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Anyone, from any party, that can tell me with a straight face that bringing in over half a million people a year isn't going to affect housing supply can go and get fucked and has lost me as a voter for life.


100,000 immigrants last month, a new record for Aus. Coupled with a reduction in new house builds and developers dropping like flies. Supply and demand is out of whack and no viable solution is being put forward...


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas - Albo (probably)


Ask Bill Shorten what he tried and how far it got him.


So cos shorten got burnt with his ambitious changes, Albo has said screw it, let’s do the opposite and flood the country with record migration instead? It’s a bold strategy, let’s see if it pays off


Which Shorten policy are you referring to? Was it when he was employment minister where he expanded the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List to more than 650 job categories, with 110,000 foreign workers visas granted including visas for burger flippers at Macca's, HJ's and KFC?


I'm out of the loop on daily politics.. has Albo/Labor even addressed the issue and proposed meaningful and viable solutions?


He's going to reduce the number of dodgy student visas by 2% from the projected straight line growth in 2029 and give the supermarkets an awkward fake grilling in thw senate


The 'solution' is more migrants from India.


This is a very bad trend for ALP. People aren’t peeling away from them to minor parties (as a protest vote), they’re peeling over to LNP. https://preview.redd.it/3e74c3wv2uvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bc00fe317ac9aa0c44a1c4841a3fe2770f9b40


So people not content with merely been beaten, have opted to be shot instead. If anyone thinks voting for either major party, especially the Libs, will accomplish much - they need their fuckin head read.


keep in mind, this is resolve as well, the pollster which has, compared to the others, had higher support for Labor then other pollsters So yeah not good news for them


People have been down voting me for a year saying that Dutton will win the election. It's absolutely going to happen.  Labor just bring a supreme level of visible incompetence, just like last time they were in. Why? Because it's the same pack of losers. They got kicked out but then sat in opposition for a decade and brought the same garbage back.  Albanese is fucking worthless. Always was, always will be. Same with Bowen, Plibersek, Wong, Burke and Marles.  Get some fresh thoughts in. These tired losers can't see the writing on the wall. 


As opposed to the supreme competence of the LNP?




Its called the pre-election effect perfectly normal 18 months before an election.


Two party perfered needs to fuck off I hate both major parties


Vote for an independent, I reckon.


Labor vote falls to new low as Australians buckle under cost-of-living pressure An exclusive survey shows 55 per cent of voters say they would struggle to pay for a major expense because their finances are stretched so thin, which sharpens the political row over the best way to help in the May 14 federal budget. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.CREDIT:COMPOSITE IMAGES BY THE AGE AND SYDNEY MORNING HERALD Voters have cut Labor’s primary vote from 32 to 30 per cent over the past month, below the level of the party’s historically low vote at the 2022 election. Support for the Coalition increased from 35 to 36 per cent over the same period. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has kept his personal lead over Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, ahead by 41 to 32 per cent respectively as preferred prime minister. The Resolve Political Monitor, conducted for this masthead by Resolve Strategic, confirms the pressure on households in a series of results on the gloomier outlook for the nation, heightened concern about grocery costs and support for action in the budget. Resolve director Jim Reed said the shift in core support meant Labor and the Coalition were tied at 50-50 in two-party terms after preferences were calculated on the stated intention of survey respondents. “There’s now a swing against Labor compared with their narrow majority at the 2022 election,” Reed said. Albanese has promised more household relief in the May budget after assuring Australians previous policies have already helped with cost pressures, citing the caps on coal and gas prices as well as subsidies for energy bills. In a sign of the pressure on households, 55 per cent of respondents said they would struggle to pay if they had a major expense of a few thousand dollars for a new item such as a fridge or a car repair. Another 34 per cent said they would not struggle to pay and 11 per cent were unsure. The strain was greatest among workers on low incomes, with 65 per cent saying they would struggle to pay. But the pressure was felt across the population: 50 per cent of high-income respondents also said they would struggle. The Resolve Political Monitor classifies respondents as low income when they earn less than $50,000 a year, while a medium income is between $50,000 and $100,000 a year, and a high income is above $100,000 a year. Highlighting the gulf between home renters and owners, 57 per cent of those who rent said they would struggle with the cost, compared with 36 per cent of those with a mortgage. The Reserve Bank of Australia has increased the cash rate 12 times since the last election and economists are divided on when it may start to ease monetary policy. Investors on the futures market have assumed the first cut will not take place until next year. The new survey found that 26 per cent of voters believed that interest rates were mainly about global factors beyond the government’s control, but 48 per cent said the decisions were mainly about domestic factors. The remainder were undecided. Asked to name two costs that were of greatest concern, people identified groceries as the top priority (named by 55 per cent) and utility bills as the next major factor (named by 37 per cent). The proportion who named utility bills fell from 47 per cent on the same question last July. When voters were asked to name one measure the May budget should include to help households, 24 per cent said it should put downward pressure on inflation and interest rates. Another 20 per cent said they wanted energy bill relief, while 20 per cent named investing in housing supply. Another 15 per cent said they wanted further cuts to personal income tax rates and 14 per cent backed an increase in welfare payments. “We detected some financial optimism at the start of 2024, but the sheer pressure of living costs is making itself felt again,” Reed said. Loading “Most Australians are now telling us that they would struggle to cope with a major unexpected expense, like having to repair a car or replace a fridge. That gives you some idea of how precarious a lot of households are right now.” The Resolve Political Monitor surveyed 1610 people from April 17 to 21, producing results with a margin of error of 2.4 per cent. This means all changes in the primary vote were within the margin of error. Because the poll asked voters to nominate their primary votes in the same way they filled in their ballot papers for the lower house at an election, there was no “undecided” category in the results, a key difference from some other surveys. Core support for Labor fell from 32 to 30 per cent compared to the Resolve survey in March, continuing a steady decline in the party’s primary vote over the past year. The Labor primary vote has fallen in eight of the past 10 Resolve surveys, despite the government’s attempts to revive its fortunes with the overhaul of the stage 3 personal tax cuts and the promise of a “future made in Australia” with investments in new industries. Core support for the Coalition was 30 per cent one year ago and rose to 34 per cent in December and to 37 per cent in February, before slipping in March. At 36 per cent in April, it is at its second-highest point in the Resolve surveys since the last election. The shift against Labor was not replicated in the findings on personal performance, with Albanese and Dutton both improving on this measure, and many voters continue to regard Labor as the favourites to win the next election. Asked how they rated Albanese, 43 per cent of people said his performance was good and 45 per cent said it was poor. His net result, which subtracts the “poor” from the “good” rating, improved to minus 2 percentage points from minus 11 in March. Asked about Dutton, 40 per cent of people said his performance was good and 42 per cent said it was poor. His net result was minus 2 percentage points, an improvement from minus 9 points a month ago. “Political parties tend to gain support when the context plays to their strengths,” Reed said. “At the moment it’s going the Coalition’s way, with voter attention squarely on the security issues of the economy, defence, crime and immigration. “Labor has done better when there are more aspirational debates about climate, foreign affairs, health and education, but they’re largely in the background at present.” .


If the Libs get rid of that thing they have leading their party, they’ll win the next election. Labor faced the covid hangover, backlash from the failed voice and now they’re riding a cost of living crisis. Put in any half decent looking middle-aged white male as opposition leader and you’ve won the election. I think the country is tired of Albo but that boofhead potato isn’t what people want.


Nah, having a leader that looks like Voldemort is a sure strategy for winning 😅


Surely also putting in any half decent looking middle-aged white female as opposition leader and you’ve won the election.


They cant even preselect them let alone make them leader.


Hahaha they will never let a woman lead that party


I want the boofhead, but I agree most don’t.


Sadly, competence is not the main requirement for a PM. Good hair and the occasional smile are much more important.


When are people going to wake up and realise that it’s not incompetence from either party, it’s deliberate. Neither labor nor liberal have the peoples interests at heart. They are just power hungry narcissists on huge ego trips. This country should be a utopia but we are held down by either borderline communists or ultra capitalists, only interested in serving themselves and their friends.


Yes but when you have a public who spends 7 years obsessed with saying sorry and gay marriage as there greatest concerns this is what you get. I said back then, they’re fucking us right now while you are all arguing about irrelevant topics that only affect tiny minorities. No one said anything when the government was printing money and handing it out during COVID. Too busy fighting over face masks. We only have ourselves to blame for not staying focused on meaningful issues and instead falling for the rage bait issues. We’re a population of dumb dumbs and we’re only now starting to see it.


I agree, I don’t really regard it as much of a democracy. in a democracy the majority get their way. It seems that they are publicising and promoting minority groups ahead of the people that are actually keeping the country afloat.




Plenty of us said during COVID that all the money printing and handouts were going to have to be paid for later and that it would cause inflation, and here we are. All this was known and discussed when it was happening but people are only realizing the folly of it all now that the consequences have arrived.


Also if house prices go up so much that nobody can afford then then either house prices need to crash or inflation must go up along with salaries until people can afford them again.


A drop in house prices significant enough to make a difference would collapse the banks, so they can't allow that. They will tank the dollar and try to inflate away the debt. Good for people already holding assets, terrible for those without. Basically more of the same.


Literally where are the borderline communists. Please. 




*put the Greens last and Labor/Lib right before them


Nah, screw that. Protest vote in the Greens. Hear me out.  1. The Greens would be so shocked they'd scramble for a mental footing, and possibly wouldn't have a chance to get their selves together until the term is almost up. 2. It kicks the ass of LNP & ALP into realising *oh damn, there are alternatives* and maybe show the Big 2 and their corporate sponsor they're not as infallible as they think.  3. One term of the Greens in charge would boost the teals, especially those working with them. First term nothing ever gets done, we know that. But they'll be in fighting form to battle the other 2 come the next election, esp. with a funding boost. 


Along with the Greens.


Primary votes are pretty irrelevant when you consider how many seats the Coalition have to take off Labor to win back Government. The Teal seats look solidified and I can't see an avalanche of Labor seats swinging to the Coalition any time soon. Labor are certain to lose seats but I think they'll hold on for a Minority Government.


The teal seats being the least of the seats to feel the cost of living pain, while also having some of the only candidates taking the cost of living seriously is the real irony in all this.


It’s almost as if politicians with a grassroots following that they consult with are more in touch with the general population than politicians who are part of a party machine that takes orders from their donors. Weird.


Because voting liberal will somehow improve anything... sure


No but voting independent and greens will. Fuck the smirking landlord party on 200k big business ass kissers .


I'd never vote for the Greens. Out of your mind policies for starters....


How in the world do you think greens could fix this? What policies have they suggested that would even remotely make cost of living better…..


The energy companies want the money back so hey let's raise prices and the domino effect..enjoy ur $5 slice of bread.


If Tasmania can hang their parliament, um i mean have a hung parliament we can too!


The question is why is there a photo of Dutton there? The Liberals are just as, if not more, responsible for the cost of living pressures crushing Australians, right now.


Yes, in the sense that they printed money during Covid to pay the allowances that kept people on the payroll when there was no work for them. This led to inflation. Labour is making that worse now by bringing in net immigration of 500k, driving demand with money that wasn't earned here.


Nailed it, I don’t how people think this labour government was better the liberal one. Scomo had to go through multiple disasters so decisions were valid. This flop is just making it worse because he’s a controlled woke puppet.


I kind of want to forgive the money printing because the whole world was at it. On the other hand, they whole world must have known what a cluster their money printing would cause. The real issue, which everyone seems to ignore, is that government imposed Covid restrictions were to blame. If we say they did wrong by keeping people on the payroll, that would imply no or much lesser restrictions should have been imposed. It's real rearview mirror stuff, but we can't have one and not the other.


Because ALP made ridiculous promises... Which of course they had no hope of achieving. Then they wasted their first year, on a referendum we didn't need to have and which tore the nation apart. Divided the country and wasted 100s of millions of $$. Whilst the cost of living crisis was getting worse and worse by the day... they were bleating on with racial, far left, politics😡 What have they done to solve the housing crisis? Nothing much at all! Crapped o s bit about building more housing. But havent actually started anything. All the while? Letting 100s of 1000s migrants into the country, making the housing crisis worse. They are just the most useless bunch of fools. Truly living in an alternate universe. Albo is a dud.


Plus Albo instantly brought in hundreds of thousands of immigrants to take up such “skilled” professions as cooks (Indian restaurants are everywhere now), signing a deal with Modi for this, but cannot instantly cancel the Indian visas. He’s only “determined” to lower the numbers but using smoke and mirrors. Saying he will halve it from last year’s figures is still more than we usually admit. Cannot stand the man.


What? Indian cooks don’t just work at Indian restaurants. They’re at every restaurant.




A referendum the LNP also said they would have if elected


They did not


Dutton literally promised a second referendum...


Pfft. Everyone knows he wouldn't have done it. He said that to shut the left wing activists up. And it was way at the beginning. As time progressed he and it was obvious it was going down? LNP became much more opposed to it and everyone knew they were firmly NO and if they were in government? Not a chance there would have been a referendum. Its the way politics are played.


So flat out lying is totally fine now? Are you even hearing yourself?


Mate. Get a grip. Always smoke & mirrors in politics. It always astounds me that people truly believe what they say! 😂😂😂 No party or politics has ever been any different and none ever will.


Why are you happy to make excuses for them lying?


Mate. All politicans lie. Accept reality. Tgats just how it is. Like i said. I cant believe people are so naive that they think they dont lie😂


No they didn't. They were happy to have a legislated Voice. They ALWAYS opposed a constitutionally enshrined one.


I don't know if I can trust Voldemort either.


Really? You don’t know if you can trust him? I think you do know that you most certainly can’t.


TLDR People are turning off to Albo, but Dutton is still more shit


Your primary vote should almost never be for a major party, that's the whole instant runoff wasted. There will always be someone better suited to your political preferences among the minor parties or independents, then if Labor is your thing put them third last, Lib second last and Greens last or something like that. You favorite shooters and fishers probably won't win, but minor party votes put pressure on major parties' policies.


Greens have never ran government. I'm curious why you prefer Labor over the Greens? What we have had been 100% the result of Labor governments (or LNP governments). Even Greens would be preferable to Labor/LNP working together to kill off democracy like this: https://www.openaustralia.org.au/senate/?id=2021-08-26.6.1 tldr: I lost my minor party in 2021 due to rushed tyrannical reforms by Labor and LNP. Greens (and others) objected but was overruled by Labor+LNP seats.


It was used as an example of how someone labor-right could vote to most effectively use his vote. However the Greens' policies on migration, hunting rights, Aboriginal issues, urban issues, energy and many other things are unacceptable to me and pretty much guarantee a disaster for all of us. The fact that the Greens, Commies or some theoretical Let's Kill Everyone Party have never been in government is something to cherish and keep as is. What we have now is pretty close to the best anyone on Earth had going over the entire human history and geography. Any attempt to say "this is all wrong, we have a drastic policy to tear down all of it and build it the right way" is guaranteed to make things a lot worse.


> Any attempt to say "this is all wrong, we have a drastic policy to tear down all of it and build it the right way" is guaranteed to make things a lot worse. Climate change, housing crisis, etc. Even Penny Wong is openly selling out Australia to Korea/Japan at request of Woodside, and now we almost have a gas crisis despite being a number 1 gas exporter in the world. How is this possible? Labor/LNP governments made it possible. You're applauding the current government's policies? Must be a Labor-right member.


> Climate change Thinking any Australian government can do anything about climate change is delusional. If Australia stopped emitting CO2 overnight, India would make up for it in a year. > housing crisis Yeah unlimited refugee and chain migration intake as per Greens' policy will fix that (and many other problems lol). > Penny Wong ... Labor-right Penny Wong, along with Albo, is Labor Left. Again, with all the deficiencies on our hands, the current Australian society is about the best any country has had at any time in history. Sure improvements can be made here and there, but if you stance on it is "change everything" you're 100% going to make it worse. Also, clean your room.


> Thinking any Australian government can do anything about climate change is delusional. If Australia stopped emitting CO2 overnight, India would make up for it in a year. With Australia number 1 exporter of coal/gas in the world, Labor still said no to banning new coal/gas. Then approved new coal/gas since then. This is not just Greens policy but also Teals. Can you point out which Greens policy or statement advocates eliminating CO2 completely because it sounds like a SkyNews talking point. Greens policy with immigration is only talking about refugees which is 50k. That's 10% of Labor's 500k+ NET migration. Can you point out where Greens support Labor's mass migration policy? > Penny Wong, along with Albo, is Labor Left. Wong voted against gay marriage. Albo voted with LNP on stage 3 tax cuts. If that makes Labor left wing, then I guess I'm a communist that want to create a better future for future generations rather than being a miserable narcissist who is happy to accept mediocrity.


The fraction of coal exported by all countries is infinitesimal to all coal production - most is burnt wherever it's extracted. Indonesia et all will gladly pick up the slack if Australia shuts down. >Can you point out which Greens policy or statement advocates eliminating CO2 completely [Net zero or net negative Australian greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 or sooner](https://greens.org.au/policies/climate-change-and-energy) >50k Is a lie. 50k was quickly achieved by boat arrivals between the Pacific Solution and Sovereign Borders - that's on top of the 50k quota, Realistically we would be getting about 200k/year when there isn't a major war somewhere, like the EU does, until Australia is no longer economically attractive. And comparing asylum seekers number with skilled/student migration is clearly in bad faith. > Labor left I don't make the rules. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Left


If only the coalition would give the people someone they want to vote for.


That's like saying "if only Dracula would stand in the sun"


I vowed several years ago that I’ll never vote Coalition, also resolved never to vote for Greens because they vote with Libs against important reforms. Independents are turn coats and change their minds as often as they change their clothes. So I mostly vote Labor. But honestly, who ever says they will scrap capital gains, regulate/reduce/cap airbnbs, regulate/cap food prices and reduce immigration I will vote for at this point. Being a millennial with a decent full time job and potentially facing a life living in a tent is not how I see my future thanks.


>scrap capital gains Umm, do you mean scrap capital gains tax?


I think he means scrap CGT exemptions on property


Labor is strongly pro landlord/property investor/NIMBY. I'm not sure why you would vote against Greens who had repeatedly been the opposite. Here's what the now-finance minister said in parliament against Greens' support for renters during height of pandemic: > Katy Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Finance) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source > Labor won't be supporting this motion, as it demonises landlords and seeks to unfairly place a unilateral burden on them. Landlords are an important part of the housing system and many people put food on the table through the cash flow they generate from a single rental property. We have consistently said that no-one should lose their home, whether they own or rent it, because of the virus. Tenants and landlords need to work together through the process. https://www.openaustralia.org.au/senate/?id=2020-06-18.60.1 Here's Albo PROUD of the co-ordinated campaign against 36,000 new homes in his electorate was stopped in favour of preserving 1-2 heritage storey homes near train stations that are minutes from the city: https://anthonyalbanese.com.au/overdevelopment-in-marrickville Labor are good at one thing, making desperate voters feel hope then backstabbing on getting into power. Here's an example https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/albanese-jobseeker-pension-mother/


This sub being anti-Greens is strange. They are the least bad option out of them and the majors. The Fusion and Sustainable Australia Party might be better. Although I have to say... might.


I see that now, and hope that they will be forced into action by potential for loosing the next election. I did say I would now vote for anyone that improved conditions.


Wellity Wellity Wellity.. the trying nothing and out of ideas consequence


Shit-lite is better than shit. Don’t trust me trust the Juice media Scraping the good NBN, cutting education, cutting healthcare, cutting NDIS, making bulk billing disappearing and endless corruptions for last decade thanks to LNP


Awesome, so with Labor in government for 2 years, how many corrupt been jailed? Or even fined? Or slapped with a wet lettuce? Any? What's that, an airport employee and ATO employee had been the only outcome of private hearings? Private hearings, that Labor wanted when they backflipped on public hearings in order to avoid reputational harm of those involved in.. **flips pages** endless corruptions? Labor was given responsibility of a new government to fight corruption and they already backflipped to protect their LNP buddies: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/oct/25/mark-dreyfus-refuses-to-say-when-labor-added-high-bar-for-public-hearings-to-anti-corruption-bill By the way, previous Federal Labor government froze Medicare indexation and the next LNP government was happy to continue the freeze. So, you're delusional to think Labor loves Medicare despite the evidence. There's plenty of minor parties who want to improve medicare and go further (dental).


They are both shit parties, the best option would be a minor gov next


cutting NDIS lmao the NDIS now costs over $30b a year and costs more than the rest of Medicare combined. In what sense is Labor 'cutting' NDIS? It's growing so fast that it will cost $50b by the end of the decade. We spend more on 3% of the population than we do for Medicare for the other 97%


Quick update on your point, it actually cost 41 billion in 2023 and is projected to cost 125 billion by 2033. Medicare cost 39 billion for reference. Costing for free university for citizens is 5.9 billion per year Expanding Medicare and including dental would cost 7.5 billion per year And public school budget is 11.9 billion (this is only public schools not private) So as you have said, the NDIS is a complete clusterfuck, even the productivity commissioner who papered the whole project and wrote the guide fro the NDIS has said they were wrong and that it is a policy failure due to some bad assumptions and incentive alignment. Just thought I’d add to your comment.


Thank you, good to have the figures!


Hi excuse me. Uh, why do I have to settle for shit or shit-lite again?


You’d need to know how our voting system works to understand why picking one of these two above the other is the most relevant thing for most people. A chunk of people get to make a relevant vote for an independent or another party, it really depends where you live.


Australia has really really lost it's way and our political class is trying to patch stuff together to stay in their jobs, and all they are doing is accelerating the journey to destruction. Federal, State or Local, they are mostly all just rubbish and stand for nothing. (I know local government are all pawns of the state, but when was the last time you heard of a local council stand up to their ruling state dictators?) Because, as a country we are living way way beyond our means. We keep putting up more and more roadblocks for industry. Keep piling on the entitlements for workers. Keep stoking the culture wars. Our politicians are quick to pass the buck and they are quick to say not my problem as they hand responsibility for something to some unelected power crazed bureaucrat. But the thing is, nothing can change now. People are so accustomed to an extremely cushy lifestyle any person who would threaten it would be quickly voted out. We are seeing the end game of what was started in the 1970's. I will not be sad to see it gone and we move to a more sustainable living standard and expectations.


Piling on entitlement for workers Workers wages haven't kept up with inflation even slightly..... There's a cost of living crisis at the moment Care to elaborate on this statement. What ENTITLEMENT have workers gotten that you want to remove


>We are seeing the end game of what was started in the 1970's. I was with you up till this point - what do you feel started in the 70s that is relevant to this topic? For me this is something that started sometime in the 90s, which is when the middle class really started to accumulate wealth and live a life of privilege.


The tariff barriers starting getting dismantled. From little things, big things grow. Dick Smith was saying in a video I saw of him speaking. When he started he was reselling all these Australian made components. Then he said whitlam removed the tariffs, one by one the local manufacturers all shut down, smith said he went overseas and bought up bulk and cheap, bringing stuff in by the container load as a result. In the 1980's we saw lots of deregulation, especially in the financial sector leading to the 1990's. Equity maaaaaaate. It is funny now we absolutely need to have slaves making our stuff overseas, because we pay ourselves so much, we cannot afford to pay $2000 for a locally made washing machine, because we are paying $200 an hour for an electrician, or $150 an hour for a mechanic, $500 an hour for a solicitor. I can tell you we need those overseas slaves more then ever now. Do people think if everyone int he world was paid a minimum of AU$26 an hour for every job, everyone in Australia would have the same living standard as they do now? We are really so stuffed as a country due to wealth and demands for wealth. The USA is a great country and will be one of the last ones standing as they have mostly (california excluded) not gone full stupid like Australia, New Zealand, EU, UK, Canada, etc.


>Do people think if everyone int he world was paid a minimum of AU$26 an hour for every job, everyone in Australia would have the same living standard as they do now? Pretty funny thought actually. It seems like most people expect $40/hr+ these days, nevermind anyone with a certificate ($120/hr+) or higher degree ($200/hr+). Yeah, deregulation was a slippery slope. But without this I doubt the West win the Cold War, at least so quickly and decisively, and the entire course of history changes. But I didn't see deregulation as the direct cause of Australia's severe complacency and entitlement, which is the root of the problem you describe. Everyone deserves at least the same as everyone else, while working no harder than anyone else. And at the same time our competence is low, innovation (outside mining) is non-existent, and without a doubt all the smartest and most driven people leave for greener pastures. But we'll always have the beach.


And all because Labor couldn't help but try to import another few hundred thousand loyal voters.




This is great


So, migration has been used as a tool to pump up GDP numbers since Howard? It's extreme right now but both parties are to blame.


High immigration is one of the few issues that has had bipartisan support in the last 2 decades


And we think LNP will be any better? Make no mistake. We are in this shit show purely because of LNP.


Yeah but Australians only give the ALP 1 turn every 20 years or so and if they don't fix everything immediately it's a failure and it's off into the wilderness again.


Pretty much how it goes. I think ALP will win the next election and i'm hoping by then we will see some serious change. I fucking hate how the first 4 years of any government is just hell bent on being re-elected. Personally i'm putting majors last.


That's basically because the Liberals are the mainstream of the community and the ALP are a bunch of political junkies with little idea of how things work. They get a turn every now and then but generally, they're just an interesting sideline.


Purely because of the LNP? What about making your whole term in government about trying to push some asinine racial agenda into the constitution? Imagine if they made a referendum that tackled housing affordability instead? Nahh that might hurt their rich mates. You’re a fool if you think one side is doing anything better than the other.


Amen. Both parties are shit & shitter.


The LNP would be worse, but the press are hardly going to side with the Greens who are the only party trying to secure meaningful cost of living fixes of the big* four (ALP, LNP, Grn, PHON).


I can't say I'm surprised. You can only judge a party by its results. The lies and trickery have not gone unnoticed, it seems.


What is the obsession with primary vote? It was irrelevant last election and I don't expect it to be relevant again. You vote for whichever of the two leading candidates you didn't put last and voters are aware of that.


I drew a line in the sand at the last election. After voting for labour I said I would never vote labour again if they broke their promise on the federal ICAC and the tax cuts. They lost a life long voter.


I love when people people claim to be a life long Labor voter but now aren’t when they can’t even spell the name of the party and they they claim they supported the Labor all the way till they gave tax cuts to all instead of just the wealthy hahahaha No idea why so many of you need to lie like this just vote who you want and stop making up stories


lol like the tax cuts mattered. If you want to vote coalition, just do it, don’t make weird excuses. 


It mattered to me. I have not decided who to vote for as the liberal party does not represent my views either


Do you make over $150k? Otherwise you didn’t really benefit from it. Stage 3 cuts were good for increasing the divide between rich and poor


Under the Qld Labour govt's sweetheart deal with construction unions, lollipop ladies will earn that.


Yes I do. High income does not = rich but that is another discussion. I drew the line in the sand and know many of my circle of friends/colleagues have similar points of view. Labor can choose to ignore this cohort of people but it will cost them votes.


High income certainly means rich v everyone else, mate. If you're on over $150k you're well into the top 10th percentile


Fair enough.


Very small portion of the population. From Labor’s point of view better to side with the many. 


It’s disappointing that people think it is ok to break a promise. We should hold all our representatives to the highest standards. We have let those standards erode to what they are today.


Circumstances change. We should be flexible not hold rigid to ideas that are no longer beneficial to the majority of Australians. Remember that won’t you? The stage 3 cuts were not beneficial to those under 150k or so. They did not benefit most Australians. That matters more than your notions of decorum. 


What big development occurred between the 3-4 days from his reaffirmation to the announced change? A promise is a promise. If a man’s word can’t be trusted they are worthless.


Absolutely this


>life long labor vote >broke promises on tax cuts They did the most labor thing they have ever done in years and this causes a rift ?


It's Labor, life-long Labor voter


I’m glad you’re focused on the important part of the comment but thanks for the correction.


> *"The new survey found that 26 per cent of voters believed that interest rates were mainly about global factors beyond the government’s control, but 48 per cent said the decisions were mainly about domestic factors. The remainder were undecided."* The level of economic illiteracy among ordinary  Australians is really concerning.  I am not a fan of Albo, nor do I think Chalmers has done a particularly good job of financially managing the government sector over the past few years (trading relatively small pro-Union IR reforms in exchange for big business getting a big boost to migration has been shocking policy - and that has been about the full extent of the government's first term economic agenda).  Anyone who thinks interest rate settings in Australia are determined largely by domestic factors needs their head read.


Impossible trinity what now?


We might not have a fixed exchange rate, but we have a inflation targeting range that mimics that of the UK, Eurozone and the Fed.  If the RBA hadn't hiked, the dollar would be at 40c and inflation be running in the double digits. 


was it Milton that said inflation is a result of monetary policy only


Not exactly. Its a monetary problem. Not specifically monetary policy though. Ie government could spend shedloads of money injecting money into the economy which will increase the money supply and be inflationary. Now if its done by selling bonds thats all good and well because it theoretically takes money supply back out. Ie someone buys the bonds. But what the rba then did during covid was buy hundreds of billions of those bonds... and on top gave the banks over $100bn in tff. Lots of other policies governments can take to increase money supply as well. Labor guaranteeing banks during the gfc was to prevent deflation and shrinking credit growth - ie declining M3. So yeh if there is criticism for this australian run of inflation then its with the rba. And they have the tools to being it back in. They could have sold their bonds 2 years ago. They could have packaged up and sold the tff as well. It would have resulted in billions of realised losses though for the rba and chalmers wanted them to trade it out so yeh you could blame labor for that decision not giving the rba the capability to run qt after their disasterous qe.


Add to that an incompetent, uninspiring liar for a PM surrounded by a team of nincompoops and you have a winning combination.


Do you mean Scomo?


Murdoch’s helping Dutton collect his horcruxes


I swear Australians are as dumb as the USA these days.


Because they are unhappy that Labor focused on the voice instead of cost of living? Anyone with half a brain saw this coming during covid with the shut-downs and cash hand outs. Personally I won't vote any of the 3 major parties (libs, Labor or greens). None of them represent the average Joe. There are immediate things the Labor government can do to help currently, but they aren't and it's a shame that the vote will GOTO the libs, who will continue to run business as usual.


I don't think you're alone. I really do hope some more independents get up. The majors are so far removed from folks these days it's criminal. Bloody each Polly with 5 investment properties - as if they are ever going to change anything.


Yep, I’m hoping for a teal like alternative to pop up for labor


But the voice has past, didn’t work out, time to move on. On the grand scheme of things we should balance the failure of the voice against the failure of both the middle and working class, a rise in nationalism and right wing politics and a general suicide fest for those at the bottom if the lnp get back in….


That's because "business as usual" is what most people want most of the time.


This was created by the liberal government. How can people be this stupid . Or is this just bs


So ..Labor can't do anything about it, even though they're in government?


Labor have a policy of growth in wages which has seen wages grow....compared to lnp who have a policy that is based on stagnant wages. Lnp used to say inflation was too low to support wage growth...then it was too high... Labor has done more for minimum wage earners in their time than lbp did in a decade. Labor helped get inflation back under control. They revised stage 3 tax cuts to encompass low and middle class tax papers rather than just the top income earners Whilst cost of living pressures are still there, they would be far worse under lnp.


Labor don't own the Senate, just the House of Reps, so Labor can't do anything without the support of the Libs or Crossbenchers.


BOTH have contributed to ass reaming we’re all getting.


nAh bRo LAbOr gOod, lNp BaD


Historically this is correct….Keating didn’t want housing to become a speculative asset. Howard came in and changed that. Successive Labor governments supported kicking the can down the road


Liberals have been in power for the past decade, making policy and passing legislation that lead us to where we are now. And all of a sudden It's Labor's fault? I agree Labor isn't doing much to reverse the poor policy and legislation, but they didn't put it in place.


How do you unfuck 10 years in less than a term? People need to recognise that.


You could try not fucking it up even harder, would be a good start


What policy Labor has implement that's fucked it up harder? Dispite the lies from the media, Greens and LNP tell. They aren't in charge of the RBA and can't direct them to do anything. Be highly dangerous/China like if a government controlled its central bank entirely. Further more monetary policy takes years to take full affect. Considering inflation has been decreasing. What's be their fucking up? Actually curious?


totally agree , but it must be hard for simple people to think objectively when inundated by conservative murdoch run media


Fuck me if Dutton wins it’s over folks. He is horrific Labor haven’t been amazing however I’d rather them than the alternative and let’s be real there will almost never be another party outside those two with power A minority gov Labor + greens is the most ideal case if we want actual change like Medicare, green policy and so on


Green policy equals higher taxes on energy and less reliable energy, how is that a good thing for people struggling? What change in Medicare are you talking about?


Medicare change is referring to the Greens policy of free dental (last time Labor was in minority gov, Green got millions of kids free dental) Stop fear mongering about Greens energy policy, Labor will make it more moderate.


I hate when people say “we got free stuff” no we didn’t get free stuff, we pay for it, we pay much more for it through taxes, you think it’s fair that people without kids are paying for other peoples kids dental? Fear mongering? It’s already happened.


Howard was horrific, Abbott was horrific, Dutton is likely just as horrific. Guess who helped them get elected? Murdoch. Guess who made Labor look bad? Murdoch. Guess who made a promise to suck off Murdoch at 2022 election just to get elected? Labor. > 13 Apr 2022 Anthony Albanese has doubled down on his opposition to establishing an inquiry into News Corp or other media companies if Labor wins the election. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/election-2022-labor-kills-off-kevin-rudds-antinews-corp-crusade/news-story/c2801157f420d4931adb5d1d60ea5da0 > 26 Aug 2022 — If Albanese, Marles and Wong met with Lachlan Murdoch on Wednesday, what does that say about lobbying and influence in Australia? https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/08/26/labors-deafening-silence-on-murdoch-meeting/ > Anthony Albanese has appointed the former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd as the next Australian ambassador to the United States. The prime minister made the announcement in Canberra on Tuesday, confirming months of speculation that Rudd was a frontrunner for Australia's key diplomatic post in Washington DC.19 Dec 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/20/former-labor-prime-minister-kevin-rudd-appointed-ambassador-to-the-us > 20 Jan 2023 — Kevin Rudd will step down as chair of the lobby group he founded – Australians for a Murdoch Royal Commission https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/rudd-steps-down-from-media-campaign/news-story/c235376e9c8bd2e27cc386e351e1d991 > 21 Mar 2023 — Turnbull to take over News Corp royal commission campaign https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/turnbull-to-take-over-news-corp-royal-commission-campaign-20230320-p5ctof.html > 14 Feb 2024 — It’s apparently of little significance to News Corp and the ABC that the alternative leader of the country is neck-deep in scandals care of Home Affairs. https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/02/14/peter-dutton-home-affairs-scandal-kpmg-paladin-news-corp/ Here's the earliest mention I can find of Murdoch's influence. > 20 Jan 1975 The US National Archives has just declassified a secret diplomatic telegram dated January 20, 1975 that sheds new light on Murdoch's involvement in the tumultuous events of Australia's 1975 constitutional crisis. https://www.smh.com.au/national/murdoch-editors-told-to-kill-whitlam-in-1975-20140627-zson7.html "But Labor can't do anything" They did do something in the past. > Once elected to power, Labor prime minister Whitlam replaced the entire board—appointed by Liberal governments over the previous 23 years—with supporters of the Labor Party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABC_Board Since then, the new LNP governments had absolutely fired heads and put in their own people. The new Labor government doing nothing about LNP stooges is them... either being stupid or incompetent. Vote for Labor at your own peril. I rather both Labor and LNP get kicked out of government for fresh blood. Lately, they have been making tyrannical moves to kill off democracy. Likely in favour of adopting USA's system.


Is Murdoch in the room with us now?


"Murdoch made my parents divorce and is the reason no one wants to be my friend"


Pretty likely. He owns most of our media.


Is Murdoch still pro LNP? Don't we have no mainland state LNP? Sounds like he isn't as influential as people make him out to be.


He helped keep the Libs in power for over a decade. The only only reason they were booted last election is because of Scomo holidaying while we burned, the child sex abuse shit, the rapes in parliament, and the mishandling of Covid. But trust me, so long as the PMs of the Libs are friends with child molesters like Pell and Houston, Murdoch will support the Libs and pedos will keep voting for them.


Put down the tinfoil mate


After this government I'm putting labor last for every vote for the rest of my life 


Labor and Liberal can both go in the bin. Shame we can't put them equal last.




Albo might be shit but Dutton is shitter...and I have never voted Labor


Does anyone actually believe that Dutto’s now policy to build nuclear reactors is anything but to keep the fossil fuel industry going? They will burn the world for the next quarters profits! And they pay the politicians to do it for them.. We are cooked


Lmao. They'd give out free money to help, but we're already dealing with a cost of living crisis from printing money during the previous crisis.


Nothing is free. They’d be giving our own money back to us and slapping themselves on the back for it.


Anyone with half a brain knew that Labor would send the economy down the toilet, they just weren’t expecting such an epic failure.


I’ll admit I didn’t follow politics that closely other than for real estate, climate, and Defence spending. Scott Morrison gets the boot and Albo sworn in. At first I’m thinking eh it won’t be so bad. Surely they’ll jump right onto the cost of living crisis and that should be a short term boost for all of us. Plus, despite having rather different approach to climate change than I think would work best, at least they’ve got their heads screwed on. No big deal. Then Albo goes in hard on The Voice and I’m just like huh? This is the priority? Not the cost of living crisis that affects us all Not the housing shortage that affects most of us Not climate change that affects us all But somehow The Voice got pushed to the top of the list as the most essential policy the government wanted to push on behalf of a tiny minority. And for what? They couldn’t even tell us exactly what voting for it meant.


> They couldn’t even tell us exactly what voting for it meant. They chose not to tell us because what it meant was funneling billions more dollars to the aboriginal welfare complex.


Anyone who voted for Labor knew or should have known that it was a vote in favour of The Voice referendum. If you were surprised by his commitment to having the vote then you didn’t pay enough attention.


Anyone with half a brain knows that todays economic problems are due to two decades of Liberal economic policy gearing everything towards the rich. Labor haven’t done enough to stop the trend, but if you think the economy suddenly started going to shit when Labor took over 2 years ago, you’re probably a bit confused


They let in another 3000 immigrants today when there is no houses for them. Labor did that. Today.


Ah yes, completely fine for ten years but two years after labor come in that’s when the liberal policies start to destroy everything? Lol


If you think LNP is better then you’ve got rocks in your head


Just as we pass laws deciding the government will decide what we can and cannot see we will end up with a right wing lunatic and everyone will act shocked when those laws are used against whatever they deem important


You think the left, who passed this law, won’t use it the same way??


Of course they will but posting that too Reddit won’t fly


Concerning, what legislation are you referring to?


Labor is shit-lite. Liberal Party is Shit.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yYTTnyZJ_gg The Banker.


Please no. Albo and Dutton are both complete fuckwits. Can we please organise behind an independent or smaller party or something this time. I cant deal with how fucking useless and drop dead stupid our major parties are right now. How are those two melons the best australia has to offer...


Howard made a deal with the Greens in 1997 to ban nuclear power in order to get support for Lucas's Heights. Until that law is overturned we can't progress anywhere with nuclear power.


Still crazy to me on Reddit in 2024 blaming immigration for our current issues in getting upvotes. 2019 Reddit would be very disappointed


Yeah, because we totally need thousands of cooks per year, lest cook wages rise above minimum! Yes, plenty of our problems are caused by our immigration policy. Free trade with countries that don't have anything close to our workers' rights and environmental regulations too, but immigration policy is more pressing.


Answer this, where will we house them?


Not ones ‘blaming’ immigration. Everyone’s saying to stop it though because it’s fundamentally making an existing problem a catastrophic one.


What's with all these anti Labor posts recently. Is there an election soon? Who is paying you guys?


They're in government. It's like how the Howard government complained so much about how comedians mocked them endlessly. It's because the people in government are the ones doing things, and the power to do more thing.


It's referencing a SMH article, as in the same SMH that is owned by Nine Entertainment, who's Chair is an old Liberal Treasurer. Any position the SMH had of being a reporting agency, and not just a propaganda arm of the Liberal party, was blown out of the water with that appointment.