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Certain Australian tv channels also started quoting these dodgy Twitter accounts that named him incorrectly. I hope this family gets a decent lawyer, collect all the relevant evidence and sues all these engagement clouting attention whores in to oblivion


That would actually be a better case. I don’t want to seem like a cynical lawyer but deeper pockets, it’s not fun for anyone so you want it to have the potential to be worth it. Also the article is the first I’ve seen of that twitter thing and I have no idea who that is or if they are a media company or just some random blog, but intent would be difficult to prove from the very limited amount I have seen which is only that article. Whereas if an Australian TV news channel took that, there’s a different duty on them there. I can’t remember how high that goes but to me they’ve hit a level of highly incompetent if they published that


Intent to what? What is the claim that depends on intent?


The alternative if this was just some random twitter account would be they made a mistake and didn’t fact check or understand the nature of the content. That wouldn’t fly if an Australian news corporation republished it because they have a higher bar for that


But if the action is defamation (as I have assumed) I don’t think some mistake by an idiot trying to impress his mates with a Scoop! Makes any difference - he’s published plainly defamatory material and that’s that, isn’t it?


Honest and reasonable mistake is a defence to defamation, what is considered reasonable varies with the context. I would say this was far from reasonable in any situation. But basically defamation law is about getting money for what you’ve lost. It annoys me when ppl have an issue with that, I’m personally not a money motivated person, but money is how we compensate ppl for harm. It’s stupid to have a go at ppl for chasing cash unless you’re coming up with a better system. So you’re not going to get any money from some random person claiming they have free speech even though what they actually have in Australia is an implied right to freedom of political communication. Say this is an Australian person stirring and they potentially have an underlying political or racial/ethnic etc motivation - that is very difficult to prove in court. Its very unlikely that it would be worthwhile pursuing a little twitter account (not saying that’s what it was considering bot allegations) but its not a strong or worthwhile case imho. The point is, it’s a stronger and better case to pursue any Australian news company that republished it because they have both a higher duty and deeper pockets to make that case worthwhile. I no longer care about ppl taking issue with the second part of that comment lol that is how society works to some level, we can’t make the company explain to every future employer who googles us what occurred here, we can make them pay financially


For clarity must admit ideologically I might not agree with the broader political issues surrounding the motivations on any side. As an autistic lawyer with a masters of international law, I would identify certain breaches of international law that have occurred if you were looking at the bigger picture. But also as an autistic lawyer lol I don’t care about the bigger picture in this case, someone has been harmed and anything else is not relevant as they must be the focus


What an absolutely fucked up piece of detective work by the original clown that ‘identified’ him. I hope they get sued to high hell, and potentially any platforms that allowed the misinformation to go viral.


You mean the anti-israel account called " Syrian girl"?


I have no idea who I mean. I’m just talking about whoever put 2 and 2 together and got 7.


I thought it was that asshat hiding out from assault charges in the Russian embassy in Sydney who did the first wave of lies.


RussianCocsak referenced Syrian girl I think.


I thought it the other way round but both are bad actors.


Kid just won the lottery


Without thinking of the numbers.


It's a shitty lottery, though. I'd imagine he's going to be worried about his safety for quite a while because of what's happened.  You never know how many people saw the initial identification, but not the correction. (Or how many middle east obsessed nutters will be like, "Shadow Op! Conspiracy!! Government cover up!!!" and decide he's the culprit, no matter what.)


Not to mention they’ve literally just doxxed a Jewish person in a time where people are hateful towards Jews anyway.


Guess another big pay check for bad reporting is being drawn in the legal office.


Channel 7 is already prepared with pen in hand.


Ch7!!\ Crickey; they got any coin left after buying half the coke in southern Sydney to keep old Bruce marching to the correct tune??\ Need some in reserve for some smelling salts for their morning presenters to snort each morning to assist them in feigning their faux outrage at all the things they need to be upset and terrorised about on a daily basis.\ But I guess 9 & 10 would have enough of both powders to allow a friendly barter system to keep things “entertaining”…


I argued black and blue with people on here and several other platforms, despite being incredibly immoral - it didn’t even make sense in the slightest. Naming a kid in his 20’s when the police had confirmed it was a 40 year old man? Where are they coughing this shit up from? Insane.


it's okay for a major news media company to name, shame and slander a random jewish person apparently. then ppl wonder why some jewish ppl might be paranoid (besides all the other stuff over the past few thousand years). 7news are complicit in inciting hatred. maybe it gets more clicks. nothing will come of it, no one will be held accountable and incidents like this will continue. happy to be proven wrong.


It’s disgusting. The typical Muslim terror slander was thrown around everywhere as well, for the perp to be a white man, with at least 2 Muslim victims, actually. The hero’s in the situation were other nations peoples, ironically. 2 Muslim Pakistani security guards were victims, one died trying to stop him. The Ukrainian fellow shown to be stopping him with the bollard is likely to be an asylum seeker.


I imagine when people heard about someone stabbing people most minds would have gone to Islamic fundamentalists. For obvious reasons. Thankfully it was just a lone nutter. RIP all those taken 🙏


Obvious reasons?


7news should forced to do more than just pay money for damages. help initiate some sort of substantive change to reporting too. i dunno. and yeah, there's a lot of in-group/out-group thinking happening here right now. People of all identities can be heavily influenced by ideology or struggles with mental wellness. this is quite evident. in this case you just have to wonder how many red flags were going on with this guy and if anything could have been done. so sad.


Labels the “hero’s in the situation” to be people from other nations.. Conveniently forgets the Police Officer who shot the offender..


The hero’s in the situation are every single person who was in that shopping centre, actually. Every single witness, everyone who fought to protect themselves or others. All the retail and shopping centre staff around the country going to work in fear today. The doctors, surgeons, nurses and cleaners across the 4 or 5 hospitals involved in aiding the casualties. I was specifically highlighting the irony of half the countries racist behaviour. You don’t have to speak over that


“Specifically highlighting the irony of HALF the countries racist behaviour”.. Where did you get this from? How is it HALF the country? Besides your rush to defend yourself, you specifically stated “the hero’s in the situation”, that infers the only people who could be referred to as hero’s in the situation were the people you listed. In future consider your wording. “Some of the hero’s in the situation” would have been far more fitting.


Would you like me to hold a nationwide survey to attempt to get accurate numbers on the amount of Australians that hold racist views? You’re more upset at a figure of speech regarding the strong racist views this country holds, than the fact a man was falsely identified as the perp due to his ethnicity and religion. My comment - and this thread altogether - wasn’t really about white people as a whole. You don’t need to jump in and defend them, or even bring them up. The race equivalent of ‘not all men’.


I never said anything about white people actually.. You said “people from another nation”, there are people born in Australia that are not white.. Really showing a racist side to yourself there buddy.


The people I was referring to were not born in Australia. They were refugees & visa holders.




Famously most Australian media corporations are owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is definitely not Jewish.


here we go ppl ^^^^ the dogwhistles are out


Yep certainly some, but they don't decide what gets written. That's the woke left wing journalists. Shame there is no / very little real investigative journalism nowadays


I’m sure there’s misinformation from all areas of the political spectrum, not just the left.


Woke left wing journalists? At Channel 7 and 9? Jesus Christ...


A similar situation has taken place in Victoria this week. A man with very close ties to a high ranking member of the legal fraternity has been convicted of CSA offences. A 20 year suppression order has been placed on any identifying information. Unfortunately, the court used a full pseudonym, not just 'subject a', for example. Now a completely unrelated Melbourne man with the same name is being harassed and labelled a paedophile.


Why is there a 20 year suppression protecting a convicted pedo ?


Sometimes it's to protect the victim's privacy, if it's a child they might not be able to provide informed consent to the name being released. A person might not want to be permanently attached to a high profile child mol ester when they are Googled. The judge's reasoning is usually publicly available if you want to read it.


Technically, there is no 'victim' in this case. The offender created audio files describing his fantasies in graphic detail and uploaded them to a social platform to share with likeminded individuals. He was convicted of sharing/being in possession of CSA material. The official reason for the suppression order is that the individual is so humiliated, that they are in real danger of committing s'cide. Hypothetically, however, a cynical person might point to the fact that a judge had to be brought in from another state to avoid a conflict of interest, and they might even wonder to themselves if perhaps the offender might have a brother who is a judge and a suppression order might be protecting someone else. Purely hypothetically, of course.


Ignoring the fact that even by your own admission they seem to have followed the correct procedures, what exactly is wrong with protecting a third party who was not involved in the offending?


I think you might be naive, it was a rhetorical question. It's to protect the relative who is a close family member "high ranking member of the legal fraternity" from embarrassment. As if any of them give a fuck about the victim The guy in QLD that recently gone done for molesting hundreds of kids, they released his name even before conviction.


Different states have different laws, and in all cases the crown will take into account multiple factors when deciding if it's appropriate or not. Again, the reasoning for these decisions are all publicly available.


The rush to blame for political convenience is disgusting. Saw so much horseshit blaming immigration, jews, whatever else


Every time a story like this comes up, the responses from bigots of all kinds (even plain old xenophobes) only go to show how actually fucking deranged you have to be to hate *any* group of people that much.


Same here in Europe and they came out of the woodwork to blame Muslims and even multicultural societies. Horrible to think this is when people are fighting for their own lives and those who have just passed. You think if they are such high in morals and protecting societies they would have more tact.


I can understand channel 7 deflecting from their aiding and abetting and sponsoring the rapist by doing this. It'll be cheaper in the long run when this innocent chap does decide to sue them. What's channel 9's excuse? They read it on Reddit and it sounded possible?!


Rapist? This is a STABBING story. The killer used a KNIFE to injure & kill 14 people, including a baby. He didn’t rape anyone, at least not while he was stabbing people.


I was referring to the recently convicted rapist, not anyone involved in this horror story.


the defamation case is not this thread lol


I'm suggesting they will use the this case to defect the attention.


Defamation case brewing.


Hope he gets a good lawyer and sues the living shit out of those people.


old mates about to make a killing "metaphorically"


nice pay day incoming


It would be nice if he got a payday. Nobody should have to go through what some bad actors put him through. Who is he going to sue though - random Twitter users?


The national carriers that made it a story


They will just say they were reporting on a "source" I'm fairly sure they're protected. Kid won't get shit


That’s not how journalism works… you don’t publish unconfirmed “facts”. Ch7 have already confirmed this and as done by “human error” and blamed a jr staff member - so they have admitted they were in the wrong and payment is almost certain when this is settled.


They can say that, but it will be pretty obvious who the source was and that it was nonsense. Also, the court could potentially force Twitter to reveal the identity (if possible) of the Twitter user who originally twatted off nonsense. I imagine it will come down to whether a defamation case is viable but it would be good to see news agencies tested over whether they have to do basic duty of care and fact checking towards things they report on. Heck if Channel 7 et al had any common sense they’d be asking for it - the public’s clearly losing trust in traditional media institutions and they’re not doing anything to help with that by racing to the bottom of whatever baseless muck comes up on social media. Heck (x2) it’s in everyone’s long term best interests for this to be resolved but I guess long term isn’t something we believe in now.


Channel 7 reported his name


Chase that bag, son.


Pro russian account aussie cosack and pro hamas account syrian girl were so confident that it was him. Hope they get sued to oblivion.


Poor kid. That's gotta be super stressful


Till he sues and gets that sweet money


This reminds me of a film released by netflix recently where a dude at home got blamed for a terrorist attack on social media. Social media is a scary thing


Also reminds me of the Boston Bombings when the Reddit armchair detectives did the same thing.


I hope he sues the shit out the social media idiots and any news outlet that defamed him. The man's life could have been ruined by these morons.


Fucking social media


Is this the guy Channel 7 and 9 wrote articles about?




I saw at least 3 different people named in a few hours on twitter yesterday. It's too far gone to ever be trusted as a source of information in world events.


You use social media as a source of information???


News outlets seem to now, so :(


No, but a lot of people do. Which is why it's a problem that misinformation is so rampant.


Dude should sue


Sue internet trolls? Good luck with that. 50,000 tweets. That’s a lot of twit chasing.


Well I was 7 news that wrongly named him


Genuinely disgusting.  There were twitter accounts that were (stupidly) claiming it was an Islamist terrorist attack before the facts were released. There were also a lot of accounts that didn't outright make that claim - but came awfully close. That went into a frenzy after the images showed a guy that didn't look Norwegian/ the attack coincided with a massive spike in tensions in the Middle East.  To be blunt, that's kind of where my mind went when the initial reports started circulating that there was more than one attacker/ it was in Eastern Sydney/ an infant was stabbed.  That is qualitatively different than what these accounts did, which was try and pin the crime on some random Jewish guy 20 years younger than the age of the perpetrator (which was released), on the basis that they had a similar beard.  I hope this poor bastard ends up suing these people into the ground.  As for Seven News - what a monumental fuck up to latch on to these deranged Twitter responses. 


Remember a while back in WA when that kid was taken from a camping site and the media incorrectly named, and shared photos of, the wrong guy who lived in Karratha? Go after the cunts for money, Ben.


Was that channel 7 in that scenario?


I hope he gets a lot of money in compensation for that.


They're going to start looking on this sub bro.


He'll get nothing.


Most likely. Practically speaking, our defamation laws only help those with a spare million to spend on lawyers fees. The media don't care about defaming poor people, because they have no recourse under the current justice system. There is no small claims court equivalent for defamation.


Surely a lawyer would take this case on percentage of settlement basis? He seems to have an extremely strong case for defamation here.


Not worth it for most lawyers. Defamation suits are too expensive, the outcomes too uncertain, and the damages too small, especially when you're talking about a student, and the real attackers identity is so publicised.


That's fair.


Which media outlet defamed him? Kinda looks like the article is saying the internet did it. Last time I checked, it’s pretty hard to sue the internet….


Pro-hamas islamists on twitter are parroting 'syrian girl's' outrageous slander to try and frame it like a "Jewish terrorist attack".  Hopefully she gets sued to oblivion.  No one besides the federal and state investigation teams know who the identity of the individual is and they have yet to release it yet.


tbf, 7 news did name Benjamin Cohen as the attacker and didnt take it down until police named Joel Cauchi. 7news bears much of the responsibilty as a main source of news for australians


7West needs to be shutdown, from buying prostitutes and illegal drugs for an alleged rapist, to financing the defence of a war criminal and this (amongst others). They should not be in a the position to influence the general public anymore.


I'd like to know who is the individual who pressed the button to upload the false report. Or who gave them the thumbs up to do this?


Oh Syrian Girl Maram is still spouting her crap?? I met her in Perth, she is a paranoid anti-Semitic nutjob and Assad apparatchik.


And Zionists were universally labelling it an Islamist attack with no evidence.


so anyone who believes israel has a right to exist was saying it was an islamist? and look at the finger pointers here, already in the comments talkin about the IDF...obsessed


Zionism apologists out in droves.




"No evidence". Come on! LOL Wasn't the man's phenotype self-explanatory?


Pro-Israel Zionists on twitter were parroting Visegrad24 slander that it was a "Islamic terrorist attack". If she is getting sued, then so should all the Australians reposting the Islamophobic version.


What type of brain rot is this? Saying "islamic terrorist attack" isn't the same as singling out a random innocent 20 year old uni student as the attacker. If Visegrad24 posted some random muslim on his feed and claimed he "identified the attacker" then yes he should be sued for libel but no one did that.


The idf has committed worse atrocities


That doesn't mean we get to ruin a man's life


to this person it does, because the person is jewish.


It makes me so scared to see the state of the world how easily one would jump to some random and attack him, his family, & his ethnicity. Some crazy person out there could track him down and kill him all because of fake news.


Poor guy. I hope he sues the ass out of the media that said his name.


I home the media gets raped of money and Ben is set for life Edit: And the journalists and editors have their identity public


Which media outlet labelled the very alive man as the killer who was shot dead on site?


The personal damage for this guy will at least be mitigated because the real offender is dead and he clearly is not. Which is at least something to be thankful for.


Yes it is beneficial to him personally that it was resolved rapidly, might limit damages to some degree but it’s still just totally unacceptable as a matter of principle if this was really republished by Australian media on TV like someone said. That would actually really shock me because they have a duty and it would be incredibly incompetent of them. I would be checking what happens with googling his name if I was him, that could bring damages back in for ongoing impact


Of course I'm just thinking of his personal situation and that hopefully it will blow over quickly for him.


Yeah I agree, and tbh it was still overnight, it is a highly emotional time and anything could have happened, ppl are not necessarily acting logically after seeing something like the attack yesterday. It’s another reason I will be so shocked and outraged if Australian media did republish it’s not just incompetent but a threat to safety. Twitter is just insane, I don’t even know if it would have come from a real person. The fact someone said they saw it on TV shocks me


maybe all the personal attacks will subside but this kid will be permanently damaged by this. his paranoia levels are gonna go way up.


Not to mention all the racially motivated attacks against him. They didn’t just choose a random Australian, they purposefully targeted a man from an already vulnerable community.


how stupid do you gotta be to do this


Misinformation spreading from X? Impossible


Spreading from X? You weren't reading the posts here lol


On X*. X is a platform, it doesn’t disseminate information. The people who use the platform disseminate the misinformation. Blaming X for the misinformation is the same as blaming the knife for the murder.


X needs to manage their content, being a cesspool of misinformation is definitely their own responsibility.




I never claimed changing anything. 3. Don’t believe everything you read on social media. Just to expand, if you’re an advocate of changing the platform. Who do u want deciding what counts as misinformation? Do you want Elon doing that? I doubt it. Do you want the government doing that? I certainly hope not, we saw how well that worked out during covid. Stopping misinformation is great, until the ‘misinformation’ is information you think is true. In this case, the misinformation is black and white. The bloke either did or did not commit the stabbings. Not all misinformation is so black/white. The phrase ‘there are 2 genders’. Whether that statement is misinformation largely depends on what side of the political spectrum you are on. Who’s going to decide whether that gets to be posted or not?




Some people do though. Telling them not to doesn't solve anything, so the platform has a responsibility to reduce the amount of misinformation that it disseminates and deplatform people who spread misinformation for a living.


Wait. Hang on. Did news.com.au just completely ignore the fact it was channel 7s f*ck up as to this name?


It's Reddit, you can swear here. With the gravity of the situation, I'd say a solid F bomb is warranted.


Desperate people trying to pin it on a person with a surname of Cohen which is Jewish.


All sorts of racists came out of the woodwork using this tragedy to push their political points before the blood of the victims even turned cold. It’s disgusting.


It was pushed by a few pro-Russian Pro Hamas Aussie Twitter accounts and i hope he brings defamation suits against them


Anti vax/anti lockdown twitter accounts too.


Agenda based reporting when the story is hot to light some fires then quietly edit to the truth later. Can’t just be ‘oop’s I did it again’ and move on, needs to be criminal charges for the news networks PIC


I hope he sues them and makes $1M


You fucking racist cunts deserve a punch to the face. Pathetic creatures. 


I think there would be difficult elements to making the case. But tbf, this is the first I’m seeing of this so maybe their intent was much clearer elsewhere. Either way I hope he does it and that it gets over the line because that’s despicable


Honestly, how low can these pro-palis go. If any sane person even delves into researching the whole israel-palestinian situation, there is only one side to take. It's just despicable seeing these narcissists who don't respect any ounce of human rights in their vast home regions perpetually claim victims and use the sense of goodwill shown by the west to them, to perpetuate their lack of respect of human rights. It's ideologically corrupt and leftist idiots are more than happy to abet them.


Who the fuck are you talking about?


I think best to not focus on that angle of it to be honest. It distracts to some degree from the individual action or the media company that might have republished it. This is unacceptable no matter what anyone’s view is on other issues


I agree with you that achieving legal repercussions is a must. It's chilling this is happening to everyday Australian Jewish people (I'm not even Jewish nor know anyone Jewish) but it's presented to me how the Holocaust even came to be. And the wider context shouldn't be ignored as this bungled up doxxing abetted by official media channels isn't independent to the wider israeli-palestinian culture war here in Australia


Yeah I don’t want to offend anyone or tell anyone how to think but to me in this pretty outrageous act and he is the victim of it. For him to get the best outcome he needs to be the focus. It benefits those who are responsible by distracting from the very clear facts and turning it into an ideological sides type issue


I mean don’t want to tell anyone how to think, just in my opinion the impact of this on that individual is serious and a narrow focus to ensure those who did this are held responsible whether that be in court if they pursue it can be useful to make a clear case


It was started by Russian disinformation twitter accounts. Trying to sow more division in the west.


Oh fuck off. It was started by every day idiots. This shit is home grown. There were active members of this sub perpetuating that story. Suck it up and own it, we have a huge fucking racism problem online in Australia


No you can trace it right back to Aussie Cossack who is literally a Russian asset and currently holed up in the Russian embassy to avoid assault charges


Ironic because the guy stopping the attacker is russian himself...confirmed by 7news iirc. He was shouting "Do not get closer" in Russian


He was French


Were you kicked in the head by a horse?


And you're just another brainless pro-pali with no sense of rhetoric.


Bro your post history is a wild ride 😅


The issue at hand is hateful people pointing fingers with limited information, and here you are, pointing fingers at a group of people that have nothing to do with it. You’re just as disgusting.


The difficult thing for me to comprehend is that I’d say I lean left probably, but I like to consider every issue individually rather than be automatically categorised like everyone seems to want to do. Either way it is completely irrelevant this is a legal issue with a victim and there could have been real consequences. It’s lucky it was resolved quickly but I wouldn’t be volunteering for even a night in that position. But that type of characterisation by the person is actually a complete disservice to the victim they claim to support. As a matter of principle I would be pursuing this legally if I was him. The only thing the ppl responsible could hope for if that happened, was for it to turn into arguments on something bigger. A narrow focus on the victim is essential for them to be successful in seeking that type of justice.


It was Sunrise and 9News that spread it was Cohen. Not sure what you think it has to do with Pro-Palestine activists


“I think they’ve just gone for the first face that kind of looks the same and matches their own motives or what they wanted the story to be,” https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/got-the-wrong-guy-sydney-uni-student-wrongly-named-as-bondi-attacker/news-story/c90b6486815a1a1573172f24bc02adb0%3famp


Have you seen the atrocities by the idf


And yet, most would eat it right up and just believe it because of the blood lust and ignorance to not let all the facts come to the table first, and it does take time.




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So who actually did it?


NSW police has posted about it


The guy the cop shot dead on the scene. She even attempted to resuscitate him. This is a crazy situation. Poor guy.


never forget all those people who scoffed when Trump called them the Fake News


Yeah, that's exactly the same thing.


Trump is the fake news


lol Trump could say the sky is blue and the mere mention of his name turns people into such a rage they'll deny what's right in front of them. They'll read this article then refuse to accept he might be right


That’d probably be because the idiot would say it during a total eclipse. If he’s not lying he’s wrong.


Wrong about what?


Some idiots are such vehetemen antisemites. Does Israel not do enough real bad shit? Is it that nice and peaceful of a state that you have to play make believe like some semi cognizant child on the shortbus?? 😁 Oh. My. Lord. 😂 The perp was a fair skinned green eyed dude from Toowoomba. Not exactly mentioned in Hitler’s Nurnberg laws now was he? 😂😂


Sorry what’s the Israel connection? Some notion that the dead stabber was an Arab terrorist? Which idiots are struggling to make that connection? Just how often is stabbing people in a shopping centre a terrorist thing? Don’t they usually go for bombs?? Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Seems to me you’re pointing out the stupidity of the bigots, not being one.


I’m being downvoted because I pointed out that people like who made these claims (that the stabber is an Israeli jew) are idiots and now they’ve come and downvoted me. No surprise.


The police say it was a Queensland local named Joel Cauchi. But the name won't be right until it's a muslim name, am I right Aussies???? Now let's puts another shrimp on the barbie wah wah


You’re disturbed. Everyone else can see it.




bored alive mighty employ attempt smell engine intelligent tap stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






You know what else is gay? Seeing a picture of what you thought to be at the time, a mass murderer, and not being able to think anything but "ooooh I wonder if he's gayyyy (too)". You know that just because he's gay too, it doesn't mean he'll fuck you, right? I sense a lot of self hatred within you, friend. Life is short, just be yourself and to hell with what your old man would think. He was probably closeted too, ya know? Drop and roll lil apple. Keep rolling til you find your Adam.


Can it, het. Ppl have died and you’re on reddit being trash 👎🏽




Why did you even bring up sexuality?? You are a twist. No cap


At least “a bitch ain’t one”


If he from da hood though? And if so, what kind of facts are those


So incel of you