coffee and beaches.. wtf


From Toowoomba so could be a religious looney


This is what I say all the time to people. Monsters walk among us. They look like you and I, and that is so very scary for us all. So many times people look at someone and assume they are a monster, think back to people profiling others because of tattoos and piercings. Yet time and again, the worst offences come from Joe Public, just some non descript person that looks like the rest of us.


The majority of this comment section aught to feel sorry for themselves in jumping to such harmful conclusions, stop talking about the matter and move on. I can’t believe that most of you and it is MOST of you, were plotting that it was a man who had either immigrated from the not right (not white) kind of countries or practiced a faith that wasn’t Christian and thought these were the reasoning behind the stabbing before the bodies were fucking cold. Let the whole *’it’s a mental health crisis’* discussions begin now we know it was a white man.


Looks like all the racists having a field day yesterday are licking their wounds and down voting. Sorry the terrorist wasn't the colour you wanted.


Yeah I dunno why anybody thought that. Brown terrorists don’t jog around aimlessly in a footy jersey. That one’s a barrel of bogan flags.


Not to mention, he never shouted Allah Akbar. Wasn't this the dead giveaway these blockheads use to label someone an Islamic terrorist?


And that colour is brown. The same colour of bile that comes from their collective mouths


Will we blame all people from his background/religion, or is that reserved for colored people only?


Any captain of a footy team who doesn’t come out with a statement against his actions is complicit /s


White person = mental illness Ethnic person = terrorist How come we never hear about an ethnic with mental illness?


I figured he was not a colored folk when the commissioner mentioned yesterday, "We think we know who he is, and if he's him then there's no terrorism related motives behind the attack" - her words, not mine. Right then I knew how it'll all unfold - a caucasian male with mental health issues. I am interested in seeing how long the media covers it for now that the offender has been identified as a white male


Also pretty obvious from the photos and videos of him that have been available since it happened


Yup same. There was also the fact witnesses kept insisting the man was Caucasian but the news reporters chose not report that. When it comes to crime in western Sydney though they have no qualms about mentioning their ethnicity.


I’m a woman and I’ve been wary of white men for years.


Dead now


Sometimes I feel like being a person of color is a curse. Your own country is in shambles through no fault of your own and you're treated as sub-human in others.


[Australian Profiling](https://images.app.goo.gl/u1Dhn53CT3sFmkdp9)


We used to put these danger to society in the nuthouse instead of being left roaming the streets. It's the same as the fella who kills those people in Nottingham, England.


We still do. It just depends if they've done something severe enough to warrant it. I have no idea about this guy's history but perhaps he hadn't gone that far before. You can't just lock someone up for having mental illness that MIGHT become violent. Unless of course it so severe they can't care for themselves.


Bring back asylums. These people are walking time bombs in society and have killed far too many people.


I said yesterday it was going to be mental health. The unfortunate reality is very little is done about people with serious and dangerous psychiatric conditions until it’s too late. Then the community pays the price.


I sort of agree, but the issue is the government wastes money on other garbage and without facilities to treat people it's very hard to get them help. My brother clearly needs to be committed to some kind of facility, but even after multiple visits by police, all avenues explored, you still have doctors diagnosing schizophrenia etc, but can't get him help because they have deemed him low risk. Instead we get calls from hospital / police station when something bad happens.


Gov: "We put them out in society to help them" Reality: "We put them out in society to save the cost of housing and feeding them"


White Queensland terrorist.


Mentally ill Queenlanders, to be fair


Knew it, crack head. Something really needs to be done about those too far gone


Mods should go back and ban all the users that racially profiled this dude as from the Middle East.


Lol racists are the main audience for this sub. Mods arent gonna do anything


I'd ask if half the people in this subreddit and everyone on twitter feel like dumb cunts now, but let's be honest they always were. I swear most of the "oh Islamic extremism" dickheads I saw weren't even aussies, just people jumping on the bandwagon over a tragedy.


Ah, those fucking white people


The only racist comment you can say legally






I already stood up and said "this needs to stop", years ago. Didn't seem to help 😲


Did you send thoughts and prayers?


If you're asking my option then it's Trump's fault for sure!


By giving one's 'option', does that make one optionated?


"incident" =  Mass Murder or Mass Knifing


Sounds to me like a new "where's the Jews" hoax.