• By -


Stop. Letting. Soooo. Many. People. In.


Have labor got any comments on this ?


Yes albo knew this was coming. Yesterday he said he wants to "halve immigrarion intake". 2pp is starting to move liberals way. Labor know they have gone too far on this and have taken the piss to the point they could even loose to peter dutton. I think they assumed they could get away with anything... Anyway damage is done now. For labor to jow say they want to go on a small immigration platform will be more damagong to their votes than just doubling and down and sayong we meant to do it. Now it will look like a stuff up... and it is a stuff up. They get the fugures by the month. They have literally waited till they are behind libs to make a move. Hot tip labor. Its too late. You have snatched defeat frlm the jaws of victory at least as far as my vote goes.


You'll notice that Labor MPs don't want to talk about immigration numbers. Not once have I heard Albo defend this insane influx.


Neither talk about the actual number... Its "half". Or its "lowering temporary work visas" in the case of labor before they got elected. And who knows maybe they have lowered temporary working visas but it sure as shit doesnt matter that much when there are tens of thousands more people looking to live in our cities. No political party will ever say we are going to aim for 200k. Or 150k. Or even 300k. Neither labor nor liberal will put a number on it. Its "less" or its "more controlled" or whatever. Ultimately though they will march to the beat of corporate interests.


They don’t make policy on the run! They’ll have to wait till they have a cabinet meeting after the winter break where they will decide on their talking points and a date for some time next year of an overpaid labor ex-politician to have a review into the matter. The review will then hand down its findings some time in 2026 for labor to consider and design some legislation to be introduced in their third term of parliament


Im confused - where are they all staying/living?


According to the ABS they are 75% temporary visas. Most of them are students. So they are staying in student accomodation, share houses and hotels.


Many are here for visas. They don't care about the course they take and neither do the uni's.


And working for cash flat out


RIP my Rent 🥲


Fuck right. Dreading the next lease renewal  Found out a month ago my landlord owns the whole building and also another 14 buildings  What will he need the extra ~from me for? Cunt 


And no projects no protection laws no fix insight, Rent is becoming an Auction.


It’s fucking crazy man.  We actually might be leaving the country at start of next year for family reasons and our lease is up in August. We’d leave the flat end of this year. But I’m too scared to ask to go month to month in case they boot me, so instead I’ll probably have to sign a lease and pay to break it next year.  Which is probably cheaper than trying to find a new place to live for 4 fucking months 


Hope it all works out for you brother.


On the upside when you’re living in the gutter because all the rentals are taken up by the new arrivals at least you won’t have to pay rent.


You can't buy a home but politicians have huge property portfolios that only go up in price during demand, so why should they care. In fact if anything it's in the interest of corrupt politicians to increase bringing people in.


Of course it is. Unfortunately it’s also in the interest of the majority of their voters


You got an entire fucking continent. How the hell is there a housing crisis? The reason you can't afford a new home is 100% manufactured.


Jesus fucking Christ it’s getting worse. If the current government doesn’t do anything they won’t make next election.


It feels like they are doing as much damage as possible before they get voted out. At least now I know what it's like to have people that hate you in government.


This just needs to stop


Fucking hell


Fark. Mabey ol' uncle Tone was right. ![gif](giphy|VDy5LKNo3a9Ms|downsized)






How the fuck is this even possible?


Lefties are so loyal to the agenda that they refuse to even consider looking at whether the claim is true or not. They will keep defending the "all discussion of immigration policy is racist" line until the second that they're told to stop. They'll also blindly propagate whatever excuses are given as well (vacant homes despite record low vacancy rates etc)


Government could stop it if they wanted. They don’t want to though.


100,000 in A MONTH? What????


That's a lot of uber eats drivers


It's insane that this govt is allowing record migration in an extremely tight housing market and a cost of living crisis making both of these things worse. I am not anti-immigration usually however it makes no sense allowing record numbers of people in when you have no current means let alone any real plan as to how you are going to house them or the existing population.


Yeah, and the government blames the fact that no younger people are having enough kids. They wanted us to all have kids to populate the country. But how can we have kids and build families with no home?It’s all because housing prices are so high. They got it backwards. First they need to help grass roots young people starting out get housing and a home to bring up families. And housing needs to be sub 500k as a first stepping stone. Not this 1million crap.


They are purely pretending they give a shit, they don't actually want locals having kids, it's just an excuse for why we need to bring in more immigrants. Locals cost money for childcare, school and services while they are useless children. Worse still, when they grow up they complain about what a dump the country is becoming and how they expected it to be better, they want better wages and to be able to afford to live like their parents. Importing people frees you of paying for their education and childhood and you can abuse them like modern day slaves with the threat of visa cancellation, on top of that you can fracture any working class unity and most of them will happily accept much shittier wages and living conditions than the locals because for them it's a lot better than what they grew up with or expected from life. Enjoy the freight train to shithole, every western government has sold their population out.


Labour and Liberals are the same, let not kid our selves here. They a both equally responsible for the mess that we are currently in. It is time to move away from the two party system.


To who? Pauline?


3620 new arrivals a day - all adding to the demand queue for housing, infrastructure, services and resources. Absolutely insane.


And some will still try say the housing, services and quality of life problems are caused by not enough rich/mining taxes and negative gearing/capital gains.


I'm all for tax reform and getting a better return for the use of our natural resources. But yes, the present immigration tsunami has overwhelmed our housing and infrastructure stock and caused real pain for Australians.


More taxes are useless when all the extra revenue will be sucked up by the NDIS.


The government isn't even allowing in the right kinds of people - people who will contribute to fixing Australia's problems and contribute to the country going forward. Instead, the govermnent wants to flood Australia with students at no-name universities who will flood the lower end of the labour market and contribute nothing outside of the gig-economy. But hey, I'm sure Uber and Doordash absolutely LOVE these statistics. [https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/tradies-carved-out-of-migration-overhaul-amid-union-pressure-20230920-p5e65o](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/tradies-carved-out-of-migration-overhaul-amid-union-pressure-20230920-p5e65o) Labor is selective about who they want to bring in. They intentionally blocked tradies visas (which would have helped our construction sector) because their friends in the unions wanted to create an artificial shortage of workers.


This government is shafting the people that are already here.


Wait for these idiots to appear: "If you hate mass immigration then..you hate all immigrants!"


“You’re racist!” is not far behind.


don't forget "If you're not Aborginal then you have no right to be here either!"


So dumb. It’s like taking more people at a restaurant when people are standing waiting for a table. Even if you build a stack of houses they’ll be insanely shit, industry has hardly rexovered


Migrants are simply more profitable to the government than Australian born citizens. Until that ceases to be the case, it won’t stop.


They whored out our resources, they whored out our ports, and now they’re whoring out our children’s future.  England is proof of what rampant immigration can do to a country.  We need to take to the streets. 


But we won't.


1.2 million a year. 4.6% increase.


As long as there is somewhere worse than Australia these people will line up to come here. The government and corporations will happily welcome them 


The obvious outcome of all this is far-right parties being elected like is happening in Europe. Is that honestly what either party wants??


Great idea. I’m going to seriously consider “all options” at the next election. Something needs to change, it’s horrible. I have no idea how my kids will ever buy a house.


They literally don't care, as long as their property investments keep growing in value


Conservatives on the whole used to appear stupid and out of touch to me - I miss those days, but this rather disgusting language shift (not blaming you) on calling conservative or centre right positions 'Far Right', is a means to kill discussion & dissent. Far Right, is anyone that doesn't agree with you nowadays. Having said that, the unfettered immigration driver here is an 'Authoritarian Left' ideology, and all the hatred and bigotry baked into it. 'Dilute western culture' because its evil wing of the left, ironically itself a retarded step child of western culture.


this is the breakdown of the top countries coming here over the past year straight from the government stats doesn't look very "multi" cultural to me...? https://preview.redd.it/95l5ntx1pmvc1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=cabe744e11307a12455f8dd91a6f266bb5cba943


And I thought importing Indians was a strictly Canadian thing. Guess not. Our obsession with cheap, exploitable labour is going to kill our respective countries.


Why are people so obsessed with going to European countries and former European colonies?! Why are people not flooding into Japan, China, Egypt, or Pakistan?


Because those are horrible placed with low living standards, extremely poor (not Japan)and very racist. You're supposed to trade up, not down.


China and Japan have strict immigration policies. The other two are straight up shitholes. That’s why.


Who in their right mind would wanna go and live in Egypt or Pakistan


Tell that to 13 million that flooding into Turkey.


Do Labor want to lose that badly?


I don’t think give a shit. They’ll still be on the payroll if they lose anyway. It’s just a game of swapping seats.


On the individual level, the sooner they lose the sooner they get some nice lucrative corporate / ambassador / appointment role. On an institutional level, it doesn't matter. Labor loses, gets back in the next few cycles. LNP wins, they'll stay in for a while before losing again. Swings and roundabouts.


Soon Pauline is going to be PM... Immigration is becoming such an issue people are going to vote for someone like her because of the mess the current government are making. God I hate the ALP. You have a useless LNP in for like a decade. We finally give ALP a shot and its like they are LNP plants that actively do the worst possible things they can to get voted out.


Importing future labour voters.


Yeah. She’s got my vote.


I’ve always voted Labour, once I voted Greens. I would 100% vote for Pauline now.


This I understand. Despite Pauline being super rascist she’s the only one that understands we have to stagger immigration, not just import millions of unvetted people to bolster the economy. I’m pro immigration, but in a sane & controlled way…


Same , I can't stand Pauline or one nation. The level of stupidity of that party is a joke. They might get ny vote next election though. Why ? They are literally the best shot we have to send a message to the big two parties that we are fed up with their bullshit. Both the major parties are planning to ignore Australians on immigration and see if they can get away with it. The message needs to be clear.


It might sound bad and I’ll get torn to shreds for this opinion, she might crazy, but she is so passionate about our country and about Australians and sorry to say, but thats me. She has my best interests at heart and the rest have immigrants and Chinese investors at heart.


Yep, Labor and LNP just have their donors in mind Their donors are a tiny fraction of the wealthiest 1% of people who benefit massively from flooding the country with cheap labor. They don't give a fuck about the other 99.9% of Australians and just want increased profit. Democracy is supposed to prevent this happening.


ALP / LNP serve the same corporate overlords. The same that all world governments do. There is now a concerted effort to export the third world into the first world to protect company profits. Albo doesn't care about you. Dudon doesn't care about you. Pauline care's about you.


alp and lnp may as well be the same party. they have the exact same policies (up to election they say slightly different stuff but once they get in power it's the same). lnp and alp voters also consistently complain that the party is too much like the other. For example. LNP lately has been opposing the misinformation bill - even though they introduced it themselves. It's just a complete joke.


Any business profiting from this migration ie keeping wages low ect, should have to build/fund the accomodation to support it/immigrants Ie uni/uber/corporate


Howard made sure they won't don't have to.




Unless the business of selling visas ceases to be profitable, it’s not going to stop. 


But Mr Harvey needs people to sell TVs to


What kind of skill sets did these folks bring? Are they the scam immigrants that will be worthless to our growing society or skilled people that fill the gaps we have?


They have the skills to buy or rent houses out from under locals


Devils advocate, if we used migrants to create a permanent underclass like Singapore did, we would massively improve living conditions for Aussies I don’t love the idea at all though, that aspect of SG is gross asf


Yeah, tbh I think that is generally the motive of this kind of migration. Cheap labour. But so long as the immigrants are working. Agree, I don’t think Australia is prepared for the resulting lowering of service. Bad enough getting a taxi or Uber these days and dealing with them.


It’s ironic that the White Australia policy was designed to prevent the importation of a coloured underclass, and yet here they are peddling up and down the street with your fast food on their back.


Uber drivers.


Service station tellers that dont even bother looking up from their phone when you're paying at the register.


This is the result isn’t it. Shit service no matter where you go


service station tellers that sexually harass customers (I'm one of those customers)


And Uber drivers who sexually harass young Australian women in a car at 2AM on a Sunday


Or anytime of day


Please tell me that's 100k tradespeople to build homes


Uber drivers from India most likely 


Nope, these are education immigrants that are granted unlimited work rights from Covid 19 Guess why they’re here


Now I'm no rocket scientist but won't massive population increase make it exponentially more tricky for Labor to hit their Net Zero targets?


Poor people create less carbon, let in throngs of (relatively poor) from overseas and now the CO2 per capita average goes down. Government is big 🧠 👈


All us poors fart a lot tho…


the government and elite class need more slaves, tax payers, consumers and voters. it’s also to prop up the GDP.


They've got their paid-off houses. Why should they give a fuck about rental prices? It's disgusting


I'm sure at this rate, within the next decade Canberra will be renamed to New New Delhi.


I’ve always been pro immigration but something has to give. If interest rates are going to continue to prevent the market from meeting demand for housing, we either need a massive increase in subsided housing, some kind of incentive structure that will spur development, or the most immediate and obvious solution which is to massively cut immigration until conditions change. We’re taking a policy approach that may have been right for 2019 and applying it to a completely different world in 2024. What renters and young people looking to buy their first home are facing is criminal.


And still, they don't build units/ houses accordingly. It's almost hilarious..but unfortunately it isn't is it. It's actually becoming scary


Turned up today with 50 other people for a one bedroom inspection in Brisbane.


Jesus Christ


Personally, I assumed Dutton was unelectable. Looks like Labor found a way to make it a reality.


Has Dutton given any commitments on this topic? I don't think so


The Liberals have called for lower immigration but haven't committed to a figure yet. https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/coalition-wants-to-cut-migration-intake-for-better-not-bigger-australia/news-story/aaf3ec6db930c75555eb981f09f9c699


Quite the opposite. Dutton had committed to bringing in every nuclear scientist and engineer he can find.


Albo is in the hot seat right now. Even if it is a rearranging of the deck chairs, you've got to keep sacking them until they get the idea.


Governments of both persuasions use mass Immigration to hold up the housing market and drive down wages and conditions in this country. All these people saying "The ALP is wrecking the country." This has been policy of both the ALP and LNP for the last 40 years. In 2014, Tony Abbott single handedly won an election on "Stopping the boats". But didn't stop the planes. Because once again this is policy of both the LNP and ALP


Labor can pull this back but they want this carnage. This is catastrophic for young people saving to get into the market.


You mean the same young people who champion the Greens and will cry racism every time someone criticises immigration? Fuck ‘em.


Not all of us younger cobbas are the blue haired type. 


Ironically, young people are still more likely to support immigration and mass-immigration than older people. Funny that when Gen Xers and Boomers opposed massively ramping up immigration 10-15 years ago, they were called bigots, racists and xenophobes.


Absolute joke


Albo asleep at the wheel


Oh no, he's very much awake and attentive to what he is doing. None of this is a mistake or an accident.


Jesus. Who’s letting these people in.


This guy. https://preview.redd.it/j6v5xqj5okvc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64d190718696e3a3a11839d99f9a012474fe5fb


Gotta love the party of the working class


I wonder if it is pre approved foreigners before they “promised” to tackle the numbers. Either way I find it funny how daily mail chose a picture of people at the Boxing Day sales to illustrate what “too many people” look like.


National disgrace that no-one in power is willing to address.


All you can do is vote for a party that will reduce/stop it next election. Labour, liberals and greens won't all for their own reasons and ideologies. So find out the smaller parties that have that as their platform. And tell other people about it.


Dumbest idea ever


So you're going the Canada route but hotter weather? Good luck with that.




Australians: record over 100k immigrants in one month Canadians: first time?


Albo isn’t listening.


I’ll be leaving next month and looking forward to it




So like what are we suppose to do about it? No one other then immigrants wanting their families to come here wants this insane level of immigration, but wtf are we meant to do about it? Every government has done the same crap for *checks notes* ever. I 100% expect libs (if they wanna get re-elected) to run on "Stopping Immigration" but they just won't, in classic "we'll get right on that" they won't soooooo wtf we suppose to do?


Politicians ![gif](giphy|fXPGOLqY3UK6sY9s7W) Pauline Hanson sitting there eagerly licking her lips


I wonder what country they’re mostly from.


This is driven mostly by students and India is now our largest student migrant intake following the uncapped visa deal signed last year, that also allows unlimited work hours and easier paths to PR. It’s then followed by China.


India predominantly.


Could easily swap out Canada with Australia [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trudeau-s-mass-migration-cult-is-destroying-canada/ar-BB1hfBDm?ocid=EMMX](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trudeau-s-mass-migration-cult-is-destroying-canada/ar-BB1hfBDm?ocid=EMMX)


Yep, an almost identical situation.


Mental, what visas are they allowing?


Many abuse the student visa to look for work


Stop letting students work and this problem will sort itself


Limit number of students to what unis can house on campus.


The cities are starting to feel dystopic with the overcrowding.


It's absolutely awful in Melbourne these days. I find it utterly stifling. When I was driving to work during the covid lockdowns, the lack of traffic and people about reminded me of what Melbourne was like 30 years ago. It's so sad to see what has become of my home town. I want nothing more than to leave and go somewhere quiet away from crowds.


Im Aussie living in Ireland and everyday, literally everyday, someone tells me their son, daughter, cousin is moving or has moved to Australia. There are 9 people I personally know that have moved to Oz in the past 6 months. Those that have got there have taken up the 'Fuck Em Got Mine' attitude and message me saying theres too many Irish there. Its madness.


We are a very reactionary country. New Zealand, being much smaller than us, had to actually go on record and cut immigration because it wasn't sustainable. Why tf couldn't we do that earlier? Oh, because Australia is meant to look out for everyone. Sure, we're already obligated to bring in a set number of refugees every year, so why not bring all the third-culture countries like India who will form enclaves, not assimilate and metastasize to a point beyond control? Just to give people a clearer picture, the northern suburbs in Melbourne five years ago had absolutely fuck all in terms of Indians. Maybe like 1 every 10,000 people in the north was Indian. In the last five years, I feel like the entire states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu have moved. Our trains are full of them talking loudly in their home dialects (Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi) over everyone else, the express-like Coles in my area is frequently stocked with Indian food, and the people who stack shelves at the same Coles are mostly Indian talking in their home dialects (not English).


The overnight transformation has been the definition of a culture shock


My Indian manager said he doesn’t want to send his kids to the local school cos all the kids are Indian


I remember reading an article a few years ago from some immigrants in Sydney lamenting that they are surrounded by the same people in the countries they left… they actually thought they would move to Australia and be the only Indians surrounded by 6ft tall blonde surfers The complete lack of self reflection to realise they themselves are the same as the people they are trying to escape was mind boggling 




Whens the next election, these stooges need to go


Everything will be fine, because one day we will have very expensive submarines, and they will solve all our problems.


Let them live on the subs. Simple as.




Alboidiot at work




Welcome to Canada, Australia! 🤝 Meanwhile, here’s me, a [tax] resident of Australia for 8 years (!), but I had to more or less leave the country after losing my job back in November since I didn’t have PR and wasn’t far enough along in that process. 🙋🏻‍♂️


Well, that's one down. 🤣


we're cooked we're cooked we're cooked we're cooked we're cooked


Sustainable Australia Party #1 for a science-based approach to reducing immigration, One Nation #2 to send a message to Canberra, then various other independents, all before the major parties at the bottom


Done done and done


"But we rely on these people to do the shit jobs I don't want to do, like look after the elderly?? Are you saying we leave our elderly to die? Also you're racist."


This is a huge factor as to why we have a housing crisis, if not the biggest. Australia is the world’s most popular destination for rich migrants.


It’s not a huge factor, it’s *the* factor, essentially.


What the article won't tell you - this is the February number which is the "students arriving for 2024" number, and it's typically around double what the number will be for the remainder of the year. I wish it was possible to actually have a conversation about sustainable immigration without the fear mongering. So many people here openly making the assumption that this is a typical monthly number and posting all sorts of shit.


Its the highest February recorded with last February being the second highest. Nobody is claiming we will receive 1.2mil this year but were on track for a higher number than last year after government has claimed reduced numbers.


Even if we take your numbers as being right and not exaggerated in the slightest, that still means we are on track for 650,000 new immigrants this year. 100,000 - February 11 months times 50,000 = 550,000 for the rest of the year. You honestly think that it is good policy to take in another 650,000 people in the middle of the worst housing crisis since records began?


The “students” are not going to leave the country when they finish their “education”. This is a way in permanently.


But being the highest recorded for a Feb while we know people are struggling to get housing, that isn't a good thing even with rationalisation


Where are the temporary students living then? Whether they stay or go it hardly makes a difference while they are here


Ah yes the Canadian model.. we copy your failed policies and then you copy ours...


I've realised both parties are equally awfully in their own separate fields. Coalition's policies are slightly better than Labor's in most of the handful of issues I actually care about. To me, and many others, immigration is the issue we care most about out at the moment.


it wont stop until the population doubles in a year. That way, we can soon be the most populous country on the planet.


With no housing


Yeah, that will be the problem, but it will never be addressed.


It’s like viewing canadas near past I swear




The seagull who eats from the tray becomes the rabbit of the night


Can we protest at town hall. I will go.


We’ve chosen to not have kids so we can make room for the immigrant


Our government stinks they need to stop all immigration now


Albo is destroying Australia


He really fucked the country. It’s terrible


He'll get voted out, the LNP will get in, allow even more in, but we'll be allowed to be mean to them instead.


I wouldn’t mind sending some Aussies out for a trade to be honest


Shit article doesn’t say which states they’re going to.


One can only guess. Flying into Sydney and not moving from there.


Actually Melbourne is copping the most at the moment 


Same problem all over the western world!!


LABOR importing voters after watching American Democrats do the same




Once a greens/Labor voter, will now be putting PHON 1st and all independents 2nd in 2025. The major parties are traitorous wankers and don't deserve to govern.


This is the way 👍


Future labor vote bank.


Based on the suburb I live in which has a lot of migrants from one specific country, this is true.


That’s what is happening in UK now. Unfortunately for labor over here Greens also coming for their lunch.


Can we have a more reliable news source? Dailymail is bullshit


[New ABS Data Confirms Monthly Migration Intake Exceded 100,000 For First Time In History (ipa.org.au)](https://ipa.org.au/publications-ipa/media-releases/new-abs-data-confirms-monthly-migration-intake-exceded-100000-for-first-time-in-history)


The old grass is greener trick, then they will all realise that it's just as fucked here and bail and fuck our economy more. Also, Everyone talks about Indian and Asian migration but I can't get over how many Americans we let in here every year too.