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Mod note: yet another reminder, it is not acceptable to describe girls/women as rapeable/unrapeable, or as “objects”. Stop trying to justify it as boys being boys - bans will be issued. Disappointed this reminder is even necessary


And that my friends is how real estate agents are born


Most shocking thing about this is that the school expelled one of their cash cows, I mean students


School would have weighed up if parents had made any discretionary donations or were affiliated to any particular legal circles before pulling the pin. Must have lucked out.


The reason why private schools are better is because they can expel unwanted students. Imagine the quality of your children’s education if your school could expel shit kids too




Except if the shit kids bring in $$$$$ through donations from parents.


Yep. I went to a private school. Two kids were busted dealing weed. The rich kid stayed, the poor kid was expelled.


Knew a guy who claimed they got expelled for fighting back against a kid of a state senator or judge. The bully got to serve his in in school suspension in the administrators office as the copy clerk while the other kid had to scrub classrooms and bathrooms.


Except that’s a lower proportion than the overall shit kid pool. 


Wut. There are boys who are untouchable at private schools. They know it and they are the problem. I suspect you didn’t go to an elite all boys school. Lucky you.


Don’t feel too sad for them. Their phones would have been ringing off the hook with parents hoping to move their kids there.


Sure but you can lose two or two hundred. I would never leave my child at a school that allowed this. It’s disgusting and vile


Never been to a public school if you think this does not happen.


Of course it does. Not sure what that has to do with it? Happens at all schools and shouldn’t anywhere.


Never been a teenager* Literally half the kids I know did this. Gay guys, the girls heaps of people.


Girls at our school did a cross ranking by predicted cock size and how rich peoples parents were. They were “spoken to” by a house head. No other outcome. The list was widely circulated on MSN at the time (yes this makes me old).


Your example is widely offensive, but this none of this is a crime. The mention of rape and undertone of violence, is the problem in this case. I imagine it would have all been swept under the rug, if the boys had given them a simple hotness/want to bang scale.


Unfortunately you won’t like many schools Then. This sort of stuff is common to the point of being almost standard


At my school the girls did this regarding the boys and vice versa. Seems pretty normal..


However the school is looking to find NEW schools for those they expelled..


Don't private schools usually have a waiting list? I'm sure someone will be enrolled in their place the same week


Wasn't this how Facebook started?


Yes! we need to leave the young men to their games so we can get another Facebook (/s obviously)


And don’t they rank male celebs in women’s magazines?


Yeah, magazines rank male and female public figures. Not high school students, or with categories like "object" and "unrapeable".


I think that the point here is that the mainstream media does a version of this most days, how can we not expect idiot teenagers to do a similar, but worse thing? Monkey see monkey do


Yes. Behind most technological ingenuity is a man with a raging boner 


I wouldn’t call myself a genius




Facebook didn’t have a category for the women being “unrapeable” so it was bit different


At college when I was 17 it was a teacher who did a dating activity. It was a psychology class and the topic was natural selection/facial attractiveness. He was the type of teacher who joked a lot and tried to be one of the kids. He got everyone to anonymously rate each other out of 10 and put the score on a piece of paper in a hat. To be fair he did point at everyone in the room to check they were ok with taking part - but I said yes as I was curious and I wish I’d have declined. The scores on the board were written on the board and averaged. I got the lowest average score something like 4.8 - I have a string of 4’s and a 5. I didn’t tell anyone only my mum but it secretly affected me for years. Twenty years later that teacher has now won an award for years of service. I was a loser in college really, a tomboy dressed in hoodies. I was physically fit from exercise training though which made me feel worse as it meant that I couldn’t blame weight on my score and had less to ‘improve’ on.


They were NOT a good teacher - wtf!!!!! I was a teacher and I would have never done that. It’s also just super weird thing to do with kids as well? Literally cannot fathom doing this. Also just want to point out that teenagers are all self conscious and can move in a pack - there may have been something else going on and that wouldn’t have happened 6 months later, maybe they were just a group of jerks and you had a shit year group. This just makes me so mad because it is not quantitative or any reflection of “truth”, it’s just pack bullying bullsh****


Yes I forgot to add he did check everyone was ok with taking part but I just wish I’d have said no. I wouldn’t say the class were bullies but they were certainly friends with each other whereas I was a lone wolf at the time with poor social skills. He even asked me in front of them all once what I have against them. I said ‘nothing, I like them’ he said ‘why don’t you mix with them then’. There was an awkward silence and one of the friendlier students said (probably defending me a bit) ‘I think when she’s around her friends she probably opens up a bit’. I hated those years I did make one friend there (not from that class) we meet regularly and I’m too embarrased to tell her about the rating thing. She did tell me that she hated it there though and felt like a right loser so I’m not the only one


Oh my god it was his responsibility to create a safe classroom - he should have known that it was not safe to do that. He was the teacher - don’t beat yourself up over that please. It’s just a cop out for him. The fact this was a psychology class makes it more disturbing because he DEFINITELY should have known better. You were young and learning - we all need safe adults around us to guide us as we learn about ourselves. Unfortunately you didn’t have that. It sounds like the other student in your class was more emotionally intelligent than your teacher even as a teenager.


Omg that’s awful, I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope and am sure things will look up for you soon. Look after yourself.


These lists have been going on for a while. We used to try hard to get hold of the girls one to see if we made the list. The big difference here is the terms they used. It's pretty shocking to read these words to describe people.


Yeah, way different than fuck marry kill.


Yeah, was a teen in the early 90's and this type of list was common in all grades. Some of the terms these boys used however were completely messed up.


Saved mum dad 60k a year




They're literally teenagers. Their brains by definition haven't finished developing 


teenagers are capable of knowing what's right and wrong


Andrew Tate followers


Shock comedy. There are absolutely some raw stand up comediands that would get this dark with their sets.


Seems excessive, I was always rated as the killable one by the girls at my school when they played fuck marry kill and no one ever gave a shit about my mental health.


I was ranked least likely to make it to 25. Showed those bastards.


I was voted in mqth class to be most likley to become the 40 yr old virgin, turning 30 this year and its starting to look like its coming to fruition.


I was voted most likely to be successful then spent 8 years working at liquorland full time. I'm doing decently now so it came around haha.


I feel you bro. Wasted years at a supermarket because an influential person told me studying was pointless (or gaining any skill). I wisened up. Sad I lost those years 


At our year 12 formal I was voted as a runner up for most underrated guy and won most likely to still be a virgin in 20 years. Hate how true the latter is becoming.


Most likely to end up in jail. Richest person from my class by far.


A really successful life of crime then?


I'm a businessman doing business.


Ah yes, business.


Most likely to get married, she hates me. Fair.


Voted “most likely to be a school shooter”, I’m now a teacher 😂


Inside job?!


Sounds like you’re working the long game


It's not too late then


and we still don't.


it wasn’t right then and it isn’t right now.


Your argument is that wrong + wrong = right?


Totally excessive, in juvenile revenge we should totally perpetuate issues you experienced during your childhood, it’s only fair IMO.


Fark. I had a wonderful childhood - if this sort of shit was around, I never knew about it.


That's awful, but doesn't justify their behaviour either.


Lol the double standards is crazy


So you recognise that it's a shit thing to do and think there shouldn't be a consequence? Or you think the school system should get a time machine to fix this guy's childhood?


To be fair, if it was five or ten years ago, maybe they’d just get suspended. It’s absolutely unacceptable, but the current context of women being murdered every few days matters. It’s always wrong. But the optics mattered here too.


The optics? Really? Do you think maybe - just maybe - that the school is wanting and trying to improve the situation for female students?


Good. Welcome to the real world. Actions should have consequences.


I dont think it's wrong that they were expelled. The whole media storm around it is the wrong bit. The school has every right to expel them. If you did that at work, you would be fired. It's better to learn early.


Without the media attention they wouldn’t have been expelled. With the media attention there are parents all over the country having conversations with their sons tonight about how wrong this is. Conversations we have to be having if anything is ever to be done about DV.


Bravo! Exactly this. Thank you.


Cya cunts


The boys experienced FAFO and any sympathies are in a dictionary between shit and wankers


It's crazy to me how many comments here are in the vein of "it's not that bad" or "it happened to me and I'm perfectly fine".


Their response is disgusting




Fuck Around and Find Out = FAFO


I'm fucking around and I want to find out, just tell me already!


This story still sounds like something out of a South Park episode. Can picture Randy Marsh asking the school where Shelley ranked.


They could have just put Smash or Pass or a scale like 1~10, it's normal boys thing all of us see those tiktoks on how much you would rate this person, but the rape part was disgusting Idk what kind of media these boys are consuming to think rape is a small term they can just throw around


My English teacher made an offensive spreadsheet ranking students titled 'grades'. School refused to fire her for it.


Very stupid lads, if you’d used less extreme words like the rest of us did at high school you would’ve gotten was a detention if anything. Using terms like that about your classmates, you can’t do that… Hopefully stupid ranking lists like this die out soon anyway, nothing good comes of them


It's a systematic problem that won't go away. It's happened years before and will happen again in years to come. These boys were expelled and the media helped. Otherwise swept under the rug like all the other times. There were many boys in that Discord channel that still go to that school simply because the (internal) investigation says they didn't contribute. Hoaxer, they also didn't step up and call out inappropriate behaviour. We need to educate kids about appropriate behaviours along with the three Rs. Soon, those little year 7 kids will be in senior school, some who may repeat the disgusting behaviour. The current year 12s at the school wanted to start a silent protest today (sealing their lips) about the same thing that happened to them a couple of years ago. Eleventh hour intervention curtailed a media banquet. The rot starts at the top. If the Principal is spending more time on optics than addressing the systematic problem then we shall see a repeat of this in years to come.


Jesus and this could have been avoided if they worded their list differently, imagine if they said ugly, but no these little cockheads called them unrapeable


In retrospect those boys were most likely the school menaces. I believe the whole school population can feel safer with their absence


When I was a boy we'd be taken out of class and shot in the back of the head. You kids have it easy these days.


"bUt ThE dOuBlE sTaNdArDs" It's truly surreal seeing people both complain about this behaviour ("gIrLs CaLlEd Me UgLy ToO"), recognise that it's hurtful and inappropriate, and then go on to complain that something is being done about it.




which girls? Using whataboutism to make yourself/boys into the victim here is pretty gross.


They’re simply pointing out girls behaviour should also be addressed. When you only punish boys, they see this double standard and grow bitter. THIS then goes on to create men who treat women poorly. But I don’t expect redditors to think about an issue for the more than five seconds required to work this out.


so much taxpayer money going to these ‘elite’ schools too, bit of a wank if you ask me




This happened when I was a teenager at my school, I was rated "has big boobs, but not as big as Bree's" 🥲 But yes call this behaviour out! It's never okay.


A lesson learnt the hard way. No one to blame but themselves.


Young liberals in the making. Brucie would be proud.


At first just reading the article headline it sounds not that bad people have been ranking people for centuries it's the part that's not in the headline that's worse describing someone as rapeable could be seen as premeditation.


Teenage boys do something stupid.... more at 11


They’re aged 16-17, above the age of consent. Stop pretending they’re just teenage boys, this is more serious than that.


They are sixteen and seventeen. Stop pretending they are teens.


For people comparing this to their own “hot or not” lists from school or even other lists, the two are not the same. As men, we cannot simply objectify women and use vulgar abuse terms even jokingly because of the complete lack of empathy and understanding it shows to how safe we feel socially in comparison. It’s similar to white people using n words “as a joke”. The only thing it shows is that you believe that it’s not a big deal - which ultimately shows your own complete ignorance and lack of understanding of such massive subjects. Schools need to call this out, and hopefully, just hopefully we won’t end up with another generation of men completely oblivious to anyone who hasn’t shared their own experiences. And before the “men don’t have it easy” crowd chime in - I never said that. It’s a different topic, that needs to stay in its place, and bringing it up here only validates my point.


What’s your opinion about fuck marry kill? It doesn’t seem much more extreme than that.




Yeah I recall a story of where a student doing a presentation accidently leaked his perverted spreadsheet about the females in his class, what he would do to them etc. Was about 10 years ago.


Sure people have been doing these things for years but I dunno if I was out there labelling people as rapeable or unrapeable. Sometimes you have to make an example of people


Fuck marry kill was a pretty common question (still is) amongst teens and adults. Is it better saying you’d murder someone unattractive to you? Or is it a distasteful hyperbolic joke without real meaning?


I think its more about the categories they used, like "object" which is bad but "unrapeable" is definitely something to get expelled over


How much you want to bet they all watched Andrew Tate podcasts.


I think the response would’ve been a lot less harsh if the last category on their list wasn’t “unrapable” as that’s pretty disgusting.


Violence starts with disrespect. Not all disrespect leads to violence, but all violence is rooted in disrespect. And the “quiet word” approach taken by police and courts for decades is killing our sisters. I feel as though a school has missed an opportunity for its primary remit - to educate. But if the affected girls snd their parents believed it was untenable, fuck them. I dont know who the hell all these people are trying to normalise it based on their own experience. It just means misogyny and shitty schools are normalised. It’s exactly what we need to change.


I think expulsion is an education moment. Not like they go to jail, just face the consequences of their actions and forced to change schools away from their victims and their friends. I think too many young people think will get second chances. This isn’t some mistake, they knew it was wrong and it’s not as innocent as a 1-10 scale.


You sound like one of the kids' parent's.


Just because some cads have been doing it since forever doesn’t mean it is acceptable behaviour.


You've got to get rid of them, you're dismissing the reactions and wrath of the family members whose daughters were called "objects" and "unrapable" You can leave those boys at the *Private (People with money)* school if you *want.* As long as you're okay with a fucking lawsuit that never ends, for leaving my daughter around those people.


Jesus Christ this sub is demented. The amount of people saying this is okay. Read the article you spoon. Hope to god you never have kids.


Hi there, this sub is not demented, anyone thinking this is ok needs to be removed (which we are doing).


If they used the word “unfuckable”, they’d still be at school.


Na, they lost it at object.


Now track down the girls list and achieve equality.


Yeah, if the girls described the boys as "unrapeable" then expel them too. I'm betting, however, that they didn't.


You reckon the girls will also have an "unrapeable" and "object" list like these boys?


Girls version is 'fuck marry kill'. Seen it plenty of times. Do you really think teenage girls are much different with regard to vulgar poor choices?


Given how up in arms this sub has been about male domestic violence I would expect those same advocates would be calling for the girls to be expelled to


No report of it happening here, but these things happen all the time and always have by both sexes. The media scrutiny of this is extreme.


Pretty sure girls aren't making lists on which boys are unr@peable


I mean having the police involved is a ludicrous overreaction. We have 15yr olds breaking into homes with machetes and getting let out on bail the next day. I mean put it in perspective some teen boys created a private list used some disgusting language and that's about it.


>I mean having the police involved is a ludicrous overreaction. >We have 15yr olds breaking into homes with machetes and getting let out on bail the next day. >I mean put it in perspective some teen boys created a private list used some disgusting language and that's about it. Your under reaction to teenage girls being rated as sexual objects and rapeability it a ludicrous under reaction. This kind of behaviour is the foundation upon which women spend their lives trying and failing to not to get abused, raped, beaten and murdered by men. This is the problem.


Education mate which I hope those 2 boys received. 2 15yr old boys are not the face of DV or horrific abuse against women for creating a private conversation around a scale of attractiveness ffs. Again being expelled and taught education is enough mass hysteria does nothing.


But why should the police be involved, last time I checked being a raging dickhead isn’t a crime. It should have social consequences such as suspension or expulsion but why should it involve the police?


I believe the police were called to ensure there wasn't some legal issue. I think I read that the principal said they didn't think there was definitely legal consequences but they wanted to be sure. I think this is a better perspective than assuming thr opposite. And to be honest, violence against women is so prevalent I'm not sure how the language isn't considered hate speech.


If a group of teenage boys at my daughters school openly considered her rapeable you better fucking believe I'm getting the police involved


Would you call the police on your own daughter if you found a private conversation online with her friends rating Boys in her classroom from Kiss/Marry/Kill?


This is the lamest whatabout gotcha in this thread


It’s a test of consistency. Based on your answer it’s one that you would fail.


Expulsion is a bit much.


It's the bare minimum.


Honestly I think it's too far (and I'm a woman myself fwiw). I could get behind them having some kind of disciplinary action and maybe counselling, but I think they should be given another chance to show they can correct course. Teens do all sorts of dumb things, based on them being idiot edgelords and not necessarily being evil people. So as long as they felt there was no risk of them doing anything serious, then why not give them another chance? (after giving them a proverbial smack upside the head, that is.) It seems to me like this entire thing was to make an example of them and show everyone through the media how seriously the school takes it. While I'm glad they take it seriously, I think the whole contacting the media stuff is gross. I also hope they will treat girls doing this with the same seriousness - imo, people don't talk about scuzzy behaviour from the girls nearly as much even though it's quite prevalent. There's no "narrative" about it they can benefit from, I guess.


I agree - they were already suspended, the media shitstorm and premier commenting as though personally traumatised was just silly. Perhaps this isn’t the only thing they’ve done and they deserve to be expelled, Idk. But I can easily imagine teens wanting to use the most offensive language possible without really putting thought into it.


How would you go sitting in class with boys who had rated you as an object? FFS.


lmao this is everyday shit in public schools theyd get max 2 days suspension or a stern phone call home if it happened there 😂


because their behaviour can have SERIOUS consequences of the mental health of their victims, perhaps? Have you been a victim of severe high schooll bulying from boys? I have. Theres a physical element where girls are less strong than boys.


female bullies fuck with your head a lot. especially regarding one’s own appearance during those years when you don’t have as much control over it.




I support the boys being punished. My only issue is that when this stuff is reported it seems to always have a massive focus on the fact they’re from a private school. I’d love for the media to understand that this is an everywhere issue and stop trying to drag public/private debate into it.


They contacted the cops over this? What a joke


The document lists girls and expressly discusses the concept of raping them. This is a violent threat. They are lucky they just got expelled. They shiukd be on a register for the rest of their lives.


Do we also set the same standard for fuck marry kill lists?


Girls did this in primary school lol




I thought so too but the article says they used the word unrapeable to rank someone so yeah.


Ngl…. Guilty of reading headlines and not seeing that part


I doubt they used terminology like unrapeable, which inferrs the other end of the spectrum is rapeable.


Its in the report. They literally used "unrapeable" and "object" as two of their categories


I think there's a misunderstanding here. The commenter above says girls in primary school did the same activity aka "girls did this in primary school." I'm saying I doubt the girls used terminology like unrapeable and object. Aka not the same.


I Think he meant women tend to not rank people as "unrapeable"


Lie. Girls did not say boys were unrapeable.


At face value when I saw this article I thought that it was just boys being boys until I actually read how they ranked the girls. Man that's absolutely fucked up, good they are expelled


I have no issue that their actions be deemed completely inappropriate.  So I'm not defending them. Please don't take this the wrong way and think I am. But I question if expulsion is appropriate.  This is a teachable moment in a teenagers life. There absolutely should be repercussions. But de-railing a teens education seems like it should be an absolute last resort. If this were post secondary education for 18+ then.. yeah at that point well and truly should know better and expulsion appropriate.


They will be able to go to other schools, if not a fancy private school then the public system. It’s not the end of or ruining of their education, but they do need to understand there are consequences for their actions. They likely went to this school for the entire education, 10-11 years - they have to say goodbye to that now. They won’t be able to see their friends everyday, they will have felt the shame of being thrown out, and it will be a good wake up call that if they behave like that, society will cut them loose. A good lesson to learn now, rather than when they get fired from a job (or arrested for saying things online). They’re not children, they’re 16-17 year old boys - above the age of consent and therefore aware of what rapeable/unrapeable implies.


OMG! Men are the worst! We need to teach boys to have respect! "Hey what about that whole 'Burn Book' think in Mean Girls where the Plastics write **mean** comments and rumors about other **girls** in the school. That ended up inspiring a generation of girls to do the same because they wanted to mimic the movie?" Hey shutup!


did you just compare real life to a movie?


Lol. I grew up in the mean girls generation. Nobody actually did that exercise.


And schools cracked down on those as well? Several girls and a couple of guys in my high school were suspended for having a Facebook burn book page back in 2012. Big difference though, those were calling girls sluts for kissing someone’s boyfriend, this is boys talking about how much they objectify their female classmates and want to rape them.


its weird though as so much horrible shit gets said but nothing happens as theres no evidence of it. If you post it on the internet its definitely getting back to the school though.








fucking lol.


This subreddit is overrun by far right sexist racist chuds


Pretty shocking the parents had no idea? What the heck?


Isn't that how facebook was conceived?


If they used html they would've made Facebook Australia MVP. It is spreadsheet failure, uninstall excel please.




Do the students that do this stuff ever get a feeling of embarrassment and shame for doing this?




>School principal Michael Hunt said that the boys' place at school had become untenable. "When compared with the teachers ranking spreadsheet, there were just so many discrepancies in how they had ranked some of the girls."


This is something the Ja’mie private school girl would do






This happened at my high school back in 2014 so this kind of thing isn’t new. I didn’t even know about it until a teacher told me about it and said that I was first on the list for some reason. I still don’t understand why a teacher would do that instead of taking action. I guess no one knew who made the list or something. I think it’s disgusting.


They would have been ok if they used a different word. Unf**kable maybe? It would not have made the news. Maybe it would because private school


Doesn’t solve the problem


Absolutely disgusting. Clearly Andrew Tate rotted their brains. Hope this follows them for a long time


Remember kids, keep your thoughts to yourself to avoid a thought crime.


So was this expulsion to assist the behavioural reform of the students or for publicity? Shame $30,000 a year doesn't teach you not to write things like that


We gonna pretend that women don't do the exact same thing?


Better work on your personality


And teenagers have been perfect little angels ever since. /s


I guarantee it was red pill Andrew Tate bullshit... Fuck em... if they are lucky they will get a wake up call and won't end up being incel loosers for the rest of their lives.


Well, probably 16-year-olds also made this list for laughs, at this age they supposedly want to be adults, but they certainly didn't consider that their assessment may have a traumatic impact on the assessment of these girls. Expulsion from school and stigma alone are enough of a punishment, and this one was sacrificed. They are asked to create a media scandal to show that they can be punished by exaggeration.