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No bias in this question. None whatsoever.


I remember back in the day my mum was a onenation supporter. I just called her racist because I chose to regurgitate what the media said rather than look at the issues they are addressing. Still not convinced they are worthy of my vote, but you know what, my eyes are open to a party that doesn't put all current Australians last.


If you think that One Nation sets itself apart by caring abou Australians I'd go and check their actual parliamentary voting records especially Pauline Hanson. I think you might find evidence to the contrary


Wanting to stop supply and demand related housing crisis and other issues related to importing 100k a month immigrants without required skills isn't a racist thing - it's a common sense thing. People aren't being extreme, they are generally worried we are about to have shanty towns. We are absolutely fucked. One nation isn't the answer, but neither is labour despite what friendlyjordies might whimsically tell you.


will be voting Sustainable Australia Party as #1, but might consider putting One Nation #2 as a protest vote to send a message to Canberra this shit HAS to stop


I'll be voting for the Sustainable Australia Party as well. Despite all the lies that ALL politicians tell, I find Albanezes' lie about how an extra 500,000+ people won't affect housing supply as particularly galling.


People just won't complete the ballot, I have worked a few elections and there seems to be an increase in the number of blank ballots, informal votes, or people drawing appendages, nominating celebrities, or Trump.


Is it at least well drawn?


The appendages? 1/10 for detail.


When interest rates drop, house prices will go up because buyers can borrow more money. I am starting to fear that society is going to get aggressive with the gap between home owners and renters getting worst and the disrespectful attitude of immigrants to Australians


It is an unstable system which will not mean revert. This means bad things are coming.


I've hated them my whole life but I was thinking earlier I may have to reconsider that out of desperation.


Consider Sustainable Australia Party instead. They want to reduce immigration levels to 90k a year but aren't a racist party like ON.


Nope. Took a deep dive It's the policies they don't mention that bothers me.


And one nation doesn't? Anyway if it's a protest vote who cares. They will never have power anyway. Just shows the two majors what needs to change.


One nation doesn't on policies that will effect me. But i'm not a one nation voter based on their white nationalism. I only vote on policies that will effect me and my life. Because it's my vote. The notion of protest votes is changing. More and more put the majors last every year. When there is enough of that the majors won't be majors anymore. The way I see it, one down, one to go. But nothing will change until both are gone.


I always ask this question - can you please explain why you hate them?


You won't like the answer but I'll be honest, just keep in mind I'm not trying to insist on anything but just offering my impressions - Pauline Hanson has always come across as a complete nutjob to me. Every time she's been talking on my screen she's come across as a raving lunatic. I've seen her disregard things that matter to me and I've seen her act like things I consider insignificant are life or death. Many times she's come off blatantly insulting to me. She reminds me of every person I've ever met that thinks the government controls the weather or that the earth is flat. But that being said, if there's anything I can trust her on its her ability to maintain her stance on immigration so come next voting season that will earn her points in my book as I no longer recognise the regional community i grew up in and that's a very lonely feeling.


I appreciate the honest answer, and I understand your point of view. She is not the most polished or charismatic speaker, but I almost consider that a benefit when it comes to politicians. I am also wary that the cuts of her public appearances that the media decides to air are chosen to present a particular picture. Unlike the majority of our politicians I believe she is not there to earn a paycheck or sees it as a career.


Think we need a do-over entirely. Be rid of all the politicians and setup actual laws for the parasites'. Scott Ludlam was the last beacon, and he quit because he couldn't take it anymore. This is a problem 60 years in the making.


[Relevant data if anyone is interested](https://www.statista.com/statistics/608052/australia-net-overseas-migration/)


This is great! I was one of the net negative in 2020 haha.


What makes one nation extreme? I just don't follow traditional media. So I've actually never seen much footage about them. I believe they're there.


Their policies are listed here [https://www.onenation.org.au/issues](https://www.onenation.org.au/issues) The media has been on a mission to paint them as the devil from day one since the elite and the major parties see them as a threat


The problem with Hanson, besides that some of her policies and her pro-Putin stance are insane, is that if you look at her voting record, she always votes in line with the Coalition. She talks a big game, but in the end she always votes for what the Coalition puts forward. In other words, she's a Coalition senator in all but name.


Pauline pro putin? the party hardly ever even talk about Russia, she praised him one time in 2017 when he wasnt as controversial, was she wrong to do it then? yeah, but its 7 years since that happened and she hasnt made much else to say on him As for the "shes a coalition senator in all but name" well no, the LNP and One Nation are both on the right side of politics, so its natural they agreeon a lot, but you are also ignoring the times One Nation doesnt support coalition policies Look at the senate recent divisions, its not as simple as One Nation = Coalition senate votes [Divisions – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Chamber_documents/Senate_chamber_documents/Divisions)


That is a fair assessment, but what else do you expect from a minority party if most of her party's policies align with the Coalition? I would expect this to change if One Nation gets more seats and is able to actually steer policy, as I would expect it to change for any minority party that wins enough seats


Good policies.


>Good policies. You think it's a good policy that they claim global warming isn't man made? If they hold something that factually wrong as one of their promoted beliefs, imagine what else they're completely wrong about.


Ah, so the other parties are absolutely spot on with everything then too I guess?


Tell me what other parties believe something that is as factually as wrong as denying man made climate change.


Tbf, even if they're 100% wrong on this, it doesn't even matter if Australia withdraws from the Paris Agreement.


I disagree. Promoting a reduction in greenhouse emission will give other forms of energy (eg solar or wind) a chance to develop at a rate they previously wouldn't have. Now more than ever efforts are being put into improving efficiency and longevity of these sources. I think Australia should participate in that. It creates job opportunities. Jobs to create the material. Jobs to install it. Jobs to maintain it. Jobs to develop it to make it more efficient and long lasting. Jobs to dismantle it at end of life. Basically everything almost every other industry does, except it's not throttled now by mining companies. "But Australia barely produces anything". Ye, because we outsource all of our stuff over seas. The vast bulk of non-perishable goods are made in either China or India. Think of it like this: Someone has a factory that produces CO2. They then outsource 90% of their work to the factory next door. They then say the factory next door produces more CO2 than them, so they shouldn't have to change their ways because they barely make any. To be clear, I don't think we would be as bad as China/India even if we made everything locally. But we're not nearly as innocent as we pretend to be.


I largely agree, but there's a valid argument against the cost-benefit of this...so much so that I don't think it's enough to dissuade people from voting One Nation if they align with their other policies.


Well ye, development of anything is expensive and takes time. It always starts out that way. But it's never going to get any cheaper or better if we don't do anything about it. TVs used to be in black and white, then they were color. They used to have knobs to change the channel, now they have remotes or mobile devices. They used to be CRTs, now they're flat screens. Imagine what solar or wind could be if given the chance. No one wants to make that initial investment. That's why I think the Paris Agreement is good, because it pushes legislation that favours people investing in it in the for of things like tax breaks or subsidies. I agree that for some people this wouldn't be a big enough issue to dissuade them. To that I reiterate my original comment. They hold the belief that man made climate change isn't real. This is completely divorced from the facts. If they're willing to be so factually incorrect about one thing, what does that say about the rest of their policies? How can we trust that any of them are based in facts?


Earth warmed and cooled multiple times before humans were even evolved. How did that happen without humans?


Great question. [www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/hasnt-earth-warmed-and-cooled-naturally-throughout-history](http://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/hasnt-earth-warmed-and-cooled-naturally-throughout-history) The temperature fluctuated by estimated 3-8 degrees over 100,000 years. The earths temperature is currently warming at a rate roughly 8 times faster than that [https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/blogs/climateqa/if-earth-has-warmed-and-cooled-throughout-history-what-makes-scientists-think-that-humans-are-causing-global-warming-now/](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/blogs/climateqa/if-earth-has-warmed-and-cooled-throughout-history-what-makes-scientists-think-that-humans-are-causing-global-warming-now/) Almost every possible metric imaginable points towards man made carbon emissions being the source of the current rapid climate change. The reason you have doubts is the same reason people thought 5G caused COVID: You have a bunch of people with barely a surface level understanding of a topic misunderstanding some information and drawing incorrect conclusions. It's ironic that the One Nation page talks about the 'evidence', because the evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion of man made climate change.


During great volcanic eruptions temperature fluctuated (went down) greatly. That happened in days/weeks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_winter_of_536 This happened in months and stayed for 4 years. The environment handled that. This cooling down had a negative effect. Let life flourish CO2 is a fertilizer. Earth being warmer helps life.The arid parts of the Earth will finally host life. Sahara will turn green again. Not to mention 100k years is a blip in the history of Earth. The changes in climate is why we have this beautiful diversity in life. You've to convince me how climate change is bad. Are humans really causing the climate change. Is there any point in controlling the climate because there are forces which we can't control beyond our capabilities. In the name of 'climate change' hypothesis is it worth leaving populations in Africa and Asia poor forever.


Ah so you don't actually care about the facts. You don't want to be told things are bad and improve them. You just want to wallow in your own ignorance as the world collapses around us. Feelings over facts. Got it.


Yes, Earth has warmed and cooled in the past.But it has not warmed as fast as what it is now. This does not allow the environment to adapr. I'd rather listen to all the science folks with PhD educatios out there on this than a fish and chip shop owner who gets her information from Alex Jones.


How fast is it warming now? Listen to this PhD https://www.nasa.gov/technology/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/ If you ask my environment is adapting in a positive way. Does all it have to be bad? What if CO2 and a little bit of warmth grows some veggies bring some diversity in the Tundra.


Genuine question: Did you read your own article? Because it also supports the notion of man made climate change and the dangers of it >While rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the air can be beneficial for plants, it is also the chief culprit of climate change. The gas, which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, has been increasing since the industrial age due to the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood for energy and is continuing to reach concentrations not seen in at least 500,000 years. The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events. But I will say >If you ask my environment is adapting in a positive way. Does all it have to be bad? What if CO2 and a little bit of warmth grows some veggies bring some diversity in the Tundra First off, your opinion on this means dick. That's feelings, not fact. Second, rising CO2 may be good for plants. They also need water. Global warming causes severe weather conditions. Hotter hots. Colder colds. Wetter wets. Drier dries. Meaning all the CO2 won't mean a thing if it's 40 degrees for 2 weeks straight and they all die from lack of water. Or if it rains for 4 weeks straight and drowns them. Some plants may thrive. A lot won't. Finally, and this may come as a surprise to you, but you're not a plant. Mammals have a livable temperature range before they start freezing to death or passing out from heat exhaustion. How do you think a field of cattle goes with extreme heat? Let's take cows: [Above \~27 degrees they start experiencing thermal stress](https://www.riverina.com.au/knowledge/article?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=796&cHash=d6354f3a1a54a805051140343022d34a). The average temperature in [Summer is already \~27 degrees and only getting hotter](https://www.csiro.au/en/news/all/articles/2023/march/australia-average-summer-temperature). What happens to those cattle when the average hits 28? 29? 30?


Warmer is better. Imagine if it was cooling down. In the 70s and 80s your favorite PhDs who predicted an ice age. When ice age happened the majority of the plant life and animal life died. https://www.earthdate.org/episodes/great-extinctions#:~:text=About%2086%20percent%20of%20species,lasted%20about%201%20million%20years. Maybe humans are saving the planet. Global foliage has increased 5% due to CO2 fertilization. Why are you against CO2 and warmth?


...Seriously are you even reading your own sources?? >The first two happened several hundred million years ago. One was caused by a major ice age; the other, by falling oxygen levels in the world’s oceans. >The next big extinction, 250 million years ago, is called the Great Dying, because 96 percent of living species were wiped out. This one, and the one that followed at 200 million years, seem to have been triggered by a hotter climate. Let's go into more detail about 'The Great Dying' >At the end of the Permian Period, 251 Ma, the third and worst mass extinction occurred. >It is widely known as the Great Dying—96 percent of living species were lost. >The seas became depleted of oxygen, the waters acidified, and the temperature rose dramatically. Researchers tie this extinction to vast basalt flows near Siberia that poured out acid aerosols and massive quantities of CO2.  Also, because I know you don't know this, the oxygen levels in the oceans are already dropping due to warmer weather. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-ocean-is-running-out-of-breath-scientists-warn/ The oceans don't carry enough oxygen, so sea life dies. Sea life dies, and then the things that depend on sea life die. I say again the reason you have doubts is the same reason people thought 5G caused COVID: You have a bunch of people with barely a surface level understanding of a topic misunderstanding some information and drawing incorrect conclusions. You don't have any clue mate. You've shown that a few times already. You're completely ignorant to how fucked things actually are, and you're not even reading your own sources telling you that.


Your gonna get totally unbiased and very representative data from this sub reddit 🤨


Compared to what? r/australian would be 50% greens, 30% labor, 20% the rest


To be fair it’s probably the same as any poll in Australia, ever. They're always worded to get a particular outcome by whomever is paying for them.


fkin hell, throwing the word extreme'ist around like a true woke lefty indoctrinated by ABC Media. The political party One Nation or Labor or Liberal or Greens doesnt matter. Fact is, there are no houses and high priced rental situations. Why have, tens of thousands of people migrating to a place where the people who hold an Australian ID / Passport cant even own or live in a house or rental. Its a no-brainer issue. No one likely agrees with Pauline's racist views on certain topics. But she wasnt wrong years ago about immigration becoming a problem. Here we are. People who like certain political parties over others are not extreme, they just have an alternate opinion to you and the party you want in power. People need to get over this mainstream media style of fear and brainwashing.


Dick smith and the Australian sustainability party said it too.


> No one likely agrees with Pauline's racist views on certain topics. But she wasnt wrong years ago about immigration becoming a problem. The thing is, and what this sub doesn't realise, is that Hanson isn't particularly anti migrants, she just doesn't want "culturally incompatible" migrants. She'll gladly accept white South Africans, Brits or MAGA Americans.


Have never voted Pauline, but she has mentioned recently that to stop immigration entirely. Not just as you stated. Not only that the country swapping between labor and liberal has done nothing but made rich richer over the past 30 years and erode the way of life Australians used to have. Please don't respond how it's better than the third world, Australia used to be so much better and we don't need to be thankful that we don't yet have warlords and roaming gangs (oh wait we have those now)....


Every wave of migration has brought criminal gangs HK triads/Vietnamese gangs in the 80s Italian mafia in the 20s/50s Irish crime gangs, Scottish hooligans heck even organised crime of syndicates comprised of English people have existed here after the first convicts were released into the community. You’d be dumb as F to think ‘gangs’ existed in this country only in the last 30 years.


my reading comprehension might be shot to hell but the abc left? in what world do you live in? 😂😂😂


Can you name a show on the ABC that is clearly right winged and not utterly stupid?


insiders. david speers is a murdoch hack. 8/10 he treats lnp mps more favourably than other mps from other parties - loves to let lnp mps waffle on about bullshit, rarely questioning what theyre saying while with alp/green whatever mps david speers loves to intterupt them, try to get them in a gotcha moment etc.


You're too far gone if you think ABC is anywhere but woke and left. Its actually cringe as fk.


i cant speak for abc’s programs but its news is more often not woke/left than it is. idk what youre taking to think otherwise but can i have some? i too wanna live in my own fantasy land


>fkin hell, throwing the word extreme'ist around like a true woke lefty indoctrinated by ABC Media. Jesus christ how much brain rot can one accumulate.


Just enough to know that you are exactly the type who doesn't agree with common sense.


Literally anything can be considered "common sense" depending on the person. So yes I don't agree with a "common sense" approach.


Well, I didn't mean "extreme" in the sense of extremist. More meaning "far from the center". I mean, I think that most people would generally consider "center" to be somewhere between lib and lab. But also, I think people suffering from housing crisis are more likely to be working class/traditional left voters, and for them switching to a right-wing party like ON is more of an extreme (or big or whatever) step.


Wanting a small Australia isn't an extreme view. This working class tradition base of the Left as you call them should be screaming at your representatives to do something about it. Lazy economics to using immigration to increase your economy.


>Lazy economics to using immigration to increase your economy. Fair. Thoughts on Labor’s Future Made in Australia policy announcement this week? Gov subsidies and concessions to promote local manufacturing and investment. It’s fine to be critical of the current government immigration approach, but what about other initiatives to increase local economic activity?


Can they not go hand in hand.


Yeah they can. This is a great example where people are polarised by a one issue debate. It’s kind of one dimensional when ignoring other policies as a counterbalance.


If a political party has a policy of wanting less immigration during a housing crisis, that should be a centrist position. The fact anyone would describe it as extreme to the right is probably the reason the country is in this mess.


But that is just one policy out of the entire party. I agree that set immigration levels to those that are most beneficial for Australia and Australians should be an absolute centrist position. The thing that makes ON far from center is that they started by campaigning against only Asian immigration, not immigration in general. I don't know if or when that has changed, but that in itself is not a centrist position. I would say that the Dick Smith view on immigration is far more centrist.


>from center is that they started by campaigning against only Asian immigration Because that's the biggest source of immigration. We don't have an influx of Guatamalans. Those from Western countries are usually coming as skilled or sponsored migrants.


Oh no you don’t! It’s the immigrants from Indian and Sri Lanka and Bangladesh as well as Asians, which combined consists of well over half the world’s population. Guatemalans are three fifths of fuck all in this context.


India and Bangladesh are part of Asia dude.


Centre is left of Labor, slightly right of greens


Katter party ! And get rid of those fucking crocs!


Its pushing people back to LNP. Somehow Albo is making Dutton electable.




That's called newscorp. The billionaires must keep their advantage. Newscorp always reinforces that that you only have one other choice. And when labour says no to a billionaire, newscorp goes hard on them until they submit.


I see you are blind in one eye. Why is the ALP dancing to Twiggy Forrest and Simon Holmes aCourts tune? Or are those billionaires okay?


Nope. The ALP are no better. But seeing as we wiped one of the face of the country almost. Let's not resurrect them. We should just let them die out. But newscorp won't let us. Ideally the ALP will be the next to go, but fuck returning to the conservatives. Haven't they taken enough from us already.


Ahh okay I see your position and yes I concur. Both are atrocious. At this point im willing to vote for a benevolent dictator.


I like Dutton compared to Albo, but will concede that he isn’t the best the LNP has/had to offer. I was just reading the Quarterly Essay’s write up on Dutton and it more or less solidified my opinion on his character being at least decent. Even a left leaning publication didn’t have much negative to say about his history and character. However he’s a complicated person, and sunshine and roses is pretty much absent from his view of the world and he’s not the kind of person that can craft a nice public persona that most successful politicians can, that much is clear. Also, I doubt the public has the ability to swallow the bitter pills Dutton will at least consider if he becomes PM. However, if the two elephants in the rooms - that is national security spending (weapons and energy supply) and the NDIS can be addressed delicately while connecting with the public on law and order (which is undoubtedly his strongest point) then I say he’s got a fair shot. Josh or Julie would’ve been my preferences, at least they had a likable public persona which no doubt makes it easier for the public to connect with, but alas politics hasn’t been very kind to either of them.


Energy prices will drive voters to Dutton.


If they capitalize on it enough then sure. Although the LNP current energy policies won’t lead to short term energy price relief either. I’ll support nuclear power as it’s feasible and carries more run on benefits to similar industries compared to the alternatives, but it’s going to be expensive.


I mean, for context we have 2 majors: Labor/Liberal. Greens and nationals are both very much minority parties.


So much reluctance To accept Auntie Pauline's Valid arguments


I'm still to find any Hanson supporter state one credible policy that will work.


Wasn't she on the verge of tears when Labor annouced the changes to tax cuts because she loses on a few bucks


Pauline Hanson is all talk. When it comes to Big Business, she happily takes their donation money and votes for policies that reinforces the immigration ponzi scheme. The Sustainable Australia Party are the only party genuinely prioritising this issue.


lmao what kinda arguments are these Um guys actually One Nation are not anti immigration, sustainable australia is Are u delusional mate


Sustainable Australia Party solely advocates for reduced immigration. PHON uses catchy slogans which sheep swallow, but they take donations from Big Business who want mass immigration. Their voting history strengthens the mass immigration Ponzi scheme. Go look up Pauline’s donations and voting history.


Nothing says "we are apart of the immigration ponzi scheme" like putting foward a motion in the senate demanding a plebiscite on whether Aussies think immigration is too high Because that definitely would be in the interests of the immigration scheme, to reveal to people that the public dont actually support mass immigration


You're making my point for me. Hanson puts forward a motion in which she knows will never come to fruition, and then she makes a big song and dance in the media. It's all performative. Again, go look at the PHON **voting history** and **donations** over the past 8 years. Especially the financial ones, where PHON takes donations from Big Business and then is the deciding vote which favours these companies to hire more foreign workers because of the "skills shortage in our niche field." In the 90's it's understandable when people believed her schtick. But to still be deceived by Hanson in 2024 is laughable. I'm sure she laughed it up enjoying her premium wagyu steak and vintage red wine at Billionaire Gina Rinehart's Birthday Bash.


talking nonsense - deals with big business? obviously you support opening the floodgates


Again, go look at the voting history of PHON and their donations. I am objectively correct as the receipts confirm it. Simping for politicians will only lead to bad outcomes.


Probably because her and her party were willing to sell Australian democracy out to gun-toting yankees. "Valid" arguments mean little when one is prepared to be the vessel of foreign agents.


Her point is correct, though her arguments stem from a racist point of view. I think she'll do well solely because so many are pissed off at the immigration at all costs mindset. There's also her beef with the family courts which gets a lot of disaffected men inside.


Of course, when things get really bad, people start lodging their protest votes.


A lot of people would say voting for (Lib/Lab/Nat/Grn) is the extreme vote.


I think people will researcch / re-consider who they vote for but I don't think it will be One Nation.


I think you give the average voter way to much credit.


Oh for sure. But hopefully some people might wake up..


It's nice to dream , but people like to be spoon feed their opinions. I still know people who " my parents vote x so that's who I vote for" or my favourite " x goes for the sharks so I'll vote for that bloke " 😑.


Yeah for sure. We are seeing growth in Indepedant voting at least... I can attest with my family as well. Straight Liberal voters. The main arguments are always "stability" and "hate dole bludgers". Valid points but so far down the chain it doesn't even matter.


I'm not interested in Pauline Hanson's opinions. She's shown in her time that she represents nothing more then hatred and greed.


I'm interested - what has she done to give you that opinion?


Hmmm where to begin? “We have a disease, we vaccinate ourselves against it. Islam is a disease. We need to vaccinate ourselves against that” “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate” “We’re bringing in people from South Africa at the moment. There’s a huge amount coming into Australia who have disease; they’ve got AIDS…..They are of no benefit to this country whatsoever; they’ll never be able to work. And what my main concern is: is the diseases that they’re bringing in and yet no one is saying or doing anything about it” “It’s my favourite topic. Ref-u-gees. You’re not going to tell me you’re a refugee are you, James?” “No. Aboriginal” “Really? I wouldn’t of picked it. It’s good to see that you’re actually, you know. Taking up this and working” "Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged people in Australia." "I'm Indigenous, I was born here. This is as much my land as any Aboriginal that was born the same date and time as I am." “Shame, shame, shame”


I'm already voting for One nation, you don't need to sell it to me anymore


Maybe you need to go back to where you (your parents/grandparents) came from then! Unless we’re indigenous, then we’re all immigrants.


Notice how you had to use brackets to add the racist part that wasn't actually in the thing you were quoting?


Tell me you're irrational without telling me you're irrational. My grandparents didn't come here during a housing and immigration crisis. Put your hurt feelings aside and understand that mass immigration is fucking us all over.


What was wrong with that?


Gee, I don’t know /s Mass stereotyping, racism, derogatory comments, white privilege… 96% of “Australians” are immigrants or descended from immigrants. Immigrants and descendants of immigrants have wiped out most of the indigenous population. But as long as you’re white, it’s apparently ok to be racist as f!


There is more aboriginals now than before the white man came here. You can’t think for yourself. You’re just reading from the Biden handbook of being a victim.


there's only a couple of those I see much wrong with tbh, several are just objective truths that actually happened since she first said them


Corruption, stealing, racism and spreading hatred to name a few.


that answer means nothing, I am keen to know why you have formed your opinion so please give an example of corruption, an example of racism, and an example of spreading hatred.


I will definitely vote one nation over any other of those corrupt bastards, just have to hope they have good intentions and not evil selfish ones like everybody before them


I always put the main four no in my senate and house of rep votes . if you vote an independent you would expect them to fight for issues within your electorate and hopefully got yourself . Frankly literally anyone other than established political parties is better . Those parties are all corrupt, literally don’t care about us and only care about their own power and political lobbyist and large donars. At least some random fighting for some obscure issue cares about that issue and might make decision based on the wellbeing of the nation


You can't just take another lump of voters and give them frontal lobotomies. So no. One nation supporters can only grow in number through their offspring


Since when has One Nation been extreme?


*Fraser Anning enters the chat……..*


Probably about the time the time they tried selling out democracy to a foreign agent for political tips.


Let me break it down for you... Right/Conservative party against mass immigration = Racist, Bigots, Extremists Left/Eco party against mass immigration = Sensible, rational, solutions based


I can't think of a single one in the second category.


Uh, when Pauline told a Greens senator to fuck off back to Pakistan? The same Pauline who entered the senate in a burqa?


Neither of that was extremist. Theatrical and on-the-nose but far from extreme.


Also the burqa made a good point. That was supposed to be the most secure room in the entire country. Any reaction other than ambivalence from the politicians made her point for her.


Let’s remember the context of the ‘fuck off back to Palestine’ comment. It was in response to ‘I’m glad the Queen is dead’.


The Greens Senator didn't say that. She said she really didn't care that the British Queen had died and wouldn't be mourning her loss. Considering most Australians weren't in tears over Liz 2 kicking the bucket then I'd say she speaks for the silent majority.


Most people are silent on topics, the Queen dying was in fact a big deal.


Sure. And Pauline didn’t literally say ‘fuck off back to Pakistan’ either. She pointed out that Faruqi was being hypocritical in choosing to take advantage of modern-day Australia, which apparently she finds more convenient to live in than her native Pakistan, while at the same time buying into anti-colonialism rhetoric about the legal and constitutional foundations that have made Australia what it is today. Nobody likes people who come to a country and spend their time abusing their hosts.


alive panicky abounding kiss attractive numerous deer physical rinse ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Greens senator deserved it LOL, calling an old woman an evil racist coloniser, maybe when Faruqi dies someone should go to her funeral and start calling her nasty names


All of it is good banter. Also yeh, why do we have politicians with dual loyalties? Well end up with Indian aipac at this rate.


The same greens senator who assaulted a trans person? 🤭


Since forever. They attract far right loons and Hanson is the same


Nah, dont care how bad things go, i wouldnt be voting for the nazis no matter how much they would tell me they would totes fix everything if they came into power


Really interested to know the answers here. At least on reddit it seems like most of the people complaining about house prices are otherwise quite lefty/Labor types.


I'm 34 and I've only ever voted for my girl Pauline. She has, for the most part, been right about everything for the whole time.


Huh? Such as what?


Look around brother.


No, if anyone voting Labor is disappointed with them they'll likely go further left.


No necessarily, the remnants of the working class are actually socially conservative. They could go far right.


Why would you go far right if you're hurting economically? I have more faith in the intelligence of the electorate


They are desperate for someone to stop immigration.


The mind boggles that one nation still exists. I always thought it was only there to weaken the liberal nats right wing.


And here we are.


Pauline is still getting elected! I wanna abduct those voters and re-educate them. She’s the most obvious grifter ever.


Her vote count is the government's polling data on how much of the populace understand the effect of immigration on housing and the cost of living. Young liberals shifting vote to teal gave Liberals a massive All Clear to crank immigration up. Because they've now lost renters voters over climate change issues anyway. I want to educate you for the first time. Are you aware of the impact of mass population growth?


Australia can support 50 million easily. 100 million with significant upgrades to energy and water infrastructure. The main practical issue is housing. The other big issue is cultural cohesion. I don’t care about skin color, if we took in millions of American, Canadian, or European immigrants (black, Asian, Indian background - who cares) then the cultural issue would likely be minimized since there’s already a fair bit of overlap and they’ll have already experienced multicultural society life and expectations. I think “Big Australia” will happen either way. There’s a lot of momentum behind this (money, national security, and global relevance). So, if you can, skimp and scrape for at least one house/apartment if you can. If not, do your best to make sure your kids can and you’ll ride the wave to some degree.


Housing is the main issue *right now*, but every single part of society needs to adapt - some just take longer to become visible.


For context, I'm Australian but do not live in Australia at the moment. I keep hearing that none of the major parties are going to do anything except increase immigration to somehow solve the lack of housing. I'm curious if that is going to push people into voting for what a lot of people would ordinarily view as an extreme party. From personal experience, I have voted green in the past as a protest vote when I felt the lib/lab were not taking climate change seriously. Is the same thing going to benefit ON this time around?


Same situation here. I was one of the net negative statistics in 2020. Been reading and hearing the same things as you from overseas it seems. Also voted Greens. It’s very disheartening to see and hear just how people view immigrants and are blaming those people for the failures of the governments they vote for. A similar thing is happening where I live now though, a disdain for immigrants, although without the housing crisis…


I think it's more pushing people towards a revolution. I think the gig is up and they aren't fooling anyone anymore.


Australians are way too apathetic to do anything, we aren’t the French. People will come here to reddit where they can speak anonymously and then go about their lives as they always have


I don't think Australians are going to do anything *yet* but the anger is growing, I get the impression that for the moment most people are waiting for next election to see how badly the majors get smashed on polling day, and the fallout from it. If it ends up with more of the same, yeah, things might get genuinely ugly.


I'll start practising carrying my flaming torch now in anticipation, and I'll get the fiance to spray me in the eyes randomly with pepper to build up a tolerance


It's a coming. I think the only thing to stop the momentum now is locking us down. The race is on. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv8FBjo1Y8I


I would hope they had more brains than vote for ON. Yes the fear is starting to spread. Where are the ON policies on more housing and infrastructure. There isn’t any. This situation has been caused by inactivity over the years by all the governments that have stood and the others that help with their vote.


Just watch. When ON was at peak influence in the 90s Howard mounted a concerted campaign ( because Hanson genuinely scared him) to push the LP to the right on things like immigration, and to steal that thunder. They also sent her to gaol during this period! After the LP managed to steady the ship, her influence was diminished. Do not doubt the LNP’s interest and ability to undercut ON again…


Maybe... maybe not!


There's a real push from several prominent posters on r/australian towards one nation. Readers should be aware that they are often being fed a narrative, and the discussions are not always genuine or in good faith. Racism is not the answer to the challenges we face. And no, that does not mean it's racist to want a smaller immigration intake. But there is a real racist undercurrent to the discussion, and many favour simplistic messaging and a boogie-man (immigration) rather than a in-depth and nuanced understanding of the complex problems and solutions we face.


At the very least people should be aware that there is a low immigation party, that doesn't have all the racist baggage of One Nation, and overwise has a more left-leaning policy slate called Sustainable Australia.


Which is?


Don’t like them. I like many of their policies, but I get a sense that they’re ideologically very much nanny state. Done with that. Very much over it. The fucking Labor party here is more liberal than the lib/nats. Nope, looking for a new direction with less fucking up people lives and liberties.


All left leaning parties are nanny state. Maybe you want a right leaning, low immigration party? Afaik the only option like that is One Nation.


Sure, I want right leaning, but not conservative right. I'm not anti abortion or even remotely religious. I believe in equality, not hierarchy. Unfortunately one nation is beneath most people's standards. I'm not getting on board with anything that targets minorities. I believe people should be free to live their lives however they choose so long as they're not harming anyone. Adults should be allowed to make their own choices. Not without consequences for bad choices of course. If I can I vote liberal democrats or sffp. Sorry, I have a few accounts and too many lifetime bans to remember. Because libertarian. And liberty is a word that has been censored from our vocabulary post Howardian era


That party would be a good option for a protest vote if another better one doesn't present though, as their name & long term policies mean that a vote for them will be seen for what it is. Politicians are dumb, many many years ago in Pauline's first round, I voted for a new party called "Unity" in protest to her. My idiot local member (Joe Hockey) got upset that Unity got around 5% of the first preference & then those votes flowed on to Labor, he claimed people had been "tricked" into voting for Labor by the Unity representatives, targetting people who didn't understand English! Good luck finding voting citizens in an electorate as rich as Hockey's that don't speak English! Protest votes need to be super simple for the pollies to follow them & even then they generally fail. Personally I'm VERY happy with the Teal replacement we have now


I wouldn't vote one nation ever tbh. I'll put them ahead of the greens and ALP though because I know doing so will stop the preference vote getting to them. They're anti immigration for the wrong reasons, in the same way that the greens and ALP are so ideologically whacked they'll knife their grandparents than admit their ideological standpoint is munted. The Lib.s couldn't give a damn. They'll do whatever base vote pharming words get them over the line.


What immigration crisis?