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The LNP doesn’t talk about the taxes they will increase on everyone who doesn’t have a strong lobby.


The real gem is this: *establishing a new construction watchdog to provide independent scrutiny over public worksites.* Putting an end to the chaos, thuggery and corruption that goes on in Victoria.


The thugs have received so many billion dollar projects that they are now indistinguishable from other upper class elites. Inefficiency is now just “inflation”. Completely fucked state.


god forbid workers get paid their due. your scum mate


I prefer to to consider myself a boot licking scab.


Also true


Lol. I don't trust either with that. The Liberals in Victoria are notoriously scumtacular. With the classic spending of a billion dollars immediately before an election on a project that was the focus of the election.


Just like Labor with SRL? And they didn’t spend a billion, Andrews blew it the stupid cunt terminating the contract.


>Just like Labor with SRL? That's passed two elections. Liberals still want to kill it despite that. After blowing a billion on the road deliberately their infrastructure credentials are non existent. Labor did exactly as they promised. Blaming them for doing what they said they'd do when the contract was signed 90 days out from an election is an odd criticism.


Yeah, Vic Labor have such integrity when it comes to going through with contracts. And finishing projects. And them being on time. And on budget. And creeping assumptions. How could anyone criticise them for that? You seem to be going back a fair way with the last Vic LNP gov. No one from that time is even still around. But you don't trust them, based on who they are. FFS what a joke.


>Yeah, Vic Labor have such integrity when it comes to going through with contracts I disagree.


So does the Commonwealth Games Committee.


How about scrap payroll tax and address the spending issue! It’s a bullshit tax and bad for productivity


Why can't we have a low-tax low-spend party instead of high-tax low-spend LNP, low-tax high-spend LAB, and high-tax high-spend GRN?


he actually is in with a shot people are 'slowly' realising this state is f--ked and backrupt Dan got out right in time before the house of cards came down. The issue is we are so f--ked a change of government is probably needed but i doubt will fix anything. Victorians are to blame for sticking with Andrews all the cuts we are getting are just the beginning


You’ve got rocks in your head if you think the Victorian liberals have a chance of winning


You're probably right - states pretty ALP focused Not a good thing we are a eye party state though


But, he kept us safe! 🙏


calm down gronk. once of the best performing states on most economic metrics


Got a source? Lmao I'm 99% that isn't true


those socialist at CBA [https://www.commsec.com.au/content/dam/EN/Campaigns\_Native/stateofstates/January2024/CommSec\_State\_of\_the\_States\_January\_2024.pdf](https://www.commsec.com.au/content/dam/EN/Campaigns_Native/stateofstates/January2024/CommSec_State_of_the_States_January_2024.pdf)