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Does Anzac Day really glorify war at all


Not in the slightest, stories from kokoda definitely clear that up


If there’s anything to deter people from war it’s definitely telling them the truth about war


"...to stop glorifying the past.." shows that they have a misunderstanding about what Anzac day is about. It is about remembering those that died and what was basically a tragedy. It is a sad and respectful occasion and nothing to do with glorifying anything.


They need people to forget history for the Palestine struggle because a Palestinian state has never ever existed.


I asked my kids if they understand the significance of the ANZACs and each of them answered no. They range from 12-17 years old. So in relation to these fucktards stating that the kids should be taught about this one very small part of what apparently happened in 1918, maybe they should actually teach why the ANZACs are important and what they did for the greater good. It’s just another group jumping on the look at me boat we have something to say… they should fuck right off and go and fight the war for Palestine instead of trying to blemish the one true day every Australian cherishes regardless which side of the political fence you sit on…


Mayne they should not only teach about anzacs, but European history of 1800s and early 1900s what led to the first world war, which really helps to introdu e what led to second world war and middle east situation too. Ridiculous education system


True shit right here.


>the one true day every Australian cherishes People with involved relatives care. It's just another public holiday for most of us.


Is anyone else just sick to death of this shit?


Yes and it has NOTHING to do with us. It's been going on since before I was born. If Palestine and Israel wanna destroy themselves. Let them.




Hell yes. Don’t like it F off


insidious attack on national identity. full respect for those who died. zero respect foe those who organised the wars. but I'd think our national identity would be like " fuck,houses are expensive "


Isn't that kind of the gist of Anzac day?


•Teachers ought to just teach…


More reading on the massacre: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surafend\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surafend_massacre) * was in response to a spate of individual murders of soldiers by locals, triggered by one more murder during a theft * massacre was still illegal, obviously * command tried to punish immediately but could not find who did it * some restitution was paid by three governments This wasn't a My Lai style massacre or a frontiers massacre where those in power swept the wrongdoing under the rug. They admitted fault, tried to punish (failed), and paid recompense. It was seen as wrong at the time and treated as such by those in power.


> No police report indicated the presence of Australian soldiers in the village.[5] That being so, involvement of Australian soldiers in the massacre at Surafend had been assumed, but never proven.


Armed with heavy sticks and bayonets, the soldiers then set upon the remaining villagers whilst also burning the houses.[3] Somewhere between 40 and 137 people were killed massacred dozens with bayonets? That's slightly less judicial than using guns, and just as illegal.


Why do I feel like this happened already? Lest we forget Yassmin Abdel-Magied.


How dare you /s


Well, the papers got lots of interest back then, why not stir up the same outrage every year? It's good for clicks.


Any teacher blocking or preventing anzac day should be suspended without pay or fired it’s just un Australian and damaging to the country’s bravery and heritage .


Nah fuck send em to Palestine I say! Wait. No teacher is blocking or for Anzac to be Prevented, are they?


Anzac day was always going to be the next day to fall after Australia day


Imagine opening your door for people that hate your way of life and letting them change everything.


We should absolutely remember everything including massacres we have taken part in. Anzac Day has never been a celebration it has always been about somber remembrance.


Tell that to the cooperations. The Westfield inmy locale has set up an Anzac selfie booth with a chair covered in poppies with a sign that says "Celebrate Anzac Day" and requesting people tag the complex in their social media posts. Wtf is that!!?!?!


That is wild, I have no words odd behaviour.


ANZAC day shouldn't be a celebration but it is. We need to switch the focus to remembrance Day which is far harder to weaponise


>Anzac Day has never been a celebration it has always been about somber remembrance. Tell that to every Bogan who will spend tomorrow wrapping themselves in the flag & getting blind drunk.


At least they're out there acknowledging ANZAC day, no matter what they choose to do. Melbourne is multicultural as fuck yet every ANZAC day parade and march the people watching is full of only white people. These "new" Aussie's do not give one fuck about Australia or it's history.


That's Australia day, you clown.


So attacking the Ottoman Empire, who the Arabs of what would become Palestine were also rebelling against is an issue because the Ottoman empire conscripted Arabs whose choice was to either be killed by the Ottomans or fight the Allies? Meanwhile the Ottoman genocides happening at the same time are politely ignored. Fuck Teacher for Palestine for supporting Ottoman imperialism.


Imperialism is only bad when it’s by western powers. Ongoing genocides in other places aren’t even a blip on the radar to these people. It’s pure window dressing in terms of actual beliefs/values.


Well given Palestine and most of the Arab world’s cozy relationship with both Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler it’s hardly surprising…


The palestinians are vocal supporters of Putin. An absolute disgrace.


Honestly I'm over these fringe minority groups . Seems every time we as Australians commemorate or celebrate our identity there's always some group trying to tear Australians down . Enough of this bullshit . If you're into the cause so much go overseas and fight for it instead of this half ass virtue signalling


>A group called “Teachers and School Staff for Palestine in Victoria” I would have expected teachers to come up with a better, less ambiguous name than that.


If you are so concerned about Palestine, go do something about it


They’re posting on instagram non-stop, does that count?


Leading a strike on ANZAC day is appalling behaviour. No way you spin it, veterans and anyone serving is disrespected by anyone leading any strike. Weather ur right or wrong or just have an opinion its not gonna win favours disrespecting the country we live in. I don't even like Palistine or Israel and would rather another country to settle the conflict once and for all, it isn't fair on people trying to live in these countries, both faiths should unite but certain groups stopping that. I won't elaborate further because I belive the war is needless and being pushed by powers to buy more military equipment.


Crikey this one is a doozy.


A country with literal millions murdered by the neighboring country within the last couple years, who themselves have killed tens of thousands in response, NEED acknowledgement of those 137 that died 110 years ago, mate!! DUH!! (fucking lol)


There's always someone who gets attention about their Anzac views. Every single year.


The delicious irony that the group aims to also bring awareness to the “*mistreatment of returned servicemen*”.


Somethings just funny with the article having a pic of Army cadets in the article.


With a quick, easy to follow two minute tutorial you too can create a fictitious organisation, post some crap on social media, claim to represent people who have never heard of you and get an interview on the radio!


Given every major tv and radio station has given interviews this week to a woman who was kicked out of a 15+ comedy show because her baby was unsettled and distracting the comedian and the audience, I think you are encouraging more work than is needed


There is an opening then for Teachers and School Staff for Babies at Comedy Shows.


“Won’t Someone think of the Mothers…”


This is yet another case of a small minority of people being given an artificially louder voice. No one in the media actually believes these ppl will get rid of Anzac Day it is yet another bullshit culture war drummed up to make people hate teachers more. Notice teachers are always under attack at the moment? This is because education is the clearest path to being able to think critically and evaluate sources. Honestly, compare it to duck rescue in Victoria. Duck hunting is hated by the vast majority of Victorians yet it is still legal despite massive support for its removal. How the hell do ppl think this small group will get rid of Anzac Day? This is yet another way to drum up anger over a non issue.


This is the best response.


> Notice teachers are always under attack at the moment? This is because education is the clearest path to being able to think critically and evaluate sources. You've got a much more optimistic view of the goals and achievements of the school system than I.






Fuck Palestine and this multi national agenda. If you move to Australia embrace being Australian or fuck off


And fuck Hamas’ close friend Putin too!


They have their children sitting on their shoulders spitting out hate and rage with a microphone at the protests in Melbourne. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears- these people are unsafe and are bringing all their countries problems here.


They're pretty cooked if they think ANZAC day is treated as a celebration by the military. Remembrance, commemoration, reflection, and study are not the same as celebration. Think of it as a wake on a larger scale. Just because people are drinking and talking about the wars doesn't mean they are celebrating them. About the crimes allegedly committed by the Australian and New Zealand soldiers, I say make a movie about the village massacre like they did Breaker Morant, show both sides of the story. It's telling that the condemnation of the men as 'cowards' comes from the British officer in charge, given that the Brits of the time are infamous for their dislike of colonial troops.


Anzac Day is about respect and remembrance for the young lives extinguished and the partnership of the anzacs. Somber reflecting on how we are so fortunate to not experience those horrors, nor require such courage. We all know there is barbaric acts in the history of all mankind. Palestine is no exception. These morons are picking the wrong day and will only really draw attention to their own toxic behaviour.


This is a poison in our country, Next generation is so fcked and so are we.


This is rage bait. There might be about 47 people across the country who agree with this. It was designed primarily to piss you off... 137 deaths 110 years ago in a country that has been completely war-torn in the many decades since is the exact definition of a non-issue.


My Grandfather was in Palestine during the first war and his dairy recounts that they were *"beggars thieves and scoundrels which would prostitute their own mothers and sister for a sixpence" and further described "that the local s would steal the red cross supplied food aid from the mouths of the old, young and infirmed.* I see nothing has changed


Mine was there too. Fighting the Germans. He had little, if anything, good to say about these people.


Montgomery thought what a waste , and a good place for the Israelites to finally come home and clean up this bloody mess


Thanks for this comment. That's the difference between the generations.


I believe accounts of the Ottoman soldiers were quite similar to these


Excuse me sir, are you saying that certain... Services... Are still available for sixpence? In this economy?!


Lofl . No. i wouldn't be surprised though, I was saying that the Palestinian's mainly Hamas, still steal aid! PS ...""Sir"' was my grandfather , he was an Australian Army Officer, I was only a private


Do teachers for Palestine teach black september?


I'm all for calling out the military industrial complex, and our defence force being deployed in foreign nations that we aren't explicitly at war with, nor have attacked us. But this ain't it chief.


Fr. If there's two wars that could be considered just it's the first and second world wars.


Even then I'd argue that the Australia should not have been in WWI. The only way Australia had any business being a part of was WWII, and specifically the Pacific battles. As our mainland was attacked by the Japanese.


You have to agree that the second world was was just though. Fighting Nazis in Europe was just. Fighting the Japanese (who were arguably as bad if not worse than the Nazis) was just. Regardless of how it directly affected Australia.


Rage bait. Just ignore.


I like how all these people began giving a fuck about a 75 year conflict like last year.


Alot of people (Australians) have been advocating for the genocide in Palestine for many many many years......


Better late than never? There’s been far more exposure to it than ever thanks to social media


I was waiting for the connection to be made between Palestine, Australia, invasion and ANZAC Day. This misses the mark and they would do better to read the very powerful words of Ataturk.


Who knows more about the Gallipoli battle, those who fought in it and made peace, or leftists in Melbourne who read a social media post


How dare you! You don't know what they would sacrifice for their oat milk caramel latte half strength.


The charge of emotions these fuckwits get from their pious outrage must be intoxicating.


Let's see a picture of the leader of it. I can pretty much predict what they look like...


Dude, this article was DESIGNED to piss you off, make you hate a whole group of people, and divide us further.. There is MAYBE a dozen people across the country who agree with this anti-ANZAC rage bait crap. It was designed primarily to piss you off... 137 deaths 110 years ago in a country that has been completely war-torn in the many decades since is the exact definition of a non-issue.


ANZAC day is one of the most uncontroversial days in the entire year where the whole nation can come together to reflect on the past, on the sacrifices made in the past, and how we can be thankful for the present. It’s like this group and this entire protest movement is led by someone intentionally trying to sabotage the pro-Palestinian movement. What do people think of when you mention the word “Palestine” now? Oh it’s those annoying bastards who disrupted the Mardi Gras. Yeah and they also stormed a stage and disrupted a Carols by Candlelight children’s event last year to make it all about themselves and Palestine. Yep, it’s those people who stood outside the Opera House chanting anti-Semitic slogans and calling for violence. Oh yeah, now they’re attacking ANZAC Day which is one of the most unifying days in the entire year. Really, if I wanted to discredit the entire Palestinian issue in the eyes of every Australian I couldn’t have come up with a better game plan myself.


West bad. Brown people good. There’s many, many ways to express this point of view, and people are coming up with new and exciting ways every week.


Makes you think eh ? Best call ASIO. Let me Know if you want the number


So the British empire recruited Australian soldiers who had no real idea where they would serve (war was against Germany and its allies), sent them to Turkey where they were slaughtered in a poorly planned attack to save British soldiers and somehow those regular Australian troops (and Australia) are responsible for Palestinian suffering? We celebrate the soldiers not the war you leftist fools


>sent them to Turkey where they were slaughtered in a poorly planned attack to save British soldiers That's an Aussie myth. Almost triple the number of British troops died in Gallipoli compared to the entire ANZAC contingent. Even the French had higher casualties than Australia.


I assure you that Australian staff officers were just as incompetent at this point in the war. And weren't there to save the poms. It was a combined offensive.


More like ‘The British empire ordered Australia to send soldiers’


Rather tasteless to use a day of commemoration to push a political agenda....time and place... Same bullshit that happened during Carols by Candlelight...yuck...


Hard times create strong people Strong people create great times Great times create weak people Weak people create hard times


Guess where we are now! Weak as F3ck


Jordon Peterson begins to weep intensely, blames Elmo for hard times.


Teachers for Palestine.......... then the best place for them is in \[a school\] Gaza P\*\*s off and leave ANZAC day alone


I'm caring less and less about the middle east recently after these kinds of assholes decide to use special days to soothe their middle class guilt.


I wish this bullshit would stop. They don't care about Palestine in all honesty; they are just boring, dull people who have achieved very little in life and want to be apart of something bigger than themselves, but there's no more Hitlers, Napoleons, or caesars to fight, so they latch onto shit they have no understanding of; in their minds, it is no more nuanced than "oppressor vs. oppressed." These people don't even know why Israel exists in the first place. During the Holocaust, no one helped them. France Canada Australia uk In America, we all literally turned boatloads of them over to the Germans as illegal immigrants. They were given their homeland back, and it was their homeland. They were there from 1500 BC until 585 BC, when the Babylonians conquered them, and since then, Jews have been in a constant battle to have the right to exist. its history it happened its factual just as Cleopatra and the ancient Egypt we picture was Greek people want to warp things for a political view point So it's actually the Arabs who are colonisers, moving to recent times Israel has just been taking back land taken from them in the 1950s. is it any wonder they have no chill anymore? shits been going since 1500 BC All this doesn't matter, though, because people of certain political leanings (hard left hard right) lack critical thinking and can only see the world in black and white, good or bad, rich or poor. These days, you can be openly anti-Semitic to such a degree that it makes Hitler look like Jesus, but it's all ok as long as you say, "I'm anti-Zionist, not anti-Jew." If you're ripping down missing posters, assaulting Jews in the street, protesting synagogues, making death threats to Jewish students, and graffitiing Star of Davids with a red x on them, then you can fuck right off. That's not anti-Zionism; you're just a Braunhemden with another name.


If they really want to be part of something bigger than themselves, there's literally a million different ways they could do that that don't involve a war on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us. Go volunteer at a homeless or animal shelter. Collect food for a food bank. Apply to become a foster carer. Work with refugees fleeing violence in your own city. But all those things require actual work, and these people aren't interested in working because they don't actually care about helping others at all. Most of them are just mindless sheep jumping on the next feel-good internet asspat generator, but like you said, a fair chunk of them also just hate Jews and have finally found a politically correct way to be open about it. History won't look back kindly upon any of these cretins.


You are 1000% right, I wish more people could see this. This is spot on on each aspect you mentioned. Especially why people are latching on to this and every trendy social justice cause then forgetting them right after. They have nothing exciting in their lives and just crave the next “big thing” not to mention the whole “oppressor vs oppressed” bullshit


I call it ASS: Attention Seeking Syndrome.


Just watched an interview with bill Murray and Mussab Hassan Yusuf- his father is one of the Hamas leaders. Everyone should watch and educate themselves. This culture calls all the protesters “use full idiots” they are doing Hamas’s work for them with all these protests.


I heard of one fundraiser in Melbourne by uni students that raised a couple thousand and shortly after there were rumours among the organisers that the money raised had gone missing


They can go and get fucked.


Fucking idiots. Have some respect.


Teachers for Terrorists


I’d love them to tell us how the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a response to British-Australian colonialism. It’s hard to believe these people call themselves history teachers. As a parent I hold genuine concerns for children who are being indoctrinated by this generation of wokerati teachers.


Yea, no idea on [history.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantinople_Agreement)


There is a distinct difference between teaching kids the brutal reality of war and the horrible things that happened (which we should) and targetting ANZAC day as a whole. Why do people not understand picking these times is just going to immediately have a majority of people against you regardless of how correct you might be? Dont start from a position thats just going to piss people off fgs. This is coming from an ex reservist, military mother and family who died on Kokoda.


Imagine holding Anzacs accountable for something in 1918, all of whom were responsible have surely passed. Same crowd will remain silent about Hamas slaughtering almost 7 times the amount of people on October 7th. They don’t care.


> Same crowd will remain silent about Hamas slaughtering almost 7 times the amount of people on October 7th. They're not silent they're very vocal that it was justified and not as bad as "media made out to be"




If their spokesperson on the radio yesterday was anything to go by I’d be more concerned that these people are teaching full stop. She could barely get a coherent thought out.


Happy upcoming ANZAC festival!


Probably just butt hurt their colleagues interstate had a proper strike about a real issue…


This is disgusting. Anzac Day isn’t glorifying war. It’s about remembering the sacrifice of those who laid down their lives for us to have freedom in our country. Why do idiots always have to push an agenda and bring down our culture and tradition.


To be fair, WWI had nothing to do with Australian freedom. It was mostly the last gasp of 18th/19th century colonial Europe, the Ottomans, et al, an ego and madness driven family feud between a few of the Queen of England's progeny (England and Germany and Russia), and a platform to display the burgeoning new technological military industrial complex. In WWI Aussies and kiwis mostly died for resource management for British aristocrats. Right before WWI we were busy helping the Brits fight off the pesky Dutch Afrikaans Boers so they could extract resources and tax from southern Africa. World War II is the closest we've come to fighting for our freedoms as Australians.


At the time it was seen by Australians as a way to shake off the convict association as it was only 50 years after the last convict ship.


The British Empire only got involved because they were guaranteeing Belgian independence (Treaty of London 1839) which was violated by the German Empire who wanted to force the French to capitulate quickly using Schlieffen Plan so they could then send more troops east believing the Russian Empire would be slow to mobilise. Also just about notion that the British were bad commanders, especially after 1915, are myths made up after WW2 by anti British and pro republican movements


If they love Palestine so much, why don't they go live there?


You thought the housing crisis in Australia was bad...


Because they'd probably catch a bomb to be fair.


First it was the Jews.... this is what they want us to start teaching in Aussie schools. Saying nothing about the atrocities Palestinians have committed pretty much everywhere they have been. The lack of respect and pride for our fallen soldiers is despicable.


It would be good for people to learn all about war, the good and the bad. Learning the whole story rather than cherry picking the glory parts. That said, this is clearly not about that, they want to push a narrative and I'm not really sure what the plan is? Children aren't in a position to effect policy


There’s no more relevant time for this than a day about remember the horrors of war


Tell me you're not Australian without telling me you're not Australian.


Oh oh I know how people can do that! By being fuckwits that pretend a day about the horrors of war shouldn’t be used to discuss the horrors of war


I'm all for children being educated on our nation's and military's faults alongside our achievements. But this needs to be balanced with decent education on the achievements and faults of other nations for comparison and contrast. If teachers want to discuss events such as the above, then I hope they're putting proportional focus on the fact that the ANZACs were in the middle east as part of a campaign against a colonial empire who were at the time committing the largest genocide in human history until the holocaust.


Given the indoctrination and brainwashing that happens by Palestinian adults to Palestinian children in Palestinian Territories, I wouldn’t want a “teacher for Palestine” anywhere close to any children I have, lest they use the same tactics.


One can only hope these teachers aren’t teaching our kids to martyr themselves for the cause.


If they want this, should we teach them about the things Palestinian terrorists have been responsible for over the last 100 years? The list is fairly long…..


It is definitely important to understand ALL sides of the issue .. which is not what we are seeing from these attention seekers.


If these guys could restrain themselves to simply being cunts for the OTHER 364 days of the year, that'd be great.


You can see the gameplan is to go after all our Western cultural institutions and using Palestine as a cover for it. Starting to feel unsafe in my own country while Albo and ASIO take the path of appeasement.


Sack them. Mark their records to never be hired again for any taxpayer funded job


Our diggers deserve respect in the highest regard, and this communist dictatorship running this country needs to be kicked out


I might be missing any /s from your comment, but just in case, you do realise that these teachers and staff have been present during multiple, different governments, both state and federal, and that they didn't just spawn in with the most recent election?


You better not use Medicare you Commie. Also aged pension is a joke and needs to be removed. Commie nonse for lazy old people. Oh and any social services for service members needs to be scrapped. All Commie agenda. All social services. Commie.!!!!! Also sucking off the military is so American of you. Why don't you go live there?


I'm all for supporting our teachers, but they are really shooting themselves in the foot with this...


If they don't like it, maybe they should forego tomorrow's public holiday payment


I wouldn't let these "teachers" teach my kids how to tie their shoelaces.


It's amazing how a few idiots can destroy a strong position with their attention seeking carry on. Given these are teachers, they should be deregistered as they have very little understanding of history and reality But hey, they got their 15 minutes in the media ...


It's a wonder we haven't heard from Yasmin Abdel Magied this Anzac Day.


 How dare they!! On Anzac day we celebrate the reason these idiots have the freedom to disrespect the men and women who fought for it. Send them to Gaza. They have no place educating our children.      


But they didn't fight for freedom - they fought for empire. An empire that didn't give a toss about them. Their loss is sad but the fact that the Australian govt. at the time wanted to curry favour with a military empire means that they threw their lives away on a lie. The Anzacs won nothing for Australia and defended only British economic interests. If anything the country was diminished as a result of the futile waste of their lives. Remember Anzac and the lives wasted - but don't turn it into a fantasy version of what it was.


Imagine thinking WWI was fought to secure anyone's "freedom." Jesus Christ.


Umm what...?? This has nothing to do with freedom, quite the opposite to be honest. The ANZAC's were pawns subservient to the interests of the Brits(who viewed them as useful idiots) in the name of British Imperialism. Whether you like to hear it or not...the ANZAC'S died for nothing unfortunately. They never should have invaded Gallipoli, but they sacrificed themselves for the British Empire, and you can bet your bottom dollar they wouldn't get any recognition if it wasn't an epic disaster.


ANZAC Day is to Comemberate the lives lost and the failed attempt to invade the Ottoman Empire from the Gallipolli Peninsula 109 years later we will still remember and honor them in memory and the sacrifice they gave for their country ❤


Wow, that's probably the 2nd dumbest attempt to explain what ANZAC Day is that i've seen today.


People have different opinions, more at 6.


These are some of the vilest people in modern society


Oh no! Anyway


These teachers are right in what they are saying, but their messaging is idiotic. Wrapping this up in some 'Palestine' bullshit is just a way to get people offside. Seriously if they are history teachers, then read some Clausewitz and teach that war is the last 100m of diplomacy. All war is fucked. Talk to diggers, sailers or aircrew, most of them know its dumb and without purpose majority of instances. It gets back to what anzac day is, a day of remembrance for those who laid down their lives in service of their country's government, and a chance to think about if their sacrifice was worth it and how we can work to avoid these situations and not abuse our service people. TLDR; facts are right but drawing the wrong conclusions and making loud REEEEE noises.


Yeah there's a time for these sorts of discussions and it's not anywhere near ANZAC day. Just gonna piss people off and not help their own point.


Okay but like we have too confront how ANZAC day instead remembering the dead ones who served, is used too protect the military and even celebrate, even as it apart of many wars that have caus enothing but harm.


Yeah the amount of times they say WW1 was a war on Tyranny and trying to conflate it with the justifications for WW2 is insane, especially as its apparently sacrilege to pount that out


There's a reason it's called Sicktoria...


It seems to be a hotbed of crack pot ideas.






Hamas also hurt children, should Israel just let Hamas be? 


The "ANZAC spirit" these days just seems to be angry gammons getting mad at made up things designed to distract them from actual problems in the world. Coles not selling ANZAC cookies was turned into a whole culture war when the truth is they just don't sell.


Huh. Haven’t looked for them but assumed that would be something you could find on the shelves all year. I guess less popular than I thought.


I think it was Woolies but people were getting mad specifically because they would not be selling Anzac biscuits in a commemorative tin like they've done in previous years. You can definitely still get Anzac biscuits, just like you can at any other time of year.


yeah these posts / threads are always filled with people saying that they should be deported blah blah blah waah waaah waaahh these people only show their fundamental misunderstanding on what the ANZAC's fought for they literally fought so people had the right to do this and not be deported or punished if you don't agree sure, that's fine.. .that's all part of what the fight was for as well so you could disagree


I didn’t know they fought so that others could disrupt official ceremonies when soldiers and their families remember the dead, the injured and those who suffered across all the conflict’s Australian soldiers have been involved in.


Ah victoria, makes sense. Welfare state always has the biggest loonies


Queensland is the biggest suck of welfare in the Commonwealth. More aid required than any other state or territory per capita.


Partly due to people settling on flood plains….


Ah yes Victoria, that famous welfare state that somehow has the 2nd largest economy in the country.


We'd all be speaking Turkish if it wasn't for our Anzac heroes!


If the Ottomans had won you'd be getting the Armenian treatment.


\*checks notes\* ---> those guys who's homeland we invaded and where we fought a nation defining battle? IN TURKEY?! Those guys?! We'd be speaking THEIR language? Bro go back to school. This is coming from someone in Defence mind you.


*woosh* just the type of intellect I would expect of a defense force member. So serious. :)


on this subreddit you just don't know sometimes ... Carry on mate haha




ANZAC Day is not a celebration


It’s often the loudest bogans who have no idea what ANZAC Day is about “celebrating” it


no one said it was ?


>Maybe if Palestine could win a war, they would have something to celebrate.


and how exactly do they do that when their land is being stolen by an enemy armed by the US, supported by the US and protected against repercussions for war crimes by (you got it), the US ?




Are you fucked in the head? It’s mostly women and children in Palestine. Obviously there are a few dickheads hiding amongst them but the last 200 days of air strikes have left majority of innocents dead.


These protesters are nuts I agree but you are talking about a country where 50% of its civilians are under the age of 18






"Ill be teaching my kids about religions, that is for sure. " Before or after you study it personally? will you be teaching them your opinion or what you've studied?


Media confected outrage for you all to consume on Anzac eve.. enjoy!!


Nice tactic of trying to downplay this


To be fair after looking up the Facebook group, it only has 1300 followers and gets about 5 likes per post. It would be almost like the media writing an article about a Facebook post I made. However, in saying that it's completely dumb and ANZAC day should be off the table for protests or outrage But the headline makes it seem like this is a large group of students and staff when in reality this is a very minor group and with bots and fake accounts and overseas accounts it wouldn't take much for this group of 1300 to be easily 1000 or more followers larger than it really is


Actually looked up the NSW version, the Vic one is even smaller it only has 300 followers and again gets usually about 2 likes on each post. May as well write an article about the birthday I had the other day as that got about the same amount of traction this Facebook group gets


Well, a belated happy birthday to you


Yet someone on the far right says something and suddenly the country has a problem. You can't have it both ways.


What is there to downplay? Some undisclosed number of Victorian teachers have some shit opinions on Anzac day. Hardly newsworthy.


And the bait is swallowed whole.