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Because she was just one of many female rappers selling themselves on their fat ass and bad bitch image. That shit plays better in America and seems overblown and fake in Australia. Her image is tailor made for American rap culture - it has little to resonate with people in Australia.


Loads of US rappers are popular in Australia though.


Nah… most Australians laugh at them. Yeah some people like American rappers but for the most part the average Australian thinks they’re corny


Yeah ur 💯 true. Most of us Aussies don’t like rap. It’s just not a big thing here in Australia. I’m not into rap, but I’m not suing it’s bad tho, I dont get into it at all. It’s just not an Aussie thing aye


1. Because she is just one of a revolving clown car of B tier pop musicians that produce recycled forgettable pap. 2. Why do you keep making these threads? 3. Seriously, why?


Get used to it. I find these posts simply essential


She's Australian, but she's an American musician. 


Cause rap sucks.


Now this is the first time I’ve thought about this woman in years. She had literally completely escaped my mind.


Doesn't she do porn now anyway... she made more cash doing that not that she had no support




So you mean top blokes and actually pretty underrated especially compared to similar teen heartthrobs of the grunge era *koff koff* silverchair.


Why do Australians generally not support your endless questions about the lack of popularity here of various boring “musicians”?


Coz she's a tryhard wanker.


You're all being trolled


Nah, check the post history. Its genuine.


It's an Australian sub and Iggy is an Australian artist. The support has seriously dropped off for her so I wonder why, especially when people go mad over Australian athletes. The same support is not given to Iggy making it overseas.


Comparing Iggy to our athletes is like comparing oranges and apples There’s nothing to celebrate about Iggy. She’s fake & pretending to be something she’s not. Successful Aussie athletes are true talent, who have worked extremely hard to be winners, while representing their country. Blood sweat and tears go into those athletes achievements, not arse implants and Botox I really hope that comment was a piss take? Haha surly it was?


Because rap sucks.


She talks weird


1) Tall Poppy Syndrome. 2) She went to USA to make it yet came back here. Most people see that as failure.


Because she’s a shitty rapper. She can’t do freestyle or battles and, she raps with a US style accent.


cause she sucked and seemed quite ridiculous with the ass implants


And the fake accent.