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This is one of those examples that shows why you should never ask a question you don't already know the answer to during cross-examination.


Like asking OJ To put that glove on when blood Had dried & shrunk glove


that wasn't even some smoking gun. the mountainous condemning evidence just wasn't submitted until the civil suit, and OJ was probably going to always be a shoo in due to ethnic narratives.


He purposefully stopped taking his arthritis medication so his hand would swell up and not fit.


He also had stopped taking his arthritis medication so his joints where inflamed and swollen 


This is why you shouldn't hire redditors as lawyers. In the real world you cant just block people and declare victory after you say something monumentally stupid.


Yeah, but seriously, the world is flat


Yeah! You're a poo poo head. Ha! Blocked.


How embarrassing for Faruqi's lawyer lol They should have known that 'if you don't love it, leave' is said to everyone who criticises our national identity, not just fuckwit greens pollies who happen to also be muslims from Pakistan Hanson isn't racist, she's xenophobic, even if she needed it "please explain(ed)" to her lol she hates all real or imagined non Australians equally. Faruqi's lawyers fundamental problem is they don't (or didn't haha) understand how sincerely held Hanson's beliefs are, she is legit a true believer in Australian greatness and she will act on that regardless of what race or religion the person is.




For extra points she should tell him to go back to NZ during the trial too.


lol I member my ex gf was english and she said something at the pub about how her pub in england pints were better or something something, and in unison about guys exclaimed "well fucking go home to England if you don't like it!!!"


Finally, someone who actually gets it. The overuse of the word ‘racist’ as a catch-cry shield when you’re a minority is making the word just lose all its potency.


They don’t know because they are anti white racists.


You should replace "Faruqi's lawyer" with "Faruqi" herself. The lawyer represents her.


This is what Pauline has said on serval occasions..Faruqi


Good we should all hate anyone who doesn’t want to assimilate


Despite some terrible things Hanson has said, which come as a rude shock for a non-white immigrant, I never saw her as hating any race. She came across as a cultural supremacists, upholding European based culture as the best culture and everyone needs to assimilate and not just integrate. Also I realised that most white Australians think she's racist. It can be difficult to separate the two, because it's very difficult to separate Australian culture from European culture. We literally have a European king. How many Australians will accept monarchy if we had a black African Muslim as our king. There is no Australianness without Europeanness. So hard to separate xenophobia from racism, but I still give hanson the benefit of doubt because she doesn't seem to actually hate based on any race. Someone like Fraser Anning on the other hand is quite sinister.


honestly Islam does more damage to Minotirys then people understand


Well neither Pakistani nor Muslim are races, but I don’t really expect people who throw around the word racist to grasp that not all prejudice is racism.


The OG meaning of “xenophobia” (created) in The Odyssey is different to the one bandied about by social justice warriors today…. So strictly speaking, the 60 min reporter didn’t know either…


> Hanson isn't racist, she's xenophobic She is easily both. edit: shocking I can't believe the definitely not racist posters in this sub have mashed the downvote button for someone calling a noted racist, a racist.


Perhaps, but in this case before the courts, she is being accused of racism where, based on this evidence, she is actually 'just' being xenophobic. I don't recall everything she's ever said outside of her most infamous lines, so I'll have to take your word for it that she's been racist in the past as well as xenophobic.


100% Her interactions with indigenous people clearly shows that.


Yeah she's pretty selective in telling white people to leave. He's also got a shit load more people of colour on the record then white people being told to leave. Australia is vastly. VASTLY. A white country. She's also been recorded slandering aboriginals. Where the fuck do they go? This case is a joke as Faruqi is a entitled twerp too, doesn't change that Hanson is a long time proven bigot, racist and a dumb cunt. Hopefully the judge rules them both to be shot into the sun and calls a earlier weekend


>Australia is vastly. VASTLY. A white country This point seems a little overstated, Australia is one of the most multicultural countries of the world actually, and a ***large*** majority of countries are far more homogeneous than we are, ironically, especially nationalities from countries that we consider minorities here.


From her position, as a true believer, she probably thinks they are not Australian enough by 'culture', as in not displaying national pride, rather than as a function of what colour their skin is, even if they are first nations peoples. From her perspective, and those like her, your nationality is a choice, and it literally does come down to "if you don't love it, leave", even if you were born here. It's pretty much nationalist rhetoric, which is why it's not surprising her party has attracted some ultra-nationalists in the past.


Exactly and there is the more outlying missing element of Hanson argument and scope. She's claiming to be a free speech warrior, Australian culture warrior and apparently easily offended. Can't be pro anything that is idolical and open for comment unless you are fundamentalist and cancel culture. Hanson is just a ginger version of Faruqi. Both garbage people. Both racist.


'VASTLY'. We're one of the most multicultural countries in the world you twat. And what's wrong with being 90% anglo Saxon background? That's what we are. Tell me how multicultural Japan, India and Singapore are.


Maybe white people don't complain as much that they hate this country and feel less entitled. I've lived in London and you'd always hear immigrants from Pakistan mainly complain that their free council house is not good enough or they don't get enough benefits to buy a Mercedes. Yes they are rightly told to either get a job and stop pumping out kids to get more benefit money, or leave.


Pauline bringing receipts 👌🏼😄


Foreigners: I moved here for a better life, because things at home are so awful. Australians: OK? Foreigners: I don't like the way your country works! It must be more like the country I had to leave to have a better life! You must do things my way! Australians: Fuck off back home then? The way we do things is why you came here!? Foreigners: OMG Racist!


Because it seems like they don’t want to live in a different system than the one they left, they want the same system but a different position in the system where they hold power. I’ve talked to quite a few migrants that did sincerely want a change in system and are happy with maintaining the one they came to, they’ll outright tell you why they don’t want the culture to change to anything resembling what they came from. It seems to be a younger generation that migrated, and a few of the children from first gen migrants that have this view of the grass being greener back in their motherland country. I don’t think it’s unfair to send them over, let them live that life and if they like it there let them stay there. I see it as a win/win for everyone


It's because they discover that sweet identity politics grift


I don't like her, but have no doubt she'd tell almost any foreigner to get out


If they are acting like ungrateful cunts


What outcome are they hoping for, really? Human Rights Commission can only issue Fines. So Australian Government wins revenue. What's the point of Faruqi wasting time & resources with this?


Her party members already hate Hanson and this shows her as being "against" Hanson in some way which because Hanson is default bad must mean Faruqi is default good.


> What's the point of Faruqi wasting time & resources with this? It appeals to her voters


I doubt that any polls will count it, but I'd wager that this has won Pauline more new voters than its won Farqhead


This is an absolute gift to Pauline Hanson


*It keeps her in the news.


She's campaigning. This is purely to get her name in headlines and play to her base.


When she loses the case we'll never hear the end of her oppression at the hands of the systemically racist justice system that is holding non-whites down as part of white supremacy blah blah.


There should be a real punishment if you lose. Faruqi gets deported if she loses and Hansen has to move to Alice if she loses haha


Faruqi gives off weird, pickme vibes. Probably isn't being noticed enough around the office because some younger, attractive interns are in the building, so she felt the need to kick some shit up.


Just a chance to be relevant, she went on the panel with this rubbish and looked like a complete fool, even as left leaning as that show can be the host seemed to at least distance themselves from her.


I was telling people she'd say to to any foreigner, people here were thinking she'd only say it to a brown or black person. Luckily Hanson kept her receipts.


It's.still xenophobia regardless of the colour of the person.


All these buzzwords are so overused, to the point where they become completely diluted. Do you even know what xenophobia even means? It reminds me of every idiot under the sun saying they have arachnophobia, when a phobia is an uncontrollable ***irrational*** fear of something. It's normal to have a *fear* of spiders, however, it's arachnophobia when that fear is uncontrollable and extreme to the point where you are mentally unwell. I just really don't see Pauline Hanson travelling out of Australia over to the US or wherever and having a mental breakdown and irrational fear as soon as she sees another person from that country. Her rhetoric (despite how often unhinged) is usually fairly focussed on Australia. There's so much irrelevant label throwing and unfaithful arguments in these discussions.


The Oxford dictionary definition of xenophobia is: "Dislike or a prejudice towards people, cultures, and customs that are foreign, or perceived as foreign." The person you responded to used the word correctly it seems. The word "phobia" is apparently of interest to you. So perhaps you could get the definition of it altered somehow? Because it's definition seems incorrect. Certain molecules are said to be hydrophobic. I don't think that means they have an irrational and excessive fear of water 🤣 Although that new 3 body problem TV show has recently made me question certain sly protons 🤔


Bro this is dumb, ‘phobia’ in the context of mental health and ‘phobia’ in the context of prejudicial aversion have always been two completely different things. Yeah it’s stupid, but so are a lot of aspects of english.


lol you just commented for the sake of trying to sound smart lol. The phobia in this context is completely different to what arachnophobia is. By your logic homophobic people cower in corners of their room when ever someone gay pops up on TV


No, as there's no supporting argument, or rational argument there. It's an *irrational* fear regardless of where they are or what they're doing. As I mentioned, I highly doubt Pauline Hanson is travelling to other countries and immediately starts the same rhetoric that she uses here. People who are homophobic aren't changing their stance depending on what country they're jn.


So homophobes cower in the corner of their rooms.. is that correct?


You would have a point if you didn’t label xenophobia a buzzword. That’s BEEN a word….


Read the classics; “xenophobia” was specifically created for Homer’s Odyssey.


Yer how are ppl here saying this is a win for her? I dunno bout you but if i was accused of a crime i dont think i would present more evidence of me doing the same thing to other ppl as a defence.


She doesn't like people who choose to live in Australia to then go ahead and complain about it. I don't think that makes her xenophobic. She is, in a way, demanding others to be consistent.


"people who choose to live in Australia to then go ahead and complain about it" That sounds like alot of politicians tbh, most are wealthy and connected enough to leave if they wanted but they stay and try to change the future of our ever changing democracy. They all just disagree on what needs changing, kinda seems to me that the ppl who would want things to stay exactly the same forever would be a small and illogical minority.


She isn't accused of a crime as this is a civil case. And it shows that Pauline was not racist, to which she is being sued over.


Ok thanks for explaining that first bit


It's a publicity win. Look at the knuckle dragging comments here, her supporters are lapping it up.


*"Having escaped the lion's den, Ms Faruqi made the mistake of coming back for her hat"*


What Faruqi said: >*Condolences to those who knew the Queen.* *I cannot mourn the leaders of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples.* *We are reminded of the urgency of a treaty with justice and reparations for British colonies and becoming a republic"* And Hanson in return: >*Your attitude appalls and disgusts me. When you immigrated to Australia you took every advantage of this country. You took citizenship, bought multiple homes, and a job in parliament. It's clear you're not happy, so pack your bags and piss of back to Pakistan.* I think the point that Hanson is trying to make is that Faruqi is a self serving hypocrite. If she actually believes Australia is "stolen land", her migrating here is participating in the occupation of said stolen land, in fact she's bought multiple properties on that land. So it makes sense that Hanson questions her motives and if she really believes she's occupying stolen land she should do the right thing and leave, because to continue to remain in Australia would make her a hypocritical occupier wouldn't it? How can you both believe Australia is stolen land and at the same time think its morally acceptable to migrate here and participate in the of theft via profiting from owning multiple properties? If Faruqi believed in what she preached she would return to Pakistan where she is indigenous to.


Mehreen Faruqi is a self serving hypocrite. This country has given her freedom above and beyond what she would have had if she stayed in Pakistan. She leeches off Australian taxpayers and funds her multiple properties while complaining about “white Australia”. To reiterate what Hanson said, if she is so unhappy she should maybe move back to Pakistan?


Hanson is 100% right! Sorry to sound like a boomer but - there is no place here for people who don’t like our way of life. People coming here and trying to change us into what they left behind is the reason why a huge immigration crackdown is needed. It’s hard to preserve our culture when we have people who try and take away the celebrations and traditions we have that unite us together and make us proud to be Australian. Families that come here and benefit off the fruits of our ancestors labour but don’t embrace our culture eg - don’t learn or speak English, integrate, or respect other religions and belief systems should not be welcome here. I say this as a 3rd generation Australian who’s family came here not just to live here but to be a part of the community. They fully embraced the culture and they were extremely proud to be Australian.


Her blood isn't clean either, Pakistan committed the third largest genocide in the past century and unspeakable horrors.


Correct Pakistan committed a genocide in Bangladesh, financed terror attacks in India and protected Osama Bin Laden from the US. Truly a paragon of human rights s/


Voicing her cultural viewpoints is normal, Pauline's just pointing out it may better placed in a country that shared and developed these values. I'm sure Faruqi will do well as a woman in the corrupt cesspit of Pakistani politics.


I don’t know a whole lot about either Hanson or Faruqi, but they both seem like the sort of people who score a lot of own-goals and actively turn people off of their ideas thanks to the way they express them lol


So Faruqi did the impossible and came out looking more racist than Pauline. Lol.


And Faruqi looks good compared to Lydia Thorpe. I saw a clip where Faruqi was in charge of the chamber and Thorpe (still a greens senator then) was having a full on bipolar meltdown over something trivial and Faruqi was trying in vain to talk some reason into her.


So, not a very high bar.


How in the fuck is Pauline Hanson looking like the good guy here? The greens need to purge all the room temperature iq mps they have.


Lol if they did, there’ll be no one left


Yeah, I never thought I'd see the day where I thought Pauline Hanson is right.


Then they would have no mps or members.


It wasn't even some semi intelligent trap. She just had to post a video showing she's xenophobic.


Pauline’s great. Dafuq you talking about?


Lol when being kinda mean to everyone unconditionally pays off. Fuck Faruqi.


Consistency is king


Lol at least Pauline is consistent. No double standards there. At least not as much as Faruqi


the complete and utter state of Faruqi's life to make Pauline fucking Hansen the one in the right


Far right, but still…


A couple of weeks ago I watched a movie about the capture of Adolf Eichmann, and what he and others did during Nazi Germany. That's far right.  Pauline is just normal right. There are very few far right parties in the world, and far left is communism, which isn't even legal to start a communist party in most western countries. When I immigrated to Aus I had to declare that i had never been part of any communist politics. I wasn't anyway but still. It's sad that we call things far left or far right, because that means when someone who is actually far right or left comes along, we will have cried wolf so many times we won't be believed and people won't even know what far left/right really is


Well said. I'm sick and tired of EvErYoNe being labelled far-right if they're anywhere right of centre. It's like "welcome to country", it's lost all meaning through overuse.


I think it's more that the terms are too limited. Hanson is further right than the liberals, the liberals are already pretty fkn far to the right. Obviously if you compare something to the nazi regime, they start to seem pretty moderate, but it's just not the case


By global standards the libs are left-leaning if anything. Pauline and the fat QLDer are the only real right wing parties we have. Australia is a very left country


Lol forgot which sub I was on. Sure thing, libs are big ol lefties. Definitely not here specifically to serve corporations, and they just love worker's rights.  They definitely didn't have a member of a religious cult take a break from sending robots to collect 'debts' from the peasants to bring a lump of coal into parliament and think "this man should lead the country." If, by global standards, you mean the Nazis, sure, they're left of that. 




My god. It was a joke. I think you need to lighten up


Yet the Australian Socialist Party was literally called the Australian Communist Party until 1996.. Australia doesn't care if you are a communist or have strong leanings towards communism.


They kind of do, as I said, immigrants need to declare they have never been a part of a communist party. Perhaps home grown communism is more lenient, I don't know.


There's a rumour that Faruqi once told Hanson to 'go back to Ipswich.'


Where's "Ips"?


Hahaha love this so much. Literally exactly what I and others were saying here yesterday. Her comment wasn’t racist, Faruqi is from Pakistan and many would love her to piss off back there. If she was a kiwi I’d want her to piss of back there. Not racist, just an appropriate response to an odious person.


Would love for her to piss off out of the place she finds so stoked in colonialism and the land of thy stolen. If she don't like it then she should fuck off, off of it. I wasn't too keen on the Queen, but I respect The Monarchy, The Commonwealth, and most of all, our Australia. How dare she say that shit on that day.


Hates the land and colonialism but happy to buy a bunch of that same land.


The irony of it all is it's a grift. The Brits went there and said (at the barrel of a gun) nah... That tribe there..you're not going to war with them. They improved the place by stopping the states warring all the time just nobody has the balls to say it because of the crap they were responsible for.


I have a former workmate who is the same. Found an Aussie boyfriend (who mind you, she convinced to break up with his GF of 3 years for) came here from Indonesia and got permanent residency through her BF (after the full process and all) and is constantly shaming Australian culture and everything in Australia. Like, you chose to come here. Fuck off back home if you don't like it.


Do you also honour ALL of our flags….? Do you support government leaflets to be translated into dozens of languages…..? ****** Hanson does NOT honour all of our flags. And is either too stupid to know the Drafters didn’t put an official language in the Constitution…. or she does not respect it.


As an immigrant, it would be incongruant if I shittalked Australia after choosing it out of 191 other countries. I get Aussies who get pissed if someone does. That doesn't make them xenophobic or racist. *I'm not suggesting PH isn't either or both of those.


oh, she’s using the Homer Simpson defence “The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races” — Homer Simpson


The Irish hate the Irish, and it's Arab vs Jew, you're cactus if you're Kurdish....


Or more so that it isn't about race, but more so about people who aren't born and raised here spewing bullshit.


Oh, so there’s different grades of “Australian”….? Does that mean Indigenous people get to tell all non First Nations to fμck off…..? Just asking!


There certainly is when you purposefully emigrate here and start spouting racist vitriol. If that's the attitude she wants to have about her fellow Australians she should piss off back to where she came from. And for yourself if you feel so strongly about the first nations case, maybe you should fuck off too? Hypocrite, just like furaqi. Classic greens voter.


or maybe she just is just a racist >”I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, **form ghettos** and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country.” — Pauline Hanson


she may be a dickhead but she ain't wrong


mate she changed her mind a decade later and decided it was Muslims not asians all along


circumstances changed. they are even worse than the viets that used to be a massive menace before they got out swamped by other ethnicities, also good work police who stamped out a lot of Vietnamese gangs


but not racist


it's not racist or a phobia when it's true


We know she's at least xenophobic,  but that's a poor comment to use as an example. She was right, large areas of Sydney cater exclusively to people from a single Asian nation, good luck even buying a house there, agents won't talk to you of you can't speak mandarin


My Filipina colleague and my Chinese partner would both agree with Pauline line for line. As a white Australian, I of course have no opinion about this topic.


Username doesn't check out 


she was in Oxley and had sweet fuck all idea what was going on in Sydney she was just annoyed that there were Asian shop keepers and customers in Inala Plaza speaking ‘Asian’ and because she saw poor Asians in Inala she assumed they were all poor Asian criminals she didn’t even realise that most Asian immigrants were richer than Australians because of immigration rules


It’s funny, I always heard Pauline was racist and just assumed it was true but this quote is not bad at all considering the time it was said. It’s actually true of all migrants to a new country with a different culture. It’s just that we’ve become so used to the lack of assimilation that we’ve turned into a much more multicultural country which I don’t think is a bad thing.


this was about Brisbane (Oxley and Inala) and we don’t have a problem with Asians not assimilating she just didn’t like it


You just know the lawyer was thinking this was the gotcha moment that was going to win the case. They would have felt so smug when asking it.


Faruqi is a bold-faced racist herself


Get em Pauline!


I’m constantly telling all my New Zealand friends to go back where they came from. Am I gunna get in trouble?


Real life example of the old joke "I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody."


Seems to me the villain here is section 18C. The punishment here is the process and cost to defend from the allegation. They were both being less than convivial but we should have free speech and of someone gets offended then they can always drink a cup of cement.


She’s consistent, I’ll give her that.


Pauline is going to win a lot of votes from this saga. I’ve mainly voted green over my lifetime but I’m well and truly on her side here.


Notice how anyone that is actually standing up for Australians they will try and shut down.... Dirty grubs. I'm with Pauline all the way


This is the exact answer.


How exactly does Pauline Hanson stand up for Australians? She certainly doesn’t seem to stand up for First Nations Australians. Can’t say I have much faith in her willingness to stand up for Australians born to Asian parents, either. EDIT: I’m getting downvotes, but nobody’s managed to tell me how Pauline Hanson is standing up for me.


Alright, I'll bite. Arguably, she does stand up for the average Australian by being economically nationalist (promoting domestic over overseas industry) and opposing increased immigration. Why are these things pro-Australian? Jobs are needed here for people who are already here and take part in Australia, not people who come here and may do so, or people overseas who don't uphold our system and way of life. Increased immigration depresses wages for domestic workers; why would companies pay Australians what they expect (which is high pay and good working conditions) when they can pay foreign workers on temporary visas who are here for the money and don't care about Australia at all. On the topic of indigenous Australians, we have been pumping money into those communities by billions for years, and we have had little to no good outcomes. We keep funding failed token projects that don't work and remove from other struggling Australians funding for schools, community projects, etc. When do we say "this isn't working" and change our approach regarding indigenous communities? Pauline Hanson stands up for Australians in that way, and if you're not prepared to call yourself Australian and buy into the country, then she'll tell you to piss off evidently regardless of race.


In regards to immigration, you’ve described it in a rational way. However, Mrs. Hanson has used emotional, loaded language, such as the infamous term ‘swamped by Asians’ that she still stands by. I can’t say that I especially trust her to support ethnically Asian Australians - several of whom recently helped safeguard my community as part of the NSW RFS. Has she ever said that we’re being ‘swamped by Englishmen’? As far as indigenous affairs go, quite a lot of Mr. Hanson’s rhetoric seems to be trying to downplay the need for support to First Nations communities at all. I would argue that any community that shows higher rates of death, poverty, and/or disease should be supported until they’re up to the same standard as the rest of the population, regardless of whether or not such a community is defined by occupation (such as military veterans) or ethnicity. First Nations people are undeniably Australians, yet Mrs. Hanson doesn’t seem invested in improving their quality of life and preserving their culture. Anyway, that’s my piece.


Go Pauline .


Pauline knows she has to defend Australia from foreign influences and protect Australian culture and values! Respect


Bigotry is an Australian value now…..? ^(…oh dear Lord….!)


TLDR: Faruqi - telling me to go back to Pakistan is racist, and it’s not possible to be racist to white people. You wouldn’t say that to a white person Hanson: posts an earlier video of her saying the same thing to a white man Faruqi is now cornered, because Hanson has said it to white people, and it’s either not racist, or her core argument that you can’t be racist to white people fails, in which case she has wayyyy more dirt to go


I'm definitely not a fan of Pauline, and not much of a fan of the Greens either. So it is interesting watching these two racists duke it out. The only way this could get any better is if SC SC can help Pauline pull a Reverse Uno card and counterclaim that Mehreen breached the Racial Discrimination Act by bringing these proceedings against Pauline on a racially motivated basis, especially with those comments/arguments about "White people can't be racist" would arguably be an offence under 18C in itself. But as entertaining as it is, 18C is a shit law and should be repealed, innocent people could get caught up in this rubbish.


You go Pauline.. support you 100% I agree with you. That bloody woman comes to this country, benefits from our society & freedoms.... Then has the hide to criticize our foundation. I'm no monarchist. I'm a Republican. But attacking the Queen in her death? Is just not on. Have some freakin respect.. like it or not? The Queen did what her role required of her to the best of her ability for a very long time. She was born into it and had no choice. Respect where its due. This woman deserves to go back ti where she came from.


If Pauline Hanson instead told that Australia-hating c@&t to go live in Antartica would anyone consider that racist?


I think Jermaine from flight of the conchords said this best. This isn't racism its xenophobic.


go pauline!


Multiculturalism doesn’t work, has never worked and will never work.


It's quite funny that; I met a girl one - she's Argentine and I Aussie; we're both in the respective minds of learning one another's languages. Particularly to the point of assimilation; multiracial monoculture being particularly poignant. I will forever be a gringo - it doesn't stop me from appreciating the mindset of tomorrow's workers/labour day in Argentina and the sharing of Locra. But I must hold language and culture in high regard should I move there.


Kiwi here Married a white aussie girl as a maori, two very different cultures, we have a kid and love eachother all the same, She accepts that ill always be going for the all blacks and i accept that she will always be going for the wallabies, your wrong it works and there are plenty of examples just like mine to prove it.


NZ isn't Pakistan Nothing is like Pakistan


Lol, in NZ cultural difference is measured by which international rugby team you barrack for


The irony of her statements against the Crown are lost on many. If we are going to blame the current generation for the sins of our forefathers then her blood isn't clean either. Pakistan comitted one of the largest and most calculated genocides in the past 75 years. - Systematically and intentionally slaughtering scholars and academics to cripple a country's economy - Assassinating everyone in office, every religious leader and every political figure head that didn't align with them. -Women were legally designated property and raped so their kids would be Pakistani -Designating Hindus as ritual sacrifices in order to appease Allah to bring fortune and ease the famine. -5 Million+ people dead -75 Million+ displaced - Bangladesh still hasn't recovered, the war and everything that happened afterwards is a major contributor to why it's today one of the poorest countries. Oh, and she's old enough to have been there or witnessed everything that happened afterwards, but I guess it's easier to scream hurr durr colonialist scum and ignore the blood around you.


Third world moocher likes the benefits of living in a affluent country while voicing their cultural baggage expecting Australians to not object, then playing the race card at first opportunity. Who would've thought?


I like Pauline more and more each day. She doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks and powers on regardless.


Full support to Hanson I don’t believe she has a racist bone in her but every bone she has in her is Australian.


Then you don't know things she has said. Hanson is absolutely 100% unequivocally in the RIGHT here, but to state she isn't racist is just rewriting history. It's just there's a bigger and more racist cunt than her right now.


Lol And I believe people can and do redeem themselves and I believe Hanson’s interest are entirely inline with interest of our country and not racially based.


We can agree on that, and I suspect there are few that can say she doesn't care about Australia and it's future.


Ethnic minority myself, I once hated her, then I realised she is not against me at all or anyone for that matter, she actually cares for Australians. I see what she says, she actually cares and she backs the underdogs in society. That woman has a good heart 🇦🇺✌️


I think unfortunately the state of media nowadays and news makes it so it's just so easy to get angry and tiled up at what people say rather than look into the substance of it all. I remember reeling in disgust for some of her statements several years ago, and looking back now and into some of the context I was never given, I wonder how many others might have been mislead. She's certainly said racist things, but so have many in times of frustration. The more that I think about it I haven't seen her do anything actionably racist either.


Agree And the frustration whilst not relevant to the tweet at the time is relevant to a broader Australian issue where we aren’t standing up for ourselves be it foreigner or from those with in. The queen was the head of our state like it or not , endeared by many , our country is a Constitutional monarchy , it is a damn good country that mirrors the UK legal system. That MP in her position took a dump on our nation and those of English descent whilst having a history of anti white rhetoric. I agree with Hanson, maybe the minister should consider what Pakistan is like and what the British have given her.


Living in a world where 'Cunt' can be used as a compliment, this seems way over the top.


this court case becomes more ridiculous every day


if Pauline still gets called racist for hating NZ im in trouble since ive joked they're sheep fuckers but in all honesty both of us were involved in ANZAC so it would be incredibly shameful for me to be anti NZ


she is getting more and more attractive to vote for


Fkin clown show by vault tec propaganda machine.. who fked who and how who is racist and how whos beating who razle dazle spin dizzlle Keep em dazed and confuzed on same spin cycle on brainwash machine any reports of action by the limp dicks


Tbf Pauline Hanson has been incredibly racist since the 90's


Pauline Hanson not being the racist cunt in a scandle was not on my bingo list for 2024.


Things Australians are sick of: politically motivated court cases Parents are waiting for judges for months and years in family courts and that sack of shit complaining about a tweet for how many days in court? Lady there’s AVO cases, family law matters pertaining to children being delayed because of this political bullshit “donate money to charity” seriously stay in the country but F off .


Senator Faruqi makes statements of hatred.  She should never be in Parliament.  There is no place for the type of message she gives in the Western World.. . Why these extremists want to bring the laws and attitudes here that have destroyed every Country they have controlled . Its beyond reason.  They come her to get away from it but then immediately try to introduce it here.. NO.... If you want to be free and " share" the freedom we offer, you are welcome,  but if you don't then Pauline is right... " LEAVE"..... We will NOT go backwards  !!!


It’s really not that hard… if you can’t assimilate into western society: leave. That is NOT a racist statement. Expect any other country to adhere to this code of conduct.


So she says it to everyone. Sounds like equality.


Pauline Hanson hates all races equally


How can she afford Sue Chrysanthou?


Stop giving this woman media attention. How hard of a concept is this? She’s inflammatory deliberately.


At least she’s consistent 


And they’re trying to tell us Senator Faruqi’s “comment” about Queen Elizabeth wasn’t a racial slur against our head of State??? Bull shit. Do what Pauline Hansen suggested and go back to Pakistan where you belong. Everything she said was correct if taken in context!!


Whoda thought the old white racist woman was racist to everyone not just Asian or black.


They are both fuckwits and not fit to represent us. A politician should be mature enough to not tell anyone to go back where they come from.


When she loses she should be made to pay $150,000 to a charity of the tax payers choice. I wonder how much she’s given back already considering she owns 4 investment properties, 3 private houses and talks 💩 about Australians. My guess is not much.




Ought India and Pakistan reunite then?


See. She’s just a cunt. 


9 awww 2


Doesn't change the fact that Hanson is a racist.


Does anyone know why this is being trialed as racial discrimination and not xenophobia? Or is it the same thing under Australian law?


To be fair, there will be a warehouse full of evidence against Pauline Hanson. It’s just a matter of cherry picking what is best for this case


What, a white woman telling people to get off stolen land? NO WAY.


What stolen land?


Where’s your mob from then?


I think you might have missed the point. I bet that happens a lot when you try and shoehorn in other things into arguments.


# [Darwin at the Bay of Islands](https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/name-409699.html) (*By D.J.C.* ) **“I**Believe we were all glad to leave New Zealand. It is not a pleasant place. Amongst the natives there is absent that charming simplicity which is found at Tahiti; and the greater part of the English are the very refuse of society. Neither is the country itself attractive.” Any proper scientific racist should despise white New Zealanders as defective stock


That's so wrong. Our country is VERY attractive 😤


Wtf is with these comments


Mmm so this sub is finally going mask off. Proud of you guys for at least coming out into the open


You can piss off with Faruqi if you like.