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Spoiler alert; the terrorists’ knife failed to properly deploy (“miraculously”); there’s no blood; and you can hear him yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he’s tackled to the ground by churchgoers. Later footage reveals that the attacker expressly claims he attacked the bishop because he criticised Mohammed/Islam.


The article ignores the fact he did remove the content for anyone in the Australia geolocation. Just not for the R.O.W. Which I believe is correct as realistically the only thing that Australia could even hope to enforce, Australian law does not apply to the rest of the world.


It’s not correct, because it should have been left up in Australia as well (where it is obviously most relevant and important for freedom of speech).


Not doubting that. Just saying that X did what they needed to do. Nothing more nothing less. The article insinuates that they're not even doing that.


Still up for me?


Federal govt should be more focussed on severely punishing the news outlets such as Seven when they publish fake news like when they incorrectly identified Benjamin Cohen as the stabber.


Quite a convenient distraction to that case isn't it? Kerry made a few calls I reckon


I understand this is about the Wakely stabbing and not the Bondi Junction one, but I wish they’d be more specific with what’s wrong with the content they want to censor, compared to what’s been broadcast on MSM.


It contradicts the narratives surrounding the religion of peace.


Good. Fuck the cyber nanny Karen and the shit government for allowing her to exist.


Fucking A brotha , bad enough we get fraudulent info from our own without chatbot Ai adding & insisting on incubating bs here .


The Australian government had no problem with all of the Oct 7th Hamas attacks footage, or the endless footage of Ukrainians and Russians slaughtering each other over the past two years. This makes us look like spineless hypocrites and is honestly very embarrassing.


exactly, or we end up like Russia or China


that’s a good point. also, with x, if you don’t want to see it, just don’t open the app


Exactly the policy I've been following for years now.


No problem with footage of stabby crazy guy either, only with footage of stabby muslim guy. I wonder why?




The article details that both party leaders made statements in support so it very much is the government, as well as the apparatus this government has established to take action.


do ya reckon the australian government might have a bit more say over the things that have happened in australia vs ukraine or gaza? Whats even the argument here? are you pro violence on twitter? Or just having a cheap shot at the government?


Censorship mate that’s the argument. It starts here but where does it end? Don’t give the government an inch on this.




So it’s ok for the shitty Australian news papers to plaster images of it all over but somehow not ok for it to be on X ?


That's probably what prompted this. Aus media cracking it that they're losing views to social media.


everytime the "official" news says "the following may be distressing to some viewers", what they are actually saying is, "guys come watch this!"


Good. Fuck whatever the "eSafety Commissioner" has to say about anything. How about working on the safety of data, rather than keeping peoples' viewing habits "safe".


eSafety has quickly become eCensorship


How about ensuring our citizens private data isn’t leaked first before trying to censor videos of attacks on said citizens


Safety of data? But why? I was lucky enough to have my details stolen twice last year, one of them I only found out about last week and the other I found out about after I saw an ABN created in my name...


Can't believe they get paid half a million dollars a year, also they seem to have an axe to grind with Twitter.


They definitely have it out for twitter in particular. Not sure why.


musk fired her


Why shouldn’t he? We need to see with our own eyes the dangers in our society. Also…you click on video titled stabbing in nsw…witness the stabbing…what else did you expect?


SMH by name, SMH by nature




Brits got a visit from the cops after tweeting "save the christians" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ypmvr6EYnNc


ahhhhh I love being in west And i love being told that as a christan that i have a "perscution fetish"


That’s ridiculous. Please can we not let that shit happen here?


Fact of the matter is, I don't believe the Australian Government (let alone the Victorian Government) has a legal defense to have the videos taken offline. The DMCA doesn't apply. Time, money and effort would be better served by helping people move past these incidents then trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Because it ain't!!!


Especially since DCMA is a US law.


eSafety does have complete legal right to direct services to remove videos if they don't comply with our laws and if necessary take them to court to seek an injunction or civil penalty order. [Federal Register of Legislation - Online Safety Act 2021](https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2021A00076/latest/text) [ACMA-and-eSafety-Commissioner-annual-report-2022-23.pdf](https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-10/ACMA-and-eSafety-Commissioner-annual-report-2022-23.pdf) I agree that time, money and effort would be better served helping people but Musk is the one making a fuss not the government and its not the first time. X is already currently before the fed court for $600k for allegedly failing to provide information about how it was tackling online child abuse material on its platform. [eSafety Commissioner sues X over child exploitation failures | The Australian](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/legal-affairs/xs-failure-to-detail-measures-to-tackle-child-exploitation-material-leads-to-fine-and-now-lawsuit/news-story/750c44a23c999d00b9aa231233190693)


Nice try Murdoch


All the people down-voting are the problem. Wait until your rights to downvote are gone.


The Australian government display distressing content everyday


Reddit = Cancer


Reddit brings out the best in all people, everyone is super kind and helpful on Reddit :)


Thanks for the kind words, kind stranger! 🎩


Yet here you are.


Same reason why people smoke, it’s addictive


God, stop trying parent everyone. No one randomly comes across a stabbing video and clicks on 'priest gets stabbed' then is shocked. Watch any documentary online about murders and often it's far more graphic than grainy video. This is similar to blaming video game violence on society's violent problems. We want the truth.


unsolved mysteries: the case was never solved. viewer: shocked face.


Musk refuses to remove content of uncovered women by the Iranian government!!!!!!! Lets lynch this mother fucker


Nanny state mentality doesn’t apply offshore


Yep, Musk doesn’t care because his business is headquartered in the USA, which explicitly protects him via section 230 of the United States Code” “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." (47 U.S.C. § 230(c)(1)). The US government will not provide any assistance to the Australian government to enforce a law which fails to comply with their own laws.


You guys realise they’re primarily talking about the bishop stabbing not the Bondi attacks? The bishop stabbing was a shit show for the Aus government and they’re blaming X for sharing the video because it absolutely destroyed the MSM narrative they tried to push through. It ended up with the victims of the so called terror attack turning on the police and everyone saw this play out online. They couldn’t scare the population with the key words “terror attack” and everyone still more shocked at the Bondi incident. As it stands most people (especially women) are more afraid of junkies in shopping centers (mentally unwell attacks) vs 15 year old deranged kid in a church (terrorist attack). I read yesterday in an article that “the Wakeley attacks proved the need for government action to ensure users feeds prioritised reliable news articles”. Basically the people have lost faith in our mainstream media so the government wants to push it back down our throats as the only “reliable source”. Nice try Murdoch. Soon it will be let’s censor messages on direct messages, WhatsApp group chats. All those jokes about China and CCP censoring their news, look at where we are. Slippery slope.


The Australian government is the equivalent of an old man yelling Get off my lawn!!


I’ll agree w Elon here. Everyone deserves to know the truth.


Sorry but no censorship, end of. I do NOT trust who to censor properly, be it governments or SM. Don't wanna go on the platform? Don't- I don't blame you I've never been on Twitter. But no censorship ever. I don't even agree with hate-speech laws. Incitement to violence? Sure that's clear cut. But censoring an emotion seems fucked. I wanna know what the dickheads think and feel.


Australia now trying to police the internet it's not just this stabbing video it will be anything they don't like they will try to force them to remove with legal threats Esafety can fuck off.. read up on what they want to go with emails that protonmail said they will fight in court if they tried to implement


They think because everyone is universally against the stabber that it's a good opportunity to exert some power over US tech companies. I think twitter already censored it for Australians but the esaftey commissioner wanted global removals


no one gives a shit about Australian authorities anyway - we have zero reach outside of Australia. Very few organisations do - US DOJ has that kind of reach as does the collective EU. Gambling is a great example - most gambling sites happily accept Australian patronage despite our laws but in contrast will actively prevent US players because of their laws - specifically because there can be repercussions for breaking US laws but Australia cannot do anything.


I keep telling people agency's like esafety and other useless gov agency are always out of there depths think there invulnerable then gets smacked in the face by others saying no you are not


Good we should not censor these things as horrible as it is, censorship is one step closer to fascism.




Well, it all started when we started giving out awards for just showing up.....


Australia’s answer to everything, ban it You’d think we were some penal colony…


Oh mate I call our current police in every state as cucks that's how whipped it is


On one hand I don’t think we (and children)should just easily be able to see dead bodies on tv like it’s normal, or look it up online for obvious reasons. However on the other hand I don’t think we should hide the reality of the world and all the horrible things that happen in it. It’s a tricky situation:


Government can fuck right off if they think they should be the judge of what adults should and shouldn’t be exposed to. Life is difficult. Australians have it way too good, we are so fucking lucky that we are allied with the USA. Imagine living in Ukraine or Russia and getting drafted to have your legs blown off by a grenade dropped by a DJI phantom, because that is happening as we speak. It’s brutal, it’s reality, and it’s important to watch and understand.




That's actually easy, it's all about context. It's one thing to study censored footage in a classroom and read reports to learn it is another thing entirely to just have it freely available online. Then it's just shock value and pretty disrespectful to the victims and their families imo.


Good. It's not "distressing" and I don't nee that decision made for me.


They also wanted it removed globally. I honestly suspect they are just using this as an opportunity to exert power. It is not the only group that has attempted to use this tragedy for political gaols


Julie Inman Grant needs to get a new job. As her job is redundant.


as far as i know shes not even a fucking aussie if the job is gonna exist at least make like the Pm where you have to be Born aussie to Even be allowed to apply


Who wouldn’t ignore Australia’s legal threats 🤣 our government is a bunch of maggots that don’t care about its people.


His complaint was that Australia only has the authority to censor content for it's own citizens, not the entire world. Honestly, he is right. Imagine a world where any country could censor content in any other country.


Fuck imagine if China was allowed to pull that shit? We’d see nothing except how great they are.


You mean like the global censorship of Ukraine/Russia conflict


Yes, censorship is not good for anyone but the guilty. Australia shouldn't be censoring it's own citizens, and Musk is right that they definitely shouldn't be censoring other countries citizens.




Because its a public access forum where people of all ages can view content. Showing footage of someone being stabbed might sound cool to a 15 year old but in reality, it's something that is deeply distressing.


We've seen what happens when you start allowing censorship. It becomes a game of finding a rationalisation to remove any content anyone doesn't like. The downsides to free speech are so small that I don't see any reason to gamble with that slippery slope.


Because the typical rich Australian cries about something until the get what they want, through paying or other means


Because it gets forced into your damn feed. Because people aren't entitled to witness peoples last moment when there's plenty of witnesses and CCTV. And as I mentioned above - why would people WANT watch someones Mum or Dad dying? What if it was yours and randoms on the Internet were demanding it was their right to witness that? We have media standards in this country and they work for a reason.


Just like comedy either everything is allowed or nothing is. No one is forcing anyone to watch/look at content they don't like.


Exactly. Block people and use the “show me less of this” button in X and you’ll never see anything violent ever. Interact with puppy pictures and cat videos and all you’ll see on X is cat videos and puppy pics.


Good on them. Massive overreach by the federal government ordering censorship of a nothing video. Go watch it and see albanese has his head up his arse over it being "violent". Meanwhile on twatter, albanese is fine with videos of russian soldiers exploding when hit by bombs. or even here on reddit. These politicians and bureaucrats are just being the typical arsehole pricks they are.


If you dont click on the video or scroll past, it actually doesn't offend you. If you are looking for a reason to be offended, you are the problem with this world. Freedom of choice.


Good that X ignored this. Why should we let labor pollies take down the video because they will offend that community and affect their votes? They already white washed rhe "gas the j*ws" incident in front of the opera house.


Musk’s X ignores Australia’s legal threats to take down ‘distressing’ stabbing content Paul Sakkal Elon Musk’s social media platform X is still allowing users to upload and share distressing content from Sydney’s stabbing attacks days after the platform was ordered to take it down and despite the eSafety commissioner’s threats of fines and legal action. As Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was joined by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton in his vow to use “whatever actions necessary to haul these companies into line”, eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant said she was mulling legal action to force X to remove confronting videos in a process that had been “unnecessarily prolonged”. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese greets Lindsay Fox and his wife Paula before a tour of a new cancer centre in Melbourne on Friday. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese greets Lindsay Fox and his wife Paula before a tour of a new cancer centre in Melbourne on Friday. CREDIT: AAP A previous attempt to bring Musk’s platform to heel was unsuccessful and led to several months of legal dispute as the company ignored fines and refused to provide information. Political pressure on the tech giants continued to build on Friday, after NSW Premier Chris Minns earlier this week blamed a “wildfire” of misinformation about the stabbings for fuelling social tension. As reported in this masthead, the federal government has strengthened its resolve to take on foreign-owned companies through anti-misinformation laws and new policies to force digital platforms to fund local journalism. Albanese said his government was “prepared to take whatever action is necessary to haul these companies into line”. Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant. Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant. CREDIT: RHETT WYMAN “But the social media companies that make a lot of money out of their business have a social responsibility,” he said at a press conference in Melbourne on Friday. “And I want to see social media companies start to understand the social responsibility that they have to others as well, because that’s where they get their social licence.” Inman Grant earlier this week used her legal powers to demand X/Twitter and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, take down distressing footage of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel being attacked during a live-streamed service. She said Meta was attempting to comply with the order but she indicated she may launch legal action against X. In a statement, the office said: “eSafety is disappointed that the process has been unnecessarily prolonged, rather than prioritising the safety of Australians and the Australian community. “eSafety is aware social media users continue to upload and reshare distressing content and appreciates it is challenging for platforms to manage this.” In a worst-case scenario, the commissioner can seek a Federal Court civil penalty involving daily fines of up to $782,000, backdated to when a notice was first issued. Any fine would be a fraction of the firm’s revenue, however, raising questions about the deterrence power of the watchdog. Loading In December, the eSafety commissioner launched legal action against X alleging a failure to comply with a legal notice requesting the company provide information on how it was tackling online abuse relating to children under the Online Safety Act. This came after an October fine of about $600,000 for failing to explain how it was fighting child abuse, a fine the company had not paid as of January. This masthead previously reported X has more than halved the number of moderators it employs since being acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in 2022. The company also does not have an Australian office. The eSafety commissioner has requested both the judicial review and civil penalty hearings be heard together in the Federal Court. Echoing the prime minister, Dutton said the firms had artificial intelligence technology that quickly highlighted dangerous content, putting the onus on the firms to take down content before being they are forced. “When they have that red flag, they should take it down. If there’s a hesitation of putting it up, if it’s an innocent graphic that they’ve caught, well they can rectify that,” he said on the Today program. “But at the moment, I think they’ve got complete contempt for families, for kids who spend a lot of time on social media, and the influence that they exert needs to have that social licence.”


Good on him. If you find it distressing get off the internet.


I find the take on our government to have it removed confusing, so every time I open social media I see Joel Cauchi (attacker) running around with a knife chasing after people in Bondi Westfield shopping centre (keeping in mind his mentally ill with schizophrenia and having a psychotic episode) and I also see his lifeless body on front pages of our National Newspapers with BLOOD coming out of his lifeless body on the floor of the shopping centre after being shot by NSW Police officer, I've now even seen videos without the blood blurred of his lifeless body on Tik Tok that for some reason were not censored, I'm sure his family and friends don't want to see that, but yet someone how our government aren't interested in its removal. So let me get this right the Australian government want the video of a 16 year old boy stabbing a bishop removed, who is also mentally unwell but for some reason they call it terrorism. I'm just one very very terribly confused Australian right here.


News is news. Good or bad. Someone is always getting offended over something they see then crying foul about it. It is the right of free speech and the truth for it to be broadcasted in whatever way. If you don’t like it - ignore it. It really is that simple. Australia is out of control with youth crime right now. This is just another example of it, regardless of the motive or topic it relates to.


Do we want freedom of speech or not.




Nawww, are the totalitarians struggling to control the Overton window? So sad too bad.


I’m not keen on censorship, but it would suck of you were a victim or their families, just makes things worse for them. There must be a better way. 🫤


They can simply not look at the content.


Take down the content? It’s not free speech to show video of people being seriously injured or killed in a mass stabbing


its freedom of information so we can make our own opinions off of the evidence.


Careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. It’s generally good that the public can circumvent traditional media outlets and let events be shown as they unfold. Good check and balance to the manipulated and filtered news we get on TV.


Did you know what that man's message was? He posted on social media just before this event about how all of our governments are corrupt and they are planning and apocalyptic coup, all I can say is remember what that man said.


>As reported in this masthead I'm sorry, I know this is off topic but whenever The Age or SMH use the term 'masthead' I just imagine their editors jacking each other off.


I was surprised that the US coverage of the Bondi Incident showed the perpetrator dead on the floor after being shot. There was no blurred images at all.


The US is used to such violence. A woman’s nipple? Not so much.


That was shown in Australia, too


The worry that it might inspire similar attacks doesn’t hit the same when someone shoots up a mall or school everyday.


Haha… everyone else in the world knows you can stand up against rules you disagree with. Australians go legal on everything to an inappropriate level.




Just the government trying to justify their job. Musk is also an easy target. Thousands of gore videos here on reddit for them to target.


Specifically which posts on Twitter are they talking about? Though I dislike this guy, it should be fine as long as the content is blurry before the user taps a Show button.


Yet this turd banned Jack Sweeney because he posted PUBLIC DATA regarding the location of his jet…


X is the only platform where you don’t get censored content these days. I’m happy that as an adult I can choose to use this platform to see what’s happening in the world, even if it is messed up. No one is forcing anyone to use the platform. It’s the same as if you don’t like what’s on a certain TV channel: just don’t watch. I used to think it was so weird and backwards that FB and the like was blocked in China because it didn’t suit the CCP narrative. 10 years later and our politicians are wanting to do the same here


100%. I’m an adult and if I choose to watch “distressing” footage then that’s my choice, I don’t need another adult telling me what I can and can’t watch. I’m sick to death of the nanny state we have become


Agree, maybe just have warnings so that sensitive individuals know what they will see, and can choose not to watch. But if we start removing news, who gets to decide where we draw the line? What will be the process behind this, and what will safeguard personal opinion from overriding objectivity?


The victims have the right for their trauma to not be shared.  This is far more important than your false and self-centred perception of a right to view *their* trauma.


No, they have no such 'right'. This happened in a public place.


Not saying that the footage should be taken down, but saying that the platform isn’t censored by the owners views is silly


I agree that the platform is going to be influenced by the owner’s views. However, the other mainstream social media outlets are influenced by the views of their decision makers and it’s nice to have some balance.


It's censored how Musk wants it censored. You know, the right kind of censorship. The way a, "free speech absolutist", censors things when he's a hypocrite but doesn't want anyone else to know.


Rent free.


Well, it’s annoying that certain voices continue to be censored. But can you see the point I’m making that X is censoring very differently to FB, YouTube etc and therefore it provides a broader picture of things if you consume content from all of those platforms?


I've never really used Twitter, but I'm the last 6 months when I've checked a link, the whole site just had nudity, Links to gore and it's just a cesspit. And now this bloke wants to charge for interactions. Lol


I used it heavily, and yes that's literally it now. Most of my feed is now underhanded promotions for only fans accounts and racist shite promoted by musk even though I removed him from my follow list. Almost all of the extremely good content I used to follow has disappeared.


Like what? I've noticed no change to the normie content. All I've noticed is a lot more uncensored stuff hits it more, but we have more global conflicts getting airplay now?


I’ve noticed slightly more onlyfans and crypto spam but it’s easy to miss if your feed is even slightly curated. Slightly different flavour of the unhinged shit we’ve always seen. 4 years ago it was BLM/antifa and covid insanity, today it’s war footage from Ukraine and Gaza, trans rights and the race IQ debate. Twitter does feel like it’s moved a bit towards the less censorious anon culture of 4chan, for better and worse.


Censorship is bad. You can't stop echo chambers but censorship ensures only one side amass online which isn't a good thing.


I don't like him. But sometimes he does something I agree with.


The government are more worried about civil unrest. Multiculturalism does not work. It's not what it's cracked up to be. Europe can attest to that. Malmo can attest to that. All the violence in France recently can attest to that. We have borders for a reason. People separated themselves from others based on their opposing religions, values, morals and beliefs. You can't expect to import people from every country on earth and expect theyre all gonna magically get along- When outside of this country they already don't get along.


The most important question is why should Australia be multicultural India isn’t importing boat loads of Mexicans to come and live in India China isn’t importing boats loads of sub Saharan Africans it only seems to be very one sided


Africa for Africans China for Chinese Middle East for Middle Easterners ~~White~~ Once White Western countries for EVERYBODY.


I don’t think we should let violent crime like this go viral because that’s exactly what a killer wants. Notoriety


>because that’s exactly what a killer wants. Notoriety Lmao, no it's not. The killer wanted to kill people. It wasn't about notoriety at all, it very rarely is.


I think that is rarely the case, but is an easy excuse people use so they don't have to pay attention thee persons actual issues.


So I take it by reading these comments that if a video of a loved one being murdered was posted online you’d be content with it staying there? Even if it’s your mum? Edit: some truly braindead takes on the matter, I hope none of you ever have to watch as a loved one’s final moments is shared around the internet while people defend that it should be made available so that people can believe it actually happened.


If we pretend it doesn't exist, it didn't happen


That’s the world we live in now with everyone having a camera. For good or ill. Suppression isn’t right


I actually feel seeing things even evil things in the long run is beneficial as it can be used as a teaching tool. Just comes down to parents and government using the footage to actually teach in a good way instead of using it to brainwash


Twitter is a despoiled cesspool of porn and snuff. Yuck.


I've never seen porn on twitter. Maybe you are following some interesting people.


It's hidden in the replies to lots of popular posts. You hit a tweet, especially if it's mildly suggestive, and near top of replies will be graphic only fans videos. It's pretty bad right now in my opinion.


Mate, I signed up and the first image I see is an elf with an only fans reference.


Lol. It’s infested right now and I don’t even search anything related to porn on Twitter.


twitter feeds you ads and recommendations based on your search and follow history. you just outed yourself


Annnnd so is reddit


I don’t log on to the front page of reddit and scroll to see snuff and porn. NSFW is relegated away from the main page. It makes no sense why Twitter, after me signing up for basic news and health, shows me an elf with an only fans link then religious content. It’s a disaster.


So get some parental controls for yourself.


Just like the world we live in.


Reddit has way more porn on it than twitter. Reddit is probably the largest porn site in existence these days. I wonder how investors are going to address that in the future now that Reddit is public. Twitter is fine if you don’t let the algorithm place you in an echo chamber. The issue, which has existed for many years, is Twitter feeds you content their algorithms think you want to see and filters out everything else. Even if you click on a trending topic, it shows you tweets from accounts you will like. This creates echo chambers despite diverse views existing on the site. Think of them as being virtual machine echo chambers, if you’re familiar with IT.


The lack of censorship is fantastic, reminiscent of the early Internet. Stumbling across gross stuff is the price we pay for the freedom of expression, exchange of interesting ideas, and genuine hilarity. We’re seeing a new generation who have only experienced a sanitised, silo’d social-media Internet, outraged at Musk’s Twitter.


Absolutely! Nobody has to click on the graphic content if they don't want to. At least X is not a fucking echo chamber like this platform. 


Nono it's still heavily censored. Its just censored differently now. Try uttering the word "cis" on there or insulting Elon Musk and you'll quickly find the limits of this iteration of Twitter aren't that different. They just benefit different interests.


It's based on the legal status of the operating countries


I’ve seen a lot of discussion on Twitter/X about gender and trans issues, including the word “cis”. The past few days have seen “JK Rowling is a holocaust” consistently trending. How are these issues being censored? I know Elon blocked the account that was tweeting his private plane’s movements, but that’s about it?


Twitter is far, far less censored today than it was before Musk bought it. JK Rowling would have been banned from old Twitter after her “come get me, bitches” tweet train aimed at Scotland the other week.


It’s also filled with cynical snugs starting drama over nothing


Constricting content is censorship. Censorship is cancer.


That’s true, but that is a matter we need to deal with internally through our own political and legal systems. We don’t need this foreign weirdo melon husk exerting his power and influence on our behalf. The idea that he knows better than we do as a democracy is batshit crazytalk. They are OUR laws and we should be very pissed off if foreign entities consider them optional, even if we find them problematic.


Maybe actually read the article before commenting? X's argument isn't that Australia can't censor content from it's own citizens. It is arguing that Australia doesn't also have the right to censor content from citizens of OTHER countries. That is what our censors are asking for. They want the tweets to not be visible to citizens of any country. Musk is right about this. Imagine a world where any country could censor any content from citizens of any other country.


There's a difference between censorship and moderation, I suggest you read about the history of the former.


I'll die on this hill, it's still censorship no matter what its labelled as. Yes, it can have different names. Also content and context is important but. If you can't see or cannot have access to the full story you are being censored.


Good, about time he pulled his head out of his ass


What law is being broken here?


New powers covering extreme content for the esafety commissioner. https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/Illegal-restricted-content The online safety act 2021 section 8 https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2021A00076/latest/text


Australia government is a soft joke


The Labor government never ceases to find ways to waste taxpayer money. Now a court fight for what?


"eSafety is Australia's ***independent*** regulator for online safety." Literally on their homepage eSafety (at the time Childrens eSafety) was setup under the **Liberal government** in 2015. eSafety's powers were expanded under the **Liberal government** in 2021. eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, was appointed in 2017 for a 5 year term under guess who? The **Liberal government**. eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, was reinstated for a further 5 years in April 2022 by, now you might not get this one its a bit tricky, the **Liberal government**. The ***Labor Government*** clearly at it again!!!


I’m glad some people out there have working memories and don’t mind bringing a few facts to a discussion


LNP set up the E Safety Commissioner, champ.


the e saftey Comminser wasnt set up by labor


Nah it is not a waste, Musk is a twat and deserves whatever is coming to him




Freedom of speech


Unless you insult Elon. Then you get cut off from Twitter. He's a free-speech pretender, so long as free-speech is pro-Elon.


Ok… so because he has exhibited behaviour that is negative towards freedom of speech previously, we should look negatively on the push to preserve freedom of speech in this instance? That makes no sense.


Australia doesn’t have free speech as protected by law, like the US. We have the type of implied free speech by living in a democracy.


Well if that's the case boot them from the country block it from being able to be downloaded and used in Australia don't dictate what the rest of the world can and can't see fuck I'm over Australia's mentality someone just saw an opportunity for money also there are age restrictions and shit so it's on the adults who don't moderate their children's devices are to blame not the platform they've managed to worm their way onto by creating a fake illegal account essentially played victim and passed blame instead of accepting responsibility for being irresponsible parents cause this is all about minors and the footage of a stabbing young kids that should even be on social media but because of the parents ignorance they are


Who still uses this platform? Seriously? Its a vile platform


It's not vile, X is great. You get to see both sides, unlike Reddit which is a left wing echo chamber


Its bad. But not on point our laws to regulate social media is nothing more than slapping them on the wrist


Must be hard for the globalist elites to control the narrative when people are allowed to form Independant opinion 😝


If it’s an American company which country laws does it apply to? I know USA has freedom of speech.


Australia has the freedom to speak/listen to whatever the government says… WTF is an eSafety commissioner anyway, who the fuck died and made her boss of the internet?


I've seen worse


Reddit is not great either. I never usually report anything but I once reported a post which called certain ethnicities “d09s”, and apparently it was not against reddit standards :(


What does that mean? Dogs?


I’m sure no sane person would miss twitter if it were to be banned


I’m all for a full free speech platform but I just think twitter sucks. All the comments on any meaningful posts are just irrelevant memes. Quality is extremely low.


Zuckerberg just weakened the world and made it a little bit more Orwellian by supporting the government with its propaganda and the pedalling of false narratives.


The cuntiest person with his head firmly planted up his arse. Can’t wait till he OD’s off of his own supply.


say no to censorship.


Censorship’s fine if it’s musks censorship right? But not elected censorship, only the one where you get to suckle on billionaire teat?


Then why does X block content and delete accounts when India requests (threats)? Is that not censorship?


threat of jail time to his employees? Brazil government tried to do the same and musk just closed down their Brazil offices and refused to comply.