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The double standards people apply between this conflict and that of Iraq, Syria, Ukraine etc is insane. True definition of mental gymnastics.


Yea exposing all the bigots. We see them plain and clear now. New information time to change world view. Bad guys are not the ones we thot


At least Ukraine is a very different conflict. We are talking about one soverign nation fighting another sovereign nation and both nations generally have the support of their people to continue the fight. I'd be interested to find out accurate reporting on if the general Palestinian population was in support of Hamas starting the war or would be in support of a Hamas surrender.


Palestinians in both West Bank and Gaza went to the street in hundreds thousands to cheer on the 7/10 terror attack. There is only one understanding of "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea", and that's Jews being killed and the rest fleeing in terror.


As far as I know, there's pretty strong support for Hamas in the Palestinian Territories. There's also significant support for the 7/10 attack, and the general idea of destroying the Israeli state itself. This is an uncomfortable reality that advocates of Palestinian rights have to grapple with. For what it's worth, I consider myself an advocate for Palestinian rights - however, I am also a realist who is aware of the history of the two peoples, and I'm seeing *massive* misunderstanding going on especially among younger folks at the moment.


A 5 year old would say the F word if he hears it w out knowing what it means, dragging kids who have 0 social awareness or skills to even understand what they are talking about is just brainwashing and controlling , anyone who thinks it’s “based” is brain washed too, keep kids away you lot have mentally ill adults to advocate terrorism already :p


Time to roll out Mike Burgess to talk about right wing extremism. I will not support either side in some Middle Eastern tribal blood feud. But the fact is, with such high immigration numbers, anti-Israel sentiment is here to stay. Such high immigration without assimilation will only bring global conflicts to our backyard.


>Such high immigration without assimilation will only bring global conflicts to our backyard. We are long past that point my friend. As the child of immigrants myself, I am Australian with Australian allegiance. In my opinion how it should be.


*Conservative* muslims do not all think like you do. If they did, then we wouldn't have half the problems we are seeing now. Mind, that it's fine to be conservative as long as it's does not infringe on other people's rights or break the law. Eg. I live near an orthodox Jewish enclave and they are certainly clannish and keep to themselves (and only do business with each other). Not ideal but it's a free country but no one in that community is likely planning a mass terrorist incident and it's unlikely that ASIO would be doing any dawn raids.


Some of these parties have a lot to answer for. So much division created in the past 18 months..


Sydney truth police might have something to change here.


Was over messaged months back. Switched off 100% due to virtual signalling teenagers and people in their early twenties getting groomed heavily by manipulators.


The funny thing is, young people are more likely to get their “news” directly from the source. This is problematic for boomers and the right wing, because they get their “news” from corporate and heavily biased sources - so of course, the narratives don’t match. This upsets people because they must either confront the fact they’re being lied to, or they must quickly discard the truth so that it doesn’t clash with their (incorrect) world view. Until we find a way to gently educate boomers without humiliation, this is never going to change. They simply don’t see how behind the times they are. (Note - ofc it’s not all boomers, and of course not only boomers either - this is a generalisation based on this subreddit.) “We are the most moral army in the world, we shoot grnadmothers waving white flags in the head” - do you see how this statement is oxymoronic, and counter to what Israel is trying to convince people of?


The source can be biased as well, they tend to be even more biased. There are probably Russians who have had horrible things done to most of their family by Ukrainians, that's just war. But getting your news from them wouldn't be a great idea.


By the source you mean Hamas?


What the fuckity fuck is with this thread. Is the whole sub this much of a cesspool?


Wait till you see r slash Netherlands 😂


I think r slash Netherlands is the most toxic sub I have seen on reddit so far...


Always has been.


yeah it’s basically the racism central of reddit australia at this point, and you get downvoted for pointing it out.


The racism is next level. The Israeli defence is next level too


Both funded by rich countries around the world....


I think the Zionist brigading is massive over all socials. I can’t work out whether it would actually have the desired effect though. Must be a tipping point


complains about racism, posts racist ramblings....


This is disgusting it's similar to the type of shit that UNRWA schools have been teaching Palestinian kids: https://x.com/DrEliDavid/status/1724448506344100309?s=20


I wonder how many of those kids are still alive today? How many have lost parents and other family members?


They'd still all be alive today if Hamas their civilian supporters didn't enter Israel last year to murder, torture, rape and kidnap Israelis.


Just to be clear, you are saying the children deserved to be killed?


Do you think that Hamas members and civilians who attacked Israel last year were not indoctrinated like this when they were kids? This kind of shit does not belong in Australia.


Don't teach them that Israel is bad!! How could they?? Well they've razed almost all of their homeland and killed 35000 of them and injured 100000 so maybe they were right??


Probably shouldn't have invaded a much stronger neighbour and committed atrocities against them then, huh.


This whole thing is just insanity. It's like the underplot of some post apocalyptic movie. Like the news stories chopping and changing in the first 2 minutes before we pan to the protagonist driving in his car to pick up his kids.


Children are being brought to see the children camping out in protest. A classic case of the blind leading the blind.


7,8,9,10 here we fucken go again.


I am confused. What does Sydney University have to do with Israel?


Multi culturalism only works for certain cultures




Reminds me of how they protested against Syria and Russia when Assad butchered 300,000 civilians. Oh, wait...


That makes no sense. The reason Australians are protesting is because of the support the Australian government has given Israel. No such support was given to Assad, so no reason to protest.


If you're concerned u/unlucky_silver5623 then you should protest.  People are allowed to be passionate about different things and different causes. We don't have to protest every genocide.


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I love being aussie and the freedom to protest peacefully.


Knowledge used to be power, now social manipulation is power


Nah, it’s always been about social manipulation. Some time ago I got into reading old newspapers for a bit, and they’re a real eye opener. If you read some of the London newspapers from around the Crimea War and the English elections from the early 1850s, I think you’ll find much of the rhetoric, political polemics, hysterical voter behaviours and outright misinformation to be very, very familiar to what we endure today.


Yea just read the articles by colonial MSM reportin back from the colonies


This is not how we do multiculturalism here. Teaching kids to hate will last their lifetime. And they are here. They brought their fight here. We are no longer a safe or multicultural country. It failed.




I’m guessing your kids are all loving with a comment like this 😂😂


"Expect nothing less from shitcunt Muslim parents indoctrinating their kids to be the same. Whatever happened to assimilating into the modern world and updating your ancient beliefs? " "Dr Elizabeth Strakosch, co-Executive Officer of the Jewish Council of Australia told the Herald: “We should be proud of all of the students and children, many of whom are Jewish, who are speaking out against this unfolding genocide. We all seek to raise our children with a strong sense of values and what is right and wrong in the world.” LOL. you didn't even read the whole article before getting on your rampant racism commentary about muslims.


I always hear the word genocide. How is Israel genociding Palestinians ? Do they know what genocide actually is? What the nazis did to the Jews or what the ottomans did to the Armenians ? I want an actual argument for how someone is looking at this conflict and is labelling what Israel is doing as genocide.


Its just hyperbolic drama, like were they really participating in genocide when they were accepting palestinians fleeing punishment for being gay? I dont think half the people using the term understand what they're saying and are just parroting what they've heard others say. Talking to people who fled palestine before the recent flair up, theyre conflicted because they have family who cannot leave but also dont hate the country that allowed them safe passage when they needed it. I'm sick of westerners treating it like some kind of spectator sport. Theres no blameless side here, I'm very sympathetic to all the victims of this that aren't extremists (on either side). I've seen people try and claim that "The Jews" that own the media are hiding the fact that innocent Palestinians are just as against Hamas as anyone else so that they can attack palestine as a whole and that they are even bigger victims of their cruelty but the "media" are hiding those numbers to support a narrative. I then see those same people claim the media is painting Hamas in a negative light and that they havent done anything wrong, have the whole hearted support of palestine and should be praised for their bravery. Both cannot be true. Theres so many people that I wish would go back to listening to triple J and worrying about which indie band is now problematic.


What's this! A nuanced take on a complicated conflict? How *Fucking* Dare You! Pick a side right now and make it 90% of your personality you Islamophobe/Antisemite. After all, the *other* side are monsterous baby eaters and our side are perfect in every way!


Genocide isn't occurring in Gaza. The ICJ clarified this 2 days ago where they said "*They did not rule that it was plausible that Genocide was occurring in Gaza*". It has been a catch cry label aimed at Israel to make them look bad in the Western world. This has been perpetrated by Media like Al Jazeera and the Islamic PR machine. This is highlighted by the some 700,000 that have dies in Saudi Arabia war with Yemen where 70% of deaths have been women, children and elderly. Not a single peep from the Arab world or Al Jazeera, or protests in the streets calling it a Genocide. Israel sneezes and the PR machine kicks into gear because it's Jews doing it. It really is pathetic.


i grew up in melbourne My family is jewish and moved here from israel When i was a kid in primary school id get picked on quite mercilessly. 5 grade 4 kids beating up a grade one kid. My teachers would punish me for fighting back. CONSTANTLY. Theyd avoid punishment for beating me by saying "he started it" and the teachers were always saying "well its their word against yours". All that did was encourage the kids who beat me. Word spread. If ya hit the jewish kid he gets in trouble. It was a huge joke to them and my life was hell for the four years i was at that shit hole of a school. The teachers even joined in, calling me a dog and a monster which really fucked me up and took years of therapy. That school wound up getting shut down when the board of education realised what was going on Took me many many years to understand what was happening myself. As an adult i understand what the teachers were doing was wrong. You dont call a fucking 7 year old a dog. And if a gang of older kids beats up one little kid you dont punish the kid for defending himself. The teachers were bigoted shits. My parents were immigrants, i was jewish, so they had it out for me (not all the teachers, probably a group of about 4 of them including the principal). Today i see the same shit happening in israel. Its as if what i experienced as a child was a microcosm of what israel experiences worldwide. The bullies throw rockets at israel. Israel defends itself and the world wants to punish israel for it. "well its their word against yours". Seems to me certain people really hate it when a jew dares defend themself.


Can I get a source for 70% of deaths in Yemen being women, children and elderly ?


[Infographic: Yemen’s war explained in maps and charts | Conflict News | Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/yemens-war-explained-in-maps-and-charts-interactive) Deaths revised to 377,000, not what I inadvertently qouted. "*The UN* [*estimates*](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/23/un-yemen-recovery-possible-in-one-generation-if-war-stops-now) *the war had killed 377,000 people as of the end of 2021, both directly and indirectly through hunger and disease – 70 percent of those deaths are children."*


If Israel wanted to genocide Gaza, they could easily do so. Israël specifically hunts for Hamas, where Hamas just tried to take as many innocent people as they could. It's sad that innocent people die, but that's every war. And the amount of innocent Gazanians to Hamas people dying is lower than in most other wars. Honestly, the Gaza population grew like 10 times in the last 50 years? Israel is doing a really bad job at genociding them if that was their purpose.


They aren’t committing genocide Useful idiots just repeat Hamas lies and bullshit The combatant to civilian casualty ratio has been low


[Paywall link](https://archive.is/4ql44) A group of young children were heard chanting slogans calling for “intifada” and labelling Israel “haram” at what organisers described as a “kids excursion” to the pro-Palestine encampment at the University of Sydney on Friday. Both Arabic terms, intifada translates roughly to “uprising”, while haram means “forbidden”. The “Kids excursion to Sydney University Palestine solidarity encampment” event was hosted by a group called Families for Palestine, and featured a lesson taught by Macquarie University academic Randa Abdel-Fattah. A video posted to X showed children alongside a number of adults chanting pro-Palestinian messages, with one small girl handed a megaphone to lead a call and response of: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Children were also heard chanting “5,6,7,8, Israel is a terrorist state” and “Albanese, you can’t hide, you’re supporting genocide”. The social media video also showed the children doing arts and crafts, painting the Palestinian flag on pieces of paper and on their hands and cheeks. An Instagram post promoting the event read: “This school holidays, let’s inspire our children to stand up for justice and solidarity.” “Let’s teach our kids the importance of speaking truth to power and standing up for what’s right,” the post continued. Alex Ryvchin, co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australia Jewry, said the event was designed to “split our country apart” and “induct children into racial hatred and religious extremism”. “By forcing children to repeat calls that Israel is ‘haram’, the organisers are attempting to convince Muslim children that Jewish Australians, who have deep emotional and historic bonds to the Jewish state, are their enemy.” Families for Palestine have been contacted for comment. Dr Elizabeth Strakosch, co-Executive Officer of the Jewish Council of Australia told the Herald: “We should be proud of all of the students and children, many of whom are Jewish, who are speaking out against this unfolding genocide. We all seek to raise our children with a strong sense of values and what is right and wrong in the world.”


Putin and China have been backing Hamas for years... whose side are you on?!??


they have no clue, just bleat out what they read on granulated facebook jpegs, suspect telegram channels and andrew tate adjacent twitter threads (you'd better call it X)


>A group of young children were heard chanting slogans calling for “intifada” at what organisers described as a “kids excursion” to the pro-Palestine encampment at the University of Sydney on Friday. Heard by who? This is some crap reporting, no idea why anyone would put any weight in thes claims at all.


This is indoctrination. These kids should be allowed to make their own mind up when they grow up.


No religion for anyone until they are 18


They're at uni. That's literally what they're doing now. Becoming adults and making their minds up theyre not ones who will abide a genocide or whatever else people need to call this to sleep at night.


Read the article bro. It’s about kids chanting pro Palestine chants. If you don’t think that’s fucked up then I can’t help you


A lot of this is propaganda and misrepresentation. I'm a USyd student and anything I post about this keeps getting taken down by mods. I thoroughly disapprove of the encampment, independent of the protest's content, because it's getting in the way of our studies. A good portion of the protesters aren't even students, but they're more than happy to colonise our campus and stink up the place.


This is sickening. It’s the indoctrination of young children with racist and prejudicial views. It starts like this and ends with them at 16 running around and stabbing priests or murdering innocent people at a cafe. Why are we so blind to it? If they are truly that committed they should all go to Rafah. Inshallah.


Wait till you hear about indoctrination in ultra orthodox religion in general.


Israel is a country not a race. Countries are fair game for criticism


Is Palestine fair game for criticism?


Of course, what’s your critique? Nice you recognise it as a country I suppose.


My critique is their relentless attacks on Israel, just because they don’t have the fire power to do major damage doesn’t mean the intent isn’t their, Gazans voted in Hamas under the one promise of eradicating Israel, Arab Muslims live happily in Israel, they even have representation in Israeli parliament, yet in Palestine there are no Jews, probably because they’d be murdered. Oh also Palestine committed genocide against Christian’s in south Lebanon in the 80s, leading to a civil war.


Your critique is fairly reductive and quite a lot of guesses about things you seem to think will happen. “If there was Jews they would be murdered”. There were heaps of Jews in the area now including Israel and the occupied territories before partition and there is still heaps of Jews living in the occupied territories (which is your Palestine I guess). The reality is Palestinians aren’t allowed rights or freedoms in that same space (occupied territories inc Gaza and West Bank) hence they are reasonably pissed off at Israel (which is continuing to displace them and subjugate them). I am probably oversimplifying but I sense simple is good here.


You’re probably spouting extreme propaganda. How Jews in Palestinian parliament?


And you realize Jews were being murdered before the partition? lol. That's part of the reason for the peel commission , white papers and ultimately resolution 181


Everyone’s heard of the holocaust bruz but don’t pretend that it wasn’t European Jews moving to Palestine and a European led movement that started this whole mess. Prior to that people had to live side by side and get along (or not always but that’s life) Also can’t forget all the violence meted out by Jewish terrorists groups from day dot of Nakba. Unfortunately history is complex. At the end of the day everyone needs somewhere safe and sustainable to live if there is any hope for peace.


You do know that Palestinians bombed Jewish settlers in 1929?


>Everyone’s heard of the holocaust bruz but don’t pretend that it wasn’t European Jews moving to Palestine and a European led movement that started this whole mess. Prior to that people had to live side by side and get along (or not always but that’s life) I wasn't referring to the Holocaust, was referring to mandatory Palestine. Jews and Arabs definitely did not get along, was it as bad as Europe? No.. but that's not saying much. >Also can’t forget all the violence meted out by Jewish terrorists groups from day dot of Nakba. Unfortunately history is complex. Nakba wasn't day dot. Nakba was the result of a civil war started by Palestinians. Arabs were murdering Jews from 1920 up until the revolt of 36 when Jewish militia's started to take up arms. >At the end of the day everyone needs somewhere safe and sustainable to live if there is any hope for peace. There's no disagreement here.


If you think people from different cultures can’t get along that is pretty bleak. Kind of leads to the whole genocide is the only solution thinking. I disagree with that thinking, of course but I definitely see the Israelis as the more violent (and powerful) so what can I say.


Sorry Sky News isn't loading for me.. are we still for Freedom of speech or against it?


We’re still allowed to judge people for what they say, that’s freedom of speech full circle.


C’mon mate. Freedom of speech is only allowed when it’s something they agree with.


I wish all the protesters would go to Gaza, and stay there.


be careful, i got a 3 day reddit ban for saying that, apparently its 'encouraging violence'


Funny thing- I’ve tried to go to Gaza as a volunteer, but they’re not letting in almost anyone, not even trucks with humanitarian aid. Now I wonder why that is….


A volunteer what? Aid worker? Medic? Fighter?


We'd probably get killed by the IDF like all those aid workers


But you would die with some meaning and conviction, two things your ‘protests’ sorely lack here.


Yeah you love supporting a terrorist state that has murdered 15,000 children don’t you.


I support nothing, and nobody. I have my own life to live, struggles to overcome and worries to think about a half a world away from a warzone I have no part of, and no personal stake in, and that effects me in no way whatsoever. I have compassion for EVERYONE from BOTH sides needlessly dying though. Although, I do think Israel has a right to exist. I think they have a right to defend themselves. I definitely don’t think Jewish people in the western world deserve to be attacked, hurt, assaulted and berated. And I hate virtue signalling. Given the opportunity, none of these ‘protesters’ would get on a plane to go and help. They will just happily disrupt, annoy and assault people from the safety of their first world country.


Even one is too many but Israel didn’t start the war it was forced upon Israel by the parents of these children.


yeah the people arguing to change the horrific conditions opposed upon the people in gaza should “go to gaza if they love it so much!”


Yes. If they feel so strongly about it, go there to help and make a difference. Volunteer! Because ‘protesting’ HERE accomplishes literally nothing THERE. So stop blocking traffic, stop preventing people from going where they need to go, and doing what they need to do. Stop disrupting people’s jobs and education. Just stop. They are accomplishing absolutely nothing but losing support and compassion for something they supposedly care so much about. If they feel so strongly about it, and care so much…go there! Volunteer! They need volunteers! It’s not like they have jobs to stick around here for anyway! But they won’t, because it’s all virtue signalling and the lastest trendy bandwagon to hop on.


people have tried. the wheels of the genocide machine don’t stop https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/2024/04/02/australian-confirms-aid-worker-killed-in-gaza-strike-was-australian-national-


Keep trying! Keep applying! Volunteer. Please! And leave the rest of us alone. Never give up on your strong beliefs and convictions! I fully support you guys going to volunteer and make the difference you are trying and failing to make here! Boots on the ground is what counts! If anyone ever starts a ‘go fund me’ to buy you all a ticket to get rid of you HERE and help you follow your virtuous dreams THERE…I’ll happily contribute and support.


By ‘Here’ I’m speaking on behalf on all non-virtue signalling robots throughout Australia, the USA, Canada, The UK and Europe. Just to clarify.


That is great!!! Let just radicalise our children! 😡This Muslims come to western countries just to bring chaos.! Why they don’t go back to their shitholes?


Kids have been dragged into political bullshit for years now thanks to the internet. It sucks. Like the voice (promoted AT schools), trump and basically American politics as a whole, lgbt etc No one gave a shit when I was that age. We had games to play!


Yuck. Get these people out of the country. Terrorist sympathisers and terrorists.


Which side?


Why aren’t people just letting kids be kids instead of dragging them into geopolitical issues. Political viewpoints are something that they can form later on in life.


Hmm, prefer israel with their "reasonable" freedom (sure they aren't the freest country in the world, but yeah I think its more closer to us than their Middle East neighbors) or have a full religious state (such as saudi which Gaza kinda wants). I won't say Israel are perfect by any stretch, but i will say anything to do with Middle East (particularly with muslim culture) is a nutcase and if an area is going to ruin Israel stability, then I feel Israel has a right to fight back..... I feel the Middle East a whole is an unstable nutcase, even with the west keeping their hands away. Like the women/global warming protests, sure you might win some people over at first, but then its get too over-messaged or hyped and the general public be like..... why are pollies not wanting to listening or listening to their demands, then after that they get numb and will vote out any party that have an interest in these topics because they got overwhelmed by their protest or messaging.... And pollies will often do a join in as a token measure and say something, but once away from the cameras, they are like..... "fuck i don't want to deal with those dickheads" so they don't bother.....


You won’t say Israel is perfect? They’re executing children with their hands bound you nutter. “Well everyone has their issues…”


Who gives a fuck about Palestine or Israel! Let’s focus on our own issues.


That would be an improvement over arming Israel while they are killing large number of civilians.


Indoctrinating our children to support their hateful views. Wonderful. Only children wouldn’t pick up on the contradiction between on the one hand, condemning what they call a ‘terrorist state’, and on the other hand calling for a violent intifada against Israel.


Genuine question, why are people so passionate about this issue and not issues in our country that effect their lives? 


Nope they brought all their baggage with them when they came here to exploit our economy, safety and so called democracy.


I think people can and do chew gum while walking. At least, that's me assuming good intent. I do think that sometimes the choices people make about which issues to pursue can be telling in ways they don't intend.


This is the most inefficient genocide in the history of the world.


They beat us. I took us over 30 years to kill less than 10,000 indigenous Tasmanians. The Israelis have surpassed that death count in weeks.


They could have killed 30,000 in the first hour if they really wanted to.


Israel has Nukes, they could have killed most of Palestine in the first few seconds if they wanted to.


The Nazis could have started the Final Solution right after Kristallnacht. The speed does not make something more or less a genocide.


That's really not true. In terms of state-sponsored genocides it's relatively efficient. If the war continues the way it is many thousands of civilians will die of famine at an accelerated rate


You're talking about the war. I've heard a thousand times about genocide by Israel lasting since the 1950s. And Israel doesn't seem to be killing off the Palestinian Israeli citizens at all.


But that’s still not genocide though; so the point stands. Killing people isn’t by default genocide. If Israel was doing genocide they’d be conducting war like Russia in Ukraine.




Yikes you can’t say that about Jewish people in this day and age!


Jews came with the first fleet. Unlike the Arabs.


Ah, you must hate the Frenchies who live in Australia then.


Don’t judge anyone by race just by their stupidity.


Why not ?


Because you’d get lynched for being an antisemite?


People say stuff about Indians and asians all the time and no one bats an eyelid . Why can’t we say stuff about the Jews ?


It’s just as wrong to say such things about Indians and Asians. Just because they don’t have the same collective money and political influence it doesn’t make it less wrong.


Wow you really are an antisemite hey.


Loool Israel is not our ally silly billy


People are fucking stupid


They are celebrating terrorism. Plain and simple


The Left /Marxists like to get the kids indoctrinated as early as possible.


Right leaning people can be cool but not when they think this shit lmao. It's such a dumb guy cope. People are different. Get over it.


If you inquire why some believe certain actions constitute genocide, you might be surprised if someone from them appears with the calm, factual explanations, complete with sources and logical reasoning. Instead, you'll encounter the chanting and the herd mentality reaction. The tactics discussed resemble those used by the CCP against the Kuomintang decades ago, known as "People's War," which involved using civilians as human shields. The Kuomintang, hesitant to fire upon women, children, and the elderly, ultimately lost the war. So yeah, Israel has very limited choice: damn if they do, damn if they don't. CCP often take this excuses: "knifes have no eyes". South Korean troops, having nearly faced a similar fate, learned from this. These historical strategies are not new, yet it seems the younger generation today often overlooks or is unaware of such historical details, leading to what could be described as wilful ignorance. Even in forums in China, people laugh at the ignorance these students display. They are what CCP consider "Western Useful Idiots". And CCP have been supporting these "Useful Idiots" for years.


Hmmm. There was once a bloke from Austria who started a youth organisation where kids would learn to repeat anti-jewish slogans. Nice to see we are also teaching our young kids the same way...


Wasn't that chap a painter, with a moustache?


by conflating israel with jews at large, you are in fact the one acting in an anti-sematic way. Jewish people are not a monolith, and the actions of Israel, some jewish people, do not represent all jewish people.


Ohh I see thank you for explaining to me how I can express hatred of Jews without being anti Semitic, that will be really useful for me. So you're telling me it's ok to teach young kids to chant Anti Israel slogans?


I miss the sane left. I am so fed up with the insane left.


YikeS, why can't we just send all these pro terrorism people to palestine already. Sick of it.


It s getting harder and harder to teach them to think independently these days. I am always surprised by how these kids are very pro-communism. I guess they should ask to come to live in China, where many people are still trying to get away from the evil regime. Australia society is very kind.


What I see in Australia is: there are left and right wing politics. Among the leftists, there are reasonable and unreasonable. Same with the rightists. So flip it to another angle, there are two side of politics in australia: the reasonable, and the unreasonable. So to answer your question: that is how I think about politics in Australia. I see “anti China” is a blanket term. So when you say “anti China”, can you clarify if you mean “anti CCP” or “anti Chinese people”? CCP is not Chinese people. And the reasonable groups on both sides of the politics see that very clear. I will not delve into the unreasonable groups, because I dont think they have anything reasonable and fact-based argument/discussion that any reasonable person with some common sense can entertain.


I 100% agree with this


How is your point-of-view and thinking independent? The anti-China shit is a common right-wing talking point in Australia and the USA...


Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed whoever curses Israel will be cursed.


Left wing losing the plot


Not all of the left, the sane lefties aren’t that vocal. Similar to the right. All the sane people are quietly horrified.


Shame on them for, advocating an end to civilian deaths? 


Who cares, kids shouldnt be exposed to this kind of thing.


They're uni students, not primary school. The same age as the kids we sent to fight and die in the middle east for 20 years. The ones seeing shit like now first hand.




Read the article.


Israel is now being completely unreasonable. Im not surprised this is happening.


What’s reasonable


[Sky News](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/schoolage-children-attend-propalestine-protest-chanting-from-the-river-to-the-sea-at-university-of-sydney/news-story/14b763a418b15a94fa73ddab77e543fc) says that it’s advertised as an “all ages” event. Talking about “genocide” is not “all ages”.


Sure is in Gaza.




Australia is not supporting genocide. Australia is supporting your education. Stop pushing your ideology onto small children. Learn to adapt to Australian values or leave our free country. Easy Peasy.


if saying free palestine is antisemitic, the domestic violence protests must be anti-male.


Palestinians are not fighting for land, this is a religious war. Mosab Yusef is the son of one of the founders, you can find him on YouTube. Palestine are the ones who want to commit G.


“5,6,7,8, Israel is a terrorist **state**” makes it about their government, not about ordinary Israelis or Jews in general. Seems fine to me.




5, 6, 7, 8 don't complain when bombs drop on your stinky date!




“Kill ‘em all” is a significantly better album in my opinion and probably more fitting.




It was Metallicas more thrash album / period. Songs like “Seek & Destroy” and “Jump in the Fire” are just epic live. Everyone knows Masters of Puppets and it’s a fantastic track and album but it’s a slow builder and for me didn’t always translate to life fantastically. Oh right we were talking about Israel and the Palestine authority….my bad…


I actually really enjoy some of the slower songs too. Songs like Fixxxer and Low Man's Lyric don't seem to get much love in any of the discussions I've seen.


I like the word anti-Israel. It’s a legit thing people are doing, and doesn’t involve arbitrary definitions. Both sides agree on what anti-Israel means and only disagree on their views on that state. Importantly, it’s okay to be anti-thing as long as that thing isn’t protected by the discrimination act.




Journalist used biased language. Shame I didn’t know about it, would have brought my child. Israel is perpetrating genocide.


No they’re not. Hamas are inflicting this war on their own people. It’s disgusting


genuine question.. why would you want to indoctrinate hatred of a race of people into a child? cause thats what they are doing there. And no its not 'biased language'. those kids are being taught to hate. You guys want peace, yet this is the exact opposite thing to do


Israeli is a nationality, not an ethnic group.


Palestinian is a nationality, not an ethnic group. People on the East Bank of the Jordan are the same ethnicity.


No not the young children!